About The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1865)
S9i *y,. •* fy* r f ratfh - i:j>oa the -Urt. anil bocly it i*ic v. '..h if hf Haui) iLmarajj. “3flar iii r m,a **“" wU1 * two *, , . , **-■, *i„ !k ,!#«»»*»JHmgkJWLJH. JL r «S ^ * * * 6 « ^ • an cbprt Into hat With %* £~£ \ f jit, ’“w*' & °“ ' T&h we ”#* # ZW t-ilk Monde, very alhAtlv Aonneffc.'t rwitUihe national back. .. •• ala interesting extract: i - pSyera t i, and an opera cloak of tioh-rif law in circulating their old State pa- * * ' But the settlement- Of Cut,- Lee., tform of GENERAL INTELLIGENCE. A Kew York dispatch, of the 8th, state: Hex. T.ee—Stone wall Jicssct's Gray —t vTixr.TON—Tbc New York AVir* coni | tains an interesting letter dated mLcxington^ LirUVIt) {J B. DLMBI.E, editou On mural*roam. There was also a long Tail of white dotted with gold, Gen. Shcrmna on Gen. Slocum. 106 Bkoadvat, l New YphK;Oct.J!4, J$ii5. 'j & tbi J-.dpor to-..en title Rate uckc-t shd vTURDAY MORNING, NOV. 11. 186.1. PRESS MEETING. ■ received a telegraphic dispatch. I unn'nal auspice j of the We*tern ! h» l.,n called to meet in Innlscille on witness the novel and curions experiment of a wedding in a balloon, and to wish the hap py couple all the Joy which should be antici pated from a union commenced under surli intent, of Gen. of principle.- adopted by the I'Jnt.o i- -- _ 1-J,. * -c,.- s* «“«**“*« al AlbaDy riemtd hcava* weather ? t the old ctatu Mi, 7tU of bcploiuber lash - <i... 1 white cloth IjOfdered with goats hair fringe. |>er well'os national note'; Iff gradttnily among tlit-ra i-s regarded as A large aaaemblage may be expected to „irin" the evil " Lexington society. I saw tbe old cinet on c jtli of September trSfnatA tiia nnr#1 *m#i Mirinnt PTiwnmcnt of * ^ ' ; the street the other day, dressed in a plain stilt We are havin'? a spirited contest in this The Tunisian embassy wfl Washington for ; of gray, and apparently in fine health. at! ft mT t.>i; e f i?. that we Will elect tttc hihdelpliiu (irtht Tftf. 1 comw’since the surrender is beyond all pmke .uixrntir ticket on the Tth of November on die —tkat ar, d demeanor/and calm dig- «jt- t>y a hnndsotuiv reqjoHivj Both ticket ' ; nityctfbeaHnf; wlrieh hive always sotdistin-,11,13,f onn meet With general tav A MERIC Alt LITERATURE. We find tbe Rocxd Table one.-aC the A cordial invitation is extend-1 aMert aD( ] mos t reliable literary journals now Phitadclplda John Mitchell arrived in New York 7th. took the oath of a loyal- sritiren, proenr- ed a pastport. an.l said he was not going Jo jousl, Londo: It ii ofileialiy stated, from rolls in poftaya- ,f the Southern premto published on thti continent. From ti, we ^ Gen. Johnstons 1th them and consolidate the interest. , takc a concerning thcjitcran paper* of V* ■ { ^ , ime of iu surrcnde r, numUred « r-H" ^ *» lhat mutnal.a'lrantsgc > the age. In a recent review, the *r,f. 2 «c»of j ^ at ,i lc tim , „f ined to all (rartics. This propoti , that journal, so much coincides with our own ; wlrmukv nHm 1«rrd 26 000. I certainly meet with much fc vor opinion, that wc propow to dissraA «d \ . - . • *’’ ' •hem prcs< to whom an adilia-1 ZiolZ, stgne of the puldications to which it j **-, *°™**'S *> r ™ “* t is espednlly doimMe at ! refers, that ttukc unsupportahlc preten- dcml thc>«.p. nston and close of the govmn- siona to the high estate of being leading! “ i,nt,CI ‘* at,on literary American journals. Of i llarjicr's Jlagazinc, tbc reviewer re marks that (lie illustrations, as usual, arc the j ! main attractive features of the Novcnilter No. j A partial enumeration of contents then follows, 1 and in this conduct, wc perceive the con temptuous latent sarcasm evident inthcprac- I tical reviewer's course. The caustic critics evidently seed in its miserable pretensions to I gentility in literature, the patched "imlcy J an) , <joo from North farolina. I and contemptible rags of the semi political mountebank. There is no more malicious and despicable j ,t,„a will fr»m tbc ! tion w ith the W «h j.ie.wnt time. At tlib ratrting old ac-1 qaalntaaeaB will be happily renewed, new . formed, and a fraternal spirit generally Ti ilveil and cultivated. One of the most im portant matter* to lie disposed of, is the cor- ; • . .•tion of Hbu-csin the present telegraph im- podtion. To this end.it is hoped that all | tho leading jounmls of both sections will Ire earnestly represented. COMMITTEE OF INVESTIGATION. We learn authoritatively that Gov. Jaues Johnson has appointed lions. Thomas P. '-.ffold, of.Morgnn, ( harles J. Jordan, of Jas- , f of a visitation of thc-cholra. Gen. Hoffman, conmiusaiy of ]rris*Hu-rs, has been relieved. Gen. Hitchcock succeeds him. Gc-n. Longstroet had an interview with the president on the 7th. He also took the aro- nesty oath. Pardon applications are on the increase; 400 were received on the Till from Georgia, , p| ror here, gmslied him. have shone out more conspieu-,],, seemed to me, that a letter from i ously than ever, while he haa scnipaioBaly pdrrap]>r0m1 Of- the ti.-ket and platform, ; discharged every duty incumbent upon him tor jmbberirtnn; ,wpu!d assist our as aloyal citireu of the restored Union. * probablr abmtlrfi ns a speech from vou Of Jackson's grave the letter says: t l ie same subject. If v ou would immedi- * • * • But the greatest attraction to the j| v prepare and send hie such a letter, you visitors to Lexington, and, indeed; the Mecca f -.^Nt the good cause, and confer a favor to which in years to come man\\ |*!grims will <lD murs tndy. resort, is the grave of “Stonewall”- Jackson. |p 'v ' 3 John B. IIaskin, Last Sabbath afternoon the burial of a ntcm- , fli»iruvui Platform Csanmittee. ber of the order attracted to tltc lrcautiful 1 i;. Ga.‘Wtm.tAM Teci mseii SnEttMAN. cemetery of,the town;a long procession of ’ per. “* °;4. 1 1 f. l ;Zi«r. Tite "a i ~z; r r 5. "L'z 1 ' i SL. - a. L,, *2s^is?E±irsi2: i ■» •» ** • ^ Brvt. T.t. C'ol. J. M. Curt)?, 11th Inf y, pub lishes a card denying tlie statement relating to Mrs. Douglass' transaction in the purchase This inv< litigation was provided for by a res olution of the State convention, nnd it U di- ! re ted the Investigation diall cover the trans-1 W-tiun. of the last four or five years, as well ,i, the present rendition of things. The com mittee will no et in Milledgeville on Monday, the 2<»th iiist. In appointing this committee, Gov. J. was undoubtedly actuated by a purpose to do jastice to all parties. Two of the member*, it ii understood, coincide with the views of the largo majority of tho convention, and were of course appointed in accordance with parliamentary principle*. Tlie other mem ber of the committee was appointed after consultation with at least one of the officer* of the late State government. SALIENT ANGLES* IN'OUR AGE OF PROGRESS. At the time the incomparable Hooautii depicted <hc consecutive phases of Ids “tnar- riage a la mtWo, 11 Ilia acute brain never even conjectured the possibility of any future brother artist sketching from life, a Lomijlde ceremonial of marriage, taking place in the cUnth.’ Yet hnvo "ourspecial artists'* had a chance, this weak, of employing their pencil* in delineating the distinctive features of »o charming a novelty. The aristocratic upper tandom of New York city, nhvnys panting for “ something new." and for tlie wideit publicity, or rather notoriety, of their intense, ly fashionable mode of life, has "bccomo wearied of the stereotyped •* slowness ” of ordinary weddings. The most pompous and luxurious of terreitruil bridals have become rather commonplace, and fail to arrest public attention to any appreciable extent. The prescribed routine of such festivities, always consisted in securing tho presence of the elite of the land, (clerical and secular! the corps ib'pbwxfiyNC, along with a sprinkling of titled foreign nobility, (with unpronounceable names) to grace, nnd give tone to the occasion. The h i/nnrs of Paris and London were rnu- Mtckisf to furnish the choicest of tnmneivn. Tlie iiimrrt of mbit \ diamonds, aud pearls rivalled in umgnUtCcnco, the heirlooms of the Oiimni’s nnd the Couniik Mudatne -, tlie excrueiiitlngly fu-hionahlc milliner, ex- . title of Harper's Monthly insults tlte digritj j ^ ^ ncrcr bccn lonuccted with and intelligence of its reader*. Especially is its vitapemtion unpalatable to the South. In sults, ungenerous flings, and mendacious tergiversation* almond in every para graphic reference to the South. No) satisfied with almlitionism and miscegenation doctrines, it systematically pursue* a dogged and persistent course of malversation against our people, that should exclude it from ev ery Southern home. Harper’s weekly journal of civilization (() is another of the contemptible hydras that disgrace journalism on this continent. With a malice that finds no relaxation ■ or magna nimity, it pursues 'with vindictive hate and persecution, tlie people of this section. Its perceptions and caricatures bf every social interest that is exposed in our loved land, is mode tlie subject of its animadversions and the object of its hideous irony. So ac cursed is its presence, so low and contempti ble its unjust attacks on our people, that sure ly no respectable families will permit the foul sheet to pollute their houses with its presence, nor its contaminating principles insult tlte feelings of our stricken families. Frank Lcsjie's Weelty so seldom exposes its immoral nnd criminally false face in our country, that it is hardly worth mention. Our silent contempt is tlie most just tribute wc con pay to its demerits. Tbe mysterious per ambulations of its fountain head, in New York city, is alone sufficient evidence of its unreliability. Its author and proprietor is looked on with contempt by even tlie Bohe mian press of tlrnt metropolis. His erratic course is evident on tlie face of his truculent and contemptible journal of falsehood. Our readers should avoid Ballon's Dollar Monthly as they would tlie bite of n rattlesnake. It is not only bitter, but filthy. We arc thus radical nnd impressive in our any person engaged in such transactions. Tlte pest office announces that hereafter mails from the city for New Orleans will be forwarded by rail, and nothing !>e sent by •e.t. Mr. Schadc, counsel for Wir/„ is importu ning the president to qouimute the sentence of death. It is not probable that he will he successful The Commercial:» Washington special dis patch says the rumor that the French minis ter had demanded his passport is untrue. By direction of the president ail military officers having in their charge or possession any naval property or material captured from the enemy, arc directed to turn over tlie same to any agent or officer of tlie navy depart ment who. may lie authorized to receive the same. Officers turning over such property or material will take duplicate acknowledge ments or receipts from naval officer or offi cers to whom tlie transfer is made, and re ceipt the sann, to the headquarters of respec tive department at Washington. This order he not applicable to arms or ordnances not found in or belonging to naval vessels, or be longing to naval yards. ’ Tlte Commercialt Washington dispatch says that the president will issue a proclama tion declaring the restoration of peace, before the meeting of congress. Late Northern papers report that Gen. J. E. Johnson is expected in Washington to or ganize an agency for his express. pg* Tlte Fenian excitement wc infer from tlte advices by the Java, is abating in Ireland. Wc have read of no further arrests, nor the discovery of any additional “ suspicious movements." Tho manifesto of the Roman Catholic Archbishop (Cullen) of Dublin, au- odd fellows nnd uu immense crowd of citizens, and 1 went that Dmight avail myself of the opportunity of visiting the grave of the great chief whom I had so otlcn followed to victo ry. No stone marks the spot, which is indi cated simply by a staff upon which tbc Con federate flag once floated; but the wreath of flowers laid by fair hands on the grave, and kept fresh by daily additions, is a fit em blem of the place the hero holds in the mem ory and affections of the people of the South. As long as true greatness, honor, purity of character, and deep-toned piety are esteemed, Jackson will not be forgotten. I was told that immediately on ltis arrival in Lexington to assume his place in Washington college, General Lee paid a visit to the grave of Jack- son, and lingered for a long time around the hallowed spot. Lee at the grave of Jackson jvould form a picture which a master hand might delight to paint. * * *. Not far from the site of the Insti tute a pile of blacdened ruins mark the spot where stood the hansome residence of ex- Govcrnor Letcher, burned also by order of ‘•Hunter, the Vandal" Tlie Rev. Dr. Pendle ton (brigadier-general in the Confederate army, and Gen. Lee's chief of artillery) re turned after the surrender to the pastorate of the episcopal church here, but after a few ser mons, his citnrch was closed and he urrcsteil for alleged disloyal utterances. lie was soon released, bnt has* not yet been permited to resume the duties of his pastorate. ZA.r. mat. shkh-man's rkclv. > (IMS- Mil. Div.of the Mtsstapirri, ( I St. Louis, Jfo., Oct. 27, 1SG5. t Jus SI askin'.. Esq., 106 Broadway, New 'for, . n*i/r—t am in receipt of your letter of 01. ^vith prink’d inclosure. I preler not tqmip,.in the .remotest degree, w ith any ptlitior partisan movement, and cannot even d^ninch less express an'opinion of; any tr not a part pf the written constitu tion laws binding bn us all. I wish ittn. Sloetvell, and tltat he may lie elected, be- cauS is a personal friend,’ whom I esteem bigland who will execute any office en- tru,-to him; fairly and with great intelli- gerf- 5 with rekpect, yours truly, W. T. Sherman, Maj. Gen. joPEAN News.