Newspaper Page Text
-;-;..=:rnr-rri-rJ— -- =—- ' ■■ ■ T - . ~~T~ ! „ ~ r i » |,, hn „ r ” ar , „ ot to any waul of love forour Country, but to an ignoranco of its real constitution and interests.” pJUKSTLY ,/
“ Many of the political evils, under wlncli every Country in the world labours, art no! o«»S a "}
Cije Conflftitutionaliieit
On Boston, Baltimore,
Providence, Washington City,
New-York, Petersburg, Va.
Philadelphia, Charleston, S. C.
And Savannah,
For Sale by
Beers, Bunnell & St. John.
Hrn nl, corner of JWlntosh street.
Gold and Silver coin u’tcl all kinds of Bank
Not a. Bought and Sold. J
Number 12 40 I
To take place in the :ity of B il'iiUjreVi during 1 I
the present in ml h, .March. V»
Contains the following brilliant capitals still un
drawn, Viz .
40.000 OtAls.l 10,000 OoWs.
SO,OOO OoUs.j 5,000 Bolts.
Bsv le-i 12 of 10j*->, 6of S'JU t .<• who'e p .y
--able in cash, which as usual u COHEN’S OFFICE
can bo Had Ul2 rao nent they are drawn.
Jjr* U drawings of lb's solan.lid scheme, are
Already over. Tne reimi dug FIVE will take
pi mu under the sup mit-.idan-e of Hie Con
rnii-i 1 ri unlimited by the OjVornor ana Coun.
nil 1) (Ue following (lavs, viz :
15 h Irs A’i ig on I’ mrsda , 3.1 of March
I7t.i drawing on I’iiurs lay, 10th ut .larch
id 1 drawing on Tnups lay, 17th of 11 .roll
19 1 dra v. ig on Wed levity, >0 h >f viarcil
2U;h and lust on Tour da -’, 31 it o’ March
Unless me great cap al of £540,030 should he
undraw 1 after ilia 19 h is over, lit .eh h cme the
So il drawing will be d ferred to fie 12th April,
wne 1 tne scheme must he c /mplated
Whole Tickets sll j Quarters -30 l
H.lives - -SIEi ;h h» ■ I s',
To be had, warranted undrawn, at
I—k- 3NMH
Where ho li tne gr. a Capitals > f 2 ) 000 am
10.0 <0 DOLLARS, drawn in the tIDNU.JE.NI
LOrrBHY, on the 23th ult. were sold am
ivh re were sill, the Capital Frizes of loo,oot
.tJy.lart. half ami one i/wi 'ler to citizens of Gear
gin ; 20,0005, lu,ooos, 5000 s, in the last Cram
giate Lottery, and wugre m ire capital piiize
have been obtained than at am other offici
Orders left with I. U. St .TQ'IN, H oad street
AU 1U ST. I, G "''gia, will he promptly attended to
M, rcli 11 74
The Subscriber
ft opening in Broad street, one door below J\fr. A)
ten's Bat Store,
, fiiXtM
Consisting of
Frock Goats
Drab b x t;oats
Double &. single mill'd Caaairnerc Tantiloo
Broad Cloth, Satmelt and Cnnluroy do
Toilinett, Valentis, Swausdnwn Sc black sill
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do
Superfine Linen and Cotton, trilled and plai
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted end Lambswot
Shins and Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Camblet Cloaks
Ladies do
Hoy’s Dresses
» Y o il's close body Coats
Gentlemen’s superfine Hats, some very wid
Immitation beaver do
La Payette, buys and mens seal skin Caps
Wa>vngton, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks
Sdk Umbrellas
H i-iery
Bioves, &c.
Negro Jackets a.iJ 1 mwser.
House servanis t -oate's ami
Fearnought gri-at Coats
Guernsey Frocks, red tlaiiiiel Shirts
Striked and Check do
Common Linen do
Woollen Gloves, and many other article
in his line.
The above GOODS are New-York made, an
will be disposed of wnoiesale and retail, at Nev
York prices,
J. P. teetze.
December 3 46
83* IaO.VY Zi)~
j , *d*y ■■•• t, 1 Bunch of KEYS, tit
A 3 >1 lane.- ' r iindei >n mavin
at this Oiu;e, shall b>. r-: .vardsd.
