About The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1865-1869 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1865)
:jir jHflnm Pnilij ^'rlpgrfljj^ r.ffaVYLAMD^ \ M B I Wy4 * i p I TELIORAPH BUILOINC THE p’pr 3V.nrnti Dniltj frlrqrnpjj SUBSCRIPT'i ON: Monthly. OLD SERIES, NO. 13%.! mhos, ntosoU - I - ' . —0 JIACON, GEORGIA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1865. {NEW SERIES, NO. 161. •;IT1 BUSINESS CARDS.| It A II.ROAD DIRECTORY• l ADVCRTI5INQ: ' < Otto iquarr, twelve lt*»c» or It* ,,, ‘i ( * ^ h tubsc^uvut in&crtlOQ 50tci 1 • Address, CLA.YLAKDA DUMB! I EJito.-samt Putthi , , NIVSIT THUS. :on...6.3»r M] I-rat. AtUoU..C..V»ri UU..XJI » « | Ar. at Miron...3.:JU * : S .vn RSIl.KOsn. ‘ ~ 1 ; 50 a at | Loire AlfanU..V.2QjL M IIKml Aril vent Macoo.3.20 r M NIVHT THAIS. Lr.V.Vl \r. la Atlanta ■ot-ra-wcams railroad. Leave Macon.. .7.85 ml Imre Bofrafa. .A 10 i ■ At. at Kabul*. .0,18 r M | Ar. *t Macon. ..4.10 r u HAW TE4IX US ALRANT BK VNCtL !•*reMwltl.TillcJJ.4M r x | Leave Albany...7.H0 a m Mr. al Albany. . 4.XI p x | Ar.it Smllhvllle 9.09 a m central kaii.moap. Train* run each way tri wee kly, leaving Maonn 3* Mondays, Wednesday. and Friday*, and rrlniu alternate day*. arere Maron.. .7..V0 a u | L've Eatonton. .8.00 A H *r.sf Estonian. 1.34 r x | Ar. at Maraa...l.8lra XAU* AXP Btrxawi' K RAILROAD. A. ZUMEA! AZ U M E A. ! "■ A X it \T K A ! Ha* proved to be 1 Tie Beit and Pnreit Baking Powder in Use. To New York JOHN J. McCANN, VIA { Darien and Savannah. Wholesale Grocer and Commission X II. ZEfLIN & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MACON, GEORGIA. Sole Agents in this State for the sale of PROF. MORRIS’ AZCMF.A. Wr lavrtwrln.1 another large lot of this excel* lent YEAST POW DER, and ran safely recommend It to the public for all that it claim* to be. Azu- mea make* the finest WIIEATEN BREAD |>o**i- , hie. It is made In the >1 inpleat manner, aa follow*: I Get one quart, ei|ital to l’f pounds of flour, mix . „ u.„„ ... j-naAtn*. «•«.„! Into It, 7«»e dry, three onlinary aize teaspoonfula of wkie Macon...3..X) Ml j L vt wBDCllM. ii.all A II _ . • »■ . t.t ..it -it- 1 —» Ar. «t Junction .11.40 r u | Ar. at Macoo. .lO.JOjt ■ f A*mn«, add raid w*Ur, nitli a little nit dawolve^ oeoBAiA uAII ROAD • *“ li—•ofBcleut to luaLc u dough as soft «s can be Leaxe AlUnU..1.t5 A x I Leave Aagurta.0.00 a X I conveniently handled, which la generally a little Ar. at Augusta .5.55 r w | Ar. at AUanta.tO.7t r M - Xt aCOOEK RAILROAD. P'w Maron.. .7.R3 a m I L’v« Columl«i*.7.«W a m Ar.tQMgnilw.4.11 r x | Ar. at Macon...4.10 r x lw Ksrxaw a Atlantic a mlooaii. «laato..AI0 am I.Ar. at Atlanta..7.30 r x l.V. Ch4?tanOOg*.7.45A u | A r. t.'llattanoojfa. 1.4-1 r X aaaaviixs ami cuattaxocioa bailboad. l.v.Chattanoon.7.n0ax I Lv'c Nashville..KitO A x Ar.at NaaUvIlle.S.SOrx | Ar.Chat tsnoog* IfaJl) ru ATTORNEYS. ( AOBB Ar JACKSON, Attorneys at Law, Macon, J til* office npnoailr Pint I Mire over, ofllec ol r.. A. tflleirr, Tniri street. nor 13m* JAHCa JACKSON I rOLT A BASS, Attorney* at Law, Macon, Ga.. J 1 Office over Mix * Klrtlaud’a atote. Will Kite prompt attention to all bmdneaa entrusted to their care. T. ti. HOLT, JR. J. V. B.\«a oct 7*301* N^T9BETH,__Attomcya at Law. Ofllce In Wash- I < AN 1j lie Ington block on 'Mnllierry 81, over office ot T. IL Bloom. E. A. \Ic MKT. J. A. N18BET. J. T. NI8BET. »U|BlDSm* 1MI.11 A ANDERSON, attorney* at Uw^ of fice on Second street, np stain, two doors eaal of Mr. N. C. Munroc'a, Macon, (la. ang Mn | A P. WHITTLE, Attorneys at Law, (office 1 j» over Payne’* Dniz Store, next to Concert llall.) Macon, Gw I- N. WHITTLE. P. B. WHITTLE. oettLSm R PHYSICIANS AN1> DIU'GGISTM. KMOVAL—Dr. B. A. White now occupies two rooms over the present (mat oilier, next* to Dr. C. H. Hall's office, where he can be n R. GEO. N. HOI.MKS, has removed hi* office from Brown's Hotel to the East side of Third ■treat, between Poplar and Plant—where he can be tbnod at all hours, unless professionally absent. octS-lf — I'kRS. SMITH * OWEN, office eontcr Walnut XJ and 4th streets. Dr. Ltzhtfuot’s old stand. n R. W. P. PARKER. offlcc TwT*T, 3 doors be low old post office, up stain. Office boon, • to to o’clock, A. M., 3 to I r. M. Residence at Female Colic**. septW-ffin* n kliL HARRIS tender* hi* professional ser vice* to the (mblle. (Office on Second street, over Knott A Howes. *cpl~-thn 1>HYS1CTANS.—Dr. J. Emmett Blacksbear. of- 1 i flee over Payne's drug store, residence on lilgfa street, near the asylum for the blind. auoSMm i j. - A’l titUUB H ro.ni COMMISSION ME It J "E<<rKTT^ 'S^fDEU, 'Wbohaaic~CoimnlV- slon Merchants, and General Agent*, Second atreei, between Cherry and Poplar, Maron, G*.— Prompt personal attention given to all consign ment* of cotton, prodnee, manufacture*and other article* of MerchandUe. Orders and Consignment* soUrlUd Bom atl parts of the eonnlry. Agvuts ^>rs *»ral BratJRvi It^umnevCoiapanles. W A. IIUPF, wholesale produce dealer, eor- • uer Cherry and Third street*, under Kala- ton’s Hall aug 33-3m I'AMILY GROCERIES.—N.. A. Megrath, agent, I a t vf doors above Mnaqplc 1D11, Cotton *vc- In grdrerits, croi kcry and staptodry 1) J. HARTLEY, WATCHMAKER, late work I *man for Sidney II. Day, continues to repair Watches at present in the Floyd House Building, opposite Medical College, Mnllierry street. TAMES SlT’ff.F,' WaTi^Kniahcr and Jeweller, f J Second street, two doors from the corner of Mulberry, keeps constantly a well selected assort ment of floe Gold and Silver Witches and Jewelry. Also, Wat.Be* and Jewelry. carefully repaired by experienced workmen. sept—i-.lm W ^HATCnES and JEWELRY, at CtisTsTBan del’*, under the Telegraph Printing Ho use comer Cherry and Second. Atrceta, Macon, Ga. keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of flue Watches and Jcvalry. Repairing done neatly and on short notice. All work warranted, anglo-m [Hut of water to one i|nart of flour. Do not knead it. Sha|<c It very lightly, and imme diately bake in a quick oven, which must lie quite hot before you begin to mix. It Its* the following advantages over yeast or fenneuted bread; it can he made and talked in one