Newspaper Page Text
«■» ■■■■— , . . , .■.,, _ - .. * * T7-rre'g*v,ixr*y |r '*Ti , v i un l j*>
_ *‘ u< '*"’ r ,llli ‘- 11 - >t! ‘•‘•Hi. anitrr win. n every Country in the world labnun., ere not owl in; to an, want of luvr n.oour Country, but to an ignorance of its real constitution anil interests.” I'IUKSTI.Y ~ ‘
'€itt Caiieftitutianalisft
The Subscriber
fa opening in Broadxtreety one door below J\Ti\ *ll u
len'a Hat Stove , m
%pat& ;
Consisting of !,
Frick Coats
Drab bos Coats 9 ;i
Double k single mill'd Casatmere Wntaloonlt
Broad Cloth, Ssiinelt and Corduroy do 1
Toiiuett, Valontia, Swansdown & black silk: 1
Vests ' |,
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do ; i
Superfine Bitten and Cotton, (filled and plain!]
Knitted, Cotton, Worsted and LambsWoolj
Slurs and Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Cambist Cloaks
Ladies do
Boy’s Dresses 1
Youth’s close body Coats
Gentlemen’s superfine Huts, some very wide
Imm'dalion beaver do
La Fayetie, boys and mens seal skin Caps
W • tngUm, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks i
Silk Umbrellas
Gloves, Etc.
— also —
Negro Jackets and Trnwsers
Ibnisc »ei v..n!s Coatees and Pantaloons
Fearnought >■ 1--at Coats
Gim.itsev Frocks, red flannel Shifts
Striped and Check do
Common Linen do
’•Vo len Goves, and many other articles!
in his line.
T'it h -ve GOdDS are New-York made, anil
will he disposed os wholesale and retail, at New-I
York prices.
J. P. Seize. i
De r r nHe r * 46
. 1
"£*o BARRELS Whiskey,
too do N. Gin,
20 Hhda. Sugar,
S') s Coffee,
2b d ds. Loaf Sugar,
.2 ds. Jamaica Hum,
2 1 ; s f'ngnac Brandy,
30 Phis. FI nr,
1 •■1 Ozt'aburgs,
20 Hilda. M laws,
liec civeil on C<m ligament, ami for sale by
W r in. li. Egan. j
June 21 3t 103 !
V LVU: W and iAWL
li 00 LAURELS Fresh North-1
pl " L'l 'nir,
v&'SmBSImUt 2.50 Fresh Stone Lime, of!
y. sit . rmr (|itl •• Jit received and for sale al
No. 308, Broad-Btr -el, by
* Thomas S. Metcalf.
May 97 9(5
’aj-vA' WAiFS&r
At ths new Confectionary. A'o. 157—3 d door be-
Low the City Hotel,
A SOD A water Fountain is in full operation I
ifi. at tile above establishment, where it will be j
constantly ke.M doting the season.
Will be ready cv ry evening at 4 o’clock.
Jim- ?! 4t 101
B IP Jid ±4 0
-E- inerly occupied by Cel. J. Hauohtow, back'
of te Planters’ Hotel, and intends keeping ah
kinds of
for gentlemen, who may call on him
Daniel Clements.
June 10 IPO
Commission Business.
At his old stand in savannah, near tne Fort, and
is prepared to make suitable advances upon all!
produce placed in his hands t- r sa'e.
John Everinicham, ir.
April 12 > 3
Au assortment of
CatYvagfc, Gig and saddle
For sale by the Subscriber,
John Dillon,
No. 311, Bnoan street,
Opposite the t'lird Engine House,
May .31 it 97
& Air. Luther Gumming, will
act as my Attorney during my absence from the j
J. M, Hand.
May 13 if 93
- , -
Mo. 164 Broad Street,
Wave. U\\a davf Aeeevved
which will be disposed of low, for cash. I
Mat 20 94,
Board of Commissioners have the pleasure 11
A if annou icing to the public, that from the 1
large sales of ticket s up to this time, and the in
creasing demand for them, they are enabled de- j
finitivelv to fix a day for the commencement of the
j Lottery—and to give the most positive assurances
:of itu being carried fully into eff-ct. The first 1
drawing will P-iSI ! IVKf.Y ''ike pi toe on the
15U\ of August luvxt,
J Persons Wishing to adventure are advised to pur
chase without delay as an advance in the price of
Pickets is highly probable. Dealers in Lottery
j tickets in this and other States will be supplied
(on advantageous terms by making application lo
jtbe Board of Commissioners through their See
J. S Beers,
Secretary to the Hoard of Commissioners
June 17 ‘ my
VI VKK "HAS i 7 K _
To'bw’jj Ajuu 1 TlvkeAs in i\ve
Masonic Hall Lottery, i
! . — r I 1
The first draining of this highly approved
mill positively take place on the
A I winch time will commence the distribution of the
foil-wing valuable presents :
1 Prize of 30,000 Dolls.
I Prize of 20,000 Dolls.