8 30,000 for 810,
May be procured bj a prompt application a i ie Qtft ce °f l€
liOREH 1 It. A hID, f I muv iv vi 7 U DP
rpun \r au i n* nov > commissioners. < /fV//\ n. ntuu& % s
Avavins ’slaughter, J (*• *■
1 Prize of BJO.OOO is 8 30,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000 f
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000 ftiuent
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 4*4100 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 5,00 is 5,000
50 Prizes of DO is 5,000
100 Prizes of 50 is 5.000
5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
5175 Prizes, 180,000
12825 Blanks, y
18,v>DO W at TEX AMUiLAU^.
, ’ J Less tliaii two and an lialf Blanks to a Prise.
The prizes only to be drawn, and tube ail (loafing from the commencement except
■ the following, which will be deposited in tlie wheel at deR ilte periods, viz :
On the Ist Drawing 1 prize of $10,00(1, and I of SSOO
On the 2d “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1,000 and lof SSOO
On the 3d “ 1 prize of 10,000 and 1 of 500
On thedlli “ 1 prize of 5,000 and lof 1000 and lof 500
On tlieSih “ 1 jirizeof l<t,OOo and 1 of 500
[, On the 6th “ 1 prize of 5,000 and 1 of 1,000 and lof 500
k On the 7th “ 1 prize of 10,0 )0 and lof 5,000 and lof 500
'> On the bih “ I piizeof 20 000 and 1• >f 1,000 and 2of 500
On the 9th “ 1 prize of 30,000 and tof 1,000 and 1 of 500
~j: The Sch me is suleml d, and to' llicti.ieas and si'eiy of investment, oilers equal if not so
lienor i
The. whole Lottery lo be completed in .Nine Drawingn only.
] I’rizka |,.uy»ble in I airly Days after the coiiqil. uon m the Drawing, il ap,/ded o r within
( j'twelve mo tbs.
j.j Pne 1 icketa wll be received in payment for any Tickets that may remain unsold in th
.(’ciurse ot the Dniwm,'.
r 1 Vt hole t ickets $:0, j(i iar crs, $2 5'J
id Halves, 5 j Eighths, I 25
esl For Sale in a great variety of number# al tne Commissioners’ Office in Broad Street, a few
e doors bt l mv Hie Banks.
OCj’ Orders for Tickets and Shares from any part of the United States, BOAT I‘AIJJ, arm
t enclosing the Cash, addressed to the Secretary will meet prompt atte'”i "i.
0i J. S. Beers,
Secretory lo the Commissioners.
March H 74
' j Carriage •Mak'iv.
H\S v-ci» : v .1 i nart o hC Spring Suoply <
OAHRIAGE Vand GIGS, widen nukes hi
jassorl em of Gigs complete consisting of fir..
second and third rate Lea her and Suntcop Gig
one Coarfice and one Cbariolee. Being reguhu
Iv supplied with an extensive asaoiimnit, dim
from the various manufactories of Newark and i
vicinity, lie is disposed to sell on a- good terms a
the articles can bi obtained in Augu.’a,
(Xj’Ordcrs for any kind of Carriages will b
forwarded and ex cuted in (ho best manner, .
the manufacturing prices. C ; gs and Carriage
built to order, liepairing in alt brandies, at sh .1
notice, mi the most reasonable terms.
M ,rob 22 If 77
an -
avivvv/a > \\a\ 9
Couch-Maker ,
ro \M7ILL keep constant y .m Land, and ior Salt
1 T f at Mr. l,o»r«> cr set’s l.n >'\ S ; ble,
iXj" Orders for GIGs or C MOfIAGES from tii
North, will be promptly attended to and wort
N. B.—llepairit.g done at the shortest notice.
November 10 45
iWaA Vv‘vsV\ INmvtofcS,
I Just received per Steam Bout Hamburg,
1 \ KE»V Hampers real Belfast Potatoes, wind
da, will be sold in lots to suit families, by apply
ng immediately at
Jacob Moise’s.
M'Krnzi* tii Henuuch’f How,
j December 28 53
1 \V eigUl ,)v I’rviLe
" I hOH HAMi.
v ‘ amr to
Robert !). Ware.
