Newspaper Page Text
djjt $)ailg Ctltgrap|.
New Airwtising lm4ex..
Plantation to Boot—Newton A La.ton.
For Root—Kenton A Lew ton.
NoUre legal adrertUemnU.
Commission Mfrcbmt—M B Wharton.
Auction—Findlay A Kenrick,
130 Reward—E Johnson.
V?Iothing—J L Jonea.
JFu»t received—Newton A Lawton.
Salt—Oliver, Douglas A Co.
To^ »*1«—Obhbedgn^ Caldwell A Co.
il«—0 J Blakr.
bb Saw Yoax KioUk, the balance of their
' winter drew goods wilf be at greatly
price* to close oat the stock. Cell and
ns New Bicirr FOE 1805.—“Bradley* Du-
'IpUr.—A wonderful Invention for ladies. Un-
■bly superior to all others,
fail to reed the advertisement in Die Macon
vfi t ontaining full pntacalon every Tuesday
g. octll-5tw3ro.
• :i ' !•»«*!»
•uoa»k PS p*»» PS ueemieq ’jeer** lx
-*eq3 no ere)* *iq je mjq •+* pas n’O T! 2aiop
cuaj/ pedtloji eq ^oaasa jfoqtpaa'aauijfjx artgjo
apooK kutqstajo; pas Suiiftopjtiaqt Xnq ujm. opr
-jlinia sqx *eq»f pe/e-eao jo xsqdvtp qiaoxe
-ljaata eqt duuj a^qsx—**mx *i xx»X
Tstxos Aaocr Tows—In oar rambleayesterday
wa saw much to praise and aomg little toH
Not with stand iug the dampish condition of the
earth (tad air, many a fair pedestrienne
be aeen ox our streets in their hunt of the latest
novelties In feminine paraphernalia and iuqoeat
of Cbriatioas presents for the juvenile*—-of which
oar principal stores present an abnndant supply
and tempting array. Those who cannot be
pleased must be very fastidious indeed. W
A few wagons were in from the country
with feathered objects for tho sacrificial Christ
mas knife; others, with a few bales of the staple,
which seemed to afford oar solid men |
attraction than aught else on the streets, though
the bidding, for it was not Yery spirited—buyers
and sellers seeming lo hitch a little on the
Every one seems to be pleaded with the organ
isation of the new police, and the benefit# of the
plan will soon be apparent in increased good
order on the streets, the abatement of nuiaancea
ai d the lessening of crime. The lower portion
«r basement room of the City Hall is being fitted
np for the accommodation and comfort of the
policemen coming off duty.
The order for the disbandment of the negro
troops on duty here seems te afford much satis
faction to all classes. As a general thing, the
conduct of these colored soldiers has been
respectful and orderly; still, we must confess,
that their presence as soldiers was anything but
pleasant or agreeable to either Northerners or
Southerners. With their mustering out, all will
hail the dissipation of a dark cloud from our po
litical horison.
Quite a flutter hhs been created in niggerdom
hereabouts, caused by the movements of the
police in gathering up all the stray darkies and
bresking up all camps established on the city
Reserve. A large crowd of these vagrants were
brought before the Mayor yesterday, who gave
them thirty-six hours to find employment, and
remove their temporary huts.
It has come to our knowledge that negroa havo
bought firearms from some of oar dealers, snd
hare succeeded, also, in furnishing themselves
with ammunition. Of course, there is no law to
prevent this traffic, but in view of eventualities,
this conduct is to be reprehended. We saw yes
terday two colored boys in possession of floe, new
double-barreled guns which they had thus pu
The talk is that tome portions of tho city are
moot wretchedly lighted—especially College
Hill. If the lamps ore ever lighted, the open
condition of the frames causes the flame to be
extinguished by the wind. It is even said the
lamp in front of the Mayor’s residence has not
l>een lighted in three mouths. Can the* unpaid
city gss hills have anything to do with this ?—
Who knows f
It is thought by many that an order closing all
places where liquor is retailed, should emanate
from mililary headquarters, to continue of forco
during the holidays, and that such nn order
would materially aid in the suppression of law
less n eel during that generally hilarious season.
It would he illegal for the Mayor to close them,
from the fact of their being licensed by the cityy
at least sueh seems to be the opinion of many.
It U further thought, and so expressed, that the
thirty and odd thousand dollars owing the city
would he very acceptable if deposited, soon in
the hands of the Treasurer, and would enable
that officer to pay off some of tho city employees
—many of whom have received no pay in two
months. ^
AT Tax New York Stoke, a fine lot of ladies,
basques, sacques and circulars of the latest stylos
and of superior quality has just been received,
and are offerred for sale at very low rates, to suit
all classes of purchasers. dccl7-3td.
Assorted Cavmes.—An immense supply of
assorted candies, just in time for the holidays.
Ready allow rates for the wholesate trade of the
city and country. A fine assortment and large
supply of pickles, Scotch whisky, Schiedam
schnapps, Ac., at A. P. G. Harris* store.
dec 16 4id _
Bask Ball.—Game played Saturday, Dec. 16,
by the Olympic Club :
Conner, C~..~~.»..~....41 ,Gsatin, L F...........
Collins, S S 3] Alton, P
Bee, P. 3 iC Rogers, lit B.....
Harris 1st, R |M Rhgers, C...........
Masses burg. 2d B 3 Gresham. 2d B........
Fort. 3d B 1 F Rogers, 3d B
Morris. L Y 1 McClelland. S S
Umpire and 8corer—Roff.
' gainings
3 4 5 6 7 Total.
