Newspaper Page Text
Our Correspondent Reviews the Do
mestic Affairs of the Japanese.
Cheap ami lira-nmiiil) (.miff fii'Siis n f Trails.
liorUllim Oiil) >Y mull'll Mr ml liras nrr I'ritr.
tli'sble—linn (lie lllnlmt H»«m Is Con vertoil
Into n Kloo|ilnir Chsinlior -nhninotliliiir Alimil
Hirrlrnllnriil I'nrsiilts.
Special Correspondence Enqulrer-8iin.
Ykdud, Japan, July 15.— The Japan
Islands being long and narrow and no
point from their center more than 101)
miles from navigable water, cheap ocean
transportation is everywhere easily availa
ble. On the alluvial plains of the coast,
besides the tidal rivers, there exists an ex
tensive system of canals, in the interior,
in former times, aside from the few rouds
built by the Tycoons for war purposes, the
only means ol travel were mere lootpaths.
Now, two short lines of railway, in all
about 100 miles, have been built, some of
the footpaths have been made wideonough
for carriages but even now there are, In
the whole of Japan, not more than 1000
miles of earringe road. From and to the
interior districts all the products and all
Articles of trade are carried on the bucks
of men and horses.
By sea, river and canal the means of
transportation uro reasonably good and
cheap, bines of steamers and sailing ves
sels of foreign construction have been es
tablished to all the principal ports of the
As bearing upon the question of inland
transportation of the products of labor, I
may here remurk, that m Japan there is
but about one horse and one cow to every
forty persons, while in the United States
there is one horse and two head of cattle
I/O every three persons.
The mall transportation that has been
established within the last fifteen years is
cheap and excellent. Connected with the
postal department is a well organized pos
tal money order service and postal savings
bank system. '
Although there is plenty of good build
ing stone and good clay for making brick
and although timber is scarce, yet the fre
quency ami severity of earthquakes make
file use of any but wooden structures im
practicable. '1 lie houses are small and but
line story high. Generally there is one
main room wnlch serves as u sitting, (lin
ing and sleeping room, and in addition a
small nook for cooking anil another for
bathing. That the use of one room for the
purposes of eating, sitting and sleeping
may be understood, 1 will explain that the
room is covered with clean,
soft, mats upon which no’ hoot or
shoe ever treads. When meals are served
small tables, nottmore than one foot high
are used and the family sit on the floor
like tailors on their benches. When the
meal is finished, the table is removed and
the room is ready for a sitting-room Hhc
mats serving as seats. At night, cotton
comforters are brought from a small
clothes-press, and spread on the mats, and
)o I a sleeping chamber.
vhen the hoys sleep. At 8 a. ra., coming
o our office, the game is on, and when at
10:30 p. m. we leave the cares of office be-
nind us and seek the seclusion of onr fatni
ly mansion, the cry of “foul,” and “out at
lirst,” greets our ears as we cross the plaza.
.Jaw ball is a fuscinu or, and no mistake.
This thing of playing ball lit night sounds
(range In u plnee where they have no
electric lights save the aurora borealis, but
here is the explanation: “There are no
nights just now—a few moments of twi
igbt and daylight c< mes again. Our rend
rs ‘below’will probably question our ve
rarity when we tell them at 11 o’clock at
night ?i the print of u newspaper can be
distinctly read, and to go to bed to sleep
with the feeling that it is bedtime, one
must ‘pull down the blinds.’”
l suliji'ct Thai Jinki'
HUltli’i'Miii Fool Iff-
WuUeixni in the Courier-Journal.
Few sights in art or nature can be more
melancholy than that of the American
woman who has married or seeks to marry
a titled Englishman, if there be, it ( s the
American mother who comes abroad and
manoeuvres for a titled husband for her
daughters. I would have such a mother
whipped at the cart’s tail. Yet, all through
English society you encounter them, the
miserable Anglo-American wife, the vil
lainous match-making American mother,
bowing and cringing to nobility, no matter
bow corrupt or vulgar it may be, and I do
assure you that the basest and coarsest,
specimens of humanity I ever met in de
cent company have been titled men.
