Newspaper Page Text
Afralil of Iti-Hil People,
8t. Paul Globe.
“Take my advice," remarked a traveler
from Wisconsin to a companion on the
Milwaukee “limited” train, as the tw< j
occupied the smoking apartment of a i
sleeper, “and have nothing to do with !
dead people right after their death."
“What are you talking about?” asked his !
“I’m talking about lnying out dead peo- |
pie. And what is more, 1 know what I’m |
talking about, for I’ve handled more than
my share of dead men.”
“Undertaker?” cpieried his traveling
“No,” replied the man of experience,
“I never was an undertaker nor never sold
undertaker’s goods. But in my old home,
Beloit, Wis., I knew every body, and in
some way they got in the habit of send
ing for ine to assist in fixing the remains
for burial. I got to be quite an expert at
the business, and never thought of any dis
agreeable feelings in connection with the
work. A change came over me, and now
I am just as nervous as a man can well be
while fooling around a cold and lifeless
“But the change was the result of an ac
cident. One of my old friends died, and 1
was promptly on hand to assist in pre
paring his remains for their last resting-
place. My first object was to adjust in
place a set of false teeth which, immedi
ately after death, had slipped out of place.
I was alone. Without a thought I put my
hand in his mouth and drew the plates in
position, when, much to my surprise and
Inconvenience, the dead man’s jaws closed
down on ray hand like a vise. Sly surprise
gave way to pain as the set jaws began to
press harder and harder on my fingers.
“I had only one hand to work with, so I
was unable to move the jaws and get my
lingers out, and the rigor of death was be
coming more and more manifest the longer
I waited. Just at that time the- widow of
the dead man wandered in the room. She
saw my position, and imagining that her
husband had revived, fainted dead away.
Assistance finally came, and the old lady
was carried out, after which 1 was rescued
from the vise of the dead man’s jaws.
“Since that experience I have been afraid
to wash a dead man, as I imagine all sorts
of things and lasting injuries received from
touching the dead.”
Duffy's Raw Beef Formula
I lieu rl.v ami .strong.
1*. II. M rRPHY, IDS Conway street.
Ilou i
Baltimore, Md., writes: “Have gained 11
pounds by the use of your Duffy’s Pure
Malt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formula.”
M», M. Y.’nF.KU I BOUrS, Ossage Mission. :
Kansas, writes: “Have used your Duffy’s i
Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw Beef Formu
la, and weigh 25 pounds more than ever
Mu. Z._ HARRIS! >N, Luray Courthouse, | 11
Vn.. writes : 1 Have been using your | j‘ ,
Duffy’s Pure Malt Wiskey for dyspepsia, .ry’nou
and have gained 33 pounds.” ! h«t -si. 1 i.
MB. WM. H. J. WELLS, 955 Claiborne j i-vu-y iV.t'"
Ave., Chicago, 111., writes: “After uhui.u do any. mu
y >ur Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and Raw \‘\[. j
Jeef Formula, have gained 15 pounds.” I j m ; .
mis Rule
Mr. EDWARD H. HOWE, 938 Main J
street, Kansas City, Mo., writes: “Huvt i special age:
used your Du fly’s Pure Mult Whiskey and J before tin
Raw Beef Formula n little over two I th
months. Have gained 194 pounds.”
John H. Henderson vs. Green McArthur. Huh
Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. May Tirm.lBbu
i Superior t ourt ol'Muscogic County, licorgm.
