Newspaper Page Text
Loss in weight on Cotton shipped from
this place, has grown into an evil which de
•wands the serious attention of our Ware
; House merchants anil purchasers of Cot
ton. The cotton shippers ask for exact.
' strict and impartial justice. Then why fe
it, that the Charleston weights almost in
variably hold out in other markets, while
the. Augusta weights fall short, and tliat
this is a fact, every shipper of Cotton will
attest.--So general has this evil become,
that Cotton f rum this place cannot be sold j
in New-York without being reweigbetl—•
while Cotton from Charleston can be sold
at the marked weights, so uniformly cor
rect is their weighing.
The Cotton shippers have reason tocom
plaih when these facts daily come home to
- them.
Milledgeville, Nov. 15.
According to the 2d section of the 2d,
article of the Constitution of this State, as
r). amended, the returns of votes for Gover
nor were opened by tbc President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, in the presence of both
branches of the General Assembly, on the
9th inst. It appeared that George M.
Troup had 20,545 and John Clark 19,862
votes, giving a majority of 683 to G. M.
Troup, who was thereupon declared duly
elected Governor for the ensuing two years.
On the 10th, the Inauguration took place.
At 12 o’clock the Senate repaired to the
Representatives Hall. The Governor elect,
accompanied by our distinguished citizen
William 11. Crawford, the Committee of
f> Arrangement, the State House oilicers.
Judges, Solicitors, &c. entered soon after-
I wards. He was conducted to a seat provi -
ded for the occasion, between the President
of the Senate and the Speaker of the House
of Representatives. After a few moments
pause, he rose and addressed the Assembly
as follows:
Pel low-Citizens : I come once more, ami
probably for the last time, to present my
self before you and take the oath of office.—
Possessing no very great confidence in
my own qualifications for the public ser
vice, I have not habitually or pertinacious
ly sought the public favor. It has been ex
tended to me freely, frequently, and by the
people in a spirit of abundant kindness,
sometimes even in advance, always in a
degree far transcending my merits and de
serts. The late election by the people, ap
probatory of the former one by their Re
presentatives, inspires a belief that the acts
? of the administration have not been altoge
j ther censurable, and that the faults and er-
M rors which belong to them, being of the
® head, not of the heart, have, on that ac
s count, received a kind and indulgent judg
f t.pont. ,
Resolved, as I am, at all times, to do
what under the Constitution and the Laws
my judgment approves, it will be my conso
lation, in the midst of troubles and em
barrassments, that what is intended well,
will be well received .; and 'that if at the
end of our labors, aught shall have resulted
to the public of benefit or advantage, a due
I measure of praise and commendation will
be awarded. Taking different views of the
same subject honest differences ot opinion
are to be regarded with mutual deference
and respect. The utmost we can hope from
our deliberations<itnder free institutions is,
that the love of country predominating over
every other love, we will discard the parti
alities and prejudices which attach to men,
and forgetting the strifes and contentions
ot the clay, will unite in support of every
( measure proinotive of the public welfare.
\J To husband the resources of the slate—
to economise the public expenditure—to or
ganize a system of Internal Improvement—
to foster the institutions which direct the
public Education—to give vigor and effici
ency to the armed power to execute the
laws and defend the state against her ene
mies—to vindicate with firmness and dig
nity all her rights, but more especially to
assert practically those rights of sovereign
ty without which, Georgia would be inde
pendent only in name, and to cultivate har
mony between the different branches of the
government, will be.equally your duty, fel
low-citizens, as mine; and by cordial co
operation and patriotic efforts, I doubt not
we will ultimately find our reward in the
, (happiness and prosperity of the people.
, The oath ot office was then administered
—proclamation was made by the President
of the Senate in the usual form—the Sen
ate repaired to their Chamber—and both
Houses adjourned.