—The Loudon press gen- crUgrees tlint Earl Russell's personal un- mtirity will render any ministry which he njbrm, very unstable, and Mr. Glandstong i jted up to as the luan best qualified to cjtet a liberal government. 'other meeting of the irrepressible ltold- the rebel cotton loan had. been held in on, at' which statements of a singular icter were made. Erlangcr. who put the on the"market, and Scltroler & Co., his Ion agents, refused to give the unfortu- victims any information as to wlmt mon- ley had received, or what they had done it, or as to the nature of their contract l tho rebel government. ■ A long opinion, u an “eminent interna Mahal lawyer,” was LATESTBY TELEGRAPH pearanee indicated tltat he would not li ve S J* j vrpTTT ; months longer. The president being mj,. ! iN Jj W , jiroaBdiid by a large number ef visitors, Schodc - ~ ■—IM———t ADVERTISEMENTS. ■A^E^tO THE ASSO&ATfc) P^S.' 8 .^noTto^it^^ to «k foT.titaS ! r - '" ~ * ? ! answer, thinking it poi-siblc that some addi Moool facts might come to the knowledge of From Europe. I— The Cuba’' LATHROP & OO. Toe . vu’ a expe- | the president before Friday, which might s , , , . the entire passage.— i induce him to extend the executivedemmey. 1 1 >•->■•« She had a oeavy gale front Liverpool to , He left the president a short statement, with -Queenstown, where she arrived at 6 p. tn., on | the reason on which he bused the nppliea- j Sunday Nov. 1st. ; _ tion. The president received the paper and The Cuba passcl the learner ^Obtna in i promised to examine it. * Wirzremarked to his"Counsel to-day that j lat. 81. long, 21, bound East. ThoCuba sails 5 'to Hknuv L.vrnnor «t Co Established Since 1837. from Halifax at 4 o'clock to-morrow morning, • ], P was not well in body and quite feeble ' ,, where site wiil be due Thursday noon. Among therefore lie feared that lie could not walk to j Cor '' t uba's passengers for Halifax wes Hon. the place of execution with a steady pace ! iwiek 'Williams, tin* governor of NbVa ;!n d This"might be interpreted as a‘sign of Secret ary McCulloch and the Conthac- Tids of tiie CURitKNCT.—The Washington correspondent of the New York Post writes: .1 before the meeting, demonstrating to the The secretary‘of the treasury finds already isfaction of 'the holders' of tlie loan,’the that the return roads to specie payments is actrine of State rights And United States, re- hard one to travel. No sooner had lie takenpnsibiljty; and with the slender,tay of.com- the first step than lie was surrounded by aft, these dupes'of (lie rebelion were obliged multitude of people beseeching him to aban- rest content. Loud complaints were made don bis plans aud let the currency alonc.at the ’‘large and influential holders of the There are sonic'who denounce him, but tboUi known to exist,” did not .come forward; majority of tbo dissatisfied continue to plfld in their absence the meetings were rtd- liim with arguments and prayers. To one o»limed.. ■Dne-ifitcreiitod individual made the them he said, a day or two since, that tmdamarkable confession, that lie wap'always no considerations would lie change his plamjpposed to tlie south, imt took up Hho. loan bnt that he would puslt forward toward P a matter of speculation, buying the bonds redeemable currency, steadily contracting tlivery cheap.” amount, - j The chqlera had nearly disappeared from Those persons who complain and object jladrid, there being only thirty-three cases contraction will now turn their attention there on the IStli tilt, congress. There are unmistakable indicatio' Troubles had arisen in Madagascar, grow that congress will be importuned not only ing out of the payment of the French indem- deny to tlie secretary the authority to entity. tinue his policy of funding legal tenders. It In tlie London money market, on tlte 21st to extend the present limit of national ba'ult. United States five-twenties closed at, notes from three to five hundred inillioi 64 1-4 to 64 3-4, and British consuls at 80 to There can he no doubt of Mr. McCulloc 89 1-2. , ,. . . : those monstrous '"3 Inmited In-r rwourrr* tn diTontttng the bride;support those enterprises only, Vb“•ffio^ftftW'llrbadway h;iir j thnt know no "“Wonal prejudicp.and which n invariably engaged to initliipu-1 ,,ot 6^1 their pages with offensive and lure of the lady, with a view to I sentences Hint lend tn fnotcrlmtion effect (not omitting the 1,1 '<*«'gre< mcnts. denunciation of the class of literature we j tliorizing if not tlfging the excommunication have just reviewed, because the low nnd vttl- j of all persons identified with the organiza- gar prejudices .they pander to, are rfclusi vely} tion, will'jirobablr operate as an extinguisher, prejudieial nnd insulting to the people of tlie ! more cffeelual even, titan police detectives or South. There arc journals of cieilii itio i, j which can cosily replace those hideous almr- j tions. Lot oar people refuse tn»—'‘ ol,rat '! nni-ta on the very name of dr late tlie eh, the on -I duzzlin, finishing lotteli of dusting with the powder I . .. , , , . „ 1 1 • HOJIEUO.—A rare acetic Was enacted in of diamonds). I he great caterer, Dki.momco, j Bnrintm'i receiv ., | tmiaeum u few days ago. Tlte prepare tho mostsun.pt,,- lecturer who has expatiated on the “so- called" curiosities of that institution, was no tified that his services would lie disponed with next day. Accordingly Ijc timk ndvatt- tage of his last lecture, to evjiose some of the lies, that were systematically exhibited in tlie museum. He announced that he lmd liecn only too long systematically engaged in tlie business of practicing deceptions on tiic puli- j lie, Imt tlut he did so at the paidjnstigntion . ol hi, employers. He stated that the tiny i dwarf, Gen. Grant, Jr., wits not eighteen year, old ns announced in the bills, but o mere child, as any one wlto had any sen*e might easily perceive. He stated that tlie I , . , -. “ Circnminn female, whose abnormal prcpondcr 5 ryj -[ ■ “ “ , Wl,s not a Circassian nt all, for site ia <i native •d ord on* of repasts, regardless of expense. A little army of liveried waiters enhanced the gem-nil effect produced. The blandest of fiulihmablc preachers proclaimed the banns, slid the moment for parting nrrivrd. The gushing bride *lied«, rfr rigueur a flood of tears (to prove her sensibility); papa and mamma are likewise deeply nfli-eteil, anti off • they whUk on the bridal tour. Spivial re- ! jsirters duly notli-c every ineidenl. nnd flam. ; ina paragraphs In the journal, of the fol lowing day chronicle the auspieiotis event. Now. all this i. very Hue. but distresaingh -rtntekm-yeil. So, In order to get their moil tli for the show, die inarriage place in « halloonIt a church. IIkmiy Wvhii Bkx< HKli. fir • , „ ,, •Wr*»w> » u nanve big gun All .New York i. on the ,,«i nee, " ,iJ ’l ,ok< ' ^fluently a* and the complete ..... was antlcf,,.,- I dtU&iTsSSSS'. TS- tel. For the special edification of our huh . orv I™* «« «>rh>*itj . ,• •. •> a-ii _'i . I . . v . ''•'V am.