I do not by any means intend to imply,
this, '' ' '
in saying
iijr iiicnna iiucuu m ihijjiji
, that there are not as good
people among the nobility as among any
other class, though, relatively, there nre
fewer, because inherited rank and wealth
are over given to self-indulgence and over
apt to seek unfair advantage, setting laws
unto themselves beyond and above the
laws of God and man. At best, a foreign
marriage is a dangerous adventure. The
American woman was not born to be the
doll of a lord, or herd with the poor
wall-flowers that decorate the great houses
much ns the frescoes which appear upon
the ceilings thereof. She mav have been
made to cook and to wash, for she may
step from the kitchen to the drawing-
room, and has often risen from the waan-
tub to the executive mansion.
Hut she is a peer and not n vassal, and
always a woman, which she is not, never
lias helm, and never can be in England, or,
Indeed, in any land where feudalism holds
its baleful, brutiu and despotic sway over
the minds of men and over the institutions
which men ordained. 1 would rather fol
low the coilln of a daughter of mine to the
grave, and see tier laid tenderly away in
tlie little old churchyard at home, than to
follow her down the aisle of St. George’s
chapel to see her crowned with the rich
est coronet in England.
Duffy’s Raw Beef Fprmula
For Malaria.
143 Catherine St., Elizabeth, N. J.
Gentlemen -My trouble has been chron
ic malaria. I was completely run down;
no appetite, skin yellow, constant languor
and weakness. I took your Duffy’s Pur*
Malt Whisky and Haw Beef Formula, and
could not ask to feel better than I do. 1
gained 24 pounds the first week.
1 iu Jackson St., Patterson, N. J.
Dear nil’s Asa result of using your Duffy’s*
Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula
1 find that all the malarial feelings I had
have been expelled; my appetite has re
turned and a gradual increase in weight and
strength has taken place.
4R Pini; St.. Elizabeth, N. J.
Gentlemen I have found the greatest re
lief in the um of your Duffy’s Pure Malt
been troubled for 12 years. 1 have been
troubled also with my limits aud blood spit
ting, which has also been relieved.
322 York St., W. Phila.. Pa.
Gentlemen 1 had malarial fever, which
\vas followed by typhoid and pneumonia.
Physicians prescribed cod-liver oil, but did
not improve. I trot disgusted and procured
your Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and Kaw
Beef Formula. They did me good at once.
I was almost a skeleton, and would not have
believed it possible to make the progress I
did in a short time. 1 cannot say too much
in their favor. VVM. LINDEMEYER.
Hauerstown, Md.
Gentlemen- 1 had been for years suffering
with chills, mill received no permanent re
lief in the hands ol'a physician. The mal
ady brought on hemorrhages, but am pleased
to say that as a result of using your Duffy's
Pure Mult Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula
lam feeling better than I have in six years,
and I regard Its power.iu curing malaria as
something wonderful. J. H. BOONE.
Baltimore, Mil
r. ff-Tlie Duffy'S Raw Beef Foimiila mentioned
above is a special household application of tile
medicinal virtues and parity of Duffy's Pure
Malt Whisky, and is intended to more specifically
meet tlie requirements of those suffering from
Consumption. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, General
Debility and all wasting Diseases. In addition
to the tonic effect of our whisky, it furnishes tin-
ijualed blood-forming material, whereby the
■ of raw beef and our Duff y's Pure Malt Whisky,
, will be mailed to any address, under tlie Seal oi
the Company, upon ree. ipt of a two-cent .tamp. ,
Or the preparation itself, in liquid form, .is put up :
■ by us by a special pro, ess. milking it the niosi
' palatable and efficacious beef preparation ever
made, can be hud of all Druggists at ONE DOL
LAR PER buttle. (Uuu'topcoi i
Kearns Her Voiitli.
