The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, September 25, 1868, Image 3

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[GEORGIA ESI < •< >\ I N<FT<> N: 1 ■* ' A,: L.,i>a v MORNING TRAIN TIME AT COVINGTON. | 1)0 w. Dav l’HS.scnger Train arrive M.... 74* a.«. |y | )av Pas- -nger Train arrive at - 4Tp. m C JWII Sisfht Passenger Train arrive at.. ..8 18 p. in 1 | c „ SHI fPassenger Train arrive at - r > 0. a. m | t Wav Freight Train arrive at ‘ '•»»• 111 ■r»>rß Way Freight Train arrive tit !i 10 P- m Smith’s Bible Dictionary. I Those who have suliserihiHl fur the above work, 1.,, ro ,.nested bv the Agent to call at this rttlice and Cot them. Any one wishing « copy of it can be Supplied by failing soon^ lliyli Price lor Petti'- ■ u a rece nt pew renting in the new Jewish Tern- ■ k . Kmanu El, in New York, the afcount realized V s >7501)00. Tlie highest price jmi| "'as ss,tioo. Ki'e purchaser selecting the pew dlreAljr in front of K . U ,., u The other members paidl.iriotts sums, Banging from $4,000 to *5,000. Till lowest price Staid was iiJOO. Dentil of two Editor* | Mr . John E. Haves, cdititr and profiietnrof lire jLvannah Republican, died in tint cl*a *'ew days rinee from the effects of over dose of invgone. • X 1,,.. death of Mr Hayes is a public lot* <> the com lAiunity in wliicli lie lived. ■ Mr. .Tames N. Ells, Local Editor of 4 Augusta B, publican, died on Friday night, oiongestive Jhiil. | “ Still They Come.” I ■ The North Georgia Citizen, of a recent late, says tliat it learns from a gentleman at. Mel.eil re’s Cove Biat Hie Loyal League, whieli mimbereilJiout two Kundred and It fly strong a few months * , lias dis ■anded, and all but eight or ten of its nit liters are ■ow strom' Seymour and Blair men. bus they ■nunc. Newton Superior Court. I ■ xhc Superior Court for this county is |t session this week, Judge James \V. Gkuen, pifc ling.— ■ here was a large amount of business <• muffing Httent ion ; but though reasonable progre.-l as been the docket cannot lie cleared at thfc enn.— cases wero called on VVedncsdJ hut as Bone were ready, they were not taken up » til yes- Berday. His Honor appears disposed to evfe itothe ■esponsihle duties devolving on him with |t?iet re *urd to justice. CIRCULAR. S Assessok’s (ietoe. L. 8. Tnt. Rkvi n' I. J fniRD DISTISICT OF Ghoucia, f Augusta, Ga., Sept. 14, I®\ ) ■ Siu : You will, upon receipt of this, iinnuM, tely ■roeeed to make an inventory upon Form 111 fall cotton in your Division, produced prior ’ >B, ■ml forward said forms to this Office as fast a mi -•i .'ted. You " ill lie careful to inform and ii a ess ion the owner or holder of such eotton til i [ icy ■> ill be held responsible by the Government l'A lie ■.v on it, and that it behooves them in dispo.-| „f ft to see the tax paid, and to possess themself, nf j the evidence, of payment from tlio Collector or he M) -puty receiving the same. J. BoiVLls, Ooinroondnblc. ■ Mr. S. K. Johnson, Assistant Supciiutciidcitf ~f Ihe Gcop-'ia Railroad, publi.-h.-s tlie following'! Bnlnr S I. Donations marked and consigned to “ Fair F» ijitist Church, Atlanta, Ca.,” to be held In t) >t jfity on tile Olh of .'-"tuber, proximo, AA’ill be traj 9p->rted lice over this load. ■ 11. Visitors attending the Fair above referred t A U be returned free over this, upon preset. ■Bourn to tlie Conductor of a proper Certificate h 'Slid by the‘Secretary of tlie same, W. L. AnaoTt. 