The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, September 04, 1868, Image 3

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GEORGIA ENTERPRISE. COVIN OT< )N« O A.: kK ID.VY MORNING SKIM'. 4. 1868 TRAIN TIME AT COVINGTON. Dowu Day Passenger Train arrives at... .7 4$ a. in L u# y Passenger Train arrive at 3 47 p. m [ I)oV ru Night Passenger Train arrive at... .8 18 p. m Hi, Night Passenger Train arrive at 5 07 a. in Gp Way Freight Train arrive at 7 30 a. m Uswa WaJ Freight Train arrive at 5 10 p.m list ray Cow. g ee notice of a stray cow, from Rocky Plains District. Ml persons indebted to the estate of K. G. Har per, Esq., deceased, are required to settle imniedl aiely, with A. B. Simms Esq. Changed their Quarters. Our young friends C. 11. Sanders & Brother have removed to the corner store rooms next to the Court House, secotid door west ot their old stand, where they will be happy to supply their patrons with the host goods at small profits. itm Superior Court. HU Honor, Judge James VV. Gkkenk, has an nounced that he will hold court in Jackson on the second Monday, the 14th hist., and in Covington on the third Monday, the 21st. * Far Rent. Sec the notice of C. C. .t F. Wriglit in another column offering for rent for next year the desirable plantation on which the late Robert Wright Esq., lived, the place is two well known to need special description. To a practical planter this is an ex cclleut opening for the next year. Jenuings A i Smith. These gentlemen are prepared to serve the pub lic in the capacity of Factors and Commission Mcr chants In the city of Augusta. They will sell cot ton for One Dollar a bale commission, and expect to give satisfaction to all who deal with them. Removal. Win. F. Dorsett, Esq., lias removed his Store from Staliings’ building, to the old Camp corner, opposite the Post Office. Having formed partner ship with Mr. J. M. Corley they solicit the patron age of their friends and the public generally for the new linn. Carry Your Chairs. As seats will be in great demand to-morrow it would he well for those living near here, to carry 3 their own chairs. Probably all the seat room pre- I pared by the committee will be required for I ladies. A Card. I The attention of planters and country cotton dcal- I ,rs is directed to the Card from Augusta Factors I and Commission Merchants in another column.— I The liberal reduction in their commissions should I command largely increased consignments to that I market. Torch Light Procession. I The Young Men’s Democratic Club of Newton county, will have a grand Torch Light Procession to-morrow night. Their illuminations, banners, • Ac., will give some idea of the enthusiasm which I already pervades the popular heart at the provpcet I of (licit- speedy release from Radical tyranny. — I Members of other Clubs are requested to parti, i [ pate, and bring all tlieir transparcnces. Let it be a success. Commission Reduced. , Witli a commendable spirit of eomjictilion Messrs. K. W. Doughty ifc Cos., have reduced the i commission for selling Cotton in Augusta to ¥I,OO I per bale, as will Ije seen by reference to their card lin this paper. These enterprising gentlemen claim l the credit of taking the lead In this reduction of ■ commission, and should also lead in the patronage I of the planting community. Let Ail Attend ! I The Mass Meeting to-morrow will be very large- I ly attended, as it is the last appointment for Ihe I campaign in Georgia, where Hon. B. 11. Him. will I address the people. The Democratic Committee I have made ample arrangements for the. aceommo- I dation of illc crowd at the Academy Spring. Oth- I er distinguished speakers are expected to address | the meeting, among whom Gen. Gordon and A. O. I liacon Esq., Democratic Elector for this District arc mentioned. I The ladies of the vicinity will furnish a Basket I Dinner which will be dispensed by the' Committee I on the ground. Provisions contributed should be sent to the Committee by 11 o’clock,Saturday mor ning. