Newspaper Page Text
■ JfrrToiw, IMdlltnted Urn.
You are allowed a free trial ofthirtj
days of the use of Dr. Dye’s Celebrated
Voltaic Belt with Electric Suspensory Ap
pliances, for the speedy relief and perma
nent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vital
ity and Manhood, and all kindred troubles.
Also for many other diseases. Complete
Also for many orner diseases. Complete
restoration to health, rigor and manhood
guaranteed. No risk Is incurred. Illus-
guaranteed. No risk Is incurred. Illus
trated pamphlet, with full information,
terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Vol
taic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.
dec!7 v
baundry Shirts.
now to .
Take two ounoes of borax, one ounce of
white wax and one teacup of water, melt
all together, take three cups of dry starch
and enough cold water to just moisten
the lumps, rub smooth and mix a
little at a time with the wax and borax
until all is smooth; spread on platter and
let dry. This amount will last a long time.
Wash and dry shirts without starching.
When ready to iron take warm wa-
„ warm
ter and make a woak suds, using any
white soap and the prepared starch, one
4- n n(mAnnfn1 fr» itnnli ahtrf TVi«v nn»
waive Hoap ftuu i/uc proparea siarcn, one
teaspoonful to each shirt. They can be
ironed immediately or stand until a more
convenient time. I do not polish shirts
any more than ironing, but iron until
perfectly dry, using a medium warm iron.
Do Not Forget
To tell your lady friends that Simmons’
Iron,Cordial cures those painful and har-
rassing diseases so common with your sex.
That it clears' the skin and complexion,
invigorates, strengthens and builds up the
system, while it restores youthful rigor
and vitality. Sold by all druggists and
dealers. eod&w
A Platform Which Doa’t strncldlc.
The Wisconsin democrats deserve com
mendation for courage enough to adopt a
platform which says something. In these
days of “masterly” straddles it is refresh
ing to see a convention lay down some sort
of a doctrine, whether we agree with it or
not.—Chicago News (Ind.j.
The beautiful crimson blush of nature,
without paint can be imparted to the pale
cheeks of a sickly and ieeble woman by
the use of that great female tonic, Sim
mons’ Iron Cordial. eod&w
Sheer Nonsense.
Mother—Are you going to take Bobby to
the circus this afternoon?
Father—No, these circuses are all non
sense. He will be better off for not going.
Mother—The poor little fellow will be
disappointed. But what makes you so
late to dinner, dear?
Father—I have been down at the depot
watching them take the elephants off the
The Only Remedy.
Those who suffer from foul breath are
open to the charge of carelessness. It Is
an offense that can be speedily abated as a
single bottle of the fragrant SOZODONT
will unmistakably accomplish the work,
~ "* " th
It will preserve and keep the teeth white,
’ " ds
and the breath pure and sweet-
sat se tu th&w
Ueneifed Intercut.
Husband—You know that pretty Mrs.
Wife—For goodness sake, John, don’t
talk about that pretty Mrs. F. I can’t go
anywhere without hearing her praises
sounded, until I am sick to death of the
.sound of her name.
Husband—I was only going to tell you
7 heard about her to-day.
of a rumor 1
Wife—A rumor? Oh, John, tell me all
about it; that’s a good soul.
This would be a comparatively happy
world if everybody knew the virtues oi
■world if everybody knew the virtues ol
SMITH’S BILE BEANS as a family med
icine, and acted upon that knowledge.
One-naif the misery of the world comes
from ailments which arise from a bad
stomach or a bad liver. Chiefest among
these are dyspepsia, biliousness, sick head
ache and neuralgia.
BILE BEANS will cure all of these, be
sides all miasmatic diseases. Dose: One
Bean. aug24 eod&wlm
A Durst of Ktphtcoun Indignation.
We never deal in innuendoes. Therefore
when a brother editor calls us a liar we
have a right to demand that he shall pro
duce some ot her proof of his charge be
sides that of our general reputation in the
community.—Cheektowaga (Erie Co.) Vi
cinity Visitor.
A HOST 1,1 It n; HA I, OFFER.
The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich.,
offer to send their celebrated Voltaic
Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty
days’ trial to any man afflicted with Nerv
ous Debility, Loss of Vitality, -tanhood.
&c. Illustrated pamphlet In sealed en
velope with full particulars, mailed free.
