Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, MAY 27. 1825.
The Superior Court for this county com
menced its session on Monday last, and al
though the dockets are well filled we are
persuaded that the business of the Term
may be disposed of within the lime prescri
bed by law, if Jurors, Witnesses and parties
will bestow the proper attention. We know
how inconvenient it is, at this season parti
cularly, to abandon private business, but,
surely some sacrifices should be made, when 1
*> I
it is remembered that if the excuse of busi
ness, which belongs to every one, be allowed,
the administration of justice must not only
be retarded but destroyed.
Since the commencement of the present
Circuit, Washington Poe, John J. r ells,
Edward Foley ami Robert Hatcher, Esqrs.
have been admitted, to plead and practice in
the several Courts of Law and Equity in
.this state.
On Wednesday morning, about one o’-
clock, several Valuable Buildings on Mr.
J. Guimarin’s lot at the lower end ol Greene
Street were consumed by fire. The flames
had made considerable progress when first
discovered, and the remoteiiegs of the situ
ation prevented that early assistance neces
sary to save the property. The Inhabit
ants attended however, so soon as the alarm
was communicated, and after a considerable
exertion, the fire was arrested. We learn
that the loss in Goods, Furniture, Houses,
&c. amounts to about 85000 and that g2OOO
of this was under insurance.
Whether we have undergone a change
or not, no signs of any are perceivable in
qur,.neighbour of the Chronicle, who retains
the same old proportions of the pert, and
.the mawkish in style; of cant and prevari
cation in matter. Indeed we could scarce
ly wish him, the radical reformation of
which he speaks; for if he were totally
divested of these characteristics, which
constitute the chief ingredients of the com
pound, he would be under no little Siazard of
losing die consciousness of his personal
identity. Like the unlueky wight who was
shorn in his sleep, he might scratch his
head, and exclaim with astonishment
“ Donder and hlixen ! What oder knave
is dis in mine nightcap ?”
A letter from New-York, states that such
was the unprecedented demand for houses
on the first of the present month, that nearly
three hundred families assembled in the Park
without a place tu deposit their furniture or
to shelter themselves—in the evening the
prison doors were opened to afford them a
temporary shelter. The Evening Post says,
—“ We want carpenters, joiners, bricklay
ers, masons, and all sorts of laborers, whose
occupation it is to build up, or to pull down
houses or tenements of every sort. Good ser
vants, of all work or any work, indoor or
outdoor, waiters, cooks, chambermaids,
laundresses or coachmen, are in perpetual
demand ; and we want every kind of buil
ding materials, from a shingle to a til*,
pricks, &c.; for all which, higher prices and
better w.iges are given here, at this time,
than in any city or town in the United
States, or the civilized world.”
Bav. Georgian,
The following very singular statement is
taken from the New York Evening Post.—lt
communicates a fact of the most serious im
portance to the community at large, and
which deserves their pointed reprehension :
Missing letters and Papers. —One of the
.Clerks from the Post-Office, politely furnish
ed us this morning, our packages of London
papers, which came by the packet ship Whi.
Thompson, from Liverpool—and at the
same time informed us, (and we think it no
more,than an act of jus ice to mention the
faol, that no censure may rest upon the
-Post-Office,) that a number of other pack
ages for printers, together with 294 letters,
were notdeposited in the Post-Office until a
few minutes before 9 o’clock this morning.
The Win. Thompson arrived here last Mon
day afternoon.
A letter of the 7th March, from Algiers,
published in the London papers, gives a de
tailed account of the earthquake at Belida.
Os 15,000 inhabitants, only 300, and some
of them wounded, are said tu have escaped.
280 children were crushed in the ruins ol
one school. 7000 bodies horribly mutilated
had been extricated from the ruins. The
troops whom the Dey had sent to superin
tend and assist in the work of relief, had
been attacked and put. to fl.ght by the Co
bails, descendants of he ancient Nu[lndi
ans. *■
A gentleman of Boston, has presented to
the university at Cambridge, a most valua
ble collection of 400 models of christals,
made in Paris for that distinguished miner
alogist Count Reunion.— Georgian,.
Mr. Bunce,
I was struck with the style
of the letter from Col. Crowell to Ms br.i [
; ther Capt. Crowell, relating tlie murder of I
Gen. Mclntosh. It is couched in such af
fectionate ami confidential form that it is ev
ident it was a private communication from
one brother to another, not intended for the
, public eye.
