Newspaper Page Text
A Couple of True Nlorlea About Them oh on
Oflhet to Fiction.
Ralbtoh, N. C., September 30.—While
the Atlantic coast is reveling in yarns
about sea serpents North Carolina oomos
to tho front with a couple of snake stories
in which (lotion plays no part and fact
looniB up with startling nakedness. Inci
dentally it may bo well to state that there
are no summer resorts to advertise at
either of the places from which come the
stories the voracious chronicler now sets
forth to a world feasted to excess on sea
serpent Actions.
Dr. Ellis Malone, of Lonlsborg, is a gen
tleman with no Action in his composition.
He is also devoid of imagination. While
on his return home from a visit to a patient
on Tuesday morning he was startled by a
peculiar rustling noise In the loaves behind
Elm. He investigated the noise and found
it to come from a couple of snakes who
had got themselves tangled up togother
nntil they looked like a ball of earth
Worms. lie scooped the snakes up in a
pan and took them home. Then he put
them in a box on the door to see what
would result. There were colors to Indi
cate the presence of two snakos, but he
Couldn’t And but one snake’s head. The
aeoond head loomed up later, but it was a
dead head. The othor snake, which was a
king snake, had crushed the life out of his
antagonist, a highland moccasin. When
the King snake was convinced that the
moccasin was dead he prepared to feast on
it. So that this story may not be doubted,
the king snake Arst bit off a portion of the
moccasin’s tail. Then he swallowed the
rest. Dr. Malone then dumped the pair
out of doors. The king snake undertook
to crawl under the house with his meal,
but Dr. Malone’s dog wouldn’t have it and
made the king snake vomit up the dead
moccasin. Then the king Hnako moved
away. Later he roturned and swallowed
the moccasin again, thistime for good. Dr.
Malone says both snakos wore four feet
long and as big around as his wrist. He
thinks the king snake bit oil'a bit of the
moccasin’s tail, ufter taking its measure,
so that it would just At the cavity ho had
for digestive purposes.
When Cornelius Cripp went to Lenoir,
In Caldwell county, on Wednesday, ho
Startled every one who saw him by
Bbaklng up near them a collection of the
rattles of B7 rattlesnakes that he happened
to have with him. Cripp went last Mon
day with Albort F. Estes over to Head
quarters mountain, which is near the
Burke and Mitchell county lines, about 26
miles from Lenoir. On good sunshiny
days this is a raro spot for rattlers to sun
themselvoB, and a family gathering of any
where from 60 to 200 snakes there on a
S ieasant afternoon is a common sight.
ear there is a snake den or eavo that is
used ns a trystiug place when the sun
doesn’t shine and in the evening.
Cripp and Estes made a trip
to this onvo on Tuesday, in company
With Harvoy Clarke and Junius Austin.
All carried guns and wore long rubber
boots. Cripp and Clarke wore the only
two who had nerve enough to climb over
the boulders to the spot where the rattlers
were the thickest. They got a bit fright
ened when they saw that the rank growth
of weeds had been crushed down by the
frequent trips of the snukes over it. They
were not much cheered when they saw
Ave big snakes guarding the entrance to
the den. One of the sentinels was a hoary-
headed old fellow, 5J feet long and four
inches through the thick part of his body.
Cripp jumped from boulder to boulder
until no got a chance aud then
shot the king of the rattlers through
the head. The tune he played with
his 30 rattles just before he died called
from the cavern a host of his fellows, and
they all joined in the rattling chorus which
Woke all the echoes that Headquarters
mountain possessed. It also mado things
lively for tne hunters, who had no trouble
in kill ing the skakes os fast as they could
load and Aro their guns. Clark succeeded
in killing one which was sort of golden-
hued and a lively customer, with a partic
ularly musical tail. When they had killed
all they could see the hunters took a
oouple of poles and running about in the
weeds found plenty of game there, nnd
o. Estes aud Austin
S ood game it was, too.
heard the fusillade of the guns,
the rattling chorus, and tho shouts
of the hunters, and went up and took a
hand in the game. Austin succeeded in
killing a big black fellow, which when
ooileu up looked as big as a half bushel
basket. IIo was (1 feet nnd 1 inch long,
looked as big as a half bushel
and an thick through as tho calf of Aus
tin’s leg. Ho had twenty-Ave rattles and
a button. Wlion the sun went down the
hunt ceased, and tho four hunters gathered
up the spoils. There were Afty-seven dead
snakes, whose rattles were cut off and
given to Cripp. The three biggest snakes
were taken to Lenoir, skinned and stuffed.
