The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, September 12, 1889, Image 2

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The Enterprise. —-PUBLISHED WEEKLY. [TmIIIMIIAY MotIMI.SU Kept. 12, —S. \V. HAWKINS, Kmroit. ■ bJXTY-SEVEN YEARS AGO. Through the kindness of Major Jiio. B. Davie, the accommodating •n l efficient clerk of our superior court, we are enable,l to publish iu this iasua, as a muitpr of (.0101 &1 in terest as well an oOtuethii g >f a ruri osity, a true and fon< ot mauimcijpt of the entire minutes of (ho first term of the superior court e ver held in Newton County . this first hi pci i or court was held over s-ixty seven years ago: Not a man who was connected with that find term New ton supeiior court, held ou April 15tll 182:2, as officer, juror, witness or party plaintiff or defendant, is now living ; all gone to a higher and supreme tiihunal. There are however, among the liv ing, many of their descendant•, and to them especially w ill this transcript of the minutes prove interesting reading ; and as they rend, how many memories long eiupe gone to sleep will be awakened, and how many voices long mute will be made to X speak iigaiu : Monday, April IMh, 1822. This being the dny appointed by law for holding the Superior Court for the county of Newton His Honor, Augustus S Clay lon. was presept and after opening court proceeded to business. The following persons who had been pre viously drawn by the Inferior Court, to serve on the Grand Jury, attended and were empannehrd end sworn, to-wit Solomon Graves, William Fannin, Larkin Dunn, F H Tram mill, Wilson Whatly, James Bloodworth, Christopher A Carter,Henry Lane, Richard Q Lane, Robert Leak, Harrison Jones, David Hodge, James Johnson, John Stephens, Wm Jackson, Green B Turner, Joseph Henderson, George Cunningham, Thomas Jones, John F Piper, John Stocks, James Hodge, Sr. Samuel D Echols, The following persons who had been pre viously drawn by the Inferior court, to serve on the Petit Jury attended and were empaneled as Jury No 1 and sworn, to wit Joshua Hammock, SrNathaniel Williams, Richard Wilson, W illium Rice, Felix Cohon, Thomas D Ferrill, John James, John Overton, Rockwell Webb, < Thomas llodnett, Robert Dean, Josephs Anderson. Rule. —In accounting for an original pa per hereafter where it is intended to intro duce a copy in evidence, it shall only be required of the party wishing to introduce said copy, to swear that he has not said original in his power, custody or possession. The Grand Jury returned the following Presentments Georgia, skevioii County. We, the Grand Jury tor the county afore said, presenjt Mates Brown, of this county, for living in a state of open adultery with one or nis B^Tf 1 women, named Lot. at his own house. ' Witness, Larkin Brown, Crenshaw. We present Irwin Yates and Elizabeth Burnsides for retailing spiritous liquors on the Sabbath of the 24th day of March last at his own house without license. >’ itnesses, Thomas Cockrell, Jr., Asop I>OtSOII. W e return our most gratetul thanks to His Honor, Judgu Clayton, for his strict attention to business, his independent and able administration of justice the present term. Solomon Ghavks, Foreman. Welcome Park vs. Jordan Baker. Case settled at Deft’s cost. The State of Georgia vs. John F Piper, Magistrate, and George Bell, Deft. Certio rari Certiorari sustained as to Geo Bell’s case and new trial ordered. By Jury No. 1: — David B Perryman, Informer, vs. Fleming Bates &. Reubin Adams, tenant in posses sion. Sci Fa We, the jury, find the diaw a fraudulent one, Robert Dean, Foreman Ex’d. A. S. Clayton. The jury in the case last above mentioned j having returned a verdict finding ' the draw a fraudulent one, ’ and the defendant being dissatisfied therewith, eg me into office, by Thomas F Foster, his attorney, paid up the cost and craved an appeal, which was gran, ted. Whereupon, Wilson Whatley enters himself as security for the eventual con demnation money, and acknowledges him self equally bound therefor with the said defendant. This loth April. 