Newspaper Page Text
I do hereby certify that the above is a true
copy of a letter delivered by me to General
Gunn, on Sunday evening last, and that the
answer herewith inserted, was delivered to
me by Col. Wade Hampton on Sunday eve
ning 11 o’clock; and that the answer of
Gen. Clark which is also herewith stated
was offered by me to Gen. Gunn on the
Monday morning following. He did not re
ceive it, but referred me to his friend, Col.
Hampton, who, on receipt thereof, refused to
continue the correspondence any longer.
12th January, 1795.
It is unnecessary for me to comment on
the above statements of facts. I only wish
the public, in their opinions, to do the par
lies concerned equal justice. 1 shall leave
town to-morrow morning at 9 o’clock, which
will sit the 13th inst.
(Signed) JOHN CLARK.
Augusta, January 12, 1795.
I do hereby certify that the letter presented
to me on Monday morning last, said to be
from General Clark, and addieased to Gene
ral Gunn, was never delivered to that gen
tleman. For having declined the correspon
dence, by assuring Col. Gordon, when he
handed me the letter, that General Gunn
had taken his measures, by giving an alterna
tive, from which it was not probable he would
depart, the Colonel and myself parted and I
thought no more of the letter, nor oversaw
a word of its contents.
(Signed) W. HAMPTON.
January 13, 1795.
from the National Intelligencer.
We received by the Southern mail of
Sunday the 31st of July, the Milledgeville
paper containing (with other matter relating
to the Treaty question) General Gaines’
interesting letter of the 10th of July to
Governor Thoop, communicating the infor
mation he had obtained in his recent confer
ences with the Indians respecting the Trea
ty, the result of these conferences, the ad
justment of the threatened difficulties with
the Indians, &c. &c. Anxious to place this
interesting document before our readers
without delay, we determined to insert it in
the next day’s paper, although to do so it
was necessary to alter the arrangements, and
remove much of the matter prepared for the
paper of Monday morning. Being Sunday,
however, and not wishing to impose unne
cessary labor on our office on that day, and
being moreover pressed for room, we omit
ted the following note of the General’s aid
de-camp, to the Editors of the Georgia pa
per, deeming it of no importance as an ac
companiment, to the Guneral’s own letter,
as we did not consider the publication, by
him, of the interesting information which
he communicated, required any apology.
Hi''.lo UUAU.TK.US Eastern Oejiarl. ew 1 , )
AJoalicello, (ito. July 17, 182a J
Gentlemen: Citplain Triplett will hind to yoij copy of Ma
jor General (dairies’ le l*r to Govern u* I’mun/ of Ihe lUtli inst.
which the. General requests you to in rl in your papers
I'lu* object of ’giving; publicity to Uusjivtcr, ;ii this time, is to
counteract certain false and reports, concerning the
adjustment of Indian difficultly, calculated to deceive the pub
lie, ami arrffra'.iic the nnVjortuues of these helpless and deluded
beings, * ■< » evince a disposition l > reunite lueir destiny, uud to
co>«r K with the wishes of the G-neral Government.
Very respectfully, your obed’l ser ’I.
Not dreaming, therefore, of having, by
this unimportant omission, done injustice,
certainly intending none, to an officer for
whom we have-ever entertained the high
respect lelt for him by nil his countrymen,
we were not a little s irpriscd at the follow
ing order which we received by last Tues
day’s mail:
September I, 132’». |
Gen 'emeu: In publishing General Gaines* letter of the 10th
of July, lo the Governor of ibis stale, /on suppressed the ex-1
plunai.nv biter Unit accompan cd it, and substituted a remark {
of your
/ou, (loft iless, had reasons for *.O doini:; hut I am instructed'
by the Gen thl to request that, in filin'’-, when you honor his
Communications with a place in your pi.per. you will do the pub i
Jl.: and himself the justice to present toe u as they come lo you.
V' try respectfully, yourobedienl servant,
Messrs. GaUs <$- Seaton , Aid-dc-Camp.
