Newspaper Page Text
■W** . ■ > —l| m r 1....,.,., .—I
Cfte Con.otituttonali.ot
No. 164 Broad Street,
llavt t\\\s day Usecfeived.
which will he disposed of low', for cash.
May SO 94
HP IB Hoard of Commissioners have the pleasure
JL t announcing' to the public, that from the
large sales oftiefce's up to this lime, and the in
creasmg demand for them, they are enabled de
li oil l 'l lv to fix a day lor the commencement of the
Lottery--arid to give the most positive as'iirances
of its being carried fully hpo elf ct. The first
drawing will POST I IVELY >ake I c r. on the
15U\ o£ August next,
Persons w. thing I j .idv,- cure arc ,nlv se.l to pur
cha - ■ v bout del y as a \ advance in toe price of
tick ns is highly probable. Dftilera in Lottery
tick-t ■in this and other Slates will be supplied
on ! antagenus terms by making application to
the Hoard of Commissioners thnugh their See
J. H. Beers,
Secretary to the Board of Commissioners,
Jim** \ y | »2
To b\\)j Tickets u\ tWi
Masonic Hall Lottery.
The first drawing of this highly approved
LA V V Is \v\
will positive!:/ take place on the
.it' w/iic.i rm - will commence be. d:sl lu.iUon if the
,V. w nr vtilu hli pr, seals :
1 Prize of 30,000 Dolls.
- 1 Prize of 20,000 Dolls.
4 Prizes of 10,000 Dolls.
4 Prizes of 5,000 Dolls.
5 Prizes of 1,000 Dolls.
10 Prizes of 500 D 11s.
50 Prizes of 100 Dolls.
5000 Prizes of 10 Dolls.
QU'tIMERS, 250
Tor vdu in 11 e greatest possible vatu ty of mini- 1
bers at p. tv » . office,
Ko. 241, LvoatV Street-
Where onlers l ; <I. Kftl S » os - pair] enclosing '*
tlie Cibli will be promptly attended to, ifaddressed;
J. S. Beers,
Sea ctarv to the Commissioners.
N. H —Darien Hilts will be received at bur for
Jn - I" 102 c
eWINO firmed a connection with Mr. Henry
Howard, late of Hatiimore, have removed. -
heir Establishment to No. 8?, Broad way, corner of 1
Wall-Street, where their Business will in future be
conducted under the firm of ;
New York, June. 1823 7
rriHE under-ig.ied lias appointed John IJ, f
4. Mann Esq. his agent during his absence |
from Augusta.
And had aha lo Rent,
Jj|flK§_ A Kilims Dwelling
Hnu-e. with a good Garden, Carriag -H n»e,
all oth r needful out houses, situated near the
Eagle Tavern, on Reyn i d-Street. Possession
tube given on the first of O • >ber next.
Asaph o atennan. 1
June 28 1
1 THRU t >g her or separately, four Ln‘s and ■
A unpr iv rn.rnts, on HrovJ-Street a pn sent ‘
oc :n i ed by viesars. lolin Cam .bell, lob 11 Beach.
A I. & G W Huntington and B Pyie, ad well
adapted and eligibly situated lor business. If not
sold bMore the 10th Inly next, they wnl b rent
ed for the year, commencing the first October
Augustus Moore,
June 21 fit 103
TO»v aALb,
Fit-V O pair ot Iron hcr.-ws, for compressing
A C .'tlon; together with the Frame, which
will be sold very low. Apoly io
Win. J. Wood.
Treasurer Si rum Bout Company,
June 21 9 lUJ
(p A i iti ge Assortment of H
V\ iiA, \ Ka,
For Sale at this Office,,
•■"■■^wraHeiKrßKXiOßvafiaßcarKdWiteiwieiisaff*;^imßauum Tn/r-mvifc, ■ .
