The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, May 16, 1889, Image 2

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TV"! a rt’ **, r AAW i—. . * * .O w. jpi-p-Pl T BI.I'HKI UT.KKM •Jhi ■* - ff Hv u - paper *b- ■’■* rM:: ' r ‘ • ut uf tbi* •'•only on!-* |*t .1* atlrmoor. and **• poliu-ly ** ~lr I OH att v! :. w remit. •••* . •■ ijr-■ • ■ l culltri ihniuj;li ihf bunk ' •> Tb* Rn*.l Con„W' wi.i ur*-t i Atlanta oo tb* 221 f May, ai ! *** cv.uoiy in the Htau- i org'-1 1“ w ‘ u ‘* delegate* to t’ i* imp r’'t r An Ohio nut. forge- a r. ■ nae to preach. Tljui i.- cajfv.Bg the f t l>err batin*.* a itUk farther tnai. Ini been doue Lrtrtofon*. but tl.c JJilfj Inal. * • *•"•/ ■ - • ' Uwtt (iutrw<r l>. rc t- of Dt-.t ware, reached F >tty-.second * r-•' |t York, during t e parade . impudent urchin in the crowd cr s ‘ out: “Hon * lit p•lt c: Gorct nor H ■ , Invitation t>< jittend the centei't._i. (ziebiallot- of th e aJ ption of the Federal Coitotitwtioti a: y*stiltri\h. S. t.. FoTember 2J*t, 1889. on eon dition that he it not to be tut' 1 to be the orator of the day. C. P. Huntington, the railway fizagnate. aioea not woik on Saturday or Suadav. of fcis natural re Jigiou* feehag. He says he i-n't • artau. wuettef Satnrdajr or Sin lay ia the da appointed 4>y dwins de- <-* for rest, and so ob-etves both. On April 2. 1869 W . Taylor, X>f Crawford county left home, -ay jug that he would return in tr.enly rear* On April 26, 1889. tiue to his word. Mr. Taylor pa-.ed iLroogt M.t. £ou. and reached Crawford county ♦hat afternoon in time to keep Lo ap pointaient. The annouuet rnent wade th.l the Whitefield Cotyon Mill* compa UK, fcf Stahuryj-oiC Maasj re< g nizing the superior advantage* of tne aoulti for their business, bare deter jniued to remove their machinery arc'; etnplove* to this se ttun. It is on of the lending Xew England cotton taillv Griffin Sun: “Giiffin’s bid 'us about the least made (or tbe ex peri mental farm, and yet Griffin get* .elected by a good majority. This abojys a great deal. It shows that the committee had the cause ot agri .culture at heart, and acted singly lor the good of the agricultural interests /of the state, regardless of the iufltr fiuce of money. The Thomas Iron Company, with teatkjua! tors in New York, gave no tice Monday of a reduction of? 1.50 per ton in the price of irou for May and June delivery President Clarke, in explaining tLe reduction said: ‘•The reason of tbe reduction is that tLe Southern people are crowding fbe market, and have been trying to tell fcl per ton below our prices. We propose however, to hold our mti *et. President Candler, of Kmorv col iege, promises an interesting com tnence grout at Oxford this year, i lie aerrtioy jrill l>c pleached by Ilev. G }}. fstliekler, D. IX, and literary ad dresses will be made by Hons. John 'J'eniple Graves, F. Jl. Richardson and Peter F. Smith. lAcuikiou rates •wifi be given by *he larl/onds so that visitors wlu, desafe to spend only the day at the commencement can easily do no. The dark horse has won. The {own of Griffin has secured t};e ex perimeutal farm and station. If thene ware to be moved fron Athens it is just as well that Griffin should get it. Griffin is übout half way be £ween Atlanta and Macon, and is in good neutial ground. Under the circumstances we regarded its Remov al from Athens as unnecessary and .Unfortunate. Since it must go, why not to Griffiu ?