-iziiiir to the crow <1 i.t Britidi troops* ael" The Saturday Preen reports: “Mr. Wendell Phillips is said to have in readiness three new lectures, entitled as follows: 1. The War of Independence—The British virtorinns. 2. Tlte Mexican War—The Mexicans victo rious. 11. The Battle .of-Waterloo—-Tlie -French victorious. Mr. Phillips lately lectured on tlie subject of the “ Smith victorious,'’ in the late strug gle, which remarkable discovery is on' a par with tlie atiove titles, 3*”" The secretary of war anti Com. Karra- gut had a long conference with the president on tlie 7th hist. It was believed tbc confer ence was in relation to Mcxicnn affairs, the impression being prevalent thnt France hud been warned not to send nnv more troops to Mexico. , , " S£T Ex-President Bitchaimu is said to lie engaged in revising the last proof* oitlic bi»- tory of hi, -Tdininistra'lion: ft work that will tmdouhtcdly give risg to a good,leal of con troversy, nnd perhaps shed a new light upon some doubtful jminl*. renders, we subjoin the follow ug |from the New York U'orU: ' The preliminary arrangement xtr -.i t : ;i,iioraof tlie “so-en they liad the wit wc ereni™ j . - —tv I surely must have felt themselves in. , • completed. A sii|K-rl> ear lielonging to | 0 f the old anil oft repeated adage tlmt 10 "' nf. Lowe has liaen uewlv funiislnsl with • els i arjict, dotnoak eushinna. [arc cur , the fool* are not yi-t dead." and blue sUkranopy. and will be at-; j^r- T)lc London rh,^7, quite snre that J tn tlte Ivalloou, but whether the cere- . n ' t3f m 'lltrec ladies, of Sumter, Soittii Caro, lina, were called to account by the ]>rovost marshal recently, for Wearing Confederate - flags at a party. They were sharply rebuked, ^ matter I»y a written apojogy. 1 musvttm, ami if ET* Gen. Sherman pronounces Slocum a thorough soldier and patriot. The New York Republican* denounce him ns “a cot- ' m thief." / • rCvill lie performed during the a-s-enaion. )cr the arrival in the rloitd*. we are not •lit nkins. the Britidi goverument htay depend upon the support of the English nation in nucbitainin; the position it has taken up. If tlie Amcri can government is determine,! to seek a qua.- be partita to the Inti-reatlng evet LBovntoa, of Svnteus<‘. am! Mis* Ji .. ™ . , , v’of 8t. l/ouia. Tbe sister ..f the briile rt ' 1 »** "*• “*"-"• ”* wp|1 ‘hi* demand a* any J .. . .. . • « * . » 1 • ... 1 ..ti,-.,. W.. 1. ..... .. .. . . .. of decided talent, ami is mil _ tbe wtnltlintf to Ink departure ft»r Italy. Tin* tmnut* •piireii under the su|>erinten<lcncc of VIntfe, the well known and in- \ everything^ that is ivherchr. belonging i w«rdro?>e, r Bridal coetuuu* U composed of ashos- i poplin, trimmcil with velvet a shade than the material, mi\ velvet buttons. l>a*)uine to match. Iiridcstnaid*' dnswea arc of lavender rimmcil with point lace ami illusion One of the bridoam&uU i?* the sis other. We cannot hare one on which our place, to | right is clearer and our position more un- | questionable. If it ii not, we ahull have sav | ed ourselves, l»y tlie firm stand wc are now i making, from a great degradation,and viiuli- j cated, for the l uuiit ofnil i:i.,nkin<?. t 1 ,.- iu-u- j tml p<4sition so seldom oecupietl by Great j Britnin in the years of the t9*t, and ^o often, j we tro-t. t-< '•» hers in the war> oftl.c tVtarr. u Ax Entire Failixe.'—'The Eo^toii Ctnntnoriirealt/i, the editor of which was one brid* f ^ kte , r . , of °f tlte officer, of the .Massttclmsetts repubff can cimveution. says resjteeting General But ler', speech before that body: -.11] fist'eners were .'truck with tlie coincidence of hi, views anil tl-.OM' of Mr. Simmer, and were more de lighted to hear him with great explicitness pronounce the President'.- scheme of re-cou- *3r . prison wlrL-fj . Gl *" the keeper of Salisbury oners was greate*JI , ? u '' t 7 «'b°'>g»t the pris- ido, and imprisoned Iri !> VTP Drr ' ,,f «‘' 1 ”J Tlor- ... ••■•ton. t JSj"Theraec* on the Metairie l:ui. New Orirap* nre tp lie resumed in t^e conrj ■ ' ■ l.§^MKrttar l ’i | ‘ M.-- London 77...,, —j -The Tare Cake of- Yojh Pocket Boog.-r-A I v&tfaiitjHithoritic? bfspf 'ntlkJUifli firmness. He will stand by his Fort Wa speech. The clininnan of the senate conn tee of finance is known to agree with the : rotary. So docs Mr. Sherman, who is sec on the committee. Who will be chainiiai the ways and means is yet in doubt. If j Stephens goes'back to his oid place I friends of inflation will have an import advantage over tlicir opponents. It will for congress to see to it thakho such mi-j Stephens arc put in that important place. pat"An Englishman tonka box at» opera a few evenings, and after he place* ticket in his pocket he strolled tlowne Boulcvarde and the avenue des Champs - secs; when he reached tlie brewery wfiii t on the left hand side of the avenue,diet his hand in his pocket, like'a prudent , to see it he lntd money to pay for the be ; wished. He discovered that some felloe. 1 picked his pocket while walking doivh.t hispockct-book containing his opera tick t visiting cards, unit five bank notes of ) francs eaclt. The Englishman bqckon i the first empty carriage lie saw, cntcrc, drove to tlic grand opera, and after tif his adventure, asked that the pickp t might he arrested if lie made his appeal ■. A policeman in pri vate clothes was stat 1 opposite the box mentioned, with drdjo arrest any person who entered it. Soomr the curtain rose, a gentleman with two Is entered tlte box’; Tlie policeman ntie arrested him and took him down stdo tlie commissary of police. "Search lit fellow,” said the commissary (o the lie- man... “Here is the pocket, hook,”lil one policeman. “ Here are tlie t- itlng cards,” added the other. “IJtVo tlte box ticket at the door,” joined the commissary of police. “Younren piekk- ot.” All this took place in a great deitss timo titan it has taken to describe ilut when it was over the Englishman said he eonmihsary, “ I nth no pickpocket. I ntlie person whose pocket was picked. I ml at my hotel, upon my return, mv poekebk, card* anil box tiritt-t, which tiltre (hues* returned liy fne pick-t'oeKct, who thoimhc 5000f. ho fiittml, earnings enough for only.