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. In another column of this paper will be found the advertisement of the above excellent work. The book contains Eighteen Hundred and Forty pages, ; and Three Thousand Engravings. The merits of this book are too well known and appreciated in this country to need any recommendation. It is universally conceded to be the standard American Dictionary. No family, business man, or student should be wit hout a copy of it. The edition which we are advertising lias but recently been issued, and le the most complete and reliable of any yet pub lished. Any of our readers wishing to procure a copy of the above work, can be furnished with it by leaving tlieir names at the Enterpkise Office, Covington, Ga. Price, ¥12.00. Newton Comity Democratic Club. Covington, G a., September Ist, 1868. | Tim Club met pursuant to adjournment, P. j Reynolds in the Chair. Ihe Committee to present Constitution and By- Laws for the government of the Club, beg a few .days indulgence. ihe rtports from the Subordinate Clubs show •hat the white men of the County arc unanimously opposed to the Radical party, and will vote the Democratic ticket in November. l’he following gentlemen were appointed dele gates to the Congressional Nominating Convention to be held in Macon on the Bth iust., viz : James M. I ace, L. F. Livingston, and O. T. Rogers. llie follow iug gentlemen were appointed a Com* mittee to arrange for the speaking on next Sat wttlay the sth inst., viz: M. D. Cody, McCormic Neal, John P. Harris,,W. F. Dorset, Pleasant Banks, J P. Simms, and Franklin Wright. The following were appointed a Committee to arrange in reference to Hie Torchlight Procession |>m Saturday night, vi?; O, A- Sanders, A. B. Simms, " ~ ’ I>arc - Joseph Barber, and R. R, Wood The Committee appointed to mature a general “ for '•>« adjustment of old claims on the volun ary principle, was allowed time until the next rig our meeting, Ist Tuesday in October to make re- P<,rt ’ J.B, DAVIS, Secretary. The Radicals are trying to prove Blair as ji* a drunkard as Grant. That is wise on tiuir part, for if they cannot elevate their )Uan t 0 a of decency, it is some s:tf isfac ton to try and pull another man down to bis level, “You’re anothor!” j I’rogrn mine of Exercises To morrow. A procession will lie formed nt, or near the Court House, at 10 o'clock A. M., under the direction of Maj. L. Zaehry and Capt. Newton Anderson, as Marshals—as follows : 1. Band of music. 2. Speakers of the day, and Clergy. 3. Democratic Clubs of the county. 4. Visitors. The procession w ill move to the plueo ap pointed for the meeting near the Male Acade my Spring. Order of the exercises as follows : 1. Prayer, at 11 o’clock A. M. 2. The addresses in such order as the Speak ers themselves may prefer. The speaking to be continued until the afternoon. 3. At 8 o’clock I*. M., a torch-light proces sion, and addresses from such gentlemen as may be called out. The committee of arrangements earnestly request that during the exercises all these Merchants and Grocers, and all business men close their doors. Planter’s Hotel, Augusta, Ga. Os this excellent Hotel, and its generous propri etor ami his efficient “staff,” the Angusta, Ga., Daily Constitutionalist of a recent date has the fol lowing complimentary notice, which we heartily eudorse, as a derservea encomium : The Plxntek’s Hotel. —During the summer mouths and the dull season, our famous Hotel, the Planter’s, lias been moderately quiet. But, in spite of the sluggishness of trade, and the almost total lack of passenger birds, no pains were spared by the indefatigable proprietor and his assistants in making comfortable all who came to the city, and sought entertainment with them. The reputation of the House has been studiously maintained, and applicants for substantial meals and elegant apart ments .could always be accommodated. Now that the first bales have come in, heralding the return of busy times and many visitors, we can look forward to corresponding changes in the Plan ter’s. The hail will be crowded with babbling throngs; the dining room will resound with multi tudinous knives and forks ; the waiters will skip about in lively iasliion; the hum-drum of Summer will yield to the liurly-buijy of Fall and Winter. When this state of things shall have come to pass, the Tycoon of the establishment, the immortal Thomas S. Nickerson, the Pasha of Many Hotels, will condescend to leave tile