4 Prizes of 10.000 Dolls.
4 Prizes of 5,000 Dolls.
| 5 Prizes of 1,000 Dolls.
10 Prizes of 500 D 11s.
I 50 Prizes of 100 Dolls,
j 5000 Prizes of 10 Dolls.
Fur sale in the greatest possible variety of num
ibers al the Commissioners < (flee,
Xo. 2»4}i, Bvoad Street.
Where orders for 1 L KK I S post paid enclosing
I the casli will be promptly attended to, if addressed
J. S. Deers,
Secretary to the Commissioners.
' N, B Darien Hills will be received at par for
JiH” 17 102
S | WING formed a connection with Mr. Henry
1 K 1 Howard, late of Baltimore, have removed
'heir Establishment to No. 88, Broadway, corner of
Wall Street, where their Business will in future be
j conducted under (he firm of
| .IVciv-Vorh. June. 1823 7
FOli HALE, ~4
I niF.K tog h“r or separately, four Lots and
J mprovemenis, on Broad Street at present
; tccupied by Viesu’S. John Cam ibcll, lolin Beach
\. I. & G W Hu itington and B I’yne, ail well
:adapted and eligibly situated for business. If not |
sold before the lot>a iiTy next, they will bn rent
led for the year, cumin ncing the first October
: i next.
Augustus Moore,
June 21 fit 103
tO.i, fsALli.,
v.IWO pair ol Iron Screws, t;r compressing
JL C itlon ; together with the Frame, which
will be sold very low. Ap Jy o
Win. J. Wood.
Treasurer Strum Boat Company,
June 21 9\ 10j
If lAKbX
FROM ihe back part of the house belonging to
James Fraser, E-q. in Ellls-slreet, a Liquor
IDass, with Bottles —Die ca»e had been jus; painted
mahogany color, and being put out to dry was la-
I ken off. Whoever will return it to the place
[from whence it was taken, or leave it at the Au
igusta Bookstore, or give information of it, so that
jitie owner gets it, shall receive a reward if re
quired, together whh the owner’s thanks.
June 24 H'4
1 LL persons indebted lo Die esl ate of John Ca
\» htrj’HEus, deceased, are requested to make
'immediate payment 10 the subscriber, ‘and those 1
Ihavi-.g claims agtoisl the said e-tate, are required;
lln present ’hem duly attested m the form and I
i vitliin the t me -r,-scribed bv Lw.
Richard 11. Wilde, Adm’r. I
; June 17 12t 102
CIIHKRF, is perhaps no medical observation bet
, *- ter established, none more generally confirmed
|by (lie experience ol the best physicians of alt ins
»nd countries and none of more importance tin
practitioner,than the tael,that many Hf the must difli
,cnlt ana incurable complaints originate in nep-leci
til colds. In a climate as variable as ours,where tin
changes of the weather are frequently sudden anu
unexpected, it requires more care and attention
guard against tins subtle and dangerous enemy of
life, than most people imagine, or are able an.
willing to bestow. Hence the vast number of pal
cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs, asthma
consumptions, and other affections, and hence tin
farrago of rational and absurd remedies, cried up
y the learned and illiterate. The many cases ol
ihe kind, fell under my observation; the propose
erous compositions of inflaming drugs, which
are in vogue j itie disappointment I experienced in
practice from remedies highly recommended , and
my own predisposition to pulmonic complaints
were strong inducements for me to consider,
whether a compound consisting of mild vegetable
substances couid not be invented, more free from
i ie well founded objections of practitioners, ant!
better calculated to avert the threatening de
struction of the lungs.
