Newspaper Page Text
js flj| " Many of the political evils, under which every Country in the world labours, are uol owing to any want of love for °or Country, but to au ignorance of its real constitution and interests.” pIIIKSTLY
|| NEW SERIES Vol. 11. AUGUSTA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1825. .No. 97.
|p V *
I 111
Cije Coittftitiitionali.tft
j Ufolna and Glass Ware.
|w No» 5, Gibbons * Building s t
By the. late arrivals from Liverpool, JVew-York anil
Boston, a large- assortment of
\\ iind Glass Ware,
Which will be soitVlow for Cash, or approv
al cd Paper. '
IK i Savannah, Miiv 12 61 9.?
I Tl\a Subscribers
I n
■ Ju» ESIROUS of cloning 1 heir present concern, I
I otter tor sde at reduc ;d prices, their stook of
Vt . Wines, fine old Liquors and Groceries, generally -
W * assorted—what is not previously sold, wdl be d is
posed ot at AUC TION on the second of June
I » next :
f 20 Hhds, do do
( MhBHHK 10 Uhls. K. E. Rum,
(L 4 'l:.ijs. Jamaica d 0
W 3 Pipes Cognac Brandy,
A 6 do. Mollnnd Gin,
f 20 Barrels Nor l hern do.
I 4 Pipes t'euneriff’e Wine, assorted brands, 1
10 Barrels' do do )
I » do. Malaga (10 . £ so™ very fine.
Madeira, Sherry, Lisbon, Maiwesy, Port, Cla■!
rel, Pico, Madeira, in half Pipes, Quarter I
Casks and Deni Johns,
r 40 Pieces Baltic Hemp Bagging,
500 Lbs German Steel,
62 Bii(>s Ceftee, Green and big White,
Sls Hhds. Jamaica, St. Croix and Muscova
do Sugars,
1000 Lbs. Loaf and Lump do
Mackerel, Spice and Pepper, Teas, Blown and
Basket Sail Vinegar, Tobacco, Segars, &c. &c.
A. 1. & (i. W. Huntington,
1 j May 1 7 93
| [f. 3| llvSDvfiJ BARRELS Mackerel,
u No. 3, of a superior quality
m'-'tsaESZaCi for sale, 10 b~ delivered at the
Wharf, on the arrival of the Steam Boat South
B. Picquet.*
May 10 yi
DEMIJOHNS of old Rorix Port, Vin- 1
t.-gr . , 1820.—Certified by the Royal Company I
of Oporto. 1 1
25 Dozen bottles ditto, Vintage of 1816,
rnu str.E »(
A. I. & (r. W. Huntington, i
March 22 77 1
n()ThTe. I
The following articles having been received!
by Steam Boat Company's Boats, and are now
in the Ware-House, if not claimed previous!
to the 25th June next, (hey will on that day be 1
sold at Vucti m, to pay freight and other ex j
Marks. Articles.
No Mark 3 5 bundles Paper,
( h>. do. 1 barrel Liquor,
“ Jos. Gresham” 1 box,
Diamond Mark 1 Parrel Liquor,
•L 1 box,
I- 11. 1 bundle Fisk,
“ Rev. A. Hammond 1 box,
1 W. 1 barrel Liquor,
G. ] crate.
‘‘J. L. Graves” 2 boxes,
Win. J. Wood,
Treasurer Steam Boat Company.
Augusta, May 15. 1825 93
Commission Business.
At his old stand in Savannah, near the Fort, and
/s piepaied to make suitable advances upon all)
produce placed in his hands fop sale,
John Everingham, jr. j
Apfd 12 83
H AVING formed a connection with Mr. Henry
Howard, late ol Baltimore, have removed
heir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, corner o(
Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be
conducted under the firm of
New-York, June, 1823 7
a © ir
T .. .
A HE inhabitants of Augusta and vicinity, are 1
inloimed that a supply of ICE has been receivc*d
at the new Ice House, back of the Eagle- Tavern,
where it may be obtained from sunrise to souse'
every day during the summer.
Persons living at a distance, can have it packed
so as to keep several days.
iiez. Dickinson,
Jce House Keeper.
Mav 3 yy
& The concerns of Joseph Eve, 1
will be attended to during his absence from the ?
slate, by James C. Campbell and Edward A
May 20 04 »
m m—WUTMUM—mu—i—iß—■■iTimmiih 'min ~ i—■«
No. 164 liroad Street,
l\aH\is WecfeiveiV
which will be disposed of low, for cash.