It appearing to the Court by the Petition o
, lolm it. llcmicrsun that on the first day of Sep-
j ember, in the year of our Lord eighteen hum
! itrcd timl eighty-two tireen McArthur, of suir
i anility, made and delivered to said John H. Her.
lerson a certain instrument in writingcommon)}
called a promissory note, whereby he promised tc
' ay to said piamutf the sum of one hundred uni
| dm ! y-nine dollars iwelvi months after date wit l
nteivi't from date at eiultt per e« nt. pev annuti
j for value reeeived. and that afterwards on the 1st
lay iU’Seplember. J* J. the bett.-r to -eeure tlu
■ v.iymenl •mal iietrument exeemed and deliv
IV« 1 to -aid pl.i iiltllt id.- tit. i t’ : l.d moiTgUItt
t her. !>y be comvyi d to said j inintilf all that
rih.1 nr p.mvl of lard sit’ir.t d.lvng ,»rd beiny
I n the County otMus. '.rev . kuoAii atio boiuuiet
line-: On l ?r- north oy t in Huds "f’Jamc-
, on the weM by the St. Mary's road. oi» th*
by ; he I nd ■ i Jam ■ H ul ind m the *
n!- of Philip Ou\n*. eor.t.u.ung
and i-.u-half aei\ • more or le—. whic
;gage was Condition -vl that ' **;;.d deteiu.
,»ay off a ui d { >< hanu -aid prou;:s>*»r;
a;,v and
i \t term
after barret,
•dereii th: t
bed in the Columbus Kv
touth t-.r four months, or
*n the said defendant, or hi
in: .at hast thive month?
eft his court.
Petitioner’s Attorn
J. T. Wt l.ldS. Judg
A true extract from the minutes
C.,_writes: “After using j aSj^fMay! mm!** ,U Mn> ' lCT oko?'
□am im
w mi
Mr. C. H. KNIGHT, 1345 Corcoran St.,
Washington, D ' ,
Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey, have gained
19 pounds in weight.”
Mr. WM. CHAPMAN, 1500 Vermont
Ave., Washington. D. C., writes: “I have
used your Duffy’s Pure Malt Whiskey and
Raw Beef Formula, and have gained 10
Baltimore, Md.
itSrTho Duffy's Raw Reef Formula mentioned
above is a special household application of the
medicinal virtues and purity of Duffy’s Pure
Malt Whisky, and is intended to more specificallj
meet the requirements of those suffering from i Ample, well ve
Consumption. Dyspepsia, Indigestion, General J college Mi l.
Debility and all Wasting Diseases. In addition j ^N,ot one dollar e
to the tonic effect of our whisky, it fin
s. e. c. c.
f Muscoget
u the nt?
durian School of Lit-
ature, Art, Vocal ana Instrumental .Music
and normal methods.
ntilatcd buildings, situated on
(•(jualed blood-forming material, whereby the
weight and strength are increased. A printed
cony of this formula, which consists principally
of raw beef and our Duffy’s Pure Malt Whisky,
will he mailed to any address, under the Seal of
the Company, upon receipt of a two-cent stamp.
Dr tile preparation itself, in litjuitl form, as put up
by us by a special process, making it the most
palatable and efficacious beef preparation
The Hit mini Fa tail,'.
Boston Transcript.
The human family living to-day on earth
consists of about 1,460,000,000 individuals;
not less, probably more. These are nis-
tributed over the earth’s surface, so that
now there is no considerable part where
man is not found. In Asia, where he was
first planted, there are now approximately
about 800,000,000, densely crowded; on an
average 120 to the square mile. In Europe
there are 320,000,000, averaging 100 to the
square mile, not so crowded, but every
In Africa there are 210,000,000. Ill Amor
ica, North and South, there are
000,000, relatively thinly scattered ...... , , , - -.. . , , , _
recent. In the islands, large and j loaded forty-two tons. It is expected to
small, probably 10,000,000. The extremes attain a speed of from seventy-five to
- ’ 1 - - ’ 1 - • ■ eighty miles an hour. M. Estrade pro
poses to give to all railway carriages
wheels of the same dimensions, thus coun
teracting to a considerable extent the re
sistance of friction and movement.
Large l.nemimtive.
