The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, May 02, 1889, Image 2

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The Enterprise. 2— PUBUHHED \\EKKLY - - Tmchahav Mowing M*v *2, IS*' 1 —S \v. HAWK INI i ONLY *1 IN' CLUBS OF FIVE. A OKFh.V-K (*r Tno Chicago Inter Ocean urge* that atq # b 9 tftl co to prevent the wanton Ir*truction of Jogs. It hold* do Cj* dog * being toar.'t be*t friend aud ure that the waifere agaiuei dog* iw due to popular ignoiance and auperatit inn. “Any unfortunate canine ouffeniig from aatrerae heat, or a disordered atomach, or any of ik thooaaad nt •ral ilia to ghtch flesh U heir,' it aaya “ia viewed with suspicion that rapidly waxr. into terror, and the cry of “mad dog' ia idiotically rs;*ed mfni.l feign, pursuit is begun, aud (ha wretched, ailing animal bur riad and tortured into a i Linus fjren ay that may end in his biting horm one of the unreasoning race L finds has suddenly become his persecutor.-, and iiren. of comae, nothing but hi* death will adjust the disturbed bal ance of emotions.” tVe have do sympathy with our contemporary in iU deft-n-e of dogs. True, the decent, respectable, stay at-home dog is entit’ed to some con aideration, and he nearly always get* Jije full due. But the tramp dog, worthless cur and the sheep Kill ing dog has no just cairn upon the public A genuine case of rubhie-, a the Inter Ocean say*, may be us rare • heu’s teeth, but this fact does not alter our views as to the classes of dog* mentioned. Let the war agakst di gs go on Down here in Georgia we w- talking about geUing the Legislature to pa a dog law. A wise dog law would be a goed thing. It would effect on ly the meaner class of dog- and none Aave the disreputable would goffer under its operation. Columbus En quirer Bun. THE OKLAHOMA MIRAGE The rush for Oklahoma us one of ibe oust unreasoning movements (hat have ever been starlt-il iu the West. The land there is only fair far farming pui poses ; there gie few tipobered tract*, and while there is: plenty of water all over the district, much of it is bail and almost unfit for use. Jake it all in all, the op portunities for locating valuable farms are not half as good oh have besn offered in some of the Western Territories in the last ten years. There is nothing it range iu the rush for newly discovered gold fields; for if the prises are few, they are rich enough to blind the prospectors to the privation and sufferings they will have ta endure in mining camps. But Oklahoma holds out no such al Xerements. The most fortunate set tler* will only secure good farms, which cannot be made piofitable un till after months of hsrd woik and with the investment of some capita!. Their more unfortunate competitors who venture into this region without any means will be lucky to get out of the country at all. The average boomer, however is not a reasoning animal. The idea hsl become prevalent that the new Territory is h land of plenty, and his motto is, Oklahoma or burst.” It will be a case of in nine casca out of ten. Georgia has just as good farming lands and almost as cheap as Okla homa. We want no boomers on it, however, but settlers with more mon ev and fewer revolvers. THE TIME TO FlriH. Athens Chronicle: Wednesday morning we “Uncle Dave” Heiu erick on the stieet, and knowing that he is considered one of the best fisli eruen iu these parts, we asked him why it was that ho was not on the river banks, and told Inns that he was missing a splendid day He look ed us in the eye for about a minute and then said : * Well, I sec yoil don’t know much about fishing. Do you think I would be fool euough to try to fish to day?” ‘‘Why,” we said, “old fishermen have informed us that a pretty day like this, when the wind is not from the eust, was the best time for angling.” “You don't know,” said Uncle Dave, “that there is something else that has lots more to do with successful fishing than tiie wind.” “What is it?” we asked. “The moon.” We have heard of peo pie planting by the moon, but never before know that the moon had any thing to do with