Newspaper Page Text
THE "EWor -
__ , •Jooricia.
There is a man in Mm ,
claims to be a better min e ( ! lB ® vi i l0 who
Bishop. “ 1M reader than
During the last week n,, ,
Webb. Colonel Allen n \vV-. J ! ,me8 W.
Mr. Charles J. Sorrelles ihl' hlt r elle ad and
and most respected of oldest
County, have died. ens °f Monroe
A furniture
Wednesday in Uomeliti , organized
The stockholders commL ple ca P |tal -
leading business men nud ti> ° me 0f the
the company iB assured. 11 su ooes8 of
Mr. M. M. Hinton, n worn,,,
jaer of Glascock count I . ,far-
house destroyed by Are, siZL-i dwelling
work of an Incendiary 8U E ed to bei the
nights before, in the snnfr ® ■' V uu. or f hree
M, J. N. Davis had hh™on”umed < by fire
or three
- neighborhood
Mr. J. A. Stewart, ir., 0 fn nm ,
the best authorities in S'
; authorities
production, is of the
n. Georgia l
techment against the compam The oSt
SToing engine and train were attached and
the case had a hearing jn wi11;,,eJ„ n.
Patterson’s office in the® afternoon 8 * 1 CHn.
pen and King claim wages due—the first
months’" service! 8 aM<1 A
MteEUan Towi° D< y5f! 1 ’ ° f Atlantn - and
miss alien Tobin, of Atlanta, were, Wed
nesday evening, received as novitiates in
the convent of St. Vincent be PauL of
Savannah, with solemn and beautiful cere-
momes. they entered the chapel,followed
by the children and the sisters singing a
jSP“ ft t le b “ Virgin. MissjfcDon
sSLr (Sn^ e , knov T n ln tl,e sisterhood ns
Sister Mary Angela, and Miss Tobin as
Agnes. Shortly after the en
trance of the t.vo young ladies into the or-
der of Sisters of Mercy, in another portion
sL the r. C i° n r- ent ’ a , sa « scene was enacted.
Sister Celestine, who had been in the con
vent since 1877, and who for the past sev
eral weeks has been seriously ill, was
released by death from further suffering.
?i ster Gelestine was known in the world as
Mary Maria 0 Donohue, and at one time
she taught school in a Catholic institution
in Atlanta.
On Monday night last, about 10 o’clock,
tour business houses in Woodstock were
destroyed by Are. Origin unknown. The
Are was discovered first in the store of J.
T Daniel, which destroyed the building.
1 he flames then spread on both sides, de
stroying the oflice of Dr. Will Dean on the
south, and two frame storerooms on the
north, together with their coub-nts. The
losses sustained were ns follows: Dr. Will
Dean, oflice and drugs, 8700; the
storeroom occupied bv Daniel, be
longing to W. H. ferknison, 8400,
amt the stock in it, belonging to Parkinson
& Co., $!;0I). The frame house of 1J. ii.
Palmer, 8100. and the con lectio: erv in it,
belonging to Calvin Caste!). 8’u.' The
frame house of Dr. W. ii. Dean, 8400, aud
the stock in it, belongin'', to Pcrkinsnn &
Co., about 81000. The guano house of W.
H. Hawkins, about 850. There was no in
surance upon any of it. Perkinson & Co.’s
storerooms and the stock in them on the
souf h side were covered with 8-VJ00 insu
rance, but there was about ;20 damage to
the stock in removing.
The usually quiet county of Payette fur
nishes the details of a most atrocious mur
der, and, but for the fact that the partici
pants are negroes, it would rival the
famous Kate Southern homicide. A negro
tenant on Mr. M, L. Parker’s place, four j
miles from Fayetteville, gave a dance
Monday night. Among the number there j
was Alvin Turner, colored, and hi.s wife,:
and also two women named Williams, who
are sisters. During the night, about 2
o’clock a. m., Alvin Turner sought out
Ellen Williams, one of the sisters, and
asked her to dance with him, which she
did. After tile set Turner treated his part
ner to refreshments, which they had for
sale. Turner’s wife, already jealous, was
enraged, and a quarrel cnsin d between
her and the partner of her husband in the
dance. While hot words were passing be
tween them, with no indication of harm
being done, the sister of Turner's partner
rushed upon Turner’s wife, and, flourish
ing a keen new knife, threw her arm
around t he neck of her antagonist, and
tilting her head back, plunged the knife
into her neck, severing her carotid artery,
from which Turner’s wife immediately
died. The murderess fled and lias not been
Some company or party, whose names
they withhold, have let out bids to con
tractors for the erection oi fifty new cot
tages in Selma.