hour from the time ot Ural handling the flour; It will be moist and pleas ant to eat In four days ufler Inking; it Is easy ot digestion, excellent for persons mitering from dys pepsia; retains all the gluten, starch and sugar contained la Iho flour, and therefore produces 1 lb. 13 ox. bread from 1 lb. 4 ox. flour, whilst yeast pro duces only 1 lb. It ox. of bn id front 1 lb. 4 ox. of flour; time obtaining about 27 list, more of bread from a liarrel of flour, which, with the saving of yeast, will about tialance tlic cost of tlic Axumea. Cun tie used for .ny of the following recipes, nnil ladles evertWlicrc will l« agreeably surprised with tie delicious productions. Tills excellent compo sition (foci not contain a particle of Alum, Sake- rates, or any kind of deleterious drug; but Is per fectly par* and healthy, and, aa a culinary prepaia- I* Infallible and invaluable. At the Fair In Cincinnati. Micro were a number of Baking l’ow- def» on exhibitiontlic Axumea, with several others, was analyzed, and obtained the first prize, aa the f inest and best Baking l oader known. A trial only Is necessary. In order to lie satisfied. A puficr is given with each Imv, with lull instruc tions for making AZtME.V ROLLS, AZUMEA BISCUIT, AZUMEA NONPAREIL CAKE, AZUMEA JOIINNY CAKE, AZUMEA FRUIT CAKE, AZUMEA PLUM PUDDING. AZUMEA CINNAMON CAKE, AZUMEA CORN CAKE, AZUMEA DUMPLINGS, AZUMEA EGG CAKE, AZUMEA SPANISH BUN, AZUMEA SPONGE CAKE, AZUMEA CAKE WITHOUT EGGS, AZUMEA CUP CAKE, AZUMEA MILK BREAD, AZUMEA SPONGE GINGER CAKE. AZUMEA SILVER CAKE, AZUMEA CURRANT CAKE, AZUMEA POT PIE, AZUMEA PEARL CAKE, AZUMEA GOLD CAKE, 1 - AZUMEA LOAF BREAD, AZUMEA DOUGH NUTS, AZUMEABJUMBLE.S, AZUMEA LEMON CAKE, AzcEXy is put tip for the retail trade in 1-4 lb. enns, nt 2-5 cts., and in 1-2 lb. cans at oO cents. The completion of the Maron and ‘Brunswick Rail Road to nawkituville, and the favorable boat able condition of the Ocmulgee River, now reudrr tld« the duafokiodMl^iMHMV'f^’tk buxi nes* of Macon and 7>ntral*Gror^hC Tbroa^j , Bills of Lading will be given after the 15th lost. All accommodations extended aud endeavors made to forward freight with promptness and dis patch. Messrs. Brigham, Baldwin & Co., at Savannah; Messrs. Nightingale & Huger, at Darion; Asher Ayres, at Macon, will rill act as Agents. GF.O. 1 R. TrAZLErtCRST, Maron and Brunswick R. R., nov4-lra Acting President. llnggicsaud ITunily Jersey Wagons, FROM CONCORD AND BRATTLEBORO. this market, and will warrant them to give entire satisfaction to all purchasers. We will sell no work not made cxptwly to onr order. Those front a distance can addmueus at Macon (to care \V. C. Singleton), or at llawkinsvUle, Ga. oct7-3m McDUFFIE, MASON & CO. MERCHANT JNEW FIRM! X K \v olb^Jb F?! Dealer In AVIncs, Liquors, Cigtiri^ K P It I C E S ! ! ! W. 4. OARKCTT. TOUXO OAKHETT. GARRETT & BROTHER, Commission Merchants, WiJI Win 3 Wholesale Dealers in Country Prodnee SECOND DOOR FROM MASONIC HALL, Decatur Street, Atlanta, - - r.li- - - - Gkokgi BKFCHLNCXa, Phinizy A Clayton, Augusta; J. L. Villalonga, avannah; J. W. Fear* A Co., Macon; R. I- Mott, Solumbns; Col. A. P. Wright, Thomasiilte; W. I,. CIgh, Madison, Ga.;\Vtn. C. Ray, Montgomerv Ha.; McGrader, Taylor A Roberta, Baltimore, Sid. Altell A lutnan, N. Y.,, - . - aupSl-ttm EDAVA BnWfim; WHOLESALE DRUGGIST AND DKAt.KR IN PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS Liberal Discount Hade to Wholesale Purchasers. nctl0-2m . J. H. ZEILIN & CO. KK'HAit» >r. niMior. wn. t. biaiioi-. R. M. BISHOP & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS Nn. 3(5 Main St., (<r fat door* Mow Columbia Tfi g MISCEI.L ANBOUSi iLrBJllt.ii iult-l-M Y' R. A B. L. GOULDING, Intelllgenee Office, L’ * have trrooved from Cotton Avenne to Filth Street, near Passenger Depot, and opposite Scho field's Foundry. Servants a;ul laborer* fornlsltcd; orders lor white labor filled j information given ot ko**..inland* and otlicr n-.il i <ta{|e for reut or sale. M acon daiLY fELEGRAZa Joa Printing Office. Job wark of eTcry description exeeu- ssr do,1ci - "***? m^ssr, G *J. ltl-AKK, real estate agent, ilaeon, Ga. • Persona baring homes for salt or lent, or peraocs wanting to rent houses, cannot lie bet ter salted than by calling on me. From my long experience in the real estate business, I am pWWElg s>rc Macen, Ga., Sept. W. 1865-Qanl-ait r"|A J. A D. LaS'E are now oflering for sale a X * large lot of Sole and Upper Leather. Also, St rtf t % Cincinnati. •cpt 22-3m* WM. n. TISON. WM. W. GORDON. !P6ta^h, 41 be - Li' 01 »-«•»*• 0 ' 1 ’ * f I *' r. casks rotASir, 30 Boxes Super-carbonic of Soda, in o tie potm •Weg, do do CiA^O.IgEfe.o'D • >. C5 BOXES STAR CANDLES, r* SO •• TALLOW da TIS0N & GORDON, Cotton Factors, Commission and forwAding mkrohnts, 00’ Bay Street, Simtiinnli, Georgia. S PECIAL ATTENTION will be given to the sale of Lumber, Rosin, Turpentine, Ae. We are again at onr old office, prepared for business. An •xpcrience in tlds city of over eleven ycars,and onr undivided attention to all business-entrusted, in duces us to hope lor a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore extended. octid-dm WARREN’S CELEBRATED NEEDLES AND FISH nOOKS. ANDREW GLEBE & 00., 43 MAIDEN LANE, N. Y., SOLE AGENTS AND IMPORTERS. O UR former customers will And a reduction in gold price* of tlic Needles, while the quality is always kept up to the highest standard known to English manufacturers. A. C. A Co., rcspccUblly solicit a renewal of the mercantile relations so long and favorably esteemed by their house. septSO-Tm GLASSWARE. AGENT FOR VIRGINIA, MISSOURI AND KENTUCKY TOBACCO, NO. 514 MAIN 8TREET, Louisville, - - - WANTED, - FEATHERS, GINSENG, BEESWAX, TALLOW and RAGS, lor which I will pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE, either in rash or trade. fang05 Sm Dr. Bowen’s Splendid Plantation AND VINEYARD FOR SAL?. I WILL sell my Vineyard and Plantation,* sttnat- ed in Jones connty, 15 miles from Macon, and 10 miles from Griswoldville on Central Rail Road The Vineyard embraces near 10 acre* in excellent condition, containing over a dozen verities of fine vines. The Plantation contains about 800 acres, H00 acres of which is original forest oak, pine and hickory, balance cleared and in good condition.