9 | . Hut the holder was actually in attemlunot- and had passed over the Georgia Railroad Hn liis route thereto, such certificate to bo recog. until and imdusive of flic 20th of October, H.soS. Very Like. I A lady, parting from her husband a few days since Ji the ears, was overheard by the passengers to ut- Ir the following pan.graph, all in one breath: “Good-bye, Will; write to me every day, won’t nu* I’ll expect a letter three times a week, any ray; take good care of my Sunday School class, for 'll want it when I come back ; if Miss Smith calls, ion’t give her more than tifty cents, for we have to upport our own church, you know ; and don’t for et to bring my now silk dress and my other shoes; nd lie sure and come as soon as.vou can ; good-bye ; ■ an’i forget your cane, and da let your moustache ■* «»*- Universal Commemlation. ■ Webster's Unabridged Dictionary receives the Huivt-rsal coutmcudalinu of the press, the clergy, Hml literary men of the day. It is an indispen able in the family, school, and office. The follow- Hig is from the Nashville Dispatch : ■ “ This is beyond doubt the best and most eom -9 lete dictionary of tlie, English language ever pub -1 shed. The labor and research bestowed by the j litors In its revision are apparent du every page. J *i the whole, as a dictionary and repository of | ?efnl information it stands without a rival.” [North Georgia Citizen. 5Tb ose av liing to procure a copy of this Diction y, will please call at this oliie.e. oB The Wickedest Jinn in America. The wickedest man hi New York” having re tired from business, Parson Brownlow, the Wick ■ '-( Man in America, is now left without a pre tenst to competition in that field. And he is ipiitc, equal to the extensive situation. Wo have only to giuico at the successive Issues of the press of Teu •ssec to discover day by day anew proof of bis enterprise. At present tlie wickedest man in Amer lfln is concocting a scheme to organize a colored militia for the purpose of more effectually draggon ading the white people of his State previous and up -J9' 10 l ' n T °f election. It happens tlint this project mreo, l y Collu ter both to the Constitution and sroHain explicit laws of Congress. The President notified him ot this fact, and intimated that if n Standing army is to be kept in Tennessee, it must toe an army of the United States, and not a janizary guard of the Wickedest Men. Whereupon the W. MJ storms according to his wont. And what a miuith and pen he has til his will! An extensive knowledge of religion, and much practice in a spo flr 9 f inverted or diabolic preaching, give him a Wumand of blasphemy which John Allen, in his kedest day, would simply have withered under, this man, hacked up by the Radical Congress and the sentiment of the Ra lie ] party, is .. lute j»ipot of a region purporting to bo one of the * T ‘ United Slates of America. M e notice the press generally discerns the fitness 2, !le tit ’u with which avo recently invested the parson. Pass him m ound as tlie Wicked est Man in America, lip est. [Bulllilo Courier. ■ a Raleigh paper says: “Tlie present car* Rcnlnwag, and negro mle in North Carolina u, us i be put down ut the ballot box, or tbo State of North Cur. jlina is liopelessly bankrupt ?' Col. I’erplcs* Speech. On Wednesday, during the rerrsA of Court, Col. I’l hi'l.ES delivered an address oil the. issues now agitating the conntry, which wa- listened to with intense interest by a large assemblage of people. AVitli his u?unl felicitous perspicuity he spoke to the reason of the white people, ami closed with a (ami'dar talk to the few negroes present. It is ail interesting questiou whether any sort of public speaking will avail anything with the negroes ; but ir they arc not impervious to sound reason and plain common sense, it would have been of great benefit to them all to haw hoard wlmt lie' had to say to them., lie addressed them plainly, so that they might understand his argument, and unless the) were too deeply prejudiced it must have convinced every negro present that his true interest Is tlie same as that of the white men among whom lie lives. A New Race. The Washington Express is responsible for the following : “ The blacks are not all such fools as the Radicals take them to be. The other day we sat by an open window when two negroes passed, and say s one to the other, ‘Sam, do you know that these fellows who go South —these carpet-baggers—are anew race?’ ‘No.’ ‘ Well, they are ; aiuj do you know their color * They arc black on one side and white on the other.’ ” —-—— One of the principal radical bids for voles —Five hundred millions of dollars a year in taxation. John Morrissey lost 827,000 by the defeat of the Atlanties by the Athletics—base ball players. They are going to try a preparation of pe troleum in France to fire cannons with instead of p order. A brother of General Burnside has been refused registration in St. Louis for disloyalty. A German philologist at .Jena predicts that in five centuries English will be the universal language. Wo have often been asked the difference between a “carpet-bagger’’ and a “scalawag.” The luka, Mississippi, Gazelle answers the questiou in the following manner : The carpet-bagger is a Northern thief, who c incs South to plunder every white man who is a gentleman of any property or respectable, and get all the offices he can. The scalawag is a Southern born scoundrel, who will do all the carpet-bagger will, and besides, mntder the carpet-bagger for tlio gutta percha ring his sister gave him when lie left home. N ieo men these to rule in a Christian country.— Radicals all. Good Advice to 0 > n-x I’i.wtrim.— The Fernandiria (Fla.) Cbmmtfctol Index , of the 17th ins si ii t, says: We are in hopes the planters will Lake spe cial pains in preparing their cotton for market in order that the difference in price ntay make up to a great extent for the shortness of tlie 'crop. Last season we spent Considerable time in Savannah and saw a great many samples of cotton,' urn! conversed freely upon the sijti t ject with some of (he most popular and suc i ees-ful factors, and they all deprco.lied the j fact that so many persons were so very careless about the sorting ginning and packing ot cotton. ; It is to tlie interest (>f the planter, the factor j and purchaser that it should be properly done. Any paper can publish the appointments I after the coming in of anew administration : | hut what jhi per in the world is large enough l tv publish'•half the disappointments ? I’riiib rs' Deviis are generally la lie’s men. ! notwithstanding they have a very hard name. : Sdme time ago, our devil and his lady love wore taking an evening stroll, and as they were vvalkiug along, chatting briskly upon tlie nu merous questions of the day, site suddenly (■aught bis hand, and looking smilingly in his face, risked : "Do vou know why I cannot get religion ?" "No, my dear, 1 do not.” ’ Its because 1 love the devil!” ll'F.Attfxa from Maine.—Horace Greeley says: “So far from our own success being assurcd r Gen. Grant is in imminent peril of defeat.” * ♦ G .on News.—We have seen a letter from a prominent Radical in Indiana, conversant with the poii.ics -of that State, lie reluctantly con cod' this in his opinion the State will vote the Democratic ticket. — Mont. Ad. A Yankee doctor has recently got up a rem edy for hard times. It consists of ten hours hard labor well worked in. A not', rious negro, named l)r. Woods, was shot and severely wounded by the police, Tuesda. night, in Memphis, while attempting to escape after being arrested. Woods was the loader of the party who attempted to mur der Air. Alexander on the Hernando road a few days ago. COVTNO TO N M AIIK ETS Corrected Weekly by Rowkkr, .Harris it Cos Cotton 21 rents per lb. Flour, from sfi to $7 j'or hundred. Corn, S‘> cents per bushel. I’eas, *I,OO per hmdu-1. Meal, sl,lo per bushel. Bacon, 17 to 22 cents per lb. Gutter, 25 to 'ld cents per lb. sggs, 12F to 15 cents per dozen. 