salt breezes and divine terrapin of Savannah, and shine, for a season, upon his Augusta domain. He will preside over his gen" erous board, for a fortnight, nt least, and leave his guests many a token of remembrance, when oysters and terrapin and salt breezes claim him again for their own. But, if go lie must, he lias a most admirable lieu, tenant in Mr. John Goldstein. Who can be more obliging, more patient, more pains-taking, more devoted than Mr. Goldstein ? He has become the “ genius loti,” the presiding divinity, in the absence of Jupiter Thomas, and everybody feels in good spirits when the honest, smiling face of Mr. Gold stein manifests itself through clouds of fragrant tobacco smoke. He is true to Fadcrland in his love for the meerschaum, and true to every responsibil ity, we dare avow. Mr. Lemon is the indefatigable assistant of Mr. Goldst eiti. He is a man of übiquity. He can be in a dozen places at the same time. If this statement seems incredible, go to the great Union Depot when tlie trains come in mid judge for yoursell. Mr. Eagan presides over the edibles. He is cate rer for the million. What Eagan does not know iu tlie way of gastronomy is not worth acquiring. He still lives in the memory of many a wayfarer, and after death, will be promoted to Mt. Olympus for the delectation of tlie Grecian gods. We sincerely trust that the coining season will bring unlimited guests to the good old house, and an infinite amount of currency to the pockets of its whole-souled proprietor. A Fair. A Fair, commencing on tlie Ot'ii, and ending on the lOtli of October, 1868, will be held inthcCityof Atlanta, by the Building Committee and the Ladies of the First Baptist Church, for the purpose of rais ing funds to complete their Church Building, which is now in process of erection. Business Houses, Manufacturing Companies, Ac., will receive due publicity from tlie exhibition of tlieir contributions. Contributions should be' marked, “ Donations, Fair First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga.” The most spacious hall in the City lias been procured for the occasion, and will be gor geously decorated with rare flowers and evergreens from tlie coast. Donations to the Fair are respect fully solicited. The following generous offers have been made to the Church, to transport all donations to the Fair free of charge, over the annexed railroads: Atlanta & West Point Railroad ; Western & Atlantic Rail road ; Georgia Railroad ; Macon & Western Rail road ; South Carolina Railroad ; Southwestern Rail road ; Montgomery A West Point Railroad ; Rome Railroad ; East Tennessee & Georgia Railroad; Nashville & Chattanooga Railroad ; East Tennessee A Virginia Railroad ; Memphis A Charleston Rail road ; and Central Railroad. Tlie Southern Ex press Company will transport all donations free of charge over all the Railroads terminating in Atlanta. Persons visiting Atlanta for tlie purpose of attend ing tlie Fair, will be passed over all the Railroads going and returning for one fare. And the propri etors of the different Hotels in Atlanta have agreed to charge such visitors only half rates. Died. August Ist, at her residence in Newton County, Mrs. MART O. WALKER, widow of Wm. L. Wal ker, late of Walton Couuty, aged 63 years, smonths and 16 days. Her disease was Dropsy from which she suffered long and intensely until 6hc became easy a short time before her death. She had been a member of the Primitive Baptist Church about 43 years, and died iu the hope of a blessed immor tallty. New Advertiuements. K ) EMOVAL.-l have removed from the II stand of S N. Stallings, and may now be found at. CAMP’S CORNER, south-east side of Public Square, where I would be pleased to see my many old friends and customers, and the public generally. I intend keepiag as large • stock of Goods as the wants of the community demand, and will sell a3 low as anybody here. Sept. 4, 1868- W. F. DORSETT. JENNINGS ft SMITH, COTTON FACTORS AND— GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 6, Mclntosh street, Augusta Ga. Commission for Selling Cotton $1 00 per Bale. T. J. Jennings, 2m41 J. T. Smith. BACON! BACON! SEVEN Hhds BACON Just Received, and for sale at lowest prices, by C. H. SANDERS A 880, Coviiiton, May 