fishing.” “Well,” eaid Uncle Dave, as he munched a quid of tobacco, “you can fish all you want to when the moon is old, but you won't get a bite.” I the first quarter the best time for catch ing fish ?” So. To be successful try your luck from tho new moon until it 1* full. You can't catch ’em at any other time.” A Gigantic salt trust is being form ed, by which it is intended to con. trol the productions and sale of all the salt manufactured in Ameiiea. ! You cau't scatter too much lime about your premises at this season of the year There is nothing more rcefui to sanitation than lime. Editorial Notes. The total number of maimed eol diei* entil ed to pension* in Georgia this year i* about 2.500, aud the total amount of pensions will be about $160.01)0 Craupy suflcK-atioos, night coughs and all the common affections of the throat and lung* quickly relieved by Dr. J. 11. McLean's Tar Wine laing . Balm. The proulblliol: amendmeul to the cuasUlU.ioß bn* been voted on in Ma-<**cbt.aetu. The anieudmeut wioi defeated by about 40.000 votes Tlu* wih allow tue local op tion law in )lak*achu*oll* to remain in force. Old people suffer much from dis or den, of the uinaiy organs, and are always gratified at the wonderful ef fect -, of Dr. J. H McLean's Liver .uni Kidney Balm in banishing their At this season of ilie year* every city and town, North aud South, without it-gard to its health recoid, -hould uudergo a thorough cleaning, ;id be Lep>t in order until next w in ter. When you are constipated, with io-s of ap petite, headache, take iffie of Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney PillcU. They are pleas aut to take and w ill care you. ‘26 cents a vial. The City Council over at Mont goinery is condeinning old building and having them torn down. This is not a bad idea. Nearly every city in the South has buildings which are a disgrace to their towns. To make money is not the only aim of life. There are other things for which God mode us. and we should t iv and remember that we owe a du ty to mankind Coin which no true man will shrink. It suggested that the pub'ic schools of Cai tersvii.e finish the Sam Jone. Female College, and ar range to occupy that building at the opening of public schools next Sep tember. A dry, hacking cough keeps the bronchial tubes in a state of constant irritation, which, if not speedily re moved, may lead to bronchitis. No prompter remedy can lie had than Ayer s Cherry Sectoral, whjcb i* both an anodyne and expectorant. If your kidneys aie inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even iu the most cheerful (locipty, and ujelan choly on the jollieat occashms. Dr J. H. Mcljeun's Liver and Kidney Balm, will set you right again. 11.00 per bottle. Wallace I’. Heed, of the Constitu tiou’s staff has published a history of Atlanta, which is pronounced by those who have read it to be one of the bet und most comprehensive books of the kind ever scut out from the press. Imperfect digestion and assimila tion produce disordered conditions of the system which grow and are confirmed by neglect. Dr. J. H. Mc- Lean’s Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier, hy its tonic proper ties, cures indigestion and gives tone ,to the stomach, if 1.00 per bottle. The President wrote very nicely , about civil service reform in his let j ter of acceptance, and he spoke very iiic dy about it in bis ii.auguiul ad diets;, but hi-, professions in its favor are likriy to be tu&avily discounted <> long as he allows the civil service I commission to get along as best it can with only one member. The Savannah News says thoi e is no particular reason why the case of yellow fever that hai occurred at Sanford should cause alarm in Flor ida. The chances are that it is only a sporadic case. If it proves to be such, and its occurence so early in the sneius to justify the opin ion that it is, there will be no danger of an epidemic. An effort is being made among several of the young men of Cuth bert to organize a Young Men’s Christian Association. Their object is first tv i rganizs