About The constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 1823-1832 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1825)
9 . f ' ... v 'K fr|r ”” = ” i •» M.*a/ of th«* political f, ils, un li*r vhich e\ crv (Country in ihc world labours, ar*; not owing to any want of love furour Country, but to on ignorance of its re»l constitution and interests.” pKI ESTLY NEW SERIES Yol. 11. AUGUSTA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 25, 1825. > O . 78 . / 111 Cfje Congtitutiomiltet JS PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY, BY W. J. BUNGE, AUGUSTA, GA. aTLEX DID VUVASVUVGft. To taka place in the city of Baltimore, during the present mom It, March. GRAND STATE LOTTERY OF MARYLAND, Contains the following brilliant capitals still un drawn, viz. AO,ODD DoWs. 110,000 D«\\s. 20,000 OoWs. | 5,000 OoUs. Besides 12 of 1009, 6 of 500, Stc. the whole pay able in cash, which as usual at COHEN’S OFFICE can be bad the moment they ate drawn, •O’ drawings of this splendid scheme, are already over. The remaining FIVE will take place under the supt rintendance of the Com missioners appointed by the Governor and "in cd on the following days, viz : I3;h drawing on Thursday, 31 of March 17th drawing on Thursday, 10th of March IS’li drawing on Thursday, 17th of March 10th drawing on Wed 'esday, 30 li of March 20th ami last on Thursday, 3lst of March Unless the great capital of gIO.OOO should ht undrawn after the 19th is over, in which cane the 20lh drawing will be deferred to the 12th April, when the scheme must be completed Whole 'Pickets {§l2 I Quarters ■ 3 00 Halves - -6 I fiiy/j hs - 150 To be had, warranted undrawn, at QNDIIiqKWS Where both the great Capital-, oi' 20,000 and JO,OOO DOLLAIiS, drawn in the MONUMENT LOI J’EUY, on the 28th ult. were sold, and where were sold, the Capital Prizes of 100,000 Collars, half ami one qua -ter to citizens of Gear gin-, 20,0005, JO.OQOs, 5000 s, in the last Grand State Lottery, and wheiif, mouk capital phizi.s HAVE BBKV OBTAINED THAN As AM OTUEtt OFFICE IN AMKIUCA. Orders left with I. It. St. JOHN, Uroad street. AUtiUS'J\l Georgia, will be promptly attended to. PURE OF POSTAGE. March 11 74 LA FAYETTE HAT AND CLOTHING WARE-HOUSE The Subscriber Attxet K loor Uelow ,)/r, AI leu's flat Store , 1 LARGE AXM GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP AND CLOTHING, Consisting of JDuess coats, Frock Coats Drab box C»a(s Double & single mill’d Cassimere Pantaloons Broad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy do Toilinett, Valentia, Swansdown A black silk Vests Blue and black .Cloth and Ca-simere do Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain Shirts Knif ed,’ Cotton. Worsted and Lambswoi Shirts and Drawers Flannel do do Tartan and Ciunblct Cloaks Ladies do I Boy’s Dresses Youth’s close body Coats Gentlemen’s superfine Hals, some very wide brims Immitation beaver do La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps Washington, Jackson and La Fayette blocks Silk Umbrellas Hosiery Gloves, £tc. --ALSO Negro Jackets and Trowsers House servants Coatees and Pantaloons Fearnought groat Coats Guernsey Frocks, red Haonel Shirts Striped and Cneck do Common Linen do Woollen Gloves, and many other articles in his line. The above GOODS are New-York made, and will he disposed of wholesale and retail, at New- YtOrk prices. J. P. Seize. December 3 46 • S,DDV) W e\£l\t Ni Vi'iiue BACON, FOH SALE. APPLY TO Robert D. Ware, December 3 46 SCOFIELD, PHELPS & Co. * UUAPEHS AMJ TAJLOUH HAVING formed a connection with Mr. Henry Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed heir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, corner of Wall-Street, where their Business will in fuluie be conducted under the firm of SCOFIELD, PHELPS & //OWAKU. New-York, June, 1823 7 Wanted lo 1* arenas TWO Negroes of the following trade. Black smith and Wheel maker, of good character, apply lo ii. Picquet, February 8 ENCOURAGE DOMESTIC ENTERPRIZES! | 8 BO.OOOfor 810, May be procured by a prompt application at the Office of the AUGUSTA AUTHORIZED BY THE GEN. ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA.. SAMUEL HALE, a r r T „ n , ROBERT R. REID, f ) TnhviFwfrn% LT '- THOMAS /. UR AV, > commissioners. I JOHN W. WILDE AUGUSTIN SLAUGHTER,) D - THOMPSON, SCHEME. 1 Prize of B 30,000 is 8 30,000 J 1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000* •• 5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,°00 10 Prizes of 5,00 is 5,000, 50 Prizes of 100 is 5,000 ’ 100 Pi izes of 50 is 5,000 1 j 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000 ■> 5175 Prizes, } 180,000 12825 Blanks. 5 : f 18,QUO lUSKETB at TEN* TSOVA,&B,B. ’ Less than two and an half Blanks to a Prize. [) iy;n j The prizes only to be drawn, and tube all floating from the commencement except a the following, which will be deposited in the wheel at Definite periods, viz : K On the Ist Drawing 1 prize of 810,000, and 1 of 8500 i On the 2d “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof gSOO >. On the 3d “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 4th " 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1000 and lof 500 On the sth “ 1 prize of 10,000 and lof 500 On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5,000 and 1 of 1,000 and lof 500 p On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,000 ami lof 5,000 and 1 of 500 v , On the Bth “ 1 piizeof 20,000 and lof 1,000 and 2of 500 ’ On the 9th “ I prize of 30,000 and iof 1,000 and lof 500 The Scheme is splendid, and for ll.cline-s and safely of investment, oilers equal if not su- perior inducements to !. v iv of lb - Niriu.rn Lotteries. The whole Lottery to he completed in Nine Di •awing a only. j Frizes payable in Thirty Da s alter ilia completion of the Drawing, if applied for within twelve months. Prize Tickets will be received in payment for any Tickets that may remain unsold in the course of the Drawing. PRESENT PRICE OF TICKETS, Vi hole Tickets gtO, . Quarters, g 2 50 Halves, 5 | Eighths, 1 25 For Sale in a great variety of numbers at the Commissioners’ Office in Broad Street, a few - doors below the Banks. (O' Orders lor Tickets and Shares from any part of the United States, TOUT I'AJD, and ar,Closing tpe Cash, addressed lo the Secretary will meet prompt attention. - J. S. Beer*, . Secretary to the Commissioners. March 11 74 . fc.SLC S£ilMG£ Om££! UNIVSa &VA£GS AND POST NOTES, ALSO, DItAPTS On Boston, Baltimore, Providence, Washington City. Ne.v-York, Petersburg, Va. Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C. And Savannah, For Sale by Beers, Bunnell & St. .lohn. u< ■ and, corner of ,\t'lnlosh street. I Gold and Silver coin and all kinds ot Hank Notes, Bought and Sold. N ivember 12 40 s Jk&W* Irp *1 -H- HE subscriber having resumed the praclici ■nf LAW, tenders his services to Hie public, lit iwill attend most of the Courts in tiie Westui Circuits, tiie adjoining counties in the Flint and Ocrruilgee, and Hie counties of Lawiens, Twigg and Fulaski, in tiie Southern Circuits. Thomas W. Harris. [ CCJ* Letters sddresse I to hint Monroe, Wal ton county, will be attended to, February 8 3m r>s sKoUee. [A phE subscribers have connected tliernselv. ! ~ in the practice ot the LAW—they wnl mu -|turmly attend all tl e counties of the Nonlier. Circa t, and tiie c tioty of Franklin, of the We. tern Circuit, one of them will b generally fount at their office in Elberton, where they will tua i[ pleasure in transacting the business ol those wl . * may be unfortunate enough to be .nvulvtd in lb 1 i Law t John A. Heard, Thomas J. Heard. | January 1, 1825 57 •V oVic-fc. 