Cripp says there is at least, .a two-horse
wagon load left in the den, and that next
summer he is going up to the mountain
with a party lo catch a couple of hundred
or so.
IIspi'J Termination of a I,on* IJuost—Sixteen
Voars of Wnnilorlnir.
Omaha, Neb., September 20.—A pecu
liarly interesting meeting occurred in this
city yesterday of a mother with two of her
daughters, for whom she has been search
ing Tor sixteen years, and who on their
part believed their mother to bo dead.
The particulars form a romantic story of
peculiar interest. Among the thousands
of men financially ruined by the civil war
Was James Montague, a well to do New
York farmer. Ho decided then to seek
new' fortunes in the west, and removed
with his family, consisting of a wife and
Ave young children, to Marion county,
Iowa. Before he was fairly settled in his
new home he sickened and died, leaving
his family unprovided for. The widow,
unable to support herself aud helpless
children, was compelled to see her four
daughters and a son adopted into stranger's
families. The three girls grew up and
married, believing their mother to be
dead. One of them, Mrs. McCroa, has
lived in Omaha several years. A younger
sister, unmarried, is living with her, and
the third is living in New York. The
other daughter is dead and the where
abouts of tne son is unknown.
The mother, now sixty-live years old,
has traveled all over the country in search
of her children. A few days ago she went
to Des Moines, where she found the clew
which reunited her to her daughters.
Real Estate Agent,
Building Lot and Dwelling on northeast corner
of Eleventh street and Fifth avenue.
81 Per IVnt. Investment.
Fonr quarter acre lots, three 2 room DwelHngs
and one 3 room Dwelling. Price 1800. Renting
for $16 per month.
No. 266, the bent located Build
ing Iiot in the city of Columbus,
Next south of Mrs. Griffin’s resi
dence, No. 1542 Third avenue.
Three Rose Hill
|1250, $1800, $2000.
Two Wynnton
$1800, $3000.
DwelllngM for Rent from October 1st
Wynnton Residence of Mrs Elizabeth Howard,
next to Mr. W. G. Woolfolk, 8 rooms. $10.
No 821 Third avenue, one story brick, 6 rooms,
water works and good well.
No. 1216 Fourth uvenue, 5 rooms, on hill; splen
did well; very healthy.
No 808 Second avenue, 6 rooms, water works,
next to Mr. R. W. Ledsinger.
No 308 Eleventh street, next west of Judge Pou.
2 story, 0 rooms. Will be painted and
No 1221 Fourth avenue, next to Mr. Wra. W.
Bussey, 2 story.
No 1421 Second avenue, opposite Mr. J. S. Gar*
ret,5 rooms,2d door above Judge Ingram
No 1022 First avenue, 6 rooms, opposite east of
the market. Suitable for boarding house
Rose Hill new Residence of Mr. Harris, stable,
etc. $15.
No 1315 Third avenue. 2 story. 6 rooms, next to
Mr. Homer Howard.
No 1132 Third avenue, 6 rooms, water works and
hath room: next north Mr. A. m. Bran
No 1344 Third avenue, comer west of Mrs.
Rowe’s residence, 9 rooms, water works
and bath room.
No 313 Tenth street, now occupied by Mr. W.
H. Hinde, 2 story, 0 rooms, bath room
and water works.
Ntorcs For Rent from October 1st.
Broad Street Stores Nos. 1204 and 1208.
Stores at Webster comer, formerly occupied
by John W. Sanders. Will rent low to iirst-clasa
tenants and tit up to suit the business.
Brown House Hotel, 27 guest, chambers, op
posite Rankin House. If it is conducted proi>erIy
will prove a gold mine. Business is increasing
every day.
All advertising at my expense. For a small
commission (which will be less than the cost of
your advertising bill.) I rent property, collect, pay
taxes, &c., attend to repairs and give careful
supervision to all property in my charge. With
an experience of 13 years, I can Herve you to ad*
1 as soon as passible.
se wed fri tf Real Estate Agent.
T obacco
TION on tbo market for Piles. A SURE CURE
fur I telling PilcM. Hah never lulled to give
prompt relief. Will cure Anal Ulcers, Abscess,
Vistula, Tetter, Salt Rhouni. Barlier’s lich. Ring
worms, Pimples, Sores and Boils. Price o() etn.
