Newspaper Page Text
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“ Many o( t lie political evils, under which every Country in the world labours, are not owing to any want of love for our Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” pKIKSTI X * y
" 33==:== =■-—-■«” ■■ ■ , = * - ■■■
2TI)e €ontftituttanali«
SitaasJs. a aiViis7
Augusta Clothing stacc,
n onld most respectfully inform their friends and Hr
community, that t/it v are now ready to attend to
their caliofor
Frock Coats,
Dress Coats,
Dig Coats,
Plaid and Camblei Cloaks,
Ladies’ Cloaks,
Os the most fashionable kind.
Vests, Shirts, Cravats,
Elegant patent Suspenders,
La Fayette velvet Vesting,
Which thy offer for sale this season, i.-wer
than ever—hut (despising the principal ol in
i (.'.erselling) they would onlv have it uud' rstood
, / that they are nut to be undersold by any in their
lin" of business
Janua’. v U 57
The Subscriber
h opening in Bread s'reet, one door below Mr. Al
ten's Hat Store.
Consisting of
Frock Coats
Drab box Coats
Double k single mill'd Gassimere Pantaloons
jML Broad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy ’ do
iHpl. Toilinett, Valehlia, Swr.nsdown H black silk
* v
1 Blue and black Cloth and C&ssimere do
W Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plait
jVi Shirts
!e - 4 snd Lambawoo
1 Flannel do do
•* Tanan and'Camblet Cloaks
Ladles Tio
Boy’s Dresses
j Vomit's close body Coats
r ( Gentlemen's superfine Cats, sums very widt
[ brims ' ' •
linmitation beaver do
• 1 La Fayette, boys and mens sea! skin Caps
Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Siocks
p Sdk Umbrellas
Gloves, &c.
—also —
Negro Jackets and Trowsera
House servants Coalers and Pantaloons
Fearnought great Coes
Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
Striped and Check do
, Common Linen do
\\ ouilen Gloves, and many oilier article:
in his fne.
The above GOODS are New-York made, am
will be disposed ol wholesale and retail, at New
X Yoik prices.
J. P. fcetze.
December 3 46
£3 bbls. first quality Family Flour will be land
i 'mS-SJ ed this thy trom Steam-Boat, Maid of Or
ean-, which will be sold low if taken from tin
Bugg & Savage.
November 16 ol
Coy v EE.
Cf <|Tv BAGS PRIME COFFEE (on consign
wm!/ ment,; will be disposed of on accumnio
dai ng terms by
B. Picquet.
November 26 »'• 44
ilcai Irish Yoiatoes,
Just received per Steam Bout Hamburg ,
A FEW Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, wind
wih be sold in lots to suit families, by apply
ing immediately at
Jacob Moise’s.
M ’A' i,tie (J Benmch't How,
Deo«mS”P 28 5
übs. pi mi'*, «.aeon,
On Consignment, by
D. vicquet.
November 30 45
S,COVi \V cigVU >2 Vriiur
apply to
Robert D. Ware.
December 3 - 46
> ’TB\IvES this method of informing his friends
L and the public generally, that he has ju»t re-|
ceived, and is now receiving a very large and;
well assorted slock of
GriwrfHfjtf* I
and if they will favor him with their custom, they
wilt find linn “ at home,” attending to /us own
business, ready and willing to supply them with
..i) of .He following articles, o i the most reason-i
, idle terns, tor ca.h or prime city acceptances : — 1
100 I ONS weh assorted Sweede & Uussia Iron*
120 tillds. prime S. Croix and N. Orleans Sugar
100 bags prime Green Coffee
30 libels, prime Jamaica Coffee
50 pieces prime 42 inch Bagging
50 (lobes' low Bagging, very cheap
50 do best Twill’d Sacking
50 coils i/ile Hope
200 bbls. best Northern Gin, best brands
200 do best Philadelphia Whiskey.
