The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, April 11, 1889, Image 2

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T* h © R n T p A 1* C* *- A IX) I ' iru’i. M R O '* rii It, >'•''' s W. H WVKIN - 11 %I > V - 4 1 I 8 4*1.1 I’ - '^l . - ii... THE FARMKHV \I.I.IANt I. .the Farm, r* V • ( '** r " nei iii Atlanta .m tli< At ■ • I' w '* * **ii>ii .*1 r •!'.•• - * tin;,' 1 nub 1 mectin; * t > •'-• 1 " amtt *ml Wt •*: * ' ‘ i’* f " "•• Inat. TKr VI ■ ,, i tuts ali'Mi iy ari xR.f 1 •* •>t • t-1 fMI 1 r ' ■ ' " 1 1 ‘ 1 withait tin.' fimiinl •***• the Ifll't. (u ti.H language <>f ti *:i H (' lua J. ! •• • 1 •" Hjatli anil tin* I' "" M ' • i ’ l ' ni‘t : Lv! war the w-u'i 1 ■*< ►l* 11 / in the < iv*un, m and th ’■* •> 1 “I 11 Cine to nrga /. ■ N ced baldly and ■ 1 • iu advance. tn men i • •!*<•' 1 tbe farmers by ti -n |" * m-l prope-e to li'i it d> lllkh *tely in \ seaerni. Till;* is one of the in uiiporiaut e-.uTgenei*-i the farmers t the > : . and indeed the |-e >pl- of toe S mth. bare o.oi ha Itim m! ! 1 th’ 4 j u! '* tiit'-triii*'combine -we . --(’;>• | u fill < ■ '.mr r eo r > at the uie-ev of btevW; g;*njr m-iT fhoo-■ to I! ; ‘ tl 1 1 in aitiele of prime nec- •■>!'.* mnl g l "‘ al u,e can be *iil l by a h.i.t l*:>*eii men mnl it* price t 1 t'.' limit of their rapacity, then there is no ration why ev<s*y .u ti -lo ■>: W'r ,iIT may not l* -**•• :U L 0 11 1- : 4 ' ■ i' l ’ until the people ' si-.t nly by t' >■ a nee oi their masters. I- '■ he ut. de: stood that the i *i h'iv Jo not even sugge-t in' t. e pe 'p ' will derive any benefit from tl ur course. It is si id pi v si l Kttiiiiy . measure of **\Ve propose to make the farm is pay us £3,(NKWWd ti:i* w*' for bug* •ring, in excess of wi at tl'-v p*' '* last ver.r, and we coiiid levy twits ns much if we wanted if* That is what they say. Well, we do not I'*** :-"*’- th* V l an do it next season ! Hi'", d1 it la-t yea'-, taut the people we n not "inn el. Now tliev are warfiisl f rganiz *d, and aie tearly f’> the conflict • mnl they will win ' We be re 1 :h m 'be free institutions ef this co iuti v. \Ve do not believe auv ass of the people ean be put anil hH iiu v a* -h lace to a political or nn iU V' and <n gateby. We feel Mire every ) a per in the aoutU will make i utumon cause iu this, and we shall see ii liie ami the people, einbatt t-1 a'd viuitud, cannot prevail against this danger ous niid outrajjenns oppression F.v erv resource shouiil be err remedy 11 led,cry appeal end ed, before we gnbinit to the for>e<i lew of tue rohlieis who cut into tli* poverty of our people to swell then already enormnus fortunes. Anti 1 hev call be b .tiea. I or •O* ry niong there is a remedy an 1 against i very eppiecsicu an Hilciptate and propei resistance. Only let us find the v. -y of best lesis'anee ami we shu 1 ab walk into it anil abide three, tii! tin ficht iius been vvtii; leal alirl the JM-o jde freed fiom tl is intamon-’ gang plunderers ' '•The light that is pneipitaied by the flagiuut attitude ot ti c bagging trust leaves n ) a*.teinative. Ii the-• luen, intrenched solely behind a coin mou understanding and •" big p use, can plunder tlie farmers at will, any other set of men of like rap.icily and boldness cnn do the same thing- They must be met and whip; rd o. there will be very little left tldit is worth fighting for. Lust year the merchants complain ed that the fanners held buck theii cotton because ot the baling trust, ! ami thus obstructed business. 1 his make.