Newspaper Page Text
4 Norther* Josnssl’s Consist* o* the Tfbihm»
' J Notice is hereby firen to all persona con- !
oerned that on the —: day/if , law, Mint*
I am firwt cousin of the late Ex-Govern or Alex-
Concerning Bob Taylor, of Tennessee,
my* the New York Sun, it w onr pleasant
«luty to record an action that is cnivaJric, r ,. t . _
magnanimous and truly creditable to bins ander H. Stephens, and have been postal clerk j thij rth August. IMt
m a man and a brother. on different railroads nnce ua. For ten rears I
As is already well known, Bob play* the been a sufferer from a cancer on my face,
addle like an angel- He can play {J either whlch until the discharge of matter
With the right hand or the left. HU per- bec4me proftlws rerj offeMirt , ,
< fit and proper person after the pul
J caution once a week for four weeks, unless valid
I objection Is made to bri appointment.
Given under my hand and official signature
augt? oaw tw
Fire Insurance Agent,
HU per-
fhrrnance of the moat popular mountain .. ... _ . ... .. .. .
tteKdi^ both pathetic and mirth-in*pir- , thorcwhl, diwasted with blood paritet* and
iu <reL.» fm.tnre of hi. famou. Pronounced them humboa*. a* I had tried many
without relief.
f ■ eorgia. muscogee county - whertaa,! Pioneer Building, Front Street.
' I Savannah Anderson has applied fora twelve ’
Telephone No. 104.
log, waa the great feature of bU famous
campaign for congress eight years ago thU
Ball. Indeed, we mean no disparagement
of Bob’s oratory when we say that ft was
the music that elected him. He would be
Bead sure of sweeping the state in the pres
ent canvass If he took hU fiddle onto the
Stamp with him. No opponent, however
•louuent, logical and forcible in the pre
sentation of the issues of the day would
■land a ghost of a chance against Bob when
armed with the instrument with which he
charms the Tennessean's heart, and
which be make# talk, plead, weep, laugh
or Jump Jim Crow according to his mood.
Yet Bob Taylor has deliberately hung
months support for herself and minor chile re n
out of the estate of Lucius Andersen, deceased,
and the appraisers appointed by the court ha vine
filed their report;
ThU la to cite all persons interested to show
r*« about the 1* of February. sad continued it* % the of ^ Dotict Q r citation, why Mid
“ twelve months' support should not be set sside
to said .Savannah Anderson and her children.
Given under my hand this September fth. 1M.
sep* osw4w F. M. BROOKS. Ordinary.
use until the latter part of April. The offensive
discharge decreased at once and the hardness
around the cancer disappeared. It improved my
general health and I rapidly gained flesh and
strength. The discharge gradually decreased
and the cancer became leas and lew in sire until
nothing remains except a scar to tell the tale of a
once dangerous cancer. All who have seen me
since I have commenced the use of B. B. B. bear
testimony of mylgreat improvement, and the scar
on my face shows that it cured the cancer. I
Ferguson, a minor child of <
B P hU flddis arid hU bow for the next two fln d that » B B <*“« *iu*rely up to »hu it is
month*, rather than take what most peo- recommended. ami I cannot say too much in
Jde would regard a* a perfectly legitimate Praise of this wonderful medicine. I have tried
political advantage over his brother Alf, ' them all, but B. B. B. stands at the topes a biood
(be republican candidate for governor, purifier
Alfred U an earnest but rather dull speaker, [ The above is copied from the Athens Ga. Ban
tad he cannot play the fiddle, cornet or
even accordion. History records few ex
amples of more delicate generosity to an
Although there U no fiddle in the can
vass the music ol Bob’s oratory U begin
ning to be heard. By an agreement with
Alfred, undoubtedly approved by the old
gentleman and Mrs. Taylor, the two broth
ers are traveling through the state to
gether and appearing simultaneously upon
the same platforms. This most interesting
Joint progress and discussion began at
lfadfsonvUle, in the southeastern corner
of Tem-swee. on Thursday, was continued
at Athens on Friday, and will extend to
ever} - part of the state during the next six
weeks. The method is strictly fraternal.
The two brothers appear together on the
platform. First Robert introduces Alfred,
with a few well chosen words of commen
dation, and Alfred delivers his speech.
Before he sita down he introduces Robert
F ¥!
£*t£u WMiua i.anw, u au; me; ua»c, wjiuui tu«
time prescribed by law. why Mid letter* should
not be granted to said applicant.