IJO do Northern Hum
25 hhds, do do
20 d i prime retailing Molasses
4 do superior old Jamaica .iiira
15 pipes do i/blland Gin
sdo do Cognac //randy
1 pipe do old Pori Wine
60 1-8 and 1-4 casks Malaga and Sherry Wine
35 18, 1-4 ami 12 pipes Sicily and Pico Ma- j
r dc.tra Wines 1
20 bbls. best Cider Vinegar
t 200 do irisu Potatoes
r 50 do i/eets i
2COO bunches Onions
100 bids, prime Northern Flour
25 naff barrels do do
50 bbs. and boxes Loaf and Lump Sugar
50 ton cattle boxes fresh Hyson Tea
25 bags Pepper
i 20 do Spice Ginger
25 o xes Raisins
30 Kegs No, 1 Hichmond Tobacco
30 boxes Georgia Candles
‘ 3u do Spermaceti Candles
250 whole and half boxes No, 1 Soap
50 kegs best Duponts Powder
200 bags Shot, assorted
2500 Ins. i/at-Lead
2000 lbs, hoop and hand Iron
3000 do German and blistered Steel
20ou do Share Moulds
8000 bushels Liverpool Ground Sail
2100 do i/iown
1000 bs superior Virginia/Jams
TO,OOO bs Logwood
JO.OUO 11(.,513. (i nils
is 300 dozen Tumblers
100 casks patent Cut Kails, assorted
k 2V patent Ploughs and Paints
10 doyten Carulma H nes
25 boxes Homes’ and White’s and WLitte
-11 more’s Cards
JOO boxes prime Cheese
°, 20 casks do c.o
50 reams Wrapping t aper
20 casks Lime
300 nests Dry Measures
200 nesis boxes
20 bbls Shad
50 half bnarelg Shad
le 200 bl>L. No. 3 Mackerel
100 do. No, 1 do
100’ half barrel. No. 1 do
150 bills No. 2 do
i 75 half barrels No 2 do
50 five gallon Uemajohns
39 boxes J/avana White Sugar
10 do do brown do
250 half, quart-, r and tenth boxes superior
Spanish Cigars, Dos Amigos and Flint’s
November 5 33
is OUPPOSED to be taken by mistake from the
Wharf, about the lull or 12th of November,
id'a Box of Shoes landed from Boat No. 14. —idark-
v- ed \ &E. Wood, or E Wood Si Co. Any person
having it in his possession will confer a favor by
‘informing the subscribers at th-ir residence, or
through this office.
E. Wood Co,
December 24 52
j f Tlie subscribers
ie I T ' VING united themselves in the practice of
S.T. Lsw, uuJer the firm of Juhan Si Thomparm,
r. pect’uliy tender their services to their friends
and the public, to transact any business that may]
be entrusted to them, in the line of their pro-l
_ fes ion, in the several Courts of Georgia and;
South Carolina. Their office is on the corner ol
E'lis and Washington stree's, where one of the
firm may at all timea be found.
o. N. B. Julian,
J. M. 1 kompsoa. i
January 11
The Subscriber
RESPEC.TFUI.LY informs Ins triends and the
public that be has sold out his DUY GOODS
th E*tablishmeiit, corner of Broad street and Bridge
y- Itow, to his brother G. Dillon, a .d s licds tor
Mina continuation of that patronage so hb-rally
conferred on himself—he is also authorized to
act as my iegd attorney, in every capacity as ie
l.tis to the C' llection of all accounts due me, and
__ .n .he niaiiagernem of my ical estate.
All persons to whom 1 am indebted, are re
quested to present their accounts wi'hout delay.
, Robert Dillon.
Augusta, 7th February, 1825. bt 65
MBS. ORR (late Miss Cooper from ’London,)
and Miss OUR, inform the public that ih y
re engaged in the Millinery business incut dug
Dress and Corset making. 1 liev occupy a hou-c
■in Houslon-fetreet. at Die lower end of J udg
.{tin’s lot, and not far from the Hospital.