* the ot the merchant that of the farmer. For the farmer will, hold hack ten bales of c ttnn this 1 vear where lie held hack one year, if t.o te.ief i“ provided against the infamous trust. Let ttio met' : chants fall into line with tile, farmers in this matter, and every interest in the south stand united acaiiiM the . plunderers." The State Alliance decided to use eottoo bajjgiil'v next season, and to this the Constitution says : “Cotton hugging” is to be the watchword. “Millions I n c-'.tlot. 1 lagging not one cent for jute.” That is to be the farmeis' shibboleth in Georgia for the coming campaign. By u:i almost uutniitnous and a eery ent.huaiaslic vote the Former- Alliance of Georgia representing 80,- ,000 farmers, resolved that they would use cotton bagging for the baling of their cotton —and would u >t u-e jute under any titcuiuetanees. It i-said that three foyrlhs of ilie delegates eame from their county alliances in •tmeted to vote for cotton bagging under any and all ellcumstoncer. While tins obstructed impartial con nideratiou, it gives enthu .iasin and •artiest ness to the movement. The size of the bale w ill remain unchanged An attempt was made to reduce the bale to 250 pounds, ho tJkM lighter osuaburg would hold it, but thi Wvlli' dtn . f' li'ii • * U f, .u .p vowel have re jtti and n ciing" l ‘ f presses, emi'p: •i* ", and a •,* mnoWnt of fa i io O'tclliltei y whi ■ I toe alliiinisu -did no; think l*"st to u ol'"* t ip,., ft 'p the phi vif." bth hi anew rtyie dn < that 1 *’h ti d< eruiimul mi. At and sen it i- a il’li s!i ii t eie bit an- • is lir.v.o h *wi en t ■ la 111. -and then phllid< I'm • i I ' ’ put nil ic.i I I til Is iff thill the fa. in*: IV 1 | W 1 fin *i\e i- in m with the I ei I, if tin* *.li **l .'I mil e, v iee. We an I still* III,* some elii'l;ping Is I •*• I 1 i: 111 t in;.*;, I. t • |1 lb ie 1o:i *a i \ • ... ; kiu'f icl~ ry * Midi* .en is g- up illpill V. IMe tiuilis* Oi lba k *t* |e. du wi 1 be the out put. I'a uincliii.ery l.n- U-iui pur ali. - *,!. Vtlant t is gtiing to havu a shot ; nver m l ieml p pe luanufaetoty. llie niac iincrv i- on th road. 'I uimii \ \av tin* ami laa.i'S tirayd n lla 11 i,ioic, are the pii j-eti rs. Croupv -ulloeuii ms, uiglit coughs and all the cuiuiuup afiectimi# of th* lino.,t and ic’teved by i> J. 1! \f lee,' Tar Wine Lung Da'tu. A big frost is predicted lor tin* nrat of ,W i\ bv some of tin* many weather piophets. However, vegt* tution item] not turn pule on account of this atiiioniici nieiil. Old people sutler uiucli tr>iu dis ■ i dei so, ttm in ii ai* >. rgius. and i e always gratified *,t the woliihuful •,' feet of 1 >r. if II Mcltcati'a I.ivci m l Kidney IJalin iu bai.i king their trouble.* * 1.00 |ci Loti .c. A Sc i V ik la wye, n-iined Doo litt'** once mi wittingly (.tried ini* pa tar hip with a hi other barrister na ned Si•*■’p, and ,t 'aek of ehent- so*i became j sinful y notieeiib’c, and it , was found ;u]v saii'e to dis- 1 *** When y<*u ;ic * coiihtijmtcd, with i loss of appetite, headache, take one i f Hr J. if JJcL m's Little I.ivei : in 1 Ke.lucy Pi le s. lliev aie plea-- .-4ut to take and will cure you. 2d j edits a via!. Tin* prohibition campaign in I’tuii - sylvania i t.iu-ing some l.eiled dis cussions in th it state, and it has even * b. ongl : .!.**.. leg isluturi. : li * Hon. M . It ibius hi, to the point if cluiilciiging tli'* ifon. ?iL While to light a duel. Secatoi Vest u.i**k- that the pres cut administration will "so* n throw 'H :• 11 it sguis!* iiriil openly disregard theciii seiviee law." 