'I MIE co-partnership ol Julian & Thompson is , dissolved. The subscriber has resumed hi idice near the market. N. B. Julian. " Feb. 18 6 *j BOX MISSING. SUPPOSKh to be taken by mistake from the ( Wharf, about the IJtil or 13th of November, t i Box of Shoes larded from Boat No. 14. —Murk- » ■d A. &K, Wood, or KWood St (Jo. Any person c rving d m his possession will confer a lavor by informing the subscribers at their residence, or •trough this office. E. Wood Co. . December 34 52 Notice. j J PKKSONS being daily in the habit of trespass-L mg on the Hickory ridge tract of land, ownedj, >y the Bunk of Georgia, and cutting the wood and t mdergrowth therefrom : Notice is hereby given, a hat the utmost vigilance will be used in detecting j .nd prosecuting the offenders. The said Land is t j hounded on the west by Turkanet’s Spring, and v >arl of (tie village of Summerville, on the Hast j •by the lands of A. Martin, P- H. Carnes and hers, it may be more particularly known by the vlilledgeviile road, passing 'hr 'Ugb it. My order oj the Mount 1. Henry February 1 TS2S. >(' 63 N olice. c l LL persons having lemuids upon the estate I dm. otNcholus Ware, dec used, ere requested to * uake them known to the subscribers. Those who 1 ire indebted to the said estate, will please to make * immediate payment. 1 Susan B. Ware, Ex’irx. \ W. W. Holt, ExW. December n A .52 • — _ i Lost, ON the 12th insf. (with a small sum of money) F. Walker’s Check for §SO, on the Bank ol vligusta, dated the lltli in-t. buyable to bearer.— Ibe Public is cautioned not to trade for Ihe " dieck. The tinder by leaving it with the sub cribers, w.J, be suitably rewarded. 11. B. Duncan & Co. 1 Tmusrv 14 5H * LOST!! LOST! / I |f A NO I K drawn by Messrs. A. Mitchell k S. Ii Clarke, pa)able sixty days after date, Janna |i ) 21st 1825, to our order, tor five hundred ano ighty tour dollars, 4J cents, and endorsed by us Ihe public is cautioned against trading (or tin . ante, ai d the drawers of said note against pav. merit to any others than the subscribers. •I. W. Jy. teimuions & Co. ,1 Feb 25, /(j | WWiVAAM 11. ViUA.V, Renews the tender of his services in the COMMISSION V and B TO HA fi K B USLYESS , TO UIS HU ENDS AMI THK PUIH.IC. HIS VVAUB HOUSK at the upper end, soutl side Broad-itreet, is now ready for the r> ceptiun of CO I'l ON and other PBODUCR, up«»" which liberal advances will be made, when re quired. Any business with which he may be favoured shall be punctually attended to. October 1 gg c OJUMISSUKV B USIYESS. The Subscribe!’, HAVING engaged Waiieiiovses and Stuiks, ii the upper part of this city,offers hisservices H a general COMMISSION MEBCH AN I Person who may place merchandise or produce under In | care, may salely rely on every possible exertioi Ibeing used, to give general satisfaction. j Barna M‘Kinne. | September 23 27 Tb® Subscriber INIENOINti to reside in New York, with a view tor the transaction of Commission Hus iness, in all its branches, will feel grateful tor anv consignments or orders, with which he may b favored, assuring his friends that his unremittec attention will be exerted to promote their inlei est, He will be prepared on the receipt of ant consignments, or of the invoices with bills of ! • ding and orders for insurance, to make the cus tomary advances if required. Any references that is desired, can be obtained ot Messrs. Mackenzie fit Ponce, Augustapor Hon jamin Burroughs, Esq. Savannah. Ralph Ketcbum. October 26 35 aiiOxzu vu\ v Coach-Maker , WILI. keep constantly on hand, and for Sale at .Mr. F.onosthset’s Livery Stable, ■ XV ASHO It TMENT OF i oaaso OC? Orders for GIGS or CARRIAGES from tin North, will be promptly attended to and work warranted. N. B.