Editors of the Intelligencer.
Wc did publish the General’s letter pre
cisely as it came to us ; but, while we hold
oil selves bound to give correctly, and with
out alteration, whatever we insert of any
officer’s official correspondence, we do not
acknowledge any obligation to publish all
the letters he may write on any subject
Although his station and present duties ren
der his official letters, generally, interesting
to the public, it is possible for General
Gaines to write what we may not deem of
sufficient importance to publish, even when
no inconvenience interferes. From official
papers, like all other subjects which present
themselves to our notice, we must make such
selections as our convenience and our esti
mate ol their importance prescribe to us. In
exercising this discretion, errors of judgment
or inadvertency may sometimes occur, but
they will always be cheerfully rectified when
pointed out to us. We would do wilful in
justice to no man—and that General Gaines
should have suspected us of intending it to
wards him, in this instance, we can only at
tribute to the heated atmosphere and the
choleric correspondence in which he has
been for sometime engaged. He forgot that
he was addressing a note to ns, and thought
that he was writing to Governor Troup. But
if we are to receive the laconic mandate as
seriously addressed to us, we will tell the
worthy General, that if he continues to be
tray the same tostiness on all trivial occa
sions, he will do his character more real in
jury than our omission to publish his letter
can possibly inflict on it, even if we sunpre--
every letter that he ever wrote or may writ*
The Quebec Gazette oi the sdi inst. say
“ Ihe nights have been unusually cub
for some time back. O i the 2d there wa
ice of one eighth of an inch thick.”
d Mr. Editor,
a The Clark party in this state
- are now reduced, in their extremity, to
( “ round assertions ,” an evident mark of
J their apprehension of failure at the ensuing
i election for Governor. We have heard that
- some of the knowing ones on that side have
. been travelling through the state collecting
) information with respect to their chance of
success in the approaching contest, and de
claring, with characteristic boldness on their
return to this city, their confidence in the
i election of John Clark. But how many
l times have these political fortune tellers de
ceived, if not themselves, many of their
i simple and uninformed partizaas in their
i confident declarations respecting past elec
tions?—We well recollect that no set of
men, in or out of the State, wore ever ap
parently m ire sanguine concerning tiie
1 success of Matthew 'Talbot, than these very
i | men who are now denouncing as a thing be
-|v«nd all possibility the present eleciion ol
• GEORGE M. TROUP. The fact is they
-'find their case is a desperate one, and are
• determined if the ship does sink, to drown
ilthe groans of the dying in their clamour and
-vociferation. We depricate such election-!
1 eering, and are proud tp find that few, or
1 none, of our friends declare themselves up
s on the election in such a manner as to in
duce the belief that they held the casting
vote, and consequently could turn the event
as to them should seem best. Nevertheless
oui confidence in the success of the present
Governor is as strong as the nature of the
ease will admit, and we are daily receiving
C assurances from all parts of Gem gin of
, | the increasing popularity of our favorite
. candidate. We doubt not but that the
’ friends of Gen. Clark will bang themselves
,;in their own rop( i, and therefore it is bust
. to let them spin, without interference, their
. little rotten threads to as great a length as
. their splene and dispair will carry them.
i To the Citizen of Scriven i ountij.