— There is a good dwelling house, cabins, barns, gin house, screw, Ac. Place well watered and healthy. For farther particulars enquire at this office or address tne at Clinton, Jones county, Ga. oet 22-lm* DR. BOWEN.' Cincinnati Commercial copy 0 times and send bill to this office. Law.J>iotI*)ej; fa v I HAVE resinned the' practice of my profession, and will attend to all business entrusted to my eare in the State. Having just returned from Washington City, parties desiring advice and counsel relative to the preparation ot papers under the Amnesty Procla mation for pardon, and the status of contracts and title deeds, executed durng the last four years, can consult me by lcttcror In person. Office over Boardmun’s JJook store, Macon, Ga. jy IS O. A. LOCHRANE. " KeIWjfoW.,v -i Angustn, Georgia, A RE prcjtarcd to make liberal advances on ail Cotton consigned to them or their friends, Messrs Smith A Dunning, New York. AI1 cotton consigned to ns or our friends in New York, wiU be sent forward by the new and elegant steamer Helen, which wiiH connect with the New York line of steamers, so as to reach that city in eight days. ' We have also established^ a line ot Clipper ships between New York and Liverpool, so as to send forward the Cotton entrusted to onr care witliadt delay, thus avoiding expenses of storage and insu rance in New York. Sight Exchange on XeW York and Liverpool in sums to anit purchasers. : KEIX A CO. aug 39-Sin - JNO. W. O'CONNOlt, ‘ Macon, Ga. A*. 33, South Sidr ItnAottcay, NoultciUr, Trnn. “A HHDS. PRIME NEW ORLEANS SUGAR, t/V/ 25 Hds do Porto Rico Sugar, 20 do do Cuba Sugar, 50 Barrels Crashed and Powdered Sugar, 30 do Granulated Sugar, 100 do A and B Coffee Sugars, 30 do C extra assorted Brands, i t 300 do Yellow Sugar, , . ■ ** ”400 Bags Rio Coffee, 1 20 Mats Java Cotti-e, 20 do Laguira Coflee, 10 Bags Ginger, 10 Bags Allspice, 20 Bags Pepper, 20 Barrels Mackerel,' 2 50 'A hbla do 000 fits do 100 Boxes Soap, 50 do Starch, 100,0(0 Cigars, assorted brands, 50 Cage* Sardine*, 250 Caeca O vet era, 100 Dozen Bucket*, 200 Dozen Broome, 50 Xe6t* Tube, Together with everything usually kept in Whole- aale uroeery Honae. LIQUORS. 100 Barrels Robertson Connty Whisky, 50 do Bourbon 1 do do 20 do Kye dc 125 do Rectified Whisky, 5 Casks Hennessey Brandy, 5 do Otard. Dupuv A C'o.’s Cognac. 10 Barrels Apple Brandy, very old, 10 do Peach, .do 5 do Sherry Wine, In store and for sale at NO. 35, BROADWAY, NASHVILLE, T K N N K S S K E ‘IP- METROPOLITAN HOTEL. LATE BROWN’S. « Wiuhipgtoii, D. C. This kadtcj Hotel, Renovate rnd Re-fnrnished is now in perfect order for the reception and ac- ommodatloa of it* old patro ns. octl-2m oxo. a wins. j. it. axaTz TURPIN & HERTZ, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in J Clothing’, and Gents’ Furnishing o ■ ■ soap. GOOD S , i BOXES C^Lfi ATrr# P.&E FAMILY SOAP. | Triaogahr Dlact, Cherry Strtrt, Ma«m, Ga. Clothing made to order on abort notice, by 'SONS. ROUSE. oct C ly t. w. o’coxraroB. & co„ . MACON, GEORGIA. Office on Oherry St, between 3d and 4th. R ECEIVING and Forwarding Merchants, aW’ Agents for E.*M. Brace.A CO., Augusta, Ga.; E. M. Brace, Morgan A Co.,: Apaiachicola, Fla.; and Watts, Crane A Co., New York. We will receive and forward, upon reasonable terms, all Cotton entrusted to our care for ship ment, as owners may direct. AVe will make liberal advance* upon con-ignlimits of Coton to Watt* Crane A Co., New Y'ork, or AV. C. AV’alts A Co ’ Liverpool, England; pay Rcv'ent* -Tax, Storage, Freights, Ac., on same, and forward with prompt ness and dispatrh. Planters and others will be afforded every farilitv in onr power to send their Cotton to maraet, and receive prompt return of sale; • ntorjl’! Mr. AV. E. Clarke is our agent at Albany, Ga.. I and will give all information to parties who desire I his services in shipping or purchasing: Our per sonal attention given to the purchase and sale of Cotton. NEW YORK EXCHANGE FOR SALE, octsam JNO. W. O’CONNOR A CO. sept 15 Sin Important to Cotton Shipper*. frMJE Cotton AVarehottsc located in this place i immediately on the river, and at the terminus of the Southwestern Railroad, and convenient to said road, can sliqlter all cotton that may be sbip- ped'frDtn Tnacon and inner*fiotrits on the South western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.— AVe will receive all cotton consigned to ns, at the railroad depot, dray it, and put it aboard of the boats at one dollar per bale. Cotton shippers upon investigation, will find this route the cheapest and most expedious of any other rontc to New York from Macon. AVe re-, spectfully solicit orders for the purchase of cotton. Our long experience in that line will enable us to make purchases to the best advantage to those who favor us with their orders. AVe have now in operation a new Iron Screw Press. R. G. MORRIS A CO., Geonjetown. Refeiiexces—Ross A Seymour, J. W. Fears, Kentneliv Virgil Powers, Esq., ail agents on S. AV. R. R. 3 ’ aug9-5m It. W. TUCK, I J. G. DAVIS, I A. P. TCCK. Christian Co. Late with Phelps, Louisville, Ky. | Caldwell A Co. | Tuck, Davis A Co., AVholcsale G rocers ami Com in i salon Merchants, 32j) 'Xt&i Street,- bo^tvtin.