1822. Reubin Adams, Tenant, in proper per Son by his attorney, Tbps. F Foster, (L S) W Whatley, (L S.) Test, John II Tremble, Clerk. Court then adjourned till court in course. CICERO HOLT, Sol- Gen. Lemuel Sheriff. We agree with an exchange that “Georgia is the poor man's paradise,'’ but when lie stays iu Georgia he and esn’t stay poor— unless he is in the Dewspaper business. It seeins that there is an unpaid mortgage on the white house. The lamented George Washington is said lo have made the mortgage, and the claim is for §120,000. Croupv suffocations, night coughs and all the common affections of the throat and lungs quickly relieved by Dr. J. 11. McLean’s Tar Wine Lung Balm. The Mississippi Democrats are not ( dis >osed to mince matters. They declare that the race w hich upholds civilization in the South must rule, regardless of abstract ‘‘Gggeiing’ ou census returns. Allianceriien throughout the state who aie at all doubtful of the power of co-operation, should go to Griffin and see the immense oil mill and gu ano factory now being completed by the Alliance Much lias been said and written .about the cotton crop and much more will be said and written. Ail that can be said will not change the mat ter. The early cotton lias a good Crop on it and the late cotton will £u:ike a gmJ one if it has time. Editorial Notes. They are selling liquor iu Koine, but the prohibitionists are contest ing the election which permits the local authorities to do so. The Coiit*d<:r#te Survivors of Su vanuuh are kicking op the new state organization, claiming that it wus not regularly organized. The senate knocked tile life out of the Brady bill last week by n close vote, and it will not come up again in the present legislature. Old people suffer much from dis orders of the tiruary organ*, and are always gratified at the wonderful ef fects of Dr. J. If. McJ.eau’s Liver and Kidney Balm iu banishing their troubles. #I.OO per bottle. The venerable Secretary of State, N. (A Barnett, docs not propose to be laid on the shelf. lie says the people of Georgia are entitled to his services and shall have them as long as they wish. When you are constipated, with I loss of appetite, headache, take one l of Dr. J. H. McLean's Little Liver and Kidney Pillels. They are pleas ant to take and will eure you. 25 cents a vial. If your kidneys aie inactive, you will feel and look wretched, even iu the most cheerful society, cud ruelan choly on the jolliest occasions. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm, will set you right again. SI.OO per bottle. “What has become of Col. Living ston ? He has not been heard from tbis week, and he did net accompany Mr. President Northen and the twelve farmers out West to the land of promise.”—Aug. News. Living slon's all right. Imperfect digestion and assimila tion product) disordered conditions of the system which grow and are confirmed hy neglect, Dr. J. H. Mo Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier, by its tonic propei ties, cures indigestion and gives tone to the stomach. SI.OO per bottle. If you could see your own scalp through an ordinary magnifying glass, ypu would be amazed at the amount of dust, dandruff, and dead skin thereon accumulated. The best and most popular preparation for cleansing the scalp is Ayer’s Hail Vigor. | THE FE AST OF T HE PASSOVFR The establishment of the Feast of the Passover, was evidently of Divine origin, in the account given iu the 22ud chapter of Luke our Saviour gave notice of the place, and when Peter and John were sent to prepare for it, they found a place as repre sented and things were made ready as he had commanded, and when the hour was come he sat down and the j twelve Apostles with him, and lie I said unto tliem with desire, “I have desired to eat this passover with ytu before I suffer.” The desire of the Savioui’s heart was that a memorial should be per petuated in the hearts