THE time is not far dis-
J taut when it will be vnur duty to assemble
• in order to assist in c
j son, to till the highes
the people of your 8
volving days and yo
exercise of a privileg
"imay esteem as of lit
’{your fathers won in i
j tie, and sealed its r
(blood. An erroneo
1 event of the contest
thereof, are too remo
di.ite interests, is
cause why you estim
portauce. But awa 1
• the enemies of your
i tive while you slu
< leaders of that most
actions, ttye Yazoo s (
midnight gonsultiitions, am
, nerve to ijccomplish a design „s black as
: that hour; ; and which if effected will te
.j lard and damp your happiness and pros
perity forever. Even while 1 now write,
the most glaring falsehoods are busily cir
. culated through the medium of a hired
. press, in order to impose upon your credu
lity. Yes fellow-citizens, a pre-s which is
I the acknowledged property of one of the
J candidates before you, is made to dissemin
atea Journal, (dubbed I’he Patriot.) at bis
I expense. Ihe very few limns which must
h necessarily elapse before this can reach you,
appear tone to pissess the worth of mil
lions; because you may chance to remain
unapplied of your real situation, without
one friendly voice to warn you of the com
• ing daiiger, or conduct you through the in
-1 tricate\mazes of faction. Although, you
■ cannot be supposed entirely ignorant of the
’ ptincijial traits which distinguish the char
( acters of the (wo men before you, yet a
I want of an entire acquaintance with them,
will give designing and bad men an oppor
■ (unity of deceiving you, and reduce the
; boasted privilege of election to an empty
I name. ojure you therefore, to esteem
t the inter, .neingtime precious, because it is
i short, and to improve the opportunity you
I yet have, before you make the final plunge,
t and assume the awful and important res
i poiisibilhy, should you act erroneously and
- discover that the sin of the transgression
t lies at your own door. But one false step,
t and you may be lost forever—you may be
i spared to weep over the fallacy of the de
• lusion, bit your unborn children will feel
- that the error was irretrievable. If once
s you venture out of the ark of your safety
- you may seek in vain to a return ; and. al
- though you may wander like the dove, yet
s you will be doomed to seek for deliverance
s until something more vital will be effected
t than the soles of your feet. You stand
f with your sister counties on delicate
l ground; alike exposed to legitimate jealou
s ,y |Vom without, and unhallowed ambition
i* within. There are among us insidious ene
- mies to our constitution —men who eagerly
thirst for unbounded power, and whose dar
ting object is personal aggrandizement. A
rise therefore in your might and crush their
' taring and ins dent aspirations—in thedig
,ily of freemen vindicate your rights 1
Republicans of Scriven! The station
vou occupy is important. Your children
i In k up to you for an example, therefore
ict worthily and do not deceive them. Let
Übe their pride and their boast to say a
mid the refinement
future years, “ Tl
conduct of our fat
i There is much ex[
i eyes of a might
Georgians, and 0
; that you merit a i.
the question no\
dishonor, the pros
; dition as Georgia
depend. Choose
and suitable to tl
stances —choose
dependence to
eignty id’ your S
to shield your p
reflection, that 1
(not enjoy the ri
!father.. If the
i have petty nbje
to or against or
nobly manifest
, try by magnan
the public goo i
i cans march to i . ;
the first Mon
your vote- pr
choose GEO
to govern an
•j .)
“ I perceived that Gen. Clark’s paper
has given a majority of only 200 votes to G.
. M, Troup in this county. It is with plea
sure I can state to y. u, that Troup will
! get 900 out of 1100, sis y voters in the coun
; »y will not voe, and the general calculation
is, that Clark will get lot) votes.”
s [.S'. Recorder.
' Copy of a letter from Commodore JFarring
ton,i to the ■ Secretary of the Xavy.
1 < Jf' Havana, dug. 29, 1825.
Sin : To enable you to ascertain what
ext rtioits liave been made by, and what suc
cess has attended the efforts of, the squad
ron under my command, I forward by this
conveyance a copy, of ail reports made by
the different commanders of its cruisers. If
pirates are now, of have been, in force lately
on either side of Cuba, they have not only
abstained from making captures, but have
"'■nociiipd themselves so effectually as to
i . ie order!
■h' i.lic-;,-o on 1!..- tin S |,» p„r ■
1/4.1. 5 *
■'.!! su.q 'cioui j* ■ son" el that,
K'.t’.se . .itlaui mi ,i cdlecte<'
in tiny force. I ■ •
V* >y atiempted. under at/ lief tha
T' ' g Ili ill it; ‘. I‘ : I p* '
I ■■ ' :■ !'■ t. "miii ib • !i<*n
, .i( i,, \VA RUING P
\WISH '•
WILL I’ if'd ■ OPI THURSDAY Hie 29th inst
in complete uniform, corner of ( r :«n an
.lackson-streeis, r>r c selv at 3 o’ch.-k p. VI
Uy aider of Cafil C-mimick,
llayfteUl, O S.