Contrary to the old fashioned stile of
“ Dear Brother,” Col C, commences with
the more brotherly, and endearing, e?pres
i sive and laconic manner of “ Sir.’ ? This
is the modern stile of addressing brothers.
Then follows the letter, relating to the tra
gical event of the death of Mclntosh, his
jown hair breadth escape, and his mighty in
,flounce, in the nation, then closes with a hor
rible ignorance of his danger, and doubt of
, his safety. To all appearance he must have
, written his Brother iwo letters, one explan
atory of the other—viz. one for his Brother’s
own private reading, and the other for (he
, public. I think the public has got the
“ wrong letter or perhaps the Col. might have
> instructed the Capt. as “ please publish the
. annexed, or enclosed, it spits vur purpose,”
( or some how so, or some how else. The
Col, in dictating the letter for the public,
may have imagined himself addressing the
Secretary at War, instead of his brother.
This may probably account for the formal
commencement of “ Sir”—The rest is like it.
• P. S. There are many private letters
> written lor the public now a days.
5 A FOX, in the Piney Woods.
Pendleton, (S. C.) 3d May, 1825.
■ Mr, Bunce,
Enclosed is an article on the
. virtues of Sweet Olive Oil, as a remedy for
1 the bite of snakes. It is extracted from the
note book of a gentleman who is a man of
J the first respectability, and who says that he
1 can testify to what is stated of the Olive Oil,
,to be true, fie suffered many of his neigh
) bors to copy it from his note book for their
own use ; but was not going to have it pub-i
lished, until they had repeatedly requested
him to do so, for the benefit and information
B of the public generally,
1 Should you have room for it in your next
s paper, you would probably do an essential
1 service to some of your fellow beings by giv
. ing it a place, as the season is fast approa
ching when snakes will begin to stir about,
' &c. Yours, Respectfully,
f In great cities, particularly in London, a
number of persons procure their livelihood
by catching Vipers. They are employed
sby chemists, apothecaries, &c. I remem
s her some years before leaving England, to
_ have read in the philosophical transactions
e of tiie Royal Society in London, a curious
circumstance of one of these Viper-catchers.
A member of the Society had received cas
ually, information that a man engaged in
1 this business was frequently bitten, and that
3 he cured himself by Sweet Olive Oil. Af
i ter considerable enquiry the Viper-catcher
• was found and the questions asked whether
r he did cure himself by the oil, and whether
; he was willing to satisfy a number of gen
-1 tlemen of the fact ? The man answered in
" the affirmative to both questions. Accor
‘ dingly a very numerous meeting of the Roy
; al Society was convened, composed of a
1 considerable number of Nobility, &c. the
“ Viper-catcher attended, accompanied by his
r wife, with a large Viper, and laying bis arm
> naked to the Shoulder, suffered the irritated
' Reptile to strike, which it did very forcibly.
‘ His wife permitted the poison to operate till
> her husband’s head, face and tongue were
• greatly swollen, bis arm and face turned ve
> ry black and his senses much affVcred, when
,j she applied the oil by pouring a small quan
tity down him, and -bathing the part bitten.
The man, gradually, soon recovered. This
circumstance being strongly impressed up
s on my mind and knowing that the poison of
t an English Viper is considered in that coun
' try the most venemous, in nature, determin
-led me to try its power in the bile of
: a Rattle Snake the first opportunity that
B should offer in the district 1 resided in.
■ In 1786, I was travelling through Pendleton
1 (S. C.) and met a man who enquired of me, if
• I could assist to relieve the pain of a person
B who had been bitten by a large Rattle Snake.