—Augusta Chronicle. lu a railway traiu. Two men dis missing a book which is being hand ed about by newsboy. First Man— -‘•‘That's a great book, sir, a master piece." Second Man—‘‘l wonder how it s selling?” First Man—-‘.Soil ing like ginger. Never saw any •thing like it. You see I'm the puh Ksber, and ought to know.” Second Man—“ Your information delights me. I'm the author.” First Man (with fallen countenance) —“Wmll, that is, er—er—-it hasn't liad much of a sale yet. but J think, er— it will liaye. big risk, you know, gening .out u book of this suit ” —Trades Journal. The Republican japeis need not get uneasy about filling the vacancy .caused by Chairuian Harnunj's death. The duties of the chairman are nom inal. except in a presidential .cam paigu, and the committee is always reconstructed by the National Con weutiou. There wiil be anew Na jtional Coinmiltee and anew chairman made by the Convention of 18‘J2, in accordance with precedents. In the interval the committee has no po’iti- Cal w-oik, except naming the place and time for the convention, and it will piobabiy not he ca.lud together 4>efore Feb. 22, 185)2, to perform that duty ami of course electa chairman in the place of Mr. Barnaul Editorial Notes. The negro *-. -pa rr roan of Ce-i gin are pitching into the pretr leiK bncauea of hia lack of renogniti * of UM..rvne in dishing out ap-rla. (iI kftl I I CjsfT* *• |l ifhat :* ?*?:en a% an autograph i \u -r of ?U Satjor. A “i/rtAfliti wowft.r is ye ling it. and it* po-e* ion a guiantee against lightning C'r :py suffocation*. night coughs an l all ti e common a'S-ction* of ti e throat at and !u"g qnickly telieved by Dr. J. II McLeas'. T.t. Wine Lung Fta'iu. The rtuakers always discourage miiiic one wl.o-e faith i- string. The way to build up a city is for every body to pritl together, whether tl.t ii •pinion* < >incide or not, 1 e Ge>irgia Techie,logical school ha- a barometer 20 fe>: high with a tule 3 incites in diameter, the larger: in America. This school is doing a great work. Old people suffer much from dis ordeis of the urnary organs, and are *'w. - gratified at the wonderful ef fects of Dr. J H M-'Lean's Liver nd Ki i.'.ey Balm in banishing their troubles. .*I.OO per bottle. A dmnuner. for the daughter's sake, *uppli< J a Jeffet son farmer with chewing gum. The girl kicked the diumiuer and the latter sent in a bi for £-5 for the cheavng guru. It was paid. When you are constipated, with !o-s of appetite, tead.iebe, take one of I*r. J. H. McLean's Idttle Liver i.g 1 Kidney PnleU. They art- plea-, ant to take and will cure you 25 cent* a vial. Mr. T. L. Gantt, one of Georgia’s most gifted editor*, who has f r some time !>een ed ling the Elbcrton Star, has made arraegatneuu to take • Large of the Banner Watel man, tf Athens. I f your kidney* are inactive, you tr 11 feel and look wretcl ed. even in the nj‘ st cheerful society, and irielan choly on the jollie-t ms. Dr J. H. McLean * Liver and Ki lnev Balm, will act you right again. SI.OO per bottle. Git- of Mr. Wanawukei s new p st uiasteif, a re-d lent of Ashhurne, Pa., •-hot and killed a man the other eight who was t ying to break into the po*t office. While the spoils *trug g!e is so furious it i* dangerous t tiifllewitha man who has fought ; for and got an office Imperfect digestion and assiinila lion produce disordered conditim of the fcystem which glow and art confirmed by neglect. Dr. J. H. Me Lean's Strengthening Cordial and B.ood Purifier, by its tonic pn,]<er ties, cure, indigestion and gives tone to the stomach. SI.OO per bottle. Dyfcpejxsnv cause* depraved blood, which, iu time, affects every organ and function of the body. Asa retn <dy for ti.ese traub’.es, nothing can app.oacb Ayer’s Bai sapai ilia. It vi ta.izes the blood, strengthens the -tomaeb, nod coriects all ui-.oidrr of the liver and kidneys La-t week Mr. James 11. Pearce, n well-known aud much esteemed citi zen of Harbin's district in Ovvii.uctt county, wa* called to his door and shot to death. There was but one report of a gun, and Mr. Pearce, with the- exclamation “G and have mercy on my soul,” fell to the floor of the porch. Death was instantaneous. It has been found necessary for j the Slate to negotiate a temporary loan to meet liabilities this summer in advance .of taxes, mainly to pay for fuijjishing the new capitol.