Mr. H. M. Spicer, of Michigan, is in
Montgomery representing the 1 hney
Adjustable Hoe Company, tor the purpose
of introducing this new invention, und to
form a company for its manufacture.
The Gadsden and Mtaila Railroad Co.
was organized Tuesday with K. k ,
president; W. M. Meeks, secretary and
treasurer, and Ohal Christopaei, gA^ra
manager and superintendent. Woik is
now in progress on this road.
A Are at Akron Junction Tuesday morn
ing destroyed the depot of the A.G- h.
railroad at that pomi, ’ r.-vttie-, «itli M
mail, freight, and express nutti »
building. The train of the \\ sho o ro ; m
Which was standing next to the <k pot
also badly injured.
A careful estimate of tl.e va ne of the
roperty owned by ct.zenso M tgmne y
. the mineral region oi A 1. «■>; ■
Col. Henry Ridgaway, of Taylor’s Shore,
>a., has purchased the Dick orange grove,
near Rose Hill, for $3000, and will make it
nis future home.
The Holly homestead five-acre grove east
of Orange City, now owned by E. M. Car
penter, will this season yield about 1200
shipp -d t,rans ° s ’ 500 having already been
Mr. Bradley is Enterprise’s new mayor,
having defeated at the election last week
James Alexander, who had been inipeach-
, , aa mayor, and was before the people for
a “vindication.”
Most of the orange groves arauod Orange
t-ity are surprising—and agreeably so—their
owners in the number of boxes of oranges
yielded, they usually running a third to a
nalt more, and some 100 per cent, more
than was at Arst estimated.
Orange City Times: Orange City begins
to present a real booming appearance,
more so than it ever lias before, and her
businessmen are happy and jubilant over
the prospects oi her continued prosperity,
the town is already filling with strangers
and settlers who are delighted with our
climate, infatuated with the golden fruit
in clusters among luxuriant foliage, and
surprised at the beauty of the location of
the place and the refined society they
come in contact with. For the past
five years a large per cent, of the
permanent resident population of this
section have been necessarily economical,
for it has been ail outgo with them nil the
time on their groves, with no returns. But
within a year or two it will all conic back.
Many of the groves will pay handsomely
with this crop, and some $30,000 or $40,000
will come into Orange City this winter
from the sale of fruit from groves within a
radius of two miles from the centre of
town. The groves that have been well
cared for are the groves that are begin
ning to yield a fortune for their owners.
i Foregone Conclusion.
Landlady (examining a fugutive board
er’s trunk)—Why, Bridget, his truok is
full of bricks! How could they have got.
"Sure, ma’am ho brought one home in
hi.s hat ivery night.”—Life.
Xmas comes but once a year, therefore make happy the hearts of those you love and esteem.
Read below enumerated a list of articles suitable for presents:
Tor Your Mother iiimI NNler.
Kweellieiirl. Wile ami
Beautiful Lace Pins,
Breast Pins, Ear Kings,
Bracelets, Necklaces, Locke*' 5 .
Tiny Queen Chains, Westcuins,
Silver or Gold Watch, Kings,
CutF Buttons, Cuff Pins,
Collar Buttons, Guidelines,
Silver or Gold Thimbles,
8ilver Hair Pins
Silver and Gold Glove and Shoe But-
Opera Glasses, Vases,
Jewel Boxes, Bronzes, *
Artistic Clocks, Card Receivers,
Silver Card Cases, Silver Bells,
Napkin Kings, Bronze Lamps,
Picture Frames, Eye Glass Chains,
Spectacles and Eye Glasses,
Solid and Plated Forks, Knives and
Spoons, Book Marks.
Gold Pencils, Pens, Toothpicks,
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Solid Silver Soup and Oyster Ladles,
Berry, Preserve and Sugar Spoons,
Butter Knives, Bultc-r Dishes,
Pickle Stands, Castors,
Peurl Handle Knives.
Your Fattier and It rot Ii or,
IliiNlmud and Friend.
Silver or Gold Watches,
Gold or Plated Chains,
Cult Huttons,
Collar Huttons,
Watch Charms,
Scarf Pins,
Silver Match Safes,
Stud Huttons,
Napkin Holders,
Eye Glasses,
Pebble Spectacles in Steel and Nick
el, Silver and Gold Frames.