14) rd, 20 to 25 cents per lb. flit. Liverpool, $3 per Sack, Yu., $3,25. (Sid. 42. premium.. , Now Advertisements. Administrator's Sale. \IKFEAIILY to an order from tlie Honorable Court of Ordinary of Newton county, will j be a I<l before the Court House door in tlie city I of ( >vinglou. on t|i*> firet Tuesday in November next tin- following propevtj, to wit: O e hundred and fifty acres of land, more or i less, being part nf lots Nr. 291 and 295, lying | in t * Ith district of origin illy Walton, now j Nt-w*mnnd YValto# counties, situated on the j wat ts of Big lliines creek, adjoining lands of | Cooper on the south and West, and Win. KclnS on the north and east. Tlieie is about I fit) nrifcs of well timbered woodland on the place. fte : 4 a- the property of IYm. J, Cushing, dec’d, I for tlf bem in of the heirs and creditors of said j esiat i Terms Cash, E. L>. CUSHING, . Be. t.IL 18«8. Adtn'r. DRIED FRUIT. WILL PAY THE BEST MARKET | I* lVijofor Merchant,able Dried Fruit. | Those .wishing Fresh and Reliable CLUYEII I or GRASS SEED, enn be supplied in quantities to suit, by early application to ANDERSON it HUNTER, | August 21,180S—SDt f. LA ND FOR SALE! 9 JEESON.S wishing to purchase lend, cun find 5 a bargain, by calling on me in Walton County, 7 Mil, b from Covimiti ,\, an 1 (I Miles from Social, Circle, on the I,and 1 wl-h to sell. 'I here.are two parcels of till- laud, one containing 810 acres, tlie nlliei nOSij acres—each nnvin* separ ate improvements. They will he Sold separately if de-ired, I have also ino fine ST.tLIION, to s 11. Address me either at Gov ington, or Soria! Circle. CHARLES LACKEY. Aug 7, 1 fills.—3mo7. GLOniCUS NEWS! ——<) H igh P rices Played Out! NEW STORE! NEW 532D3! —NF, W PRICKS! We are now opening a NEW STOCK OK GOODS 1 N COVI N G T ON, North si !c of inqu ire, Ist door cast of Court. House. To which w e invite our old friends and tlie r üb in- generally (o call and examine, as we belii-vo we can make it to the interest of all to buy of us. '■Quick Sales and Bottom Prices,” Is our Motto, and it is our ai - lo make a living bv tair dealing and honest efforts. Our stock comprises in part of tlie 'bllowing; Dry Goods, Ladies’ Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, White Goods, Yankee Notions, Clothing, Straw Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Domestics, II aid ware, Wood Ware, Wilto.v Ware, Crockery Cass, and Tin V are GROCERIES, PLANTATION SUPPLIES, ISA ON, LARI), FLOUR, AC. Come and -ee n-\ and we will sell you Goods, as cheap as the cheapest—For Cash Only. 24tf Cl, S3. SVVDIIRS.& CSEkO. vV. C. COURTKEY.fe GO., F A C T 0 R S AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 9, Boyce’s Wharf, Charleston, S. C. W. C, OOUUTXEV, aOCT. MURDOCK, JAS. S. MtIIDOCK 43tl b |)T II.LIAM SIbVFRBFRG, Wh.Ysa'e and V V Retail Dealer in DIIY G-OODB, Gents’ Bovs’ and Younts’ CuoTnixo, Boolh, Slsoett, Wats, Trucks. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, Whitehall .-treot, 2d doo" from 1. T. Banks’ --hoe Stoic.— 3m43 Atlanta, G.v. A. J. COIJEKT, J, A. MSAXEOf W. A, BfUHARDBON j Marietta Ga Mnriettn, (>«i I.ou sviHc, Ivv. ! THE mmii MARBLE WORKS, ! Are ow prepared to fill u’l Order- for Marble, nod to furnish il3o2iit“jcn!h Slabs, Tomb-i, &.c., Finlslied in th- be=t style, and at I.OwKa Pricks I than the same work done with Northern Marble. Our Marble is Equal to tlie Best American. Dealcs cm be supplied with Blocks and Duns of any dimem-ime. For any information of designs, address GEORGIA MARBI.E WORKS, Either at. Marietta, or Jasper, Pickens Cos., t-a. C. E. CLAGHORN, ) ... W. F. HERRING, A. M JACKSON', E. |[. COATES, J u * '*■ Augusta, Ga., " Chiirleston, b. C. CLAGHORN, HERRING, & GO., COTi’OS FACTORS s COMWKSSTOS MERCHANTS, Anisia, Ga,, C HaHcston, S. Philadelphia, Pa. 1 B AVIXQ recently established a BRANCH HOUSE at- CHARLESTON. S. C., wc are prepared k ■_ to offer every Oi ility for RECEIVING, FQRAV ARDING und SELLING Oottoxa micl «otiioitc* Pi’od.ucc, To either of our three houses. LHSKR.AU ADVANCES made on*Consignments to cither house; also, to our friends, Messrs. 