Newspaper Page Text
DAILY KXf^ri!;l-:i. - ST X : mU'MIU
i All! \L.
Betting on the Place .ind Date of Presi
dent Cleveland's Mjrriage.
Tht Suspend of' t lit* <-'.^i|»|n rs Our !n
him) It ruin I Nii> i.f nvil'iiu I In* I'M'
Bride ItItitr tin* Deeds 'if :hi
Prospect M ViiitIiiisi .
rijliliquid.' t uaJf of t d r ,^ s • *• ■ 11
Arine n. "nis is ill th »-vi«vi 11;• • cose.
but it tunfl Its orurgbi:i fiti■ Hoi* dlroO-
lion. T. ■ quia untie * ai- ffi»w talking
ab.- ut tE ■ (i . >tion ofttis.t; i i. r>I« * <•! in the
com in {'-f‘ Miss Folsom to tl • pi" side fit’s
(iojriiciJc to t married. This is rhe first
case or tin; Kind on record. No president
has ever morru'd in thf* whitn non«p,
: * yn> v w.
Wa hi 11 noton, May 30. The ngoay h
over; the president's murriutfe was settle \
last night. The wedding is to “ urnt the
executive mansion next Wednesday open
ing. Rev. Byron Sunderland, pastor of thy
congregational church, of which the; presi
dent is an attendant, will tie the knot. N>>
Body hulthc president ’s official fai.jiiy and
,i very few personal friends of the couple
will he present. This is owing to the de .! h
of Miss Folsom's grand ft it In r, Col. Folsom,
of Folsonidiile, although great privacy was
the original intention even if (no old man
had not died. Col. Dan. Lain >nf, f he pres
ident's private secretary, received the bride
elect and her mother on the arrival of tic
Nordlnnd train at Sandy I look Friday
j-.jght, and they wi re tninsh.ned to the
revenue cutter William H. (.'.handler ami
conveyed to New York city, where Colonel
Lament had quarters engaged for
the party. Miss Hose Llizabeth
Cleveland had the quarters nil snug and
ready for t he ladies and welcomed 1 hem on
t heir arrival. The all important question
of a day for the wi ddiug was suhmiUcd to
Miss Folsom. Col Lumont represented the
president in this important, matter. He
was instructed to compromise ort a very
earl.v day if the young lady desired it. in was surmised that the private sec
retary had orders to urge the matter of an
early day unnn the hride-eicct. At all
know that it is t
af ter a long season <
Important factor. Th
cent to-day about ti
m y was the first ia‘
formed shout it.
v wii
,n at
nts an early day was selected. Daniel
lost no time in returning to Washington.
He reached here at It o’clock Saturday and
instantly conveyed the happy tidings to
the president. As a result of these things
the official announcement which goes by
l lie routine press was given out from j
Burner ilk djiu. ■ Gazetto,
Judge ,J. C'. Wiliam:
county, has quite a col
in his omclie hub a
interest, because of its antiquity. We re
gret that its authentic history can he traced
only back to the revolutionary war. .it is a
sword made of first-class steel. On the
blade is carved the sun, in >o.i and twenty-
four stars, two of them large on-If the
picture representing the mooli was in cfes-
C( nt shape we might suppose; it to have
come from the Orientals. AlI that is
known deiinitelv of its career is that it was
used in tue revolutionary war by the grand
father of Mr. J. F. jtiviore.
Judge Williams has also some very inter
esting Indian relics. A lew clays since Air.
T. F. Holloway was hunting and discover
ed on the side of a gully some iittic pots,
which, on examination, he found to be
resting in an Indian grave. Near them
were also some skull hones and teeth. On
further investigation other graves were
found, and the spot is supposed to bean
Indian burial ground. More than fifty
years since the forest trees were cut down,
and the earth has been filled from year to
year. OnJ.y the washing rains have so cut
down into the earth and invaded the sanc
tity of the Indian bones, that have slept
for centuries perhaps. Judge Williams has
also an interesting representation of a
horned frog, which must have lived only
in the past, and several Indian flints which
are fund liar.