Write f
i them at once.
Frnnre Not (lalnlng.
Complete returns of the French census
Complete returns oi tne r renen census
show that our neighbors are not making
much progress. The population In round
figures is thirty-eight millions, and the in
crease is only about half a million during
the past five.years. The augmentation in
Paris is slight. Lyons, Marseilles and Bor
deaux have, however, become more popu
lous. The chief feature in the returns is
the migration of the peasants to the towns.
—London —
don Truth.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
ly cures Piles, or no pay is required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 26 cents per
box. For sale by Brannon & Carson.
je24 oedAW
“Informing” President Dial.
The government of Mexico, “when bet
ter informed,” will find out that the de-
j l • i ' ALln /liffi/mlfir
mand which gave rise to this difficulty,
viz., the demand that Mexico shall not
assert the right to punish American citi
zens for acts done in the United States,
has not been abandoned, and will be in
uao min uccu auitiiuuuou, " ,, ,.
sisted on until that right ia formally dis-
claimed.—Washington Post.
Cure of Liver Com|ilalnt.
Iowa Falls, Harding Co., Iowa,
June 8, 1886.
I have been using Allcock’s Porous
Plasters for four years, and think I could
not get along without them. For a long
time I was afflicted with a pain under my
right shoulder blade ; I also had considera
ble difficulty in breathing. I applied an
Allcock’3 Porous Plaster on my back,' and
one on my chest. I kept changing them
every four days, and at the end of three
Weeks was entirely cured,
E. S. Stevens.
About True Tariff Reform.
True revenue reform consists in lighten-
ng the burden of tariff taxation upon the
lecessities of the people and the essentials
i manufactures, “without depriving
unerican labor of the ability to compete
uccessfully with foreign labor.” If a 20
■er cent, tariff was sufficient for this pur-
iOse in 1861, a 46 per cent, tariff is not
eceasavy now.—New York World.
Oooii Results in Ever)- Case.
D. A. Bradford, wholesale paper dealer
of Chattanooga, Tenn., writes that he was
seriously afflicted with a severe cold that
settled on his lungs; had tried many rem
edies without benefit. Being induced to
try Dr. King’s New Discovery for Cou-
sumption, did so and was entirely cured by
use of a few bottles. Since which time he
has used it in his family for all Coughs and
Colds with best results. This is the ex
perience of thousands whose lives have
been saved by this Wonderful Discovery.
_ Trial Bottles free at Brannon & Carson s
©rug Store. eod&w
I hr I,urgent unci Most Prosperous lliislnoss I'stsh.
llshment In tile South.
The fame and good done by tho S. 8. S.
Company cannot be told in the limited
space that we have, but suffering humanity
pas blessed the man that lias given to
them the means whereby their sufferings
could . be alleviated. Of all the patent
medicines that have been offered to the
public, none has ever received the sub
stantial endorsement that this great modi-
cine has. There is hardly a drug store in
the united States that does not keep this
great alleviator on its shelves. The first
cause of the success of S. S. S. is its merits,
l'or blood poison it is a remedy that nover
ti 8, i ^ ^ las ro "ted disease, and victory in
the shajie of a huge fortune has been real-
?.nd Kxr fVwv a a u
ized bv the S. S. S. Company. Mot hern
have blessed it for the relief or their chil-
T 1U1 tuc A All U U1 bUL'il U
ciren.—Augusta Chronicle, May 23,1886.
Treatise on Blood and Sktu Diseases
mailed free.
The Swift Specific Co., Drawer 3, At
lanta, Ga.; 157 W. 23d St,.. N. Y.
A Vnlld Kiel ivr
One of the teachers in our public schools
shows the reporter for the Call the follow
ing excuse written by the father of tho de
linquent pupil. It runs in this wise:
Mr. Teacher: Dot poy of mine vas ab-
sint yisterday ven he sthaid avay. Ho got
big colt in h* ’ " 1 ---*-
von big colt In his neck vot do make him
much trouble all de vile. Blease don’t
. n.* uo mu. uicwro uuu ,
give him some punishment ven he vos late
in the morning. He woult got dore shust
in time every morning, but lie is not him
self to blame, he is got no mudder. She
vos dead ten years ago. I am dis poys
S arent by hiB mudder pefore she vos
ead.—Austin Call.
An End to Done Scraping.
Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, 111.,
says: “Having received so much benefit
from Electric Bitters, I feel it my duty to
let suffering humanity know it. Have had
a running sore on my log for eight years; my
doctors told me I would have to ha ve the
bone scraped or leg amputated. I used,
instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters
and seven boxes of Bucklen’8 Arnica
Salve, and my leg is now sound and well.”
Electric Bitters are sold at 80 cents a
bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 25c
per box, by Brannon & Carson. eod&w
Wlierc Miser)- liman*.
If any one wants to learn in the most
vivid language possible what a miserable
country we live in, let him hear a county
delegation appeal before the state board of
equalization for a reduction of state taxes.
—Albany Times.
Ely’s Cream Balm was recommended to
me by my druggist as a preventative to
hay fever. Have been using it as directed
since the 9th of August, and have found it
a specific for that much dreaded and loath
some disease. For ten years or more I
have been a great sufferer each year, from
August 9th till frost, and have tried many
alleged remedies for Its cure, but Ely’s
Cream Balm is the only preventative I
have ever found. llay lever sufferers
ought to know of its efficacy.
F. B. Ainsworth,
Of F. B. Ainsworth & Co., publishers, In
dianapolis, Ind. eod&w
A Hold Assertion.
Most literature is the product of domestic
unhappiness.—John Swinton’s Paper.
Advice to Mothers.—Mrs. Winslow’s
Soothing Syrup should always be used
when children are cutting teeth. It re
lieves the little sufferer at once; it produces
natural, quiet sleep by relieving thi
from pain, and the little cherub awakes as
• ' :ht
‘bright as a button." It is very pleasant
to taste. It soothes the child, Bortens the
ims. allays all pain, relieves wind, regu-
K llUOi udutj O nil pcuili 1 vAlv V vij Wiuu, iVfeU
tes the bowels and Is the best known
remedy for diarrhoea, whether arising
firom teething or other causes. Twenty-
five cents a bottle. je!7 d&wly
Magnolia Gin
The Foremost Standard COT
It has just taken tho “ IUghost Award-
Gold Medal and Diploma,” for ” Light Draft,
Best Sample and General Utility,” at the
World Cotton Centennial Expedition, New
Orleans, over all Competitors.
Slade & Etheridge, Oolumbits, Ga.
We will pay Agents n salary of
per month and ex-
0HO to ipw pv. ,
aVcrsT^of 1 $40 a month and e*-
Lenses to distribute circulars in your vicinity. Bus*
Iness honorable, permanent, pleasant & easily operated.
All expenses advanced. SAMPLE CASES FREE. Nr
:..,i Lnmluuf. We mean what «e Sfiy,
■ All expenses auvantcu.
I stamps required. No humbug. We mean wnai wc say,
I S,',, national supply company,
Bradford BlooZ. CINCINNATI, Ollld
Equally goo- on level laud, No farmei
Should In- wIF'om one. Knud for free Illus
trated Car I lie no mid Almnnnc.
advertising _ -
Cor. Chestnut and Eighth Sts.
Receive Advertisement* for this Paper
Of MUSIC Boston, Mass.
Organ Tunint
tnan ^ 1 Rno room wim
£tOURJEE,Dir..Franklin 8q.,BOSTON, sum
00 x»y25d2m weowtt
John H. Henderson vs. Green McArthur. Rule
Nisi to foreclose Mortgage. May Term. 1881
Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia.
It appearing to the Court by the Petition o«
John H. Hcuacvson that on the first day of Hep-
temper, in the year of Our Lord eighteen hun
dred and eighty-two. Green McArthur, of said
county, nmac and delivered to said John H. Heu
(Torsou a certain instrument in writing commonl?