Su«ar and Colton—ln the West.—A new
species of Sugar-cane has been ..itroduced
into Louisiana. It has been traced to dif
ferent sources. Some say, that it was
transplanted from Jamaica, and to that
place, from Batavia, Others state that sis
or seven years ago Mr. Coiron of Terre
aux Bosufs, had obtained a few plants from
Georgia, where it had been a short time be
fore imported from the Philippine Islands.—
'But however uncertain its origin, its char
acter is very high. It is called the ribbon
(U*e. It is said to be very superior to anv
other species cultivated in Louisiana. It
grows wi'h such rapidity that the nut-grass
can do it no injury. It ripens one in >nth
before the other cane: cold weather does
not injure it. When thrown down by the
wind, it does not get sour. It is said to
grow nearly as well in old and exhausted
ground a* in new land. It yields 1500
Hounds of beautiful sugar per arpent, even
•o the month of September. The grain is
aid to be finer than of any other, raised in
Louisiana. Mr. E. Fortier calculates to
nake about 200 hhds. of sugar out of it this
year: and Mr. L. Labranche, who has the
principle merit in propagating this plant, j
expects to make 300 hhds. and to preserve
cane enough to plant about 250 arpents.
Cotton is thriving in the neighboring ter
ritory of Arkansas.—Mr. Vaugine, resi
ding on the Arkansas, picked on the Blh
October from one acre of ground (taken in
discriminately from a field of about 35 a
cres,) upwards ot eight hundred pounds of
seed cotton; & the same ground promised to
yield 2or 300 lbs. more. The same gen
tleman had in his garden a single volunteer .
stock ot cotton, on which were counted four
hundred and twenty bolts of cotton. —The
Arkansas Gazette of the 11th ult. from
which we copy these facts, states that not
withstanding the damage done by the ex
cessive drought, the crops on the most dis
tressed land would average froin 800 to 1000 i
lbs. to an acre—in other sections, from 1200 t
to 1500 lbs.—and in the county of Phil
' lips, the average would be from 1800 to 2000
lbs. As much cotton indeed was counted ,
on, as th p planters could find force to pick i
it out. Travellers from Alabama and some
1 of the contigious Cotton-growing States
. speak in high terms of the superiority of the
’ quality and quantity to the acre, raised up- 1
. on the soil of Arkansas. '
■ Richmond Compiler,
, A question, of new nature to us, arose
, lately at Cincinnati, between the Officers of
F Discount and Deposite of the Bank of the
, United States in that city, and Mr. Moa
. uis Moses. A bill, drawn upon the firm
of Moses & Jonas, of which he is one, at
t five days after sight, was presented for ac
; ceptance on Saturday, the Sabbath of the
i Hebrews to which persuations Mr. Moses
f belongs. He proposed to defer the accep
tance till the evening of that day, it being
1 contrary to his principles to write on the
. Sabbath day. This was considered as a re- 1
. fusal to accept, and the note was immedi
t ately sent to the Notary to note for non
. acceptance. It was, however, presented ;
. in the evniug, and was then accepted, and
. has been since paid.
, An elegant ship of 400 tons, to be called
i “ Talma, ” was to have been launched at
. New-York on the 12th instant. t
. - .-■■■■ H 3
£/■ An adjourned meeting; of the
3 Georgia Sunday School Union, will be held hi
. the Lecture Room, over the Free School Room, ’
. in WEDNESDAY EVENING, 23,1 lost, at ). a lf
past 6 o’clock, lor ihe purpose of electing a Hoard li
; >f Managers. All persons desirous to promote ,1
- the interests of Sabbath Schools, are requested
to attend.
November 22 it 43
! 25anft of Uluju^ta,
21st Novemrer, 1825.
A DIVIDEND for the last six months, at the .
r.te of eight per cent per annum, on the |
, Capital Sloe* having been nils dav declared by f
I the Board of Directors, from the profits of the r
dtnk, payment thereof will commence on I'hurs- ,
’ day the 241 b inst. *
Augustus Moore, Cash’r.
' November 22 3t r 43
\ •
1 A I* PE AH on your parade ground, in front of
. PL the Ci v Hall, on Saturday the 26th inst. at i
r naif past 2 o'clock, armed and equipped as the 3
. bye laws of the corps d reel, *
Ky order of Capt. Ctmmivo, a
| F. Merriman, O. S.