1st Side 3 3 16 7 0 2
2d Side. 4 16 6 7 4 3
The above well contested game was verj inter*
eating. The lat had the advantage till nearly
the close, when the 3d side, by good batting and
sueceeeful running, favored somewhat by the
waning ef day, overlapped and beat. The bat
ting of M Rogers, Conner, Collins and C Roger?,
was good; the pitching of Allen fine; Harris
minded the 1st base well, and F Rogers the 3d.
Collins, in the shorfstop, was good, and Gnstin
(ended the left field finely. Bee was out of play
with a sprained wist. Grysham did excellent*
service. There will he a special game next Sat
urday, and all are requested to attend, in order
to make arrangements for a grand Christm;
/. If, Boardxa.v ha* for talc, the most beauti-
fal atoffehoice editions ofBulwcr’s Scott’s, and
Cooper’s for holiday present*. Also juvenil^
hooka ef all kinds, including Abbott's historic*
sa4fflbar<. From his large selection of elegant
photopmph albums beautiful Christmas presents
Jtori^Htode. decl6-5teod.
)Mg^A. P. G. Hakris has received 70 bag- of
okNto which wholesale and retail customers will
desirable quality and at suitable prices.
AXE select Groceries.—We call the at-
> af wholesale and retail dealers to the
did stock of groceries just received
A Lawton and advertised iu to-
Their invoices of fine teas, coffee,
^best brands of wines, brandies, whisky
offer at the lowest wholesale rales, and
in purchasing that class of
their line, will do well to cal! and ex
» stock: Country merchant* especially
veil to examine the large and extensive
articles advertised and call on Newtc
awton at their hue.’ness house, on Third
i door to Hardeman A arks’ cotton
**• Louie.
Ha Matos's Cocnr.—The f flowingc a*
disposed of:
Rachel, an aged colored was m a
peck of trouble, and though not exactly mourn
ing for her first born, seemed inconsolable at the
lone of tome clothing the bid jlaee.1 in tho
trail of i yoong colored Bra rad wife ter eete-
Iwfiat nd Vn hM to ta* b**»
attorafrom theiritorairila.BnspaclingiMirraplc
of making away with her property, ike con
cluded to get erra*7 taking piwutnof «ht
of bed clothing belonging to them. She wit
ought with the article*, the offence wu proven
ca her. rad ebe na called on tor ■ contribution
of fi and com*, or Ittrt to partake ol the city’i
hospitality tor the third part of 1 month.
Je» rad wife, tho parties accused of making
way wUh Annt Rachel's dry goods, wera dis
charged, (ho clurge not being proxon.
Joseph and Chert, two negro boya, were east
to the gaard honae tor ten day* on bread and
water, for bring cracker, on the streets.’
Bill, one of the blackest derbies we hare teen
la aeoon'i ago, started in tho Imn-mooger’s but-
ioeee on Monday night, in a Hull way. With-
Inga partner tc racist him in “taking stock," be
porsnaded a more youthful colored disciple,
Wool07, to go in with him. They were caught
toting a large slab of iron, and were gobbled.up
by tho police. Bill's object wu to sell the iron
to a white man, who wanted it. The former wu
let off on paying IS and coats, and the latter dis-
The Orrt ds V>.tit a au-l Gem Pictures, for
Photograph Album*, produced by J. A. Pugh, at
his oi i reliable Gallery, Trian^til-r Block, excel
anything yet produced in Macon. His well
reputation is a sufficient guarantee that
aTIvrtttbe pleated vbo’givekim a call.
|l .4“ 11
Hat Danse, a waiter, of tke colored persuasion,
who doss the agreeable in that capacity at Cop
ley’s restaurant on Third street, it seems baa a
sweet tooth in his head. He was picked upon
Monday night by a couple of the police, with a
rather suspicious looking bundle, dona up in bis
apron, which, upon examination, was found to
contain sugar. He stated he had bought it at
Copley’s; but this was soon proven to be an un
truth, and he was locked up. The emptying of
the sugar bowls was proven on him, and the
Mayor sweetened him high with a twenty day
doeeof bread and water in the police jail*
A whole psess of loitering and straggling ne
groes, of both sexes, and every conceivable shade
of color and size, were up, and warned to leave
or get employment. The leader of the darkies
was a strapping buck, whom we should dislike
meeting after nightfall on a lonely road. He
rejoiced in the name of Bill Whale, and seemed
to be quite a big fish among his scaly confreres. *
One of the policemen, for getting drunk and
disorderly, was lockod up, and dismissed by the.
Mayor yesterday from the police' force. We
think fifteen days suspension would have cover
ed the offense.
~AS-A. 8frixgkr has received a new stock of
ladies* shawls, cloaks, nubias, sontags, Alexan
der’s popular Parisian made kid gloves, calicos
and delaines, which he offers for sale at the low
est wholesale and retail rates in the market
dee 17 3td
P&-K. P. O. Harris has just received 20 hogs
heads of New Orleans sugar, for sale at the low
est rates in Macon. He has also 106 barrels as
sorted sugars, at wholesale end retail price*, to
all purchasers. dec 16 4td
8. Pxrses, A Ox, have silk cords, plain and of
all colors. Tinsels, plain and colored worsted
and alpaca braids and trimmings of all kinds,
to meet the most fastidious, for Christmas time.
dee 19 tf
Citt Phtsiciaxs.—It was agreed by the Board
of Aldermen last night to appoint physicians—
eh for the four medical divisions of the
city—at the following salaries: First division,
(to inclnde EsstMaeon), $400 per annum ; sec
ond, $600; third, $500; fourth, $500. This is for
medical attendance alone—all medicines to be
furnished by city druggist or druggists, to he
hereafter appointed—and we trust to see tho
names of onr best physicians in nomination at
xt meeting of the Board. Want of space
prevents farther &nnncnfon this and other im
portant matters.