110 ITT LOCK 11 ART & DF.MPSTKI!, Liverpool, England,—4m 13 B . TP . W Y L Y, Successor to AVYLY A CARROLL, WHOLES ALE GROCER & PRODUCE MERCHANT, AVliitcliiiil Street, Atlanta, Ga. KEEP constantly on hand a large and well assorted Mock of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, Produce aud Provisions. Now in Store, 3000 Bushels Choice Upper Georgia, and Tennessee WHEAT, unmixed, and suitable or SEED. Prompt personal attention given to orders. 3m43 B. F. W YLY, Late Wyly i Carroll. W. 11. WARREN. Col. A. J. LANE, llauc >ek, Cos., JNO. W. WALLACE AVAEREN, LY ME, <& CO., COTTON FACTORS, WAREHOUSE, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 155 Rfynolds Street, ,4ngusta i Ga. HAVING the very best facilities for the STORAG E and SALE of COTTON and other Produce wc offer our services to the public, with the assurance that our best attention will beg iven to all consignments entrusted to us. _ Ca.-h advances will be made on ship neats to Liverpool, New York, Boston, Philadelphia and We are agents for tlio celebrate! “KET L’LK\Y ELL’S MANIPULATED GUANO,” ODER’S AM MOM AT ED ALKA LIN E PHOSPHATE, and tho ARROW TIE for Baling Cotton. Prompt attention given to orders. Commissions for selling Cotton lj per cent—3ui43 JOSIAII SIBLEY, SAM’L 11. SIBLEY, GEO. R. SIBLEY ,J. SIB L BY & SON S, WAREHOUSE &3iß OOiVItViISSiOA MLRf HASTS, 157 REYNOLD!* STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. SOLICIT Consignments of Cotton, and other Staple Produce. Their Commissions for selling COTTON, will he ONE AND A QUARTER PER CENT. ONLY. They are at all times prepared to make Libp.kal Cash Advancks on COTTON stared with or in transit to themselves, and oil shipments to their friends in Liverpool, England, New York, Philadelphia, Btstun, BaltLrnore, and Providence. Ffiict PERSONAL ATTENTION will be given to all business entrusted to them, —4mt i B . HERMANN, |)««t,r in Fine WATCHES, CLOCKS, & JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, d-C., Silver unit Fluted M ure, and Fniu-y Geods, Gold Fens, Spectacles, A-.;., Invites hi- friends and patrons, and the pub lie irei erally to c.dl and examine his utock. *flood- Exchanged for Old Silver. All (:i mis Warranted as Represented. Watvhes, Clocks, and Jewelry, REPAIRED in tlie lies' Manner, and Wari anted, C rnvr m Marietta and Whitehall streets, (Old Not-eross Corner,) 22" m ATLANTA, GA yy M . r» O L L M A N, DEALKR IN — WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY (I 0L I) VISN S , •, Sc 0., Whitehall Street, 2d Door above M. I.\ neli A Co’s Book Store, near R. U. Cro>sing, A tl it Tit a Georgia Ri-pnii inp done in good style and 5\ arranted 3m 41 J . IZ.CULLATT, IKON & BRASS FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOE, ATLANTA,.. GEORGIA REPA I R S Saw Kills- Grist Mills, and Cotton Gins BOILERS MADE AND REPAIRED. ■ Smoke Slacks and all oilier Sheet-iron and Blacksmith Work executed. Will fill all orders for touise. Stcaiu, ami Water t oeks’ I Also Manufacturer of a superior Article of ANTI-F! IICTION METAL Shop opposite Georgia li. It, Shop,—Gml4 «s: 'S’ TIS K 61 ES T. Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary. 10,000 ’Words and mMtiings not. in other Dictionaries. Superior in most Etsrr Ri\s, respects to any otli //YiI.NAB RIDQ p, \ , r English Diction , _ ; f}T" I OHA v v arv known to me. /I) Is 1 o Pp! p,A,.,ik V*V, lion. Geo. P. Marsh v r 3r,:.a ekcsavixcs: JJ Tub New Webstkb 1 ' TBAcr. paict,i; _lisgl ori o u s—it is ■ vA, A vvtusTtn’s ■ V7| perfeot-itdisiances \ DICTIONA-RY f / tion-it leaves noth V I 0 -LO pp. Octavo i ni r to be desired. VMM/’ j u Raymond,l,L. J). President Vas sal- College. 1 The work Done which none who reau or write j can firieitrd rhspentt with.—Atlantic Monthly. In in my r spects the greatest addition to tlie - .lii 1 -logy of the present age which lias appeared : within half a century. — Apjdeton't Encyclopaedia. All young persons should have a standard Die lionary at their Ctbows. And while you are about it. out tub 0.