December 3 4fi
fc OV
ed Washer and Ironer—for fun her particula
op iq re ut the Office «f the Constitutionalist,
Dttember 21 5?
VV V» jViVA ,A li. V> vi *l, s,
Renews the ten lee o/ his services in the
C 0 MM 1881 ON
IIS WAREHOUSE at the upper end, sou
■ide Broad-street, is now ready (or the r
eption of (’.(> I'i ON Mid itiher PUGDUCE, non
hich liberal advances will be made, when i
Any business with which be may be favoured,
shall he pii dually attended to.
Get her 1 28
77aw \ti~Tsfi~y huaxess
TV\« ifiubscviber,
I .WING engaged VVahru u-i.s .ml Stores, it.
• i die u iper part of this cit i, fl. rs hisservices as
;■ ncral COMMISSION VIKitCII AN I. Person*
vni -ay place merchandise or produce under Ins
: ire, may safely rely on every possib e excttioi
emg used, to give general satisfaction.
Hama M‘Kiune.
Sentemhei 28 27
Tu» nubac.tVhttir
IN rENDISIi to reside in New York, with
vi » tor ihe transaction of Commissi'm Bus
•»e's, in all its b arches, will (eel grateful tor a
consignments or orders, wi'h which he may b
ivored, assuring Imb uiendi tiiai his nnremitie
tendon will be exerted to promote their intei
st. He will be prepared on the t< cei|it of an
consign men's, or of the invoices with bills of I
ling and orders for insurance, to make the cn
,miry advances if required
,\i y references that is desired, can be oblaine
;f Messrs, Mackenzie & I‘once, Augusta, or Ben
larnin Burroughs, Esq Savannah.
Ralph Kctchum.
()rtoher 35
t UPBOSED to he taken Oy mistake from tin
7 'Viiarf. about toe lith or I2di ot November,
dox of Shoes lai ded from Boat No. 14.—M o k
"• I \ E. Wood,or ii. Wood i* Co. Anv persm
iving it in his po-session will confer a (avor by
toforming the subscribers at their residence, ot
hroiigh this ofiice.
E. Wood 80.
j December 24 52
subscriber will open a course of i'uiiion,
JL at his School Boom, viz .
On Motulay evening, 28th instant, French ; on
Tuesday evening, 29ih, Spanish—and alternate
ly liiree times a week for each' branch.
A few Scholars being already engaged, the
School vvill positively be opened on those days.
I \ few more Scholars will he admitted until the
opening of the new coursas.
rhe subscriber will continue to attend priva'c
lasses in families, for Young Ladies, during day
J. B. Lafitte.
March 25 3t 78
i ts WlNtjf formed a connection with Mr. Henry
} 1. Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed
, e j,. Establishment' to No. 38, Broadway, corner of
Wall SV reet ’ w * ltire their Business will in future be
a //owAKij,
.Vew-rork, JtiO __ 7
A LAKGE supply of the k ,^ ve „ v “ , “ ble ’
/a. cine prepared by one of ,emlß 8 * n
France, for sale at a reduced nrit ' . T ,
R. B & I). G. Holland.
February 18 _
Vai*T\agft & V\ovse,» fov ,
And House at the Sand-Hills I
Subscriber offers Ills Carriage and Hor J
I ses for Sale, and immediate possession g'Y
n of them, if desired.
Ihe residence of the subscriber at the Sand 8
luls is also offered for Kent until the first of N>-
ember next—there be ng on the premises a 1
md Garden, having in addition to an abundance
Vegetables, a great variety also ol Fruit, such
is Grapes, Peaches, Figs, &c. &.c.