S. PxtiER A J2q—*We call attention to the-large
stock of oetirich plumes, and feathers all vai
and colors; ribbon?, laces of all qualities a
ions, all of which will be ?old at low •pries?,
tho Christmas time, dec 19 tf.
Good News.—Just rfcceivcd.nt the New York
store. !«"' j.i a of pv.J fast colors madder
print*, at 2J cents per yard. d eel 7-ltd.
J&T- Notice L. t>..Strong A S..n’s advertise
ment in the special column. dec 19 tf
jrft-A. Sr-uiHonn has just received for sale, at
vest ratea in tho market, a large assortment of
blanket*, and all styles and qualities .of woolen
good?. Corner of Triangular Block, Macon,
doc 17 3td
A Loxo Neglected MATTER.-—There is one
thing that we think ou^merebants have too lor.g
neglected, and that is tho numbering-wad letter
ing of their business houses. As the thing now
stands, in an advertisement of his goods, in loca
ting his store, Mr. Smith has to stato that he can
be found next door to Mr. Jones*—thereby bring
ing tho latter before the public at the former’s
expense. So this, if no other reason, should in
duce oar merchants to attend to this very i -
port an t matter. When the business bouses of a
city arc plainly numbered, it is so eaay for
strangers to find the merchant’s store they are in
qneat of, for the purcha&e ofgoods. We trust our
enterprising business men will take this advice
and act on it accordingly.
S. Parses A Co. have a large stock of Irish
poplins, dress goods, merrino?, all wool delain’es,
shepherd’s plaids, at the lowest rates, suitable for
he holidays. dee!9-tf.
pTJoat received at the News Depot, Triangu-
lar Block—Chamber’s Journal for November:
Banner of Light, Criminal Zeitung; Wilkes'Spir
it! Irish American Turf, Field and Farm, and
many others. % dec 20 It
S. Pi.vser. A Co.—Carpets of all kinds, rugs,
mattings, oil cloths, window shades and carpet
bindings very low. decl9-tfi
Great Ixdocxxexts are offered to planters in
Newton A Lawton's advertisements, in to-day's
paper, of plantations t> rent. To the advertise
ment headed Extraordinary Inducements, wo call
special attention. Onr readers will discover the
reason, by carefully calculating the propositions
Announced therein. For farther particulars call
at Newton «fc Lawton's wholesale and retail gro
cery store, on Third street, next door to Harde
man A Spark’s cotton warehouse. dec 20 if#
a Parses A Ca, have a large stock of buttons,
the qualities and styles of which cannot be sur
passed in the city, which they will sell at very
ow figures. dec 19 tf
a Pktser A Co.—Go and get some of those
splendid hoop skirts, Bradley’s duplex elliptic,
superior to all other*. They have also a fine
stock of single and doable trail skirts.
The Colored Taoors.—We have good authori
ty for stating that an order has been received
here for the mastering out of the colored troops
in this portion of the Department of Georgia,
and that the only delay in the immediate en
forcement arises from the non-arrival of the nec
essary papers. We trust it will be carried out as
h—i aa passible, and we know our people-will
all say, amen !
S. Petskr A Co., have a large stock of silk vel
vet and cloth cloaks of the finest qualities,which
^hey wiU^ell at extraordinary low prices, for the
ChrUtmas Liu >. , dec 19 t£
Ti»e WrathTTax [considerably jttflderated
since our last, and. for the dr>* time since Satur
day, the sun and stars were visible. Last night
was rery foggr.^
k Bro., hirin&purehlMd for
crab, ■ Urge tkogk of Poplins, Empress cloths,
elpeets, delaines, tickiaga rad other standard
goods, daring too late largo'declins in thc'pricos
of good* in Jew York, off.r the same at very
low rates, at the New York Store, on Second
street, Triangular Block, Macon. dee 19 "t
Ton Police.—Thi* thoroughly organised and
efficient body, coder command of Copt. James
Simpson, will go on daty to-night Wo shall
hare something farther to ray in regard to them
in ear next
Macon Cotton Market.
Omre or na Macov Daily Telbobapi
Tuesday Evening, Dec. 19,1965.
Cs/tto*.—The market opened firm to-day, wkh ad
vanced views on the part of acUcrs, but without result
ing in the . _ 1
ton. The sales of the day footed up about CO bales,
at prices ranging from 30 to 38 cents—the latter for strict
middling. Liverpool the 8th inaf were received
yesterday—quoting the market unchanged—but if gen
erally known, produced no effect on transactions here,
both buyers and sellers seeming determined to hold
their own, mod await farther developments. The New
York market of the 19U> was quoted dull, with small
aales, at 49 to 50 cents.
Savannah Market.
- Sava**ao, Dec. 1C.—The dry
chnoaed. Darina the week a ]
from interior buyers. The stock offered by our mer
chant? is quite large, and was carefully selected to meet
the want? of the Southern trade. We quote print * at
3ft to 39)4 cent? per yard: unbleached shirting, 4-4,33 to
28 cent? per yard; bleached shirting, 34 to 35 cents per
(■corgis manufactured goods are dull and very much
neglected. There is no change in prices. We quote
yams at IS *5 to 3 50 per bunch; Georgia shirting, 83 to
38c per yard. *
Cloths are in very good demand, and prices are much
firmer in consequence of an advancing tendency in the
Northern market?. Casaimeres are selling at 63 to S3
per vard; Jeans, tie to $1 per yard.