Napkin Kings,
Opera Glasses,
Oflice Clocks,
Gold Toothpicks,
Gold Pencils,
Gold Headed Walking Canes,
Seal Rings,
Gold Headed Silk Umbrellas,
• Combination Breakfast Sets,
Silver Tobacco Boxes,
Wiskbroom, Solid Silver Haudle,
Society Pins,
Asli Receivers.
Guard Chains,
For Your MUIe Pet*.
Solid Silver and Plated Cups,
Silver Pap Spoons,
Solid Silver Child’s Set,
Silver IMated Child’s Set,
Silver Thimbles from No. 1 upward,
Bib Pins,
Breast Pins an J Ear Kings,
Stud Buttons,
Solid Silver Baby Rattles,
Silver Plated Napkin Kings,
Solid Silver Napkin Rings.
School .Sets,
Ear Kings,
Silver Knives and Forks,
Silver Safety l’ins,
Boys’ Watches,
Microscope for botanical exi loits,
Pencils and Pens,
Beautiful Little Diamond Kings,
Silver Mugs.
Diamonds mounted in Rings, Pins, Eardrops, Collar Buttons, Cuff Buttons, Studs, Scarf
Pins, etc., at very reasonable prices.
For Clerk of Superior Court.
I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-
election to the office of Clerk of the Superior
Court of Muscogee County ut the election to be.
held in January next. Geo. Y. Pond.
■ ■deci2 td
For County Treasurer.
I wish my friends to know that I will be a can
didate for this office at the next election. 1 am
| here to run. • R. J Moses.
nov'iO dtd
1 announce myself a candidate for County
eaaim r, and respectfully ask the voters of
useogee county for their .suffrage,
l.stwid John C. Cook.
Shortest, Quickest and Best—308 Miles Shorter lo New York
than via Louisville—Close Connection with Piedmont
Air Line and Western and Atlantic Railroad.
msr perfect made:
:'r r pared with strict rotrard to Puritv. Strength, n n d
Dr. Pri'.*-. :■ Baking Powder contains
■ini'.\ Alu'n or Pho-plnitos. Ur.Priced
il:i, Lemon, etc., flavor deiiciouBiy.
iwQ.T BAKWG POWDfR CO. C/ucAro. awj Sr lows
The best In Vu ri M. (i .-"..lILii-irai fordays
pentfully announce
irer of Muscogee
solicit your support. I n
be very thankful for your
pared to run. Election o
in January next, 1887.
oc9 se&wedtd
ididate for
iis: {stance. I
the first Wt
am pre
ii.ti. onto c fc’.A
Columbus, Ga., December 19,1886.
O N and after this date Passenger Trains will
run daily unless marked T, which are daily
except Sunday. The standard time by which
these Trains run is the same as Columbus city
time. \
Leave Columbus I* I t 15 a ui; j 10 20 p n:
Arrive Macon * 4 04 p mi t 6 25 a n>
“ Atlanta i * 9 00 p ml* 105 pm
“ Montgomery j* 7 09pr»
“ Eufaula j |* 3 50 pm
“ Alban v | + 10 08 p m * 10 50 a m
“ Milieu * 3 00 a mI* 2 08 pm
“ Augusta ,* C 15 a ni|* 4 45 p ro
“ Savannah * 5 55 a m - * 5 00 p in
Passengers for Sylvania, Sanderville, Wrights*
ville, Milledgeville and Eatontou, Thomastou.
Carrollton. Perrv, Fort Gaines, Talbotton, Buena
Vista, B akely and Clayton should take S 60 p m
Mill* n
Savr nnah
i Columbus
* !0 20 a ir.
io no a in
6 50 a Hi
on ail nigiit trains bet
Sleeping l a.,
lumbus and M.i
con and Atlanta, h
vannah and Atlanta.
Tickets for all points an»i Sleeping Ci
on sale at Depot Ticket Office
Gen’i Pass. A^ r ent.
C. W. MEYER, Ticket Agent. augl tf
the amount at $(>,uuu.uwi. 1 ' , . (Ulcl ,
eoai k iron and lYme'Tands in the various , ^ ot j ce to Debtors and Creditors.