-81- ; that D.ctijiiary is No.ui Wenvru’s —the great work Unabridged. H i you are too poor, save the amount tmin oil your back to put it into your head — l‘hrc. Journal it. is the nmst. complete and comprehensive i lexicon ever issued from the press. — Cl- Indep t. Young man, if you already have a bibb-, buy Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary next.— Uh Sun Webster’s Rational Pictorial Dictionary. The work is really agent of a Dictionary, just lire tiling for the million Am Ed. Monthly Publish and by ts. & C. MKRitIAM, Springfield, Mass. Bold by all Booksellers. C. . COHEN, Successor to J. E. Mumibk, rCnmvec! to 142 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Well Repaired and at short notice. Clocks, Watches, Cutlery, Pistols, Fancy Goods, etc., Gilding and Plating, at low prices. All kinds of CAMPAIGN BADGES on hand, and Engraving done to older.—3inlo I). F. FI. I 1 MI NO, SAM’L A. NEI.SOS, JAMES M. WILSON D. F. F L E M I NC, & CO. —Wholesale Dialers in— Boots, Shoes, and Trunks, No. 2, llayue Street, corner Church, 3m12 Chabi.ksto.v, S. C. 1 M. BURDELL, (of late firm of W • l’hiuizy A Ca.,) Cotton Factor & Commission Merchant, No, 6 Wnrren Block, Jackson street, (Close Storage.) AUGUSTA, GA. Will continue the business in all its branches, nt tlie above Ware House, and would solicit a shnrogof the libernl patronage extended to the late firm. Commission for selling Cotton 1 } per cent. Insurance on Cotton, (when desired) J per cent, per mouth less than other Warehouses 6in3t). S. D. LINTON 1c CO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jackson street, Augusta. Ga. Will give their prompt personal Attention to the Sale of all Produce Consigned to their care. Commissions charged will be One and a Quarter per Cent. £ Solicited.—2m4o S. D. Linton, Jt. L. Gentry, Geo. K. Moose. HORTON Sc WALTON, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Wholesale Dealers in S T A I* L II G R O C Id U 1 E S. 3,000 Sacks Liverpool SALT, arriving by Boats, fur sale from Wharf or Store. Our usual supply of SUQA It, COFFEE, MOLASSES, BAG IN G, ROPE, NAILS, SOAP, CANDLES, Ac. At Lowest Market Rates. Prompt and careful attention iven to orders, and Quick Returns of Sales. Im4o 302 Broad street, A (Jcsta, Ga. JENNI fJCS&SM ITH, COTTON F A C T OHS —AND— GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No 0, Mclntosh street, Augusta Ga. Commission for Selling Cotton $1 00 per Bale, T. J. Jennings, 2m41 J. T. Smith. NEW SPRING GOODS! I have received a tine assortment of NEW SPRING PRINTS, GINGHAMS, ROB ROY, for Balmorals, PARASOLS, Ac These goods were bought before the recent advance in prices, and will be sold LOW. 11. L. A. BALK, 1y2.49 !72 Lroad street, Augusta, G.v. T. MARK WALTER, MARBLE WORKS, Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. MARBLE MONUMENTS, Tomb Stones, Marble Mantles, and Furniture Marble OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, From the Plainest to the most ed and furnished to order at short notice. |QP All work forthe country carefully boxed decl4-3-5-ly. RUSSELL & POTTER, C O T T 0 N COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Augusta, Georgia, —Corner Reynolds and Mclntosh Streets.— Will give their attention to the Kale and Storage of Cotton. consigned to them, and to Shipments to Northern and European Markets, Liberal Advances Made on Consignments. 11. F, Eusski.l. 6m40 Rout, W. Pottbr J. J. Plaicb. Ciias. A. Pbaucb. J. J. PEARCE & SOU, COTTON FACTORS, Commission Merchants, Jackson Street, Augusta, Ga. Store and Slell Cotton and Other Produce CASH ADVANCES. Bagging, Rope and Family Supplies furnished as usual.