Property of the Columbus
facturing Company,
...Ml Mllly Il<|ill,,
1 n< Timcdin' nil!, ' 1,111
Mil.- ol (in' l imsi >Vni. j. pj* 11 '' '
Mi" « lii.tlaiii.»rli<-«> Rlvor. .1 „J,' .“
il.c Cll,v nl Colnmliuk. v
- -— »« \pa,
By virtue ol the power vested in A, ,
to ns and cun.ihion* of i. eertnu,' riXt": -»
A I: w
iitetl i
»t' t A. 1 1 let'■ trustees, l.v t'.e c
: .c,uriiifr (Amp;u.y. , i ,\1„
Geurpla, dntefl March 1. t«e|
corporal.on conveyed to ,
an . pet■ ■ >: il.'hemiuuUz
certnit, d.-r-ri.
1 J. hihj >.
/ • • '
f 'VtC l
ids ;
• cat
v if ■ an of v
'.cor. ill .. . -UR.* :, t .e„ h
i, -March k-i. Ult , ,
h H E IV1 O Fi RH
And '(11 O-. isos;
j IV: ALARl A.
\\ I!
V I t; 1 8
.ui(’ do
~ < - tot-
gia. aud iu
tx, 88 inclu-
bate Court
M lire,
terms prosci'il
holders of sail
aut hority coni
We .Mil sell
county. Georg:
1 i De. . .lune u ii
I: roll tSM. dMice i f tY''
ac county of state of
irJ'iinihy with the diicctin,,..
i.i .he ii soluti. ns passed h\
->T n : il *'■ !wi. trade
oy sain ueeu -..ftrust.
the i ity of Cn’.aiuhus .\; u .,
on the 3d day of August
ae lee,:il lv,itrs "
north v
It Of
the whito house to stop further
"ussip. The people hud got to j
Aathe following from the New York j
llernhl publisliod yeaterduy:
“Three to I wo to Juno Iti!” shouted the
bookmakers to-night. Never luiviux
Jivnrd of any horse by that name, I sought
in vain on the .Jerome Park list for to
morrow and then tumbled over the latent
f urf itnide.
“Twenty against one, June 18,” was the 1
next, bid.
‘Why are the odds so heavy ?” asked a
“Because it’s Friday,” answered the !
bookmaker; “a had day for marrying,
don’t you know.”
The terrible reality burst upon me. ]
Books were actually being made on the !
president’s wedding. In the corner of the
room whore the crowd was densest were !
those quotations:
1 to 5 on Albany.
6 to 2 on Folsomdale.
1 to 2 on Buffalo.
10 to 1 on Washington.
The only rule that, is worth quoting is
that the bets are till'if there is no marriage,
but hold if there is a change as to the bride.
The latest odds are us below, but they are
liable to be altered any hour. "The curious
fact is that only one speculator has asked
for a quotation prior to ./tine IB, but the
obliging bookmaker laid him a, heavy
odds, and generously offered “to make a
book for any dale desired up to next Christ
mas.” This ought to satisfy anybody, but
to-night June 22 is the favorite. I'lure is
the netting'
The llvir War.
Rome (fla.f Courier.
In this eity there is now waging a fearful
.beer war. A quarter keg of beer, contain
ing eight gallons, the regular price of which
is two dollars and flftv cents, is now being
sold ut fifty cents per keg. A few days ago
this price was oidy to those who dealt in
liquors, but now any individual can get it
at"the. same price; ’rhe result has been the
sale of the beer in great quantities, nnd in
many places the foamy stuff is tapped
where it never was before. To give some
idea of the extent of this sale, a dealer told
ns that he had sold about seventy-five or
eighty kegs per day lor the last day or two.
The revenue on a keg is twenty-five cents,
which leaves only twenty-live cents to the
brewery, for freight and the wholesaler.
This war Is being carried on by two great
breweries, and is confined to Rome. Form
erly nothing but the Weber beer sbld here,
hut the Rauffinau undertook to get a foot
ing and cuts followed, which finally came
down to the present price.
?/ r
W ! " •
con the Siok, Invalids,
Weak and Debu.itatf.d Women.