The experiments of M. Estrade, of Paris,
with the giant locomotive Parisieune, will
lie interesting to railway managers. The
..... _, , , locomotive, which is nearly ready for the
where dense, and at points over-populated. 1 trial trip, is 32-54 feet long and is 4.08 feet
- *-—v) ooo In Amor-I wide. The wheels, which are six in mim-
' ixo . j her, are 8.20 feet in diameter. The loeo-
all ^ | motive weighs thirty-eight tons, and when
of tlie white ami black are
five to three; the remaining 700,000,000 in
termediate brown and tawny. Of the race
600.000. 000 are well clothed—that is, wear
garments of some kind to cover their
nakedness; 700,000,000 are semi-clothed,
covering inferior parts of the body; 250,-
000,000 are practically naked. Of the race
500,000 live in houses partly furnished
with the appointments ot civilization; 700,-
000,000 in huts or caves with no furnishing:
260.000. 000 have nothing that can be called
a home, are barbarous and savage. The
range is from the topmost round—the
Anglo-Saxon civilization, which is the
highest known—down to.naked savagery.
The portion of the race lying below the
line of human condition is at the very least
three-fifths of the whole, or 900,000,000.
with “wash”
Don’t wear
.Don’t wear your bathing suits decollete
at either extremity. .
Don’t say you're “by way of” being,
doing, this, that or the other.
Don’t use either “swell” or' “swagger”
as complimentary adjectives.
Don’t flirt until you have learned how—
by studying the married women.
Don’t use costermonger’s English at all.
It is not a proof of high social standing.
Don’t say “The idea! as if any nice girl
ever did such things!’, You all do, and you
know it.—Puck.
Don’t allow your consciousness of unique
hosiery to get away entirely with your
sense of propriety.
“Don’t, if you do the above, scream as
you enter the water. It isn’t necessary.
You will attract plenty of masculine at
tention without it.
Don’t believe a man is an English peer
simply because he says so, drops his h s,
and is ignorant of the customs of decent
society in regard to full dress.
When She Spoke.
Detroit Free Press.
i She was a sweetrfaced, blue-eyed young
f irl, with great waves of golden hair,
rushed carelessly back from a noble look
ing, snow-white brow. Her ruby lips were
full and sweet. Innocence itself was in
her great blue eyes. Fair and sweet was
she in all the purity and guilelessness of
her fresn young womanhood.
Two young men have long been watch
ing her with eager interest. Her glorious
beauty has enthralled them
A Ytilunlde Kfineily.
Brandreth’j Pills have been used by
millions of human beings. Their success
is founded upon the theory of reason, and
an attentive observation of symptoms of
disease. Whatever makes bad digestion
breeds disease, and whatever makes good
digestion cures disease. Brandreth’s Pills
make good digestion, purify the blood, and
remove all bad humors out of the body by
the organs of the stomach and bowels.
They act in harmony with vital action and
work of nutrition; the strength increases,
the skin and the eye become clear, and the
symptoms of the malady are surely ren
dered milder by their use. They are harm
less for all ages and conditions.
Knlnrglng His Yoculiuliiry.
The reckless way in which the American
newspapers coin verbs is a subject often
broached. As a late and striking instance
of a most unworthy tendency the follow
ing is clipped from an exchange:
The river Main between Maintz and
Frankfort, in Germany, is to be canalized.
The man who wrote the item should be
prisonized.—New York World.
.at a superb girl?” said one. “Never
y fairer! How I would love to hear
her speak. No sweet bells ‘jangled’
be like words uttered with lips like
and a face like that.”
She SDoke. A friend came down the
aisle and said carelessly:
“A cold day, Miss D .
The full red lips parted slowly, the
beautiful head turned with superb grace,
a smile of seraphic sweetness illuminated
the noble features, and sweet and low was
her artless answer:
“Well, I should smirk to twitter!
ain’t no name for it.”
The President llss Another Narrow Escape.
“Yes, madam.”
Ely’s Cream Balm was recommended to
me by my druggist as a preventative to
liav fever. Have been using it as directed
since the 9th of August, and have found it
a specific for that much dreaded and loath
some disease. For ten years or more I
have been a great sufferer each year, from
August 9th till frost, and have tried many
alleged remedies for its cure, but Ely’s
Cream Balm is the only preventative I
have ever found. Hay fever sufferers
ought to know of its efficacy.