themselves, be in corporated. receive subscriptions and issue stock certificates, to arrange for an elegant suit of rooms, furnish them in the beet of style and couve uience, and to make the organization one for the good and the pleasure of its members and the community, and a permanent institution of good for the town. AN OLD BTORY. „ When a man say s lie feels drowsy in the spring, that his digestion is bad, and that he don’t fee/ well gen erully, he knows that he needs some j thing to give tone t his system, to purify his blood and put his liver in 1 proper condition to perform the du i ties of organic life. He goes to his physician with this same old story | year after year and tho physician pre scribes a tonic and alterative. The best tonic in a case like this is West j moreland’g Ctdisaya Tonic. It acts charmingly on tile liver, purifies the ! blood and strengthens the system for its daily work. This great medicine can be bought at any drug store for 50 cents and #I.OO a bottle. For sale by Dr. J. A. Waight. LET IT BE UNDERSTOOD, that it is not my intcuti >n to tell you that my Whiakey is a Bpiecitic fir Cvii-iHiiptioii, Kidney or Liver tr.iule le or any other disease. This would SSiack of ijsak and Humbugerr, wit ah no hotiornhle innii would be guilty of. 1 will, however, a**im- <"hj that if you feel the want of a stimu lant, or if your Physician advinen ivt use, there i* ul*dutcly nothing Purer in the w .rid than thy If At:; fk Whis key. Respectfully, I. W. 11, Distiller, Near New Haven, Nelson Cos., Kv. Boi.ii by li. A. jONI> A CO., ft 7 RO.ljf) Covington, Georgia. i de-ire t > slate voluntarily and for the benefit i.f the p üblic, that batiugbeonfroubiedvri.h a severe bioiicLutl difficulty and a terrili e cough for the ps-t two year- w> that at limes I fe't almo-t disc >.iraged and even dispaired of getting l*-t r er, 1 liave, through the u-e if Dr. Acker's English Remedy for Coiisimjuion, Lcsi entirely cuied, and cannot say too much iu it* favor. Ju iging fioru its effects it had upon iss, i consid er it the Greatest Remedy in the Woi .and for nil throat, bronchial and lung tjo-j’olgs. G. G. I.kake, Otjaitown, Ga. For sale by Dr. J A Wright. HOW can PAKEN 18 Allow th.eir children to cough and strain and cough aud calmly say : : “Oh 1 it is only a little cold,’’ and keep giving them cheap and danger ous medicines, until they are down with lung fever or consumption, when they can be so easily relieved by Bcgg-’ Cherry Cough Syrup ? It has no superior, and few equals. Brooks A Ivy, Druggists. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. The best Salve in the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheuem, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Brooks & Ivy, Covington, Ga.—rac&9 Ask Foj Ayer’s ftarsapanHe, and be stirs 70a get It, vkso yon want the best blood-purifier. f Willi its forty years of unexampled suc cess in the curs of Blood Diseases, you can make no mis take In preferring Sarsaparilla to any other. The fore-nmner of mod ej\V blood medicines, ‘'“T'jUsi if U A > cr’e Srust^ar ilia j i* still the most t*P- V h '—nlar, being in great ** eT than all , 2a others combined. Avery* flarsaparilla in Foiling faster than j -vr before. I never hesitate to r. awmrtcud W. Whitujzn, Uruggiftt, Albany, I ml. “ I am saf: in saying tha! my Fairs of Ayer’s Sar*a|’ariha far excel those of aiiv other, a1 >d '• ;Ti ■■••'* t .<■ '"‘igh satisfac ti ..i.” L. 11. Moines, lowa. •‘Ayer's Sj.r- . nvii! t nnd Ayer’s Pills are the h t niedirjiitis iu my T i an liiem conscien ’ionsiy.” . lsickhuus, I'haiTuaciiaX, I .i. “ \V, ha c soil Ayer’s Sarsaparilla here frr c <’v thirty years and always iri'it'd l\* n*!i-.1 n-'l:el to name the • .!• 1, 1 .icr.” - - W. T. Mclxran, Dra r :gUt, Augusta. Ohio. I ha*, c ►•. ill medicines for the iT'T s'- ci:’ *1 tears, ami always keep ti :,i iu : . !as th •>* are staples. '[ :,*rc is :r chin ; . ; •• I for the youth* fnl liio*•>!* Vyer’s Sarsaparilla.”