For trilo': y LwC.-r-. aiid LetY. .’--v
S*i If o, (line J/olIjir per ISolfTe*
«"?- M-.11 ■ 1,J in 1*0’i*> I 1. tri-u, n- <«. ID tie . Mil
and i
• resa charges pri |i.ild, 1-y leymtiuj tix U«-11*
the Dully Malt Whiskey Co., Baltimore,Md.
Kent 2-cent atninv f" r »"»* f’j-ti'-nii '?ov.<mv*jition Fnrr\
concerning tl
U d i b I u
Wi ivct-ivc new .
HIM I COilllllt'te.
(’aily. tlms kt-epiuv pui' stock fresh
IN RK J. H. Yocum, T. J. Pearce, G.E. Thomas,
Jr., ot al. Petition to Ineorpoiau-the '‘Young
Men's Christian Association of Columbus,
! Is the only harmless and effective NF.UYE
i FOOD known which leaves no after-effects, aiul
i Is without stimulant or alcohol. It is a delicious
i bevcr-Lfc and will positively recover'Brain and
Nervous Exhaustion, destroy thirst for alcoholic
drinks, rcstove the «ww»tite, cure Dyspepsia, iri'e
; reir-jshiinur sleep and immediate relief to any
1 trouble..! 1 ii't !Y"ii nervouhness. A single lioi-
Gainesville, - - Georpria,
perior Court of said County:
The petition of J. H. Yocum, T. J. Pearce, G. E.
Thomas, Jr., K. A. Carson. G. E. Chandler, Ii. O.
Howard, M. W. Howard, R. W. Slade, N. P.
Banks. C. E. Hochstrasser. C.!). Hin t, A . R. Wil-
Ihiii.laHN Rcpiddi
New York Tribune*fftep.)
Mr. Morrison appears to be lualdiv 'V‘ u ‘
against. iXv. Randgli in Lis own turrilory.
Tleru are tundry Pennsylvania ediimt. of
demoerntie. journals who meet iu solepjn
conclave and resolve that they tire in favor
of Mr. Morrison’s bill. Then conies .Lie
Samuel .T. Randall association of some
ward in Philadelphia, which formally re
solves that Mr. Randall, by reason of his
uniting w 11 h rejiublicuns to defeat a bill to
which the democratih stands pledge^. Ly
Jts platform, has rendered uiuisiif tm-
worthy of a re-election. All this i., nice,
F'iiij the Managciuent of
1G 3 June 1 1 -2..., v ,Junu 22
3 2 Tunc 1(5 3 1 June 23
2—1 June 17 2 1 Tunc 2J
20—1 .(Fridayi..June IK 10— 3 .(Fridayt..Tune 22
7-2 June IP 4—3 June 2(5
1 1..(Sunday)...Ione 20 1 - l..(Sunday(..June 27
0—1 June 21 10-1 June 28
It is nut horatati vely cleiiiod hero to-ni^kfc
that Mrs. Folsom aiul her daughter have
been tendered tliu^ use i»f the Wliitnuy
but Mr. Morrhaoji tuitv t-u^e notice that .the
a thousiwul to one that
- Proprietor.
kerson, G. B. Whiteside and W. F. Tignor, of
Muscogee county, state of Georgia, to be known
as the “Board of Directors'' of the Young
Men’s Christian Association of Columbus, to
gether with such others as may become members
of said Association, respectfully showeth that pe
titioners, their associates and successors, desire
to be incorporated and made a body politic under
: it. or of Broad street
L’Vford street . tbeing th
‘Riles in so id city of (
- ’ .'.'-“C b-gkest biducr,
senoea propcHy of *1
■ g Con;pa? 1 y. to-\vit.: AY ;: f
f land situated, lying un.l k :il ,'7*
.ciional section number iwentYC.