The Subscriber
r s opening in Hvoud street , one door below JVlr% •Al
len's Hat Store,
Consisting of
Frock Coats
Drub bus Coals
Double k single mill'd Caaaimere Pantaloon
Broad Cloth, Satinett and Corduroy dn
Toiiinetl, Valentia, Swansdown k black silk
Blue and black Cloth and Cassimere do
Superfine Linen and Cotton, frilled and plain
Knitted, Colton, Worsted and Lambswool
Sitirls and Drawers
Flannel do do
Tartan and Cambist Cloaks
Ladies do
Boy's Dresses
Youth's close body Coats
Gentlemen's superfine Hate, some very wide
fnitnitatiou beaver do
La Fayette, boys and mens seal skin Caps
Wisbington, Jackson and La Fayette Stocks
Silk Umbrellas
Gloves, &c.
Negro Jackets and Trowsers
House servants Coatees and Pantaloons
Fearnought great Con's
Guernsey Frocks, red flannel Shirts
Striped and Check do
Common Linen { ] o
Woollen Gloves, and many other articles
in his line.
The above GOODS are New-York made, and
I /til be disposed ot wholesale and retail, at New
| York prices.
J. P. hetze.
December 3' 4fi
'l/vD BARRELS Whiskey,
2d Mans Coffee,
20 Brils. Loaf Sugar,
2 Muds. Jamaica Rum,
2 Pipes •' ognac Untidy,
30 Uljis. FI nir,
I Hal- Ozo.ihurgs,
20 Hltds. M .la.-eg,
Received on Conrignmutl, and for stile by
Wm. ii. Kigali.
June 21 3, ip;
Will AH. tuvd uL.SiL.
li t BRELS Fresh North-
I ” n Flour,
. Vv:2so Cnsks P ,r, s l i of
a superior q ju-t received and for sale at
N>. 308, Broad Sir'' • by
Thomas K. Alelralf.
27 0 ;
a aLaATw AtZET
At the new Confectionary No. 157—3,/ f / 00) . / JC _
low the City Hotel.
A SODA water Fii.itam is in full operation
.a. tl .he above cuablishment, where it will h -
constantly ke .l dtp mg the s< asui.
Will be ready ev n ••veiling a 4 ct:
Jn 21 4. 105
0 4p dd, U 4-i bki
f tE S.iriscribei'has lak n the SPi.iNGS for
J. merly occupied by Col. J. Hauoiit n back
nr Ihe P. Pliers’ Hotel, and intends Keening all!
kinds of
for gentlemen, who ra n o, 'i n.
Daniel Clements.
June 10
LAN\i’iViVl VVVATo u.Ui L
Commisston Hu.siness.
At bis old stand 111 Sava, nan, near tne Fort, and!
s prepared to mike suitable advances upon all
produce placed in lp« bands r sa'e,
John Everingham, jr.
tori' 12
An assortment of
Aari* cage. Dig *auA &ud(\Ve
For sale by the Subscri ter,
John Billon,
No. 311, Hri.Al. STREET,
OffosUe the third Engine House.
May 31 it 97
&VUTV p> OV’s utu\V,V!sßeS.
A stifiply 0/ very sup rior Jive n , 1 tie inch Aloni
us Compasses andJe sale by
Horace Ely.
lune 17 fi lu2
& vir. Luther Cuouning, will
act as my Attorney during my p>se v- trom in
J. M. Hand.
May 13 if 92
■ ■ r minwfl -i'WtfMUt..'- 'UM^waßniE
Uavriage «Slakei*.
HAS received a nun o' hi* Sjirni}; Supply of
CJRJiUGE.Sund GIGS, which makes hi
assortment of Gigs complete^-consisting of first,
second and third rale leather and Suntop Gigs,
one Coachee and one Chariolee. Being regular
lv supplied with an extensive assoilinent, direct
from the various manufactories of Newark and its
i vicinity, he is disposed to sell on as go id terms as
the articles can he obtained in Augusta .