Sprderr,b-’ro7 ‘ 27
Ks The and
Seminary » will nt op Mitel <t lit. Ho
man Catholic Parsonage House on MONDAY, Oc
tober ifee 3 j. 1U25
Edward Swiney, Prefect.
September 27 27
&>• JR. H. Wilde, requests those
who may have professional nusinei," wrl» linn, on
ring a short abse.ic. from Augusta, to cull on J.
W. Wilke, who will be assisted by General \jV.n.
W Holt.
September 27 8t 27
[WILL attend at the Stole of Mo* s Unff, on
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
for 'he |ni pose or cnll'.'dhig the Slate and Conn
y Taxes, tor the year 1824 —Persons in arreai
will do well to avail themselve ot this upp rtuinty
as no person wh . has no. pa.d tin ir I ax, win Ip
allowed a vote at the ensuing eh dim, agreeable
to an act, passed by the last Legislature.
E. Bugg, t. c.
Seotemher 27 d
To T'^acVieca.
4 SET of excellent School Furniture for sale,
A. such as Tables, Denches, large Maps tic
ami a good S'I'OFE suitable for a School Hon
or a Store. Enquire ofG. W. Warner, K-q. Au
gu-ila, or the sutijcr.ber a' th Sand-Hills.
J 3. li. Hopkins.
September 27 27
£/* A large House in Augusta
ordaining eleven Ko urn, wilb Kitchen, Stable.
&c. for sale Latu tor Cash, or it will be exchnn eil
Jor family NIC Git OKS. Enquire at this Ollice.
S ptember 27 27
Wanted at this office, a young
lad trom 15 to 16 years of age, ot industrious hab-j
Us as an apprentice to the Priming Business.
ill be resumed oi
dober. Ihe Eng
he direction of Mr
is now co.iinlettlj
remitting atlentioi
Mr. Moure being ;
e lo (each E g is!
m i if he km w En
. oo of experience, ol
■t character, he is en
his cum mi.Fe
either of liter d pari
lowed them, for cum
II intercourse with tin
artment, the atlernoor
.dies in English. Those
- boys, who may he dc
-uly, will be a.ltniUei
at, Tlie vales a,, hern
.rs a quarter. A ela.-p.
ct on will be organize.,
.y at a given hour lo re
retire home. Algebra
ry. Trigonometry, Plain
■(hi. A >o.) i a ■ an up
suited to Experiments ii
Imnics, tlie study n|
be introduced. Mathe
•recede this latter study
te to every sort of liberal
rely any bink on modi rn
■ 1 cbraic fofnmla:, None
my, who would not liavt
- ict discipline.
Hrautly, Hector.
3; Z7
H - > lUXtta.
P’USONS havuig goint UOA I HANDS to hire
by (he inonih. muv ti id c iiisiaut employ.item
J tor them, by applying to
Daniel Kirkpatrick, or
, (t. D. Lam it
''epteirber 27 it 27
Uoacbse. and Uuv&ta.
''Hint', sub Cl .h Miss i ,y iglu second-hand
• B ( QACHFE, 'Philadelphia built, and but huh
used—with a match ot good Northern HOUSES
lor sale,
(i. B. Lamar.
|. September 27 3' 27
77 Tli XiE vt!
1 .MIC Two convenient Dwelling
’louses ain' L .is situated on Keyno d-stree ,
• near the residence of Anselm Bugg, Esq.—Pot
session given on the first day us October next.
afplx to
G. Dillon. ;
September 27 27 (
TO H Ea, T,
* In 't.t.wer Hanihnr a ■/■ i -1
•’•Ulit! f d iff"- i • )W»» • i
i -f-- fl bf .A- i • b’nil r - ■ nu. . v
• - -. 'IV t<) M H(.-n :> U, • ]
- ■ h tubm '
’ hJ S! i*ct, A-l. i;^;>
* Ulv vJ Vs '•
■* n • c, . ,;. . ~ i , ,
j -i ‘ • 26 d 1 M.. re,. 7<» :th
'-- a f... '■•.ioolu r I i'a h A l ,' M; ! ;‘ U T h “ L'!