. . ..nth half of 1 rattle nai -cclien f U nJ
■.ei't'-.n.--live >o , *.'ot 1 in Iraetionul ii-v,. .
number tghiei a 18>, ra ig< nui bei th "
'n f« rme iy Hu-sell, now Lee couniv, s{ r ... J *'
A'al'uiiiu. A No the following lots < f ian,u“".
and being in the eighth 8th* district ct'Muso,^
county, -mu- ot Georgia, known us lots mu V t Y
eighty-«is <<*)> and eighty-seven 87 and the\v*A*
hail' of lot number seventy-four . 71 and fr:at...n
numbered ninety-one >91; and ninety-two
and Island number three <3 in Chattahoochee
river and a ^nall enclosure situated east of "he
residence formerly occupied by J. R. Clapp med
as a residence ana grazing lot, contaiuiug’sevec
-i ABrr.a >More or less. All of said '—’
(7,! acres more or less. All of said lands lav de-
scribed lying and being in the county of m u .‘.,
gee and stale of Georgia, and, together with s - id
lands in Lee county, Alabama, containing ebht
hundred and thirty 830i acres more or less. 8
Also, all of the said Columbus Manufacturing
Company’s buildings on said land in Muscog4
county, Georgia, operated as a Cotton Factor/
and with all of the improvements in any mam>i
appendant and appurtenant thereto, inclusive! .
lies, looms, machinery and fis-
the cards, spindl v
lures of e very kind whatsoever contained in said
buildings;, ail and singular the other im
provements on all of the lands aforementioned
and described: also, the entire water power owned
and controlled by said Coliunbus Manufacturing
nmnnnfiv rm and in snid ('lintr/,nniAohoi.
1 EXPRESS. Telegraph and Post Office.
X Billiards and Burner Shop ill in building.
rlced feature under the
ij. A spacious arcade, two
n. given a magniUcent office anu halls
er, wiiicii with a broad pia//.a of two
public square, makes
the law s ot this state.
The object slot’ said corporation will be religious,
literary aud educational in their character. The
business of said corporation will be the providing
and maintaining for the use of its members and
the public suitable place or places for religious
Ailinglnn a Delightful Summer tori. | s ^S:|^V^^&^a ocation of
,‘ham-os are anont
Mr. ILmdall will turn tip the democratic
memhor from his district next year, if any
democrat can get elector, there.
mansion in New York. Colonel Lamimt
returned this evening,
The way some newspnnf rs, notably the
New York Sun. are treating the rumored
luurriaire of the president is not only inde
cent but hmtal. It is said at tlu* white
house that the president is deeply morti
fied ut the slush sent off about his sister
and Miss Folsom, hut cures little what the
papers say of him. The reckless manner
in which his private home has been invad
ed by members ol the press basalmost j v cr-
suiided him to writ*-a ^[Keiitl message t«‘>
<‘ou”ress recommimiling the paKsiup* of an
iron-elnd libel law. lie would sign it
promptly. Miss Cleveland is not anirrv
bceniisu her l)i^ brother, tlu* president, is
^oing to get married. She is delighted,
nnd so expresaeti herself to Col. Ijairiont
yesterday. She said it would have been
imieli bett< r for “(irove" had In* married
fifteen years a#o. lint MissClevelami does
not know this. If Mr. Cleveland had mar
ried lifteun years ago his wife might base
broken the silke cord of destiny which led
him to the white house.
Soon after 12 o’clock yesterday Marshal
Wilson, fat and heated, descended from
his carriage nt the city hall and entered
the office of the r» corder of deeds. It was
his second visit. He had been thereat 9
o’clock as soon, in fact, as the office
opened. On that occasion he had do-
posited a title deed conveying the prop
erty known as “Pretty Prospect” from
Maria 1). Green and George F. Green, her
husband, to Albert A. Wilson. At his
Second visit tlu marshal tiled a deed con
veying stum* property nt the siune consid
eration *21.500 from Albert A. Wilson
and M. A. Virginia Wilson, his wife, “to
Grover Cleveland,” of the state of New
York. The title is guaranteed by one of
the real estate insurance companies, and
both deeds now have a place on the re
cords of the Dist rict of Columbia.
An Liiterpi’Niug, JMiubit* Jiiuisc.
Brannon & Carson can always be relied
upon, not only to carry in stock the best of
everything, but* to secure the Agency for
such articles as have well-known merit,
and are popular with tiie people, thereby
sustaining the reputation of being always
enterprising, and ever reliable. Having
secured 1 he Agency for the celebrated Dr.
Kim’s New Discovery for Consumption,
will sell it rn a positive guarantee, ft will
sun ly cure any and every affection <3f'
Throat, Lungs and Chest, and to show our
eontldcnee, \ve. i.ivito you to call and get a
Trial Dottle free. eod&w
(Established 18*51.)