22. . PLANTATION TO RENT FOR 1869. CION TAINING 2000 acres of I and. f»0o acre* i open for cultivation, of which more than 100 is bottom, and 100 creek land. On the place is a good Dwelling, and all necessary out houses, including Kitchen, Stables, Gin House, Packing Screw, Ac. Said Plantation is situated on the Yellow River, eight miles south of Covington, known as the ROB’T WRIGHT Plantation. It will lie rented to the highest bidder, before tlie Court House door in the oily of Covington, on Ihe l“t Tiu»duy in October next. For fur ther particulate apply to Mr, Kincuunon, on tlie p ace, or tlie undersigned. C. 2. WRIGHT, FRANKLIN WRIGHT. Sept. 4, I‘6B. Administrators Estr a y s ! GEORGIA, Newton County. '["WILLED beiore me by lsliant Weaver, X of Rocky Plaius District, in said county, one no horned It-d Cow. markid by a crop in each ear—supposed to be aliout six years old. Appiaised by W. L Davis, and James Webb, freeholders of said district, at eighteen dollars. Said Cow will be sold as an estray, on the freehold of Che said lslinm Weaver, bv the Bbei iff, on Sat ui day tlie 12th day of September instant, within the legal hours <f sale, if not proven ami taken away, in terms of tlie law regulating Hs trays. Given under my hand and official signature, this Sept. 21, 1868. J. W. B. SUMMERS, Ord’y A CARD * from AUGUSTA FACTORS, AND Commission Merchants. ON and after thefiistof September 1868, the COMMISSION for SELLING COTTON by the undersigned Factors and Commission Mer chants of Augusta, will be One and a Quarter Per Cent. % ROBERTS, MORRIS A SHIVERS, STOVAI.L A BUTLER, C II PIIINIZY, J SIBLEY A SONS, CLAG HORN. HERRING A CO., (to apply to Augusta House only.) J J PEASE A SON, RUSSELL A POTTER, WHEEL ESS A CO., - WARREN LANE A CO., J B WALKER A CO., ISAAC T HEARD A CO., GEO W EVANS A CO., STOVALL A EDMONDSTON, S FRANKLIN A CO.- CET THE BES T.~ Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. 10,000 Words and meanings nut iu other Dictionaries. Superior in most respects to any ot h //( er English Diclion //t C ’ L.Af A c'- ary known to me. /•( ft- Hon. Geo. P. Marth /(t- alb,3 EJidUVISCs'-J The New Webster i ** *- c m - inglorious—it is \ PI Cl ® and defies eompe \ CTlOhi_■ ■ tion-it. leaves noth '•’•fp- ••*»*• '/■' iue to be desired.- •/. II Raymond.LL. and President Vaa sar College. The work is one w hich none who read or write e.m henceforward diepciue icith.—Atlantic Monthly. In many r< spools the greatest addition to tlie phil dogy of the present age which lias appeared within half a century.— Appkton'r Encyclopaedia,. All young persons should have a standard Dic tionary at their cibows. And while you are about it get tiik best; that Dictionary is Noah Webster’s— the great work Unabridged. If you are too poor, save the amount from off your hack to put it into your head— i'hrt. Journal. It is the most complete and comprehensive lexicon ever issued from the press.— £'l. Indep t. Young man, if you already have a bible, buy Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary next,— Vk Suu Webster’s National Pictorial Dictionary. The work is really a yem of a Dictionary, just the tiling for the million Ant Ed. Monthly. Published by G. AC. MERRI AM, Springfield, Mass. S» ld by all Booksellers. To All Whom it May Concern ! I HEREBY give notice to Administrators, Ex ecutors, Guaroiiin«, and Trustees, and their Securities, that Judge WM. D. LUCKIE, late Ordinarv. hns placed in my hands for levy, a large number of Executions issued from the Goon of Ordinary, for Fees. Now 1 advise all who have had business in said Couit, and have not paid for it, to come forward and do so ai once, as my orders are peremptory. Some of it lias been due a long time. Judge Luckie has waited patiently, lie now needs it, and must have it. G. M T. BOWER, August 28, 1868 - 2t40 LAHDFTrBALEI PERSONS wishing to purcliaseland, can find a bargain, by calling on me in Walton. County, 7 Miles from Covington, and 6 Miles from Social Circle, on the Land I wish to sell. There are two parcels of the lane], one containing 810 acres, the other 303} acres —each having separ ate improvements. They will be sold separately if desired. I have also one fine STALLION, to s 11. Address me either at Covington, or Social Circle. CHARLES LACKEY’. Ang 7, 1868.