, Witness my official signature this August 7th.
’ ms. F. M. BROOKS.
augT oawtw ___ _ Ordinary.
Whereas. E. L. Bardwell. executor of the eataU
of Sarah S. BardweU. late of said county, do-
ceased. represents to the court in his petition.
duly filed, that he has fully administered said
ner-Watchman, being the voluntary language of Sarah S. Bardveli’iestate:
Mr. lame, A. Greer, which Editor Gantt in- . ThU is. therefore, to cite all persons concerned
AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia. Honestly
paid every loss since 1810.
NIAGARA* FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Every policy
issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London. Established 1710. Always
Policies Issued on all classes of insurable property.
KqreaUtitt (Vmpits. C*artffios TrtatBMt. Pair AJjistaats. Pronpt Pavnwsts.
A share of your business solicited.
geplt »e tuAth tf
fkofkmionai. cardn.
D r. C. T. W5BURN.
Successor to Dr. J. M. Mason.)
Office next door to Bankin House. Same en
trance as Riddle's gallery. od-lj
r? . Dentist.
35Twelfth street I formerly Randolph street.)
e71 y ,
Sweeping Reductions
with a brief but neatly turned eulogy, and
then the democratic candidate holds forth.
There is no personal abuse nor bitterness,
no blackguard Languaee exchanged be
tween the candidates. You may be sure
that neither orator calls his opponent a
non of a gun or any other name,
red’s speeches are modeled vc
“Mr. Greer iA an honest, upright citiren of
Athens, who had a bad cancer, and his numerous
friends thought that he could not live very long,
as the cancer was gradually sapping the founda
tion of his constitution, but now looks well and
Several physicians have pronounced my dis- <
ea^e blood poison, caused by paint or lead in the
paint, hut they could not cure me. Laud summer
I used eighteen bottles of a largely ad-
: vertised blood medicine, which did me no more
good than so much water.
I have used only two bottles of B. B. B. and am
proud to say that I have received greater benefit
from them than from the eighteen, and am now
rapidly recovering. There is no question about
the superiority of B. B. B. over all blood reme
dies. W. H. Woody.
Ho Reynolds street. Augusta. Ga., April 21. 1&6.
can. why said executor should not be discn_ ,
from his executorship and receive letters of aia
mission on the first Monday in October. 1S84.
Witness my official signature this July id, isst
_Iyt5o*wim F. M. BROOKS. Ordinjur._
Whereas. Robert A McFarlar.. administrator
de bonis non with the will annexed, of John D
Stripling, makes application for leave to sell al
the real estate belonging to said deceased.
This is. therefore, to cite ali persons .merested
to show cause, if any they have, within the time
prescribed by law, why leave to sell
said property should not be granted to said appli
Witness my ofikial sign.-.’ ir- this Sth day o
August. 1*4. F. M. BROOKS,
augo oawiw Ordinary.
Shortest. Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
In effect September 12th. 1886.
WE WANT to entirely close out our stock ol
Spring and Summer Goods, and we realize that
we have but about four weeks to do it in.
1 We had much rather sacrifice now than carry
ourgoods over, consequently we offer our stock
] of Flowers, light colored Hats aud Bonnets and
1 Summer Materials of all kinds for the remainder
* of the season at prices way below their actual
| value. '
We will sell what we have left of Trimmed
. Goods at 50 cents on the dollar or le*s. No rea-
j sonable offer refused.
1 Next seas*' a we do not want to be obliged to
I show any of this season's goods. Now is surely
l the time to buy your Summer Hat.
No. 53 No. 51
Leave New Orleans - 3Wpm 7 55 a m
“ Mobile _ - —‘ —.?fc. 110 am 120pm
Selma - - ■ — ' 905am 430am
Montgomery ~ 830pm 7 55 a m
“ Cbehaw 9 55 pm 907am
Arrive Columbus .. .. ; 11 55 a m 11 55 a m
_ . he minor children of Leave Columbus - — 2 28 pm 8 54am
R. W. Williams, deceased, minors under fourteen “ Opelika — .. 10 53 pm 10 05 am
y^ars of age and residents of said county, % 1 Arrive est Point 11 4*5 p m 10 49 a'jm
LaGrange 12 26 a m 1120 am
** Newnan - • « 14.5 am 12 23 pm
“ Atlanta
- |
ate of Geor
gia. having applied to be appointed guardian of
the persons and property 011
“ wT Willi
Alfred’s speeches are modeled very close
ly on Brother Blaine’s first effort at .Sebago
Pond. He is, as we have intimated, an
earnest rather than a captivating speaker.