Syrup ol* Vegetables,
fin coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions ii
I hisi remedy is superior to any medicine which i
has been offered to the public, as it is prepared i
j from Ihe moat valuable herbs of our vegetable !
kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de b
peudence may be placed in its virtues for the i
cure of the above diseases. From the knowledge |
the proprietor has of the pulmonic virtues of the i
syrup, he has no hesitation in recommending is i
to those who labour under those distressing corn- \
fonts as a sale and efficacious remedy, and hav
mg administered it to thousands in New-York and
I hiladelphia, he feels no hesitation in offering it
to I tc public, and after trial, those persons who
purchase the genuine syrup, will have their mo
trey refunded by returning the bottle, if they do
not feel satisfied that they have reaped benefit'
trom the use of it.
Directions for Use .
1 ike a tea spoon lull three times a day, sa) |
morn ng, noon and night, and continue it until re
fC/’ Each bottle will have the signature of the,
tfj* Frepared only and sold by E- Audit-, sign
of the Golden Eagle, Augusta.
October 21 33
I\ew ami Invaluable
Asiatic Lenitive foir IVm.
This Medi-
r avus remedy is good against the tooth ache ol
| X pain in the teeth and jaws when duly applied
and employed, it possesses sovereign efficacy in
h lieving swellings of the gums, face and adjacent
parts, arising from or connected with tooth-ache
) it relieves head-ache or pains in the head in
j the most easy and agreeable manner; lor this lie j
. quent and distressing complaint, this, his new
|medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re !
stores both the organs of sense and the nerves oi'
their healthy condition at a quick and admirabh
I'/iis new and useful preparation produces, by
* ’mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation
upon the spirits—it quickens the sensations,
I sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates tin
functions of the mind, by dissipating gloom and I
.vapours it acts truly like a nervous and cephalic,
i medicine of the first order.
| Nor is its effect less he; efirlal when considered
’I in relation to the stomach, th o to the mouth, the
1 head and the spirits, by its qualities it acts upon
jthe sight and immediate organs of digestion as u
[carminative and cordial, expelling wind, removing
lorpor, correcting acidity, and creating a mosi
comfortable warmth.
I'he operation of this invention and improve
ment is quite as favorable to diseases of the ear,
1 more especially it acts to great advantage in dm
ness and hardness of hearing, end even in incipi
ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to tin
exeicise of its true and healthy (unctions of hear '
, l “g-
Certificate from Dr. Sanuel L. Jtlilchell.
Dr. Ezekiel Attdler, of Hit city of New-York, |
this day submitted to me hit letters patent frorr,|
ilie United States, for compounding and vending!
1 a remedy which he calls the Asiatic Lenitive, am'
. asked my opinion upon the time, whereupon, at I
‘ ter examining ihe receipt curtained in the specifi
■[cation, f find it contains a misture of such ar.inm'
|ic, anodyne, and anti-acid article-, as arc well cal
iculated to produce a composing effect on the hu
1 (man body.
Samuel L. Mitchell.
Ji'eio.York, Novemhi r 2d, 1818.
JV otke.
LL persons to whom H late Francis Bouyer
m'JL. of the city of Augusta, deceased, is indebl
.(eti, are requested to preset! their demands with j
I in the time prescribed by law ; and those ndehi I
led, are requested to make immediate payment. (
H. Houjcr, I ,
Paul Uossignol,s '
December 21 51
RESPECTFULLY informs the Ladies and he.
i tlcmen of Augusta, that he will hi' ready I
serve them at all times, at his or their house'', ii
, the line of his profession, and h pea he will met
share of the public patronage, as he will extrac
teeth and stumps,atrd in the easiest manner if ev
ol difficult, .id all its other branches.
Taste ot Carbon,
A superior dentifrice to any ever offered to
cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth an 1
making the breath sweet ami grecabic.
Os Roses,
Which removes nil scorbutic humour in tht i
oums and teeth, and makes them firm at tin
same time. i
Frepared and sold by
E. Audler.
At his Drug and Medicine Store, at the Cottoi i
Uanfle, Sign oj the Golden Eagle, Augusta,
July 4 «
__ (
Avuiiec’s JVUik ol* IlosesT I
AN elegant cosmetic for whitening, softening
and beautifying the skin, and removing pinill 1
Fles, freckles and chops from the face, neck, &c
|nhe Milk of Roses possesses many qualities, for is
[tot only serves for the above purposes, hut it put
elle bloom °J youth on age, which valuable property
every lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose
wos metic has a delightful fragrance, and is an article
mb clt can be used with safety, as it contains noth
| , f> ,ha . t Wlll ‘"jure the skin, ami it is an indispensa
the article to every lady, and should he found or,
their toilets.
