The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, September 25, 1868, Image 4

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From the Atlanta Daily Constitution. [TUt following Campaign Song, written by our talented young friend, Col. T. Y. Ola kkk, flashes with the soul of poetry and the spirit of patriot ism : The l*cople’s War Cry. Air —“ Bonnie Blue Flag.” A Campaign Song, written oxpre?ly for the "and Ward Democratic Club, of Atlanta, by Col. E. V- Clarke, and printed by order of the Club. Along.the dark horizon see The gathering of the storm — The enemies of liberty In frightful phalanx form ! FJy, Freedom, fly on lightning wing, And shriek the wild alarm ; “ The foe ! the foe! up, freemen, spring, Your country bids you arm !” Chohits. Huzzah, huzzah, for Seymour and for Blair, They ure the nation’s only hope, reign either peace or war ; Huzzah, huzzah, we’ll shout it far and near, And make tho hills and valleys ring with Sey mour and with Blair. Ho! freemen from the mountain heights, And from the distant plains, Are rushing to maintain their rights, And break the tyrant’s chains. The flag of freedom to the sky They fling with deafening cheer; The rallying millions swell the cry For Seymour and for Blair. The earth is trembling with the tread Os freedom’s mighty host, Their tramp shall wake the glorious dead, Os liberty the boast. Where’er the battle’s waged for right, And freedom’s banners wave, Our dead shall mingle in the fight, And cheer and free the brave. Ye traitors to your native heath, Ye craven-hearted few! Beware 1 Upon the battle’s breath Grim vengeance pants for you. A ghastly Shape upon your hearth Shall crouch—undying Shame ; Repent! Escape a people’s wrath, Ere children curse your name. Hark! Hark! That rumbling sonnd grows nigh ; How grandly does it swell 1 It rolls along the earth and sky ; Yc tyrants mark it well! It is the nation’s wild acclaim, Hear it, ye traitor bands ! , “ The Constitution as it came From our forefather*’ hands.” “What! Irelands here? and Hayti’s here ? No! first., our gory graves ; By Freedom and by Trulh wc swear, No white men shall be slaves, Os Freedom’s land and Washington No serf shall breathe the air ; Your lawless work shall be undone— Hear, perjured miscrcats, hear !” The anthem swells—from shore to shore, From mountain to the sea ; 801 l up, roll on, forevermore, Thou Chorus of the free ! “ Rich and poor, and great and small, Within fair Freedom's gates, One currency, one law for all, Equality of the States. More terrible than Sina’s flash, The nation’s ire inflame And louder than a thunder crash, The people’s rights proclaim. Behold! They crush beneath their feet The oppressor and his rod ; The satrap and the bayonet Shall rule no more, thank God 1 The House that Jack Built. TIIE WHITE HOUSE. This is the House that Jack built. PRESIDENCY. This is the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. REPUBLICANISM. This is tho rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. JOHNSON. This is tho cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. IMPEACHMENT. This is the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. BUTLER. This is the cotv with crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. GRANT. This is tho maiden all forlorn who milked the cow with crumpled horn that tossed tho dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. COLFAX. This is the man all tattered and torn who married the maiden all forlorn that milked the cow with crumpled horn that tossed the dog that worried the cat that killed the rat that ato the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. CHICAGO CONVENTION. This is the priest all shaven and shorn who married the man all tattered and torn unto the maiden all forlorn who milked the cow with crumpled horn that tossed the dog that wor ried the cat that killed the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built. DEMOCRACY. This is the cock that crowed in the morn when the priest all shaven and shorn married the man all