u Although sorry for the mairs misfortune, I
e rejoiced at the opportunity, I had offered to
B ascertain fully the properties of Olive Oil as
■ an antidote to this deadly poison ; having a
s vial of this oil in my pocket, 1 hastened to
a the suffering creature; and on seeing him
I' his appearance struck me as the most fright
■ fui object I ever beheld. His head and face
were extremely swollen and the latter
black. His tongue propprtionably enlarged
> and extending out of his mouth ; his eyes
- appeared as if they would shoot from their
o sockets, his senses gone, and every appear
e ance of immediate death. He had been bitten
• on the side of the foot. I immediately, hut
• .vilh great difficulty, poured down him two
J table spoons full of die oil—its effects were
e almost instantaneous and exceedingly pow
- erful in counteracting the poison, as ap-
J peared by the strong, though quick convul
sions, which followed. In about 30 min
- utes it operated strongly, both as an emetic
and cathartic, after which the swelling of
o the head, face, &c. gradually abated, and
- the tongue began to as-ume its place. In two
i, hours he was so far recovered as to be able
- to articulate, and from that time recovered
fast, till he got perfectly over it. The oil
inwardly taken and externally applied, did
not exceed seven spoons lull. The number
of cases of the like nature, in 12 years lias
i Wee it considerable, in all which'dive Oil has
proved itself to be peculiarly adapted and
I fully adequate to the worst of cases, if time
ly applied. It is a remedy which every per- ,
son can command (when others cant he pro
cured) and ought not to be without; indeed
many cautious persons have carried a small '
vial of oil constantly about them. It has al
so been used with equal success when hor
ses, cattle, dogs, &c. have been bit. One
case, I am credibly informed has occurred
w)iere the Olivp Oil succeeded when given to
a woman who had been by a mad dog,
ant) who exhibited strong symptoms of Hy
drophobia. 1 can hardly excuse myself of
criminal neglect in having so long omitted to 1
make thus public this sovereign remedy for
the worst of poisons. The knowledge of the
efficacy of the Olive Oil is abundantly diffu
sed in the district of Pendleton, and partial
ly so in some of the adjoining districts, and
wishing it to he known generally, has caused
me to write these remarks for publication.
J. M.
It is mentioned in a New-York paper of
the 14th ult. that the Hon Rufus King,
Minister to the Court of St. James, will
shortly embark in one of the Liverpool Pack
ets. The report is, that he has engaged his 1
passage in the ship Pacific, which vessel sails
| on the Ist June.
Chehaw, May 13.
Mr. Joseph Bell, of whom we had occa
sion to speak in our last paper, has invented
anew casting machinery, &c.‘ Within a
fortnight past, he has put one of these Fur
naces into operation in this place, and the
period of time required to melt pig metal in
■ this Furnace is only about half of that oc
cupied by one of an ordinary kind. The
great economy in building these Furnaces is
still more astonishing; the whole expense
not exceeding gBO. The quantity of fuel
j necessary to be used, is also infinitely less.
At the, L'lantei'a’ Hotel.
Alt l l ’, in order to accomodate persons who may
app!) at any hour, from sun rice to 9 o’clock,
in the evening.
(IT t ickets turnislu d at the Bur.
i Muy 27 4t 96
. r p:iK Oopartneraliio ot A. SIBLEY & Co. is
1 dissolved by mutual content. Those having
unsettled i mints, with the late firm, will please
l cull on Gisoboe Collins, who is duly authorised
| to settle the same.
I A. Sibley,
Xiep. Collins.
i Jluzustn, 2S'h May. 1825. 3t 96
i NO TIC 14/
, / ptlF. subscribers have bough) the entire stock
I of GOODS of \ Sibley fit Co. and taken
the'tor. recently ocupied by them, and will |
1 transsc busmens under the firm of METCALF- i
Thos. S. Metcalf,
■ Geo Collins. ,
Jhtav* f a, 25th May 1825. 3t 96 i
' Have for Sale,
AT N i. 319, BROAD STREET. 1
‘ 2,1,0 do Prime Virginia Corn, 1
1 25 l ot's Swedes Iron as brted,
40 Bundles Hoop do. 1
4000 Pounds German & blistered Steel,
6000 Pound Plough Moulds,
‘ 30 000 Assorted Castings,
100 Kegs cut Nulls assorted,
; 40 ilhds. prime St. Croix & Muscovado Sugar,
50 Hols, second quality do,
50 do. Loaf and Lump Sugar,
50 Hags and barrels prime C lIV-e,
40 Boxes Hyson, Gunpowder St Imperial 'Tea, I
20 Hhcjs. prime VT llasSi'B,
i 5 Pipes Cognac Brandy, i
4 do. Holland Gin,
5 Hilda. Jamaica and VV. I. Hum, I
20 Quarter casks, Sicily, Madeira & Ten- t
n.criffe Wine, ,
30 do dt. Malaga and Dyes Currant do. s
t luO Bbfs. Whiskey, .
t 150 u> N Gin,
60 do. Cider Brandy,
• 50 do. N. Ham,
* 20 do. Cider and Herr,
i 50 di. Fresh Richmond Flour,
I 100 do. No. 3 Mackerel,
100 Whole and halt bid-, of Nos. 1 and 2,
2000 Prime Bacon Hirns.
100 Pieces pi mie 42 inch Hemp Bagging, |i
• 100 do Twilled Sacking, ji
I 30 do. Hessians, , i
; 20 di. Uz.labor s, |i
( 600 Ppuu is 1 wine, )
50 K -gs No. 1 and 2 Tobacco,
100 Reams wr ipping Paper
5 linx s Wluttemore No. 10 Cotton Cards,
; 20 Hags Pepper and Spice,
W riling and Letter Paper,
| Spanish and American Segars,
P nvil r and Shot,
1 halls, Salt Pi tre and Allmn.
tLT Fni CAJ3H or o;i a liberal credit for City i
- Accepts ces only,
I May 25 6t 96
; VVAH] VU avu\ VA„U E.