—fir.ilO ISAAC T. HEARD, & CO„ Warehouse and Commission Merchants, Otliee corner Reynolds and Mclntosh streets, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Occupy that 1 irire Fire Proof Warehouse, on Mclntosh street, formerly occupied by Messrs. Bustia & Walker, and more recently by Messrs. J, B. Walker it Sous. Also Agents for the Celebrated Gullett Patent Improved Steel Brush COTTON G-IKTS. The above GIN is superior lo any ever used in this country, lias taken many premiums at. Agricultural Fairs in the Stales of Alabama Mississippi, and Louisiana. In it great advantages are gained, both in quantity and quality of staple celaned, bringing in price at least one cent per pound more than cotton ginned on the best gii sos our country. M e have on hand pamphlets showing tlie merits of this GIN, and giving certificates from many of the largest Planters and Cotton Factors in the South, which we will furnish to any planter who desires'to purchase, l'lie GULLE lT GIN can he seen at ®ur office corner Reynolds and Mclntosh streets. ISAAC T. HEARD .j- CO , Bm4o Cotton Factors, Agents. THE PREMIUM WATER DRAWER. MAJ. M, li, MARKS of Georgia, has pur chased the right for this most valuable ' Labor Saving Machine. The best Machine foi j drawing water from an ordinary well, with Rope and Windlass. Simple, durable, and cheap ! —any child of six years can draw it. it emp ties itself by tilting, and can be applied to any t well. We take pleasure in recommending it to (he public. He has County and State Rights for j sale, and any business man can certainly make I money out of it. Address 3m43 Maj. M. R. MARKS, Atlanta, Ga. 1 MOLASSES! MOLASSES!! I'OUR Illnls FINE NEW ORLEANS MO- I' lasses, for sale at 70 cents per Gallon, by C. H. SANDERS A IJRO. Covington, May 22. BACON! BACON! SEVEN Hhds BACON Just Received, and for sale at lowest prices, by (’. H. SANDERS it BRO. Covinton, May 22. Newton Legal Advertisements. \PPLIOATIO » will I r in , I.- ir, ihe Court of Ordinary of Newton county, Georgia, at the first regular term, after the expiration of two months from tlie date of this notice, for leave to sell the Inn is belonging to the estate of l’ressley Jones, late of said county, deceased, for tlie benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased, ELEANOR JONES, Administratrix of Pressley Joner. Sept. 18, 1808 Executor’s Sale. Ylf ILL be sold before the Court House door V T iii tlie city ot Covington, Newton county, Ga., on tlie first Tuesday in November next, within tlie legal hours of sale, the land belong.’ ing to the estate of Samuel Whitehead, late of said county, deceased, containing one hundred and seventy five acres, move or less, 20 or 30 acres of which i- woodland, and 15 to 20 acres good bottom land in cultivation, an t well wa ter, d—lying on Bear Cr. ek. The said land being tlie east end of the plantation upon which said Samuel W hitehcad lived, adjoining lands of Thomas Duke, James Harwell, Flemister, and others. Terms Gash. W. J. SUE A IRS, P. M. WHITEHEAD, Sept, 11, 1808. Executors Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL Persons indebted to tlie estate of Daniel ii Scott, deceased, late of Newton Cos, Ga., are hereby notified to come forward and settle, and those having demands present them in terms of the law. JOHN L. SCOTT, Sept. 11, 1808. Adm’r. GEORGIA, Newton Comity. \yHKREAS, Alfred 11. Zaelny lias applied to ’ V me lor Letters of Administration on tlie estate of Caroline Read, deceased, late of said con n ty. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, if any they haie, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature. Sept. 4. 1808. J. W. B. SUMMERS, Ord’y GEORGIA, Newton County. W’ M. Y. HARRIS, Administrator de- bonis non, with tlie will annexed, of the estate of David Harris, late of said county, deceased, having applied to the court of Ordinary of said county, for leave to sell the land belonging to said estate, for the benefit of the heirs and cred tiors of said deceased. All persons concerned are notified to file their objections, if any they have, within two months from the fitst publication of this notice, else leave will bo granted for the sale of said real estate. Given under mv hand and official signature, August 21st, 1808. J. W. B. SUMMERS, Ord’y. Notice to Oeblors and Creditor!