The money market la quite easy tho present
week. Gold i* in moderate request. Brokers are
paying 144 to 145, and selling at 146 to 148& Sil
ver continues very scarce; the rate* by brokers are
for purchase 126, selling at 137. Coupons of tho city
are at par. Central Railroad old issue of bank note*
arc hefd at 93c. Marine Rank notes have greatly ad
vanced, and wo quote at 80c. Time bills continue neg
lected, und very few transactions are made. The de
mand for foreign exchange is moderate.
Columbus Market.
. 'Lexers. Dei
soiling at 142. New York exchange selling by brokers
at par.
Georgia Railroad Banking Company 93c, Marine Bank
75c, I'niou Bank (Augusta) 13c, jjanlc State of Georgia
27c, Central R. R. vSe, Bank of -Mobile, 75c, Bank of
Montgomery 95c, Central Bank of Alabama 40c, Eastern
Bank of Alabama &5c, Bank of Columbus 15c, Median-
ies’ Bank 12c, Bauk of Fulton 86c. Manufacturers’ Bank
of Macon Mr. Bank of Middle Goorde 72c, Bank ot
Charleston 3*\ Bank of Savannah, 50c. Demand for
bank note? rood.
Dni -Good*—Vie quote the following as the retail
prices; linens att5cQ6i M>: ladies’ hose, 35c£$6l; half
Jio«.e, 23c&$ 1; caiicoes, 35@40c; bleached homespun,
45‘£S0c; brown sheetings and shirtings, 40^53c; de
laines, 45c<&$!; spool thread, $1 to per dozen.
Cotton—'there was n tetter feeling evident in the mar
ket yesterday. A few bales were sold; middlings brought
26c, higher grades 38@39c. Throughout the week pro-
viout-ly the market luul l*ccn very dull, middling barely
averaging 25 cent*. -
Stock on hand Sept. 1, U*3 (t»ales) 5.004
Received this week 1.574
*♦ previously 14.611
Total mnouut received 21,419
Shipped past week 911
- previously A997
Total amount shipped ■—--
Total stock on hand
Dovtcetif*—Osnaburss, retail, 85c; wholesale, 30c»
yarns, S3 75g5 per bundle; sheetings and shirtings,
(Macon) 45c. .
Countm Pmditee—Corn and meal, from wagons, $15J;
from store?, $175. Beef, 9£12%c; chickens, 35c; eggs.
40j; butter, 45c; folder, $125 per ewt; sweet potatoes,
75c per bushel; pork. 12}j@15c; cow peas, $150 per
bushel; seed oats, 6135; rye, $150-
|Boren—!»•. Heavy stock.
I fitojK/biy— India, 35c.
* Bran-ly—Domestic, $4; imported, $10# 15.
Chterc—English dairy, 25c; western. 3Jc.
Candle*—Hperm, 4>e per pound; stir and adamantine,
u 40c; Java, 50c
, Orleans, $1 BO. .
Unekcrtl—No. 1. kit* $3. lislf bid* $13, bbU $30; No. 9,
kit* $4 20. half this $13, Uals $84: Ko. 3, kif. $4. half bbls
$12. this $32. ^
OsioiM—$6 per bbl.
Jrieh l\>talo<*—$C per bbl.
J?fro—Little in market. '
Ifnp-y—Machine made, 25c.
Liverpool, ft. A
H ap—French family, Tte per lo.
. fioht—Boxes 04 ** package*) »>c; kegs, ICc per lb.
•SVenc-Brown, X9^2Sc; crushed an«l. powdered, 30c
per lb. .
Tot-arm-75e^$l 50 qt 9*.
Haepor—$16 61 l»bt.
Wheat—$3 25*^p bushel. .. .
_ IJ Ahtf—Rjo. $7; chi Bourbon, $1&—i extra fine,
• HisTv-^Tort, $150; sherry,$7 50; claret, $0 per box;
champagne, pint*. $22^36 per doaen.
Wan-toi Ware—Hucketk, painted, X and 3 hoop?, $5 60
d-— per doaen; tubs, painted, $-#7 50 per nest; brooms,
$—f/5 per dozen; washboards, zinc, $S per dozen.
Montgomery Market*
Mostooxxbt, Dec. 15.—Cb‘tom—There was great ac
tivity in the market yesterday, owing to the news of the
heavy advance in Liverpool- It opened at 38c, but to
ward evening there was but little disposition to sell nn-
dcr 43c.
Mobile Market
Moans; Dfelfc—Cbttm-Sales to-day 500 bales; mid
dlings, 47e. Sales tor the week 5^)00. Receipts for the
week 10AXD. Exports for tho weel? 17^16. Stock on
hand 794)00.
Gold 40650 --
List of Consignees per Southwestern Rail
road, Dee. 19th, 1865: Shackelford A WU
Collins »t Foster, H P Redding, Wm Doody, Har
deman & Sparks, Harris A Ross, Rogers A Brofita
-V Ayres. J Pickett, n C Caffey, W S Moughon,
Winship A Co. W A Hoff, A H Wyche. Wheeler
A Wilbur, TW.Truman, W M Dense, J F Greer,
D Valentino, McCallie& Jonei, H B Troutman,
Jaa. 8eymour, Act M A W 3 R, J W O’Conner,
C J Malone, M S Thompson. dev20-lt
Xffi-The place to -bur Tot.,. Candies,
Fire Cracktr*„ end Popper,. Ac., &e., is at lha
Xotki.ty Stoke, No. II, Cotton Arenue, a ferr
doors aborc Mix k Kirtland’s.