‘%iglitli and Ntmli streets, . • > IiOttisvrt.t.K, Ky. Cousigumcnts Solicited aiig294Jm j . ’ OOTT ON. JOHN T. EDMUNDS & 00., Bankers & Commission Merchants, MACONS GEORGIA, Office on Thirtl Street, ne.rt door to ffont tijice. “ITTF. arc prepared to make cash advaucca. on Y Y shipiueuts of cotton to Norton, Slaughter <fc Co., New York, or to our correspondents In Liver pool, England. Planters ami owners of cotton entrusting the sonic to our camtor^ale «r Shipment, shall Have >rompt returns of sales, in gold or currency as liev may direct. - ji r ^ . Av'e' solicit ordert-tor the purchase of cotton. Gold and silver and sight exchange on New York bought and sold. Wo refer by permissUn to J B Ross &Son, Bow- dre & Anderson, Knott & Howe, Hardeman tfc Sparks, R W Cnbbedge, N A Hardee «fc Co, Savan nah ; Third National Bank, Nashville; Citizens' Bank, ’ Louisville; Commercial Bonk, Louisville. Journal «fc Messenger, Mercantile Mirror, of Ma con, ^Educational Journal, Forsyth, Smutch Re publican, Americas, and Albany Patriot, Colum bus Time;* and Enquirer, LaGrangc Reporter, Gridin Union, Milledgeville Recorder, publish one month and send bill to j./i * JOHN T. EDMUNDS «fc Ca, oct 25-lm Macon. HOWARD LIOIISE^ EUFAULA, ALARAArA. J, AV. Howard, Proprietor. A LL thi hnnriea tlie markcLuffords, served np to oriei and at the shortest notice. • * f * scpl2-5m* , . / PAINTING. , Wholfesalo tinf] Retail KiVft'XT.io’4 a:»i flMIE undersigned beg leave to inform the ladir- X of thia city, county and viciulty and the pub* lie in general, that he ha* now open and ready for sale at the well known and popular old stand of ii EINSTEIN’S, TRIANGULAR BLOCK, >: • -ift / if »i .... One of the Material Stock*, of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods In the Southern market*. The goods were select ed by Air. KinsteiX ivith great care; aud os he 1. now in the New A'ork market for the sole purpose of selecting goods, and watching the best oppor tunities for buying, I have the advantage over nil other merchants who arc not similarly situated. I shall receive new additions to our stock eve ry week, and will be always prepared to exhibit to the public goods of tlic Best Manufacture, Latest Styles, lowest Market Prices. My stock consists in part of the* following goods: j Prints, Printed PeLalncs, All wool Delaine.-;, Empress Cloth, Poll Dcf-hevre.-L English and Fu-ueh Merinos, : i!| Scotch and Vcnitian Plnidr>, Solid, printed and figured Poplins, Black I>el*aincs, Alapaeas, Black Silks, Merinos and Bomt*a?.iueti, And many other goods belonging to the I) HESS I) F* P A Pt TMEN T A full and complete assortment of Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Ladies* Liucn and Embroidered Cuffs and Col lars, separate and in sets, White, Red aud Shaker Flannels, Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, Bleached and Browu Canton Flannel*, Plan kets, Ac., Hosiery, Gloves, Ladies’ Merino Vests, Tabic Linen, Table Cloth, Towels, Towclings, Napkins, Doylies Linen, And all other articles >*elonging to a Number One Dry Goods Store. We call the special attention of the ladies to onr CLOAK AND SHAWL DEPARTMENT, And say with confidence, we will sell these arti cles at a . LOWER PRICE, Than any other house in the city and WARRANT the goods to ho of the Bert ami Most Faxliiounblo Mann. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA OTATE OF GEORGIA—Jasper Coi’XTT.— , nA - . ,, , £)■'Whereas, Mrs. Mary C. Spears make* apnli- 10 C \ P I F 11.1 ST'i l\ll ||n| vn T HIS Institution was opined for the reception ratio, to the undersigned for iittera of Admlnis- ! I-1> IfS 1 > II I UK S K of student* on the 12th of Fe^iruary, and tr.ition on the estate of Thomas J. Spears, late ol „ its exercises have neverhoonsu*poin|ed during the xdd «umly deceased. ( O .N T R ACT O J{ s seventy years, . Ttiesn aro ltierefore to rite and odaionhh all and Its Faruity-eonrist. of a President aud ten Pro-, singular, (tie kindred and creititors of said de- V n I 11 1 Kin R, ■ fessors; and their.instruolionseuitu'aei'Language,'nriRixl, (o be and appear at nv offlre on the first ’ “ 1 11 d L I h tJUSItlObS L.Ot tO Pliiicfopkv,.. Malln-iiialies, ihe Vim'" '! ijiieures j MbRday in Deeefa^tr next,anil show canee ifaov i and Iaiw, 11lieviiaVe, why ii ttera shall not U- issued to the LEASE The expehitf for a term of twiuty 'weeks, (xclu- f appftrant ’’ Given iindiT mv halt'd offiriallv thi rive of text hooks, are at present IVom *1.10 to-i Sisi dWt *f Oeti idfiii. 5200. The i urrent unu will end on the lsf.tay.il | .'T* M. H. HUTCHISON, Di'cember, JsVi, and the next will trgin tsunary | notfl-wSikt* Ordinarv. 12th, ISM. -• Hrnasr —W 1—— - - ’ - ^ ■’ I EORGIA, Pctxam CotxTV.—Application will For further particulars apply to the Hon David .. Swain, LL. D., President, Chappei Hill, N. C. Large and Valuable COTTON PLANTATION FOR BALE. W ILL be sold within the legal hours of sale, on the 1st Tuesday in December nttxt, before the Court House door tu the town of Talbot ton, Talbot-cduntr, Ga., two thousand stk hundred and thirty-seven acres of land, to wit: iqt No. two fraction, containing six-five acres, one hundred aud fifty and a quarter acres off the western port of lot No. one; also thesouth halves of lot*No. thirty- one, fitty-thruc and fllty-four, all In the twenty-, fourth district of said county or Talbot— Also lots No. $41, $10,209, 208,177, 207, 210, 239, and one hundred and forty-one and a half acres , off of lot No. 242, and one hundred and one and a half of lot No. 212, fifty acres oflot No. 211, and three acres of the north east comer of lot No. 2S7; all of said last described land being in the fifteenth dis trict of sold couuty. The above described premi ses is situated about nine miles cast of the town of Talbotton and five miles north of Howard, a sta tion on theMnscogcc Railroad in a healthy and convenient section of country, and in a high state of cultivation. Contains three different settle ment* with oil necessary out-buildings and or chards, and a large proportion of ricli creek land. Said settlements of lands will he sold under the will of the late Josiah Mathews, deceased, for the purpose of distribution. Ait who desire to pur chase a good cotton plantation would do weft to call on one of the undersigned, or li- F. Mathews, who resides on the premises, and examine, for themselves before the day of sale. Terms mad* known on the day of sale." W. P. .MATHEWS, I . T. J. MATHEWS, {.Executors. J. M. MATHEWS,) nctl0-2t awt 1st tus dec Notice. A I.I. persons indebted to the estate of Thoipas A. Burris, late of Biliti county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment,' and those having claims to render them In' terms of the law to the undersigned. JAMES S, (ifi AYR ILL, noil 1-10,1 Executor. G t EORGIA—Jones Com**—Ordinary's Of- I vice, said county, September 37, 13fi5.