*— 11. L. Pirkcr, Pox Dak\ Wis. “ Ayei s S irilla yives the best .it sfn cti 11 o( nn> medicine I have in ... , \r. I reco • :>**nd it. ar, as the I< tors s.iv, * I 1 - 1 il)0 it over the rouiiWMV J* )•v. r J . i to meet the c;;-:, H f <>v \hi'h I v i mi*nd it, even where li.o • - pre-crintions have : ,n of I■■ av; : il.” —C. F. Calhoun, y. -i.u;oitth, Ha a- -.*. * Ayers Sarsaparilla, miVARED EY Or. J. C. Ayer A Cos., Lowell, Mast. l’: l=o 1 1 ; six bottle., *5. Worth *i a hoUl*. SHERIFF SALES. Will be sold before the Court House door in the city of Covington, Newton county, within the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in June next, 1889, the follow ing property to-wit : One store house and lot in the city of Covington, county 01 Newton described ae follows : Distinguished as part of Lot No. 1, in Square C, containing sixty-six feet and eight front on public square and running back 47 feet, heing the lot on which is situated the store house, on north east corner of public square, known as the Camp corner, in which R. L Loyd is now doing business. Said house and lot levied on as the property of T J Shepherd to satisfy an execution issued from the Justice Court of the 462nd district, G. M , of said county, in favor of Mrs. V. B. Camp vs. T- J Shepherd. Property pointed out by plaintifTs attorney , Levy made and re turned to me by J F. Peek, L. C. This April 29, 1889. H. B. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Letters of Administration GEOtJGIA, New ton County. To All Whom ii may Concern : It appearing to the Court ttjni Sarah A. Foster, late of said county, deceased, died intestate, and no one ap,earfm? to Qualify as Administra tor on her est-ite. this t> to cite ah fad sinculajr. the creditors and next of kin oftfarah A. Foster, to he ano appear at i))y office, within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can. why permanent letters oX Administration should vot be granted to John B Davis, clerk of superior court of said county, or to some oilier persf/ij, on Sarah A. Foster’* estate. Witness my hand and offcciul sigi ature, this Ist day of April, 18*y. JAMhIS H BKIyCHKR, Ordirary. XB*%, An A mark on ycur papti is intended as a rcii.inot, that you are in arrears for subscrip tion and \ye would appreciate a re mittance. Settle up friends, even it you don’t find an X on your paper.— Remember that •! W is guaranteed. So is Heart and Kidney Tonic and Brain Tonic. Try them and if they do not come up to recommendation Brooks A Ivy will refund the monev. TO THE PEOPLE OF Covington and Vicinity! - •***. I>o jm w:int mu Hrticlt* in vour louns Wurth rniny time* u c +JL ? \\r n dtm t fml fo n*-*ure the Garin* tit f'ntier while you have tli#* opportunity Do you want to make money rapidly and iiftl; ? It* to. investigate toe busilte** —The National- GARMENT * CUTTER 9cr" Hip m<: -f • -tom in t:*** Anyone can learn !*• use it. No tailor or drt'Stnnker can afford to do without it- Only a few Icnaoiih wece^ary. MTWe i.t n number of indurfriot:. ■: ■ \ al Garment Cutter We will give you terms whereby many people arc making large <mims of money W e want none hut sober indu.'triou people that are willing to do, hard steady work for big pay. Instruction Room in Henderson’s Building. North-east corner of Public Square. Oxford, Ga., Feb 25, 1589. Mr Henry Grahrt —National Garment Cutter Company Dear *Sir—l have seen many ay bit ius tor culling garment*, but the National Garment Cutter aurpaaaes any syatciG ? r cutting clothing for raeu, women and children I have ever seen. HUS LMgIC^TEWABT. • Covicgjoc, Ga . F*h 26 I^B9. Mr Henry Grahn, Agent National Gar ment Cutter Company Dear Sir —Sy* terns for cutting garments are very outlier- OQ8; but systems for making perfect tits are very scarce, and that is why the Na tional Garment Cutter is so popular: for when correct measures are taken it never fails to make a bt- Mrs J. T Corlet, Jr Oxford, Ga., Jau 28, 1889. Mr. Henry Grahn . —After seven year* experience in dress making ami having used and examined several dif ferent systems for cutting clothing, 1 feel free to recommend the National Garment Cutter as the superior of auy