— 3in37. FALL AND WINTER sateen? Aliens. Millinory Goods, Ribbons, Trimming Ribbons, Velvet Ribbons SILKS, SATINS, VELVETS, Fancy Bonnet Materials, Blonds, Crapes, Netts, French Flowers, Plumes and Ornaments. BONNETS, and Ladies’ HATS In Straw, Silk, Velvet and Felt. We offer the largest and best assorted Stock in the U. States, comprising all the latest Pa’ is ian Novelties, and uiu quailed in choice variety and cheapness. ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO-, 237 and 239 Baltimore street, BALTIMORE. CONSTITUTIONAL VIEW OF THE Late War Between the States, BY HON» A. H. STEPHENS. TIIE above work is sold only by subscription, and persons wishing to subscribe,are hereby notified that the undersigned ave sole agents, for the Counties of Newton, DeKalb, Fulton, Forsyth, Dawson, Pickens, Gilmer, Lumpkin, Fannin, and White. This work will present a oareful political analysis of the past, separating real from appa rent causes of the late unhappy conflict, and give those interior lights and shadows of the war, only known to those high officers, like Mr. Stephens, who held the position of second officer of the Confederacy. A. L. DAVIDSON, J. W. BLACK. Newton Cos., G», June, 1868, —20>31 Agents NEW WAREHOUSE FIRM. IjX W. DOUGHTY, (who, for twenty-four 1 A • years prior to 186-i, was actively engaged in the Colton Factorage and Commission busi ness,) and WILBERFORCE DANIEL, (late of •tlie firm of 11. F. Russell & C 0.,) have entered into Coi'AtTXßasuip, under tlie firm of E. W. DOUGHTY, & CO., and offer their services to tlieir friends and tlie pnblie ns COTTON FACTORS AND Commission Merchants. Tlieir office and storage are in tlie well known and commodious warehouse buildings formerly occupied by Bustiii A Walker, ou Mclntosh street. The charge for seLiug Cotton will be ONE DOLLAR a Bale for all cu-domers. Patties who have Cotton in store, and desire reason hie advances iu cash will be accommo dated. E. W. DOUGHTY, WILBERFORCE DANIEL. Augusta, Ga.. September 1, 1868, —1m89 DR IE D FR U IT. WE WILL PAY THE BEST MARKET Pri e for Merchantable Dried Fruit. Those wi.-liing Fresh and Reliable CLOVER or GRASS SEED, eau be supplied in quantities to suit, by early application to ANDERSON A HUNTER, August 21,1868.—39tf. HORTON & WALTON, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wholesale Dealers in STAPLE GROCERIES. 3,000 Sacks Liverpool SALT, arriving by Boats, for sale from Wharf or Store. Our usual supply of SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, BAGGING, ROPE, NAILS, SOAP, CANDLES, Ac. At Lowest Market Rales. Prompt and careful attention given to orders, and Quick Returns of Sales. Im4o 302 Broad street, Augusta. Ga. ~RUsTeLL & POTTER, C OTTO N COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Georgia, —Corner Reynolds and Mclntosh Streets.— Will give their attention to the Sale and Storage of Totton. consigned to them, and to Shipments to Northern and European Markets, Liberal Advances Made oa Consignments. 11. F. Russell. 6m40 Robt, W. Pottku J. J. Prakcb. Cuts. A Feabck. j. j. PEARCE A SON. COTTON FA CTO liS, Commission Merchants, Jackson Street, Augusta, oa. Store and Bell Cotton and Other Produce cash: advances. Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies furnished as usual.—6m4o S. D. LINTON 8l CO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jackson street, Augusta. Ga. Will give their prompt personal Attention to the Bale of all Produce Consigned to their care. Commissions charged will be One ami a Quarter per Cent. C . C O HEN, Successor to J. E. Muxukr, removed to 142 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Well Repaired and at short notice. Clocks, Watches, Cutlery, Tistols, Fancy Goo Is, etc., Gilding and Plating, at low prices. All kinds of CAMPAIGN BADGES on hand, and Engraving done to order.