November 22 ‘it 43
BARRELS prime Musco-I
•And for sale low by tbe subscriber. **
J. Moise. «
November 22 it 4,., „
. — — ~ (l
The Subscriber
OFFERS Ids services to his friends and Ihe *
public, for receiving selling and shipping L
COTTON, tils Counting Room is removed lu •«
die Warehouse of Mr. W. 11. Shelton, near llu (1
I Bridge. hi
1 L. C. Cantelou, 11
November 22 4; *
I —— fr
6(J I Unis. iVimc Nevv-OrJpHMs Sugar,
40 Bgs and G Tierces prime green Coffee, tl
Barrels Northern Gin and Unm.
Thomas M‘Gran.
' November 23 2t 43 j
as® ke VMS Foolscap writing Paper
lod do Letter Paper (a few Reami
with g It edges 1
Wrapping Paper /
5 C«ses Spellii g Books
A few Firkins prime Goshen Butter -
Canal Flour, Fulton market Beef
Northern Pickles in Jars.
Stovet and P pes os all descriptions
Stills and Worms of all sizes
Brass aid Copper Kettles
Sheet Copper and Brass
Sheet Iron for Gin Saws, &c. See.
November 22 4 t 43
Inco pl ated !y (hr L* gi stature of the Stale uj
w iV*. for lhe purp sr of lusu ing
Houses and oi\\wc \WV\i\ius;a,
And other personal Properly
loss oil'damage nv
To Insure aqahtii the Hazards of Inland J\*uvifa
(tou or Trwtspor, ation
Capital £>rocii,
S 300,000,
Which h is oil been ruricl in CASH, uml the pub.
rely with confidence upon the whole surr.
beinff always available to meet its engagements.
I he subscriber having been appointed Agent
hn* the above Company will, in its name, Insure
against Loss by Fire and Hazard of Inland Navi
gallon, on as favourable terms as can be done in
‘his city*
A. Camlielil,
Jlgent for /Inward Insurance Com/iany
N. B. IVrsons living in the country can havi
Insura-ice effected by addressing 1 Uie Agent, giv
mg a description of the premises to be insured,
fast jmill.
Augusta, Oct. 25, 1825 35 )s
Insurance Company,
HAVE appointed the Subscriber their Agent
who will receive proposals for INSfIK vNCE
ugainsl FIKE, and the Ri k j of
Inland Navigation,
nn the most liberal terms, at No, 269, Broad
Street, Ai ignsla.
James Harrison, Agent.
October 28 , s
*** NOTICE—The subscriber
resumes the iuiacticb or tub law, and may p r
the present be comulted at his Dwelling, on Ellis
Robert Raymond Reid.
November 15 tu 41
J. M. Hand, lias removed
his office to No. 355, Broad-street, next door to
J. W, Bridges.
November 15 3t is \4I j
TO RENT. ~ “
ALHNK Tenement, two story
Budding, lately occupied by Mr
Christopher Low, on Broad-street,
immediately above the Planters’ Ho
tel—also mother Tenement next the Gully, a
bovo Mr. FlciMnce —also severai one story Tene
ments on the opposite side of Broad-street, im
mediately above u Cotton Jiutige'* —Pes i esßior
given immediately, d/pph to Mr. James Harper, 1
or to
E. F. Campbell. 1
November lo 8t 41 1
— - t
j» LL those who are indebted to the subscriber,
dV will call after the 20th inst. on Mr. William
Smith, junr. who is duly authorised to act as my
F. Dupont.
The store be now occupies migb» be had front
■-.O'h until the Ist October next, on moderate
November 15 dt 41
T UK Agency of Mr. Ciiaulcs S. Bakkr, hav
ingbsen determined by the principal, Hit
undersigned,—The business will hereafter be
conducted in the name of the Subscr.ber, and
all persons indebted to the establishment will
make payment ttOviu, A. Uouiiiiack, who it
duly authorized In adjust the concerns of the
business, lately carried on under the superin
tendance of Charles S, Baker. '
Meo. Long. '
November 18 42
% Carfc.