‘ 2, whereby lie promised U
sum of one hundred tun*
. twelve months after date with
interest from date at eight per cent, per annum
for value received, and that afterwards on the 1st
day of September, 1882, the better to secure th«
payment of said instrument executed and deliv
oerson a certain instrumei
called a promissory note, \
Pay to said plaintiff the su
thirty-nine dollars twelve
whereby he conveyed to said plaintiff all that
tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being
in the County of Muscogee, known and bounder
as follows : On 1'ne north by the lands of Jump#
Huff, on the west by the Ht. Mary’s road, on th**
east by the lands ot .liitnc® Huff and on the so
by the lands of Philip Owens, containing
four and one-half acres, more or loss, whic
tun* Amt.—mill HUi un, niiiiu ui i jm. hiv
mortgage was conditioned that if the said defend
—ighc •’ ’ --
note acc „ ,
said deed of mortgage and said note should b*
void. And it frirthcr appearing that said promif*
sory note remains unpaid, it is therefore ordered
that said defendant do pay into this court by the
first day of the next term thereof, the principal,
interest and cost due on said niort gage and prom
issory note, or show cause to the contrary,if there
be any, and that on failure of said defendant sc
to do, the equity of redemption in and to sair
mortpac-ed premises be forever thereafter barred
and foreclosed. And it is further ordered that
this Rule bo published in the Columbus En
quirer-Sun once n month for four months, or ;
copy thereof served on the said defendant, or hit-
special agent or Attorno*. nt least throe month*
before the next term of this court.
Petitioner’s Attorney.
J. T. WILLIH, Judge S. C. C. C.
A true extract from the minutes of Murcorq*
Superior Court at its May Term, 1<WL on the JOtf
ay of May, 1886. GEO. Y. PONI),
jys onm 4m Clerk
is rapidly increasing, and we take pleasure in
u - ! —'— the following revised list of such dealer#
bringing t
to your kind notice;
D. A. Andrews,
D. A. Anglin
Averett & Porter,
R. J. Anglin,
J. Adams,
C. Batastein,
R. Brodtt,
Boimett & Co.,
T. A. Cantrell,
V. R. Cantrell & Go.,
R. S. Crane,
F. Conti,
M. E. Edwards,
A. Simons,
J. K. Guldens.
J. R. & H. F. Garrett,
C. E. Hochstrasser,
L. H. Kauftnan & Oo.,
G. W. Lewis,
C. H. Markham,
P. McArdle,
T. E. Middlebrooks,
Martin & Chalmers, |
Tobe Newman,
W. R. Newsome,
J. H. Rumsey,
Rothschilds Bros.,
T. J. Stone.
of Klrhmond, Virginia,
KERN A are o«ar Sole Agent*
for III 1(4 territory.
my? se6m
VS. /lUUltKUKC, W.L. ill lUUOLUfiCV
It. H. GORDON.) Superior Court. May term, 1886.
IT appearing to the Court by the petition of
Wm. L. Tillman, accompanied by the notes ana
mortgage deed, that on the fourth day of May.
mortgage deed, that on the fourth day of M
Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-three, the defei
ant made and delivered to the plaintiff her t
promissory notes, bearing date the day and year
thereof, Eighteen Hundred and Eighty-eight
Dollars ana Twenty-two Cents, with interest
said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent
attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, for
value received; and by the other of said promi*
sory notes the defendant promised to pay to the
from date at eight per cent per annum, and if
said note was not paid at maturity, ten per cent
attorney’s fees for the collection thereof, For value
received; and that afterwards, on the day and
year aforesaid, the defendant, the better to secure
deed of mortgage, whereby
urtgaged to the plaintiff all
‘ land situated on the west
side of Broad street in the city of Columbus, and
feet in front on Broad street and running back the
frill depth of said lot, and known as part of lot
number sixty-five, with all the improvement*
thereon, upon which is situated Store House
number one hundred and forty-three ; and it fur
ther appearing that said notes remain unpaid :
It is, therefore, ordered that the said defendant
pay into Court on or before the first day of the
next term thereof, the principal, interest, attor*
ney’s fees and costs due on said notes, or show
gazette printed and publisl . ...
county, once a month for four months previous tc
the next,term of this Court, or served ou the de
fendant or her special agent or attorney, at leas*
three months previous to the next term of thi#
Court. J. T. WILLIS,
C. J. THORNTON, Judge C. C. C.
Plaintiff’s Attorney.
A true extract from the minutes of Muscogee
Superior Court, May term, 1886.
my20 oatutm
Clerk 8. C. M. C.
T?UDOLPH FINZER’M Pat. Havana Cure "
process for treating Tobacco removes nico
tine, dirt and grit, enabling the leaf to absorb
pure, ripe fruit, and making the most delicious,
the most lasting, and the only wholesome
chew in the world—one that will not cause
heartburn, noreousnoss, nor indigestion.
Fine Cavendish, Brandy*
Teach flavor, an evcrlaat-
ng chew.