of his follow ers and he bids them to do this in remembrance of me. It was no small thing that he did iu establish ing the passover. it enables the prodigal to return to his father’s house with a welcome that he can see feel and taste with present and fu ture profit, because it brings afresh to the minds of his believing chil dren his great sacrifice whereby he made us free, through the atoning merits of his blood, therefore we should do this as he has commanded in remembrance of him and also with desire as he did for all of his acts are worthy of emulation, there is a deal of meaning in thg word desire, it was his own words to express the depth and meaning and we should thus be mindful to do it with desire and remembrance that it may live and grow and become more and more sacred in the hearts of those who partake in his name, we believe that it is intended that every Christian believer should observe this ordi nance with unity of feeling and unity of purpose, for by it and through it we observe an ordinance and obey a command which will ultimately give to its keepers a faith that will enable them to enjoy a foretaste here, and finally will enable them to sit down with him, who established it here, and partook with desire iu his fath ers house where he lias gone to pre pare a place for all those who are faithful to observe apd do this in re jnembrance of him, thus we will see that it is no small thing, for it gives pleasures in this life and promise in the life to come, where the pertec tion of joy is seen felt and known as jt is real and not imaginary in the abode of our Father which art in Heaven. * *• Covington, Ga., Sept, If), ’B9, NOTICE To Debtors and Creditors. All persons having demands against the estate of BAALAJI BROOKS, late ol said comity, deceased, are hereby no iilied to render in their demands to the undersigned according to law ; and all persons imii bted to said estate arc re quired to make immediately payment. J NO. F. HENDERSON, Administrator Baalam Brooks, dec’d. Snuff by the tie worth, 10c worth or $lO worth at Atlanta prices at Lee A Guinn’s. The Teacher Who adUusl low puplli to strengthen tbrlr iiiiuiU *y ilia u.u at Ayer's Sar saparilla, appreciated tin, truth tlial Ikklil}- l.caltU Is essential to mental vigor. Kor persons at drllcau an ,t fm lila roiistltutlua, *bslllsr young or oM, this meillrluo Is reinarkaldy lienaflotal, Ho aura you gat Ayer’s Murtnparllla. •• Every spring mul fall I lal.c a num her of Is'itlcs of Ayer's Sanoirarllla.aiwt am greatly," Mis Jaiur* 11. Htoncliani, .Mass. "I have tukeu Ayer'S ffanaparilla with great benefit to in.v general health ” MlssThlnua 1,. Crirui, Palmyra, MU. "My ilaiiglitcr, twelve years of age, has suffered for the past year from General Debility. A lew Wfeki Inr<\ \vp In cm to pirn her Ayer** Nwmt parti In. Hot litnlth tan Srtmtly Implored."Mr*. Unmet 11 iutth-M, Houtli C’liL'lliiftford, Mass “Al*ut ayenr/igof !w*giui using Ayer’* Brwu|'rti dirt U lrimtly lor debility mid result Ing from i. aim mi cipohure lit tlu* nriny. I \wiA hi .t very tail eomlitunj, but hix liJUlcn of lleSur- I .''l,- -..f A . I } inlu, hvo grootly lmrroved ,ny lieulilt. I am now aide to work, and feet that I cannot say too much lor \ nir i xcHlviit remedies. —K. A. l'inkliaui, South Molum uH, Me. “My daughter, sixteen year* old, is using Aver** S. oaourilla with gc**l ef fect. ' — l!ev. S. s. Orahuni, United Brethren Church. Um kbamion, W. Va. *\l suffered froku j Nervous Prostration, 1 with lame bock nnd hemlaelie, and hnvn taen tiiiu li benefited by tbo u*< <*f _\ \ SarKapurilla. lam now K'.f year* < f ape, ami am satwtied that my present health and prolonged life are due to tin use of Ayer'a Bar*u|HU'illa." Luey Mothtt, Ki!H. .jjij, t'i'iiii. • ■ Mr*. Aijn }). fiirnworUi. si lady TV yonis old. HB. Woodsfottk, Yt., write*: “After hsverul weeks' attfTcriu*' from nervous tarns r ration, I procured a tattlo of Ayn*o' Thr*aparilla, and in-fore I nail t .ken half of my usual health returned/’ • ■ * • Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, PCEPABIcb KY Dr. J. C. Ayer k C$ , Mass. Ytice ft: Worth U>ui.