May 20 94
For sale by
Beers, Bunnell & St. John,
Broad, corner of .1 Plntosh street.
Gold and Silvkii Coin and all kinds of Bank
Notes. Bought and Sold.
Novembi r 12 40
The Subscriber
r s opening in liroad street, one door below Mr. Al
ten’s Rat Store,
! Consisting of
Oress coats,
Frock Goats
Drab box Coats
Double h Single mill’d Oassimare Pantaloon
Broad Cloth, Sstinett and Corduroy do
Toiiinett, Valentia, Swans,down ?; blsck silk
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do
Superfine Linen and Colton, frilled and plain
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and Lambswocl
Shirts and Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Camblet Cloaks
Ladies do
Boy's Dresses
Youth’s close body Coats
Gentlemen's superfine Hats, some yery wide
Immitation beaver do
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps
Washington, Jackson and La Fayette Slocks
| Silk Umbrellas
i Hosiery
Gloves, he.
Negro Jackets and Trowsers
House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
Fearnought gr at Coats
Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
Striped and Check go
Common Linen ( ] 0
Woollen Gloves, and many other articles
in his Hue.
j The above GOODS are New-York made, and
■ Till be disposed of wholesale and retail, at New-
I York prices.
J. P. Hetze.
December 3 4b
PoUs\\td Waislbftlts,
BiracfcVels, &c.
W'E subscriber has this day received per ship
iA Doris from Liverpool, an elegant assortment
of Polished Steed Waistbelts, Bracelets, Buckle
; uid Clasps, ot the newest fashion.
—also —
Yard Neck Chains,
Best London Hair, Cloth and Habit Brushes,
Perfumed Soaps, &c. See,
George Oates.
March 18 76
iN mice.
Dividend, No. 1.
I A DIVIDEND of Six Dollars per share, ha
been thin day declared, on the pn fits of tin/
Steam-Boat C nnpany, for the last four months,
payable on the first Monday in June next, to tin
Stock Holders, or their authorised Agents, al tin
Steam Boat office, Savannah.
Wm P. Hunter,
Treasurer S B. C.
Savannah, March 2. 1825 90
& B. B. Hopkins having deter
mined to reside permanently on the Sand-Hills,
wishes to dispose of h;s house in Augusta ’The
terms will be reasonable, and accommodating as
0 payments. As that part of the city is likely 1c
become the scene of extensive business, the house
is very favourably situated tor (hat purpose. Thr
budding is well calculated for both a store and
Iwelling : the lower story being entirely separa
cd from those above.
Should the property not he sold by the 25th of
April it will he Rented. Possession can be had
m the fir-t of May.
March 18 76
A Branch of the Classical and
English Seminary of Augusta, will be removed u
the Sand-hills. The school, under the directioi
of the Kev. Mr. Sheehan, will open on Mondav
May 16th, 1825. Jj
Edward Swiney, prefect.
May 13 0]
, & E.EIU,
Their entire Stock lit
JDfiTT CB <D <D 3®» 0»
Hein;; desirous of closing 1 tlieir present con
cern. Liberal terms will be given, both in pri
ces and credits.
-| May 24 3t 95
iis#©® for u
Augusta Masonic Hall Lottery,
Samuel Hale,
Robert R. Reid,
Thomas I, Wray,
Jhigustin Slaughter,
William IV. Holt,
John IV. Wilde,
B. D. Thompson,
1 Prize of 830,000 is 830,000
1 Prize of 20,000 is 20,000
4 Prizes of 10,000 is 40,000
4 Prizes of 5,000 is 20,000
5 Prizes of 1,000 is 5,000
10 Prizes of 500 is 5,000
50 Prizes of 100 is s*ooo
, 100 Prizes of 50 is 5,000
’ 5000 Prizes of 10 is 50,000
51 75 Prizes, ) ,0,,/,™
12825 Blanks, \ 180,000
Less than two and an half /Hanks to a Prize.