CC/’Orders for any kind of Carriages will be
(forwatded and executed in the best manner, at
the manufacturing ptioes. fogs ami Carriages
| built to orders Repairing in all brandies, at short
notice, on the most reasonable terms.
March 22 if 77
AN I) 8 i IvVM 15 vTUS.
Dli HOUEL, a french Physician, respectfull}
informs the public, that he his established
S I'KA M ami ME DIG AC MATHS in Augusta
i I'he very high repute these Baths have acquired
i in Europe, where (although a la'e discovery)
they are to be found in every hospital, and the
(great cures they have performed in Boston, Phi
ladelphia and Charleston, can leave no doubt oi
their efficacy. she most-, gentle as well as the
most powerful by ihat
1 means, without any pai*g«46aWi c or disgust to the
patient. v« v -—-
They are a never failing remedy in all culane
I Otis ullections; from Psora, Ringworms, &,c. to
1 Scaldhead and Leprosy. I’hey also have nevei
.failed of success in cither acute or chronic rheu
i matism.
; In glandular obstructions, chlorosis, nnastircou
|t wettings, incipient dropsy; in all diseases of the
joints, gouty affections dispersion of tumors, ill
cured syphilis, spasmodic or nervous affections;
in all bilious disordeis, dyspepsia, hypocoadriasis
epilepsy—these baths have been found most ser
viceabte, and have often succeeded even in here
ibtary complaints. In fine, this manner of admin
s : istering almost every remedy belonging to the
healing art, may be rendered applicable to almost
j every case, and (it ia repealed) without any pain.
trouble, or disgust to the patient.
1 As these baths are not yet generally known,
] Hr. Model will he happy to give the most res
' per.tabl- references to persons who have beer
j ohm d by takh.g them.
yiAie ftkam # M eAicai Ua\L
VjttV*ahUs\\ me, at,
Is in LlliS-btivet, opposite Mi*, H. Mealing’s
: Brick House, a d has an entrance in Broad-street
I imitu dial. ly opposite the city Mitel,
■lo o n II 57
E* AI iiiijijaiiitj
II ESBECTFULLY informs the Ladies and Gen
fti llc-men of Augusta, that tie will be ready to
serve them at a!! limes, at his nr their houses, fi
die line of his profession, and hopes he will rnee
p share of the public patronage, as he will extract
i teeth and stumps,and in the easiest manner if eve
of difficult, id all its oilier branches.
Vaale at Uavbfm,
A superior dentifrice to any ever off ered foi
cleaning beautifying and whitening the teeth am
nuking the breath sweet and greeabic.
Os Hoses,
Which removes all scorbutic humour in the
Sums and teeth, and makes them firm at tin
same time.
Brepared and sold by
K. Audler.
AI liis Drug* and Methcine Store, at the Oultoi
Range, Sign of the Golden Eagle, Jluipista*
•lulv 4 2
Audieir’a Milk Roses.
AN elegant ,smenc for whitening, sofiening
a d beautifying the skin, and removing [find
Mrs, (reckies and chops from the face, neck, ike
ohe .Vlilk ot do es possesses many qualities, for it
tot only serves for the above purposes, but it pip.
ehe bloom of youth on age, which valuable proper! \
every lady is fond of enjoying. This beautiful rose
has a delightful fragrance, and is an article
u'h cli can be user, with safely, as it contains noil,,
big i hat will injure the skin, and it is an indivpensa
the article to every lady, and should be found or
j I heir toilets.
I)i iii.ctiovs. —After being washed and d H
then lake a small quantity on a piece of white flan
.amluel then wadi face, neck, hands, &c. Each bot
tle will be signed by the proprietor, Brice gl
j I’repared only and sold by E. Atidler, sign oi the
j Golden Eagle, Augusta.
1 .Inly 4 2
£ A W
niidi,rsigind ri spectluny his sen
-1. vices to his friends and the public as an At
torney at Law, Any busiiu ss winch may be en
' rusted in him, will be faithfully attended to. He
w. 11 he found at the office of William Jackson
i uy Call, between the hours ol 8 and I, A. \
M. and 3 and 7, B, M.
Andrew J. Miller.