' Mrs. Pluelic Cheslcy, Peterson, Clay Co.,
Iowa, tells the following remarkable story,
, the truth of which is vouched for by the
i residents of the town : “1 am 73 years old,
„„ , - ,, , , , ,,, „ I have been troubled with kidney complaint
7 he hoimcs are thatched, and tlierelore, j 1111( ] lameness for many years; could not
Stovepipes and chimneys nre impossible. , dress myself without help. Now I am free
Inflict, there nre no stoves or grates in from all pain and soreness, and am able to
do all my own housework, I owe my
thanks to Electric Bitters for having re
newed my youth, and removed completely
Japan. In villages and towns, the house
is tvarmed, if at nil, by a small flre-box
(llled with charcoal, but more generally by
n square zinc or copper-lined fireplace,
sunk in the middle of the floor, in which
’.vi md is burned, the smoke escaping
through a hole in the roof.
A considerable percentage ol' the land
owners are not workers, large numbers of
the ten, silk, rice, tobacco and sugar raisers
being able to employ laborers for that pur-
all disease and pain.”
Try a bottle, only 50c. at Brannon <fe Car-
son’s Drug Store. eod&w
Tin* Spurts of Nut lire,
A flve-weeks-old baby is reported to be
_ - r —^ ... living in Salem, Mass., which has an extra
poseT All labor on a farm is to the present j Anger on each hand and an extra toe on
time mere hard work. A plow is seldom I e,luh foot - Tt >e weight is a pound and a
‘ half.
Henry Palmer, colored, of Harrisburg,
Penn., is surprising all who know him by
turning white. The transformation has
been going on for some time, and he is
now spotted all over.
Frederick Gruenenweld, n native of
year with board, and without board $50. Switzerland, who recently arrived in Utica
To do work in a house or on a farm stout. with llis family and is now stopping on
Dudley street, has an eight-year-old daugh-
seen. There is only about three-quarters
■of an acre of land per head to the fanning
population in aotual cultivation. The
tillugu is of the most thorough order.
Two crops nre invariably raised
each year. The wages of an
able-bodied farm hand are about $35 per
year with board, and without board $50.
To do work in a house or on a farm stout,
.healthy women tire engaged at from $8 to
*10 per year with loud, and without food
from $25 to $30, and by tlie day at from 10
to f.5 cents. The number ol hours ol labor
will not average more than nine, and prob
ably not more than eight. The Japanese
fanner is an easy lusknifistor, ami treats
his hired laborer with great kindness.
The food of a farm laborer is almost en
tirely vegetable, consisting ol rice, barley
or wheat, millet, beans, turnips, potatoes,
onions and carrots. On rare occasions the
laborer may cat an egg or chicken and
hcmo cheap fish, but h
vegetarian. The whole clothing of a year
will not cost more than i-( or $5.
ter who has two perfectly formed tongues,
one lying above tlie other.
The average government tax of low,
Inngable rice land is $5 per acre. The
awmge value of sue h land is $2(K) per acre.
Tin* land tax is, therefore, 2} per cent; this
is tlie government assessment; that for
local purposes is J per oent, making 3 per
cent in all. If the cotton planters of the
1 'lited States had to pay a tax of $5 per
acre on their land, large harms would soon
become unpopular. The average value of
the product of rice land here is about $10
per acre. Four or live, acres of lowland
From (inn,I Authority.
Your neighbor has used Westmoreland’s
Calisaya Tonic. Ask him what ho thinks
of it its a Tonic and fnvigorator.
Greenwood, H. C., October 13, 1384.—
Westmoreland Bros., Greenville, S. C.—
Gentlemen: In July last you presented me
with a bottle of your Calisaya Tonic which
I have used and And it a very line hepatic
is essentially a | stimulant, promoter of digestion and a gen-
..<• eral tonic, giving tone and vigor to the en
tire system. If you can deliver here at otic
For Cash
Cheaper Thao Ever!