! Ui suctions. —Afier being washed and d I
then take a small quantity on a piece of white flan
anduel then wash face, neck, hands, Each hot
tie will be signed by the proprietor, Price gl.
Frepared only and sold by E. Awller, sign o| the
Golden Eagle, Augusta.
July 4 2 1
DU. HOUEL, a Freocii Physician, respectfully ,
informs the public, that he bus established
1 he very high repute these Baths have acquired
I"’ binope, aiicre (although a late discovery! i
,they are to be found in every hospital, and the!
jKreal cures they have performed in iioston, Phi !
ladclphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt ol! i
their efficacy. The most gentle as well as the I
most powerful medicines art ' hy
. means, without any pain, trouble or disgust to tlse l s
They are a never failing remedy in all cutane a
mis affections; from Psora, Ringworms, Ike. to T
Scaldlieud and Leprosy. They also have nevei s
, failed of success in either acute or chronic rheu v
mutism. j ,
In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, aoasarcou- j \
swellings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the |
joints, gouty affections dispersion of tumors, ill
cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections;
in all bilious disorders, dyspepsia, hypocondriusis.
epilepsy—these baths have been lound most ser (,
vie able, and have often succeeded even in here
r ddary complaints. In tine, this manner of admin
• istt ring almost every remedy belonging to tin -
. healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost '
I every case, and (il is repealed) without any pain. |
trouble, or disgust to the patient. j\
j As these baths are not yet generally known 1
1 Dr. Hocer. will be happy to give the most res
.portable references to persons who have been
l |cntvd by taking them.
The Steam 4r AieiiieaV hath
Establishment, s
i Is ip Ellis-Street, opposite Vlr. 11. Mealing’t,
ißrick House, a >1 has an entrance in Broad-street
immedia'ely opposite the city y/otel
Jsn'iarv II 57
f nude is, good respcAfUl y , coders his ser-!
JL vices to Ins friends and the public as an At)
dorney at Law. Any hiisnn ss which may be en- '
trusted to him, will he Uitbfully attended to. He
will be found at the office of William Jackson.
Esq. ..ity 1 1 all, between the hours ol 8 and 1, A. I
M. and 3 and 7, P. M . I
Andrew J. Miller.
June 24 3*t lu4
«V oViee. !i,
Api IE subscribers have connected themselves)’
[JL in the practice of die LAW—they will uni , lj
for ml y attend all u,e counties of the Northern
[Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the Wes-,
lern Circuit, one of them will be generally found /.
it their office in Elbertou, where ttiey will taKi I
'pleasure in transacting the business of those whi
onay be unfortunate enough to he involved in tin
| haw.
John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard.
January I, 1825 .57
CAL 110 N.
f subscriber 00 Thursday or Friday lasi '
J. in August a or on I lie road leading to W ynes
ihoiougli, dropped from Ins pocket a promissory o
inoie drawn hy I bonus timelier and Josi .li H -1
j 'la cher, payable to Jonah Mathews or hearer, iff
and endorsed hy Fielding Fryer, lor the sum o’ ii
IftlUO. Due Ist January 1824 hi
1 Ihe { übhc are hereby cautioned from receiving
I' tie same in trade or otherwise, and the under
j igned will he thankful end wil reward the Ii
I h r upon returning it to him should he require it.
Win, Lii;on. t)
I Uiiynesbnrough, June 6 3t t tul t ,
Look auvV \*vU\liug,
jStally Executed at this (fjice.
■HIM Wl«w I MW 1,1,11,i HliMili '.faMOTJCi'ikIUXDBIUJMni
• oa i. 3 'm
Carriage .Maker.
HVS reociv (1 . ar u--si. . g supply of
tJ)HUIAGF.S mu) GIGS, which makes
* sort infill of (Jigs complete—consisting of first,
second and third rate headier and Suntop (Jigs,
nc Ooachee and one Oharmtce. Being regular
■V supplied wiiii an extensive assm imt nt, direct
Irom llie Various manufactories ot N wark and its
vicinity, lie is disposed to sell on (fond terms as
i lie articles can b * obtained in
aj’Or lcrs for any kind of Carriages will be
j orwaided and executed in the best manner, at
i lie manufacturing prices, cigs and Carriages
lunli to order. Bepairing in all brandies, at Sauk
notice, on the most reasonable terms.