—3m 10 ISAAC T. HEARD, &. CO., Warehouse and Commission Merchants, Office corner Reynolds and Mclntosh streets, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Occupy that lirge Fire Proof Warehouse on Mclntosh street, formerly occupied by Messrs, liusti'i & Walker, and more recently by Messrs. J, B. Walker <t Sons. Also Agents for the Celebrated Gullett Patent Improved Steel Brush COTTON aiNS. The above GIN is superior to any ever used in this country, lias taken many premiums at Agricultural Fairs in the States of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. In it great advantages are gained, botli in quantity and quality of stapld’celaned, bringing in price at least one cent per pound more than cotton ginned on the best gins of our country. We have on hand pamphlets showing the merits of this GIN, and giving certificates from many of the largest Planters and Cottou Factors in the South, which we will furnish to any planter who desires to pui chase. The GULLEI'T GIN can be seen at our office, corner Reynolds and Mclntosh streets. ISAAC T. HEARD If CO , 6m40 Cotton Factors, Agents. ~CARPETB! _ CARPETS ! ! SS. KENDRICK, corner Marietta, and • Broad Street, Atlanta, is selling great bargains in CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, and CURTAINS. Many Goods below Cost, for a few days. Send in your orders, to KENDRICK’S 3t39 Carpet Store, Atlanta, Ga. J M. BURDILL, (of late firm of • Phinixy A C 0.,) Cotton Factor & Commission Merchant, No. 6 Warren Block Jackson St. Augusta, Ga., Will continue the business in all its branches, at the above place, and would respectfully solicit a share of the liberal patronage extended to the late firm.—6m3». NEW SPRINB ROODS! I hare received a fine assortment of NEW SPRING PRINTS, GINGHAMS, ROB ROY, for Balmorals, PARASOLS, <1 c These goods were bought before the recent advance in prices, and will be sold LOW. H. Ifc, A. BALK. 1y2.49 472 Broad street, Augusta, Ua. - H. & A. W. FORCE, Wholesale Dealers in, TFt OOtS Cb Stkooß, Whitehall street, Atlanta, Ga. Our Goods are purchase ! direct from the Eastern Manufacturers. We will sell them to Country Merchants at N. Y. prlcca—Freight added.—ly42 NE WS I— o High Prices Pla'y.'ed Out! NEW STORE! NEW QOODS! N E\V PRICES! :or We are now opening a NEW STOCK OF GOODS IN COVINGTON, North side of Square, next door to Hurst A llao’s Old Stand, To which we invite onr old friends and the pub lic generally to call anil examine, as we believe we can make it to the interest of all to buy of us. “Quick! Sales and Bottom Prices,” Is our Motto, and it is onr ai n to make a living by fair dealing and honest efforts. Our Stock comprises in part of the , ollowing; Dry Ooods, Ladies' Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, White Goods, Yankee Notions, Clothing, Straw Goods, Uats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Domestics, Hardware, Wood Ware, Willow Ware, Crockery, Glass, and Tin l\are GROCERIES, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, BACON, LARD, FLOUR, AC. Come ami see us, and we will sell you Goods, as cheap as the cheapest—For Cash Only. 24tf C, 11. SANDERS, & BRO. MOLASSES I MOLASSES ! ! I,'UUR llhds FINE NEW ORLEANS JlO lusses, for sale at 70 cents per Gall >n, by C. If. SANDERS A BRO. Covington, May 22. J. E.QULLATT, IRON & BRASS FOUNDRY AND MAnmm w, ATLANTA, GEORGIA REPAIRS Saw Mills. Grist Mills, and Cotton Gins BOILERS MADE AND REPAIRED. Smoko Stacks and all other Sheet-iron and Blacksmith Work executed. Will fill all orders for Ullage, Steam, and Water Cocks. Also Manufacturer of a superior Article of ANTI-FRICTION METAL Shop opposite Georgia R. R, Shop,—6ml4 GEORGIA II o ° k i rt MANUFACTORY. Norcrosa Building, P, 11. Suook’s old stand, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. WM. TITLEBAUM, Would respectfully inform the citizens of At-' lanta and vicinity, and the ladies particularly, that he has opened a Hoop Skirt Factory, where he will make to order, and keep constantly on hand, all styles of Hoop Skirts, of the best mate rial and at prices that will give satisfaction, In addiiion to the Hoop Skirt Manufacturing lie will keep the best selected stock of French, American and German OORSETS ever kept in this city. A full fine of Ladies’ Ready Made White Goods, embracing all artieles for under wear, also a good selection of FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c., which he will sell wholesale and retail. Call and examine goods and learn price. Bates Ladies will Ire in attendance to wait on lady customers.