tattered and torn unto the maiden all forlorn who milked the cow with crumpled horn that tossed the deg that worried the cat that killed the rat that ate tho malt that lay in the house that Jack built. Governor Seymour says that the working ruen should be allowed to protect themselves, and have a voice in the regulations by which they are governed. Four years ago he assert ed that the labor question had been carefully considercd by him, and when the Radicals in York undertook to pass a law forbidding the formation of protective unions, Governor Soy moor opposed it in the most emphatic language. His letter written at that time, has been completely verified. On the other hand, General Grant, when appealed to on this question, replies. “I have no policy.” DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. The following is the platform adopted by tho National Democratic Convention at New York :- Tlio National Democratic party, in National Convention assembled, reposing its trust in the intelligence, patriotism and discriminating justice of the people, standing upon the Con stitution as the foundation and limitation of the powers of the Government and the guar antee of the liberties of the citizen, and recog nizing tho question of slavery and secession as having linen settled for all time to come by the war or the voluntary action of the South ern States in Constitutional Conventions as sembled, and never to bo renewed or re-agita ted, do, witli tho return of pence, demand— -Ist. The immediate restoration of all the States to their rights in the Union under tho Constitution, and of civil government to the American people. 2d. Amnesty for all past political offenses, and the regulation of the elective franchise in tho State a by the citizens, and the payment of the public debt of tho United States as rapidly as practicable. lid. All money draw r n from tho people by taxation, except so much as is requisite for the necessities of the Government eepnomi cally administered, to be honestly applied to such payment, and, where the obligations of the Government do not expressly state upon their faec, or the law under which they were issued does not provide that they shall be paid in coin, they ought in right and justice to be paid in the lawful money of the United States. (Thunders of applause.) 4th. Equal taxation of every species of property, according to its real value, including Government bonds and other public securities. | Renewed cheering, and erics of “Read it again.”] sth. One currency for the Government and the people, the laborer and the office holder, the pensioner and the soldier, the producer and the bondholder. [Great cheering, and erics of “Read it again.”] The fifth resolution was again read and again cheered. 6th. Economy in the administration of the governradnt; the reduction of the standing army and navy ; the abolishmentof the Freed men’s Bureau, [great cheers] and all political instrumentalities designed to secure negro supremacy; the simplification of the system and discontinuance of the inquisitorial boards of assessing and collecting internal revenue, so that the burden of taxation may be equal ized and lessened, tho credit of the Government and the currency made good, the repeal of all enactments for enrolling the State militia into national forces in time ofpcace, and a tariff for revenue upon foreign imports, and such equal taxation under the internal revenue laws as will afford incidental protection to domestic manufacturers, and ns will, without impairing tho revenue, imposo the least burden upon and best promote and encourage the great indus trial interests of the country. 