M uch 22 if 77
An Ordinance r '
Uegulating the Mooring of Hunts at the IV,.oaves,
Skc. 1. licit wduineil by the City Council cf
Augusta, that from and alter llie publishing cf
tins Ordinance, no empty boat having less lhaa
bree able and competent men on board at all
limes, shall be permitted to taslen to, or anchor
it, any place opposite the city above the Btidge,
or more than four days unless when securely fas
tened witu a sti ung chain or cable at least fifty
feet in length to a growing tree, not less than
twelve inches in diameter, and that in the event
ol a considerable rise in the Uiver, such empty
boat, not fastened as aforesaid, shall he iir.c edi
alely removed below ti e Urnlge.
2, Bach boat engaged in laoing or uni ding
during a high river, shall have at least four able
men constantly on board, and shall be securely
fastened or anchored, in such a raannei as to pre
vent her swinging or drifting on the VVh&if
3. The City Marshal, or any other ott.‘ *f'of
Council shall have, and they are hereby luted
with power, and are required, to remove or Can e
to be removed, at the risk hi d ixpense ol tno
owner, to some place below tne Bridge, any boat
or boats, winch may he neglected by the owner
or agent , and for each boat so removed the efii
cer snail be entitled to ten dollars, to be ticiiv
ed In m the boat owner, in the same manner as
other expenses incurred in the removal.
4. The owner or owners of any and every bout
shall be liable to a fine, ai the discretion of C ua
cil, not exceeding two hundred dollars, (or each
and every violation of this Ordinance, and shall
moreover repair all damages done to the Wharves
or Bridge in consequence of such violation.
Done in Council, the sth January, 182,5
11. R. it-eid,
Mayor of the. city of . Ingusta .
By the Mayor
Oko. M. U ii.KKii, Clerk.
A ” ri 22 86
Seventy Second Section General
[I shall he the duty u a I and every person or
persons occupying a Lot or part ot a Lot in
mis <jtty, to remove Irom mo, .... tv,....
ses, at the times herein prescribed, all d eayed
and decaying vegetable and animal substances,
and in general every thing tending to corrupt
the air, and place llie same in the street oppo
site to his, her nr their hot, twenty lee' be
ymid its boundary line. The above m nlioned
duty to be performed before Nine o’clock in the
Morning :
District No. 1, on Mondays and Thursdays;
District No. 2, on Tuesdays and Fridays.
District No 3 on Wednesdays end baturdavs.
It is particularly requested that filth shall not
be thrown out a any oilier lime
Hy order of the Street Committee.
May 20 94
IB following ire tne b.aliouaiy C immiUees
M. ol Council for the year ending the second
M unday in April, Di-6;
On City Hull. — Messrs. Thomas, Warren, Dale.
On Police -Hah , Dillon, Thomas,
tin Hospital, —.l Mu ue, 11 ol inshead, Bowdre.
On Honda. — Bowdre, Dill in, Hale.
On Accounts. — Kale, A. Moure, ,1 M ore.
On Uiver Hank ami Wharf Moore, J.
Moore, Danforth, Bowdre.
On Streets —B wdre, Diilon, Warren.
On Jail -Warren, Danforth, Thomas.’
On llraius. Danforth, Hale, ,) Moore.
On Pumps —WaiT'-n, Dauf .nil, A Moore.
On Magazine. — Dillon. Il duii-liead.
Published by order of Counril.
(ico. ,Vt. Walker, CP/e,
May 20 94
Keceiver’s Notice.
twihi, attend at llie Office t th j (berk of
. the Mayor’s Court in the Cby Bali, every
Monday com noticing on the Ctlt day ot tune
next, until the first day of August, to receive
the returns of the taxable property ot vucb per
sons as have not had au uppo: 1 unitv to make
heretofore. And all persons who do not make
their return previous to the first of August will
be su j r l to (axaiion as a de’aulter. 1
M. F. Boisclair, it. t. u. it c.
May 31 97
Surveyor’s Omu\iusses.
/i supply 0/ v ry Hupt’rior Jive awl sir inch J\toni
us Compasscb andfo> sale by
June 17 6 102
'HUB Public are cautioned against trespassing
1 on the Mouses and hots of the subscriber
t*l>per end of town—especially against hauling
’atid or earth from the river bank or contiguous
thereto. Bach and every person off-nding shall
'tsve the law rigorously enforced against turn of
Hunh Xeshit.
Tinuary 21 g
0" Pepsoos having I with
h> suh.eribers dun g ifeir 1, ousci
y fur the summer, will lease id on .Mr. K. VV.
Beers, Bunnell & St. John.
Augusta, June 18, 1625 4t t 103