N. B. Straw —Chip and Leghorn Bonnets pres
| t d, altered, dyed and cleaned at the shortest no
vice and on the most reasonable terms.
February 8 65
1 Prize of 830,000 is" 830,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 50U is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
5175 Prizes, > 180,000
12825 Blanks. J
Less than two and an half Blanks to a prize.
All the Prizes to be Floating from the commencement,
except the following, which will be deposited in the
wheel at definite periods, viz;
•On the Ist Drawing 1 prize of SIO,OOO A- 1 of SSOO
On the id •• 1 prize of 5,000 A1 of 1,000 AJof $ 500
On the 3d 1 prize of 10,000 A1 of 500
On the 4lh " 1 prize of 5,(j00 Ac lof lA»WJ Ac lof 500
On the sth “ 1 prize of 10,000 Ac lof 600
On the 6lh “ 1 prize of 5,000 Ac lof 1,000 Ac lof 50/ 1
On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,000 &1 of 5,000 Ac lof 500
On the Bth “ 1 prize of 20,000 Ac lof I’OOO &2 of 500
On the oth “ 1 prize of 30,000 Ac lof i,(joo Ac lof 500
The whole Lottery'to be completed in
JViue, Drawings OuVj.
ITT The drawing- to commence an soon as a
sufficient number of Tickets are sold. ’lke
whole of the Prizes payable in thirty du)s after
the compl-lion of the Drawing, subject to ade
duclion of Ivteeii per cent. All Prizes not ap
plied for in tweive months, to be considered as a
donation to the funds of the Masonic Hall.
Tresent of Tickets,
For sa'e in a great valid) of numbers, at the
Augusta, a few doors below the Bank.
J. H. Beers,
Secretary to the Board of Commissioners.
Op* Orders for Tickets from any part of the
United Slates, Post paid a*d enclosing the Cash,
addressed to the Secretary, will meet immediate
_ attention,
Uules and regulations adopted at a meeting of
the Board of Cotnmissiuneis of the, MASONIC
M ALI, LOTTERY, January »ih, 1825.";
1 lie Commissioners' shall assemble on the
Saturday of ever* other week.
2d. A majority of the Commissioners shall con
stitute a quorum lor the transaction ol business,
and a majority ol those present at any meeting,
shall govern in all cases, except those hereinafter
31. It shall be the duty of the Chairman to pre
serve order, to appoint Committees to supervise
the B >oks and conduct of Hie Secretary, and he
shall have the privilege of voting upon all subjects;
and also ofexpressing his opinion.
4tb. A ’Secretary shall be appointed with a sal
ary ol eight hundred d dials per annum, and shall
give bond and security for the faithful performance
,ol Ins duties. He shad keep lair minutes of the
proceedings ol the Board of Commissioners—yihall
act as an agent lor the sale ol lickets—keep a res
gular account of his sales, and deposile all nonief
received by him, (as soon as received,) in one of
'he Banks ol tin . oiiy. He shall, mareover, Iran
tact all business reiadng to the pottery, to which
ne shall be required to attend, by the Coniinis
, sinners,
sih. No ticket dull be sold on a credit, unless
i by an order ol the Board of Commissioners; andl
- nut then, without such security as shill be s«lisfac-l
r tory to a committee appointed for the purpose of
reci ivmg the same.
6lh. The tickets shall be signed by the Com
missioner?, in equal proporiiinis ; and not more
than one Commissioner shall sign any ticket.
7th. The Secretary shall mst be entrusted at any
one time, with more .than fiv« hundred Tickets,
I and shad exhibit at every meeting of the Commis
i sioners, his Bank Book, and an account plainly
. shewing the amount ol tickets sold, and the num
jher in lurid,
j Bih- The tickets, after tlmy are numbered and
[‘signed, shall be deposited at Bank, and only drawn
thence by a committee, ot which the Chairman
i shall be one.