* •rtf Four hundred and ninety-live tlJnd five lmmdrtd and ninety-two pcrsoiw/'ihis city—nearly Imlf u million—live iu Mient houses and cellars. There are «fetf Ions- and three hundred ami nine tvnciw i Jmses in the city—houses, that is to soy, I tiicb more than three families live; and tVjvor- ngonirml»cr or families to eaclt of thej tsev- en ami one-sixth. This includes fmilk in tenement houses who within tlie limlrltacc they occupy, take in boarder or vers. There is aatoiY df an Inspector wimund fonr families living in one room, challncs being drawn across In such manner j to mark out a quarter of the floor for caclini- ly. "Ifow do you get along, here C, hir ed the Inspector. "Very well, sir,” w the reply; "only the man in tlte farther rncr keeps boarders."—[.Ye,- TorJcDoet. | celebrated pMfpoeket, who was lately sent to ti.- S-.at« ;.ri« :: f.-r hi? i.ii-livd-. being nut.-d RitesGibraltaii.it) of semi-desert whiel pa- i allowed to pasSeitutlje interior. No e is for his marvelous sdroitni ss in nocket-liftiii", ; only so, but for timi or to the ck.- was reque-ted to reveal the secret of his sne-; prevalence ol cholera no shqv rcasofthe am, when the following, among other JiL | ** r *rcqllowed to .enter any f closures, wi re made. AVe. pulilitli them, as ! _ Spai..(]ral- Tlius, on all hands, the rock people dto. including TMancJiester,, .Liverpool, Binning ham hnd New Ciistlc. Tlie capital of tin company amounts to 92.800,000. Tlte profits of the company have, been so great thnt the shares have »otd a/Jhigh xis'-.torty per cent premium. The underground railways have 'sometimes carried nearly 400,000 pafsjiigors in a hingle week. Tiicy have carried ns liigh as 00,000 in ti single day, Tlie most rcniark- ablc eircurastnrtce hboiit the underground railroads is that there has pever been a seri ous or fatal' castiality on 1 any of them; tth though long trains are running in every (ii- rcction, every, two minutes.—TmihIoh' Ko'yi- .- ■pjn The following comparison oftlte past and present condition of the South, we clip from the World. It say*;— Turning to ilte cotton, plmitations in Lou isiana, where the blacks have- twin alike pxempt from compulsion, we find that in some of tlie richest parishes the yield Mils year will be less thnn one hundredth part of wlmt it was five years.ugo. It is Mated upon competent authority that one parish which produced 60,000 bales before lltewnrwill not 000 bides williiot product* as many hundreds this year, Tho reports from other 1 parts of St^t arc equally iiiilitvoraldn tto liij'ti.1 cot- tom* concemL And the prospect i* ito i»cj- ter witii regard to Mtgnr. Tlte whole crop of sugar in 1831-2 was 450,410 hltd*. For tlie commercial 'year ending on the 1st'urtipfo tlie returnr mow that the crop was, haw.than 10,-000 lilids. The total crop Inr sixteen pttr- isltes In 1801-2, where 1,000jilontatkin* wyte worked, was 1180,'47 iihds. During the last commercial year, in tlie same parishes,.only 175 plantations were’xvorked. produr/ng a total of only 0,7-75 hltds. As for tho crop of the pretent commercial yct)r the itljiliost es timate doe* notplaco it above 2(^000 Iili-h', A Dnv Goods BosnrKss Neahlv Fifty Millions > Year.—A ivritcr iu tlie Nutitmul Jh/’ulliean di vot, itcuriy dho^jagtf bf that journal to a description of tlie two lurgo dry goods establishments of A. T, Stewart & Co; in New York. lie 'says: U In 1864 Steward & Co, tnup-aCted. business to the amount of forty-nine imljidn I r thousand - dollars. three hun- The tax dollani The duties ported goods paid . -T.„ . 1 tn nl>0 m i of connumicalion is cut otV. they are I the dirCxu t ten mill«M» Of dol!aBr!”'ThCTC. arc to take a hint: “I never, said the. pickpocket, "attempt i T.t itt J..Jt .1 . 4 . j of communication is cut off, they are / the number of two thousand almost 1 rally Between this young lady stepmother there j- only; in age. and both ore : r handsome. t mav in - iutcn>teil to know ; al outfit < ompri-e> lieautifui etn- | tieoats. Imth white and coloreil. j of every description, and the pocket of an old ri ; ?ident of the city, bnt one pan realize but ev one uniformly Atran-rere and eoirntn inen."' But I ran form Mime conception ot the hot rs of on I icing asktxl how Be distinguished them. * -' UCu * sttnation lmnriwinmftnt on reek er of rich dresses.’ Among the | struction an entire failure." oUl-colonnl silk, trimmed with | Hsrn velvet nml |H>int lacc. Also. * gTun.uiinu. trinimctl witl Uetl niut putiinjrs ofillu>ion. A j KjQe cut in tbc Poiupadoar of sueli a sitmition—imprisonment on rock with disease nnd want to do their ver rorst. &T~ i Cotton was not so lively yesti ay as | on the previous day, hnd upon en’quir n the 1 permanently-erfiploycdj in the ine tm dc-fcribed above about one ly employ J .Terson, There nre he replied "very eas-Hy." and gave tlie follow ing list of persons who were the regular vic tims of tlie "craft." ^ “Persons in an omnibas who take out their j afternoon yve discovered that prices Id re- , - — pocket-books after the stage stops arc sure to cec Ied siightlv. A 'few transaction took i house of Stewart & Co., n.mb'ering,'^it.js .t-slL - - . “ . i a..i Arts tiiAiittanik. tyvo cstalioi thousand one _ ^ permanently ejnpJSi persona. There ore ol the buihling, about TnLtsItouse,outside hundred persons, who'are eng igoe-iand five factoring various kinds pf goods. Tht oimi- does not' include ‘ the persons employed in several large mills to different parjs of ,tho ! country, run ex'clusivelyfor flie benefit of tlie ; liome a portionof the French troops in lomAft ’'ftiF'hhtoftd’ brigade re- the Biecwii Scotia. . , London money market. Money in fair de mand, banks rates remaining at 7 per cent.— Tlie bank and stock exchange were closed oft the 27th. The Doily Weirs says the favora ble bank returns -had inspired more confi dence in financial eireies, although there was uot enough business-to test the extent of tlte improvement. Liverpool Produce Market. The broker's circular reports ashes- “active and advanced Scents. Potash Hi to U1 1-7. Pearl, 45. Sugars active, coffee steady, rice firmer and active. Petroleum qnietat 80 l-to to 30 1-8 for refined. 11 London, Oct. 28.—The news to-day is un important. Two French frigates left Toulon to-ylay to bring home — (Tic-Homah turns to Frame next Spring,. The Danish miuister. is sold tip have de clared that they cannot sanction tlte revision of tho constitution'ns proposed by tlie com mittee of the rigid American. Stocks opened flat, but closed rather better. Notional Counterfeits. Xr.w Yoitti, Nov. 8.—Counterfeit §50 legal tender notes are in circulation ill this city— very close imitation of genuine. Experts are being deceived—but two discrepancies be tween the notes apparent to public; the last part of the engraving, head, Hamilton's face ot tilde-represents'an acute angle formed by- shape of the collar is perfect iu the counter feit, but in the genuine lines flesh drawri by engravers Across the point of the collar at the junction with the waistcoat are other discre pancies in the shape rif the ornaments on the border on each end of the face of the bills and the whole border on the back. The fig ures 50 in tiie genuine are in octagonal frame, father well defined through angles, not sharp. The sides are easily discovered in the coun terfeit ; the .border, ornaments octagonal in only a,slight .degrfce become perfect circles. It is thought.