— Repairing done at the shortest notice. November 30 45 i ■—— VWaV Irish I‘olatoes, ’ IN HAMPERS. Just received per Steam Boat Hamburg,' A FEW Hampers real Uelfasl Potatoes, which /l will be sold In lots to suu families, by apply ng immediately at Jacob Moise’s. AT Ken zid tjf Bennneh's /tow, December 28 si - i TO RENT. From the first October next, M Three Stores and a Dwelling House, upper end south side Broad Street, adjoining Egan fit MT.aiigh lin’s, viz : The Store occupied bt 1). Henry fit Co, the Store occupied by lilts & Alden—and the two story Frame House and Sion adjoining the same—the house is well calculate*, for a private family or boarding House—having ai excellent Brick Kitchen. The Stores are all most desirably situated for the Grocery Business. Apply la William H. Egan. September 17 24 JKOR SALE OR TO RFNTT unexpiml le»se and improvements o> I « the Lot known as the Liltleman’s Garden i situated on Ellis-Street, near the corner of Cen ( Itre-Street—having all the conveniences for car- , rying on Confectionary upon a large scale, be aides an Oven, Dryhouse, Sic. There is also ai. Ice House in good order, where 15 or 13 tons of Ice can be secured for summer use. The whole < will be shewn by application on the premises.— (' For terms apply to B. Bouyer. August 1 jg FOR SALE. ! A 1.0 I OF LAND, three miles from Adoosta • ■ containing 70 or 30 Acres, forty of winch is ‘ cleared and under good fence, t ie balance Woou [.and. There is on the premises, a c mtortabk Dwelling House, which lias lately undergone ;. thorough repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, ai elegant Brick Pantry, Crib, Stable*, Fodder and Carriage House, &c. all complete—a large yar well shaded j a handsome Orchard o' Ap; I Pencil, Pear and Pjum spring o( excellent water, within SO yards of u dwi llmg, and as hmlthy a situation as any in Bi C ! mond County. The above will be sold a bargain, if early ui plication is made to Juo C. Holcombe. January 18 59 ! WTosf^} ON Salut'dty evening last, oim.e Washiogtm '"ad, between Augusta and Mrs. Puces-u Urnall Bed Morrocco POCKET BOCK, contain' teg a mm of money and many valuable panes winch will he of no use t„ a v person but the " [owner. Any person finding rfie sunie, and giv i "tg >nf irnia'ion to the subsc.iber wnl be J,Ue a iy rewarded. ‘ 1 j Jiimcs Lnii) kin. f'ntymhin Coviift, March 14 u ■ -V ' or '■* I!- ON Tuesday last, a Bunch if KEYS l 1 with Bed Tape.—’l ne findti on leavii.n' ihem at this Uihce, shell be rewarded, b OBN His r. RESHEC 1 FULI.V Hers ui- Profe-isioiial ger vices t > tile L-dies' unit (.en’l. men o- \if. H (,sla anti its vicinity, for a few t'iavs only hose who mav have occasion for his assistance, "M’l Pl< a»e apply at the Planters’- Hotel. March 22 yy Cufiy of a Cf'-Ujtc tte front I ini -t .Monroe, Prea’t . Ihe testimonials presented •. n -iv, sir. >;. of his great talents as a DEN CIS T, are of ’iff' l character—in addi'ion to wnioh I slate writ ;reaf pleasure, that his opt ratio s in my famil., mve alfird <1 a practical ami v-n stisfacloW vidence of his merit. JAMES MONROE, fV'ishhufton, Dec 9 h , i IT is with pleasure amt c.inft t ihut the I rustees ot this Institution, pi t en it* cla ms '• this occasion,for the support a-i ,■,- ,nsge of h enlightened public. Although endowed more berally perhaps than any oth, r county school in he state, yet its funds having been unpro luetive ior several years past b. i-g mostly vested in ,'atfc hank stock, the academy has been much clogged in its operation. The board have not been ab io (fer an adequate inducement to engage he servi. tes ol a Kect'ir, who combined qua ficaiion* a -d character, that would insure mice, ss to the s< imd m*y. This