— Whereas, Mrs. Sarah R. Lane’ applies to me for administration on Hie estate of Win. A. Law deceased. These an: to cite and admonish nil persons eon- eerned to file their objections, if any they have, in iny office, on or before the first Monday in No vember next. Witness mv hand officially. ROLAND T. ROSS, oct 4-law5u* Ordinary. ("3 EORGIA, Jones Cocsti.—Whereas, S. M. VX and Mary P. Tufts, Executors of tlic estate ot Francis Tulls, dec’d, applies to me for letters of dismission from said estate; These arc therefore to cite and admonish all per sons concerned to file their objections—if any they have—in this office, on or by the first Monday in May next, why said Executors should not be dis missed. Given under my hand officially, October 21st, 1805. R. T. ROSS, - oct25-lamGm Ordinary. VT bc‘ nude to the Court of Ordinarv of said county at tlm first regular term after the expiration of two months from this notice, for leave to sell the land* belonging to the estate of Andrew Reid, dec'll, late of Said county, for tlic benefit of ttie heirs aud creditor* of said deceased. WM. A. I! EH), ji. i' ALEX’R. 8. REID, Jr. Admr's, ike., Andrew Keiil, dec’d. ^•cpOwfiOd SPECIAL NTICES. <9* Editor of Iho——— Peak Si*: With your permia- Reelph, will? full directions lor msklng ami*using a simple \ ecetabte Balm, that will etfaetruttv remote, in ten days, l'inmlcs. Ulstclies, Tan. Frerklea, anil nil Im- purities of Ins Skin, leaving tlic same sell, clear, smooth and heautiftil. 1 will also msil free to those hating Bald Heads, or Bare Faces, simple directions and information that will enable them to start n full (growlli of Luxuriant Hair Whiskers or a Moustache, in less than thirty days. All applicants answered by return mail without charge. RdspoetfliHv vonrs. r r HK owner I f the vacant lad on Mulbfny street I ojppucife I.uni.-r Huns*, (Rpon width wit situ’ at,si The ’’Granite Bnlldim**,'’ and whiehw«* burned In 1801.) desires toTrie tbTground foTI term of yearn, to resiionsihlc parties, who will ea ter Into obligations to erect thereon a flret-elaia Octll—wihn. THOrf. F. CHAPMAN, CUmiat. 881 Broadway, Keir-Y6rk. ToCoxncsxpnvl».--The uudorzifticd iiavinj* been restored to liooUh in a few wet*kn by a vc.-v rimpie rouuHly. afl^r having «ufl*erod several years, with a se vere long affection, and that dread disease, UonMinq>- tion—i» anxious to make known to liis fellow sufferers the means of cure. - “ To all who desire it 1m will send a copy of the pre scriptions Used, [free of Charge,] with the directions for preparing and using the tamo which they will find a sure curt for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis* Cough* Colds, etc. The only object of the advertiser In send ing the prescription to benefit Iho mtUicted, and spread information which he conceives to lie invaluable and ho hopes :every sufferer will try his remedy,** it will cost them nothing, and mny prove a blessing. Parties wiahUirtlie prescription, will please address IUv. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg!), Kings County, Octil-r^r^m. . Now York. f a cI n rc A. SPRINGER, Macon, Ga. NEW GOODS. iSTovember l.Oth, 1805" I liavP to-ilay nerivol l»v K.\|»rc<’ HANDSt>ME BLACK CLOAKS, -1 HANDSoSlE DRAB CLOAKS, SILK CORD, all colors for Trimming, BLACK AVORSTEAI) BRAID, LADIES’ MERINO VESTS, GENTS’ MERINO VESTS. PAPER CAMBRIC'S, >'.]()’)• [ FINE BF.D BI.ANKKT8. JACONET EDGINGS AND INSF.RT1NGS, SI.Al'F. COLORED JEANS, LADIES’ GAUNTLETS, House, Sign & Ornamental Pain ling. # KC —AiiRL COMMISSION AND FOHWAKDING F.ir side low by nov!3nt MITCHELL ,fc SMITHS, Third Street. for sale. , „ . "** Wldrt north east of Zcbulon. 1 ch--. , ITke county Ga.. a track of three hundred Chfn7 ' aen-* of land. One hundred and fitly acres in cut-1 COTTON PRESSES. ♦ l \\TE offer superior facilities for pressing and | VV baling cotton at our worts corner First and McMAXCS & C0. tL-*?!!^ 1 P - S -° Br Mr - jACKSOX DcL8ic “ a-S&SrSJfifCdate.and wa.be c. .ccnoxax. J. T. WIXTER, WHTEB A CO., 40 BROADWAY, XEW YORK C OMMISSION MERCHANTS, Will attend promptly to the sale of Cotton and other con signments. Orders for Merchandise will receive attention and dispatch. The sate of -Southern Se curities, Bonds, Rink 'Notes and Southern Lands solicited. Circular Saw Mills of the most Improved construction, warranted to cut 10,000 feet of tun. her per diem, having no Iced except saw dost, with every thing complete, including Belting, for $2,5(0 Send for Circulars. oct30-lm Sy Sit IGtaH£ir£di 1“ to ■«« * fro “ hi8 oW ~ t,oa rricod - , the ssetiim, and almoet new. Good Stable* McM. A CO. ^ , Bara* and wa«t Hon*<^ (food dni^d, septss-om urocers, Provision Dealers, JOHN C. MANGHAM, tw ■ cH - On the place. “ — S. W. MANGHAM, Griffin, Ga. I MMa* W. A. GRIFFIN A CO. nov2-lm ANDREW BUCHANAN ft CO.. Mscon every Tuesday, Thnnday and Saturday for I• No. lie Main street, retnmlng In time ti connect wilh : LOUISYn.1 F ; trains from Albany and Colnmtus—j’clocli P. M., LULiouLu . ' KT Orders for Groceries, Provision*, Bagging and the fionae. Rope, promptly executed. jy2G fim oct 12 GRAINING, MARBLING, GILDING, GLAZING. , PAPER HANGING AC. Having on hand all the necessary material to carry on the business, wc are prepared to give sat isfaction, both in execution and prices, to all who may tavor ns-with their orders. We will also keep on land aud for sale, mixed Paints of every description. YARXISn, OIL SP8. TURPENTINE. BROWN JAPAN, Yl PUTTY, SANDPAPER, . BRUSHES, Ac., Ae. Orders from the country promptly attended to. DRURY A TRIPOD, Over Roberts, Dnnlap A Co., Clierjy st, aug 12-12m* Macon, Ga. KErcnnxcns: W. R Johnston, N. IL Beal, J. IL Ztilin A Co., B. A Wise, ClaylandA Dumble, Leroy Napier, W. A. nun BALMORAL SKIRTS, COAT BUTTONS, Atul many other Articles Irani to lie found IN TJIK MARKET. S. T. COLEMAN. A. S. HARTEIDGE, SPOTSWOOD HOTEL, Y Ricbmosd, Va, Angnst, 1885. f r ; hfirtw been reported that the Spotswood Ho- tel had been confiscated and closed, the propri etors deem it proper to assure the public that such *8 not the ease. ' The House is open for the accoiu- of visitors, as it has been from its open- MERCHANT. 