-the' treasury department-will call in aiUthe 50 legal tender itotes in circu lation. ' f The West Indies. New York, Nov. 8.—Havana dates of the 23th nib, states tixitjft^evere hurricane on the’2Sdtmti-2:ldragefl~ wttli great force Jill over the land- in Havana harbor. Many ves sels drifted afotiPof the wharfs and sunk. The Admiral flagship ran into, the. wharf, dragging several selibohers atld' boat A Sev eral launches with cargoes were sunk. and totally lost. Fifty vessels were more or less damaged. The streets in the city were filled with” water; houses and walls were blown down, and roofs blown away. The passengers by the' steamer Columbia presented a gold watch to Captain Burton for saving the vessel and their lives on the pas- -yge trora New; York. Her ”— — ' iff, ahfl * was' 'thrown on seas washed completely oyer her, but owing to the efforts Of her captain and able engi neers, she was carried through, in complete safety: 1 1 The barbarities practiced iu Jamaica arc confirmed.' The authorities ' hanged" about fifty culprits. ; Surry is in a state of seige aud Sb (Thomas under martial law. Two British steamers had left to take troops from Barbadoes to Ja maica. An association was being formed, ifi Cuba to prevent the slave trade. - Indian Affairs. AYAsiriKOTo::, Nov. 8.-—This morning a delegation of "Fox Indinrts visited the Prcsi- djtubin..company- with Judge Cooley, com missioner on Indian affairs. The Indians wire severally- int:oiJui;ed_ to the -president, er eg 1 '■o.gr, j pint Whitaler St reef-. fear aud guilt., This morning when he saw workmen building the gallows it surprised SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. him ; he said that lie did not shudder, but j fltis was because lie felt innocent of tlie crimes 1 WHOLESALE with which lie was charged. Negro Convention iu New York. Bocoiikeefsib, N. Y., Nov. 8.—A State convention, of colored men met here to-dav for the purpose of advancing tlie interests of thcir poople of tliis State. ' Upon the assem bly being called to order, fifteen towns were represented. The arriving trains bring more delegates. The convention way addressed this evening bv a Mr. Day. Fred. Douglas is oxpected to address tiie members to-morrow. The adjournment will take place to-morrow. - William Fitch of Troy, is chairman. Con siderable interest is manifested. The Cholera. ‘ New York, Nov. 8.—Dr. Sayers, of this city, visited the Atlanta yesterday. Nosick- nesH on hoard, all the sick having been re moved to the Nightingale hospital ship,— From statements made to him by Dr. Burdell and the health officers, there con he no doubt ns-to the nature of the disease. It is Asiatic, cholera. Gov. Curtin is lying very ill in this city. His physician reports him better to-day. We w York Money-Market. New York, Nov. 8.- Gold dull and lower, opening at 147 S-9; declining to 146 1-2, aud closing at 146 5-8T Americans Auiio.vd.—A correspondent of the-London Herald, writing from the German gambling aud watering places of Hamburg, gives some refreshing itqius of gossip. He says: “Although tlie State religion is Lutheran, Sunday is not observed lierc with much strict ness. Indeed, most of the shops have their shutters up on Saturday, tlie Jewish Sabbath, of which persuasion the majority oftlte shop keepers appear to be. Tlte English Protes tants find a temporary home in the chapel at tho Schloss, although' there isa small church iit course of building for them. The service on Sunday morning was well attended, tlie congregation being'n mixture of English nnd Americans. The latter, till recently, consid ered themselves aggrieved because the presi dent oi tlie United States was not prayed for, although the queen of England tvas. "The chaplain, wishing to please them, who to. to the bishop of Loudon, in whose dio cese ail the churches ou tho continent are, asking his advice upon the subject, to which the bishop responded that he might pray ‘.for whom lie pleased. Accordingly President Johnson is named in tjic Litany,after his Serene Higimca/ file 1 Landgrave of IIcssc Hamburg iu the general petition for all Chris tian kings and princes.” J In another letter he'writes:' The terminutibu of the civil war in America During the last five years the London underground railways have become as com, plete Tn their ramifications as ! the sewerage gas and water pipes of that city. Down many feet beneath the thronged streets of London there are trains of cars constantly transporting passengers and freight to every portion of the metropolis. This whole line is constructed under the city, many portions of it passing trader densely populated dis tricts and thoroughfares. Tiienumber of pas sengers it conveys is perfectly enormous. In the last hfitf year the persons carried on the underground railways of London were 7,464,- 828, that is two and a half times the popula tion of London. The mere increase in tlie number ofpassengers conveyed in the last, as compared with the preceding half year, th»ChffKi’ said they lSd heard equal to the united, population of a score of „ ii.TTL * i-.a,., i ,i, tiie next hugest clrie3 and towns in England, sage trora New; York. Her . fires were put I , ''"‘.‘V.'f""''*7" , A . has let loose a fipod. of Yankees, who are to be secii and heard now all over the Continent. The belle at tl(o last weekly I tall here was an American young lady, and very good looking slie was, but her conversation wits not so < re fined as it might: have been.” Atlanta MoxevMaricet.—Gold was buy ing in this market yesterday at 47 cents, and selling at 49 cents, and not much demand.— Silver was buying at-43 and selling at 48 cents. Georgia R. H. Bank notes continue to in crease in value. Our brokers buy them at 90 cents and sett at 04. Central Hailroad notes arc also gradually advancing, in-value; they were buying yesterday at 83 cchts anil selling at. 90 cents. Exchange on New York, for which there is some demand, sells at par.— Wc believe there is little or no animation in tlie money market. Wc heard of a few small transactions in gold dust .