/ it always. The pilot-wheel on every plufc
Loulavillc* Kf*
Instantly* Ctirod
Dr. Haines’ GOLDEN SPECIFICinatanttu
destroys all appetite for alcoholic liquors. It can
be Hc.cretly administered in coflee, tea, or any
article of food, even in liquor itself, with nover*
failino results. Thousands of tho worst drunk
ards have been cured, who to-day believe they quit
drinking of their own free will. Endorsed by every
body who knows of its virtues but saloon-keepers.
Sene’ for pamphlet containing hundreds of testi
monials from the best women and men from all
parts of the country. Address in confidence,
OOLDEN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St., Cincinnati* &
• dec20 wfim
An Infallible Remedy
LLYSY to obtain and costs nothing, Succeeds
where the skill of the best physicians fails.
To any one remitting me one dollar 1 will send
recipe, and will refund the money if satisfaction
is not obtained.
I will state that before I used this remedy I
paid heavy doctor bills every year, but now I do
not have to pay any.
agu29 eel in Buena Vista, Ga.
¥)T> r r/ n Send six cents for postage and
X Ibl/iij. recceive free a costly dox of
goods which will help all, of either sex, to make
more money right away than anything else in
this world. Fortunes await the workers abso
lutely sore. Terms mailed free. Thus Si Oo h
Augusta, Maine. dawti
Potash Victim.
Cured by S. 8. S.
Qxututner* should not confuse our S/wiJte
v)ith the. nutnerou* Uni rations, substitutes,
polish and mercury mix tuns which are got
ten up to sell, not on their owib merit, but on
the. merit of our remedy. An imitation is
aluHiys a fraud and a cheat, and they thrive
only as they can steal, from (he article imitated.
Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases tnalh-A
free. For sale by all druggists.
J>ruwer 3, Atlanta, Ga.
S. S. S. vs. POTASH.
I hfive had blood poison for ten years. I know I hnvo taken one hundred bottles of
' it did me no good. Last summer my face, neck, body
iodide of potash in that time, but .... „„ ... rf ,
and limbs were covered with Horos. and 1 could scarcely use my arms on account of rheu
matism in my shoulders. 1 took S. S. 8., and it has douc mo more good than all other medi
cines 1 have taken. My face, body and neck are jierfectly clear and clean, and my rheu
matism is entirely pone. I weighed lift pounds when I began tin- medicine, and 1 now weigh
, M y fl r * *- **>- . »
152 ixMinds. My
„ first bottle helped me greatly, and gave me an api'ctlte like a strong man.
I would not be without S. 8. S. fur several times its weight In gold.
C. K. M1TGHELL, W. 23d St. Ferry, New York.
mu pii
Special Notice
The Following Will Explain Itself
New York City, September 14th, 18S(L
Messrs. (1. 1\ Gray d- (Jo., (Jotumhm, Ga. :
Gentlemen—Have just bought the entire bankrupt slock I
telegraphed you about. You will find it impossible to make
room for them in the store. All the boxes are very large.
There are 4432 of them in all. Murk at once llie following
prices on Dress Goods, so as lo move Ihem off quickly, so
as to make room for other bulky goods already bought.
■ . Respectfully, C. P. GRAY,
aside Wool Mohairs, worth
Pieces of
10 cents.
Pieces of
8 cents.
Pieces of
7i cents.
Pieces of
6i cents.
Pieces of
Pieces of
5 cents a
Pieces of
ioc, price now
200 Pieces of Lena de Nell Suitings, worth 3oc, price now
8 cents. «
500 Pieces of Brocade Pose de Inuch, worth 30c, price now
7i cents.
720 Pieces of Dark Vidd Cashmeres, worth. 25c, price now
H78 Pieces of Diagonal Twills, worth 20c, price now (31 cents.
95(5 Pieces of Mongatelle Illuminated Ponscns will be sold at
813 Pieces of Simeese Votex Suitings will be sold at 5c also.
Lupin’s Blue, Black and Diamond Crow Black Cashmeres,
very wide, double width, worth (35 cents a yard. In this lot
you can get what is left of them at 25 cents a yard. See
them. We reserve the right to change these prices alter
this week.
Price our Blankets and Flannels. We arc 40 |>er cent
below any one’s prices. All Fall Stock now in.