Wounds. Outs. Bruises, Sprains, Erysipelas, Boils,
Carbuncles, Bone Folotm, Ulcers, Sores. Soro Eyes,
Sore Throat,Bunions.Coras, Neuralgia.Rheumatism,
Orchitis, Gout. Rheumatic Gout, Colds, Coughs,
Bronchitis, Milk Leg, Suako and Dog Bites, Stings
of Insects, Ac. In fact allays all local Irritation anf,
Inilunmmtioti from whatever cause. Price 2<i etM,
Prewired accord ing to the most Kcienlific
m inciplen. ol* the PUREST SEDATIVE
INI. It EDI ENTS* compounded with the purest
Tobacco Flour, and is specially recommended for
Croup Weed or Oako of tho Breast, nnd for that class
of irritant or intbimmatory maladies, Aches nnd
Pains whore, from too delicate a state of the system,
tho patient is unable to bear tho stronger application
of tho Tobacco Oako. For Hondnclio or other Aches
and Pains, it is invaluable. Price Id cts.
Ask your druggist for these remedies, or write to tho
DURHAM, N. C.. U. S. A.
Phelps for (lovrrnur.
William Walter Phelps lias returned
from Europe. Those of his friends who
have seen him says he looks splendid.
His bang sweeps in graceful lines over his
brow aud he is as full of vim as a dynamo.
The politicians nnd the party organs
who love Mr. Phelps and admire the pro
portions of his bar’l will insist on his being
the party’s candidate for governor. But
he is not liable to accept the leadership in
a forlorn hope; he will prefer to go back
to congress. Still he will be urged aud
may weaken. If he does he will surely get
left.—Trenton Letter to Philadeidhia
No, the United Staton Can’t Say a Word.
When we read yesterday the massacre of
missionaries and Christians in China our
impulse to exclaim against such a crime
was checked by the recollection of the
Rock Spring massacre, which was jnst as
brut ai and inexcusable, and we do not re-
member to have heard that any one was
ever punished therefor. Our mouths are
stopped, and when wo present any de
mands for damage for American lives lost
/ !? r . 0 P er ty destroyed we may expect
the Chinese government to file an offset.—
Helena Herald.
Vegetables and Fruits,
Am receiving New and Seasonable Goods.
Fresh Ground Meal and Grits,
$1.25 per sack.
Split Peas, Granula Cracked Wheat, Shreaded
OaLs and Steam Cooked Oats.
FRESH CRACKERS just in—Sweet and Plain
CANNED GOODS. Finest brands of new and
seasonable goods.
For scouring and cleaning purposes, 5c a cake.
Pine Fleur. Sugars, Coll'ecs and Teas,
Ferris & Co.’s Breakfast Bacon and Hams.
Pure Spices, Flavoring Extracts and Baking
1026 Broad Street.
Used for over 25 years with great success by tha
physicians of Paris, New York au<l Loudon, aud
superior to all others f >rtho prompt euro of
cases, recent or of long standing. Pu t up only in
Glass Bottles containing 64 Capsules each. PRICK
The best in A me rit>n. Great It 11 r gain* for 30 day ft*
f£j*From tht wife of Hon. John Shkkman ot Ohio:
•Thave thoroughly tested von■ in 11. him* ns a linker as well tf
• Dryer, aud it works beeutlfully. CRCKLIA S. SHKRMAN/
Addresa Zliuuieriumj Muehlne Co., Ciuoluuaii, Ohio.U.S.A-
ucriicu i/iitav uii tux. , ionO| .uium
Daniel, late of Chattahoochee county, departed
this Hie intestate and no person has .applied. for
, ;y o. _ r
fit and proper person after the publication of this
citation once a week for four weeks, unless vaiid
this 27th August, 1880.
Orddinary and Ex-Officio C. C. O.
oug28 oaw 4w
■ J Savannah Anderson has applied for a twelve
months’support for herself and minor children
out of the estate of Lucius Anderson, deceased,
and the appraisers appointed by the court having
filed their report;
This is to cite all persons interested to show
cause, if any they have, within four weeks from
ah Andereon and her children,
my hand this September 9th, 1880.
F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
for the guardianship of the property of Isabel
Ferguson, a minor child of Charles and Sarah
Ferguson, under fourteen years of age.
These are, therefore, to cite all persons inter
ested to Bhow cause, if any they have, within tht
time prescribed by law, why said letters should
not be granted to said applicant.