June 24 104
JS* olite.
A 111 I K subscribers have connected themselves
w* ■i* toe practice of the LAW—they will um
i rnly a'tend all ti c counties of the Northern
lircun, and the county of Franklin, of the Wes !
■ern Circuit, one of them will be generally found
it their office in Elbefton, where fney will taken
deasuro in transacting the business of those win j
nay be unfortunate enough to be involved in tin i
John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard.
January I, 1825 57
) I
by the experience oi the best physicians of all ,gTs '
Mid countries and none of more importance t ...
praciitiuurtr.thHu ihe Fact,that many of‘the most clifli
enk ana incurable complaints orijinaie in neefc '
ed colds. In a climate as variable as ours,wire,eth.
f l“eutly sudden an.
unexpected, it requires more cure and uUenim, .
guard against tins subtle and dangerous enemy „|
hfc, t tan most people imagine, or are able in
cem"* ttffl-T T V e " Ce ,hevast "“"•ber of pat '
cents, afflicted with coughs, catarrhs asthma
, onsu:n Ptions, and other affections, and hence Mn
I 7thfi f rUl 'r # abs " pd remedies, cried u,
ihe H.Vf n da !. ,d llhSen,te - many cases ,
1 11 ’ ' Undep «V observation ; the prepos. .
) elu V* compositions of inflaming drugs, wind
• are in vogue ; tne disappointment 1 experienced i,
pracoce from remedies highly recommended , aim ,
l |” ywn predisposition to pulmonic complaints,
; ! were strong inducements for me to consider
, v ho her a compound consisting of mild vegetal,l,
> 1 übstances could not be invented. mnvo f!•<*«* Ron
die well .ounded objections of practitioners, ant
:,; ep CUiC d | ated to avert the threatening* d<
*>truction of the lungs.
of YfcgfctaVAfcS,
L . For coughs, colds, asthmas and consumptions
' , r int ' /’? ? u l )enor 10 ‘my medicine whicl
; has been ottered to the public, us it is prepare.
, /torn the most valuable herbs of our vegetable
. kingdom, and its qualities are such that every de
: m ,** y be ,. (:!act:d 1:1 its virtues for th.
'■ t C eof th ? above l. From the knowledg,
c the proprietor has of the pulmonis virtues of th.
u f yr t l J. P 5 lie las ny hesitation in recoisimendinff o
' L„ 1086 Who ' ab(,ijr “'‘de*' llmse distressing coin
lamts as a safe and efficacious remedy, and hav
'> ''s. a , .ii' lster fd it to thousands in New-York and
'• : h ' la(l( clphia, he (eels no hesitation in ottering it
i do the pub ic, and after trial, those persons win
.purchase the genuine syrup, will have their m •
k l i.ey refunded by returning the bottle, if they do
n feel satisfied that they have reaped belief!
trom the use of it.
• Directions fur Use .
I ake a tea spoon lull three times a day, sat
iieved' K> "° on Bnd n,fer|lt ’ and c °ntinue it until re
I (CT.Each bottle will have the signature of the 1
I proprietor.
; CC j ’ I’repared only and sold by E- Audler, sigi 1
nt the Golden Eagle, Augusta.
October 21 33
New ami Invaluable
j Asiatic Lcuitvvc for Vaiu.