- L. r. Stcoxa i So,, Second «tre,t, next door
te.Zcilin end Co’S drugstore, here now in store,
an dare- receiving regdiarlr, one of the largest
and moat extensi/a assortments of select boots
and shoe in tfac South.
Merchants from the country will find it'to
their interest to examine their stock, which com
prises mil the latest varieties end «ty lea of boots
end shoes, for men's, ladies’ and children’s wear,
at wholesale and retail price,, that will be satis
factory Is crery purchases. deelC tf
ST The friends of FRANK M. HEATH an
nounce him as a candidate for Tax Collector of
Bibb County. The lose of an arm in the war bra
unfitted him for many kinds of employment, and
as be is known to be well qnailfied in eTery respect
for the office of Tax Collector, it la hoped and ho
llered that the people of the county wilt generally
support him decl9-tde a
Seth II. Gates tor Tax Collector.
The name of this centlennm is announced by his
friends as s candidate for Tax Collector ol Bibb
county. Election la January next.
He is well qualified for the office, and Is recom
mended because of his unfitness for many of the
other occupations of Bfe, on account of a severe
wound received in battle.
deeT-te Hast Fbieeds.
II. P. RiDDEfswbnld respectfully inform thedti-
zens of Macon and surrounding country that he
has opeaed a aew grocety store on 3d street, oppo
site the Express office, under the firm name of
BEDDING A WELLS, where he will be happy to
meet fils old friends and patrons, forfie can assure
them they can always find a choice stock of Family
Groceries, freah Northern Butter, Coffees, Cheese,
Sugars, Potatoes, Onions and all articles needed
by fiuniijJ and merchants in the Grocery trade. Onr
attack is sdwjiri choice; Give ns a call.
***** HSrx -
- IVA-niNGTON, Dec. IS.
The Seetkem States officially declares the
constitutional amendment, which 1ms been
ratified by three-fourths of the States voting,
to all intents and purposes, as part ot the con
stitution of tho United States.
The House went into committee on the
message. Stevens made a speech, the point
of which was to give to the blacks the rights
claimed by the Declaration of Independence,
and place the Sooth in a territorial condition,
with a view to their subsequent admission as
free States.
Senator Wilson offered a resolution pro
viding for the appointment of an examining
board to relieve officers of the regular army
who have not rendered martial service in the
late war, and to fill their places by appoint
ments from the veteran reserves and volun
teer forces.
A resolution was offered that Congress lis
ten, on the 12th February, to an address from
Hon. E. 31. Stanton, on the life and character
of the late President Lincoln; that the Pres
ident, cabinet, foreign ministers, and officers
of the army and navy who received thanks of
Congress, be invited to attend.
House Credential*.—Jas. W. Johnston, mem
ber elect from the Sd district of Alabama,
presented his credentials, which were referred
to the committee-on reconstruction.
Mr. Price, of Iowa, offered preamble which
says: “As an attempt may come, in some
shape, to repudiate the national and assume
the rebel debt, therefore,
Hetoleed, No representation from a (south
ern) State shall Ire admitted until an amend
ment is made to its constitution precluding
such result
Referred to committee on reconstruction.
3Ir. 3Ioulton offered a resolution, calling
upon the President to inform the Honse why
Mr. Davis had not been tried for treason.
A resolution was passed, declaring that
the test oath will not be dispensed with.
New York, Dec. 18.
Cotton dull. Sales 1,400 bales at 4!) to 50
cents. Gold 40 1-4.
Halifax, Dec. Iff.—The steamship Cuba
has arrived with European dates to the 10th
The sales of in Liverpool for the
week ending on the Sth, amounted to 00,000
(? Eon.) bales, of which 0,000 were taken on
speculation and for export. Middling Or
leans quoted at 21 1-3 d. The market ad
vanced 1-4 d. a 1-2 cL, on the week's opera-
tioas, and closing quiet. Sates on Friday
7,000 bales, the maket closing quiet and
steady. Sales on Saturday 5,000 bales.
Provisions and breadstuffs quiet.
Consols were quoted at 87 1-2 a 87 5-8.—
Five-twenties at G3 1-4 a C4.
General Nows. •
The King of Belgium iB dead.
At the American banquet in Paris on
Thanksgiving day, Minister Biglow expressed
very pacific sentiments. Gen. Schofield pro
posed to ask that tho friendship between
France and the United States slionld not Ire
interrupted. V
The Shenandoah put back on the 8th inst.
on account of a ljcavy'gajc.
O’Leary,'tfcff'Fcnian,liasbcen foifcd guilty
and sentenced to twenty years’ rerwhde.
ET” ]»oftc;>om-<l until FRIDAY, ilitflh inst.*
11 O’clock, a. m. t at which time she will be soldi
(:ls she l-.vs) in front ofour -tore* f.r the i- m-fit ot
ihc Underwriters.
Triangular Block, 3d Street, Macon, Ga.
The S4 bales COTTON will be Bold THIS
DAY, as previously advertised.
Christmas Festivities.
Pun and Presents for the Young Polks,
On Friday Night, at the City Hall,
T HE festivit ies of the Chribtmas* Tree will ec-
cur, commencing at 7 o’clock.
Every article will be labelled, and each visitor
or spectator, will be entitled to tbe article bearing
a number corresponding with that on his or her
ticket of admission.