“S^STclerlc of the ^ j
eitv court, was waylaid und robbed by ivo i • (|s apllnKtJ .£ Walker, late of said coun-
negroes one holding, hnn the . S 10 . l ! nd . I ty. d-e--vd. to.prc
wiraknTfV at his thruntwhUe the other j ® deceased, are
went through him. Geor ^h^ I iv(1 uired to make me immediate^!,rne.U.^
attacked by two \ »" d thev ran , A dm’r Est. of J. E. Walker, deceased,
niirht, but lie showea ni ..
when lie called for help. . ^ j
Beil Allen,0 'ftSTulW | Notice to Debtors and Creditors
aside track of . 1 * •(....... The mdonu- j r „ ,i,.1. ..n: hurt-'by notified to n;
little little b > ... she trucks, and a.'' *' d ( u. Firtson u.i rwiuired t.. nmki
dentttfly faiu«K Yvw’ml'VruY.^nhe I immediateimyment tou.c. Bnjirre „ v
lor Tux Krrrivcr.
I announce myself a candidate for election to
the office of Tax Receiver, and respectfully solicit
the votes of the citizens of Muscogee county.
Election Wednesday, January 5,1887.
novitldtf Woolpolk Walkkr.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Re
ceiver of Muscogee county, and respectfully
ask the support of the voters.
sepi!2 tf
J. IT. Ha ii u ison.
1 respectfully announce myself a. candidate foi
re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, and ask
your mintage. I have ever tried to diseharg*
my duty as an officer, and will still do the same
if elected. Election January next.
Respectfully, J. C. Reedy.
novf» td
r respectfully announce myself a candidate for
Tax Receiver of Muscogee county. Elect ion
Wednesday in January. Seo. W. Cargill.
nov7 t d
In effeet November Util, 18H6.
NO.5I '
No. 53
? r» r » (,
12 55 tilit
7 ;r* n m
8 15 p m
K 53 a m
11SS P m
Arriie ',Vc.-l Point
10 27 a m
11 12 p 111
“ LaG range
10 58 a m
II 41 1> m
120:11> m
19 52 11 III
“ Atlanta
1 25 p 111
2 15 a m
Via W. A. Railroad.
Arrive Rome
0 m p in
“ Dalton
7 07 pm
1 00 p m
“ Cincinnati
« a
Via the Piedmont Air l ine to New York and East.
Leave Atlanta
1 .15 p in
7 40 a in
0 15 p m
“ Richmond
11 33 a m
5 30 u m
h 30 a m
4 48 p m
10 03 a m
“ Ni v York
9 20 pm
3 20 )i m
Pullmun Palace Cars Montgome v to Washington without change
oil all tra
Train 51, Pullman Palace Buffei Car Atlanta t
0 New Yo
k without
oli align.
South Bound Trains.
No. 50
No. 52
Leave Atlanta
1 70 p m
12 20 a m
l.eave Columbus
2 28 p m
“ Opelika
5 09 pm
1 25 a m
.rrivo Mobile
2 15 a m
2 10 p 111
“ New Orleans
7 10 a ill
7 30 pm
Rose Hill Cottage
I'. M, H!VOWI/KN A- CO.. • • AllPl’r.
iv c’ook room. Lot 120x137, located direct
ly fronting (oust» Mr VV. II. Hughes, and next
door north of Mr. A. (1. Redd’s residence. Well
ard garden. Street cars to city every 30 minutes.
Terms, one-third cash, balance one and two
years, with 8 per cent interest.
Real Estate Agt, Columbus,Ga.
so wed fri tf *,
One six-room House on Ninth street.
One three*room House and lot 50x147 feet 10
incites, cheap. Call <iuick.
One four-room House on Tenth street, corner
Fifth avenue.
One small Store House on Rose Hill.
Real Estate Agent, No.22 12th St
Vailiable City Property.
' * hv virtue of an order from the Superior Court
of Muscogee County, passed on the lirst day of
the November term, lHHf thereof, the undersigned
Commissioners appointed by said court will sell
in front of the court house f said county, in
the city of Col urn bus, on the first Tuesday in Jan
uary l^KT. between the legal hours of sale at pub
lic outcry, to the highest bidder, the following
described city property, all lying in the city of
Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia,
All that, tract, or parcel of land lying and being
in the city of Columbus, known nml distinguish
ed in the plan of said city as the south half of
city lot number four hundred and eighty nine,
i-IHtn, fronting on McIntosh street, mow Fifth
avenue), containing one fourth 1 •** > of an acre,
more or h ss, together with nil and singular the
rights, im tubers und appurtenances, and im
provements to the tame in any manner belong-
1 baser
edition of deed to.pur-
Train 50, Pullman Palace Sic
Sleeping Ca;, free of charge, ihr<
Train 52, Ft
Via Scln
For Tax Collector.