0 2' Bay Street, SAVANNAH, GA. no\5-3m W chase and sh J. M. COOPER, Auction & Commission Merchant, ALBANY, GEORGIA. ILL give life personal attention to the par se and shipment of COTTON. HE IS ALSO PREPARED TO MAKE LIBERAL Cash. Advances On Cotton in store In Albany, Ga., for shipment to Messrs XoitTox, SbArGirrEit A Co., New York. Having had many years experience In the Cotton trade, as well as Auction and Commission business, he flatters nimselfthsthecangive entire satisfaction to parties entrusting their business to him. ORDERS AND CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Respectfully rclers to J. B. Ross A Son, Maron; T. IL Johnson, Alabany. •fiMa XNDKEW Efcnuiox. mgdar,, in September, 1 SOS. The House has berm rein.uleled, renovated, re furnished, and put in perfect order throughout, and the traveling public may ru-t glared of find ing as comlortable accommodations with us as can be found in any firet-cUi* hotel North or dontfc. Our friends, matrons, and the traveling public Generally, risitlug R*chmoud, are cordially invited , to miff thrfr home with xu, and no pains will ly* spared to roakt- them comfortable, a* we ar« . lvinw in 1st ©oolv Countv district, seven miles plc<hped to suftaiu well known reputation of i si. e. of Montezuma, Ga. For further in format ion CORKERT & ifILLWARD, J - For Sale. GOOP Cotton Farm containing ^00 or 400 LLWARD, j apply to me st Montezuma. Ga. Proprietors. * novS-lOtt E. W. WESTBROOK. Executor’s Sale. G EORGIA—Jones CotJNTT.-^XgnvaWB to an order from the Court of Ordinary of Jones county, will bo sold, before tlic court house door in Clinton, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in January next, one. hundred aud forty (140) acres of land, mow or less, belonging to the estate of Barali Mmitli deceased, adjoininir lands of M. W. I*owc and otbora, in shM couniy. Sold for division of estate. Terms casli. K. J. SMITH, nov2-lawtdF. Executor. C IEORGIA^JASPKR COUNTY.—Whereas, Bur- T ry T. Dij;by makes application to inc for let tersof administration on the estate of William U- Powel, late of said comity, deceased; These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular tlic kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office on the first Monday in December next, to show cause—if any they have—why letters shall not issue to the applicant. Given under my hand officially, at ofllce, this 11th day of October, 1805. M. II. HUTCHISON, octl4-wG0d Ordinary. G EORGIA, Bibd Coorrr —Whereas John K. Hannan applies to the undersigned Tor let ters of administration upon the estate of James F. Weclw, late of said county, deceased— n »! All persons interested arc required to be and op pear at the court of ordinary on the first Monday in November-next to show cause, if any they have, wliv letters should not 1>e granted tlie applicant, Given under my hand and Official signature. M-pU-wSOd WM. M. RILEY, Ord’y. /I EORGIA, Quitman Co in tv.—Whereas, Thos VIT J. Metlivin and E.A. Mcthvin apply to me for letters of adminlsitratlon uiioii the estate of Daniel It. Mcthvin. 1 These are, therefore, to cite all persons inter ested to appear at the proper time and place, and show cause (if any they can) why said letters should not he granted. GWcn under Iny hand, Oct. 30, 1805. oct31-w30d* J. Vt. MERCER, Ord! ry. Xolicc. ‘ / "1 F.ORCLA, J VJt Steplienson uppliisto me for adiniuistration de tmuls non enm testamento annexo, of William Panl, dec’d, uml also for simple administration on Mary Paul’s estate, late of said county, dee’.l, These are therefore to cite and admonish all iwrrons concerned, and all others Interested, to tile their objections in this ofllce on or bv the first Monday in Deeertiht r next, if any they have, why raid A. J. Stcpheusion rlionld not lie appointed said administrator. Given nndermv hand officially, Oet. 21. TSG5. i ' R. T. ROSS, oct25-td Ordinary. EORGIA, BIBB COUNTY.—Whereas Win. B. VT Scott makes application for letters of admin istration upon tlie estate of Mrs. Nancy Byron, late of said connty, deceased ; AH persons'Interested are required to be and ap pear at the Court of Ordinary, on tbc tint Monday in November next, to show cause (if any they have) why letters ot administration should not lie granted tile applicant. Given under my hand and official signature. WM. M. RILEY, octl-td Ordinary. Notice to Debtors mid Creditors. A LL tuirsons indebted to the estate of Richard xL Brinn, late of Bllih county, deceased, are re quired to make immediate payment and those hav ing claims to render them in terms of tlie law, to tlie undersigned. FRANCES BRINN, oct2G-w4(Sl* Administratrix. bwsiaua house. The lot fa CU fort front and 310 fret deep—the front being torecVSSi fc? three No. 1 business rooms. The toesUowls the most desirable one in the city, for ftthlnnahlt store rooms. A bargain can beolitalned Iqr respon sible and energetic contractor* or tmslncss men.— Applkatren should be made immediately, to tba undersigned, atKatonton, wlio has prepared plans and specifications of tlic .lyteof huUdlngbedeaino erected, or to Win. P. BoodalL Esq., of Macow.— Application by letter will be promptly responded to, and if desired an Interview will be given In I his city at any tine. No proportion to seU the lot will be entertained. oct 22-UwAt JAMES C. DENHAM. /'t F.ORGIA, 4ox»> Covhtt—-Whcreo* the re VT tatooTW IUlamfoiinott. late ot tali conntv fStt’ovSfa 0 "therefioti These are therefore to cite and admonish all ncr- sons concerned, to be and appear at my office or. the second Moml.iv in January next, tosboweame If any'they have, « by administration on mfid «. tate shall not devolve iqum tlie Clerk of the Su perior or Inferior Court of said county, or other' Iflt and proper person. Given under my hand officially this 7th day of n°v.. isos. m. il Hutchison," _ novlO-wtXM Ordinary' * deceased. These are to cite all persons concern*d |j file their object ions, il any they have. In thia office, within thirty day* from the publication ot this notice. Witness my hsml officially. Nor. 7, IfMfi.'- notlO-SOd* R. T. ROSS, Ordlaary. G EORGIA, Jonks cocxtv.