7th. The reform of abuses in tho adminis tration, tho expulsion of corrupt men from office, the abrogation of useless offices, tho restoration of rightful authority to and tho independence of the Executive and Judicial Departments of the Government, the subordi nation of the military to the civil power, to the end that the usurpations of Congress and the despotism of the sword may cease. Nth, Equal rights and protection for natu ralized and native-born citizens at home and abroad. The assertion of American national ity, which shall command the respect of for eign powers, furnish an example and encour agement to people struggling for national in tegrity, constitutional liberty and individual rights, and tho maintainance of the rights of naturalized citizens against the obsolete doc trines of immutable allegiance, and the claim of foreign powers to punish them for alleged crime committed beyond their jurisdiction.— [Applause.] In demanding these measures and reforms we arraign the Radical party for the disregard of right, and the unparalleled oppression and tyranny which have marked its career. After the most solemn and unanimous pledge of both Houses of Congress to prose cute the war exclusively for the maintenance of the Government and the perservation of the Union under the Constitution, it has repeated ly violated that most sacred pledge under which was rallied that noble volunteer army which carried our flag to victory. Instead of restoring tho Union, it lias, so far as was in its power, dissolved it, and sub jected ten States in a time of profound peace to military despotism and negro supremacy. It has nullified the right of trial by jury. It has abolished the writ of habeas corpus— that most sacred writ of liberty. It lias overthrown the freedom of speech and of the press. It has substituted arbitrary seizures and ar rests and military trials and secret star-cham ber inquisitions for constitutional tribu nals. It has disregarded in time of peace the right of the people to be free from search and seiz ure. It has entered the post and telegraph offices, and even the private rooms of individuals, and seized their private papers and letters, without any specification or notice or affidavit, as required by the organic law. It lias converted the Ameiican Capitol into a bastilc. It lias established a system of spies and official espionage to which no constitutional monarchy of Europe would now dare to re sort. It has abolished the right of appeal in im portant constitutional questions to the supreme judicial tribunal, and threatens to curtail or destroy its original jurisdiction, which is irre vocably vested by the Constitution, while the learned Chief Justice has been subjected to great and atrocious calumnies merely because lie would not prostitute his high office to the supp’ort of the false and partisan charges pre ferred against the President. Its corruption and extravagance have ex ceeded anything known in history, and by its frauds and monopolies it has nearly doubled the burdens of debt created during the war. It has stripped the President of his constitu tional power for ths appointment even of his own cabinet. Under its repeated assaults, the pillars of the Government are rocking on their base, and, should it succeed in November next, anu inaugurate its President, we will meet as a subject and conquered people amid the ruins of liberty and the scattered fragments of the Constitution ; and wo do declare and resolve, that, ever since the people of the United States threw off all subjection to the British Crown, the privilege and trust of suffrage have belonged to tho several States, and have been granted, regulated and controlled exclusively by the political power of each State, and any attempt by Congress, on any pretext whatever, to deprive any State of this right, or interfere with this exercise, is a flagrant usurpation of power which can find no warrant in the Con stitution, and, if sanctioned by the people, will subvert our form of Government, and can only end in a single, centralized, consolidated Gov ernment, in which the separate existence of tho States will lie entirely absorbed, and an unqualified despotism be established in place of a Federal Union of equal States. That we regard the reconstruction acts of Congress, so-called, as usurpations, unconsti tutional. revolutionary and void. That our si. 1 b is and sailors, who