— About <<150,000 w; 1 be needed, and the governor, while ;n Xew York made the pecejsary arrangement , with the State's fiscal agent, the Fourth National Bank. The Rev. Ferdinand C. Igleh. y;, l of Newark, X. J., has come to the defense of President Harrison against the indirect charge of Bishop Pot ter. lie says that President Harri son is as good aud as pure as Wash ington was, and that he will make as worthy n President. In reporting Mr. Iglchnrt's sernggn, g Xew Yoik re porter thought it necessary to say that the preacher was: a strung re publican, and that he belonged to the denomination of Northern Meth odists. These things might have been taken for granted. A FRIENDLY MEETING. “How are you feeliug, old fellow f’ ‘•'Ob. I don't feel well; I can't eat. lam languid and feel generally good for nothing.” “Well, my friend, there is no use fop you to feel that way. You need something that will <b> away with that torpidity of the liver and any impurity of the Jj'ood.” Such a remedial agent is in reach of you every day, and you pass bv your drug store three or four times a day and never think to ask yonr druggist what wid benefit you. If you did, lie would answer at once . Westmoreland's Cali-ava Tonic is the very tiling you need. It is on sale at every drug store in the coun try, and the bottles cost only fifty cents or a dollar.’' For sale by Dr. J. A. Wright. I desire to *U> vulunMriiy and for tlm ot the public, tUt having lreen tr .bi- J with a severe bt'nchiitl difs< j'tv aud a terriblg ce i~b for the j a>t two year* ei taat %t t:in* I ft.| |:uct f!ijc>:r.i/rl of I Lave, UiTaugh the u*e of J>r. Acker's English Uetuedy L.r Conaamptioo, l-een entirely cured, and cannot say too much in it* favor. Judgiug flora fffwti it 1,.J up..:, m .. I comM> er it the (ueatrs*. llemedy in the World for all thr oof, brouefabl aud luug trouble*. G. G. Lrvsp. Cedru town, Ga. Per sale by IV J A Wright. HOW I AN P.VIIENTB Allow their children to cough and -train and cough ami ur:- “Ob! it U only a little <-dd,"’and k.sjp giving them cheap and danger < u* inerticine*, u.nil they are down with lung fever nr consumption, when they can be so easily relieved by Begglf Clierrjr CkHigh Syrup ? It hr.s no Mi|H.*ri->r. and few equal*. Brook- A Ivy, Dnigidsts. BI'CKLLVS Alt MCA SALVE. Ti c be-• --aive ill the w r!d f rCr:t. Bnd-e*. Sor.s. Ulcers, Salt Rheuem. Fever r-oro*. Tetter. (‘h. .•.■-A Hands, Chilhhuits, Corns, and all Emp lions, and positively cure- Pile*, or no pay required. It i- guaranteed to give perfect sati-factiou. or money refunded. I'rice 25 cent* js-r box. For sale by Brook- -V Ivy. Cortngtnn. <ia.- mc'9 i masonic ofitceks. The following offic-tr- liave been elected to ter> Golden Flee, ,- Masonic Lo<ige, of Covington, for the year l->9: J M lcv|, ’.Vr.r-Hipf;! Ma-ier J G I.' -ier. Seniic War •• n. J M Bearing Junior W ir b-n, Plf Ferguson. Sen : r beacon, J S Peek. Junior 11-acon, J T Corlw. Sr.. Trea-urer, M Mo-. Secretary P F Hntchin-. (i Ll Butler Steward*, W W Osborn, Tyler. S TV Hawkin-. Chaplain. Rich and Poor, Prince and Peasant, the Millionaire and Day Laborer, by tL- :r common use of this remedy. atte*t -fie world-wide rep utation of Ayer’* Pills. Leading phy afciaas rec-'tmnenl these pi! is for Stomach and Liver Troubles, Costive ness, Biliousness, and Sick Kr-adache; tlso, for Ehenxnatism, Jaundice, and Neuralgia- They a.