'i Lis is what 15 Ss Quav vv it.ted the aibniui-t iili m to do fii/iii tlie start.. ' If yonr kidneys arc inactive, you will feci ni:(1 link wretched, even in the meat cheerful society, and me! m choly on the joi!ii*~t occasions - . I>i I H. MeLcati's Livei and Kidney Balm, vvi I s*-t you right again. SI.OO pci* bottle. , PoslniHslt-r Wanamakei iiis announced that he doesn’t want ;hc people to Tiiini** any babies for I hint. If,i any body !*(.*ii doing so? Does anybody want to load an imm I cent veiling thing down w ith such a : name is Wamunaker* ‘ Ayers Hair Vigor is a mest ex elleut pioparation for the hair. I >p,;ik of it fioni npeiienee. Itsimc ! promniCK ibe growth if new hair, | mid makes it gl* *siy ami soft. The : V'igoi i* a sine cun: for dandruff.”— : 1. \V I?men. Editor Emjuirer, Me \rthui*, Ohio. The .Little Rock Dnuociat docs j not approve of the policy of iuiport i ing into Arkansas colot.ies of negro I iahoic is from Ninth Carolina or else i where. It says Hint what Arkansas j wants is a class of energetic and in j dependent smali funnels from the : north nr west, on from Europe. Coi. S. H. Hawkins of Americas lias the sword of Ids gleat giandfath or, that he u-ed in the revolutionary under the command of Gen. Greene This antitpie piece of prop erty is prized as otic of the family in the colonel's home, and will doubt less be handed down from father to son ti 1 time is no more. Imperfect digestion and assimila tion produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and arc confirmed hy neglect, Dr. ,T. H. Me Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blond Purifier, hv its tonic proper tic, cures indigestion and gives true to .the stomach. SI.OO per bottle. A Di l IFUL H<)N Is a pleasure to any parent. He briugs joy to the home of the old people and in every way se -hs to make it cheerful and to make easy the faltering, feeble steps of age.— This son was a wise one: VinOINIA Tr.NNI-XSKK & Gooiwia. 11. R Office of Western Agent, Atlanta, Ga Gentlemen—My father, who is iti the eighty second year of Pis age. has been materially strengthened and relieved from suffering by the use of j one bottle of your Westmoreland's I Cali say a Tonic. Please forward tj his address (Jonathan Wo'sii, High Point, N. six bottles of the same, and semi bill for the amount to mo. Very respectfully, M. 51. WELSH, West, Agt. This great tonic and hlnod renova tor cun be bought frini any druggist at 50 cents and SI.OO a bottle. Sold by Lb. J A Wright. Ask For Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, awl to** aurc you Get it* w)n n you want the not hhHul-puriiier. I t 1 >eari ,l ! Et *f n • vaini *1 sue. A / •' * -1* r. i. f*’ r> j 1 *il* •• • you vmji ■ > yi J / Sarsaparilla I . . ’ * I I * .11 ■ mill r. Til* i I • \ | ,■' *' j j t . i*i -ii lilt'll it I iih, a* ijtarill* * j mi*.*!** I- • ! ng in great r , .r . m*:*. t i .an all ~e* n , :i„ . . *, ; ined. • \ Hn t %"m !’.*f * fit >t#T • mil * . r * . i i.t .* r ic-wiialc to I ,'iwt, A'' .;. t' * •• . j,,,, .'*••:■• T* 1 V ?*!<• <*f \ , a . ! I lit *.S#* <>r t -it Htaiisfac . h. ti i- .. i • t,. , t lows. •• \ s *•• S.- : Au-rn ri!U , 5 C H. ? • i. 1 ill lltV i . . i .*• >.nn if, • . ' v*t * \ . ■ \ 4 ’.‘ *,>arilla ! . !. . 1 ~* :< , * aIwH'H mo tn T. * •* -in, I>r •*, ' . I . .? for tlio ay* keep 1 . 1 f*T j in* youth* II ... . r \ . ioarilla." • • \ \ * • ? t*io lifit • , i ,tj . .i .1 have in M the i • , er tha ~**,.• l i I w t . meet the l. ■ • ■ bai o , r. ir, i. * *- ( i*. CailvuiQ. i*. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, rcr.FAE .n ly '.‘ass. .