‘ -ij[N JJEW QUARTER^ I have just moved into the old SHEPHERD HOUSE, opposite the Pitts House and two dooFS from. Lee & Guinn, where I expect to give my cus tomers and friends the ad vantage of the very Lowes! Prices in Everything; 1 I am determined to sell, Regardless of competition. I keep a full line of General Merchandise consisting in part of GOODS,^) FAMILY GROCERIES, ETC, ETC • Give me a call and I will treat you right. **E.ooK>| Covington, Newton county, Geo. 1 M. O’DOWDS SONS & CO., COTTON FACTORS and General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No, 6, Warren Block, Augusta, Geo. We give Personal and Undivided Attention to weighing and selling of Cotton. o o ° sf-Commission for Stilling, 50 cents. Storage 25 cents, Gash advance* Made on Consignments.—to.novS Asbury Hull. P. B. Tobin. HULL & TOBIN, Successors to Geo. R. Sibley <N Co,H COTTON FAGTORS, 845 & 847 Reynolds St., Augusta, Georgia. Personal attention given to all branches of our business.—to.nov.s BI’CKLKN S ARNICA HALVE. The best Salve lu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt itlumem, Fever Sores, Tetter, t happed Hands, Chilblains, < urns, and all Skin Erup tion*, and positively euro" Plies, or no pay required. JtU guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refiiudefi. Price 25 cent# por box. Pur sale by Brooks A Ivy, Covington, (.'a, mcß& YOU CANNOT AFFORD At this season of the year to lie with, out a good reliable diarrhoea ba!.-am in the house, ns cramps, colic, diar rhoea nnd all infiamation of the stom ach nnd bowel* ure exceedingly dan gerous if nut attended to at once. One bottle of licggs' Diurhoen Balsam will do more good iu cases of this kind than any other medicine on earth. Wo guarantee it. Brooks A Ivy Druggist. Jute Bagging. • Believing that there will not be enough cotton bagging to put up the crop, in llii. secliun, I have secured a lot of One ami Three Quarter, good JUTE BAGGING, which I offer for sale to those who want it, and to those who cannot get the cot ton bugging. I do not propose to antagonise the sale of cotton bagging, nor (he Farm.** Alliance, for 1 am in sympathy with j their jtood w ork ; hut want tg supply those wiio want it. \V. SCOTT. New and elegant dress goods on hand and to arrive. The ladies are invited to call and sec ihem, for nnm better can l>c found. !• J. Dcariug. SHOES ! SHOES! ■ naantmti NEW CLOTHING To fit Boys, Youths and Men, jk. ADAMS BROS. I’HE EVERGLADE SALOP jl], JOE. W, WRIGHT, PROP’R, 1 Door above Post Office, Covington, Ga. w ‘li keep in stock the finest and purest imported and domestic wines brandies whiskies, ruin, gin, beer, champagne, etc., to be found in the markets of the world. Also, fine cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. The Everglade Saloon is elaborately and handsomely furnished, second to none in Georgia. I have separate counters, glasses and bar tenders for white and colored. The best of order maintained and all laws and regulations strictly ob served at all times. ®ES**Orders promptly filled and goods immediately shipped to ail points of the globe, east, west, north and south. Light wines for sacramental purposes, and old liquors for medicinal purposed, which are guaranteed strictly A No. 1. Call and see me. joe "w. JORDAN & SMITH, COTTON FACTORS, Augusta, : : : ; Georgia. W3i„Mr. \\ . M. Jordan has been actively engaged in the Cotton Business during the past fourteen years. “©8 6'ST’No Storage charged on Cotton if sold within 30 days. Liberal Advances made on Cotton in Store. YVe GUARANTEE Satisfaction in Every Respect. “©B Covington & Oxford Street R, R.l Covington, Ga,, July 23, 18S0. j The following Schedule will be run on I the Covington & Oxford Street Railroad until further notice: Lj little, and swune L s ocean. The Spanish mackerel is one L. the fastest of the food