II " 01 "'l ‘ U DeV '
T llb rcm * d J is K”od Kg,.mat the tooth ache ol '
1 X pain in ike teeth and Jaws when duly applied
t and employed, it posi. saes sovereign efficacy ini'
dehoving swellings ol the gums, face and adjacent ! ,
parts, arising from or connected will! tooth ache I,
it relieves heud*aohe or pains in tlie head ii»
i the most easy and agreeable manner; for this Ire I,
queiit and distressing complaint, this, his new’
medicine, is a charming prescription, for it re ('
_ stores both the organs of sense and the nerves orli
their healthy condition at a quick and admirable |
jj I his new and useful preparation produces, h\ !
n mild and gentle stimulation, a cheering operation ,
: "I* oll t,je »pbils— it quickens the sensations,
is sharpens the perceptions, and invigorates the
t. (unctuns of the mind, by dissipating gloom and
y vapours it acts truly like 1, nervous and cephalic
■e mt dicine of the first order,
c Nor is its effect less beneficial when considered
m relation to the stoma, h, ban to the mouth, the
1 head and the spirits, h\ its qualities it acts upon
" ltie immediate organa of digestion aa 1
aa/ininative and cordial, expelling wind, removing 1
•i orpor, correcting acidity, and creating a moan
i- comfortable warmth.
the operation ofthis invention and improve
nent is quite as favorable to diseases ol the ear,
.. more especially it acts to great advantage in dnl
J teas and hardness of hearing, and even in incipi
,ent deafness, restoring the failing organ to tin 1 1
■ (exercise of its line and healthy functions of hear '
Certificate from J)r. Samuel L. Mitchell.
Dr. Ezekiel Audler, of the city of New-York
. this day submitted to me his letters patent from
he United States, for compounding and vending 1
ja re medy winch he call* the Asiatic Lenitive, and
i ‘*ke.d my opinion upon the same, wliereupi n, a,
jter examining the receipt contained in the specifi
cation, I find it contains a mixture of such aroma
c, anodyne, and anti-acid articles, as are w c-ll ca
dilated to produce a composing effect on the ho
man body.
Samuel L. Mitchell, f
New-York, Novemhct id, 1818.
NT tfUcti. a
j jt\ LL persons to whom tin- Ihic Francis Huuyei
'&A of the city of Augusta, dec asod, is indt-bl 'Jj
| ‘.i, >re requested to present their demands nub
jll ltie time prescribed by law ; and those indent
i d, are requested to make immediate payment. J
It. Ilouv er, ) , |-
Raui Kossiguol ; s 1 j
December 21
ammm I i iHHI
S(.Hii!EON OEM IS r,
At Hachehler if Catlwtse’a, Hronti Sheet, JlnqusSa
nearly appetite he Planter’s Hotel.
I fc ESI’I'.C I EuLI.Y informs the Public, that he
1.1. has returned again to this City, and respect
udy solicits (lit- Pstronnge of the l ad es and
Gentlemen who may require his services in the
seuial llranches of his Profession,—Persona
wishing Ins service in private Families can call and
see his work Manufactured on a new principle
which lit warrants ’
Tettth and tiums.
I lie diseases of itu. i eeth and tiuin- are chief*
it owing in our own neglect ; 'the nails of the
■hntenis which bulge aboto them after inusttca
non, growing acrid and corrosive, the gums are
hereby first affected, as being the most tended
■iris, altei these corruptions are produced, coin,
’only calhd the Tartar of the Teeth, which
■-ilroving both their texture and white.ness not
only deprives the mouth of its principal orna
p’-nu, but brings m violent tooth aches, and ren
tiers the Gums livid and putrid, and offensivf to
utselves and others.—Hut though people in
general may prevent thine inconveniences, by
rare and attention at first, jet, if they are once
suffered to take place, it is no lunger in the pow
er if the Mtllerer to remove them this beiniruro-
i tie province of the experienced Dentist
who lias made the maladies nl the Tee'll and
Gniiis, with their attendant evils, the principal
object and end of his studies.
«Mr. Violence, UviuUat,
H.v long practice, , d apphrav. . uusi
nosbf and u knowledge 01 itie :s ruciure
!) , l " e . i»hn made dl the »r era
tions m those pa Is quite familiar to him, inso
much that what some Dentists have judged im
pmeticable, he hath performed with -ease and
lie places Teeth both real and artificial, (mak
ing the hitler with pure enamel) from a single
one loan entire set so accural eh. dial ihey shall
answer every purpose of the naiural. Thus the
greatest deficiencies are supplied with ornaments
winch have the recommendation of itiili y.