AS I have to move my stock of Roods soon, I
will sell any amount of same at prices below any
thing ever yet offered in the city; but the CASH
must be left with the order.
Immense stock. Large stock of common Wood
Mantels. Large stock of Slate and Iron Mantels.
in the city of all sizes, kinds and colors.
Fifty pairs second-hand Sash in perfect order
Large Jot of odd sizes Sash and Blinds, Ac., «fcc.
dollar per bottle, Bend me two brtttleff at
once. Yours truly,
A. 1>. BOOZER, M. D.
Brannon & Carson, Wholesale Agents,
Columbus, On. uug6 dlw
Tlu> Latest Requisite In Dress.
The newest gowns require from six t
ten yards for drapery alone.
A ('iqitulii'h Fortunate Dlsenvery.
ice fields form unite u respectable farm 1 Capt. Coleman, sehr. Weymouth, plying
ir one person. This, with another acre between Atlantic City and|M. Y., hnu been
of upland for vegetables ami a little blufl' troubled wit ha cough so that he was un-
lumi for timber and fuel, supports his fain- I able to sleep, and was induced to try Dr.
By, pays for hired help and gives a little ' Plug's Now Discovery for Consumption,
plus at tlie animal settlingdnv. : It Rot only gave him instant relief, but til
surplus at the annual settling day. ...
Wheat is grown iu nil parts of the cm- I *<tyed the extreme soreness in his breast,
ire, and the climate and soil are every , His children were similarly affected and a
single dose had the same happy effect. Dr.
King’s New Discovery is now tlie standard
remedy in the Coleman household and on
Pi/ . . - _
where favorable to tlie growth of barlev.
The product of tobacco is about 90,000,000
pounds, but ion culture is tlie most im
portant aud lucrative of all tho Japanese
The habit of adulterating tea, however,
w ith leaves of wisteria plant scorns to be
on I he increase in this country, and if per
sisted iu will afleet the demand, and like
all liquids, will ultimately react upon the
perpetrator. The wisteria leaf is not
poisonous, lint detracts from the flavor of
the cup that "cheers, but not inebriates.”
Nine-tenths of the silk, raw and manu
factured, of the country is family made,
i lu machinery is crude and still remains
as though Jacquard and Arkwright never
li ed. rhe beautiful stuff's made by such
•rude means testify to their skill and in
genuity. ani.-un has always held a
re:, . viable position. For a thousand
years a very high mechanical art lias ex-
istcd. the Japanese articles and imple-
liunts ol steel were of tlie best. Their
lacquered wares have been and still are
unrivaled, and they made beautiful porce
lain long before Palissey and Boettcher
wore born. Their silk cloth and embroide
ries, and silk tapestries were exquisitely
beautiful at a time when some western
peoples wore the coarsest staff's. Their
oldest bronze compares with the finest
products of Europe. Their paintings on
silk and paper, porcelain and lacquer, ex-
the warmest admiration. Their
board the schooner.
Free Trial Bottles of this Standard Rem
edy at Brannon & Carson’s Drug Store.
Slangy, hut True.
Congress hates to leave Washington, and
the treasury lull, awful bad.—Inter-Ocean.
ivory and wood carvings are wonders of
skill, ingenuity and patient labor.
there is hardly a house in Japan where
some mechanical trade is not carried on
Every farmer’s house has its wheel and
loom. Baber saving machinery does not
enter as a factor to any appreciable extent
into the industries of Japan. I doubt if
there arc more than two saw mills in the
whole empire. All such labor is by band in
every brunch of mechanical art. One
more letter will conclude my observations
in Japan aud then I will investigate what
ever there may be of interest in Australia.
luxe llall at Night.
Sitkn, Alaska, letter.