Witness my official signature this August 7th,
1880. F. M. BROOKS,
aug7 oawiw Ordinary.
mieremi, c. ij. rmruwen, usuuuiur ui me eeuu*
of Sarah H. Bardwell, late of said county, de
ceased, represents to the court in his petition,
duly filed, that he has fully administered said
Sarah S. Bard well’s estate;
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned
heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any thes
can, why said executor should not be discharged
from his executorship and receive letters of dis
mission on the first Monday in October, 1880.
Witness my official signature this July 3d, 1886.
jy3 oaw3m F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
Whereas, Robert A. McFarlan, administrator
de bonis non, with the will annexed, of John D
Stripling, makes application for leave to sell al
the real estate belonging to said deceased.
This is, therefore, to cite all persons interested
to show cause, if any they have, within the tiras
prescribed by law, why leave to sell
said property should not be granted to said appli
Witness ray official signature this 5th day o
August, 1886. F. M. BROOKS,
augfl oaW4W Ordinary.
Alexander Tolcs, residing in the state of Geor
gia, having applied to be appointed guardian -of
the persons and property of the minor children of
R. W. Williams, deceased, minors under fourteen
years of age and residents of said county,
This is to cite all persons concerned to be and
appear at the October term next of the Court of
Ordinary, aud show cause, if any they can, why
said Alexander Toles should not be intrusted with
the guardianship of the persons and property of
said minor children.
Witness my official signature this September 4,
1886. F. M. BROOKS,
sep5 oaw4w Ordinary
Whereas, Mrs.C. L. Downing, administratrix of
estate of L. T. Downing, deceased, represents to
the court in her petition, duly filed, that bhe has
fully administerec L. T. Downing’s estate.
This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
heirs and creditors^ to show cause, if any they
can, why said administratrix should not be dis
charged from her administration and receive
letters of dismission on the first Monday in De
cember, 1886.
Witness my official signature this September 4,
1886 F. M. BROOKS.
sep5 oaw3m Ordinary.
Whereas, Charles F. Dixon having in proper
form applied to me for permanent letters of ad
ministration on the estate of William Hodge,late
of said county, deceased^
This is to cite all and singular the creditors and
next of kin of said William Hodge, to be and ai>
anent administration should not be grani
said applicant.
Witness my official signature this September 4.
1886. F. M. BROOKS,
sep5 oaw4w Ordinary.
Storeleejers iotIgbp it for Sale
Many baking' powders are very pernicious
to health, and while every one regards his
own, he should also have a care for the tender
ones-—the little children.
contains none of the bad qualities of baking
C owders—soda or saleratus. It contains no
urtful ingredient—no alum or ammonia.
All Chemistskwho have analyzed Sea Foam
commend it. Housekeepers \vl\o have used it
will have no other. Cooks, whose best efforts
have failed with other powders, are jubilant
over Sea Foam. Saves time, saves labor, saves
It is positively unequaled. Absolutely pure.
Used by the leading hotels and restaurants
• in New York city anil throughout the country.
For sale by all first-class grocers.
176 Duane St., N. T.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
NOTICE is hereby given to all parties having
demands against P. McArdle, late ofMuscogeee
county, deceased, to present them to me properly
made out, within the time prescribed by law, so
as to show their character and amount. And all
persons indebted to said deceased are hereby re-
border hi-roes with Indians, outlaws
beasts, from -he ea-liest tuna to this. Lives a
plait- of DeSmo, I.i.Sa’.le, StanJish. Bo.
much Grain or Seed ii
our Patent MONARCH (.rain
and Heed Separator and Rag-
K r or our Improved Waro-
.uae Mill which we offer cheap.
Price L-iat moiled free*
Columbus, OhUfc
I Free.-A victim of youth-
llul imprudence causing
■ Premature Decay, Ner-
__ _ _ Ivoua Debility, Lost Man
hood. &e. having tried in vain every known remedy
has discovered a simple self-cure, which he will
send FREE to his fellow-sufferers. Address
r H. REEVES* 43 Chatham streaLNew York Cite
tleaniug fit for market as "much
Clover Seed in ONE DAY
« as the
111u<<trbted circu
lar mailed ftee.
NEWARK >=— n ■ | ™ —
MACHINE CO., Columbus, O. fa. Hr. House, Hagerstown - <4
je21 wl2w
Fire Insurance Agent, .
Pioneer Building, Front Street. Telephone No. 104.
AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Philadelphia. Honestly
paid every loss since 1810.
NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Every policy
issued under New York Safety Fund law.
SUN FIRE OFFICE, of London. Established 1710. Always
Polloies Issued on all classes of Insurable property.
Representative Companies. Courteous Treatment. Fair Adjustments.
A share of your business solicited.
Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter to New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
In effect September 12th, 1886.
Leave New Orleans
“ Mobile
“ Selma
“ Montgomery
** Chehaw
Arrive Columbus
Leave Columbus
“ Opelika
Arrive West Point
“ LaGrange
u Newnan
*“ _ Atlanta.,...
" Via W. & A. Railroad.
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Rome
“ Dalton
“ Chattanooga
“ Cincinnati
Via the Piedmont Air Line to New York and East.
Leave Atlanta
Arrive Charlotte
“ Richtnond
“ Washington ;
“ Baltimore
“ Philadelphia
“ New York
No. 53
8 20 p in
9 05 a m
8 20 p m
9 55 p m
11 65 a m
2 28 p m
10 53 p m
11 46 p m
12 26 a m
1 45 a m
3 25am
7 50 am
1115 a m
1140 a nr
1 00 p m
7 55 a m
1 20 p ill
4 30am
7 55 a m
9 07 a m
11 55 a m
8 54 a m
10 05 a m
10 49 a’tm
11 20 a m
12 23 p m
7 40 a m
6 25 pm
7 00 a m
8 00am
9 35 a m
2 40 p m
3 40 p m
6 50 p m
5 55 p m
7 37 p m
1 07 pm
4 00 pm
4 05 a m
3 37 pm
8 30 pm
11 25pm
3 00 a m
6 20am
Train 53, Pullman Palace Cars Montgomeiy to Washington without change.
South Bound Trains.
No. 50
No. 52
2 28 p m
3 30am
4 40 a m
6 20 a m
“ Montgomery
7 15 p m
, ,
2 25 a m
_7 20 a m
“ New Orleans
7 30 p m
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sleeping Car through to New Orleans.
Sleeping Cai, free of charge, through to Texas without change.
Train 52, Family Emigrant
Via Selma and Queen and Crescent.
Leave Columbus
“ Opelika
“ Montgomery
Arrive Selma
“ Marion
“ Greensboro....
“ Meridan ;
“ Jackson
“ Vicksburg
“ Monroe
“ Shreveport
2 28 p m
5 18 p m
6 15 pm
1115 p m
1 45 p m
3 45 p m
5 35 p m
6 27 pm
1115 p m
4 22 a m
6 50 a m
1 40 p m
CECIL GABBETT, General Manager.
General Passenger Agent.
Hill & Law’s
WE WILL offer great inducements this week to all purchasers. We do not pro
pose to carry over any Summer Stock, and have marked everything down to such
prices that will sell them without any trouble.
Will offer to-morrow 10,000 yards of UNION LAWN at 2c per yard. This Lawn is of a
good quality, and sold all the season f >r 6c, but this is the season when it must go, and
we therefore make the price to sell it.
Our FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF DRESS GOODS is now open and ready for
At all prices and for every one. Think of our elegant Black Surah Silk for 75c. '(Vill
also offer one at $1 00, sold everywhere for $1 25. Will offer many great bargains in
this department of our business next w’eek.
Now is the time and this is the place to get them. The prices will be an induce
ment and the goods a guarantee. 25 Pairs of Curtains of a nice quality to be closed
out at 75c; no such goods were ever sold in this market before under $1 50 per pair.
Our stock of these goods is very large, and our prices will range from 76c to $25 00
per pair..
Table Damask, Napkins and Towels, Hosiery, Gloves and
Special Drives in each Department. Ask to see them.
The Brown Cotton Gin Co.
Alanufaeturers of the “Old Reliable”
Brown Cotton Gins, Feeders and Con
All the very latest improvements: Im
proved roll box, patent whipper, two
brush belts, extra strong brush, cast
steel bearings, improved Feeder,
enlarve“ Oust proc. 'ondeuser.
Lin-ng, simple 'X instruction, durable
jin . rist. v_us light, cleans the seed per-
jfect.j and produces first class samples.
at any accessible point. Send for fnll
description and price list.
COLUMBUS IRON WORKS, Agents, Columbus, Ga.
Gin Houses Insured,
Also Cotton niMt Machinery Therein, by
JOHN BLACKMAR, General Insurance Agent.