Tickets may be bought at the Book Stores and
Hotels, and any one may boy as many tickets
.they choose.
Articles not claimed Friday night, may be called
for next day; butiLnot called lor by 11 o’clock,
they will be considered as donated to the Orphan
School, and auctioned off, and the proceeds tamed
over to the Orphan fund.
The object of this festivity U to raise money for
the benefit or tub Okphas School of the Citt,
which is supported by gratuitous contributions.
And money or articles to aid the project will be
gratefully received, and may be sent to Mrs.
Hughes, on Poplar street, until Friday, when they
should he 6cnt to the Citt Hall.
The aid and contributions of the benevolent
and charitable, arc earnestly solicited.
MRS. JOSSEY, - Managers.
I.adic-* i n 11 r- : * • .1 a,;I ; . '1 Mr-.
Hughes* on Thursday, to assist in labelling the ar-
-First National Bank.
Treasury Department,
Office of Comptroller op the Curbexct, )
Washington*, Dec. 9th, 18G5. )
W hereas. By satis factory evidence presented to
the undersigned, it has been made lo appear that
*'Thc First National Dank ef Macon," in the City of
Macon, in the County of Bibb and State of Geor
gia, ha3 been duly organized under and according
to the requirements of the Act of Congress, entit
led, “An Act to provide a National Currency se
cured by a pledge of United States Bonds, and to
provide for the circulation and redemption there
of” ; approved June 3d, 1SG4, end has complied
with all the provisions of said Act, required to be
complied with before commencing the business of
Banking under said AcL -
Now therefore, I, FREEMAN CLARK, Comp
troller of the Currency, do hereby certify, that
“TAe First National Bank ef Macon” in the City of
Macon, in the County of Bibb and State of Geor
gia, is authorized to commence the business of
Banking under the Act aforesaid.
—— In testimony whereof, witness my hand
w IBiikaflad
* Plantation for Rent,
Just Received from Hew fork,
10 Cases Sardines, different 'sizes,
50 Cases Cove Oysters, 1 and 2 lb Cans,
5 Cases French Mustard,
20 Bbls Bay Mackerel,
60 Kits No. 1 Mackerel,
50 Boxes Scotch nerring,
10 Kegs Dutch Herring,
25 Bbls Soar Krout,
50 Boxes Sperm and Adamantine Candles,
75 Boxes assorted Cheese,
5 half Chests Young Hyson and Oolong Tea
2 half Chests English Breakfast Tea,
10 Bbl White Fish.
Heidsick and Other Brands of Oliampasigne.
1,250 .A.cres.
I I A A ACRES cleared land, which will pro-
■«JLUU duce Five Hundred Bates of Cot
ton with ordinary cultivation. There will also
be sold to tho party who renta the place:
30 First-claw Mules, ♦ ..
5,000 bushels Corn,
4,000 “ Cotton 8ccd,
>1 Marcs and Colt?,
50 head Cattle,
21 44 Sheep,
20 Milch Cows,
235 head Hogs, 100 of which are ready for
35,000 lbs. Fodder,
1,000 lbs. Iron, »r
38 acres Sugar Cane, which will produce 125
barrels of cane syrup,
3 Iron Sugar Mills, and 0 Boilers,
Iran Gin and Gin Belting,
Plantation Tools, Ploughs, Axes, Hoes, Plough
8t0d0t_ m
Four WjpoMLvrj
900 bushels Sweet Potatoes, and
1000 “ Ground Peas in the ground, from
which at least 1500 dollars can be realized,
will bo given to the renter.
The above described stock will be sold to the
lessee at such low rates, that the sale of the half
of it will pay the rent of ths farm and the whole
aim JJ, of tnc purchase oi tho stock.
^■^Hntation is situated five miles from Albany,
I» “rtv county, on Newton Road; has a good
l* /UiawHonse, with »ix rooms, vegetable garden,
gotKstables, houses enough for workers ou plan-
tatfob. The plantation is complcto in every re
spect, and lias about 100 freedmen on it, who will
probably be willing to remain and work it.
For price and further particulars apply to E. G,
WILLINGHAM, ox the plantation, or
Third st.. Macon, Ga., next door to Hardeman A
Sparks* Warehouse.dec20-tJanl
Look to the Interest of
Your Families,
v 1qi . AND
National Lite
Of jESTew York,
NSURES against death by accident. Also guar
antees a weekly compensation from any injury
Persons may insure against accident or death,
one or both, as ho may desire.
Every man who travels or lays himself liable to
any accident, and in view of their daily occurrence,
ought to take out a policy to cover both death aud
weekly compensation to help his wants. If disa
Tho Agent is prepared to issue Policies at once.
Please call and get a Policy for one, three, six or
twelve mouths, aud pamphlet* for information.
E. C. GRANNISS, Agent,
<jecl6-3t* Macon. Ga.
A No. 1 Plantation,
| iy MILES from Albany, on (lie Newton road.
, ETC., ETC., ETC.
We are determined to sell as cheap as tlic
cheapest Wholesale House in this city, and
■would respectfully suggest that persons de
siring anything in our line would do welll by
giving us a call.
decl6-Gt ■ NEWTON & LAWTON.
Eight Hundred^Acres.
seven hundred and fifty (750) cleared and enclosed,
There Is on the place n good dwelling house, gin
house and screw, with nil the necessary out-bulid-
iirrs for a plantation.
Will produce two hundred and fifty bales of Cot
ton: For farther particulars apply to
Next door to Hardeman A 8parks* Warehouse.