F. B, Ainsworth,
Of F. B. Ainsworth & Co., publishers, In
dianapolis, Ind. eod&w
Mrs. Scandelle—Isn’t it strange! I have
often noticed that among all the tales of
domestic infelicity reported in the papers
there is hardly ever a story of that kind
from Philadelphia. Mrs. Candor—That is
true. “You have been there; how do you
account for it?” “Well, the fact is, one
Philadelphian is so much like another
that there is no temptation for married
persons to fall in love with any one else.”—
Omaha World.
Many mothers are unable to nurse their
children. In such cases the best substitute
to be found is Mellin’s Food, prepared
after Liebig’s formula, which has proved
to correspond physiologically with moth
ers’ milk. auglO tu th&sat lrn
DeBags—I’m a wretched man, Bagley.
I am afflicted with insomnia and life is get
ting to he a burden.
Bagley—Nonsense! there are plenty of
cures for that.
DeBags idespairingly)—Yes, 1 know there
are, but I've tried them all without effect
xpencecl for sickness last year.
Full corps oi* experienced teachers in every tie*
All expenses for board and literature, per^
annum - $205
Above with music and use of instrument 2«5
Art, literature and board 255
Term begins September ,15th. For catalogue
address KUFUS W. SMITH. Pres’t.
Refers to G. Gunby Jordan, Dr. Seth N. Jordan,
Philip Bowers, and other pupils throughout the
south. uugtt se tu th tt
W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt.
I have for sale the following list of Real. Fstate
which I will be pleased to show to parties who
desire to purchase:
§1500. One eight room house on Eighth street, be
tween Third and Fourth avenues. The
house is in good repair. The size of the
lot is 60 feet by 117 feet.
1000. acre vacant lot corner of First avenue and
Fifth street.
200. One vacant lot corner Second avenue and
Fourth street. The size of the lot is 60 by
80 feet.
2?5. One vacant lot fronting the park, near
Slade’s school, The size of the lot is 57
by UK feet.
Three new and very desirable residences on
lower Broad street. Prices—-82500, $2500, $2250.
$2250. A very desirable residence on Hose Hill.
400. Two new three room houses in Browneville
near railroad bridge. They cost $700,
1150. 14 acre vacant lot corner of Broad and Sixth
3100. One four room house, one store house and
four two room houses corner ot Filth
avenue and Seventh street. The rent of
this property pays 16 per cent, on the
price. eod
■RUDOLPH FINZKK’S Pat. “ Havana Pure ”
process for treating Tobacco removes nico
tine, dirt and grit, enabling the leaf to absorb
pure, ripe fruit, and making the most delicious,
the most lasting, and the only wholesome
chew In the world—one that will not cause
heartburn, nervousness, nor indigestion.
Fine Cavendish, Brandy-
peach (favor, an everlast
ing chew.
A fruit-flavored pocket piece for the people.
Guaranteed not to contain a traceof chemical
or noxious drug. Chew it a week and you will
chew it always. The pilot-wheel on every plujp
Louisville, Kr»
C'oliiinbiiM. (hi.
90 f eod6m
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
aemunus agamab i-. McArdle. late of Muscogeee
county, deceased, to present them to me properly
made out, within the time prescribed by law, so
as to show their character and amount. And all
persons indebted to said deceased are hereby re-
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
{ j tips having claims against John D. Stripling,
late of said county, deceased, are hereby notified
to present the same, duly authenticated, to me
within the time prescribed by law, and all parties
indebted to said John D. Stripling are required to
make immediate payment to
aug8 oaw Bw Administrator.