IL.M 1 Th-! . • rcT: - •♦- 1.4 ~ ’ t
i E outu * '
Thomas 11 4a*
September 27 i JT
imarKiiu a ,
Evening ssciwuV. .
fSailE Snbscnoer w 1, r. some Ins EVENING |
li SrtlOOl,, for the Tuition of the French and ,
Spanish Languages, to s on as a sufficient nmn t
it .1 applicants w.I b nbt.iinod, which is c-in
ii-mnlsied lo be about the 15th October. Ten
n- twelve Scholars only will he admitted to each a
Class at bis School itoom, an early application is
requested. He w.ll h" hun .y to attend young
Ladies lor the same purpose at their wn resi
denes during day time.
J. B. Lafitto. i
— A
. NUMDEIt of Gentl-men, may ne ccomnio t
A dated wnh single Hoard r Board and J.o-!g- |
mg, next door lo Or, Tunviv, No. 296, llro.d
J. B. Lafitte. \
September 23 4i 26
Jind possmaion given fust of October , t
A SVovv. aud V vAVav.
Apply ai No. 296, Or >ad-S reet.
September 23 4' 26
Foi OV lo U.ftut.
B. B. HOPKINS otters to sell
fttTihis Hou-<- and Lot in I own, and il ,
tUlllH ni Rol( ' by toe first of Oct her, thr '
vfiMIHRb pro pises may then he rented. En
quire ol lie subscriber on the Sand Hills, or ot
George W. Warner, Esq in Augusta.
Ji. 11. Hopkins. '
Sen'emh-r 23 26
'*** We are authorised to say, '
that Gen. W. W, MonrooMKinr, is a candidate I.
■epresent the County of Richmond, in the Se.-r.U 1
Angus' 26 18
*#* Dabney Berry, Esq. is a
Candidate lo represent the County of Richmond ’
in the House of Representatives, at the ncxi Ses
sjort of the General Assembly.
A in'll- 1 12 Id 14
£/* We are authorised to an-
nounce Samuel Taiiveu, Esq. a- a Candidate t<
represent the Couaiy cl Richmond in the nex
July 19 7 H v
*** Yf’e are requested to state ‘
'.hat ,)AMsa Mi:imiv, Esq. is a Candidate ior .
eat in the U: preaentative Branch of the Suit
! Legislature at 'he ensuing election, s.
September 9 ?3
Sugai*, Coffee, ty ¥\cm*.
(f- HHDS, prime N. 0.
I) IliLdifciJLH 150 Hags green Coffee,
lit Barrel*
(i Just received arvl for sale Ay
Merriman & Rowland.
’ September 2 7 .“li 2 7
The Lighters from the Steam
Host PENDLETON, will land their Good* thi*
morning-.— Consignees will please attend at the
Wlnrf with theu Hills nf Lading.
e R. F. VVhituer & Co.
S 27 ] 27
~i*tu vvfci raccx.
■ POUNDS Baltimore cured
: I l‘l ///•.'. y, (<l s superior quality, and in prime
1 >rder, just r celviii and lor sale by the subscri
• her, in quantities In suit purchasers, at No. ot/9,
1 iroad-stre-U
Jj Jacob Moise.
-25 Handles Timothy and Clover
;! hay.
August 26 T 13
■ in uiTue. ’
4 SITUATION wanted in some respectable
A Dry Good Store or Counting House—by ■
young man that bus an accurate knowledge of
Hie business—Unquestionable reference as tu re*
■utHlion and s- britly can be given.—A line ad
dressed to A. B. and left at tins offim', yyill bo
■ pu ctua|ly a' tended to.