9'b. No money shall be drawn from Bank, bu
by a check, signed by a majority of die Cumnns
I sioners, and for no oilier purpose, but the pay
ment of priees, nr necessary expeusel,
1 ,I'iruzry 28 61
i ■ o . . , ' ‘ l-l,r ‘
*N oVice.
dTpHE subscribers have connected themselves
in the practice of the LAW—they will urn
. Ihrinly attend all u e counties of the Northern
j Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the V. es
, tern Circuit, one ot them will br geiteraliy found
P at their offic<‘ in Eibertun, where* they will lake
f pleasure in transacting the business ut those who
j may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the
, Law.
i John Meal’d,
Thomas J Heard.
January 1,
M dice.
BY virtue of a/t fa to me directed, will be sold
on tin first I uesday in Aprd next, at the
J.arket House, in the City of Augusta, between
j I the usual hours ol sale. One Lot with the im
r vements thereon, in the city ot Augusta, bourn
, ded on the north by Jacob Dantonli’s Lot, Somli
I by Keynold street, w est by lialph Ketchum's Lot
and east by Ca l’s alley, levied on as the property
of Mrs. Eliza a. M Laroche to satisfy her iioau
and well Tax lor 1823 and 1824, amounting to
gzß 50. .
John W. ReatT U. M, .
■ February 1 tds 6J
> •ilstvtmomVcaV liectwves,
RES Flic i FULLY invites the Ladies »nd
Gentlemen of Augusta, (the Ladies in par
ticular,) to at lend gratuitous Lectures on Astro
nomy, at ihe Richmond Acmlo i ly, on Tuesday
and Wednesday evenings, February Bih and 2th,
to commence ai 7 o’clock.
In the course of his introductory Lecture, Mr
Stevens will by n method entirely new, illustrate
the Planetary, motions—-Seasons —Eclipses—
Changes sod Phases of the Moon—Cause ol the
Ebbing and Flowing of the Tides, Ike. Ac. The
whole rendered plain by means ut apparatus, ,tu
those who may have paid no previous attention
to the subject— No children admitted except
with parents.
On Friday evening the 12th, Mr. Stevens wili
commence a regular senes of six Astronomical
Lectures, to be given three times a week, on
such evenings as shall best accommodate the
The principles of this sublime science, will be
Jillustraled in such u manner ss shall render them
perfectly familiar Io those who may nut have
made it their study.
dj > Pickets lor the Course, to admit one per
, S()n al S 3, or a whole family at §lO. may he hud
e al the Book Stores.
From Col. Itichard M. Johnson, Senator in
o iMpßftress from Kentucky, who was one of a nu
m mucous Class at Washington.
a Uidy of Washington. Feb. 26th, 1823.
a To all whom it may concern, 1 have attended
0 » course of Lectures delivered by Mr. Ezra A.
Stevens, on Astronomy—l consider Mr. Steven*
a complete master of his subject, and his Lec
tures are well Calculated to amuse and instruct
the learned and the unlearned. This manner is
i interesting, his language chaste and appropriate,
: his Astronomical knowledge appears to be pro
r found, and Ins illustrations-are extremely happy,
and to give the most distinct ideas and
. clear conceptions of the various laws and coni
i plicated revolutions and motions of the whole
heavenly bodies; and 1 do recommend him most
earnestly to all who are patrons ol'learning and
From the Rev. Dr. Woods, professor of i lieolo
i gy, at Andover, ,
Theological Seminary, Andover, Nov. 22, 1823. 1
Having attended the Astronomical Lectures, i
which Mr E. A. Steven* has recently delivered '
before a majority of the students of this seminary
and many inhabitants of Andover, i take great
pleasure in testifying the entire, and I believe uni
versal satisfaction, which lie has given, Ihe hap- (
py talent which he possesses oi illustrating, by a .
simple apparatus, the most important principle* of i
astronomy, renders them intelligible, wud highly
interi ring (o all his hearers, whether more Or less
acquainted with the science; and what adds much
10 the value of his lectures, he takes frequent oc- ,
casions to show the subserviency of this science to ,
the principles of religion. By his unaxsuniing and ,
amiable manners and his unexceptionable conduct,
while resident here, Mr. Stevens has endeared ,
hnnself to all who have had any intercourse with,
dim- 1 join most cordially, with many others, in ,
ncom mending him to the patronage of the pub-,
lick, wherever he may go.