The prizes only to be drawn, and to be all
floating Iro n the commencement except the fob
■lo ving, which will be deposited In the wheel at
idelinite periods, viz :
i prize of 10,000 Si 1 of 500
2d. 1 prize of 5,000 81 lof 1,000 81 lof 50f
3d. 1 prize of 10.000 L 1 of 500
n 4th. 1 prize of 5,000 & lof 1,000 &I of 50C
sth. 1 prize of 10 00 ' & lof 500
k sth. 1 prize of 5.000 81 lof 1 000 81 lof 50(
7t!t. 1 prize of 10,000 ik 1 of 5,000 £1 1 of 50C
Sib. 1 prize of 20 000 8i 1 of 1.000 81 2 of 50C
" 9th. 1 prize of 30,000 81 X of 1.000 81 1 of 50t
The Scheme is sp emjid, and for richness and
d safety if investment, offers equal if not superiot
inducements lo any of the Northern Lotteries.
The whole Lottery to be completed in
N itie Ui •awiiigs Only,
Prizes payable in Thirty Hays after the com
pletion of the Drawing, if applied for within
e twelve months.
Prize Tickets will be received in payment for
any Tickets (bat may remain unsold it) the
course of th Drawing,
Present Price of Tickets,
Whole Tickets glO I Quarters, g 2 50
Halves, 5 | Eighths, 125
1 For sale in a threat variety of numbers at the
No. 2»41, Eroad Street.
07 Orders fur Tickets and Shares from any
part of the United States, POST PAH), ami
inclosing the Cash, addre-sed lo the Secretary
6 will meet prompt attention.
~ J- S. Beers,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
N, B Darien Pills -util be received at par for
April 25 f=7
THE Ware-House and Dwei
ling, occupied by Mr. P. Stovall.
, llliHß Possession will be given the first of
dBMSfHfc October.
„ Samuel Hale.
May 27 8t 96
Vuv iSa^e.
Jbpi Two Stores and Lots, upper
end Si mb Line Hyad street—nearly
JIIUB opposite 1{ Mai me &■ Co’s Ware
■HMhouse j which will be sold low wl
cash or approved acceptance, on reasonable
terms. Apply to
James P. Maguire.
April 29 88
MFur Sale.
A Hou e and Lot on the
Sand-Hills.— A Four Wheel Carriage and pair
1 ot Horses.—Two Negro Women, House Ser
1 vants, —Apply at this office.
Mav 20 4t 94
Is otice.
ALL persons are cautioned against trading for
a certain note of hand, given by (he subscri
- her to Robert Lumlay and Rob-ft Hevill of Seri
, ven County, in tins Stale, for three hundred and
fifty dollars, dated on the 11th day of January,
s 1325. and due the Ist day of January next, a* I
. urn determined not 10 pay the said note miles
? compelled by law, as the same was obtained tor
. unsound property, and also for property to which
1 (he said Lundy and Hevill had, as i have good rea
sons to believe, no just right or title, so that n
consideration lor the said note bus ever been
Christopher Snell.
F.nuivue / County, A mil I i 1 825 fit* 9 1
IS otice.
1 BANK BILL has been found by a servant
of the subscriber, which the owner can liavi
by giving a satisfactory description of the same
paying for this advertisement and a small reward
to the finder.
Patrick H. Cams.
May 10, 1825 91
s. — - ■ -
i aiii®au:s} ®»laAiLiers
Carriage Maker.
H VS received i part ot his Spring Supply ot
CARRIAGES and GIGS, which makes his j
assort nenl of Gigs complete—consisting of first,
second ami third rate Leather and Suntop Gig . :
i- one Coaehee and one ChaHoiee. Being regular
i ly supplied with an extensive assoitment, direc 1
from the various manufactories ot Newark and its *
vicinity, be is disposed to sell on as good terms as 1
“The articles cun hi obtained in Augusta . (
I (C/’Orders for any kind of Carriages will be *
forwaided and executed in the best manner, at 1
I the manufacturing prices. Gigs and Carriages 1
built to order. Repairing in ail branches, at short
j notice, on the most reasonable terms.
March 22 ts 77
INFORMS the persons who have applied to
him, and others, that he lias just received
fresh Vaccine Matter.
Applications lo be made at his Sicamllith
Establishment or at Mrs. Sera’s opposite the City-
Hotel. • t
Mav 20 3t 94
(IJ* 'rake Notice.
PERSONS who have not paid (heir ROAD
AND WELL TAX, for the year 1825, are
requested to call on the Collector and I reastirer
and settle the same before (lie first day of June
next. After that lime, executions will be issued
against all defaulters.
Nath 1 ! L. Sturgcs,
Collector and 1 1 easnrer.
May 17 4t 93
II miJE Subscriber has removed 10, and opened
p JL an office in the Town of Sjparts, Hancock
it County. He will attend the courts of the Nor
them Circuit, and the comities of Morgan, Green,
Putnam and Baldwin of (lie Ocmulgee Circu t.