Our spleiulid Pnung Hull will be used for
Dancing, aud Prof. H. W. Card’s full Orchestra,
of Macon, will supply the music.
myll d2tawlm
I NSriiii against loss .>r rtauugi- lr
l uingntid Tornado, at rates guarr
as offered by any reliable st^k company. The
Lightning clause will be inserted in Dwelling
policies without extra charge.
\ (tREEAH’.Y to an order of the Court of Or-
* t dinary of .M t.acivgee comity, will be sold be
fore the auction house of F. M.Knowles A* Co., on
tin- coriier of l3ro.»<l and Tern h streets, in C olum-
bu.-,. (fa., sai l comity, or. the frst Tuesday in
.linif ne xt, v/ithin t ue lejrai hours of shUi, the fol
lowing described property, oi-wit: Thai portion
ofloi Known in the plan oi die city of Goiuml»ns
.••slot No. '-fit, the sain* being tho second lene-
nv’Ut aud lot a.*? now ioi-loFeil south o' - cornel
of .Jac'sson ami Kighr.l •• ■ % »ortion of
sai l lot fronting on Jack-on street 4J feet, more
rr.nninu om L v •.*! thy .• ,boie depth of
ui ly
•ih *•:
Tiie time of incorporation, twenty years from
dale of charter, with privilege- of renewal.
Petitioners desire for said corporation the power
of contracting and being coniracVd with* of
suing and being miu. . of havbig and ming a
common Kerb : to make by-laws, rules and regula
tions for its government; to elect and appoint
such officers, directors, managers, general secre
taries or such other person- ius may he necessary
to carry out the objects of incorporation; to pur
chase, receive, hold, sell, mortgage and convey
such real oi personal property as may be neces
sary for the bite re its and objects of said corpora
tion; to take mortgages or oth«*r leinsto secure
dohtfv due suid corporation ; to i«S'e bonds or
other cert ideates of indebtedness, und'-r such
terms us may be pr* :-or ed by snid c« >ri>oration ;
to do all such ncte as nia: be i 1 ry fur tlu*
legitimate execution of*. I . objects, purposes anil
powers of its organ'ctatinii.
fciaid petitioners will ever pray, etc.
Petitioners.' Attorneys.
Company on and in said Chattahoochee river,
together with all and singular the rights &.\\i
franchises by the said Columbus Manufacturing
Company held and possessed therein under;A
laws of Georgia.
The plant of said cottoh factory consist; at
present of 134-1 spindles, 119 looms and other suit
able machinery, all in good condition and pro
ducing good work. Present capacity 7500 yards a
day of heavy sheetings and shirtings, three yaids
torthe pound.
Tiie operative.” houses and Improvements gen
erally in ex icllent condition, labor abundant,
lands elevated and location of property unsur
passed for health, convenience and economics:
production—fret from tin- burden of mimic,'L
taxes paid by all the other Columbus mills, yet
within three miles of the city of Coliunbus an*:
illree-quurters of a mile of Columbus and Rome
railroad. The water power is the finest i:i the
south, controlling and embracing the whole bed
of the Chattahoochee river for the distance ol
about one mile along the lands of said company,
said lands extending along its banks upon the
Georgia and /Alabama sides of the river. Only a
small portion of the waterpower is required uad
utilized in running the present mill, and the nat
ural falls in the river render but a simple inex
pensive dam of logs nnd plank necessarv. Th;;
magnificent water power is easily controlled. >ud
bus a fall of I2L> iforty-two and a half) feet within
ht (three-quarters, ot a mile. With a compici*-
lively small expenditure upon a new dam Ih'.A
■ one hundred and 1 vonty-uve thousand, spind'ei.
with looms in proportion, can be driven by this
waterpower. Capital for the erection of '.na
tional mill:* and utilization of the immense
power now wasted is all that is needed to make
tins property the e-ite of a prospeious and p<pi
lous mamdacturinir vil.nfje. The persona! ii.-
1 ion of capita lists is invited. Full and sir.Lfic-
tory details will be furnished upon applies
, M l
:,ty :
If. CH U’PELL, ' At-vnl.