* b*; *i ‘on ... k • Worth $6 a bottlo* TO THE PEOPLEI Covington Vicinity! Do you want in artieie in your house worn many tirats its c it ? i‘h-n don't ! n:l to lecure the (iarmrnt Outer vijj!eyou have the opportunity I>t you want t make money rapi<Uy and safely? If so. the husiif Tiis Reason Why, ~'%7Z7 r JE3L 3T Z S -The National— GARMENT $ CUTTER Sa Uaivarsalty Adopted ? 1 —BccanPc ir teach' th- 1 household without complicated und ob-;cur*. lessons an art that en;; ! i* .* them to ciu nil classc garments for men, women and children includin’/ draperies and trimmings ant. doming their general makeup in the ven hi teat styles. 2. —Because it enables the ladies to weai the neatc-st garments made by their owt hands, a*’* well as making them self-reliant through life. 3. —B*cane it is ftbn dnte correct giving i fit in all cun’-s; thus sa > ing tim and wa>tc of goods which generally attend the catting ot garments 1. Because it is so simple and its con struction so plain, anyone can use it. s—Because when once instructed it be ' comeg an ia < li.-:pensible article in every j iiousehold. fi —Because in no ease where the Cutter ' has been used, has it failed to give un ! bounded satisfaction, growing in favor in ftoad of rendering it-el unpopular. 7 -Because it makes the sewing machine i a source of profit, and is worth many time? j its cost to any family. 8--Because, in short, it is the ne plus ultra of .ail systems of cutting, and nevei fails to please wherever introduced. 9 Because agents, both ladies and gen demon, can make money fast and easy teaching it. 10. B* we have the whole civilized world to operate in, and can give and will givi* agen(a the greatest opportunity to make money fast and easy ever offered. Instruction Room in | Henderson's Building, North-east corner of Public Square. Oxford, Ga., Jan. 28, 188.). Mr. Henry G.ahn . —After seven vears experience in dress making and having used and examined several dif ferent systems for cutting clothing, I feel free to recommend the National Garment Cutter as the superior of any system now in use. Respectfully, MATTIE HYATT. Coyixgton, Ga., Jan. Ist, ISBB. National Garment ('utter Cos: Gentlemen: —Over two years ago 1 t purchased in Greedy, Colorado, the ! National Garment Cutter and can | conscientiously recommend the sys tem to every lady having cutting to :do for herself or others. Jsi fact it is I impossible to say too much in its i praise. It should be in every family !us it tarts perfectly for men, women : and children. Very Respectfully, Mrs. Fannie C. Boye. Bowling Grcen, Kv., March 22. Messrs. Goldslicrry, Doran A Nelson: After testing the National Garment i Cutter I feel free to recommend it to ■all whom it may concern. And lia've i concluded it is just what I need. The | styles and fits are perfect Yntiis Truly, Mas. Caukie Tayi,or. Dressmaker. Remember that 3 W is guaranteed. So is Heart mid Kidney Tonic and Brain Tonic. Try them and if they do not come up to recommendation Brooks A. Ivy will refuud the money. <!)!> \ KLLOW OFFIiJIR^ . 11*1 following piii'tr have been elected ti Mar Odd I'i ’lo'vj iniiii July to *it : John V n**arititf. Kohle (fraud, J W Amiermn, Vice (Tron i, U U Fowler, Beoretary, T D (i lino, lW.nuret. I niKiD.. JMUy, Wlt Pow. 4! arui John \V Foek I'm t (*r:i;is: J M Levy, P 0 ;#n (S It I'owcll and J 0 Lester MKTHODIST MIMjTi:Us Oxford District for the year ' f'Urr-dfo NV. Va. t'ovinjrton--W A Laprade, <vtord .MI f'a’ves, N’twhorn —W Jt Hranbani, Jr. StK-iai Circle It It Juhioo:.. S', tdy Dale -W A I*ark, MurtVtecdlo —OC Simmons, !at')iito:i VV it i t<t., Kat Putnam—W J’ Jiaaiilton, , VVf.wi Putman Jsio K Uo*her, ( hnton K it C'ook, Madinon VV’ I. VV’ooten, Morgan J L .Viyou, South Morgan—*l V M Motrii. t’onyer* - J L Pierce, Lithoniu -() A Thrower, Decatur and Clarkrton—L OJcliuson, Decatur circuit - W A Fanis, | Hebrew Mi.