He lacks the sense of humor, but seems to
be a conscientious person. By the time he
Bag got through presenting the statistics of lihedTnd^.ainTd mTand 7“nd?e ”5
the tariff fjuestion, insisting on the need of shunne.1 me. I used various blood-purifiers with
said Alexander
the guardianship of the persons and property of
said minor children.
Witness my official signature this September t,
sepi oawtw Ordinary
3 25 a m 1 45 p m
For two years I have been confined to bed with
s loathsome form of Blood Poison, which had
about eaten me up, and 1 and others had no hope
of a recovery. For a while I could neither wait.
popular education, explaining the Blair
Dill, and tabulating from the census the
facts about commerce, bank deposits and
taxation, the joint audience is pretty well
prepared to welcome his brother Bob.
Then Rob stands up aud smiles and the
entire mass meeting smiles with him. The
fiddle is not there, but the melodious
tongue begins its vibrations, sending forth
Wave after wave of blithe rhetoric, humor
ous anecdote and happy phraseology.
From the moment when Robert begins his
exordium, “In the days of the Roman em
pire it was the custom of the emperors to
amuse themselves and their subjects with
cruel and bloody entertainments called
gladiatorial contests,’’ to the very last
Words of his eloquent peroration, inviting
the voters of Tennessee to “eschew the
Ihtal errors of republicanism and fight the
battle of life under the glorious standard
of progressive democracy,” there is not an
nointeresting period in his speech. The
attention does not lag. The hearers love j
Bob more and more the longer he talks.
When he sits down, perspiring but still
smiling, we venture to say that the result
of the contest is determined, so far as that
particular locality is concerned.
Would you like a sample of Bob’s glow
ing orator}- ?
“Is there anything improper, indelicate •
or unbrotherlv in our meeting to discuss
publicly the interests of a great state and a
great nation under these two "ideas ? We
nave not met to wrangle or quarrel or
Scramble for the higli office for which we
have been made candidates. The tender
bond of brotherhood is neither severed nor
mbraided by our differences of opinion in
politics, nor can the discussion or political
questions disturb the delicate relations.
The red rose and the white rose bloom to
gether and shed their odors upon the same
atmosphere, and gently struggling for su
premacy, glorify the twilight hours. My
brother to-day represent* the red rose and
I represent the white. Our political histo
ries vary in this, that in my budbood I
Was transplanted by tender and loving
hands into the sweet gardens of pure de
mocracy, while he, like the last rose of
Bummer, was left blooming alone.
Full many a gem of purest ray serene
The dark, uniat homed eaves of ocean bear; I
Full many a flower is born to blush unseen |
And waste its sweetness on the desert air.
“But, fellow-citizens, when you shall
have all taken a smell, and then taken
your choice of blossoms, the red rose will
have the happy consolation that he is the
brother of tne governor.”
It seems likely that this will b* Alfred’s
Bole consolation on the of the
Wednesday after the first Monday in No
vember. He will be able to boast that he
is the brother of a governor whom he has
treated and who has treated him in most
fraternal and magnanimous fashion, and
the old gentleman Taylor, prohibitionist, j
will have reason to be proud of both of his
sons. ____
A Party of Hunt*™ Puouetl b> an Object Human
In Form but IteaHt-l.ikfi in Action.
.benefit, and several physician.* treated
until iarvfe sums of money had been expended,
bu* not one particle of jfood did any one give me.
On the lltn of February. Ivyi. Mr. F. R. J.tckson
called to see if I was not dead, a a it wa.= thought
1 could not endure my suffering much longer.
He concluded to try B. B. E. on me and go*, a bot
tle from Mr. Brock in gb am. at Beaufort, 8. c..
and before one bottle had been used I com
menced gaining strength, my appetite improved,
sores commenced healing, and when two bottles
had been used I was on my leet and walking
around, to the astonishment of everybody.
Witness: Mbs. Laura Habt.
Fhei>. R. Jackson.
Beaufort. S. C . May 10. 1556.
A Book of Wonder**, free.
AH who desire full information about the cause
and cure of Blood Poisons.-Scrofula and Scroftilous
Swellings, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Kidney
Complaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail,
free, a copy of our S2-page Illustrated Book of !
Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and i
startling proof ever before known.