. Sun.
ssuni|i-i*>n Unit
brur.qht t«» vuU; t-his way uv that or for or
i'rhdi-« t Ins f.uiilidnto or that, according t*»
tin hi/e oi thu poimiuii.s LhaL are olToretl by
ooiign-s;,, ii- a most ir.suiting out* to ovnr’v
si'lf-n spoctiiig veteran. W \ this is really
the idea of the pension schemers in con-
gp-ss. A pcr.PioB. :m the mind of thefit*
goutU men, is a bribe offered for political
i lYivt.
Many {arsons are affiicted with erup
tions of the skin, boils, or ulcers. Bran-
dreth’s Dills, taken iV.ely, will in a short
time cure eruptions, pimples or boils. Fl
oors of long standing require treatment for
weeks, but be assured that the worst fever
sores or olistinate ulcers will surely disap*
pear if you persevt*re with these Pills,
Tie* It mid Hm press.
The stat<* of Maine has announced that
she desires pt*ace, but that she will main
tain her dignity. When Victoria hears
this she will hand over them fishin’ worms
gol darned quick.- Washington Critic.
NVluwcius, E L.'iiina-muor of E. Wells,
(iecenxed. n-jin-sunt; to th ■ (uu.1 iu u's petition
ilu!.*' riled, tliai he has fully administered E.
.Veils’ otutc.
This s, therefore, to cite all pers-us conciTued.
heirs .md creditors, i».) show cause, il'atiylhey
. an, why said administrau'r should not lie uis-
rhiu*g«*«I from his said ml uinist ration andToo-ivi-
letters of dismission on tlu* lirst Mnmlayiu July,
a.d(.;ojiNYl2 ordimnj.
F ! !<*d fn the ( Jerk 1 -, olfkv of the Superior Court
uitv an- recenied ii “Record of Writs
folios aild Au«, '.'his April 20, 1886.
v Clerk S. C. M. C. Gr.
Whereas, James M. Davis, administrator
Robert 13. Davis. decea.sed. u preseuts lo t lie court
; fully adiiiin-
his jietition duly filed that
isti reel,Robert It. f>
This is, therefore, to cite al! m.*rsons concerned,
heirs ami creditors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said administrator should not be iiis
charged from his administration ami i*cceivt let
ters of dismission on the first Monday in July,
1886. F. M. BROOKS.
apr6ouwl‘2w Ordim.r'y.
It enn Ihj given in a cup of coffee or tea
without the knowledge of the person tak
ing it; is absolutely harmless, anti will ef
fect a permanent and speedy cure, whether
the patient is a moderate driuker or an al
coholic wreck. It has bc*«n given in thou
sands of ruses, and in every instance a per
fect cure lias followed. !t nere-r fails. The
system oner impregnated with the Specific,
it become* an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist, l or Sale by
Columbus Compress Co
M. D. HOOD 00.,
!>:l I1UOAI) ST., (’OUMIHfM, CA,
Whereas, diaries Philips, executor of T.
philips, deceased, represents to the court
M. N.
Call or write for circular & full particulars.
i - administered
Already the }>residcnt is likely to expe
rience the vexations of being a property
owner. There is a wrangle among several
real estate owners as to who is entitled to
the two aud a half per cent, commission
for making the side. The deed from Wil
son to Cleveland was signed in the pres
ence of Dorsey Claggett, a dashing young
democrat. George F. Green, whose wife
owned the property, says that he has
agreed to pay Claggett a commission; but
Major Arines, who brought the property
to the notice of Colonel Lumont anu the
president, does not take a favorable view
of the transaction, lie may bring an uc-
tion to recover the ^ r >37.5d commission.
The roundabout way in which the property
has been conveyed will, he claims, furnish
very good presumptive evidence that it
was employed merely for the purpose of
diverting the legitimate brokerage into
other hands.
When seen to-night he said that he has
been looking for a country place for the
president for over four months. First lie
examined the Whitney place near the Sol
dier's Home thirty-two acres at $1,000 per
“Too much metal in that,” said the
Then he looked at the Weaver home
stead in the city limits. There was only
one-quarter acre of it, and the price was
*700,000. That was too high also.