Ulysses Lewis.
,q (Sparta. Ga.) May 17 8’ r 93
« ILiilWo
® T —‘ '
l 0! -1- HE subscriber having resumed the practice
Jof LAW, tenders his services to the public. He
: y 1 will attend most of the Courts in the Western
(1 Circuits, the adjoining counties in the Flint and
1 Ocmulgee, and the counties of Lawrena, Twiggs
and Pulaski, in the Southern Circuits.
Thomas W. Harris.
(77 Letters addressed to him Monroe, Wal
ton county, will be attended 10.
February 8 3m 65
I) —1 ■
e iTpHE subscribers have connected themselves
wL in the practice of the LAW—(hey wilj uni
formly attend all the counties of the Northern
Circuit, and she county of Franklin, of the Wes
tern Circuit, one of them will be generally found
at their office in Elberton, where they will take
e pleasure in transacting the business ot those who
may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the
Law I
John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard.
[1 January I, 1825 57
DR. HALL, offers his professional attendance 1
to the public, in surgery, the obstetnek aft J
r cle in the practice of Physick. * t
Application made at the U. S. Arsenal, nea s
Augusta, Geo. will receive his attention. s
- ‘ April 26 t 87 a
uivmoN. I*
1. A pHE public are cautioned against purchasing ( ]
,f ol the Ica-e of the lot and improvements on \
Broad Street in the uppeg part of Augusta, where
I now reside. The reason of this Camion is, that
Mr James P. Stuart having failed to dispone of
the lease and improvements this day, at auction,
in consequence of the notice given to the bidders, 8
relative to Mr. Stuart’s title may attempt a less
r public mode ol silling that which is in tact not
~ liis lam in possession of the property and will -
; not abandon it 10 quiet the humours ot Mr. Stuart f;
" r This property is pledged to Inin to secure (lie! j
p pay mdnf of from four to lour hundred and fifty, M
dollars, which debt it slia'.l pay as soon as it cun l
I fairly be sold according to the agreement be
j 1 ween Mr. Stuart and myself, but I should do in
'justice lo myself and my creditors were I to suffer
“ this property to be sacrificed to the whim or pas
sion ol Mr. Stuart, who has no right to it beyonu
what is above staled.
8 A. Gr, Halford.
r May 16 1825. 6t 93
Public are cautioned against trespassing
1. oil the Houses and Lots of the subscriber
upper end of town —especially against hauling
v .and or earth (Tom the river hank nr contiguous
thereto. Each and every person offending shall
1 have Uie law rigorously enforced against him of
3 them.
j Hugh Nesbit.
January 21 60 ,
> N otice. .
£\ LL persons to whom the la'e Francis Bouyei h
ot the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebl I J
1 ed. ' ire requested to present their demands with It
m the time prescribed by law , and those indebl- V
ed, are requested to make immediate payment. '
B, Houyer, )
u 1 1/ • 1f Px VS. P
raul H ,
December 21 5] i n
tup hire by the inuntk or year,
4 NEGRO Ui) uA.N a good COOK VVASHF.Itj
aV and IKON EH, tor luither particulars aiiplji
at tins office.
May 17 6t *
■•■ t . 1
An Ordinance.
BOA I S of all kinds wlucii shall contain any
damaged corn, [mind matter nr substance of
any kind, nr wind) shall come from any pi ce in
fected with malignant nr contagious distas. . ahull
atop on the Savafmah river at such ,duct ua shall
be directed by Council, and there remain until ex
amined by such physician or physicians as Coun
ci 1 may appoint tor that purpose t and unit, the
said physician or physicians shall issue Ins or their
certificate, siating that such b -at or ’boms ih.y
come to the city of Augusta, witln ut endangering
the he«|th of said City '; And any owner 01 mana
ger of any boat, arriving withi" the hmita of -his
Citv without first complying with the regulate
con'anieii in this Ordinance, on conviction thereof,
shall forfeit ami pay a sum not exceeding five hun
dred dollars.
In confonr.ity to the above Ordinance,
NOTICE is hereby given, that all Boats arri
ving from Charleston, from and alter this day,
will be required to anchor in the center of the ri
ver, below the Bridge, and there to remain (with
out my'intercourse with the City) until examii cil
by Duct, I horripson the physician appointed hy
the t/ity Council and receiving his cer. ificale of
permission, and all officers ol the cny are hereby
commanded to enforce the above notice and ordi
B. H. Warren, y
A. Voore, Committee.
J. Molliiisliead, S
May l.'l * 41 92
An Ordinance
Regulating the Mooring of Routs at the Wharves.