—Wliercas Wm. H. J. Wood und Jackson IVood applies to me for Ailmlnlstration upon the estate of William Wood, late of said county deceased. These arc to cite and admonish all persons con cerned to lie anil appear and flic their objection H any they, have to the Mint vary, In this ofllce on or by the lirst Monday in Novcinl'i-r next. Given under mv'liaml officially Sept. 30,1805. ROLAND T. ROSS, ocf4-l:lw5w* Onlinary. Wotico to Debtors and Creditors A LL iiersons indebted to tlie estate of Charles Collins late of Bibb enmity deceased, are re quired to make Immediate payment to the nnder- signed, and those having claims to render them In tlie terms of the law. A. P. ,k O. C. COLLINS, oetl-lwO# Excentors. F. Weeks, late of Bibb county, deceased, are required to make immediate payment to the un dersigned, and those having claims to render then) in terms of the law to the undersigned. JOHN K. HARMAN, novll-40d Administrator. G EORGIA—Bibb county. — Whereas, John O’Neal applies to the undersigned for Lstters ot Guardianship of the person and property of Mary Rogers and YYilliam Rogers orphan minors of Daniel Rogers deceased. All persons interested are required to he and ap- pearat the Court of Ordinary on the first Monday in December next, to show cause if any they have why letters of Guardianship should not he granted tlie applicant. . Given undermy handandofficial signature. M M. M. RILEY", i octSfi-wtlOd* ' Ordinary. - j n EORGIA, Quitman Countv.—Whereas. Sain- ! VT uel Tye applies to me for letters of adminis- i tration ni«in the estate of Tims. T. Tye. These are, therefore, 111 cite all (K-rsonR inU-re-lcil 1 G EORGIA, Jones colntv.-Whereas Green Rob erts applies to me for Letters of Dismission, from the Guardianship of Martha M. Giles minor, These are therefore to cite and admonish all iier sons concerned to file their objections if any they have. In this office on or liy toe first Monday in December next, why said unrdian should not he dismissed. ■ Given miller my hand officially, Oet. 21, 1805. oet25-w6t __ R. T. ltOSS, Ordinary. Notice to Debtors i>ml Creditors. A LL persons Ilndelited tjg'Tfostate of Thoms* A Lowe, late of biff ..unity, deceased, are required to make immo,,te payment, and those having claims to render them to the undersigned iotflnusoMbb-Yafr?'*®' JOHN H JSWK, oet 7-laiv40d Administrator. * EORGIA, Jones Countt, Ordinary's office VT sald edmly.—Mima Albert R. Fi-rmcl) ap- pllesto mofor fetters of mlniinistration upon the estaUrtifEamuel B. Flnnev,"dec’d. TlieseafC to cite and admonish all persons con cerned; to flic tlieir objections, if any they liavc, in this office on or hr the second Monday in Novem ber next, Why.*•!« A. B. Fennell should not he aji- pointed said administrator! Given under mv lisnd officially, Oct 9,1805. ROLAND T. ROSS, oct 11 Ordinary. AdiuiiiHtratora Sale. G EORGIA, TwicoaCocxtt.-WIHbe aoldba fsrc the court house door at Morion, j,. ^xi4 eouuty aud State, within the, legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in December uext, seven hi. i. Jicd aud sixty acres (760) more or !«a. rbe land. V long to the estate of Thoms* Mooic deceased- sold for the purpose of making a division with heirs. Terms on tlic diT . I -ale. Also, ouc half interest lx Mcam Mill, 1 „ to the estate of Thos. Moore, deceased, andi fourth Interest in Mill, belonging to the estate of John T. Moore, deceased, wMeh will be sold os tho same day. Terms on the dsr of stle.v ocl«5 w4W * " /T EORGIA, Jatntx eowmr.—Whereis, Isaac VT Langston, make* application to me tor Let ters of Administration on the Estate of Robert Brown, late of said connty deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persona concern ed, to be and apimr at my office on the first Mon day in December next, to show cause ir any they have, why letter* shall not issne to the applicant In terms of the law. Given under my hand and official signature at office, this 10th day of Oct. 18C5. octlO-utd. M. n. nUTCHISON, Ord’y. Notice to Debtors and Creditor*. A LL persons Indebted to the estate of John II. Dunlap, late of Blbli county, deceased, an- required to make immediate payment, and th -.c having claims to render them to the undersigned In terms of the law E. tlt'NLAP, oct“-law40d* Adininisiratrit. C ( EORGIA, Jaspkk uounrr.—Wliercas. John I y- Caswell makes appReathnito anlbrLet ters or Admlnist rat ion withtbe i\ | ■mi on the Fjitate of James c. Doater fate of said eonnty deceased. These are tbatelbra to cite and ndaMO- ish all )>ersnns eonerrned, to show eanse It any they bate, on or before the first Monday In Decem ber next, why letters shall not Issue to tba *) pi: Given under my hand ami offl. fa! signature, this 16th day of Oelolier. 1*65. octI9-wtd M. II. HUTCHISON, Ord’ry ( A EORGIA—Bran Countt.—Sixty day*aflcrlbe VT date hereof, application will lie made to the Court of Onlinary lor leave to ..41 all the proper . loth real and personal belonging to the entnti M George R. Hunter, late of said countv. dec* seed. _ooa. marya ilinms, oet 26-lawOOdt f * EORGIA, Uinn County li J. Williamson, appllen to the nflHP for letters of Administration upon tM estate ot Albert O. Bostick, late of said connty, deceased. A11 persons interested are required to be and ap pear at tbeCourt of Ordinaiy on the firet M - fa T In December next, to show cause, if any the} ha, e why Letter* of Administration houldnot.be ; rat. ted the applicant. Given uu.h r ray lan.l an,I official signstnre. Wi.i.M.'ltll.KY. ■ oct31-w.'tM* Ordinarv ^EORGIA—Bias CoCMTT. J» alter ,T the date hereof, application sill be made la tb6 Coart of Ordinary of said countv for ieqye to sell all the property, both real and pi longlngto tnecstato of Richard Brinn J: county deceased. FRANCES BRIN x. oct 26-law4)0d Adnoinfatrat ri x G eorgia, Bum countt.—Tw ,. the date hereof application wlU b< tbc court of ordinary of saud count v h-r leaie to sell tlie real and personal property of Albert I. Hose, late of said eountv, deceased. ' JULIAE. COLLIN>. - sepH-wOOd Adnw. a: Notice. A I.I. persons indebted to George O. llawsns, ^1. fate of Greqnr connty, deceased, sre requested to make immediate payment, and those having de mands against him will present them duly proven in the terms of the law. I- W. DAWSON, Adm’r. Columbus, Ga., Oct 23d—oct 31-w40d G EORGIA—Btnn Countt.