—Atlanta Intelligen cer. would bci to, cultivate peace and friendship, and he. hoped that he wotlld be met'in a cor responding spirit on their part. If tlrp ami cable relations whicli should exist between the government he represented nnd them, be cultivated, they sljotild be made to result to tbe interest of all concerned'. Hevro.ild spare u rtf) pains to sec thnt tlicir interest * nre pro-! lfi(|iedi lheiu,iplyes secured and protectci. in aroU] „i the enjoyment of their rights, ' •city of t Provisions would be made then while here and they Would be ettftfrtnlacd jn a manner suitnbio to. their condition, nnd he hoped, when.they, left they wMtilil take with thcifr ihobcvtwbibcs nnd fuclitigicof the ptefdcnt toward' them/ Commissioner Cooley ex plained to,the president that the Sacs and Fbxles wercacttlcd in Kansas, and by tlie treaty of 1842 they were granted an annuity of 881,000 dollars, Tho Hites fieri' largely in the majority of numbers iwo-thlrds of tiio, confederation of tribes Indians represented complaints pave not liad their right*. Many or them havenfvar left tlnir homes In lowp, while (itUen'hnrtrnffiifned from Katmf.M-' Tlte chiefrask that llisre'beadivision oftlte A Hit at Massachusetts.^i-Massachufcetts has great faith in legislation to preserve tho polities and morals of her people. When she cannot ‘ inflict her politics upon others outside of the State, . site can regulate the morals of those whojtre within it. It is now announced that all barber shops and other places of worldly business shall be closed by law on Sundays. How about her taverns? said that there is more rum sold in and Boston on Sunday than in any other ty of tlie Union.—bmitrillc Journal. produce 380 till*,year, lii rintdher piirislt annuityi&<ltlaad.,-' mud )-■ log r > ■" /, ■ which formerly nvcrajrod from 40,000, to 36 f - Tho president,‘OnW 1 liO' wortld nkifln, sec them, itnd after li-arja^atl (hie,fact* Ji*/W<itiM lt(r miijlV lift wltiit Was right. Ile 1 topes some, engagement wooW lie madfl wltieli ’would prove satisfactory to tliam. - ‘' '? t , .,, .i t ) Late Eltsillonss-HHaotaii • u *•'. Ciiuouiu. Nov. H.-H'lte emtntf tfleetion* in' till* Htnte p ttU'fthtj re-m!(t(d,' W> far a* heard fritm, with fetv cxccptlmw, to. the success of the repuldinm fm\idates, XitoTepublientr MEijority in Hil* county approximate* to u;ooo. 1 , - Jfttw Jersey. <■ ' ’ I'khnTOn, Nov, 3.—Oflleiii! ( Wood's (iy much. List of.Arrlvals at Brown’s Hotel. :i.' • • O ' NoVk)tn*n»,’l86'). .1 R liny, Worth eo; W W Williams, Georgia; W A Scott, Augusta; tt li Johnson, Grimrt: p Wllllatiis, Angnst*; 8 D Linton, Augusta.; J li Fleming Attgusta; Amos Fox, Louisville Kjj.W C Long, Cntnberl; 4 B Buchanan, Cutlibcrt; W 0 lltttiitiTirey, 8 0; Miss Fannie Gooillcl, Apalaclfico- la; (> C Paul, Lee eo; W (J Mime Colmuhtw; A P Hl' Wnrt Mores, ColutnhurjG 1)'l lMitn*r, Atlanta If n Mitchell, Whitney; J (I Bully, Lady and two children, Americas; 8 AGrimuj.oHiide* etn Mr* C'oolt and child, S C; )V I. Brown, wife nml 8 chil- dri ll, Georgia; Miss Sharne, G-<irgln; A Klnrleil A J„ tuiU!., V, .1 roll ", J I’lhiggr, Louisville Ky; 3it Varner,Cnthbrrt; Git Gawroti AugiuitaiJ II Howard 0*lunM(( W A Woodo, (,'oluinhur; () M Gallet, Giorglu; 1(6 Jaekron, Georgia; T Mnliony, Georgia; J It, lioweu. Fort VsIliV; Mrs ffWweti, von V'allry; It Lynch, laruisville Ky; A W Atlion, Futnsm co; W A SMT# to! rt' Vall'7; it k. VmntotAn Uoonria; W T iUyscii,. rlsj Fort' YaHqr; 'hiBlnsworth.Oei AND RETAIL DEALERS IN DRY-GOODS. WOULD invite the attention of Merchant anil families visiting this city to their Stock of Goods now in Store, and arriving weekly novll-cod2m, t RIDGEI.Y, SQI IKR * CO., A(uusr* FOR D0DDN, JMCmiLS & URBAN’S, CKLEBhATED Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, Bank Locks, &c. rjiRESE SAFES AND LOCKS have been thor- X oufflily tested and their reputation Is »uch that the TUusthy Dkpaktmsnt nt Washington ami New York city use them in preference to any other. They are made exclusively of Iron and steel, thus rendering them entirely FIRE AND DAMP PROOF. Eureka aud Excelsior Bank locks. For Vaults, Exprcs* Boxes, Banker*. Jeweller*, and Merchants, nre unrivalled, and name* defiring sueli articles will And it greatly to their interest to purchase front its, as we can sell at manufacturers* prices, freight only added, nov 11-Jim 11 IDG ELY, SQUIEU *fc CO. HKNUV YOXGK, JAMES YONur., (Frvui Georgia*) HENRY Y0NGE & CO., V O MMTSSJ O y MSB C JI A N T S SEXY YORK, OOUIUIT eonsigmnunls of Cotton and other O articles, and orders for purchnsc of Goods. REFERENCES: Charles Day, Esq., T. H. Bloom, Esq., L C. Plant, Esq.. Macon, Georgia; Messrs. Phinizy & Clayton, Augusta. They have liad large e.xperienec in pu.- clihsing IIah.uoad 8t!ft‘t.iEs of all descrip tions and solicit orders from Uailrond Com panies. novll-Om* Mrs. F Dessau, Agent. I S HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE to her friends iu Macon and elsewhere, that she has ju»t receiv ed a large stock of elegant Dress Goods, couaibting of EMPRESS CLOTHS and POPLINS, ollcoloiv, DRESS TRIMMINGS and SETTS, CLOAK SETTS, WORSTED SHAWLS ALL COLORS, BELTS, DRESS AND BONNET RIBBONS. Large assortment of Mourning Gooods. BONNETS, IIATS AND FEATHERS, BRILLIANTS, BALMORALS AND LINNENCOLLARS, and all other nrtlclea reqnbitr to enrich, l.cautlfy and complete a lodys toilet. New Goods Received Weekly. novll-Tt* Bacon, Lard and Coffee. 10 HOGSHEADS CHOICE BACON. . 20 BARRELS I # EAF LARD. 40 SACKS RIO COFFEE. For sale cheap liy GKO T ROGERS A SONS naVil-ut* , CARD. rxviiE undersigned desires to return his thank* 1 to tlie citizens of HfflOB teni-rslly, and hi# tii' ad. i:i I'lirtlcalur, fur llnii u-.Islniic*- InsHiiii:; his gooils i'rmn tire eii the Inoruinic of tiie 2d Inst. In till-, rynneetlon he takes Mtsoslon to snf. Uiet he v.ns la-mud in the llniiie Insurance Ci>*i|isiu of Savannah, On., for 42000 00, which has le ■ n 111.- rally adjusted by II. C'. (irauols, Esq., the s^ent at tills place. l-2t novll GF.O. It. BAKKER. Wiiiiicd. j ftAUM near Maotm, l 7 lend for salo will box 42, Chattanooga, farm, nml fail p.rlleii) All conilntioiin(ii Mlmjtov— ndvll-21' r 901 It, (Mti dditom "(', Tt-mr., giving lute irs as to gttJtty, leri ailvil to at omti, if f A flMAf.I. . t* Sin W „ sffrrtds’as follows: Union majority m tho tjgiwl» 1, ujsyuiWy. . n v ' *' : '*d ‘ Nbivauk, N.J„Nos. .8.—Wood bus .from 2,(100 tp'2,-lpp; $$ * ' n gain of tienriy J0,- Jie. Mpubuckn*- have ‘l0 majority in tiio'. assembly, and l irt thc senate.' Elections of Ward secures the up- ' plcrk* in wince- -itod of other 000 over ..Ia.it year. •8CI1HKV BIWIDHID m iTIHu pf)Jpt0icntofjppuf?lff m fi4 pic. 'suprepw. vpM-JUid n- dreil and fifty thousmul. dollars. I lie tax- jjpsjuous. TliaiStnte.'iS'ringing irith' rrjaJ^. paid to thegovenuaent during the time, tin-'j D{ , ^ -si -.