I announce myself as a candidate for Tax j
Collector of Muscogee county (election
January next), and respectfully solicit the sup- !
port of the voters of said county.
aug29 dtf wlui Oliver P. Pok. j
Announcing myself a candidate for re-election |
to the office of Tax Collector of Muscogee county, |
I respectfully solicit the votes of its citizens, !
and will endeavor to deserve their support by
faithfully discharging the duties of this office id
the future as in he past. FJection first. Wednes
day in January next.
sep21 eodtd Davis A. Andrews.
I announce myself a candidate for Tax Col
lector of Muscogee county (election January
next i. and ask for the support of the voters ol
said (* untv. J. C. Woolpolk.
I hereby announce myself a cundidate for Cor- j
oner for Muscogee county at the ensuing elec
tion. W. D. Amyet.
nov7 dt-J
I announce myself as a candipate for Coroner 1
of Musco. ee county.
decl2 td Simpson Stkirrlino.
I announce myself as a candidate for re-elec- 1
tion as Coroner of Muscogee county.
dec!2dtd Isaac T. Brooks, i
„ . I Leave Columbus..
first | .• Opelika
“ Montgomery..
Arrive Selma
“ Marion
“ Greensboro....
“ Meridan
“ Jackson
“ Vicksburg
“ Monroe
“ Slireveport
and Queen ami Crescent.
CECIL GABBETT, General Manager.
Mobile & Girard R. R. Co.
O n
N and after this date Trains will run as follows:
COLUMBUS, GA., December 19, 1KH6.
Accom. I Acer
; Columbus Union Depot
Columbus Broad Street Dei
2 Union Springs I
; Union Springs
2 10 p i
2 :5 p J
5 21 p i
0 P *
8 M p i
7 09 p i
9 46 p i
Y place on Tulbotton road, about two miles
from city,on line of Georgia Midland. Has
icw five room House, all necessary out-houses,
excellent repair: splendid spring. The place
rilfiinw 102'., acres, about 25 acres of which are
avily wooded.
e place, or
lie School is the beat
ui America. The moat
practical course of In
st ruction and the most
icnimcnt faculty. En
dorsed by b ii si n est
houses. For elrcnlarf
and specimens of Pen
mansnlp, address
No. 2.
I No. 4.
. Accom. '
No. 0.
1 Accom. 1
Leave Montgomery, M. & E R. R
■ | 3 20pm
| 7 40 a m 1
“ Eufaula, M. & E. R. R i
4 57 a n:
11 3 50 p 111
1 4 57 a m
“ Troy
4 J5 a ii,
! 7 20 a m
Arrive Union Springs i
5 50 a in
1 6 30 p 111
'.) os a m
Leave l nion Springs ]
| (5 15 a 111
1 6 50 p ml
10 00 a ml
Arrive Montgomery, M. A E. R R
! 7 30 a ii:
“ Columbus '
9 19 a 111
1 10 09 pm
1 48 p m
I Trains Nos. 1 und 2 (Mail) daily. Nos. 3 and 4 (Macon and Montgomery
i Accommodation; daily except Sunday. No. 5 and 6 (Way Freight and Acc
i cept Sunday.
i ... . ftf
’hrough Freight and
iimodation; daily ex-
L. CLARK. Sup’t.
>r Shei-HL
didate f »r r
ty. Elect.ii.
decll td
•ectbdiy announce myself as a can-
■clout ion as sheriff of Muscogee coun-
i first Wednesday in January next.
i i
’ ‘ ~~ J
Eaale and Phenix Manfg Co.
T JMIE partnership of It. II. PRATHER A CO. is
1 dissolved by tin* withdrawal of R. II. Prather.
'I’hc Boot and Shoe business will he continued at
the same place in my own name. I shall keep on
hand a full stock of well selected goods at as low
prices us any other h use in the city. Thanking
the public for a liberal patronuge in the past, I
solicit the same for the future.