*v*<iumm J McGatli, Kmory College—VV A Candler, M Calla “ way ami J $ Moore. Financial Secretary —J VV Robert*. SHERIFF SALES. W'ill be'l before the Court House door la tl, city of Covington, Newton county, within tbc legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in May next. IBM), the follow ing property 10-wit : Two Hundred Acres of land, more or leas, known as the Simpson place, an I bounded by lauds of Ulin Pitts, Joseph Henderson, and iabaci Kelly's estate, the place deeded from Hugh White to E <* Dailey, being the place whereon the defen dant now resides. Levied on ss the prop erty of E U Daily to satisfy six ti fa s is sued fr un a Justice court and now owned •and controlled by \V P Wallace, three being in favor of Clark, Rosser A Cos., vs. K ti Bailey and C A Bailey, tw o in favor of I) A l hompson vs E G and C A Bailey, and .me ti fa in favor of Thompson Bros. vs. K. G. and C. A. IJailev. all levied cm ns the property ot E 0 Bailee to satisfy the six li fas in favor ct W. R Wallace vs. E tl. Bailey. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's attorney. Written notice given as requir 'd by law This April 2, Ifcßlt. H B. ANDERSON. Sheriff. Letters of Administration GEORG! V. Newton County. I’m ,\i| Whom i’ may I ’oiicern : It appe.irlni? to the Court that Harah A. Foster, ate of said otmnty. tieec.ised. died intestate, tod itr* one appearing to qualify as Adniinisira tor on lier ustaic. this is to cite all and singular. *.he credit ore s.:A nest of kin of Sarah A. Foster. ” be amijippear :it my office, within the time ill* *.* wed by law . and show cause, if any they ear, why permanent Utters of Administration -iinuM -or be granted u* John B Davis, clerk of superior court of said county, or to some other per or. on Siruh A. Foater’s estate Witness my hand an 1 official sigratnre, thia Ist day of Aj^rll. JAMES H BELCHER. Ordlrary. S W HAWKINS, HEAL ESTATE AGENT, Successor lo Simms & Go, Let me advertise and sell your real estate, residences, lots,etc. No sale no pay. It we build up our waste pla ces we must go to work and get more capital to settle here. No matter what you have to sell, it should he advertised. Give me a trial. S W HAWKINS. FOUTZ’S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS V'^rTiTr’j So will dip of Colic. Rot* or Lora F tkf. ;i KonWs Powders sre used In time. hciitr's Pow l*rs will run* nnd prevent Hoo CBOt.*lta. Fo'Uz*s I’owders will prevent GaPf.* ix Fowls. Font/.'* l’owdtws will lpTen-e t)e qnnntltr ol milk snd erestn twenty per cent., sad make tiie batter firm a:i 1 sweet I'ontz'A lewder* will rnre or prevent slirtrwt fvkut to Wlilrh horses snd a tittle arc *'ibtet J AT-T 7 * Pon rv ns will ©its satisfacito*. fcv.d cverywit* re. UAVir E. rOTJTZ. Proprietor. 3STEIN/V FURNITURE HOUSE. yr >! •!