Atlanta New Era and Nashville Banner
copy until Jan. 1st, and send bill to N. A L. for
dec 20-tjanl
f^\ EORGIA, Jones Cottrit.—Sixty days after
\JT date application will be made to tbe Court of
Ordinary, of Jones county, Ga., for leave to sell
all tbe real estate of A. H. Bowen, deceased, now
lying in ths Stale of Mississippi, either privately or
publicly, for the benefit of heirs and creditors of
said deceased. All persona, interested will hereby
take notice accordingly.
This December 8th, 1865.
dec20-law60d x . Executor.
Wholesale and Retail
Commission Merchant,
Salt, Salt, Salt, Seilt.
Nails, Nails. ^Nails.
Bacon, Bacon, Fiacon, Bacon.
In 8tore and lor sale by
Old Georgia C per cent Bonds,
Muscogee Railroad Stock.
Georgia “ “
Lanier House “
Macau aad Brunswick Railroad Stock. by
dec20—2t* Bankers and Broke rs-
\AT ILL be sold at the late residence of Da
VV Howard, on Saturday, December 30th, a*
Monroe county, twelve ndha above Macon, i 6*e
property of said estate, conuisting of Horses,Alul '
Cattle, Milch Oows, of the very beat quality, o
yoke of Oxen and Wagon, Farming Tools, Hoj
and Household and Kitchen Furniture. ALso, on
40 Saw Gin, Wheat Fan, and a lot of Cotton Seed.
WM. JOHNSON, Executor.
Manroc Co., Dec. 20—Std
To take place at tbe
Monday Night, January lat.
H AVING ARRANGED an excellent Lumber
Yard, I am prepared to receive, store and sell
all lumber consigned to me, charging only a —
sonable commission.
Parties at a Distance
Having Lumber to dispose of, will find it greatly
to tbcir interest to ship to me, ns
I Sell only on Commission,
and no other establishment of the kind in Macon
docs this.
Parties in the City
Should send their orders to me, as they can there
by get lumber at millers’ prices, both freight and
commission added.
I am Prepared to Advance Money on all
kw- Leave vour orders at tho Furniture Ware
house of FEARS WHARTON AGO., onlCherry
Sleet. M. B. WHARTON.
This day at 10 if dock, A. M.
First Class Dry-Goods, Boots, Shoes
etc., ete.
Trints, Balmoral Skirts, Bleached Shcctiogs,
Delaines, Red Flannels, White Flannels,
Opera Flannels, Hosiery, Linnen Bosom Shirts
Merino Undershirts, Fancy Cassimeres,
Coats, Pants, Vests, Combs,
Pins, Hoop-skirts, Fancy Soaps,
Envelopes Writing P*p«r, Steel Pens, etc., etc.
Mens’ and Boys’ Boots and Shoes,
Ladies’ Children’s and Misses’ Shoes.
Bureaus, Washfttauds, (Marble Top) What-Not
I/Hinge*, Couches, Mattraaeas, Table*, etc., etc
Al?o, S4 BALES OF COTTON, In the hold of
the Steamer Conict, aa ehe now lays.
T7AMILY Flour of Choice quality i»v barrels
Jj Rio and old Java Coffee,
Fine Green aud Black Tea,
Superior Cuba Cano Syrup, by tbe Bbl,
Old Cognac Brandy on dranglit er in Care*,
Old Bourbon Whisky In Coses,
Schiedam Schnapps, qta and pints.
Star Caudles, Soap and Starch,
Rope, Bagging and Tw ine,
Irish Potatoes, Peach-blow,
Powder, Shot and Cap?,
Tobacco, fine and medium.
Salt, Rice and Iron,
Pepper, Spice, Nutmegs and Indigo,
Letter Paper and Envelopes, etc. etc.
Leading articles of Dry Goods ami Domestic*,
comprising Prints, Bleached Sheeting*, Flannel*,
Pantaloon Stufls, Osnaburgs etc. etc.
Which wo offer for sale at market prices.
T " HE PRESENT Session of this Institute com-
menced on the 2d of October, and will contin
ue until the 4th oi July, next
The organization of the Faculty Is complete, and
all the departments oflnstruction,
Academic, Law and Medical,
are In successful operation. Students will be ad
mitted on and after the first of January, with an
abatement of about 25 per cent, of tbe charge* of
the session.
The whole College expenses for the remainder of
the session, exclusive of Text-hooks, will be about
$380 lor the Academic, $285 for the Law, aud $290
for the Medical student—of which sum* $190, $193
and $230, respectively, will be required on admis
sion. S. MAUPIN,
dec!3-5t* Chairman of the Faculty.
Wholesale Cloak Manufactory.
■VTTE are pleased to eay to oar friends south of
VV tho Ohio, that Vo have one of the largest
and best assorted stocks of
Millinery Goods
This side of New York. Wc employ over one
hundred and fifty girls In onr
Cloak Factory,-
And wc arc confident that our styles and prices
will compare favorably with any bou»c in Amcrlra.
nov 17-tjl QTISaCO/
Important to Cotton Shipper.*.
T HE Cotton Warehouse located in this place
immediately on the river, and at the tcrminn«
of the Southwestern Railroad, and convenient to
said road, can shelter all cotton that mav be ship
ped from Macon and other points on Mu* South
western Railroad via Apalachicola to New York.—
We will receive all cotton consigned to us. at the
railroad depot, dray it, and put it aboard of the
boats at one dollar per bale. _ ^ . '■ .