bar we are happy to stale is rem.o d nid we Congratulate the community m hav- g procured for the ensuing year, ihe |{, v Thomas Moulding, lornierly of Liberty f- nnfy, a g o le man whose scholarship and general c i.'racier are ■oo notorious to require the feeble tribute of our praise. Mr. Goulding wdl uperinteudb ihseli-mis -his personal services and attention however wid be principally besio vcl on the lernale de partment. In the male academy he will be .is-os. ied by Mr. Lathrop—a northern graduate who has some experience in teaching— and who is re commended as unexceph oabie iu talents and morals. I o these considerations we have to add, local inducement's, such as health, cheapness of board, &c. and perhaps it would not be though* upetfl tons to suggest, that inasmuch as nimo o| toe important el. etions ape 'ransferr- <j direc'y to he people, it would become doubly nece si.ry o enlighten their minds, tor notrudi stands op ■« hr mer basis than this, that in proportion as we rive to the people power, we sljou J also gjy t - lb n knowledge. O-i the practical adoption of (his rinciple depends the preservation ol our repub ican in.-.lilutions. Joseph Henry Lumpkin, rn Secretary, (Cr The Editors of the Constitutionali ; / „sta 9 ami /republican. Savannah.-will publ sh t /.. übuv ,, anlforward their accountt to Lexington for ment. j H , Januarv Iff 59 AM) STEAvI « i f its. nu. HOVEL, a French Physician, respecimlly informs the public, that he has established STEAM an) MEDICAL BATHS in Augo-'a. The very high repute ibe.se Baths hav, acq . d m Euiope, where (although a Ja ■ discov n’t they are to be found in every .hospital, a,,«l tug great-cures they have performed in Boston. Pin. ladelpbia and Chariest on, cni leave no douh' of their efficacy. The most gentle as well a-the most powerful medicines are administered by ii.it neans, without any pain, troub-e or difgUsl i. ' <e patient. They are a never failing remedy in ad cn ,me nus affections; from Psora, Ur.gwornis, Ik , to Sraldbead and Leprosy. Th-y -,]so have never ailed of success in either acute or chronic rin u mutism. Io glandular obstructions, chlorosis, aoasar ous ■w< lings, incipient dropsy; in all disease., o the loints, gouty affections, dispersion of to -or, i| cured syphilis, spasmodic or nrrvmis alf, cfiooj; 10 all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, by pocood -sis*, epilepsy—tl ese baths have been found most .«r. viceable, and have often succeeded even m here atary complaints. In floe, this mann r -I ad ein istering almost every remedy jn longing to the healing art, may be render. (! applies!) e to u/mntl every esse, and (ii is repea ed) without a p a m, 1 rouble, or d'Sgiist in the patient. As these bn Mis are not yet gen-roly known Dr. lli.dki will be happy to give the ni’is r s i)pnahle. references 10 persons who have :. e en d by tiki, g them. V'Vva Steam .M WalU L^iaLiVifthuffcui, Is 111 Ellis-Street, opposite s| . Ii Meidimr’s Brick House, and has ait entrance in Broad street tmmedia ely opposite the city H ovl J Hniiprv n * r,7 V'Vve Stt\amuv\\ Liue of ►ST v(i Vi >. HVVINC disci nliniied running or, the S. uth- Caroli a aid., will It .ve tit s pjace <-v.-ry unday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o’clock, A. M. 011 the Ci ■ rgia side, by the way of Cuilu’s A]illhave 11 and Peaice’s For seats, imply at the City Motel, 1 Thompson and James Kirkpatii k Proprietors, March Tv IR2 1 ) fi JN olice. Aid. perrons >' SV „g de a .'g again t die es se of William ,) > f .», , „, e d ( o( * uiotna Toon ), are itq- es d,O hand til min igreeald. to 1 w and nee v |,.vment-,li 'hose • debted to said estate, wi , p B se can ami inalce .aymenl to i-ucy -lout*w, h.v’tyx. ISelaou M. Hen mu, tix’r, March 22 8t 77