Then Marshal Wilson drove out and saw
Osceola t\ Green, who brought the other
property to his notice. He preferred not
t-' deal through Mr. Arines, he savs, and
IHr. Green bought a release of the ugciicv
from Arines for $100.
. i Mr '. who ' vas i*lw> seen, do-
U.ued that, tins was true, that hr- would
11 i1k ' ’-■oil ions Bun, and that he had
' , *r yX -trtpr»: n
hi* hi
T. M. N. Philips' estate.
• This is. tbeivfon.. to cite all lursons euiicerncd,
I heirs and creditors io show cause, if any they
i can, why said executor should not bo discharct ii
from hi*' cxecutorshi)) and receive letters (J dis-
lission on the first .Monday in Aumist,
Witness my official si}fnauire this May yth. 1SS6.
myfi oawSni I*’. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
Do you want, a pure, bloom
ing Complexion l If so, a
few applieations of Hagan’s
M AGNOLIA BALM, willgrat-
ity you to your lieiirt's con
tent. It does away with Sal-
lowness, lteduess, Pimples,
Blotches, aud all diseases and
imperfections of tho skin. It
overcomes the llushed appear-
e auu i
unco of heat, fatigue auu ex
citement. It makes a lady of
THIRTY appear but TWEN-
Special Deposit Vault
,1888 W. M. l’KURY departed this life
intestate, and no person lu»s applied for ndminis
tration ou the estate of said \Y. M. Perry in t-aid
state .• that administration will be vested in the
clerk of the superior court, or some other fit and
proper person, after the publication of this cita
tion once u week for four weeks, unless valid ob
jection is made to his appointment.
Witness my official signature this May 6tli. 5-86.
my6 oawbv V. M. BROOKS, Orninary.
Whereas. Isabel Ilogan, guardian for her nun r
son, lames Hogan, makes application for leave
all the real estate belonging
These are, therefore, to cite all persons con
cerned to show came, if any they have, within
the time prescribed by law, why leave, to sell said
real estate should not la-granted io said guardian.
Witness my official signature Lius May 6th,
M. BROOKS. Ordinaly.
T Y; aud so uatural, gradual,
and perfect are its" effects,
that it is impossible to detect
its application.
Tiie Orijriiiul au.l Ut'uiiine.
?•" *»'« »'»»•'« K , ■ . :'•*««»* w-rthl..- I.-uhutt
If®, ,.Y^
NAM e' PA ptf. W&S . ....
S48i li AiudlkuU SviU4U*t*, 1‘hlludu., i*
H-ild by l«t« I'VArvnlii h . f. *'<'h o#
i'eujij a-ojai RiiU« Iu«
Whereas. N. N. t unis. ;
tale of Rosaline Klinke..,--. .... 1 . 1 t
sent? to the conr; in Iris pi*p»’on, ii/iij iileo, that
he aas fully administered said Rosaline K Imker-
l\iss’s estal e.
This is, therefore, to cite all persous concerned,
heirs and creditors, t*< show cause, if any they
* an, why said aiindni-trator should not be dis
charged from Ins administration and receive let
ters ofciLfe»inissri,>u cm the first Monday m June,
Witness my official signature tlii^ Fel>ruary-
1886. E. M. BR(30KS.
feb27 oaw3m ( )nllnary.
5 Beautiful Building Lots for Sale.
1 * OCATED on lower First avenue, one-lialf
2 block from street railroad. Will furnish
monev to build vour house at reasonable interest.
se wed fr tf Real Estate Agent'
a L
Whereas, Fruiieis D. P« abody makes applica
tion for permanent n ttciTs » t admiiiistration on
the estate of Joseph Kbcrt, deceased.
The-'j arc. tb ivto:v. to cite an l admonish all
■ l >i:igul:«!'■. • kiium-il ami creditors of said de
ceased, loshow cause, if any they have, within
the time prescribed by law. why said letters
Hiould not be granti d t*» said appheam.
Witness my oilieud >ignatu'.'v t'n.s May .'ill, 1SS6.
rnv' oawiw wi **.iF, M. 13K00KS, Ordinary.