Atlanta. Ga. j
d2taw sea w too coin rm
New York™
Whereas. Mre.C. L. Downing, administratrix of
estate of L. T. Downing, deceased, represents to tic.
the court in her petition, duly filed, that »he baa A TT lve “
fully adminlstereo L. T. Downing's estate. t . Kicnmona....
This is. therefore, to cite ali persons concerned. ’ 2? a>aingtcn
heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they < Baltimore
can, why said administratrix should not be dis
charge- from her administration and receive
letters of dismission on the first Monday in De
cember, l=8A
Witness my official signature this September 4.
ms F. M. BROOKS.
sept OMrtm Ordinary.
Wherea.;. Charles F. Dixon having in proper
form applied to me for permanent letters of ad
ministration on the e-date of William Hedge,late
of said county, de ceased.
This to cite all and ringular the creditors and
Via W. A A. Railroad.
Leave Atlanta i j 7 50am
Arrive Rome : 11 15 a m 6 50 p m
“ Dalton 1140am 5 55pm
“ Chattanooga 100pm 7 37pm
“ Cincinnati ,f J 107pm
Via the Piedmont Air l ine to New York and East.
Leave Atlanta .*. i j 7 40am 400pm
-j ; 6 25 pm 4 05am
; * ! 7 00am 337pm
- : | 800am 8 30pm
J v - i 9 35am 1125pm
Philadelphia — 2 40 p m 3 00 a m
340pm 6 20am
Entrance through 'Hill
Law's Store.
Train 53. Pullman Palace Cara Montgomery to Washington.without change.
Train 5!. Pullman Palace Buffet Car Atlanta to New York without change.
South Bound Trains.
No. 50 No. 52
, and show cause, if any they can, why perm
anent administration should not be granted to
said applicant.
Witness my official lignature this September 4.
19*. F. M. BROOKS.
sep-5 oawtw Ordinary.
Storekeepers ddw teej it for Sale
I^ave Atlanta ; 145pm 1120pm
Leave Columbus 2 28 pm
“ - - ! | ! : 518pm 3 30am
AmveChebaw ; 6 02pm 4 40am
•• Montgomery i j j I 715 pm 6 20 a m
Arrive Mobile ............... i..7. 7 ~2 25 a m " 210 p m
1 ! 1 : 7 20 a m 7 30 p m
New Orleans..
Train 50. Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans. Train 52, Family Emigrant
Sleeping Car, free of charge, through to Texas without change.
y™,TV | 2 28 pm,
Montgomery | i - 8 15pm 145pm
Amve Selma. j j ; 1115 pm 3 45pm
•• Marion i ; i 5 35pm
“ Greensboro J ; 1 6 27 pm
“ Meridan ; 1 1 1115 pm
“ Jackson | j ; j 422am
“ Vicksburg j i 1 1 1 6 50am
“ Monroe ! ! 1 1 140pm
“ Shreveport j 1 6 35pm
CECIL GAJBBETT, General Manager.
General Passenger Agent.
W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt.
I have for sale the following list of Real Estate
which I will be pleased to show to parties who
desire to purchase:
$1500. One eight room house on Eighth street, be
tween Third and Fourth avenues.
1800. One new five room house on Ninth street,
near court house.
82400. One six room house, near court house.
$4500. a acre lot with six room house on Second
avenue, near Thirteenth street.
$2500. New eight room house on lower Broad
street. ✓
1S00. A new five room residence on Rose Hill.
fciOOO, . acre lot with six room house, on Second
avenue near Fourteenth street.
3000. New six room residence, on Fifth avenue,
near Fourteenth street.
2500. Eight room residence on Rose Hill.
2200. Six room house on Fourth avenue, near
street car line.
3000. Improved corner lot on Fifth avenue, pay
ing fourteen per cent.
750. Two new three room houses in lower town,
paying fifteen per cent.
1000. Four new three room houses in Northern
Liberties, rents for $16 per month.
225. One vacant lot, near Slade’s school.
2460. 213 acres of land nine miles east of Colum
1200. 187 acres of land, seven miles trom city, on
Hamilton road.
3500. 160 acres of land in Wynn ton, with six room
5000. 800 acres of tbe best land in Bullock county*
1600. 800 acres of land in Gadsden county. Fla.
like* for Pik*. A Si lt E ITICE
Ha#* never failed to give
Wili core Anal Ulcers Absents,
Tetter, Salt Kboum_ B..rlc--r'h Itch. King-
THE .1(0
THIN on th<
for Itrliicu
w not*. Pimj>l<*\ Sore* and Beils. Price 50 rtiL
N'tTl’UP.’* OWN REMEDY, lutes *11
Cntr.. BrniM«, Sprain*. Eryirij*-!!*.*.