1 Sep'enib r 23 26
JN dice,
NINE months after due, application will be
made to the Honorable the Justices of the
lu enior Court of Screen county, while sitting
fur O Binary purpose leave to sell, all that;
• i act r parcel t Land, containing one. -U '(.and
- acres f more or leanJ s,tnate, lying and Ji-, ,g ip
the cm uty afore - id, on which is a Saw and Grist
Mill—Hie same being apu lof the peal ..state of
James P ude>-, <| ceased, for the purpose of mak
ing a division among the Heirs of the said de
George Robbins, Mm'r.
Se’slcmb - 20. I > I \)t, 27
A dice.
NINE months afier dale, application will be
made to the Honorable the Justices of the ; ■
interior Court of .Scriven comity, tor leave to
sell, the whole ot the real estate of Levi How
ard, deceased, late oi Scriven county, fur the be
nefit of the Heirs and creditors of the said de
Elizabeth Howard, Admr’x.
eep-mhi>r2o 18,’J l m 9rn 27
T ts i-lrn ' d County,
* - ■ inn fop
• - -i i s ill of
■ Pol .(■ ...1,, ~ U id
11 ■ the
1 1 ■ An- bo
> u-it.ii the
L'-eh- H's-he-ri,
- state
m J-ili-i Mm *i„
These are therefor ‘to sh all
and singular the kindred and cretin.,,. I the
-aid deceased, to he and appear at my o/tice, with
in the time prescribed by law, to file ifieir ob
jections (if any tiny have) to shew cause why
said letters of Administration Jiould not be grant
Given under my hand at office, in Columbia,
this 21st. dav of September 1825.
27 Gabriel Jones D ( Vk.
GEOIiGI A, Columbia County
IIEKEAS Dancey Adams, applies for Let
i * tern of Administration on the Estate of
Elvey Langston, deceased,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of the »a d
deceased, to be and appear at my office, within
die lime prescribed by law, to file their objec
tions (d any they have) to shew cause why said
letters should not 1)3 granted.
Given under my hand at office, in Columbia,
this 21st day of Seplembe-, 1825,
27 Gabriel Jones, I). (Tic.
GEOUGIA, Burke County.
WIIKKEAS Benjamin Lightfoot, applies for
je ! ays of A.lmimstr .tion de bonis non, on
the Estate of Sherwood Lightlbo’, tie eased.
Now therefore, these are to cite and moni-h all
and singular the kindred and creditors nf the
said deceased, to file their objections in my office
(d any the have) within the time preacrioed by
law, or otherwise letters of Administration de
bonis non will be granted to him.
Given under my hand at office in Waynesbo
rough, this sth day of September, 18.’5.
27 Samuel Starges, Cl’lc.
GhOHGI A, Hus he Coiioty.
WIIKKEAS Isaac Welch, applies for letters of
Administration on die Estate of James
Welch, deceased.
N-w thi •'■ f ire, these a to cite and admonish
ill mid sing ir, t 1 - kind -t! nd credit ■!• sos the
said leoea.- ' tbeir objections in my office
U iy they ; rh, time proenbed by
law, ' tlierwis i .itrs ol /administration will be
granted to In
Given under my bamj at office in Waynesbo,
rough, this 6th dav of September. 1825. ,
27 Samuel Starges, < Vk.
a r-/
IHGIA. Set iven County. /
' I®-IKKEAB Jane Mills and llobert Mill//'
N/# plies for letters of Administration <y 1 *®
L.ta.e and effects of Stephen Mills, d(^ a! ’
late of Scriven county. /.
These are therefore to cite and a(l^ >l| * B l* ,
md singular, the kindred and cred /or!i ' ie
h; id deceased, to he and appear/ 1 my office
within the time prescribed l»y lv- 10 h* e tl,eir
ibjections, (if any they have)/' 1 B^rw ctt bae
wh) said letters should not be/ a " t *'^
Given under my hand atiffd 111 J ,lc k t»nbo
rough, this 20ih day of /p'emhe:, 1825.
27 fSuvtbyfU frootlull, Cl u,