- ' '.. b • • der the requirements of the internal revenue 1 law, was little .short of five Ifondr&l thousand ; lure, •designed in .. Is ; Hack 'ilk. with velvi Prey. Gov. Sharkey, ot Miss.. Ustab- ; lislted s Mjiecial eijnity court. The l.gida- ture pnsseti an act aliolfehinjr it. but Gov. Humphreys interposed the the legislature Yia- sineT'ptd^evi t.i^ ac tlie omstitutional majority, and it is believed ; the senate will do the same. that the! T.ierc re ort current morning dr,^- ornamrated , daughtcrs of Ju , 1?c Talu . f a rein very d nd » mormn: pk trimmed with be conntrymeiu Those who stop to converse the sidewalks or thoroughfares, or to take out pocket-books at the box or pit offices in the theatres or steamboat offices. All those who stop to gaze at shop windows, oreount money or show pocket books ire the street, or call in at thePbter Funk auction rooms. All these..,aid he. ore our common victbns. It'I find a man , eating oysters nr fruit or carrying an open nd pre- j knife in the street, in rum -s out of tea lie Lis OM end We viiHtntsc him. Persona wlto are generally . of them." Tic shrew-itte-s of »::••=. •'- rvatidps of the pi.-k- : o' v . to.all city iieepic. i.’ad accounts for :l.e remarkable foot that the city rcsbleuts sekloni suffer by the. place at 42 cents. Imt the demand wa-Aoder-' mated, about five tiiou-umi^,,payees. and the Imre: or holdc: erneos on fc part i We bdn the ! i’io'i _ ‘Enough vfc AmOiican G, V-The Eng- citreui ’ ligurcs nmy'be placed'a't 'fret'30 to pri spends *?«***;**& of h?r 42 cents.—Atlanta. h teVin,9ffi. ■ waking hours m ^iVJiral jjg Tlte I carcfidlt Is: "Tie tends to develop -and invigorate tlie bodily power.-. Slic rides, wai Soutiv.’m :i aft 3Ir.lI Gnz-m y<-j rcvi.**.v r.H the R-irlun-ls of the -i— , . «i L ,. ovt riiiui-jit .-.in;?* ::it of the • jumps tlie “ V. re for i tlie quoit, draw’s thelmw; f ke(TJf if !¥.this state is MM - ....... iter time. She does thus every day cn* — ^ ^ tVTll fc armies use M>s room is cicre fcr ‘ir, v \ : C ■ . t '--is - .. tfo-rirek-rreii;! su,s (gr Al’gtrt hfesssjjpwera." . • .. . ed upon no mi..d ...... _ ... _ -- •, of bread for her tat net. Jro* tiVY cHtt id, jicTftnftiiig '• ' WfscoBsla. .s.f -I; , ii Mii.WiViliirE, WriuqNtJy.S.-t-llcturns'from 57-pretiiiicts, 'incn(dih^‘t^c,cit}e^ of, jai,ivptt- kie, l{at^pc, t Ivcwiriia,-?qri du Lac, and.Wat- jcr(q'u(ft, gtyg FituoiUild (Union.) forgorertW. i/»87 ii'.ajozitji.'c.L.T(l» gota-tor the extetiSWin of Ruffiugy-lti’t? iprefcmctiUhms ‘51if ijeUuid ■ ”'«&W5iSb .age vote is doubt, Firifoliilttis cMW! niifofiri'.'^The nog /ul.r, The whole vote is light compared with 'sKi#Tofflh*ork trad New Jersey, to night . the ~TnSu— At half-past 12 b’clock Union ticket clectf,Uiky9»tiuiate3- ehpfij .the .20,000 majority, witlim dmottlJS.: 1 ^ in this city of 23,000. ■!>’.. 13B2? wrt J’ h WaM (Union)" is^pfol>abiy elcct&l'SdyStaa nor of New Jersey, rmd^Bu'aasemltW'of that State,Will be Union. This iooures' (he nas-' S-'CC- of the constitutional nmendment. ’ ‘ THtUSVmet' estiipatcs show the eMctioij- of * T '“'" ifliSfli | insr rgla, WJt Davis, 120 illlnol.; J ■; N liawli, I'C; W 11 GrtuiL ItJgcvillv; E J Wlillv, MilMgcvlllv; W Jultm A J Howard, CulltMliwt W W Harbour OM lady, itaerieun H (i Day, Ljiaon ciej' yt itohlm sou Half aid; J V 1‘oamao, DatDoii, E OrotalMletil W e Clarlre; HjuwmUnraMl L L Osmond Taint; Mt»s Rlehsrdaon, H Ct W L Itteharawn 8 C; Mbs J 11 Ulclisrdlon, h C; W C Lsr-lia, Atlanta; Ed K Cox, Tran; H i* Head, PnlriVtil 7 ‘ .Harried II JtoUtis dty Weduvtday evening, Sov. 8Ur, at tho BaptUt clmroh.by Jlev. R. W. Warren, C*pf, Jut as 11, Mount*, and Miss Manoanter L. Gitoce, daiigli- ter of Judge Lctt llf J. Virpgc, On the Stb lost., by Dr. Myers, at the residence of tbo bride’* mother In Houston county, Mr, N. II. Bass of Macon, to Miss Valeria Gunn of the fetmerifttef. T ' 'One of "the most brilliant and select parlies of tbu tcasoiv was given *t tbc botue of Mr, Bu* in Macon, utter the consummation of tbcabovo mar riage. The elite of t|ic city wore present, and wlt i tbclr grace and clegancp rcudcrcdtlie fc,-.livc occu- slorr unusually dellglilful.," May. (he life, of the wedded pitVr'(6nt!iiug-as bright and Joyous as it bfcgan. re:'" 1 fssi's-—-—L-*ta*ega'g*Bg fe off the 23d Off., $fra Sunm Seoei:, aged HxtyftwoyeHrt. ‘ Tbatpaiwac orso^fiiafo v:^ah sajUwMhn^jth matu tribulation ycsuall enter the Kingdom,** t* 1 indeed fulffiMd inl.'ir coae.) 8lis ilvcdallfe of suf fering; mourned JUc loss of* a hu6h*ml sn» tour ciiildrcn. She, the last of her hupby^ ,r elecps in Jcstts;” j-* -J-f ti't ^ _. - Livery Staj~- f *]fcg5rall' ISnd.Triffi.q f„.-‘ 5 hcd to any point in tbe : ^ nov 7-codlin j r<»i‘ Mult'. FA 101 of oil- builred lit)) and renty ueres, hud wclh'sterid, eomtortaM dwillli.c. l-.rty or 0(iyaeie»lnvtM,d«, Mm OM Mill above Giifiiu, East of (lot Hfltie and nWrui railroad, oppo.lt* the Si lm* or Mine plow. For p.o tlculut* apply to Uni esder.lned*■ (In- prtrw- hw, or tohi**tidre,'<*ttirltfln, Ueoms, norll-dt* W Y BABIIOUt Auction &ale. riHIE fiTDL’K of tint letodrm of Rointrla, Dun* .1 iup m Co., will be sold to It,a l.lgl.' -t hlddar onTunaday, Nov. Hth, I * oat 10 o'clock, a. u., st tlicir *toru on (Jin rry ttiwl, conststtndw peri 'rf Iron, Steel; Halt,Hoap, Khocs, Brldl'.. Bwenwk*. To,)l«,IIari„j**l(i IiIm.'I’oeo, Hollow Wore,Tin Ware, l,og end .Ufclp Logwood, end oilier good*. Bale podihc, tneto... <!„• concern. Term* <-t nov lt-lda j RGIiKltl8, DL.M.AI' -V CO. past now Cox. l ine Uit-'luicrc. I^AUGEIotjurt received. ^ p HAUU novll-il I*rrtu*! krm&tt J L’BT received *bojff,.*" 1 °f Frints, 1>. Lein, novn-3t°*’ Y “ lk '' t ' ° ‘“a’. I’.'g. HARHIS ' ^snic Your I’ork. I ll» VF hot received * Urge lot of 8aIL HAVJSj* A . p. c. HARRIS. novll-*' , f ^ . . Don’t Forget rtV) call in aud take e taMc of the beet Liquor in I tbc market. , , noTlt-St . A. P. G. HARRIS. toller. A LL persons indebted to the estate of Thomas A. Harris., late of L; l b county, decea-ed, are required to make bomediate payment, aud those having clafni-. to render them in terms of the law to the underrigned. JAMES 6. GI1AYBILL, novll-40d _ _ Executor. . .Votive. A LL perrons iadttued to the estate of Juries F. Weeks, late of Bibb county, deceased, arc six little ! lute circumstances. l operations of these light-fingered gentry. pressed a t — slipped throng ; caused instant deML — -7--7-.Y. «r.-„ a"4n Wf 0 M >yf*maQpstiNoeiv^Lbiua ■ j;eart ordination, her atriDgth more enduring, aiw|W nra, ®^*j* ^r..^fL^annid^ / e_nf_iLskiq7 a ‘ the whole tc\ne cf :i p r mind healthier. * *.,<*, \P nc °f 1 if-'Use and l*ot Fop Sale. ■.AVifyQTjc rdoih Cottage hou:e, fwith or without » A jiftt—> h° l contains a ‘mail garden and the niMlocf houKfi* To be sold low for cash. £n* qnf^of JONATHAH COLLINS. *o»ll-lt‘ . -f . Y( ■ • v f required to 'make imioedutc ixiymtut to the un- designed, and thewe iiaring cfatnwv to render them termri of tlie law to the undurtlrned. JOHN K. HERMAN. . novll-tOii Admmifftrattr ,n =°f (fc kwrirag reasons for his request Ohe*prisoner *as rcty, fettle,' and ltis ap- OUpiSfo r dtton g thenextwMkre.irt.to« lt havta^ctitoTto rtod “OLtTJ'lS. .totheundJraitr'ed. Por Sale. * wev-ti^HrosnOe, Gi n r ap- -I *r \alice, A LL penoos iudv-bted to the esfaic* of Jfcmw Mcira, Wct'f Bibb county, deecaattt, are ra- R. 8. LANIER, Estcntoa^