Sec. I. licit ordained by the City Council' of
Augusta, that from and alter the publishing of
this Ordinance, no empty boat having less than
three able and competent men on board at all
limes, shall bp permitted to fasten to, or anchor
1 at, any place opposite the city above tin Bridge,
; for more than four days unless when securely las
tened with a sluing chain or cable at least fifty
, feel in length to a growing trie, not leas than
twelve inches in diameter, and that in the event
ol a considerable rise in l!;e Itiyer, such imply
boat, not fastened as aforesaid, shall be iminedi
. ately removed below the Bridge
2. Bacii boat engaged id lading or unlading
during a high river, shall have at least ft ur aide
men constantly on board, and shall be securely
fastened or anchored, in such a manner as n, pre
vent her swinging or drifting on the Wharf.
3. The City Marshal, or any other officer of
Council shall have, antj they are hereby’vested
with power, and are required, to remove or cause
to be removed, at the risk ai d i xpense o( the
owner, to some place below the Bridge, any boat
or boats, which may be neglected by the owner
or agent , and fop each boat s" removed the ofii
cer shall be entitled to ten dollars, to b 1 receiv
ed from the boat dwnei*, in the same manner as
1 other expense! inen red in the removal.
4. The owner or owners of any and every boat
shall be liable to a fine, at the discretion of If .un
ci not exceeding two hundred dollars, tor each
and every violation of this Ordinance, and snail
moreover repair all damages done to the WtiurveS
or Bridge in const qneoce ol such violation.
Done in Council, the sth January, 182.5.
K. ii. Heid,
Mayor of the city oj Augusta.
By the Mayor
Geo. M Walker, Clerk.
April 22 86
Seventy Second Section General
I f shall be the duty of ail and every person or
persons occupying a Lot nr pan ol a Lot in
this City, to remove from his, her or their Premi
ses, at the times herein prescribed, all decayed
and decaj,iig vigetable and aiimai substances,
and in general every thing lending to corrupt
tin air, and place ihe same in the street oppo
site to his, her nr their Lot, lw<niy tect be.
yond its boundary line The above mentioned
duty to be pci formed before Nine o’emek in (he
Morning :
District No. J, on Mondays and fhnrsdays.
District Nn. 2, on Tuesdays a 1 d Fridays,
District No 3. on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
It is particularly requested dial filth shall not
be thrown out at any other tim -.
Ity order of the Stri ct Committee.
May 2U 94
r are the Stationary C .mini tees
IL ot Council for the year ending the second
Monday in April, 1826 ;
On City Hall. ■ Mt-srs. Thomas, Warren, U„le.
()n Police. - Hal ■, Dillon, I'h'-mas.
On Hosf>iinl.~.l Mo ire, Mol insln-ad, Bowdre.
On liouds —Bowdre, Billon, Hale.
On Accounts —Hale, \ Moore, J. M mre.
On /liver Hank and Wharf V, Moore, J,
M'koc, Uaolurtli, Bowdre.
On Streets --Bowdre, Dillon, Warren.
On Jail Warren, Daliforth, Thomas.
On /> Hl7lß Danforth, Hale. J M (lore.
On / J unitß - vVnrr'-n, A Vloore.
On iJiHon, H' l i ishead.
J*ub linked hy or tier of Council.
Geo. M. Walker, (TJc.
May 20 94
OoVleclor tvm\ iWceivfev’s
|%7F. will attend at the following t!me« and
vv p aces, for the purpose of collecting die
fax' s I the year eighteen hundred a.d twenty,
lour (1824) and receivii g returns of Taxable
Proper'y tor the year eighteen bundled and
wenty five (1825 y, vz. at the Ci'vHdel, on
Monday the 25di if April, 9ih end 23rd of May
itxt, at the (iiobe ’Tavent, n Tuesday the 261 h
>f April, 10 h and 24th of M.y next —at the
•lanters’ Hotel, on Wednesday the 27;h of April
ml llthand 25th of May next, and wilt re
ndu from ten to one o’clock, A. M. at each
i lace.
K- Bu£g,
Tax Collector, It dunnnil County.
M F. Koisclair,
If reaver Tax Returns, Richmond County
April 12 83