system now iu use. Respectfully, MATTIE HYATT. Covington, Ga., Jan. Ist, 1888. National Garment Cutter Cos:. Gentlemen : —Over tw;o years ago I purchased in Greelv, Colorado, the National Garment Cutter and can conscientiously recommend the sys tem to every lady having cutting to do for herself or others. In fact it is impossible to say too much in its praise. It should be in every family as it cuts perfectly for men. Women and children. Very Respectfully, Mrs. Fannie C. Rove. Bowling Green, Kyv, March 22 Messrs. Goldsherry, Doran & Nelson : After testing tbs National Garment Cutter I feet five to recommend it to all whom it may concern. And have concluded it is just what I need. The styles and fits are perfect Yours Truly, • Mrs. Carrie Taylor, Dressmaker. ' METHODIST MINISTERS. Oxford District fur the year 188.9 : Presiding Elder—Geo W. Yarbrough, Coviiigtoti—W A Laprade, Oxford —NH Eakea, Newborn—W It, Jy, Social Circle —B R Johnson. Shady Dale —W A Parks. Monticcllo—o C Simmons, Eatonton —W It Foot, East Putnam—W T Hamilton, West Putman —Jno E Rosser, Clinton—E R Cook, Madison —W I, Wooten, -Morgan—J L Moon, South Morgan—J V M Morris, Conyers—J L Pierce, Lithonia—o A Thrower, Decatur and Clarkston —L G Johnson, Decatur circuit —W A Farris, Hebrew Missionary—J McGath, Emory College—W A Candler, M Calla “ way and J S Moore, Financial Secretary—J W Roberts. Co?lfigton &, Oxford Street R. R. Covington, Ga., July 23, 1888. The following Schedule will be run on the Covington & Oxford Street Kailroad until further notice: —TIME TABLE— ~ Leave Pitts’ House Leave Detot at 5.15 a in 545 a m 9.10 a ra 9.45 a m 11 10 a ui 11.40 a m 12.00 m 1.00 p m 3.30 pm 4 00 p m 5 00 pm 5 30 p m 6.10 p m 6.30 p m 8.10 p m 8.35 p m SUMDAY SCHEDULE: 10.15 a m j 10,45 a m 7.15 p m J 7.45 p m addition to the above the car will meet all regular passenger trains on Sun day, besides carrying the people along its line home aQ#p church, morning end night, and will also bring and return the citizens of Midway and others who desire to attend service held in town during the w eek, day or night. Orders for special car may be left with the Secretary. tv. C. CLARK, President. J G. LESTER. Secretary. J. S. CARROLL DENTIST, COVINGTON GEO. IF You want a fine gold plate made, or a . fine fitting rubber plate, OR Teeth filled in the best possible man ner, Or your teeth extracted as pain loss and skillfully as possible, OR Any malformation of the face atten ded to, F ULL ON J. S. CARROLL, up stairs \J in Star building. tt-g,, Attention to Children's Teeth a Sr.ecialtv I lave Your old Pianos Rebuilt as Good as New. ! have opened a .'lmp ha re Gr rebuilding, repairing and tuning pianos i’i*l organs I am the only man traveling t’.at carry * a !a f g sioi’k of piano material and can safely • tn *nt tf the kind in the south I do the work just the same u the Factory*, aud a: u much less expense, I guarantee to give perfect satisfaction or 1 don t make any charge**, piano* that I work over I guaran tee to be Moth Proof. I m*c the Ivesrt and finest material that enn b* l*<*i.ght. 1 can prove that if you will only call and exam ine my Hlock ot material ladieaespecigl* ly ar* **iv r l I Gutrg** only 00 f<*r tun ing that inclu ic* cleaning the sound board, regulating and adjusting the action. 1 can >!.<> * y i the b**t r*- om.'neudations from the towns a id cit.vs I have traveled than any one. also from the Factory’s ! have worked at All l ask is a trial and I guar antee the work wiil more than pi* ase ton. 1 will be hero about a month Orders from the country pruinctly mended to Elic iting your patronage. I remain, Very Respectfully, W. W KEITH. Piano Tuner and Maker.-2t. FURNITURE HOUSE. you desire Fine Furniture call at the old Pace curuer, and secure bargains never before heard of in middle Georgia. If you a/e iri need of anything in the Fur niture line give me a call. My goods are all new. my stock extensive, and having had manv years experience in this line I am satisfied I can please the people. When t comes to selling a standard Wagon or toe Buggy. I know I can offer extra in ducement* to purchasers. Call and see me. Respectfully, J. S. PEEK. Covington Ga , Xov, 22—tf (KV-Fiir sale by Dr. J. A. Wright. (Hisrsa liist Feimie COLLEGE. £&”The Primary and Intermediatt De partments are now open for the reception of pupils under the “Public School System of Covington.’ FREE TUITION may be secured by paying “Admission Fees” to Treasurer Edward Heard. Pupils within the corporate limits of Covington 50 cents per month ; without the corporate limits One Dollar per month. REDUCED TUITION IN COLLEGE DEPARTMENT t@*Fy paying the required “Admission Fees.” the Tuition in the College Classes is Reduced to one half rates —IF PAID Monthly in Advance. Freshman and Sophomore classes $2.00 per month. Junior and Senior classes, $2,50 per month. Incident#] fee' for remainder of Spring term SI,OO. J. T. McLaughlin, February 21, 1887 ] President. By xlTlDg toncto and itrecvlhenlnir the L'u-r- Jut System and building up Ihe carter ft* health. INDIAN WISED corrects til Irr.frulsrttl,, and onnoylnif troublej from which o many ladles suffer. Itkfvcs the wrtk,dhiilt*dwonisiihetmiudsti-t.nctu.aiui makes e.beerfui the despondent, depresfied in splrlta. In eliaajrcof llienoladvshould he with. >ut INDIAN WEED. UUHaftand UufcUing. Ask Tuur Druggist, For Sale by Brooks & Ivy, Covington, Ga fHE EVERGLADE JOE, W, IRIOHT, PROP’R, 1 Door above Post Office, Covington, Ga. T will keep in stock the finest and purest imported apd domestic wines, brandies whiskies, rum, gin, beer, champagne, etc., to be found in the markets of the world. Also, fine cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. The Everglade Saloon is elaborately and handsomely furnished, second to none in Georgia. I have separate counters, glasses and bar tenders for white and colored. Tho best of order maintained and all laws and regulations strictly ob served at all times. KS.Orders promptly filled and goods immediately shipped to all points of the globe, east, west, north and south. Light wipes for sacramental purposes, and old liquors for medicinal purposed, which are guaranteed strictly A No. 1. Call and see me. & 023 TAT - . ‘VKT'Jri.XCSrIIT. JORDAN & SMITH, COTTON FACTORS, Augusta, : • i ; Georgia a®>Mr. W. M. Jordan has been actively engaged in the Cotton Business during the past fourteen years. “Bt Ktf-No Storage charged on Cotton if sold within 30 days. Liberal Advances made on Cotton in Store. We GUARANTEE Satisfaction in Every Rr.-peet “* LISTEN HERE - I .‘.M Sow }w |„r< I to Ja anythin* In] I tlw Tailorin* . in-, * I have tin-1 t ''-P mi hau. l lull amt iow|Um line of wiiu l>i.-.a 1 have jiut p. *• v, Imy Kjirin* ami -imiupr *in|oe* uih! liam n* nie* aaaort * in mail I irnpi importer* 1 al*n ili. - l. aninu ami r- nairln.'. nllprm* ■ . pa| • iif tii,- pi, <! . Ail work (snarautaa* Covington, Ga. —fcli’l! J. S. MINE3, Tailor. MONEY TO LOAN, in fiini of s.lo* nn-l npwanla -at e per ct —payable in insiahn t*. Applr to J O LESTER, Attorney at Law, Covington, Ga. —tjunl LA I) I ES! Do Your Own Dyeing a< Heme. With PEERLESS DYES They win dye everythin*. They are sold everywliere Price 10c a packase. -10 colnrj They have no eq-ial lor Strenßth, Br:*htae*. Amouut in Package* or for Fastne-*of Color, or non-fading Qualitie*. They do aot crock or smut. For sale by Dr J A. Wright—•lmhl. —-A.2nTD —- PLYMOUTHO OK CHKKEXS! 13 Brahma eg-gs $1.50 13 Plymouth eggs SI B®Pure breed. Call at my resi dence and see these fowls, or address E. 0. LEE, Covington, Ga. Brown Leghorn Chickens and Kggs ! 13 Kggs for 75 cen 1 : . Frio Chickens, $5.00 layers nmljiealtliiest fowls known (rt the poultry world. Cal! at the residence, or write to S. W. Hawkins, Covington, Ga. 13 Brahma eggssl.s( XTSS FOR OUR PAPER —AND BE HAPPY, If any •* yh* ••*** W . i>ou<lM N|,or. wttLoul iiamr aiul yrU atiimurd as jLrttuu. put him auRDMI trmud. ' .