-- gar-coated; con tain no calomel; are prompt, but mild, in operation t and. therefore, the very best m—i. ine f r Family Cse, as well as f .r Travelers and Tourists. ' “ I Lave derived great relief from Ayer’s I*lll*. Five years ago I was taken no til with Rheumatism that I wa* unable to do any work. I U- k three boxes of Ayer's Pills and wus entirely cured- Since that tiin-r I arn never without a box of the*e pills.” Pr*er Christensen, Sherwood, Wis. 4 **Ayer’s Pills Lave been in use in my fa iiy upward* of twenty year* anl have couijdetely Terified all that is cla:me-i for there* In attacks of piles, froru Ia I suffered many years, they afT r.l £r*-ater relief tkiri any other medicine I ever tried.*' —T. ¥. Adams, ll*. . y Springs, Texas. " I hare used Ayer’s Pills for a num ber < f years, and have never found any th: * a1 to them I t giving me aa aj P :te and imparting energy and strength to the ay stem. I always ke*-p them in the Louse.”—R. D. Jackou, Wilmington, Del. " Two lxxe3 of Ayer’s Pills cured me cl severe Headache, from TTlib-h I was lon* a stifferor.”— Emma K**yws, Habbaniriton, Mask. "Whenever I am ■troubled with non ptijni'. ii. or suffer from loi of appetite, A ver's Pills net iu* right again.” A. J. Kiser, Jr., Kovk House, Ya. ‘‘Ayer’ti Pills are in general demand among our iisroiners. Our sales of tliem exceed t i-e of all other pills com bined. We have never known them fail to trive entire satisfaction.” Wright & iiauuelly, 6an Diego, Texas. • Ayer's Pills, FKEPARED BY Or. J. C. Ayer & Cos., Lowell, Mass, gold by all Dealers la Medicine. MONEY TO LOAN, #&-0n lin proved Plantation Property in sums of S3OO and upwards—at H per cl. —payable in iustdlm ts. Apply to j. G. LESTER, Attorney at Law Covington, Ga. —tjnnl. W. J. HIGGINS DENTIST Covington, Georgia. te*“office North-East corner of the public square. —my 2,89 FURNITURE HOUSE. KFS..H you desire Fine Furniture call at the old Pace corner, aud secure bargains never before heard of in middle Georgia. If you are in need of anything in the Fur niture line give me a calf. My goods are all new, my stock extensive, and having had many years experience in this line 1 am satisHe’d I can please tigs people. When It comes to selling a standard Wagon or fine Buggy, I know I can offer extra in ducements to purchasers. Call and sec me Respectfully, J. S. PEEK. Covington Ga , Nov, 22- tf Franklin B. Wright, —COVINGTON. GA.— Resident Physician & Surgeon. I&*Obstetric, Gynecology, Diseases Women and Children, and all Chronic diseases of a private nature, a specialty] I have a horse at ray command, which wil. enable me to attend the calls of the stir roundiuj: country, as well as my city prac tice. FIT AN KLIN Li. WRIGHT. M. D Mr Mother ts* hat a < irh n.r twentv year*, pawn muni* W< ng her with a hroa tj**f D ili 4.* Irh’ i 1 |t*h' (if ft l*br! . ltd M'tPtßf Bt! aeViif’'* *** l-Hf* tijkT. * oil* some wtw)a rear * X o when 1 ,*< you ad venue went of Ur Aker'. Kagli-h Rem e.!y fur ComtUipiioa and procured a boi tnrtdng ind m:* irritatin** m% to utaltf taUk nrvwl that r |k.'tK%red bh4 Wt* tIUV !jOV uT ths* f|Vf f ; t;5 wilhcMt it. She hs Bo |.hyidaa and take* • that if she had tt prvared it when h* TV. have re.vmmeeM it to oth-r who always receive benefit from it If anyone with a stamp I will apawer with pleasure. a* I drew it the Leal cuwch audirn i aada A trial only is necessary to convince anyone of iu "merit Very It- ,pc tfally. 