‘In cleaning out rooms, etc
I go to church regularly, and even there I
preparatory can’t go to sleep.—Philadelphia Call.
ill -r - - it • -j
to finding places to hide away canned i
goods for the winter, I find m one ol the lru „ L «,um. nee
wardrobes this great heavy pair ot rubber | to tht chc , L . ks 0 f the sick!
boots, with such long tops. Whose aje , strength to the muscles, by g
“The president's, madam.' T ,
“Down in the leg of one of them I hud
this black bottle with a high cork, w hat
is that for?”
“And in the other leg is an old pack of
cards wrapped in an oil-clot li. vs Rost aic
11 “Oh! I see. They are a pair left over I >y
1 ‘Ttmnks^ * Dan i el”—from the adjoining
room. |
Nino Kings ami (Jueeii* ofspuin. ^
There are at the present time, including
the Carlist dynasty in partibus, no lew ei
than nine kings and queens oi Spain.
First, there is the infant king upon the
throne, and liis mother, the queen 11 b L '-,
then come the ex-Queen Isabella and hi
husband, King Francis; third j , the ex
King Amadeo. brother ot the king u
Italy, and lastly, the four t-iu'lists l
Juan III. and his queen, Dona I ci x
Este, the former of whom abdicated in
favor of his son, Don Carlos, w ho, w it h his
wife, Dona Margaret, makes up the total.
An anecdote is told ol the ex-King Ama,
deo paving a visit to the ex-Queen lobelia
in Paris a few years ago, when Don Carlos
was announced, whereupon Amadeo took
his leave, observing with a smile, 1 don t
think three sovereigns of Spain ought to
be in one room.”—vanity Pair.
Eufaula is trying to get a line of boats on
'ihe Chattahoochee.
Cordial sends red blood :
kly one and I
jiving an ap
petite, aiding digestion and building up
the system. All sickly women who need
u never-failing Female Regulator will be
delighted with its prompt action.
D. DRKIIKR. J’r; - idem.
IILEUE llliill M
1 1880. For t
apply to
Believe P. O.,
ii j Session opens September 15tii
talogue or special informatioi
\V. It. ABBOTT, Principal,
’a. jy30 eou26t
is who are suffering in any way from
or Nervous Exhaustion. Everybody
_i strong, vigorous nervous system is
utial to good health.
To all perse
i that
fm pr
Is recommended by clergymen and endorsed by
eminent physicians. ,
It contains no alcoholic or other stimulant,
It is not a drug. .
It is a food; not a medicine.
It induces a good appetite.
It insures sound, healthtul sleep.
It is perfectly harmless.
Ouly 30c a Bottle.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by M. D. Hood &
o Geo. A. Bradford and Evans & Howard.
u>6 att arm
■ifl filustratei' < :.tuiOgn< -
tufiy deod&\veow6m
OftCn A.MONT II. Agent* wanted. 00 bent eei;.
StuU ‘tidrM. J* V BttONshe ■■-•-nl,
CELEBRISTsfn v ' f G : /j
\ fiV- ’ ^ T r
will, ’•
Flvo Cold end Two Eiivor Medal*,
awarded in 18'j at tlie Expositions ot
New Orlop ns rt> d L. i.isvihe, mid the In
ventions Exposition of London.
The gitp"riori»y < l Coraiine over horn
or whalebone h is now been demonstrated
bv over five yens' experience. It is uior«
durable, inuie pliable, niore Comfortable,
and aencr brinks.
Avoid cheap Imituiioiis made of var’out
kinds of coni. None ate genuine nr'<‘9
“De. Waunke's Coralike” is prime
on inside of steel cover.
353 Bro dway, Now York Cith
kin the WORLD.
Sen Ii» port a*
ItioiiN constantly
f arriving.
Rare individual
excellence anti
choice Urcedluge
I’KKCff KfCON, NOR .11 AN or
Our cuHtomers have the advantage of out
many yearn exiierlenee In breeding and
importing ; Superior Ouality t Large Va«
rlety uml ImmeiiHo Collection** opportu
nity of eoniparifiif <1 life re nr breed* * and
low price*, because our uneuunlea fa*
cilltieN, extent of liualuea* and low rates
of transportation.