E. F. Campbell,
March °2 2i r 77 c
From the first October next, 1
a Three Stores and a Dwelling a
House, upper end sooth side Broad- r
Street, adjoining Egan &. M'Latigli- f
tin's, viz :—The Store occupied bt
0. Henry & Co. the Store occupied by tills & i
video—and the two story Frame House and Sum
ulj 'iniog the same—the house is well calculated f
for a private family or boarding House—having an ’I
■sc dieut Bret Kitchen. The Stores are all most i
1.-sinhlv situated for the Grocery Business. y
Ajijiln t»
William 11. Egan.
teptemher 17 21. '
VLO FOF I.\NI), three miles from Adhosta, '
containing 70 or 80 Acres, forty of winch is 1
■leafed aotl under good fence, the balance Moon '
• .and. I’bere is on the premises, a comfortable ;i
tvvi.lh.ig House, which lias lately undergone a '
borough repair. A new Kitchen, meat House, an
legant Brick Pantry, Crib, Stables, Fodder and
Carriage (louse. £tc. all complete—a large yard
veil shaded ; a handsome Orchard ot Apple,
he* eh, far and Plum trees, a never failn g
pr og ol excellent water, within 80 yards of the
>v lb g, and us healthy a situation us any in Kiel)
mood County.
I lie above will be sold a bargain, if early ap
ideation is made to
Jiio, C. Holcombe.
January 18 59
FOR sALth Olt 10 RENT j
-/ »»lIE unexpired lease and improvements on
i JL the Lot known as the Littleinan’s Gait ee,
j itna'ed on Ellis Street, near the corner of Cen
tire S reel having all the conveniences for car
Irving on Confectionary upon# large scale, be
-1 san Oven, Dryliousc, Stc. There is also a i
Ice House in good ordtr, where J 5 or 18 tom. i.l
Ice can he secured for summer use. The whole
I be shewn by application on the p remit <-s,-
For terms apply ‘o
B. Bouyer.
Alienist 1 ig
A »U\valiou Wuultd,
A YOUNG woman la'ely from England w oilhl
, he glad to obtain a -itualion io some pious 1
|S and respectable family. She lias been accu-tem
'-[ (I to every sort of work usual in families, and
would mak • herself very useful either w ith the
1 Ni edle, or in any ol the departments of house
keeping. Satisfactorv references can be na le
E"f|Uire at this Office.
Fi binary 18 fig
IAIIE Sub-criber returns Ins (hanks to the pub
he generally, for the encouragement tha'
• • has received since Ins commencement in the
l) mg Business, in this place, and ■ opes, by a
i net attention to Ins business, to have a continu
1 me of their custom; he still continues at hi
hi stand, on the north side of Reynold stree .
ear the intersection of Bridge Row —where he
■ 'ends to carry on the HYING BUSINESS, in'
II its vatious branches, on Cotton, Silk and
Woollen , also, Straw Leghorn and Crap
i on lenten can have their Coats, Pantaloons aotl
Vests scoured, grease, paint and stai nes extracted
a the shortest notice, and on reasonable terms,
- y Wtn. Taliaferro & Son.
Nnvprrhftf 2 >7
’ tor rniVti.
'■AHE siioscimer o tiers I r sale TWENTY like
i I ly Negroes, consisting of Men, Women, Gird
, 1 ,| l( l Buys. They will he sold Iw, on application
■i in me at the Eagle Tavern, where the Negroes
luiay be seen.
John D. Walker. |
January 1C 39
suugeon dentist,
At Buchehler if tjodwiae’a, Brand-Street, AugutSi
newly eppotite he Hlunter't Hotel. __
RESPECTFULLY informs the Public, that h<
has returned again to this City, and respect
(uliy solicits the Patronage of the Ladies anc*y
Gentlemen who may require his services in the l1 *
several [tranches of his Profession.—Person#!?
wishing liis service in pnvale Families can call and
see liis work Manufactured on a new principle^ 6 ,
which he warrants.
TptAU ai\d (jvuus.