1 M Siwwov Poet Muter. For sale by Dr. j A. Wright tcTthe people of Covington and Vicing! you want an article in s our homu • *rth tt j,>iv lit* *- Jiu , 9 *i k._ have * j i ,*rt t .j:v Io \*:i want to pakff Kt ricv rtj.i-iir ?-: and wfok ? If —The National— GARMENT $ CUTTER most t'rfuplrrte *v- - m in uge. Anyone can icarn to ---u it. No tailor or i!r< <-;nA!.-r can li* do without it. (inly a few !•> trig pecoiu*ary, •hT*We want a • r of inda*frioa* Worker* to intr-riuce the Nation* a: Garment C'rtt**r. We v *, jjive you -*-re v many people are making! lartre •urns <t money. W>- want none but sober iiidustrif ui people that are willing to do, harci steady work for lag pay. Instruction Room in Henderson’s Building. North-east corner of Public Square. Oxford Ga.. Feb 25. I>*9. Mr Henry Grahn:—National Garment \ Cotter Company: Dear Sir—l have seen many s tlctns for cutting garment*, hut the National Garment Cutter surpasses any -yttern t.,r catting clothing for rut-n. women ..a*i clnuiren, 1 have ever seen. Me- Emmie Stewart. - . Covington, Ga.. Feb. 20. 1--9. Mr. Henry Grahn. Agent National Gar ment Cotter Company . Dear Sii—Svs • tern- for cuding garments are very nniuer on-: but “ysteina for making perfect lit* I age rerr aearoe; and that i* why the Na ional Ganu.-at Cutter ir popular; for when correct mea-nres are taken it never j fails to make a lit- Mrs- J. T., Jk Oxfonl, Ga., Jhd. 28, 1889. Mr. Heavy Gvalci . —After seven years experience in dress making and having it-o-.! and examined .several dif fero;.t . - for cutting clothing, I i"-el free to r oimmcnd the National jGar-neut Uutt r as the superior of , any system now in use. Respectfully, MATTIE HYATT. Covington, Ga., dan. Ist, 1888. National Garment Cutter Cos: Gentlemen : —Over two years ago I purchased in Greely, Colorado, the National Garment Cutter and can ■ conscientiously recommend the sys tem to every lady having cutting to do for herself or others. In fact it is impossible to say too much in its praise. It should he in every family .•s it cuts perfectly for men, women and children. Very Respectfully, 51 Its. Fannie C. Boye. Bowling Green, Ivy., March 22. j .Messrs. Goldsherry, Donut & Nelson : After testing the National Garment I Cutter I feel free to recommend it to all whom it may concern. And have concluded it is just what I need. The styles and fits are perfect. Yours Truly, Mjts. Carrie Taylor, Dressmaker. Covington & Oxford Street R. R. Covington, Ga., July 23, 188 ft. Tin* following Schedule will be run on the Covington k Oxford Street Railroad until further notice: TIM KT\BLE^Z~ Leave Pitts' Hm i. Leave Petct at DENTIST 5.15 a in 0.10 n m 11 10 a m 12.00 m 3.30 p m 5.00 p ni 0.10 pin S.lO p m SI N DA Y SCHKIH’LE: 10.45 a in j 10,45 n in 7.15 p m j 7.45 p in B6T2U-I n additiqn to the above the ear will meet all regular trains on Sun day. brides carryinjr the people alon<r its linn home after church, inornii jhim! and will also Lrinjj and return the citizens of Mjdway and others who desire to attend service held in town during the week, day or tiiirht. Orders for special car may be left with the Secretary. W . C. CLARK, President. J G LhSTKH- Secretary. J. S. CARROLL —DENTIST, COVINGTON GEO. IP ou wnyt a tine gold plate made, or a . fine fitting rubber plate, i ill I eeth filled in the best p -sible man ner. < h-y. ir ;-d as pain less and skillfully as possible, (\U Any uialforniaiion of the face ntten- J ded to, / t A Ll* ON .1 S. (’A Pi KOI. 1.. up stairs v> in Star buiidinji. R J Aw Attention to Cl.ihlreii Tet-ji a