* ‘‘ire Fine Furniture enil nt the old Fnee corner fitol aeeur* iiartfaina never Nefore li* , iu , J of in rni'hile (••••*ru*.t It you arc in of* knytiiing in ili* Fur M'lnre line ffi'e me * eiill. My g<H*D arc all new, my exleiiMve. anti having ti'J uiiiu\ years I‘Xj.erienee in tlnv lit“ I am *nt ti“*l | ean j*Va**e th*' peoiilo. VV hen it comes io k* itiog h KHunJar'l VVngou or fine Bnjfify I know I cun offer exirii in ducementa to purchasers. Full and aoc me. Reipcct fully, J. S. PEEK, Coviugton Clm . Nov 22 —tf fc** For Kile by Dr. J. A. Wright. (issriia KtlolM Female COLLEGE. Primary and Intermediate De partments are now open for the reception of pupils under the Public School System of Covington.' FREE TUITION may be secured by paving Admission Fees” to Treasurer Edward Heard. Pupils within the corparate limits of Covington oO cents per month ; without the corporate limits One Dollar per month. REDUCED TUITION IN COLLEGE DEPARTMENT. paying the required "Admission Fees, ’ the Tuition in the College Classes is Reduced to one half rates —IF PAID Monthly in Advance. Freshman and Sophomore classes $2.00 per month. Junior and Senior classes, $2,50 per month. Incidental fee for remainder of Spring term SI,OO. J. T. McLaughlin, February 21, 1887 ] President. The Atlanta Jonrna! Printed Every Afternoon (Except Sunday) and Weekly. The Evening Journal, now in its sixth year, is better equipped than ever to ren der the public efficient sort ice in publishing the new> Ji , the only paper in Atlanta publi; iiiug the Unit* 1 Pro* Telegrams.— its tele graphic ami nev\s services is unsur passed, having besides United Press Dis patches, specials frsm jJI jiarts of the world fhe endorsement of the editorial course of the Journal, by the people of (•enigiu is verv and mouoplies will be continued. The special features of the Journal will embrace the be>t miscellaneous reading such as Special Articles, Serial Stories, Now York, Washington and European Let* ter--, f ashions and Political News, Sketches .J’ Leading Mon, and in fact it will be a complete family newspaper The Journal is the cheapest daily in the -hate, having the telegraphic dispatches Only $1.25 for J months. The w eekly will bo Bei.t until Jan. 1, 1890 for 50 ct? MASONIC OFFICERS. The following officers have been elected to serve Golden Fleece Masonic Lodge, of Covington, for the year 18S9 J M Levy, Worshipful Master, J G Lester, Senior Warden, J M Hearing. .Junior Warden, P H Ferguson, Senior Deacon, J S Peek, Junior Deacon, J T Corky, Sr., Treasurer, M Moss, Secretary, P F Hutchins, G D Butler, Stewards, W \V Osborn, Tyler, S W Hawkins, Chaplain p EVERGLADE SALOP JOE. W. WRIGHT, PROP’R, I 1 Door above Post Office, Covington, Ga. ——- 8?^..1 will keep in stock the finest find purest imported and domestic wines, brandies j whiskies, rum, gin, beer, champagne, etc., to be found in the markets of the world. Also, fine cigar3, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. The Everglade Saloon is elaborately and handsomely furnished, second to none in Georgia. I have separate counters, glasses and bar tenders for white and colored. The best of order maintained and all laws and regulations strictly ob served at all times, tW...Orders promptly filled and goods immediately shipped to all points of the globe, east, west, north and south. Light wines for sacramental purposes, and old liquors for medicinal purposed, which are guaranteed strictly A No. 1 Call and see me. JOE3 "W. WR-ICrllT. JORDAN & SMITH, * COTTON FACTORS, Augusta, : : : ; Georgia. B@„Mr. W. M. Jordan has been actively engaged in the Cotton Business during the past fourteen years. SST" No Storage charged on Cotton if sold within 30 days. Liberal Advances made! ou Cotton in Store. VVe GUARANTEE Satisfaction is .Every Respsct ife# F, H. McGALLA, DENTIST. iy-.?*Office *orth U .‘■t Corner of Public Square, at Dr Hi-'-iu.* old Maud, Cuviuis ton, (iu All work v‘iururUeed and prices reasonable —uo\22tf MONEY TO LCAN, D4-i)_on lin prove! l’lnntulioii Property in na -of Ji-Hiu mnl npwarils nt H per ct pa\able in in.