' 11>£XD BARRELS Fresh North
■mHßßL 250 Casks Fresh Slone Lime, n(
• i opt nor quality just received mid for sale a>
-N >. 308, Uruad-Slr. e by
; Thomas S. Metcalf.
f Mav 27 9v
1 {U * An elegant, and complete set 1
* T Frenclt China, lor sale, nr would be exchang (
: .d lor a good Hurt*, at fair value, \pply lo
| 11 Picquet, i
May 24 3t 95 >
I’o-Mortow 28th inst. at 10 o’clock,
WiU hr sold a* the Stove of
. Messrs. A. 1. if (i. W. Huntington
T\ve stuck ut* said Store,
OB.OCBB.VE9i, Sra.
Terms at Sale,
May 27 it 95
tiugg 8f \sa\age.
T p-Morrow Evening. 28th inst, at
half past 7 o’clock,
Al’ their Audi-"I Store, No. 525, Broad Street,
l\ a sarge and valuable col)■ -c»io.i of
Terms Cash on delivery.
M W 27 ' It 96
Bn fiugg if Savage.
ON the first Tuesday in June, at 11 o’clock,
will be sold at the Market House, in’ this
One prime Negro MAN,
One do. do. WOMAN, a good cook.
Terms at Sale,
May 27 96
SVJUAVV, BiUUs-m, 3-c.r
gEEjIMU® MHDS. Si, Croix Su-j
do. Hye Whiskey,
75 do, do Gin,
100 Reams Wrapping Paper,
Superfine Flour (Howard St. Brand,)
For sale by
Hachelder & Codwise.
May 27 2t 96
BAGS Havana Green Coffee, (prime)
1 case Imperial Tea, (in 2 lb. padjies)
15 boxes Sperm Candles
30 pieces Oznabnrgs
15 do Slicking
Port Wine, of a superior quality',
For sale by
nachelder & Codwise.
Mav 27 2t 96
7 To Kent, ~
A THE Ware-House and Dwel
ling, occupied by Mr. P. Stovall.
Possession will be given the first of
Samuel Hale.
May 27 8l 96
RESPECTFULLY informs tlie inhabitants ol
Augusta and its vicinity, that she intends o
pening on the first of June, a SEMINARY, for
the instruction of young Ladies and little Masters
in all the essential branches of Education usually
taught in other schools.
From her long experience ip teaching thi
“ Young Idea," site fl tilers herself to be able to
give satisfaction, and hopes to share the patron,
age of a generous public. Terms may be known
by application to Mrs. Guvisneau, at Mrs. Hands.
Mav 27 96
11HF, Copartnership of HitoDisax & Few, in
. the practice of Medicine, is this day dissolv
ed by the removal of Or, Few, from Waynesbo
All persons indebted are requested to make
immediate settlement by rash or note.
Ji. E. Brodnax,
Thus. fcj. Few.
IVaynttborouffh, April 25. 1825 3t r 96
•VviUce, to Claimants.
ALL pe. sons having demands against the Steam
- Boat /Jenry S/tnllr, are hereby called upon
to present iheir accounts for payment, within ten
days, and all those who have claims against the
cargo of said boat for properly lost, are'request
id lo present their invoices, with amounts pro
lierly established, as speedily as possible, as it is
very desirable to bring the business to a close
All those who have received property from the
subscriber, are requested to leave with him
statements oftlie amount of such property.
Jacob Moist.
M iv 20 94
23auft of Kuouota,
iGtli May 1825.
A DIVIDEND for the last six months, at the
t\. rale of 8 per cent, per annum, on the Capital
Stock, having been this day declared by I he Board
of Directors, from the profits ol the Bank; pay
ment thereof v/ill commence on Thursday the 19th
Augustus Moore, Cashier.
May 17 3t 93
VT the regular Meeting, on the first Saturday
. in June next, the City Council wljl proceed
to the appointment of a Physician for the llospi
'ul. It will be the duty of the physician, to at
tend the Hospital and Jail, and to visit and exam
ine all Boats, arriving within the limits of tin
Appl rations, stating the terms of service, to
be handed to the Clerk, on or before 10 o’clock,
on that day.