carried the ting of our country against a most gallant and determined foe, must ever be gratefully remembered, and all the guarantees given in their favor must be faithfully carried into ex ecution. That the public lands should be distributed a- widely among the people as possible, and should be disposed of either under the pre emption or tho homestead law, and sold in reasonable quantities, and to none but actual occupants, and at inininutn prices as estab ed by the Government. When grants of pub lic lands may be deemed necessary for the en couragement of important public improve ments, the proceeds of the sales of such lands, and not the lands themselves, should be ap plied. That the President of the United States. Andrew Johnson, in exercising the power of his high office in resisting the aggressions of Congress on the constitutional rights of the States and »he people, is entitled to the grati tude of the whole American people, and on behalf of the Democratic party wc tender him our thanks for his patriotic efforts in that re gard. (Great Applause.) Upon this platform the Democratic party appeal to every patriot, including all the con servative element and all who desire to support the Constitution and restore the Union, for getting nil past difference of opinion, to unite with us in the present great struggle for the liberties of the people, and that to all such, to whatever party they may have he;etofore belonged, we extend the right hand of fellow ship, and hail all such co-operating with us as friends and brothers. at low PRICES. J’ Bought, on the Best. Terms from the best Houses in New York and Baltimore! Selected to suit the Wants of this Section. To be fouinl at the Store of B OWKER, HARRIS a CO., Covington, Georgia. Oar Stock is Lrrgo and Complete, and we fee' satisfied we can accommodate all who favor us with their patronage with as good GOODS, and At f. 3 Low Prices, s the same Goods can be bought in this section, Our Stock consists ofj ©a ¥ ©© © s , Consisting in part o t Prints, Delaines, Drench Mennoes, Alpacas Poplins Scotch Plaids, Ladies’ Cloaks, and Cloak Trimmings, Shawls Sontags Vandykes Nubias Velvet Trimmings Braids Beltings] Balmoral Skirts Bonnet Ribbons And every description of Dress Trimmings READY SVSADH CLOTHSWC And Gents’ Furnishing Goods Generally. BOOTS & SHOES, Fine Lot T---j *3? S3 Latest Styles We have on hand a full assortment of | w&mm'w mmmms; r Embracing everything usually kept, in a First Class Grocery Store. Give us a cal), ami examine our Goods, Will arter for Rags, Waste Cotton, Chickens, Eggs Butter, Corn, Bacon, Peas, Oats, and Country Produce Generally. We are agents for ANDREWS’ FERTILIZER BOWKER, HARRIS &‘ 0 O’DOWD & MDLTDERIIsT, GROCERS ADD COMMISSION MIGHTS. 283 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Have just received a large and well selected stock of Groceries, among which may be found the following: 15 Hhds Porto Pico Sugar, 60 Sacks Prime Rio Coffee, 16 “ “ Lagnayra Coffee, 10 “ “ Java “ 25 Half Chests Finest Tea, 50 Bbis Molasses, 25 '• Golden Syrup, 100 Boxes Soap, 200 Dozen Assorted Toilet Soap, 50 Boxes Bi Carb. Si da, 25 Kegs “ “ 100 Boxes Adamantine Candles, 25 Hhds Bacon Sides and Shoulders, 8 “ Tonnessee Shoulders, 10 Boxes White Bacon Sides, 10 Casks Breakfast Bacon, 10 “ Prime Hams, 500 Reams Wrapping Paper, different sizes. COME TO ATLANTA! OUR STOCK OF SPRUE AIB SUMMER BEY GOODS X s NT o w Compl ot c ! Comprising Full Lines in Every Department. \ite have a GREATER VARIETY OF GOODS than any other House in Georgia, W and Sell them at SMALL PROFITS for CASH ONLY. Carpets, Oil Cloths, Shades, Curtain Goods, and House Furnishing Goods Generally, we make a Speciality of. and Examine our Stock, No charge for Showing. CHAMBERLIN, COLE & BOYNTON, jy2 47 Corner Whitehall and Hunter streets, ATLANTA, GA. u c c e s s: \*m Because of Superior Merit! TIIE IVC3rS 1, X , 3Z!X1-Y; OB CATALYTIC IIAIH RESTORER! !S tlu- most important discovery of the ngc, astonishing all who usq it with its beautify inn