The diseases of (he I eeui and Gums are chiefly
ly owing to our own neglect; tin- parts of the!,
aliments which lodge about them after maaticai,
lion, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are
ihereby first affected, as being the most tendefc
parts, after these corruptions are produced, com-d
monly Culled the Tartar of the Teeth, whicht
destroying both their texture and whiteness not
only deprives the mouth of its principal orna-e
dents, but brings on violent tooth aches, and ren-ti
mers the Gums livid and putrid, and offensive (o
ourselves and others.—Hut though people in '•
general may prevent those inconveniences, bye
]care ami attention at first, yet, if they are once
.suffered to take place, it is no longer in the pow-*•
|er of the sufferer to remove them, this being pro- f
pedy the province of the experienced Dentist, •
who lias made the maladies of the Teeth and "
G uns, with their jften lant evils, the principal 1
jobject and end of his studies. I
Mr. liloraucc, Dentist, *
By long practice, a close application to ousi- 1
ness, and a thorough knowledge of the structure >
W the Teeth and Gums, lias made all the opera
tj. ns in those parts quite familiar to him, inso- I
mucu - that what some Dentists have judged ira- r
practical I ®* t,e 1,81,1 Performed with ease and
a Hi'f** V •
lie places •* “ eltl boll ‘ r e*** » n< l artificial, (male
mg die fatter whu OU,e eua ! rt " T, 1 8 •
one tn an entire set so : ' Ccl ! r * "! 8t ,
answer every purpose of / he , na "™ J 11,1,9 !, ! e ,
ii: ■ ■ ’'ed with ornaments '
greatest deficiencies are aupp». , .
which have 'he recommendation <», ' 1 *'/*. .
Those Teeth that have fallen out ,eir 9 ’
ets, which frequently happens, though i«, *
led sound slate, he, by a method peculiar to
seif, replaces as firm as ever, without the leas!'
pain or uneasiness to the patient.
He. clears the Teeth, if ever so discolured, of f
all their foulness and tartar, without pain, and ,
renders them white and as fWaa ever in halt an ,
m'ecth and Stnimis extracted in the easiest man
ner, if ever so difficult.
Hr assists young Indies and gentlemen in the
first and second dentition, and removes the Milk
Teeth st proper seasons, lest they should incom
mode the regular growth of the succeeding onces
and if a deformity of tin. w—• *•...
U«#ugh the want of a llesusi, Mr. Flurance un to correct it j provided the subject is I
not more than iwemy years old, and restores the >
Teeth to their natural, regular and beautiful or
N. B. A Tincture ami Denlrifice Faste, preoar
.il by him only, which preservea the Teeth and
changes them to a beautiful white, ciir< sthe gums
of the Scm vey and makes breath at all times -weet
ami ngreeabf , and cures the 'Tooth Ache i nme-
Jiately, wi li proper directions how to use it.
Oct ib'-r 12 .'I
T\\ft teviwumwU Liue of
h I’aG
H AVING disc nlnined riionnig on the South-
Carolina side, v/dl leave tins place < very
|Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 4 o’chirk, A.
v|. on the .Georgia sole by the way of's
Millhaven and Fearer’s.
For seals, "mH I ’be City Motel,
Joseph I Thompson nod
James Kirkpaiii k.
March 1> IKS') fi
3. HR subscriber having lesumed the practice
lI.A vV, lenders bis service* t i the public He
| wi 11 attend triosi ol the Courts in Hie Western
Circuits, the adjoining counties in tbe FUn l and
l Ocnmlgee, anil tne nullities of l.awreus, Tw iggs
olid i'u.a>ki, ill the Southern Ciicni’S,
Tliomas W. Harris.
dj" Letters addres-e 1 to him Monroe, Wal
lon county, will be attended to.
Fehrn ire ft do, sis
iTpllß subscribers haw connected tliemse've
Lit. in Hie practice ol die LAW—they will uni
tormly attend a I tne coun’ies of the Nor 1 hern
Circuit, and the county of Fmi-klin, of die M es.
, tern Circuit, one of them will b ■ generally found
U their office in Ribefton, where they will take
r.leasnre in iransactiog thn business ol those who
nay be unfortunate enough to he involved in the
John \. Heard,
Thomas .1 Heurd.
I Inmnrv 1.1 P.?**
jN otice
PERSONS being daily n. Hie lube of tresp.i-s
--nm on the ll rkorv lidge hmci of Isnd, o vned
In die Hoik of (ieorgis, and cutting the wood and
■ nidi rprowtl thereirom : N nici is hereby given,
dial the u i moat vigilance will be Used in due n g
and prosecuting the offenders The said Land is
bounded on the west bv 1 urksnel’s Spring, sod
part ol Hie village ol So nmervide, m the CasJ
i,v die lands of A. Martin. F H. Cgmes an/
,iher«, it ay be more particularly known by th/
road, [> * v '-<• ■' rn■ in.
Jiy order oj the Hou >d £
1. Henrj
February 1, 1325, ts