By order of Council,
Geo. M. \Vajker, CVk.
May 24 td 95
3j"pilK Copartnersh p which existed under the
JL firm of Benj. & Co. is this day desol
jved by mutual consent. Persons indebted to said
concern are requested to make payment without
I delay to the subscribers.
• B. Baird,
1 Hall & Hardin.
1 May 17 3t 93
' —^
This .Murmwg, at 11 o’clock,
On account the Savannah river Navigation Com
_ P«ny,
2 coils 'tope
7 Blocks ami Tackles
1 Windlass
2 Can Hooks, Cor cash.
By cider. •
Fraser & Bowdre,
May 27 lt
fc mvWsiii,Vi & Hum,
Tkclv entire o?
SDmiy ti©©a)s a
Being desirous of closing ihelr present con
ctrn. Liberal terms will be given, both in pri
cos and credits.
Sl; " 'M 3i 95
Llilna and t\ass VV av c.
»V«, 5, Gibbons’ Buildings,
By the late arrivals from Liverpool, New- York and
lioiton. a large assortment of
<dnd Glass Ware,
Which will be sold low for Cush, cr anorov
ed Paper. 1 1
Savannah, Mav 19 g, 95
Tke Subscribers
Desirous of closing their present concern.
Her tor SMle at reduced prices, their stock of
Wines, hue old Liquors and Groceries, generally
assorted—what is pot previously sold, will be dis.
posed ol at AUCTION on the second of June
BARRELS Philadelphia
}0 Bbls. N. E. Rum,
4 Studs. Jamaica <j o
3 Pipes Cognac Brandy,
6 do, Holland Gin,
20 Barrels Northern do.
A *! ipeS ,, assorted brands,
10 Barrels do do > *
8 do. Malaga do. 5 80tne ver ) fine.
Madeira, Sherry, Lisbon, Malwesy, Port tj)a
ret P,c. Madeira, m bait Pipes. Quarter
Casks and Dciti Johns,
40 Pieces Baltic Hemp Bagiriiic.
500 Lb?. .German Steel, “
62 Bags Coffee, Green and big W bite
|5 Hlids, lamuica, St. Croix and Mu-’cova
do Sugars,
1000 Lbs. Loaf and Lump do
Mackerel, Spice and Pepper, Teas, Blown and
Basket ball Vinegar, Tobacco, Sugar,, Ktc &c
A. I k (#. W, HuitinVon
May 1 7 ' ' ''93
lot &ale, ot to llout.
fITIP property of the subscriber in ih- village
JL of Summerville. The three Tenements will
be s< Id or r.etlted together, or separate as may
be»t suit. 1
Samuel Hale.
May 20 fit g 4
O' The concerns of Joseph Eve
will be attended to during his abenc-. from the
slate, by James C. Cam;.bell and Edward A.
May 20 3t 94
Buying the subscribers absence
from the slat. , Mr. Lewis Baric, and Francis Ga
nahl, or either of them, will act as his attornies
and attend to the transac'ion of his busi mss.
Joseph Gauabl.
May 17 fir 93
£?* Mr. Luther Cunimiog, will
uct as my Attorney during my absence liom the
J. M. Hand.
May 13 If 92
O’ A Branch of the Classical and
English Seminary ot Augusta, will be removed to
the Sand-hills. The school, under the direction
of the Kav. Mr. Sheehan, will open on Monday
May Ifitti, 1825, ’
Edward Swinoy, prefect.
Mav 13 9 j
For hire by the mouth or year.
and I RON EH, for lurther particulars apply
at tins office.
May 17 6t 93
}t oy feaVe oy VUve,
A Negro Woman, a good Cook, Wasbcr and
. I rone/. Fur particu apply to
William Mackie.
February 2? if 69
GEORGIA, Sc’iven County.
JOHN RAWLS ni Cap! James P. Poythress*
llistrict, Tulls before me a sorrel Filly, three
. y. ms old. no brand or mark ( eiceivabie, apprais
ed by M illiam Gross and illis Taylor, at fifteen
dollars, tills 23d April, 1825.
R. U. M‘K!NNFY, 1. f.
, Extract from the Estray Booh this 7th May 1825
Seaborn Goodull, Vi'lc.
Blank Deeds of Conveyance.
Neatly Printed on Vellum Paper.
For sale at this Office.