A goodly supply of bats and balls arrived
by the late steamer, aud the boys have
been making goo d use of them. Daily and
sightly the game goes on. We wonder
I wood, with 8 rooms and 18 to 20 acres culti
vable land attached. Applv to
aug4 tl B. II. CRAWFORD.
In Front of Auction House of F. .11. Knowles A Co.
legal hours of sale, on tlu* first Tues
day in September next, at the corner ot Broad
and Tenth streets, in the city of Columbus, said
state and county, all of the personal property be
longing to the estate of Mollie Jones, late of said
county, deceased, consisting ot* Parlor and Led
Room Furniture, two X’arnets, five Rugs and one
Diamond Ring. To*’**'* cash.
augt oaw td Administrator.
Cor. CbcNtnut and Eighth Sts.
Receive Advertisements for this Paper.
l5 I IMA I tv at Lowest Cash Rates inLC
The Original and Only Genuine.
J.fc .nd.lw.ys Rrli.Mc. Htw.reof worthlfM ImLutkll
t»k. .o' other. 1.
NATKk l “p u ;«5{:'T!j r ,’.l. , UiVV k LS , A7o^
• SIS kl.dl.un Square, Pkllite,P.
.- , r nr ¥.*FL**ff. ,,,,rr -■w*®- A “ ”Cki«k«*
Im*. Eislki* rarai PIUi Taka aa Mtm
0F MUSIC Boston, Mass.
WORLD —100 Instructors,200.4 Students Inst year. Thor
ough Instruction iu Vocal and Instrumental Music. Piano and
Organ Tuning, Fine Art*, Oratory, Literature, French, Ger
man end Italian Language*. English Branches, Gymnastics,
etc. Tuition, $5 to $20; board ana room with Steam H"at and
Electric Light, to $7.5per term. Fall Term bepius Sep
tember l>, lJysfl. For Illustrated Calendar, with full information
•ddress, E. TOUIUEE, Dir., Franklin 8q., BOSTON, Mo*
eo iuy25d2m weowtt
specialties. Big money in commission or
sal ary to good workers. Address Hartsfeld Port*
able Smelting Furnace and Mining Company,
P. O. Box No. 115, Newport, Ky. jy25 dawlm
/-VURE Biliousness; Sick Homfacho In Four hours.
V© One doso rollcves Neuralgia. They cure and
| prevent Chills Fever, Sour Stomach Bad
flroath. Clear the Skin, Tone tho Nerves, and give
Lite Vigor to the system. Dose: ONK I414AN.
fry them once and you will never bo without the:*.
Price. 25 cents per bottle. Sold by Druse! -Is «r.
Medicine Dealers generally. Sunt on
price in stamps, postpaid, to any address,
d.F. SMITH & CO.,
Manufacturers and Solo Props.. SI. LOUIS, HO.
Taxes! Taxes! Taxes!
A NSWER. Will you give ill? July 1st* will be
a dark day if you don’t,
eod&w .1. C. REEDY. It. T. R. M. O.
Whereas, E. s. MoEachern makes application
for permanent letters of administration, with the
will annexed, of Jane Reed, late of said county,
These are. therefore, to cite all persons con-
eerned. kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they have, within the time prescribed bylaw,
why said letters should not be granted to said ap
Witness my hand and oflicial signature this
5th day of August, 1880. F. M. BROOKS,
aug5 oawlw Ordinary.
For Fifty Years the great Remedy for
Blood Poison aid Skin Diseases.
For 50
It never
Interesting Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases
•mailed free to all who apply. It should be
carefully read by everybody. Address
Another County Acts.
Acts to-day, and ahvnys successffilly and tri
umphant over any remedy on the market, and
will stand to the afflicted with inactive or torpid
OIUUII IU HIV uiuiwivu "IU* uinvuvc UI lorpia
liver, constipation or bad feelings generally, bv a
rge and overwhelming majority. It takes tlie
Him uvci*viiciiiinig iiinjumy, 11 laKC'S 1116
lead and keeps it, and cannot be defeated as the
people s remedy. Try it and be convinced.