Mr. Will I). Wommaek, the prompt and oblig
ing salesman, will e -ntinue with me and wilLbe
pleased to serve
dee'JI 2w
Sealed proposals will be received at thw office
of F. M. Brooks, Hulk of the Ho od of County
(' mmissiom rs. until Saturday, the first day of
.laniiar P>7. I«»r the following specific purposes:
For nu dieal attention to the county poor. Fur-
nishing im *tie<nc- to the county poor. Huriul of
tin* poor. Furnishing ' oflins f. r burial of poor.
d iit d blacksmith work fof county,
county printing.
isioners reserve the right to reject
•mg the
ml I
Lme for ns , exoil«. , r.i'- | it in
no bones w ®*Y,„ 0 TiJa'vlVv*i»afi»ful-
wounds were ugl,\ s , ‘ j; a h’iit.
Willis UiiikUy, nlws ^ of
one of the members 0 L nTiinli i” rs. '
ized colored w!l0 un.buMi, ;!
was one ol U 11 ; l 1 1 , . day m
killed two men Clnwliiins
XVim up t}l' “^^oVIvnu’iin:-,
Highland P«>' k l3 fls
the first to •“
shortly. Lake lie
■ Sydney
Gruuiuau, oi ““V,-, ... j.joo on B
mond ring worth ?- 01 -
in that city Monday.
; i .... i;.i.w Y. Fond, udminUtrator de
ol lilli'U Tliot,i:is. n?|>ri'.“ :i>U
. • i n his petitii n. duly filed, that lie
I*.11'i* t.iinini.-t* rcti said estate.
Tin i *tli r *' :«■. t<* cite all persons concerned
rV' Mr.d nvditiirs. to show cause, if anv thej
V ’>v- i>l ad.niimstrator should not be dts-
> - ‘ f r om hi c administration and receive
cf dismission on the first Monday in
A Semi-Annual Dividend of THREE PER
ENT is due and payable at the office of the
laglc and Phenix Manufacturing Company on
lecember 3lst, I88fi. The transfer books of cer*
ficates of stock will be closed from December
)lh until January 1st, 1887. A. I. YOUNG,
dec? dtd Trcas’r Eagle anc Phenix Mfg. Co.
East Side of First A vc.
\ew pawl ,\oMiv. Turnouts, Safe awl Shown ll«r>o
wee11 I2lli and 13lii Sis.
arcfiil awl Ex|irricnrcd Drivers,
the Board of CoiLinisHioners. *n
Tiiis December 4tii, Ikhi».
dee4 td Clerk Com’rs Court. 1
I published for tin- informat'on of the public:
The setting offof any sky imfketH. Roman can-
flics, large fire cracki*rs. torpedoes or balloons at
any place within t lie corporate limits of the city,
i xcejit north of I'runklm and south of Thomas
streets, is hereby prohibited during the Christ-
mash didays under penalty of fine or imprison
ment. at the discretion of the mayor; and the po
lice are specially instiucted to enforce this pro
Besides the prohibition of large fire crackers,
torpedoes, tie., in certain portions ofthe city,the
firin' of small era* kers on any ofthe sidewalks
ofthe city is prohibited. M. M. MOORE.
Dec 21-tjanl Clerk of Council.
r I LL m II for In
e the four room Dwelling
1 side of Second avenue
Fifteenth streets. Cars
FUNERALS personally conducted and properly attended to. The finest Hearses in
the city.
AFTER SEPTEMBER 1st, Horses boarded and carefully cared for at $16 per
month. Ample accommodations for LIVE STOCK. Headquarters for dealers.
W-'plHiliom- No. 5*. nr*31 d 1 v
and Commission Merchant,
Fontaine Warehouse, Columbus, Ga.
1 WILL continue tlic Warehouse und Commission liiisiiirHs in all its branches,
and solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. We guarantee strict
attention and prompt, returns bn all consignments.
BAGGING and TIES always on hand at cash prices.
Storage and Sale of COTTON a specialty.
Agent for the Latest Improved “LUMMUS COTTON GIN.
se^tavvlia Vlu, B. T. HATCHER.
n held at the different
lty of Muscogee on
f January next (1887),
1 precincts i
Wednesday, tl
for Sheriff. Clerk of the Superior Udurt, Tax Re
ceiver, Tax (’olleetor. County Treasurer, County
Surveyor, and Coroner. The managers will
please call at my office for the necesf ary blanks.
This December Jth, 1886.
dtd F. M. BROOKS, Ordinary.
Offices For Fleet!
/ \VER ('. A. Raid A Co.; over 1
* ' Stove Store; in Webster Buil.ii .
Real Estate Agent. Columbus. Ga.
ruTcK! p&vriNS. u-ufc