In fact fillvya all 1
Inflammation fruin whatever cause. Price 2arIm.
^ ^
x, and in Fp^-ciallj- recuromended for
Lmup. n mi or Cake of the Bmut. and for that claaa
of irritant or inflammatory maladies. Aches and
Pains where, fir.m too delicate a state oi the fjsUjto.
the [»atient in unable to f#*»ar the stronger application
of r l«e Tobacco C&ice For Headache or other Acbea
and Paina. it i* inv&lnaUe. Price 15 eta.
Aak your druggiat for these retnediee. or write to the
DURHAM, N. C. U. 8. A.
3Iany baking powders are r*rv pemiciotLs
to h-ult'n. i wliile every one regards his
own. he diouid al o have a care for the rentier
ones— the little children.
contains none of the bad qualities of baking
powders—sola or sale rati is. It contains- no
hurtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia.
All Chemistsavrho have analysed Sea F^arc
commend it. Housekeepers who have used n
will have no other. Cooks, whose best efforts
liave failfl with other powders, are jubiiai.t
over Sea Foam. Saves time, saves labor, save#
It is positively unequaled. Absolutely y ure.
Used by the leading hotels and restaurant#
in New York citv ana throughout tbe country.
For sale by all first-class grocery
170 Duane St., X. T.
Hill & Law’s
WE WILL offer great inducements this week to all purchasers. We do not pro
pose to carry over any Summer Stock, and have marked everything down to such
prices that will sell them without anv trouble.
Will offer to-morrow 10.000 yards of UNION LAWN at 2c per yard. This Lawn is of a
good quality, and sold all the season f r 6c, but this is the season when it must go, and
we therefore make the price to sell it.
Our FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF DRESS GOODS is now open and ready for
At all prices and for every one. Think of our elegant Black Surah Silk for 75c. Will
Wooster 'Ohio) Special to Enquirer.
A party of hunters who have just re
turned from a hunt in the hills of Holmes
county say they encountered a curious
creature on their trip. According to their
description a wild man or some other
strange being Ls at large in Holmes county.
The party who report seeing this strange
creature claim that he or it looked like a
man, but acted like a wild beast. The
creature was encountered near a brushy
thicket and willow copse near what is
known as Big Spring, where Gen. Beall
rested on his march through Ohio, at a
point a short distance south of the Wayne
county line in Holmes county. The hunt
ers were beating the brush "for pheasants
when the attention of one of
the party was attracted to an
object that suddenly darted across an y, , , ,, , , p
opening in the brush. Later on the object , r I'C-Sll ViTOUIICl AlGCll tlllu vjlTlS,
was again seen along tbe edge of the brush.
By this time the hunters had reached open |
ground and were surprised to see what ! „ „ „ , _ , , , _ , .
entirely nude, but | ^
FRESH CRACKERS just in—Sweet and Plain
! Crackers. «*
CANNED GOODS. Finest brands of new and
! seasonable goods.
Vegetables and Fruits.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all parties havin*
demands against P. McArdle, late of Muscogeee
county, deceafied, to pr* aen‘. them to me properly
made out, within the time prescribed by law, sc
as to show their character and amount. And all
persons indebted to said deceased are hereby re
quired to make immediate payment to me.
This August 5th 1886. J. G. BURRU8.
_aug5 oawsw Administrator.
T:.« M-n thtil!! r I'lT.,.-,,. 1 all
also offer one at *1 CO, sold everywhere for »1 25.
this department of our business next week.
Will offer many great bargains in
Now is the time and this is the place to get them. The prices will be an induce
ment and the goods a guarantee. 25 Pairs of Curtains of a nice quality to be closed
out at 75c ; no such goods were ever sold in this market before under £1 50 per pair.
I Our stock of these goods is very large, and our prices w-ill range from 75c to f25 00
1 per pair.
Table Damask, Napkins and Towels, Hosiery, Gloves and
Special Drives in each Department. Ask to see them.
bor«l< i
lr> uj ri.e eu'i.c-i
j.loit* <•? I». Soto. 'K
Bill, G<fr. Crook, ai d others. XHustrat*-*!'
U..-. ACtftTS WANTED. Low pnc-«H
bCAMMt-L a. CO.. Box * i o . . P;uis-.