*. A LL p.-rsou indebted to the estate of Miss a\. Fannie L. Gralia o, deceased, late of Newton Cos., Ga., are requested to come forward and settle, and those having demands present them in terms of he law. HENRY L. GRAVES, Aug. 14, 1808. Administrator. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. A LL PERSONS indebted to the estate of R. iV G. Harper, dcc’d, late of Newton Cos., Ga., and those having demands against said estate, are hereby notified to call at the office of A. B. Simms, Esq., and make immediate settlement, in terms of the law. SARAH M. HARPER, Aug. 21, 1808. Administratrix. GEORGIA, Newtou Conuty. I FRANCES KENNON, Administratrix of the estate of Meriwether L. Kennon, late of said countv, deceased, having applied to the oourt of Ordinary of said county, for Lave to sell the land belonging to said estate, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. All persons concerned, are notified tojfile then objections, if any they have, within two months from the first publication of this notion, else leave will be granted for the sale of said real estate. Given under my hand and official signature August 21 1868. J. W, 14. SUMMERS, Ord’v Jasper Legal Advertisements. GEORGIA, Jasper County. ATT HERE AS, Matthew W. Spearman, makes » V application for Letters of Administration on tho estate of Gabriel TANARUS, Spearman, late of said county, deceased. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to show cause, if any they have, on or before the first Monday in Novem ber next, wliy said letters shall uot issue to said applicant. Given under my hand anil official signature, this 18th day of Sept. 1808. M. 11. HUTCHISON, Ord’y Postponed Jasper Sheriff’s Sale. ~V\J 111, be sold before the Court House door » * in the town of Montiecllo, Jasper County, Ga., within the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in October next, a tract of land con taining one hundred and eighty acres, more or less, be : ng a part of what is known as the Stringfellow lot, and part of the Whittaker lot, adjoining the lands of Wm. F. Jordan, and John It Greer. Number not known. Levied on as the property of Wm. F. Jordan, to satisfy the costs on sundry fi fa’s in my hands, issued from tho Superior and County Courts, in favor of John D. Butts & Bro’s, It. J, Brown, and others, vs, Wm. F. Jordan. Prop rty pointed out by the defendant. AI.SO at the same time and place wi lbe sold forty-five acres of land, more or less, in Asper county, adjoining lands of Hiram Brooks, and John E. Grover’s plaee, in the west corner of lot No. 160, in the 13th district, levied on as the property of Nancy Wilson, to satisfy afi fa. in favor of Hiram Brooks, issued from the County Court, and to satisfy tho cost on a fi. fa, issued from the Superior Court in favor of Burton 1., »ud Shadraek J. MoMichael, Administrators, vs. Nancy Wilson, and Elbert W, liayas. Property pointed out by Hiram Brooks. ALSO at the same time and place will be sold a lot in the village of Hillsborough, containing throe fourths of an acre of land, whereon the old Grocery house formerly stood, and known ns the Holscrnhsck lot, adjoining lots of C. K. Goolsby, and Cardin Goolsby, to satisfy a Tax li fa, issued by N. O. Alexander, Tax collector for Jasper couuty, for the year 1800, vs, Mar shall llolsemback, and the cost on a fi fa, in favor of P. Dossetf, vs. Marshall llolsemback. Property pointed out by P. IJossett. ALSO at til? same and place, will be sold thirty-five bushels of Corn more or less. Levied on by a warrant issued bv John W. Burney, Judge of the Couuty Court, to satisfy the cost iu the ease of the State, vs. Green Pearson. Levied on as the property of Green Pearson, Sept. 4, 1808. B. T DIGBY, Sheriff.