4 GENTLEMAN who has filled, some of the 4
i». most respectable literary situations, in the !
United States, (as his testimonials, will amply at- j
test.) would assume the management, o I an Acu
demy, where such a person may be required, oi '
accept, of a limited number of private Tuitions
His instruction, embraces the full course, of Col- r
legiave Education. And his references, will be j 1
found of the highest, and most respectable order.
Letters fpret paid J addressed, to It, S. K. tn
the cure oj .1 amks Haiipkii, Kiq. or. Cap!. .lons
Cohmick, nj this City, will meet, with due alien
Augusta Ca. Nov, 11, 1825 9t 41
Ntvei,p, jj 3{ ‘' 41 *
Fo* *sa\e.
A LIGHT BAROUCHE, and match of genilt t [,
Horsts—Enquire of the Brinter.
November 15 41
We are authorized to an m
ncunce Anselm Moon, Esq. a Candidate for She
iff of Richmond the election in j an .
nry next.
October 18 12;t .23 _
book and Job Printing,
totally Executed at thin Offltt.
H®o 33tir
STpHIS ESTABLISHMENT is opened in a handsome Brick Building, erected during the
'LI past summer, at the corner of Broad and M Intosh-Streets. It is recommended to Plan
ters and Merchants, hy its situation, in the centre of the town and of business, ami within a
i convenient distance of the Banks, Warehouses, and Public Offices. Stage Passengers wi d find
it convenient from its being opposite the Post-Office, the place of arrival and departure of
the Stages. There is connected with the HALL, an adjacent Brick Tenement, with suites of
Private Apartments, and a separate Entrance from Broad Street, which will be appropriated,
exclusively to the accommodation of Families ( and Ladies will find themselves as quiet and
retired as in any private house, with the additional advantage of being in the immediate
neighborhood of the principal fancy Stores. The WASHINGTON HALF is superintended
by W. J. Duulki, whose study it will be to please and render comfortable, those who may
favour the House with their patronage.
Augusta, ((•«.) Sopiemher 30. 1825 28
Prime Green Coftce
Tl\e> Subscriber
Pitt MK GUKEN COFFEE in Tierce*, and
dies wide, which he offers for sale at reduced
prices, lor c isit.
Win. C. Way,
Jit Mr. James J\l' OonaU’n store, JVa. dU9,
Broad street.
N< v°inh<M' 18 4* is 42
JP 1)0 WJi L L & HE ID ,
(AT the Brick Store on Campbell-Mreet, mama
diately in the rear of M‘Kknzik &
Brick Building, on Bioad-slreet, being ven
desirous o: closing ilia present concern,)
OFF Jill I'll I. lit STOCK OF
ID IB IT ®©©2DS 9
Comprising a very general assortment of
Country merchants are invited to call and ex
amine the Stock, as they will he sold at e .treble
!y low prices, and on long lime. Cor approver
iNt’vemuer io v ■ 43
And Repairing.
TAvomas U. AAaAA.
engaged first rale workmen in eve
il ry branch of the above business, is Manu
facturing light and fashionable Gigs and Curri
ages, and flatters himself that his experience it
die business will enable h.m to give satisfaction
to such as may wish to favor him with their or
Repairing in all branches at short notice on the
most reasonable terms
On Land, lor Sale,
Light Carriages, Gigs and fancy Wagons
.4 superior Plantation Wagon.
November 11 i 40
HAS commenced running on the first Octo
her.—Apply for scats at the GLOBE TA
VEIIN—Fare fifteen Dollars.
October 4 2fit 29
X oUce,
A jpJHS subscribers have connected themselvu
sA in the practice nl the LAW—they will uni
fonnly attend all the counties of the Norlhen
Circuit, and the county of Franklin, of the Wen
tern Circuit, one of them will be generally fount
at their office in Elberton, where they will takr
pleasure in transacting the business of those win
may be unfortunate enough to be involved in the ,
John A. Heard,
Thomas J. Heard,
January I, 1825 57
And immediate pan.tens ion. given,
cently occupied by Mr. J in Gaunkii, '
upper end, north side of broad street,r
Two main roads from the interim
leading d.rectly by this Warehouse, gives it greall
.dvanlage in the Cotton business.