Positive Security A- r :ii:i'i Fin: ami Burglars.
!?,rve.*» tor Rent at Jy-3.00 l’er Annum
C has taken the lsad in
tho sal :s of M at class or
lies, nnd has g-ivsa
almost uuivcisal 'Ausi'ao
Paris, Ter
O has won the tavor oi
the public and new ranks
* I and uy virtue of an order made by the Hon
James T. Willis, judge of the superior
court of the Chattahoochee cir
cuit. in the ease of H. F. Everett vs. the Colum
bus t'-ompress Company, the undersigned, os re
ceiver of the Columbus Compress Company, will
sell in the city of Columbus, Muscogee county,
Georgia, at public outcry, in front of the auction
house of F. M. Knowles it Co., at the northwest
corner of Broad and Tenth streets, on the first
Tuesday in July next, the following described
property of said corporation to-wit: One Morse
Tyler cotton compress, situated immediately on
the bank of the Chattahoochee river, at the south
west corner of the intersection of Front and Few
streets, in said city of Columbus, together with
all the machinery, buildings, platforms, sheds,
trucks, tools, tarpaulins ami appliances of said
cotton compress, and with lease or the land upon
which the same is located, subject to the terms
and conditions of snid lease, at the rale of $250
per annum until July 1st, 18S9.
The loading of steamers is done directly from
the compress. Sheds and platforms are nearly
new. Dimensions of platform are 150x150 feet,.
Can accommodate about 4500 bales of cotton at
one time. Waterworks and protection against
fire well arranged. Has heretofore pressed 20,000
bales in one Season after the month of Decem
ber. Capacity, when running the usual eighteen
hours day and night, 900 bales.
An expenditure of about $1200 will put the press
iu complete running order. Inventory or.the
plant and full details furnished upon application
to tlie undersigned. Inspection of the property is
invited. Terms of sale: One-half cash on day of
sale, balance January 1st, 1887, with interest at 7
per cent., secured by the usual mortgage and,in
surance clauses. LIONEL (J. LEVY, Jr.,
mylaawtd Receiver.
e loo Vl’llwoniia .'tlngnelic l*o%ver Bell
Is the most successful appliance in the worU Ur
; the treatment of Nervous Debility. Neura ,
i Rheumatism. Lumbago. Sleepiessnesss. A<*n a.
f Dyspepsia, Diseases of Liver. Kidneys ‘
esi ive Organs, Sick Headache, and all troubles
'sing from insufficient and impure blood.
125 WilNonlii Mii«ri„'ti<* l'ower «.ml**'
A iMlonti mil Sni>l>ort<*r,
For the dispersion of Fibroid and other tun
and enlargements of thewomb and the ,,v !• ,
Also gives great support and comfort an •
creased strength to the walls of the anu , '!U| •
cases of abdominal enlargement wit.* •
particular disease. Tends also to decreu.-t
prevent excessive accumulation of fat.
Rose Hill Property on Line ot
the Georgia Midland.
tunong the leading Mcdi-
cluesof tiie oildum.
Stld by Druggists.
Columbus lion Works
Are now jirepared lo furnisli all ffitids of
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Lumber for the public, and
olid! patiwuage. ...
igLOTS fronting on Hamilton aud Talbotton
roads, Hill, Linnwood and North streets and
Rose Hill Avenue. All lots are full quarter acre
Call early and secure a desirable lot, as prices
will be advanced within the next thirty days.
Real Estate Agent,
f 15 North Broad Street.
-itlti liroiulway, 5
Dr. C. TERRY, Agent, Columbus, Ga.
inh2 dly
the weuthc-rhourding and » r ’ vEN tIVI
tor, cool in eumni. r. ABSOLUTE rntvc^
against vermin of every kind. CuHts nearh ' _ .
nnlv Hbuut ninety rt*ntn a ro»*m. Abkdea -rs ■
Bril# . CHAFILES H. CONNER. Manulaclurir.
P - LoLla > li-*- 1 -
„ _ m.vuo O’ttce
;p T.-.-.r' Bookcases. Tables. 0*-«
®jS3| Chairs, Letter Prc«c=i
.fcgC Fine Cabinets, *-■