effect It has excited the admiration of experi enced chemists and scientific men, who pro nounce it the perfection of a HAIR RESTORER AND BEAUTIFIERI CATALYTIC will certainly restore grey hair to its original color nnd youthful beauty, and will prevent baldness. It will cure all humors of the scalp, and thoroughly remove Dandruff, leaving tlie scalp cool, clean nnd healthy. Diy, harsh nnd wiry hail is changed by the DATA LYTIC into beautiful, smooth, glossy and silken tresses. It possesses the great virtue of being the Most Cleanly and Healthful of all HAIR RESTORERS, Being free of the disagreeable effects of Sulphur, etc. This aiticle possesses superior merits, and has gained greater celebrity North and South than any other Hair Restorer over offered to the public We would advise all who wish to preserve the ; r beauty', nnd to grow old gracefully, to use the celebrated CATALYTIC, which should be found upon (lie toilet of every Southern lady. jgjTSold by Druggists. J. S. I’IIMBERTOS & CO., Proprietors nnd Chemists. 21tf Columbus, Ga. R. R. R. It K SOLVENT. In ten minutes it can lie detect ed in the blood, etc, A wonderful remedy ! works astonishing cures in miraculous quick time. RAHWAY’S RENOVATING RESOLVENT Santapaiiiiiau Is the only part of Sarsaparilla containingmed. ical virtues, and this principle is one which en ters largely in the Resolvent. All other parts of Sar-nparilla are inert and useless. One bot tle of the Resolvent, contains mote of tile cura tive principle than ten of the large bottles of Sarsaparilla sold under that name. So quick is Radwny’s Resolvent in entering into the circulation, that it lias b .on detected in the blood and urine in ten minutes after it has been taken. Scrofula, Fever Sores, Skin Eruptions Sores, Humors in the Blood, Blotches, Pimples, Sail Rheum, Syphilis, Mercurial Sores, and all . is eases of the skin, are cured rapidly, In simple affections of the skin, a few doses are only re quired. ‘ There are none so disfigured in peisonal appearance but that this wonderful rem.-dy will restore to health and peisonal improvement.— One hottle is sufficient, to insure a fine, clear, smooth. And healthy skin and complexion. For diseases of tHe Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary Organs, it surpasses in rapidity and permanence of cure all known remedies in the world. Persons detecting brick-dust depcsited in the bottom of the vessel, or suffering witli a a scalding pain along the uretha, arid pains in the loins, small of the hack, etc., or from mic turitions in drops, should at once use the RE SOLVENT, Ts afflicted with Calculous Concretions, Stone in the Kidneys, Ureter, or Bladder, will derive immediate relief (if not active) by the Resolvent. Price $1 per bottle, or 6 for $5. Dr. RAHWAY’S Office, No. 87 Maiden-lane. Persons afflicted witli Calculous Concretions and Kidney Diseases are invited to call on Dr. Rad wav, at his office, from 1 to 2 p. m. See Dr. Railway's Almanac tor 1 SOS, now ready, aof charge.—lylO TOMMEY & STEWART 1 lEALERS Hardware, Iren & Steel Cutlery TOOLS OF ALL KINDS, HARNESS, BRIDLES, COLLARS " Leather, Buggy Materials, Ac. At the Sinn of the Mill Saw, and GameCcck Whitehall Street, : : ATLANTA. G \ jan.4e6-ly Look at This. I IIAVE Practiced Medicine for a. number ot years, and hive discovered a Complete hem edy for the cure Cancers. OKI deers, Polypus, Fistulas, &c., Also a complete cure for Dropsies. Dr. F. C FORD, 1y23 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. 20 Rids Mackerel, 40 Half Bbls Mackerel, 50 Kits Mackerel, 50 Bids Flour, 50 Dozen Brooms, 50 Dozen Painted Buckets, 20 Dozen Brass bound Buckets, 60 Dozen Seives, 25 Nests Varnished and Cedar Tubs, 40 Bbls Whisky, various grades, 16 Bbls Brandy, Gin arid Rum, 5 1-8 Casks Imported Brandy, 15 1.4 Casks Sherry, Port anil Madeira Wine, 60 Cases Porter and Ale, 80 Cases Champagne Cider, 26 Boxes Tobacco, 10 Cases Smoking Tobacco, 25 M Segars—different grades. Planters and Merchants will find it to their interest to examine our goods, all of which will be sold at the lowest market rates.