Prices may shrink with us to an appalling littleness, but
it is taken for granted by everybody that we never permit the
qunlity of our goods lo deteriorate.
Gray’s Fall Indigestible Pulverine—Sell Cheap, Sell a
1 leap.
Largest Business (Jonnoetions South,
C. P. GRAY & CO.
Opposite Rankin Hotel.
To the Trade and Smokers.
Beware of Imitations, and see that you get the
^nsriD pro oti-tpeecs.
We hereby notify the trade that all infringements will lie vigorously prosecuted to
tile fidi extent of tho law.
I’!i4‘<4»r.v 200, ;i«l District, >. Y.
The genuine are for sale by W. S. Freeman, J. T. Kavanagh, Brannon & Carson, King & Daniel,
Peabody & Faber, T. A. Cantrell, J. H. Edwards, J. E. Deaton, W. R. Moore, E. M. Walsh & Co.,
G. T. Miller, and all first-class retailers. aug3 tu th sat&se3m
Hatcher & Wilkerson,
Warehouse and Commission
Fonhiine Warehouse, Columbus, Ga.
WE WILL continue the Warehouse and Commission Business in all its branches,
and solicit the patronage of our friends and the public generally. We guarantee strict
attention and prompt returns on all consignments.
BAGGING and TIES always on hand at cash prices.
Storage and Sale of COTTON a specialty.
Agents for the Latest Improved “LUMMUS COTTON GIN.
sepl 2tawlm w2m
(ri Ai-iTAt mil7.1. 87.vono.-e*
Tlckels only *5. NIinrPH In iirnportlMk..
Ih • IbBi
Louisiana State Lottery Comp’y.
“TFf» da hereby certify that tee. supervise the ar»
range men 1 for all the Monthly and Quartorlff
Drawings of The Louisiana State Lottery Com-
pany, and in 'Demon manage and control I ho
Drateinys themselves, and that the same are con*
ducted with honesty, fairness, and in good faith
tou'ard all parties, and tre authorize the Company
to us • this ccrtijicatc, with facsimiles of otir ng
natures attached, to its advertisements
Co mm l««* loner*.
We the. undersigned Banks mul Bankers toil!
pay all Prizes drawn in The Louisiana State Loh
teries which may be presented at oar counters.
J. II. OULDNIIY. Pre*. Lit. Nill*I Bank.
.V. W. KIL1IHKT1T, l»re*. Statu Xnt’l B’lr.
A. BALDWIN, l»r<*H. N. O. Nnt’l Bank
Incorporated in 18(>8 for 25 years bv the Legisla
ture for Educational and Charitable purposes—
with a capital of $1,000,000—to which a reserve
fund of over $550,000 has since been added.
By an overwhelming popular vote its franchise
was made a part of the present State Constitu
tion. adopted December 2d, A. D. 1870.
The only lottery ever voted on and endorsed by
the ])Poj)le of any State.
I In (iriiuil Single .Yu in her Drawings
Dike place Monthly, and the Extraordinary
Drawings regularly every three mouths, instead
of semi-annually as heretofore, beginning March*
A ni»i.i:ydid OIMMMM’IMTV TO
1**0— I1>7tl» Monthly Drawing.
100.000 Tickets ill Fivo Dollars Each.
I raettans In Filths in proportion.
1 do do 25,000
1 do do 10,000
2 PRIZES OF $(*>000 12,000
5 do 2000 10,000
10 do 1000 10,000
20 do 500 10,000
100 do 200 20,000
300 do 100 30,000
500 do 50 25,000
1000 do 25 25,000
9 Approximation Prizes of $750 6,750
9 Approximation Prizes of GOO 4,500
9 Approximation Prizes of 250 2,250
1907 Prizes, amounting to $265,500
Application for rates to clubs should be mad*
only to the Ofilce of’theC'ompany in New Orleans.
For ftirther information write clearly, giving
frill address. POSTAL NOTES* ExpreM
Money Orders, or New York Exchange in ordi
nary letter. Currency by Express (at our ex
pense) addressed M. W. DAFPHIN,
Yen Orleans, La.
Washing-ton* D. C.
Wake P. O. Money Orders payable
anil aililrcMN Betfistereil Letter* to
wed se&wlw Yew Orleans, La.
Columbus, Ga.
The fhultless fiimily remedy. For biliousness,
torpid liver, indigestion, constipation, and all the
comn " '
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