Mr, S. has similar recommendations from
Judge Berrien of Savannah, where a very numer
ous Class of Ladies and gentlemen recently at
tended. From Gov. i’leasants, Bishop Moore,
and John Adams, E-qs. who were committee of a
Glass al Richmond—and from moat of the princi
' pal men throughout the United Slates.
Mr. Stevens has taken Lodging* at the Man
sion House, where he will be happy to see Ins
friends ever) day from 12 until 2 o’clock.
February 8 sis
T\ito iS’uVisctVVhvt
INTENDING to reside in New York, with a
view tor the transaction of Commission Bus
iness, in all its bianclu-s, will feed grateful lor any
1 consignments or orders, with which he may be
favored, assuring Ins friends that his unremitted
■ attention will be exerted to promote their inter
i est. He will be prepared on (he receipt of any
consignments, or ul the invoices with bills of la
ding and orders lor insurance, to 'make the cus
tomary advances if requited.
Any references that is desired, can be obtained
of Messrs. Mackenzie & I’once, Augusta, or Ben
jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah.
■Ralph Ketchum.
j October 26 M
i j
1 lie Lancastrian Free hcltuoi,
will again be opened on MONDAY, the 18th inst.
and the Board of Managers cordially invite the
return of those Scholars who have heretofore
‘ been educated at this institution, ss well as ol all
others who clrmse to embrace the advantages ol
inlin e ion free of expence.
<fj" Fttpiis will also be thankfully, received
from I*. riots who are disposed to pay at three
■ dollars per tinarter.
Oct her |2 3J
1— —_
A FEW young Ladies wdi he admitted to a new
, course of Tuition oS the French Languagi
. at the residence of the subscriber, familiar con
v rsation will be introduced which hy the assist
ance of his daughters, the subscriber flatter* lorn
sell the acquirement of that useful Language win
b more speedily and more accurately obtained.
Tuition three times a week from nine to elevei
|o’clock, A. M,
J. B. Laptte.
1 November 30 4
GIEN TEEL Residents, <t Sojourners, may h.
' accommodated with Board and Lodging ilex'
1 door above Dr. Turpin’s, Broad s:-eet
J. H. Lafitte.
November 30 4.5 ’
A Large Assortment of
Ftr Sail ml this OJjite.
DR HOUR 1,, a Freiich Physician, respectfully
informs the public, that lie has established
’ TEAM," aid MEDICAL BATHS in Augusta.
■ The very high repute these Baths have acquired
’ in Europe, where (although a late diacov-re)
they are to be found in every hospital, and tne
’ great cures Hiey have performed in Boston, Phi
ladelphia and Charleston, c irt leave no doubt of
' their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the
most powerlul medicines are admunstefed by 'list
means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to the
' patient.
, They are a never fading remedy in all cutane.
ous affections i from Psora,!* Ringworms, &c. te
* dcaldhead and Leprosy. They also have never
tailed of success in either acute or chromic rheu
. inatism. >
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, anasarcous
tWtllings, incipient dropsy t in all diseases of the
| joints, gouty affections, dispersion of tumors, ill
cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections £
in all bilious disordeis, dyspepsia, liypocondriasia,
k e pilepsy—these baths have been loinid most sets.'
viceable, and have often succeeded even in here*
ditary complaints. In fine, tins manner of admin,
ottering utmost every remedy belonging to the
: healing art, shay be tendered applicable to almost
every case, and (ii is repealed) without any paiiV,
trouble, or disgust to the patient. ,
As these baths are tint yet generally known,
* Dr, Hoc si, will he happy to give the most res
pectable references to persons who have been
cured by taking'them. ,
T\\e Steam ty iiat\>
1 Establishment,
i Is in Lllis-Street, opposite Mr. 11. Mealing’^
• Brick House, a d has an entrance in Broad street
I immediately opposite the cut //uttl.
i January II 57
At Backet,lev if todtoise’s Broad Street, Jhteußa
U nearly opposite he Burner's Hotel.