— Iya2 I ATLANTA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DRY goods. E.'H MUSE keeps a tine sto-k of Dry Goods, I consisting of Mozambique*, Muslins, Hosiery, Blenched and Brown Domestic*, and Notions, which lie offers at the very lowest prices, While | lull street, 2d door from Alabama street. John M. GANNON, wholesale and retail I dealer in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, j Corner of Whitehall and Hunter street*. W. F. PECK* CO, wholesale and retail deal ers in Stapleand Fancy Dry Good- Notions,&c Railroad Block, opposite National Hotel. MOORE & MARi-UI, wliosesale dealers in Sta ple and Fancy Dry Goods, Boot?, Shots, and No tions, Decatur street. FRIEDMAN N LOVE MAN, wholesale nnd re tail dealers in Diy Goods, Notions, etc.. White hall street, 3 doors above Alabama street. STEINHEIMER BROTHERS, wholesale and retail dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats, and Notions. No. 75 Whitehall street. WM RICH A CO., wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots, Shoes, and No tions. Old I’cst Office Building, Whitehall st. W. H. BROTIIERTON, wholesale and retail dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clot hi no, Hats, Caps, Boots, and Shoes. Sells Congress Gaiters a.‘ $1.25. Corner Whitehall & Mitchell s’s M. MENICO & BRO., wholesale and retail dealers in Dry Goo Is. Clothing, Roots, Shoes, Ilais, Notions, Fancy Goods, Sic, Whitehall st. FLEISHEL & BRO., wholesale nnd retail dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry < foods, Clothing, Hoots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Whitehall street. J. L. COHEN, wholesale and relail dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots, Shoes, and Furnishing Goods. Clark’s Building. GENERAL COMMISSION JIERCIIINTS. GLENN. WRIGHT «*- CARR. Produce and Provision dealers, Agents for Dodge’s and Ave ry's Steel and Cast Iron Plows, Also, Alabama and Cherokee Lime and Hydraulic Cement. For syth street, by Railroad crossing. LANGSTON, CRANK* IIAMMACK, Dealers Provisions, Bacon, Produce, Ac., Alabama street P. P. PEASE & CO., Wholesale Grocers and Produce dealers. Special attention given to the sale of Yarns, Domestics, and Cotton. 17 Ala. st W. M. WILLIAMS & BRO., dealers in Family Groceries, Pioduce and Lime, at Old Stand, on Decatur street. JAMES B. WYLIE, Grocer and Con mission Merchant. Orders promptly attended to. Terms cash, Peachtree street. SCOTT A NORRbq Buy and sell every de scription of Merchandise on Commission, (an be found on Peachtree street. CLAYTON A ADAIR, wholesale dealers in Groceries and Produce. Also, Agents for sale of Soluble Guano, Mapes’ Superphosphate, Amer ican Co.’s Platform Scales, mill Wilder’s Patent Fire Proof Safes. Whitehall street. A. K. SEAOO. (Establish, and in 1852,) Whole sale Grocer. Also, sole agent for Upper Geor lia the sale of Chesapeake Guano, nnd dea'er in Bacon, Lard, Flour, Corn, Lime,Cement Plas ter. Grass and Clover Seed. HATS, CAPS, AND PURS. J M. 11 1 tLBROOK k.-eps a large stock of Fur, Wool and Straw Hats, of the latest styles kept in a first c'ass Hat Store, sign of the Big Hat. ChOTHUG. HERRING & LEYDEN, Manufacturer? and dealers in Youths’, Boys’, and Children’s Cloth ing. Cloths, Cassimers, &o. Whitehall str-et, near Hunt, r street, M. * J. HIRSCIT, wholesale and retail dealers in Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Ilat-s and Caps. 77 Whitehall stre-1. W. R. LOWE & GO., wholesale and retail deal ers, and manufacturers of Gent lemen s t lothillr, and Furnishing fi ooda. Wliiteha 1 street. J. MANN & CO, wholesale and retail de d.-rs in Readv Mad.