(aim If Apply to .). G. LESTER, Attorney nt Lnw, Covington, (ll. —tjmil L A DI LSI Do Yojr Own Oyel.ig af Home, With PKKRLKSS DYES They will dye everything* They are sold everywhere Price 10c a package. 10 cuhu i They have no equal for Strength, Brightness. \ mount in Packages or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading Qualities. They do not crock or smut. For sale by Dr. J. A Wright -AND OCK CHICKENS! I*l Brahma eggs $1.50 13 Plymouth eggs SI #@uPure breed. Call at my resi dence and see these fowls, or address E. O. LEE, Covington, Gh. Brown Leghorn Chickens and Hggs ! 13 Eggs for 75 cents. Frio Chickens, 85.00. *sF*Bost layers and healthiest fowls known to tie poultry world. Call at the residence, or \vite io S. W, Hawkins, Covington, Ga. 13 Brahma eggs $1.50 IPA.'IT TJS FOR OUR PAPER AND BE HAPPY. . .Richard Simms & Cos., Teal estate agents, have elegant homes and val uable lands for sale. ir mi*' *l* lil*r >.V* ll* li.lH*\T,l.. lionßlM situ*, without iiaiin mol prh* MnwiprU on Uw iwituui, iu !(rlorß • a frauo* r *-*w m i-Lii I W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE CENTIEMEN. But In th* wi>rl <l . r.iniln* hI. iu) 4. | \|i II ANlr HKU MI OK. SS RVfeWjrK I' KXTItA V.t1.l K J AUF ktint~ eqsswaaojr- W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE L A [HE*. K*.t MnUirtnl. lt*.t Byl*. Meat 1 lttln. If tiil •■■iii yt.ur tit al* r, write 1 W. L.IWUOLU. BIIOCKTO!*. MASS FOR SALE BY J, J. DEARING, COVINGTON, GA. Georgia Railroad. Stone Mountain Route. GEORGIA EAI LEO AI) CO PAX V Office General Manager. Augusta, Ga. Si*pt. 2!iih, ISKS. Commencing Sunday, .’*oth inst., tbe lid lowing Passenger Schedule will be op erated : —FAST LINK.— No. 27 West Daily. Leave Augusta 740 a. m Arrive Washington.... 10 20 a in Leave Washington.... 720 ain Leave Athens 830 a. m Leave Covington 11 39 a. in. Arrive Atlanta 1 00 a. ra No. 28 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 2 45 p. rn Arrive Athens 7 00 p. m. Leave Athens 3 50 p. in Arrive Covington 4 00 p. in Arrive Washington.... 7 2(1 p ni Leave, Washington.... 420 pm Arrive Augusta 8 15 p m No. 1 West Daily. Leave Augusta 1(1 45 a. m. “ Macon 7 10 a. in “ Milledgeville .... 919 a. in. “ Washington ... 11 ‘2O a. iu *• Athens 8 50 a. m Arrive at Covington ... 3 53 p. in. “ “ Atlanta 545 p. in. No. 2 East Dailt. Leave Atlanta 8 00 a. in. “ Covington 943 a. in. Arrive at Athens 5 15 p. m. li “ Washington ..220 p. m “ Milledgevilla . . 4 11 p. m. “ “ Macon 600 p. m. “ “ Augusta .... 335 p. m. No. 3 West Daily. Leave Augusta 11 00 p. m. Arrive at Covington . . . . 4 39 a, m Arrive at Atlanta 6 30 a. m. No. 4 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 11 15 p. m. “ Covington 108 ,n Arrive at Augusta .... 045 !?. in ATLANTA COMMODATION. (Daily, except Sundays.) Leave Covington 5 40 a. m Arrive Atlanta 7 55 a. m Leave Atlanta 6 20. p m. Arrive Covington 8 35 p. m. ATHENS ACCOMMODATION. Leave Union Point. 5 45 a. u,. Anive at Athens 9 40 a. n Leave Athens 6 15 p. m Arrive Union Point 845 p. m. * Sundays excepted. No. 28 stops at Harlem for supper. Trains No.’s 27 and 28 will stop and receive passengers to and from the following stations only—Grove town, Harlem, Thomson, Nerwood, Barnett, Crtnvfordville, Union Point, Greensboro, Madison, Rutledge Social Circle, Covington, Conyers. Litbonia, St. Mountain & Decatur. JOHN W. GREEN, General Manager. E. R. DORSEY, General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE, Gen. Trav. Pass. Agent, Augusta, Ga. JNO.IL BAILEY. MANUFACTURER OF Fine Busts & Shoes GA.