—3m3o Newton Legal Advertisements. GEORGIA, Newton County. lITHEREAS, Alfred H, Zaehry has applied to W me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Caroline Read, deceased, late of said con nty. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they hare, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature. Sept.. 4. 1868 J. W. B. SUMMERS, Ord’y GEORGIA, Newton Connty. XI’M. Y. HARRIS, Administrator dc bonis Vv non, with the will annexed, of the estate of David Harris, late of said county, deceased, having applied to ihe court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the land belonging to said estate, for the benefit of the heirs and cred itors of said deceased. All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notice, else leave will be granted for the sale of said real estate. Given under mv hand and official signature, August 21st., 1808. J. W. B. SOMMERS, Ord’y. Notice to Oebtors anti Creditors. A LL person indebted to the estate of Miss /l Fannie L. Graham, deceased, late of Newton Cos., Ga., are requested to come forwax-d and settle, and those having demands present them in terms of‘lie law. HENRY L. GRAVES, Aug. 14, 1808. Administrator. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of R. JIL G. Harper, dec’d, late of Newton Cos., Ga., and those having demands against, said estate, are hereby notified to call at the office of A. B. Simius. Esq., and make immediate settlement, in terms of the law. SARAH M. HARPER, Aug. 21, 1868. Administratrix. GEORGIA, Newton County. FRANCES KENNON, Administratrix of the estate of Meriwether L. Kennon, late of said countv, deceased, having applied to the court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the land belonging to said estate, for she benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. AH parsons concerned, are notified to file their objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notice, else leave granted for the sale; of said real estate. Given under my hand and official signature, August 21 1868. J. W. B. SUMMEUS, Ord’y GEORGIA, Newton County. WHEREAS, John L Scott, and Mrs. Carrie Scott, apply for Letters of Administra tion on tlie estate of Daniel Scott, dec’d late of said county. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deernsed, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters shall not issue to said applicants, tiiven under my hand at office, this August 7, 1808. W. D. LUCKIE, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Newton County. WHEREAS, Joseph Reagan, Admii istrntor on the estate of Nancy Warren, deceased, applies for l etters ot Dismission from said Ad ministration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the tjiue prescribed bylaw, to show •anpo, if any they have, why said letters shall not issue to said applicant. Given under my hand at office! this June 4th, 1868. W. D LUCKIE, Ord’y. GEORGIA Newton County. TT7TIEREAS, Wm. B. Tindall, Administrator v V on theoestate of James W. Payne, deceas ed, applies for Letters of Dismission from said Administration. These arc therefore to ci‘ c and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be nnd appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause it any they have, why said letters shall not be granted to said applicant. Given under my hand at office, 1808 W. D LUCKIE, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Newton County. TT7IIKREAS, Joseph McCollum, nnd John W V V McCollum, Administrators on the estate of James McCollum, apply for Letters of Dis mission from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all nnd singular tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they have, why said letters shall not issue to said applicants. Given under my hand at office, this March 13, 1868. \Y. I). LUCKIE, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Newton County, WHEREAS, John YV. McCollum, Adminis trator on the estate of Elizabeth McCollum, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismlssiou from said Administration. These are therefore to cite and admonish lY and singular the kindred nnd creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law to show cause, if any they hove, why said letters shall not issu* to said applicant. Given under my hand at office, this March 1868. W, D. LUCKIE, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Newton County. WHEREAS Sumucl Chaffin, Administrator on the estate of Joel Chaffin, dec’d applies to me for Letters of Dismission rom said Ad ministration. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors to be and appear at my office by the Ist Monday in Sep tember, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters shall not be granted said applicant. Given under mv hand nt office, this Feb. 7, 1868. ’ ‘ W. D, LUCKIE, Ord’y^ Jasper Legal Advertisements. GEORGIA, Jasper County. OIXTY DAYS after date, application will bs made to the Court of Ordinary of Jasper county, for Leave to Sell the Lands belonging to the estate of Robert Davidson, deceased. July 17, 1868. GEO. W, WEBB, Adm’rt GEORGIA, Jasper County. WHEREAS, John C. Akens, Exeontor to the Will of Samuel S. A bens, dec’d, maker application fer Letters of Dismission from said Executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Septem ber next, why said Letteis of Dismission shall' not issue to said applicant, in ttrms of the StatL ute in such eases made and provided. Given under uiy hand and official this 24th day of F b. 1868. M, H. HUTCHISON, Ord’y. GEORGIA, Jasper County. WHEREAS, Jumina Cunard, nnd'Wm. IIV Ivey, Executors to the Will of John Cn nard, Jf., dec'd, make application for Letter* of Dismission from said Executorship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in September* next, why said letters shall not issue too said l applicants. Given under mv hand arid offffeial signature' this 15th day of February, 1868. M. 11. HUTCHISON, Ord’y GEORGIA, Jasper County. “IR7TIEREAS, Miss Julia W. Shropshire, Rg- T v eeutrix to the Will of James \X . Sh'rtbp shire, late of said county deceased; makes ap plication for Letters of Dismission from sttitl trust. These are therefore to cite a ; td' admonish all 'persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, within the time prescribed by the Statute, why said Letters shall not issue to said applicant. Gi'ed under my hand and official s-igristUM, this Bth dav of April) 1868 M. 11. HUTCHISON, Ord’y Postponed Jasper SheriflPs Sale. TXT JLL be sold before the Court'House door » » in the town of Mofitieello, Jasper County, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the fltst Tuesday in October next, a tract of land con taining one hundred and eighty acres, more or less, ba'ng a part of what is known - Us the Stringfellow lot, and part of‘the Whittaker lot,, adjoining the lands of Wm. F. Jordan, and John R Greer. Number not known. Levied on a» the property of Wm. F. Jordan, to satisfy the costs on sundry fi fa’s in my hands, imued from' the Superior and Connty Courts, in favor of John I>. Butts & Bro’s, K. J, Brown,and others, vb. Wm. F. Jordan. I’roperty pointed out by the defendant. ALSO at the same time and place will bo sold forty-five acres of land, more or less; in Jaspep county, adjoining lands- of Hiram Brooks, aatf John E. Giover’a place, in the west corner of lot No. 160, in the 13th district, levied on as tho property of Nancy ri ilson, to satisfy afi fa. in favor of Hiram Brooks, issued fbom the County- Court, and to gatisfy the cost on 1 a fi. fa, issued from the Superior Court in favor of Burton I. and Shad rack J. MeMiohael, Administrators, vg. Nancy Wilson, and Elbert W. Bayna. Property pointed out by Hii-am Brooks. * ALSO at the same time and place will be sold a lot in the village of Hillsborough, containing three fourths of an acre of land, whereon the o!<l Grocery house formerly stood, ami known os the Holsembaek lot, adjoining lots of C. R. Goolsby, and Cardin Goolsby, to satisfy a Tax fi fa, issued by N. O. Alexander, Tax collector for Jasper oouuty, for the y ear 1866, vs. Mar shall Holsembaek, and the cost on a fi fa, in favor of P. Dossett, vs. Marshall Holsembaek. Property {minted out by P. Dogsett.. ALSO at tha same and place, will be sohf thirty-five bushels of Corn more er iese. Levied on by a warrant issued by John W. Burney. Judge of the County Court, to satisfy the eost in the ease of the State, rs. Green Pearson. Levied on as the property of Green Pearson, Bept. 4, 1868. B. T. DIGBY, Sheriff.