- Clothing. Gents’ Funds' ing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Ac. " Whitehall street, four doors from Hunter street. Gate Ci’y Clothing Store, A. Rosenfiel I,keeps a fin- sto. k of Clothing, Furnishing Good?, Hats and Cap?, AVhitchal street. LIQUOR DEALERS. R. M. ROSE & CO., keep a heavy stock of Brandies, Wines, Whiskies, &e., Granite Block, Broad sheet L. COIIEN, importer of, and dealer in Bran dii s Wines, Whiskies, Gins, and Segars. David Main's Did Stand, Whitehall street. PAUL JONES, Jr., wholeyia’e dealer in For eign and Domestic Liquor*, No. 5, l’eaehtroc st. MILLINERY GOODS. MRS. KNOX, wholesale and retail dealer in Millifiery, Dress Trimmings, and Fancy Goods. Whitehall street, 4 doors from Alabama street. M RS. J. FRANK, Milliner and dealer in Fancy Goods, 1 .'ressTrimmings, Gloves, Ac., Deeat.ui ?t. P, O’CONNOR, keeps Millinery and Straw Goods, Bonnets, Hats, Ribbons, Feather?, and Flowers, Whitehal stre'-t. MRS. J. FRANK, wholesale and retail dealer in Millinery. Also, keeps a good selection of Hair Goods Human hair bought, and ali kinds of Ilair Work done to order, 4 doors below Uld Masonic llnil, Deoatur street. BOOKS, STATIONERY, &C. SHELDON & CONNOR, wholesale and retail dealers in Hooks, Stationery, Ac., Whitehall st. M. LYNCH & CO., de ets in Book? anil Sta tioncry. Large slock on hand, at low prices. Whitehall street, 3 doors from R, R. crossing. PHILLIP'-’' CREW, deab-rs in Books. Sta tioncry, Music, Pictures, Gold Pens, ntid the latest publications, National Hotel Bloek. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. L. H. BRADFIEI D, wholesale and retail deal er in Drugs and Medicines, anil sole agent for Dr. O. S. lYophitt’s celebrated Family Medicines. Whitehall street, (J. T. Jenkin?’ Old Maul,) J. A. TAYLOR, dealer in Drugs, Medicine*, Surgical Instruments, and sole Proprietor 1 ay lor’s Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir, at sign ol ‘'Golden Eagle,” Decatur street. SADDLES,CARRI AGES AND BUGGIES. E. ANDREWS &t 0., manufacturers and deal ers in Saddles, Harness, Buggies and Carriages.: Empire Block, Whitehall street, A. T. FINNEY manufacturer of Carriages ands Buggies, Wagons, and Harness, of every desciipi tion, Granite Block, Broad st reet. G. C. ROGERS keeps Saddles, Harness, Car? riages, Buggies, Babv Carriages, .ve., Decatur street, opposite the Passenger Depot. STOYES AND TINWARE. LANGFORD it McGRATH, dealers in Stovos, House-Furnishing Goods, manufacturers of Cop per Stills, &c., Empire Block, Whitehall street. E. E. RAWSON, successor to Richardson & Sandford, dealer in Stoves. Tin ware, Sheet Inin, Lamps, Plated ware, Ac., Whitehall street. J. W A RUCK, manufactures and keeps Stov»s, Tin Plate, and Tinners’ Findirgs, Marietta st. H. FRANKLIN, manufactures and keejps Stoves, Copper, sheet Iron, nnd Tin ware, naar Alabama street, on Whitehall street. JAMES 1). BUICE, manufactures and keops Cooking and Heating Stoves, and Tin warewf every aeeeriptioo,Peaoktree ?tnet. CROC KBIT ANI) 6LAMWARK. McBRIDE &CO., Importers of, and dealers;in Crockerv and Silver Plated Ware, corner While hall and Hunter streets. T. R. RIPLEY keeps crockery, cliiney, Okies ware and Lamps, IV hitehal street, ATLANTA BUSINESS DIRECTOR] DRY GOODS ANI) GROCERIES BOYD, WALLS & CO., dealers in Dry (j* - I Groceries, Provisions, Hardware, Leather' ■ 1 Coiner Whitehall nnd Mitchell streets ’*' ■ CAIIN BROTHERS, dealers in Family S 1 plies, Staple nnd Panov Dry Goods, and ers of German Groceries, Wines, Wi it hull Street. 1 8 ’ 4 ' j GROCE RIES. ADAIR & FRANKLIN, dealers in Grain, p. [ iluoe, Provision?; Groceries, Ae., Mitehel si rec ]'l LEAKE A SUMMONS, dealers in Groceri 1 and Provisions, Mitcliel street., near While),9 P, & G. T. DODD, (established 1853,) who] Sj sale and retail Grot-ets and Provision de a !» -1 corner Whitehall a. and Mitcliel streets. 4 McMILLAN & SNOW. Grocers, Produce an J Tobacco M.reliant*, Marietta street, 7th do'/1 from the Norcross corner. TOYS AND CONFECTIONERIES - JOHN HENDERSON keeps Fruits, ( onfe.| turneries. Toys, and Fiue Liquors, opposite tin P National Hotel. BANKER (AND BROKER * JOHN It. J\MES, Buys and sells Gold ? ni | - silver, Land Warrants, and Foreign and Doniej. 