A new medicine and a Specific for Sick Head
ache. Only one dose will prevent the worst Sick
Jordan's Joyous Julep
The Infallible Remedy lor Neuralgia.
M. D. HOOD & CO.,
Manufacturing Druggists,
93 Broad Street, Columbus, Ga.
(Copy.) Chicago, April21st, 1880.
This is to certify, that the Illinois Trust and
Savings Bank has this day received from the
Union Cigar Company of Chicago, to be held
as a Special Deposit,
U. s. 4°lo Coupon Bonds,
as follows:
Ko. 2S02S D. ,500. . Market Value of which Is
U. X *
0. I
°. I
o. J /
“ 41205 100.
• » 62810 100
*«suo. J (S.) 7<is. S. Gibbs, Cash.
We offer the above as a FORFEIT, if our
“ FANCY GROCER” does not prove to be a
genuine Havana-fillcr Cigar.-Union Cigar Co.
Reduction in Gas Piping and Fixtures.
fE HAVE decided tp push the Gas business in Columbus, and in order to do so have reduced
i the price of Gas Pipe and Fixtures. Now is the time to put pipes in your
Whereas, Robert A. McFarlnn, administrator
de bonis non, with the will annexed, of John I).
Stripling, makes application for leave to sell all
the real estate belonging to said deceased.
This is, therefore, to cite all persons interested
to show cause, if any they have, within the time
prescribed by law, why leave to sell
said property should not be granted to said appli
Witness my official signature this 5th day o
August. 1886. F. M. BROOKS,
apgj oawlw Ordinaly.
cheaper than ever before. Call and see our styles of Fixtures.
pipes in your dwelling or store
Telephone 99. 13 Twelfth Street.
H M 1 amisaal«M constipation, i
A Remedy for nP Diseases of tho Liver, Hid*
Grab Orchard Water:
remiine Crai> Orchard Suits in sealed packages a* 10 ami 2. r > cts. No genuine salts sold in hulk-
CRAB ORCHARD WATER CO. f Prop’rs.*. SIMON X. JONES, Manager, Louisville, Ky. f
Wesleyan Female Institute,
Opens September 22d, 1886. One of the First Schools for Young
Ladies in the Union. All Departments thorough. Buildings elegant.
Steam heat. Gas light. Situation beautiful. Climate splendid. Pupils
from nineteen States. All important advantages in one greatly reduced
charge. Board. Washing, Lights, English, Latin, French, German,
Music, for Scholastic year, from September to June, $260. No Extras.
For Catalogue write to
Rev. WM. A. HARRIS, D. D., President.
jy7 eod2m Staunton, Virginia.
Our LA L0MA 10c. Cigar is strictly Hand
made. Elegant quality. Superior workmanhip.
Sold by all Crocers.
75 N. Cliutou SU, - CHICAGO.
Retail by
C. D. HUNT, Columbus, Ga.
je24 dly
Desirable Property
vacant lot on north Fifth avenue, known as
This desirable place will be sold cheap for cash,
and parties wanting a home will find it to tlieir
interest in seeing me in reference to this place.
Call early and secure a desirable investment.
Real Estate Agent.
12 45 Itroiul Ktrei-t,
jy23 dt»
szEOEonsra- g-ooids i
Spring Fashion Plates.
Suits Made to Order.
C OME and give us your order. Do not wait till
you are pressed by the season, and then want
a suit made in a hurry. Wc are prepared, how
ever, to get up suits at very short notice. If you
want a suit quick, give us your order. If you
want a suit, in thirty days, give us your order. II
you want a suit in sixty days, give us your order.
Clothing Mnnufnrtiirer, 04 A- 66 Broad
Street. eodtf
. . June 16th under comp
Resident physician and Western Union
office in thehotel. Eorterms address,
Bowdre P. O.. Hall County, Georgta-
el.fri.sun 2m