Sp. iaitv. INTER-STATE PRIZE DRILL ENCAMPMENT At MACON, 0a„ MAY 21 AND 22, ’B9. mmmßm And Gainsvilie, Jefferson and Southern Railroads Will Sell Round Trip Tickets at One Pare —o nxr — MAY IS, 19,20 421, W The leading Military Companies of the SOUTH will take Part. All tickets Expire by Limitation on May 2d, 1889, Regardless of Date of S-ale. E. R. DORSEY, General Passenger Agent. JOE \Y. W HITE, Traveling Passenger Ag AITOUSTA, OA. fHE EVERGLADE SAIOO|| JOE, W, WRIGHT, PROP’S. 1 Door above Post Office, Covington, Ga. will keep in stock the finest and purest imported and domestic wines, bran di< whiskies, rum, gin, beer, champagne, etc., to be found in the markets of the world. Also, fine cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. TJ*e Everglade Saloon is elaborately and handsomely furnished, second to none in Georgia. I have separate counters, glasses anti bar tenders for white and colored. The best of order maintained and all laws and regulations strictly ob served at all times. promptly filled and goods immediately shipped to all points of the globe, east, west, north and south. Light wines for sacramental purjjoses, aud old liquors for medicinal purposed, which are guaranteed strictly A No. 1. Call and see me. JOES -W. WRIGHT. JORDAN & SMITH, COTTON FACTORS, Augusta. : : : ; Georgia. 80™Mr. W. M. Jordan lias been actively engaged in the Cotton Business during the past fourteen years.*^B* Brijr No Sturai:i‘ ebargi-d ou Cotton if sobl within 30 days. Liberal Advances made ’ on Cotton in Store. We GUARANTIEE Satisfaction in Kvery Kespeet' Vu# 5 45 a m 0.45 a ni 11 10 a m LOO p in 4 (>0 p in 5.30 p in 6.30 p tn 5.35 p m LADIES! Do Your Own Dyeing at Home, With PEERLESS DYES an wld everywht ;*• Price IOC. n package. 40 colors. They have no equal for Strength, Brightness, Amouut in Package* or for Fastness of Color, or non-fading Qualities. They do not crock or smut. For sale bv Dr. J. A. Wright.—tloihL LISTEN HERE lAM Now prepared to do anything in the Tailoring line, ns I have and keep on hand a full and complete line of sam ple*. J have jut received my spring and summer samples and have as nice assort ment as can be obtained from importers, i also do cleaning and repairing, altering and binding. I respectfully solicit tire pat ronage of the public All work guaranteed. Covington, Ga. —feb7tf J. S. MINES, Tailor. Ohio sugar cured canvassed shoul ders fresh and fine at 10c per lb at Adams Bros, try them. jf j ■•tffift FEMALE MEDICINE ia B, ri.iDstsnetoaniS ttrennhr Irzts. t t.r --1 - ' M U P •h" r-neral s-. u, XAJ3FAIV wrei: r\) ir.-. -atari: mans annortn, troaWe* fr-ni wi,. -Oman, ;,ii cs ,:,Q- r . ’it rive, the weak. li-liUMaled onn>t h. Htli.ndulrearth i'l mat , cbe.-rful the d,. l ,urte,it, i,i isk rli uiaggnn ' J - f * * a/citr ‘ d For Sale by Brooks 4 Ivy, Covington, Ga. CCRns ’ - “♦PILES, ■ -■$ For sale by Dr. J. A. WrDlit. irtuiyflrihlor **r-I** l >V th ? H • b *u*im* mu* without lIAUI mid pri •itnnurU on lU boUutu. put liUu dutib iu • intuUr ■ W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CCMTLEMKM. k>if tn thf world. Kmiwlnr bU • • (u> (:*>( Is I MAN I-*K W I NllOli. S; 00 SxVfiSewKU WMT hhok. SA! t’VVn f vV.'f K CATK ImoS o*- 0 *- ii% xnnsmivJtiMi huge* ill". L*. W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE LADIES. B.*t v|at.rial. U*t **'.• I l < * Fittln*. ,! " ‘w. L. IKliutAa. iSuCKTOM. MASS Examine W . L. Doug las £2.00 Shoes for gentlemen and ladies. FOR SALE BY J, J. HEARING, COVINGTON, GA. Georgia Railroad. Stone Mountain Route. GEORGIA RAI I.RO A D COMPANY Office General Manager. Augusta, Ga.. April. 