—Whereas Thomas J. Lane applies to tlic undersigned for letters of administration, upon the estate of James F. Gamble late of said connty deceased. All persons interested arc required to be and appear at the - court of Ordinary, on tlic first Monday in Deeern- ' tier next, to show eanse, if any they have, .why I letters of administration should not he granted ap plicant. Gix-en under mv hand and official signa ture. WM. M. RILEY, oet26w30d» _ Onlinary. suracnr, ....... ....|MI M , O.'^'SfWA-JjLSTBk rotwrr.-WTiertas, David to show enusc(ifany they can) at tlic proper i M. Iximston makcsapplleation for I^'bera of time and place whv said li-tters should not fa. | Di»mlj*ion from the Guardianship of Mary E. Car- ... — .. ■—. o*i .no a . ■ den,of saideottnty. These arc therefore to citcand admonish all per sons concerned, to show cause ifany they lave, on or before the second Monday in -January next, why said Letters shall not issue to the applicant. Given under iny hand and official signature, this 21th day of October, 1865. M. H. HUTCHISON, _ oct28-w40d u Ordinary. Ct EORGIA, Jaspeii countt.—Whereas, Wm. P. granted. Given under mv land, f)et. 80, ISI!5. J. W. WERCKR, octSl-w30d* Ordinary. rt EORGIA, BiBB COUNTY.—Two months at- VT ter the date hereof, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of satd county for leave to sell Two Thousand acres of land in Sumter couuty, stock and other things on the plantation, knowp la tbc .lainar plantation, on Flint river be longing to tlie estate of Col E. D. Iluguenbi, fate of said eountv, dec’d. . , .. GEO. W. FORT, sepl7 2ni Exeeutpr.,. ‘ ' *’ ' | Yaltiable Cotton Plantation Por Sale. T OFFER for sale rnv ]dantatfon sitnateil on l X ochec Creek, 12 miles S. \V. from Albuui Dougherty eonnty Georgia, adjoining the land, far Benjamin Lockett, Jerry Bell, John Jones <)W Nelson and ethers. TbcplacecootaiaaLfaOscr— abdat 6 or 700acres of which are rlnmlaad no' dcr a good fence. The improvements are an g - st framed buildings—good ginhonse and iron i s Provisions, stock and plantation tools i-ar • borreht with the place. If not sold l* for. the 1st rursday in December next, on that day n w,)j be told in Albany at public outcry. For term* i;. ply to me at Cuthtieit, Georgia, or & D. irxin. Albany. novtMlDf SAMUEL CLAY Ti -S EORGIA, Bibb Countt.—Whereas, AtmerT. or Lockett, Wm. Vj and Thomas N. Mims ap plies to the undersigned for letters of sdminliitra- ion with the will annexed of Needham Mims, fate of said connty, deceased. • All persons interested are required to be and ap pear at the court of ordinary on the first Monday n December next to show cause (if any they have) why letters of mlniinistration should nor be granted the applicants. Given under signature. ogt31-w30d* Vi Wliitc makes application to mo for Letters of Admintstralioh on the Estate of William Parks, late of said eonnty deceased These are therefore to l ib- and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to show cause, Ifany they lave, on or I* fore the first Monday in Decem ber next, why letters stall not issue to the appli cant. Given nnder my hand and official signature, this 16th day of October 18B5. octPJ-wtd. - M. IL HUTCHISON Ord’ry. Notice to Debtors and Creditors . LL persons Indebted, to the estate of A. E. A RARE CHANCE. T HE undersigned otler formic, or ri n* for th- ensuing year, in the villageoT Ru-<!hi!|.-. Monroe co, Ga., a dwelling and store bom-c. sjru 40 acres of land attached, in .. v.. at:). v , on. nmni comprising one of tlie best country Mjin.l- mcrchandhing in middle Ge orgia. The <1* is nearly new containing eight room', with garden.'orelord, etc. The store room is « long amt well finished. Said property can chased low or rented on rea. enable t application is made to the undersignei ■ J. It. RAL1 nov9-20d* J. R. BIDGELY, S((l ILK A CO., DODDS, Fire r my hand and official ! A I.L persona Indebted to the estate of A. L. YVM. M. RILEY LxA. Cochran, late of Bibb connty, deceased, are Ordinan' required to make Immediate payment, and those a i ...— , .— ,.r »i.w i,w- having claims, to render them in terms or the law __ - i Mr the undersigned. E. T. COCHRAN, Notice to Tanners and <fctr-«55» CtRKIEKS. f. uutuaA.i. Administratrix. T ’ HE undersigned wish to to employ a lirst-ebsa ■ Tsnnek and Fim.«her, to condnct for them . jeocased lying in Dol one of the largest aud l»e«t tanneries in Georgia.— ! >- rrtwo months afterdate,IwillapplytotbcCourt of Ordinary of Greene eonnty, for leave to sell j the re al estate belonging to George O. Dawson, faMW ~ lughertyi The e.-tabli.«hment hss, for the last fifteen year* been one of the most lucrative of the kind in the State. Tlie location is near Eatonton, Ga. None tint an energetic and honorable man, who is mas ter of both branches of the bnsineas, ind can give unexceptionable references, need apply. To such a workman the most liberal wages and a perma nent situation, will be given. Application by let ter. or in person, should lie made immediately, to J. C. A J. C. DENHAM, Eatonton, Geo. P. S. In addition to the above we will.im mediate emplovment to two No. 1 Carrier* and Finishers. Apply st once, as almve. oet 22-1 aw4* Colombo*, G*., Oet. 23d-^oct31 : w«»d’. j *ml Merduini- ’ such article ^ i pORkMfl from j price*, Mtt nov 1 l-:im Executor’s .Sale. W ILL be sold on tlic First Tuesday in Decem ber next, between tbc usual hours of rale, ; before tbc Court House door in the eountv of Bibb, ! Fifty acres of land in ttd North West comer of lot ' No. 206., Tweutv acres is cleared and m a high OT0I.EN from state of cultivation, one good frame building; O Albany, on T with two rooms on the premi-e-*. Sold as the dark favM.4KE, f'Kxi prpMffi* of YYatnon Campbell, fate of Bibb county, white, »nip nose, and a IdctuaMtl, for tiwi benefit of the heir* and creditors . on one of her hbtn of deceased. LUTHER R. JOHNSON, < rubbing of barnet’ oetfl-lawflw* Executor. nr.vlT f.t ’ T gniESE SAFES AND LOCK ■Roughly tested and their reputation tnm the TflRaauio IHrunrtT ,i \\ i,iiingb3 and New York city use them in prefrrence any other. Tltey are made excluslrrlv of ami steel, thos rendering them enttr, tv Eureka aud Excelsior Bank