Next to Telegraph Office, Telephone No. 51, Columbus, Ga.
aug9 se&wiui
D r. o. t. osburn,
(Successor to Dr. J. M. Mason.)
Office next door to Rankin Bouse. Same so
trance as Riddle's gallery. oot-ly
. Dentist,
36)^ Twelfth street (formerly Randolph street.)
Sweeping Reductions
illlUUl 1
WE WANT to entirely close out our stock ot
Spring and Summer Goods, and we realize that
we have but about four weeks to do It In.
We had much rather sacrifice now than carry
ourgoodsover, consequently we offer our stock
of Flowers, light colored Hats aud Bonnets and
Summer Materials of all kinds for the remainder
of the season at prices way below their actual
We will sell what we have left of Trimmed
Goods at 50 cents on the dollar or less. No rea
sonable offer refused.
Next season we do not want, to be obliged to
show any of this season’s goods. Now is surely
the time to buy your Summer Hat.
& CD
Entrance through Hill
Law’s Store.
W. S. GREEN, Real Estate Agt.
I have for sale the following list of Real Estate
which I will be pleased to show to parties who
desire to purchase:
$1600. One eight room house on Eighth street, be
tween Third and Fourth avenues.
1800. One new five room house on Ninth street,
near court house.
$2400. One six room house, near court house.
$4600. % acre lot with six room house on Second
avenue, near Thirteenth street.
$2600. New eight room house on lower Broad
1800. A new five room residence on Rose Hill,
$3000, M acre lot with six room house, on Second
avenue near Fourteenth street.
3000. New six room residence, on Fifth avenue,
near Fourteenth street.
2600. Eight room residence on Rose Hill.
2200. Six room house on Fourth avenue, near
street car line.
3000. Improved corner lot on Fifth avenue, pay
ing fourteen per cent.
760. Two new three room houses in lower town,
paying fifteen per cept.
1000. Four new three room houses in Northern
Liberties, rents for $16 per month.
226. One vacant lot, near Slade’s school.
2400. 213 acres of land nine miles east of Colum
1200. 187 acres of land, seven miles trom city, on
Hamilton road.
3500. 160 acres of land in Wynnton, with six room
6000. 800 acres of the best land in Bullock county,
1600. 800 acres of land in Gadsden county, Fla.
Real Estate Agent.
No. 10 Twelfth Street, Columbus, do*
81800. One vacant Lot, V\ acre, on First avenue,
between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets..
6000. Corner Sixth avenue and Eighth street, &
acre lot, two Store Houses, Wagon Yard,
and several out-houses. Terms easy.
1600. Quarter acre lot on upper Second avenue,
4 room House.
800. Quarter acre lot, 4 room House, upper
Second avenue.
1600. Quartet acre lot, 5 room House, up town.
Second avenue.
2000. Quarter acre lot, 8 room House, 2 room
kitchen, well of good water and water
works, First avenue.
3000. Quarter acre, 6 room House, kitchen and
out-house, cow and horse house, high and
dry, with water works attached, on Fourth
avenue, between 13th and 14th streets.
One Store House and Lot in Chipley.
350 Cash. Three 2 room Houses and Lots in
city. Terms easy.
1250. Twenty acres land, 6 room House, in Beall-
1260. Eight acres land, 6 room House, in Linn-
3000. Thirty-five acres land in Wynnton, two
miles from city, 5 room House, 2 room
kitchen, 2 servant houses.
300 or 400 acres fine farm land near the city for
sale or exchange. Several other farms for sale.
For Rent from October. 1st.
15 00. Four room House and 1
of First avenue and Seventh street.
16 00. Four room House on Second avenue, be
tween Sixth and Seventh streets.
12 50. Four room House, 2 room kitchen, corner
of Fourth avenue and Eighth street.
10 00. Four room House and kitchen, Fourth
avenue, between Seventh and Eighth Sts.
12 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave. -
10 00. Four room House on upper Second Ave. J
To L<ftii4llor<lK.
legitimate business.
Real Estate Agent, 12th St.
It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea
without the knowledge of the person tak
ing it; is absolutely harmless, and will ef
fect a permanent and speedy cure, whether
the patient is a moderate drinker or an al
coholic wreck. It has been given in thou*
sands of cases, and in every instance a per*
feet cure has followed. It never fails. The
system once impregnated with the Specific,
it becomes an utter impossibility for the
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