Two other Dwelling Houses in
be same ncighhoihood, are also 10 Item. (-
For terms, which will be model ate, apply l. |,
Jr. Watkins and John Moons, F. iji, Renting i<
Jornmittee for the Bank—or to Ur. Jno. Uabnek
icar the premises.
Augustus Moore, Cash’r.
November 1 4t t
Blank Deeds of Conveyance,
For tale at lhis Office,
On Wednesday Morning, 33 d inst.
If ill be sold before our Auction Store,
A general assortment of
i: jftflMPlfrip*
' Mousing to the estate of Mr. James Rus
sel, deceased,
T^/jLN , 'S ami Ladies’ Saddles, Saddle Trae«,
_ Bridles ,/fltt“ of various kinds; IFbiptj Sti
nip Irons; /fucktrs,* Moulding’; //a mess; /Ten*
bings; Co.lrrs &n,&c &o
Terms -,'Jnder gIOO cash ; over gIOO payable
I, hrst ol K'A-nwry ncxr ; for approved paper
t flil order the ail.iiiniulvntoi
Fraser k Homin’, Jluc’rs.
November II (d 49
Executor’s Sale,.
On I imsday 6: i of December nest, will be sold
the Market dome, in ihe city of Augusta,
(between the usuiil honh .-—J
2031 Acres of Land in first Dis
trict 01 Monroe county, No. 157,
1 Negro man named .fuck.
.1! i PC i W ’ 72, l!l tlle Presbyterian Cbnrch.
---.I “iTTIi * he* Ol Tntisa fM ,I^.
ctAueu. — I ermn at s'aie.
By order the Fxeculors.
Fraser & Bowctre,
September 30 f 28
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Febiuary
, next, at Anphnp* :
One hundred and ninety-five A*
crc-i of Land, belonging 10 (he e.- ate of Kucliel
Crawford, deceased, on which land is a commo-
Jious dwel ing house, outhouses, &c. sold for
lie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said es
Will he offered, two hundred and
■ acres of Land, adj hung the ab ~e
Land—on which Land there 'is a comfortable
dwelling house, sumo out homos ami an Orchard
d the best fruits, and of considerable size—the
ibove places are v.ithin 18 miles of Augusta,
f'errns wifi be made known on tbo day of sale.
Him mows Crawford, Jldin’r ,
November 22 T td 4.,)
Administrator’s Hale*.
Will be sold on the li st Tuesday in February
he\' t at Appling :
One hn.iuired and seventy-lit cV
SF tS3t I And. belonging to ihe estate of William
oiii.n, deceased, sold lor the benefit of the heirs'
slid creditors.
Terms of sale tna-V* known on Ihe day.
Mary B. Dunn, Jidmr’x,
November 15, 1825 -r id 43
Ciuardiau’u Hale.
Vgreeable to an order of the Honorable the In
ferior Court ot Lincoln cmiuy, wben sitting
for ordinary purposes, will be sold at Lincoln
lon, on the first 1 ueaday in January next:
A negro Man, hy the name of
;etar, belonging 1 to Lawrence a Minor,
s.ltl tor tlit; benefit ot said Miner. Terms made
known on the day of sale.
W m. J(. Harper, Guar’dn.
Novt-mber 16, 1825 3t r 4.3
WauttiV Immediat .
A N industrious well conducted Negro Woman,
In. who is a good Wa.lier and troner and plum
Hock, to do ihe work of a smell family, wle; ~
'.here an* no children, lor such a pc*r»(m fair w.,.
•;es will be given.—Enquire at this Office.
November 15 at 41
to rent,
IjjioL A commodious Dwelling
Hook on Houalon-street, between Creeii and i -
lis aueels, containing four lioonig and in eac .
doom « fire-place— Enquire at the premises or ( (
R. K. Keid.
November 4 38
UmtaeUa’s and FarasoU,
neatly made and mended by
Joseph Roderick.
September IS 24