Cotton, shippers upon investigation, will find
this route the cheapest and roost expedioua of any
other route to New York from Macon. We re
spectfully solicit order* for the purchase of cotton.
Our long experience in that line will enable us to
make purchases to the best advantage to those who
favor us with their orders.
We have cow in operation a new Iron Screw
Pl * >t ' O Z 1 R. G. MORRIS * CO.,
References— Ross & Seymour, J. w. Fears,
Virgil Powers, Esq., all agent* on S. W. U. R.
The Place to Buy Tobacco
V* i» at
J. N. Seymour’s Store, Cherry st.
X keeps all grades, and his prices insure the
. aale. Cull and you will find that you can be
suited In price and quality. dec 16-10t
The Latest Arrival.
Turpin & Hurtz’s
stock of Overcoat?, Bus
Also, the latest styles of Fr
and Dre**8ujta.
^h, English -and
American Cassimere' together with a fine assort
ment of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
which we offer for *ale to our fri<*odft etui patrons,
and to the public in genera!, at the low^t price?,
editable to everybody’s mean*. C4*iue auJ look
Ifwedonotbuit you, no charge will be made for
showing the
Boat and Ch.apart the Market can Afford,
Clothing made to order ou short notice by
Mom* Rwatoe from Paris.
L Triangular Bloek.
seo. m."irwm. \f 1 *• w- hcp.xz
S TOLEN from my stable on Saturday night, 17th
in?L, in Crawford county, a medium size Bay
Horse a»*wt.?ix yeuw old; the only mark i* a small
sink on the right of the throat about the size of
the end or a man’s thumb ; shod in front—corked
heels—not shod behind when stolen. I will pay
$30 00 to any-°u» returning ttie^horae^o^^
fCrawford Co., Ga.
T BE LADIES of Macon a»e earnestly requested
to make generous contributions for this ob
ject, and to send provisions of all kinds already
, cooked, to the City Hall, very early Mocda\ rnom-
and seal of office, this ninth day Decern-1 lnt\ January 1st.
ter. XBKx /' Merchants who have it in their power, are po-
FcEEMAN CLARK, Comptroller. litely requested to contribute such things aa they |
cL cU‘—00d* may think will be needed.
| The funds raised will be tamed over to lh e
;tr d
O O O D 8 ,
— x: JONES * C*., raein recri^t piuv .f
T7TDQT WaTTOWAT RaWV I ICktoc Ot the BDvcikl benefit or the city poor; ar
A ,1501 llAiiUll 41 Li HAu O. , it L ; hopcd’Jie entertainment will be liberally p:
' Of Macon, Dec. ^Oth, 18C5. ronized. MRg y. TOWERS,)
D eposits received, mrs. jossey, -M.ixir.EKs_
Exchange on New York, Bonght and Sold. rh. 10* it. , V. ^
J ) . Itbeir'stoek. which lt tlje lowc»| j
n , prices. Their Stock of BOYS CLOTH
I NGUtt^plcte,compri*»»«rayrtMn^«;»w
General Confoakm.
L C PLANT, President.
W. W. WRIGLEY, Cashier.
Cheapest aad Quickest Route
^ By the Great m
Virginia .and Tennessee Line.
Through Receipts,gfaen by the Agents of the
JstrfMACON to BALTIMORE 113,25; rad
NEW YORK 113,50 per bale ou Cotton.
Rate or Inanrence cheaper than any other rotor.
All packages should be stamped S T Co to tor-il
tUto transportation.
■- Agent, Macon, Georgia.
-.Hto-*. Y. G. RUST,
nov21-3m "V- Agent, Albany,Georgia.
t Notice.
I HEREBY appoint Mr. A. SPRINGER, or thto
city, my lawful attorney, to collect al. claim,
4p? me, and reqaest all those indebted to me br
account or note, to come forward and settle up
without delay. On tbe flrat of January next, I
will turn over all unpaid aoconutaand note*, in thr
hand* of a lawyer for coTlection^
NE fi
M. A HOWLAND would respectf Q p T lVr
rpHE next Se?«icei will commence on the recoud
I Mondav of January. Board and Tuition.
Spring Session $150; Fall Session $10». tote Pf«d
in Specie or it* equivalent Studcau will fAinuaii
1 Ightc, towel* and ted linen. Expenses mu-t ur
j paid in advance. W *.J, NORTH REV,
•rice ($1506)
lately if you
"* * iE.
i Wahrot street, (for the preae
form her friends and former patroi 4
- _ _ after a retirement of two year* from 1 cosines*. ’
A ONE STOKiaTJIL-LLiy(L y wThu r ^ she has rtSfiSHH it at the room adjoining -
near FJ9W..nrf-P1*ere i <l > ee*w»i«a 1 dence, i
mediately, a bargain can be had
fifteen hundred dollar*. Call imnj
want a bargain. G. J BI.AK
Macoo, 9$-$td
, - he is prepared to offer an elegant and ■
, cd Stock of Millinery goods, of the la ^ ^ v k». i Sausage. Beet Tk» j(Mi —^
i aad .t the lowest priees. J I Cboiee IVines and Liquors, wholesale and retail.
dec I'M w * dec!7dlyr
T OFFER my T.n T.rd and
£ to* ^ousUntlv on lurad Fresh Oysters, Swiss j I V/ r Mle - joining the w hole length to
- £). 1 K Limf^sud Weateni Reserve Cheese, Ha», irSlosof Lrimpkin, wet; eo acre. deare» £d
I and.Dried Beef. Also, | g™” iB u.e w P ood., J G. SISGEJf