9 tic Exchange, cur. Whitehal and Ala. street?. IRON AND HARDWARE. J. M, & J C. ALEXANDER, wholesale and re | tail dealer* in Hardware. Iron, Steel, Boltin? %j Cloths, n J Mill Furnishing Goods, Whitehallsl|l AUCTION AND COMMISSION HOUSE, T. KILE, auction and commission merchant 4 (Win. Hill, auctioneer,) corner of Marietta nmj 3 Peachtree streets. I URNITU It E DR AI,EIt S. W ATKINS & CHASTAIN keep a good stod 1 of Furniture, Mat.trasses. Picture Frames, andYl Window shades, No. 4 Granite Block, Broad* j ATLANTA CIRCULATING LIBRARY 1 RFiiARR & SHEA, pro| rietors of the “c> 1 culnling Library,” receive subscriptions at »Q J cents a month. Subscribers can borrow ai,v I hook or paper from the Library. WATCH MAKER AND JEWELER. E. E EARNEST, keeps a full stock of 0 lock*, f Wntolics. Jewelry, Gold Pens, Spectacles, it, " No. 2 Umpire Block, Whitehall street. WVI BOI.LM AX, dealer in Watches, Clodn - Fine Jewelry, Gold Pens, and .'pectacles, Whitt hall street, between Railroad crossing and Alt street. B. HELM AN N k.-eps a fine stock of Diamond?, Fine Watches clocks. Jewelry, spectacles, and Fancy Goody Noic.uss corner. CIGARS AND TOR ACCO. H. MUHLENBRINK, keeps Segars and To ■ bac. o, Also, Lager Beer and Bowling Saloon, ‘a Whitehall street, below Alabama street. 1 AIRMAN & KURHT, keen Havana and 9 Domestic ri artt. sni'-kinu and chewing Tobacco, I Pipes, and snuff, Whitehal st reet, near the It. It. a eroding, and in I lie corner of R. 1!. Block. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. ' 8. S. KENDRICK, k-eps Carpets, oil Cloths, ’ Window Shades, Cornices. <fc<\, Marietta street. 3 GUMS AND PISTOLS. HEINZ it BEItKKLE keep Guns and Pistols, aid I.i-lit Hardware. They repair Fire Arms, Locks, Sewing Machine?, and Safes. Whitehall | Street, near the R R crossing, ROOTS AND SHOES. GEORGE W PR ICE keeps Bouts nnd Shoes, cn'f skin?, Kip, *d)le Leather, nod Shoe finding?. IVaebtrec s-tiect HOTELS AND RI>T A I It AVi S. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Alabama street AMERICAN HO I EL, Alabama street. EMPIRE RESTAURANT, bv Pease and hi? W ife Meal? at all hours. Separate d-partment for Ladies. Alabama street. ft M. A R. C, CLARKE, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN ENGLISH & AMERICAN m a, a n m&n Agent for Fairbank’s scales. Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, fin.” GEORGIA E. 1- EARNEST, No. 2, Empire Building, Whitehall Street,; between Mitchell and livnter, Atlanta, Georgia Kp. ps constantly on band a full and well se L-cted stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER, and SILVER PLATED WARE SPECTACLES, AC., Ladies’ Sets of Jewelry. Fine Stock of Plain and Fancy Gold Rings. Gold and Silver Thim bles. Silver Forks and Spoons. In fact any thing usually found in a first class establishment. All orders by Mail or Express, w’ll receive Prompt attention.—ly 2 50 MAdmfttOßKS AND IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY ! PORTER & BUTLER IbiovuiKTons. We are prepared to manufacture nnd repair M acliincry, Such as Portable and Stationarv Steam Engine* and Boilers. Grist and Saw Mill Machinery, Jo- House & Brown’s Horse Power, Wright’s Patent Cotton Screw, Gins, Fans, Bark Mills. Alfo> Biiill ing Front-, Iron Railings, Sugar Mills, and Boilers, Pipes, Pulleys, Car Wheels and Railroad Castings of every description. made without extra charge for patterns when in regular line of worb.^M glgySawß Re-Toothed and Gummed in the best manner. T E RMS CAS H ! Jas. II Pouter, ) Old Stand of J. L. Dunning R. 11. Butler, [ 6m2fi Atlanta, Ga DENNIS’ SARSAPARILLA. The Purest and the Best. It is Highly recommended in Georgia, ns well a? in New Yoik. Ea'onton, Ga., March 23. 1868. 1)e. Dennis—Sir: Yours is the Sabsapariil* for me, and I recommend it to all my friends- It has made a wonderful cure of a child only a few months old. It was sorely afflicted with boils and sores from the crown of its head to the sties of it? fe--t. After ustng three bottles of DEnnis’ Sarsaparilla, it is hearty nnd well. You may safely recommend it even to the most delicate infant, Yours respectfully, 2m:,8 DAVID ROSSER, For saleby Carr it Cody, Covington, Ga.,aud Dr. J. A. MeKown, Jonesboro, Ga.