No other e*tuti!i*timent in the world offeit
such advantage* to the j»iireha*cr.
—Button tht* palj
POWELL BROS.. Soniifftiorn. firawloiil CoJ
Is Without a Rival.
Is the very best Saw Mill in (lie market. It took the only
medal of the first class at the New Orleans Exposition.
For the above, and for all other machinery, address,
Montgomery, Ala.
N. B.—Our stock of Wrought Iron, Pipe, Fittings and
Machinery is the largest in this part of the country.
Patent Metalic Caskets, Wood Cases k Caskets
Children’s Gloss White Cases and Caskets, Children’s Gloss
While Metalic Caskets. Burial Robes, all prices from .*1.50
up. Personal attention given all outers. Twelfth Street,
tour (tool's west ot Tlios. Gilb"rl s Printing Cilice. ocmiy
Magnolia Gin
The Foremost Standard COT
ft has just tuken the "Highest Award-*
Gold Medal and Diploma," f«jr " Light Draft,
He*t Sample ami General Utility," at th*
World Cotton Centennial Exposition, New
Orleans, over all Competitors.
Slade & Etheridge, Columbus. Ga.
CLASSICAL and Scientific Courses for degrees.
Al.-o, Hii.-incss and 1'ivparatory course*. Special
attention to KntrlMi. Fivnc-h and German spoken.
Wesleyan Female Institute
victor , -
MAt 11 L.NL CO., C<.linn>JU,,O. Li.II.'lluii.., llaf. iMown.XiV
ju21 «-12,v
Electric Belt Free
l o iiitrodue** it and obtain wo will for tlie next
. -i, -v, . mlt/waimrsxhtfflW*
. . ,c| p WANTED,
• jrdfcf 1 f'!" M "J
nhcr 22d, 1S3B. Due of ilit- Fins'r Schools you Vocso
I'nion. All Department* :iioron ; :li. Buildings elegant.
Steam heat. Ges light, sitnation IwililM Cliimile solemlid. 1‘upils
from nineteen Stalls,. All imnomu t m.vunti g - m one greatly reduced
charge. Hoard. VVadung, Lights, hngli-h. .'.an-i Irm r-h. (mnnan.
Music, for Scholastic year, from September to June,
For Catalogue \s rite to ,
Rev. WM. A. HARRIS. I). !>., I*re ident.
jy"end2m Staunton. Viiginia.
r.o. SwiitFiilNwbrtTKy;—l&t dinm
O R EL A N D^PARK military academy*
Near ATLANT GA. Twenty-six oores of land, beautifully laid off with shaded
Lawns, Terraces, Ten-pin Alley, Lake, etc. English.ChniMealand Buainoaa Coupes under
a fall ourve of exctfll' fit teachers. Complete Military < )rirt»ujxa<ion. A through school for
Boys. The uext yea; begins BepU 13. For Circulars adureVS CHAS. M. NLLL, bupl.
InstaiAtly Cured*
Dr. Ilaino*’ GOLDKN SPKC’I FIC instantly
(i“btrova ull appetit*' for alcoholic liquors. It can
se'vrrtlu administered in coffee, t--a, or any
article of food, even in liquor itself, with necer*
tailing results. Thousands of the worst drunlc-
ards have been cured, who to-day believe they quit
drinking of their own free will, indorsed by every
body who knows of its virtues but saloon-keepers.
.Send for pamphlet containing hundreds of test!-
no.nlals from the best women ami men froiu oil
parts of the couutry. Address in confidence,
jOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., Ido Race St., Cinemastl«0k
dec20 worn
. _ _ all expense, i _
made working for us. Agents preferred who con
furnish their own horses and give their whole time
:o tha business. Spare moments may be profitably
employed also. A few vacancies In towns and cities.
U. f. JOHNSON * CO., 1C13 Muln st., Richmond, Va*
ftug2 wDn