** a. H * ai j W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLKMCN. !v £foV? l ' ivK‘ , H.vNn 'rvi';ri> h *Jio. II w. L. DOUCLAS 33 SHOE ladies. Real Malarial. IWI Style. Raat Kitting. If BROCKTON. MASS. Examine \\ . L. Doug las $2.00 Shoes for 'gentlemen and ladies. FOR SALE BY—- J, J. DEALING, COVINGTON, GA. Georgia Railroad. Slone Mountain Route. GEORGIA RAILROAD COMP ANY Office General Manager, Augusta, Ga. Sept. 29th, 1889. Commencing Sunday, 30th inat., th fol lowing Passenger Schedule will b op erated : No. 27 West Dailt. Leave Augusta 745 a. m. Arrive Washington... .10 20 a m Leave Washington.... 720 iin Leave Athens 8 30 a. m. Leave Covington 11 39 a.m. Arrive Atlanta 100 a. m No. 28 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 2 45 p. m Arrive Athens 7 00 p. m Leave Athens 3.50 p. in Arrive Covington 4 00 p. u Arrive Washington.... 720 p m. Ixeave Washington 420 pm. Arrive Augusta 8 15 pm. No. 1 West Daily. Leave Augusta 10 45 a. m. “ Macon ...... 710a. m. “ Milledgeville .... 919a. m. “ Washington ... 11 20 a. in. Athens 8 50 a. m. Arrive at Covington ... 3 53 p. m. “ “ Atlanta 545 p. ni. No. 2 East Daily. Leave Atlantn 8 00 n. m. “ Covington 943a. m. Arrive at Athens 5 15 p. in. “ “ Washington ..220 p. ni “ Milledgeville . . 4 11 p. m. “ “ Macon 600 p. m. “ “ Augusta .... 335 p. m. No. 3 West Daily. Leave Augusta 11 00 p. m. Arrive at Covington . . . . 4 39 a. m. Arrive at Atlanta 6 30 a. in. No. 4 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 11 15 p. m. “ Covington 108 r m Arrive at Augusta .... 645 a. in. ATLANTA COMMODATION. (Daily, except Sundays.) [ Leave Covington 5 40 a. m. | Arrive Atlanta 7 55 a. m. Leave Atlanta 6 20. p m. Arrive Covington 8 35 p. m. ATHENS ACCOMMODATION. Leave Union Point 5 45 *. m. Arrive at Athens 9 40 . tn. Leave Athens 6 15 p. m. Arrive Union P0int..,.8 45 p. m. ‘Sundays excepted. No. 28 stops at Harlem forsqpper. Trains No.’s 27 and 28 will stop and receive passengers to and from the following stations only— Grov* town, Harlem, Thomson, Narw*4, Barnett, Crawlordville, Union Point, Greensboro, Madison, Rutledge Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, St. Mountain &. Decatur. JOHN W. GREEN, General Manager. E. R. DORSEY, General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE, Gen, Trav. Pass. Agent, Augusta, Ga. JNO. H. BAILEY, MANUFACTURER OF Fine Boots & Shoes •©“COVINGTON, GA -Bi HAVING Opened my shop, upstairs in King corner building, 1 am prepared to do all kind of boot and shoe work in the best style. All kind of repairing done at reasonable rates Give me a trial. Respectfully, JOHN H. BAILEY $1 13 Weelts. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, lyr] Fravkmv Svi'iur V Y Hit .F. Carrofl. Mrs. o, c. l *■ *• *• Grroll, -y fiarfoll, Mobley &i MRS. M. F, MELToj Millkery, Dress Ay ng and L'ancy Goods, [ At I Alis Melton sold sj next door to I Heard, While & ThonipstJ COVINGTON. GEOltfili Dresses cut and fittol by the National GjJ ment cutter systßiJ Also agent for the nei Wheeler & Wilson Nd 9 sewing machine. ] Your patronage earl estly solicited. ri S W HAWKINS, REAL ESTAIj AGENT, Successor to Simms LI Let ma advertise ail sell your real estal residences, lots,etc, )l sale no pay. H 1 build up our waste pi ces we must gotowol and get more capita!l settle here. No mail what you have to 3| it should be advertisl Give me a trial. S W HAWKIjI Franklin B. Wrigi - —COVINGTON. GA.- I Rtfidnt Physician & SflD MTObstctrics, Gynecology. Dise** - Women end Children, nnd *B h diaesM* of n private netnre. • 'PC .. t bare a hone at bit commsnd, *"' c ij enable me IB ettend the cells of th 'j|j rouedief eeantry, ae well M my city rm tic*. FRANK UN B WRIGHDB mwA THIS injury, Im, Laver-Mol**' Pl*a, Black-Heads, Sunburn* Ton. A few applicetioae Will moet xtubbornly r*d ekiq *®b, *•“ white. Viol* Oreem is not * rowder tocover defects, bqt s r *®*‘.; o> iß t is superior to ell other prep*** ~(■ is gusrsnterd to giT? eetisfsvtioo- gists or meiled for KS cents- ''"ci G. C. BITTNKB f* 1 TO LOCO, o*lo. J Sold by Brooks & Ivy, t- DVin ® !J ADVERTISERS can learr the exact c ° of an/ pioposed lm c advertising in Amertf paoers by address' 1 Geo. P. Rowell & 0 Newspaper J ,0 Spra Et - * . f-’ni Send JOciw tor IOW-fw.