Those Teeth that hive fallen out their mefe
ets, which frequently happens, though m a per
feet sound state, lie, by a method peculiar to him
self, replaces as firm ns ever, without the
pain or uneasiness to the patient.
He clears the Teeth, if ever so disc, lured, of
all their foulness and lartar, without pain, and
renders them white and us (aims ever in half an
Teeth and Stumps extracted in the ea-iest man
uer, ir ever so difficult.
He assists young ladies and gentlemen m the
nrst and second dentition, and removes the Milk
Teeth at proper seasons, lest they shool I me,an
mode Hie regular gmwtli ol the succeeding m res
and n a deformity of this kind has taken place
through Ole want of a Destist, Mr. Florance tin
deitakes to correct it ; provided the subject is
not more Ilian twenty years old, and restores the
eeth to their natural, regular and beautiful nr
N. ». A Tincture and Dentrifice Paste, prepar
ed by him only, which preserves the Teeth'and
changes dn m to a beautiful while, cures th- gums
of the Scurvej and makes breath at till times ,weet
and .igrceahl , and cures the Tooth Acne i nine
diately, wiifj iroper directions how to us it
Oct h.-r 12 V' jj
J. felunu’s l*aaacea.
'■ip !l ' <b -Or > I .g discovered i c imtio
“ hitm of SWAIM’S celebrated Panacea
ha, now a suppjly on band for sale ; be has redu
ced Ibe price from gd.SO to $2 50, or by tn e
dozen g 24
All charitable institutions in the United States
and the poor will be supplied gratis.
! h 'he citizens ol ifn* principal cities and towns,
.will appoint an agent to order and distribute ibis
medicine to the poor, it will In, supplied.
This medicine is celebrated lor the cure of the
[following diseases, “ scrofula or king’- , v. , dcor
jitii:d «r putrid son throat, long Mmnimg mu
.malic affections, cutaneous, wo-- swell.
|ing, and disease of the bones, and all c>. ■g, u.
orally of the ulcerous charadcr and duo nc dis
eases, generally arising in debilitated cnnstitu
jtloim, but more exnecially from syplitiis, r affi c
;tions arising therefrom ; ulcers in the layr ..x,
nodes, kc And Hint dreadful disease occasioned
by a long and t ee- ivc u-e ol mercury, i>.c. it is
also useful in disease oi the .l.iver. ,,
1 have within the last two years had an oppor
tunity of seeing several da-e« of very inveterate
nicer, which having resisted previously .he ngu
lar m ,d. i nf treatment, were healed ly. th • use
of Mr. Swaim s Panacea, and 1 do believe, from
what i have seen (hat it will prove an irnpor ant
remedy in scrofulous, veneiial and meiciiriul dis
eas-s N. CHAPMAN, M. D.
Professor of the Institutes u d Piactice of
Physic, in the University of Pennsylvania,
I have employed tin* Panacea of Mr Swann in
numerous instances, within the Esi three years,
and have always found it extremely effic . ious,
, specially in secondary syphilis, and mercurial
diseases. I have no heatiiath nin pronouncing it
i medicine of inestimable value,
Professor of Surgery in the University of Penn
JOHN SHINN ' demist.
N. H. For sale at Smith and Pear-all's, N. E.
-"flier of I bird and Market-streets.
I‘hikulelphia , Febtoa-i 17 1 <25 lml2'r 87
Public are cautioned against trespassing
fl on the Houses and Lots of the subscriber
' per end of town—especially against hauling
ai d or earth from the river bank or contiguous
hereto. Each and every person offending shall
iave the law rigorously enforced against him of
Iliu;b Nesbit.
f'lnn&rv 21 -tu
IWtk am\ VvVuliug,
ft tally Executed at this C(/ice.