ESPECTFULLV informs the Public, that he
has-returned again to this City, and respect,
fully solicits the Patronage of the Ladies and
tieiiflemen who may require his services m Hie
several Brioches of his Profession.—Persons
wishing bin service in private Families can call and
see jus work Manufactured on a new
which he warrant#. 1 *
Teeth aud hums.
Ihe diseases 01 llie I eeili and Amins are chief,
ly owing to our own neglect ; the parts of the
ah.nents which lodge about them after mastica
turn, growing send and corrosive, the gums arc
thereby first affected, as being the most leu.tec
jparts, alter these corruptions are produced, com*
piooly called the Tartar of the Teeth, which
deall-oying both their texture and whiteness not
only deprives the mouth of its piincipat orna
dents, but brings on violent tooth aches, and reir.
nieis the Hums livid and putrid, and offensive to
ourselves- and others.—But though people in
general may prevent those inconveniences, bv
care and attention at first, yet. if they are once
suffered to lake place, it is no longer to th- now
er of the sufferer to remove them, this being pro the province of the experienced Demist,
Who has made the maladies of the Teeth and '
Homs, witli their attendant eihls, the pnnciind
object and end of his s|m lies, .
M.x. \)eutist,
Hv long pracic*, ucl ise uppncati ,o o. .usi
ness, and a tin rough knowledge of the structure
of the I’eeth and Huns, liasynade all the opera*
lions in those pa: ts quite familiar to him, mso*
much that what some Dentists’have judged im
practicable, lie hath performed witn ease anti
He places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak
ing the latter noth pure enamel) from a single
one to an entire set so accurately, ihut they shall
answer every purpose of the natural. I bus the
greatest deficiencies are supplied with ornaments,
winch have the Tecoifuneridalion of utility,
I hose Teeth that have fallen out their sock
ets, which hequemiy happens, though in a per
■ feci sound stale, lie, by a method peculiar to him
■ self, replaces us firm as ever, without the least
pain or uneasiness to the patient.
I He clears the Teeth, it ever so discolored, of
■ all their foulness and tartar, w.thoul pain, and
renders them white and as fuiras ever in half an
I ecth and Stunting extracted in the easiest man
oer, if ever so difficult. 1 i
, He-assists young ladies and gentlemen in the
first and second dentition, and removes the Milk
I eeth at proper seasons, lest they should me m
, mode the regular growth ol the succeeding 01 tea
i «nd >1 h deformity of this kind lias taken place
ill ough the want ol a Destist, Mr, Fiorsnce un
derlakes to correct it j provided the subject is
I not more than twenty years old. and restores the
t eeth to their natural, regular and beautiful or
N. U. A Tincture and D. ntrifice Fuste, prepar
. ed by him only, which preat r#ts the Teeih and
changes them 10 a beautiful white, cures the gnnis
of Hie Scurve) and makes breath at all times sweet
ami agreeable, and cures the 'Tooth Aci.c i.r.nie
'lately, with oroper directions how to use it.
October 12
i- HE subscriber having resumed the practice
■if LAW, lender* his service. to the public lie
will attend m wit ol the Courts in Ihe Western
■Jircnits, the adjoining counties in the Flin and
)c olgee, and tie counties of Lawrens, Twigg*
tnd Pu.ssßi, in the * <u . in Circui s.
Thomas W. Harris.
tC/’ Letters addresie i to Mm Mot,roe, Wal
ton c moly wdl he a tendon m,
I' 1,1 • 8 65
Full ft.M.fci,
A LIKELY N gro HIUI,, ibnijt 16 years ol
:\ hi tight up to Sewn g and House businc
gerifr dly. Apply at this office
January 18 3t SO