Am receiving New and Seasonable Good*.
81.25 per sack.
For scouring and cleaning purposes, 5c a cake.
covered with what appeared to them to be
matted hair. When seen he was some
distance away, but on discovering the
hunters he started toward them on a run
and gave forth queer gutteral sounds. On
seeing the strange being moving toward
them the party oi hunters, which included
four persons, all armed with shotguns,
broke and ran. The strange creature pur
sued them for a short distance until the ; n* yi AI1 » c o tr it
party had reached a public highway, when | *IW ilOlir, ^Ujftrs, lOIieeS 30(1 IMS,
he turned back and was seen to enter » v • i n • n i e * n in
Killbuck creek, which he swam, and then FttTlS a to. S DrMKIilst BafOO 30(1 UaDIS.
disappeared in the brush again. On ap
proaching the water he dropped on all Spices, Flavoring Extracts and Baking
fours and plunged in like a dog, swimming pow ders.
in a manner similar to a canine. The J J D
hunters did not have the nerve to return,
but got away from the place as soon as
possible. They are emphatic in their as- ;
aertion that they had encountered a wild
man, and described him as above.
K r rr our Unproved W'urfr
»u#4- Mill •hlfh cLea?.
Pr1*c L^«t mki'.td free.
Colombo* Ohl*
Free.-A \ xctiruof youth-
till imprudence causing
9 Debility, Lot t Man
bood.&o.havinsr tried in vain every known remedy
haa »lif<v>vered a simple self-cure, which he wilt
•end FREE to his feliow-eufferers. Address
ITB. RiiEYEB. 43ChathamstreeUfew York Oft*
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.,
Manufacturers of the “Old Reliable”
Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con
densers. •
All the very latest improvements: im
proved roll box, patent whipper, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel bearing-- improved Feeder,
enlarged _ust pity, ’ondenser.
.-ong, simplefe .justruction, durable
’is* '..s light, cleans the seed per-
jfect.. and produces first class samples.
tt any accessible point. Send for fall
description and price list.
1 COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga.
Real Estate Aaent.
No. 10 Twelfth Street, C'olninbns, Ga.
6000. Corner Sixth avenue and Eighth street.
acre lot. two Store Houses. Wagon Yard,
aur several out-houses. Ternts easy.
1G00. Quarter acre lot on upper Second avenue.
4 room House.
500. Quarter acre lot, 4 room House, upper
Second avenue.
Quarter acre lot. S room House. 2 room
kitchen, well of good water and water
works. First avenue.
Quarter acre. 6 room House, kitchen and
out-house, cow and horse house, high and
dry, with water works attached, on Fourth
avenue, between 13th and 14th streets.
One Store House and Lot in Chipley.
360 Cash. Three 2 room Houses and Lots in
city. Terms easy.
Twenty acres land, 6 room House, in Beall-
Eight acres land, 5 room House, in Linn-
3000. Thirty-five acres land in Wynn ton, two
miles from city, 5 room House, 2 room
kitchen, 2 servant houses.
300 or 400 acres fine farm land near the city for
sale or exchange. Several other farms for sale.
For Rent from October: 1st.
$25 00. Six room House on lower Broad street.
15 00. Four room House and kitchen on corner
of First avenue and Seventh street.
15 00. Four room House on Second avenue, be
tween Sixth and Seventh streets.
12 50. Four room House, 2 room kitchen, corner
of Fourth avenue and Eighth street.
10 00. Four room House and kitchen. Fourth
avenue, between Seventh and Eighth Sts.
12 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave.
10 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave.^
To Landlords.
Any property placed in my hands for sale or
rent will have prompt attention. I do not trou
ble a man to death, or try to get other agents
property out of their hands, but do a square and
legitimate business.
«t. o. zR/EiEDir,
Real Estate Agent, 12th St.
dtf s
1026 Broad Street.
For «ny tuacaine hulling il-1 /tjF
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Clover sveei in ONE *
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Gin Houses Insured,
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It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea
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ing it; U absolutely harmless, and will ef
fect a permanent and speedy cure, whether
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coholic wreck. It has been given in thou
sands of cases, and in every instance a per
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it becomes an utter impossibility for the
liquor appetite to exist. For Sale by
Call or write for circular & full particular*.
Bookcases,Tables, Offlct
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3(0 N. Fonrth st„ Rt. Lovts,
bead 4c tor 40 pi>. CatalogUk