22, 18*9. ComraencitWSunday, 23th inn., the fol lowin" Passenger Schedule will be ojr —FAST LINE— No. 27 West Dailt. Leave Augusta ,745 tv. in. Arrive Washington... .10 20 a in 1.-live Washington.... 7 20 a m Leave- Atheiis ,8 30 a. m. Leave Covingtcia 11 39 Arrive Atlanta 100 a. m Xo. 28 East Daily. Leave Atlanta ~,,.2 45 p. in Arrive Athens 7 110 p. in. Leave Athens 3 50 p. in Arrive Covington 4 00 p. in Arrive Washington. 7 20 p ni. Leave Washington.... 4 20 p m. Arrive Augusta 815 pin. No. 1 West Dailt. ; Leave Augusta 10 45 a. m. “ Mueon 710a. m. “ Milledgeville .... 919 a. in. “ Washington ... 11 20 a. in. *• Athens 850 a. in. Arrive at Covington ... 3 53 p. in. “ “ Atlanta 545 p. in Xo. 2 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 8 00 a. in. “ Covington 943a. m. Arrive at Athens 5 15 p. m. “ “ Washington ..220 p. m. “ Milledgeville . . 4 11 p. m. “ “ Macon 600 p. m. “ “ Augusta .... 335 p. in. Xo. 3 West Dailt. Leave Augusta 11 00 p. in. Arrive at Covington . . .. 4 39 a. in. Arrive at Atlanta 6 30 a. m. Xo. 4 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 11 15 p. m. “ Covington 108 t m. Arrive at Augusta .... 645 a. in. ATLANTA COMMODATION. (Daily, except Sundays.) Leave Covington 5 40 a. ni. Arrive Atlanta 7 55 a. in. Leave Atlanta 6 20. p m. Arrive Covington 8 35 p. m. Xo. 28 stops at Harlem for snpper. Train® Xo.'s 27 and 28 will stop and receive passengers to and from the following stations only—Grove town, Harlem, Thomson, Norwood, Barnett, Crawfordville, Union Point, Greensboro, Madison, Rutledge Social Circle. Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, St. Mountain & Decatur. JOHX W. GREEN, General Manager. E. R. DORSEY. General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WHITE, Gen. Trav. Pass. Agent, Augusta, Ga. •J.XO. li. BAILEY. MANUFACTURER OF Fine Buots & Shoes GA ~©a HAWXG Opened my shop, upstairs in King Corner building, I am prepared j to do all kind of boot aud shoe work in the \ best style. All kind of repairing done at reasonable rates. Give me a trial. Respectfully, JOHN II BAXLEY si 13 Weelsjs. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed ! securely wrapped, to any address in the I'nited States tor three months on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount aHowed to postmasters I agents and clubs. Sample copies mailed free. Address all orders to RICHARD K. FOX, ljr 1 Fraxkux Squark. X. Y j Remember that 3 W is guaranteed, i So is Heart end Kidney Tonic and j Brain Tonic. Try them and if they ' do not come up to recommendation Brooks & Ivy will refund the money, j FLIGHTtBRAH]'2 A. \ "*^9| Brown Le^jl w“Best layers and healthiest [I known to the poultry world. H at the residence, or write to Hawkins, Covington, Ga. s w HAivnl REAL ESTII " ing, Si AGENT, I Successor to Simnuiß Let me advertise I sell your real o: y| residences, lots, etc. sale no pay. 1' b build up our waste™ ces we must gotowß ' I ® land get more capita■ : settle here. No mil St what you have to B ■ it should be advert! Ii at Give me a trial. S W HAWKtI { momtouM TlHSprepan^re 1^'^XH ios. Liver-Mol* 8 .188 pies, Black-Heads. Supb u "Jßf Tau. A few applications wid rc jl| most stubbornly renl gkin white. Viola Cream is r.ot • ITH| 1 powdertocover defects, but a & It is superior to all other v is guaranteed to give gists or mailed for 50 cents. G. o, I4ITTNEK TOLIiDO, OHIO. ■ Sold hv Brooks A Ivy, CITY ()I'Tl< ™ MAYOR 1 L. L. MiddlebrooHl! COUNCIL. 1 W. Scott, ! J. S. Carroll* J. F. Henderson ■ T. D. Guinn. S. J. Kelly- K D. A. Thompsj® MARSHALS.-11. I- 110 . 8 . J lIOBT. WJM CLERK. —J. W. rUKINt-^B FOR OUR f'-dl and be iiapp'-^B