-Wl HAVING Opened my shop, upstairs in King corner building, I uni prepared to do all kind of boot and shoe work in the best stylo. All kind of repairing done at reasonable rates. Give me a trial. Respectfully, JOHN 11. BAILEY 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed securely wrapped, to any nddress in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters, agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, lyr-1 Frankmn Sqoake. N. Y XBSfc. An X mark on your pi,pi, is intended as a rerr.itifu.i that you are in arrears for subscrip tion and we would appreciate a re mittance. Settle up friends, even it you don't find an X on your paper.— CITY OFFICES MAYOR L. L, Middlebrook - COUNC IL. ' j W* Scott. 1 J. S. Carroll, 1 J. F. Henderson I T - D. G-uinn. S. J. Kelly, D. A. Tkomp soa , MAKSUALS-11. | I CI.HHK.-J. W. P c NEWTOfj County Officers ORD'NARY, James M. Belchet. CLERK SUPERIOR COU IT , 1 Jno. B. Davis. I SHERIFF, H. B. Anderson. TAX COLLECTOR, A. H. S. Davis. * TAX RECEIVER, 1 J. W. Stephenson, p TREASURER, ‘ Jno. F. Henderson and r SURVEYOR, J* M* Geiger. and CORONER, W. S. Nolen. \ ■ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, I Be?-Monthly me* ting on 3 and M T C Swann. Chairmal J. W. Sock well. 8 W. C. Clark. ] S. M. Sullivan. f J. L. Hays. Legal Warning. All persons are hereby,J to hunt with dog or gun or oik wise, or to pass through in vehiii on horse or foot, or in any man* whatever to trespass upon ouriiti: or enter any of our buildings or ku in Newton county, without our ;cl mission. Persons disiegardirc J notice will lie i r J.ecuted to tb:J extent of the iaw. Frick Co.—per C. A. WmuVß Gaviiigton & Oxford Streetil? Covington, Ga., July 23, The following Schedule will he run 1 the (kjvitgU* iV Oxford Street iiai:- until further notice : TIMETaIjUv— Leave Pitts’ House, j Leave Depot ii 5.15 r m i 545 a m 9.10 a m | 9.45 a m 11 10 a m 11.40 a fn 12.00. in l.Ofi p m o 30 p m 4 00 p m 5.00 p m 5 30 p m 6.10 p m 6.30 p u> 8.10 p m 8.35 p ra SUNDAY SCHEDULE:— 10.15 a m j 10.45 a m 7.15 p in j 7.45 p in fo** Tn addition to the above the CIO meet all regular passenger trains on * day, besides carrying tiie people alojn*’ line home after church, morning and i *' and will also bring and return the fit - of Midway and others who desire tea"' service held in town during the week : or night. Orders for special cur nnj left with the Secretary. W. C CLARK, Preside J G LESTER. Secretary. Ilv fffTlng-touetoa*',) rtrenetherirfrl':'' ’■' Sy,t.-iii Anti building u.i lim rt-tipn.: I.— IXI3IAIV WGUU, ■ eorreclc all irregnlarlttrs and annorta Y ; - I from which ■ onmiiv H.llri pnflnr. its!"- w*.k. del, tilt n ted ,v.up, <i he, 11 h n,:d p'r j make, rheerful Ilie u.-epotiilent. 'i'MTi-’.' 1 flilrlt,. In rUonee I'fliu n . li.d, she'' 1 l " , '‘ but INDIAN WEED, itii Sofcotld : Ask your Druggist. I l or Stile by Brooks A Ivy, Covington injury, rcinc '-'•Tclit-A J ' jes, Liver pies, Black-Heads, SunbßjßJ Tan, A few applications will most stubbornly rod skin sofi, white. Viola Croam is not iP* J powder tocoverdefec s, hut a rcm‘v It is superior to all other P re P 3ratl j"j,d is guaranteed to give satisfaction. * . j gists or mailed fur 50 cents. I’ re PV,A G. C. BITTNER & c TOI.BDO. OHIO. Sold by Brooks & Ivy, Covini, ,tor ADVERTISER^ can learn the exact C ° 5 J of any proposed l> ne 0 advertising in Amerf pacers by Geo. P. Rowell &S."I New-power Ad^ JO Spruoo S*uN ' ioow. re to9-r*e