fishes. Its body L, cone-shaped and as smooth as burnish [5 metal. Its speed is as matchless as t t. s dolphin, and in motion it cuts the wa hf like a yacht.” —Washington Post. le L Romance of a Famous Mineral Wa' , I e David /Voidreus Saxlehncr, owner of hj Hunyadi Janos, died recently while lh his way to Carlsbad. He was a man 10.15 a m I 10,45 a m 7.15 p m | 7.45 p m addition to the above the car will meet all regular passenger trains on Sun day, besides carrying the people along its line home after church, morning and night, and will also bring and return the citizens of Midway and others who desire to attend service held in town during the week, day or night. Orders for special car may be left with the Secretary. W. C. CLARK, President. J. G. LESTER, Secretary. FURNITURE HOUSE, ..If you desire Fine Furniture call nt the old Pace corner, and secure bargains never before heard of iu middle Georgia. If you are in need of anything in the Fur niture lino give me a eall. My goods are all new, my stock extensive, and having had many years experience in this line I am satisfied I can please the people. When it comes to selling a standard Wagon or fine Buggy, I know I can otter extra in ducements to purchasers. Call and see me. Respectfully, J. S. PEEK. Covington Ga , Nov, 22 —tf Remember that 3 W is guaranteed. So is Heart and Kidney Tonic and Brain Tonic. Try them and if they do not come tip to recommendation Brooks & Ivy will refund the money. c mms feTFor sale by Dr. J. A. WTighi, THE NATIONAL Oarment Cutter ke.-TTh most complete system ie use. Anyone can learn to use it. X-.i tailor or dressmaker can afford to do without it. Only a few lessons necessary. t&'Wo want a number of industrious j energetic workers to introduce the Nation al Garment Cutter, We will give you terms whereby many people are making large sums of money. We want none but sober industrious people that are willing to do I hard steady work for big pay. KaTTnstruction Room in Henderson's Building, Northeast corner public square. Henry Grahn. MONUMENTS ! If 3*ou need a fine and artistic monument I or gravestone, of either granite or marble write direct to our salesman, Mr. James H Richards. Covington, Ga. State quality, and whether you want a family monument ! or a single grave stone, if the latter wheth j er f° r a child or adult, and lie will call on 1 you with a catalogue of suitable and latest j designs, giving sizes and very lowest prices. JTV e w ill pay all freight charges to your I nearesr depot, and our Mr. Richards * will j set up all work in the cemetery, in very I best manner and style. Our prices are as low as any first-class work can be sold in the United States. J. L. CLARK k CO.. Louisville. Ky.—aug2Btf.o c n r may he im.thr W. 1.. IX.iihliu m lima K lim uml “ ti lilloim V“‘ Mm “• “ 'vhuX .y \sb, V t * \Jy W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. w ,Ms. , iVaK o .Vfh^wifr. ,, Aw Si m Vi \ >.si:n >.ii ivt i t Mini . li:3S shoe. All umdo lu ConjrrcM, Hutton and I.fuit.. W. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE lao°i r eß. ln>st Sfntsrlal. Hrt Rtyl''. UMt Fitting, jf ”j' (}C|tTON MASB. I examine W. L. Doug las $2.00 Shoes for gentlemen and ladies. Foil SALE BY Ll, J. DEAIUNG, COVINGTON, GA. Georgia Railroad. Stone Mountain Route. G EOBGIA R AILROA I) COM PAN Y Office General Manager, Augusta, Ga.. April. 22, 1889. Comment ing Sunday, 23tli inst., the fol lowing Passenger Schedule will he op erated : —FAST LINE.— No. 27 West Daily. Leave Augusta 745 a. m. Arrive Washington... .10 20 a ni Leave Washington.... 720 ain Leave Athens 8 30 a. m. Leave Covington 11 39 a. m. Arrive Atlanta 100 a.m. No. 28 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 2 45 p. m Arrive Athens 7 00 p. m. Leave Athens 3 50 p. rn Arrive Covington 4 00 p. in Arrive Washington.... 7 20 p in. Leave Washington.... 4 20 p m. Arrive Augusta. 8 15 p m. No. 1 West Daily. Leave Augusta 10 45 a. m. “ Macon 710 a. nr. “ Milledgeville .... 9J9a. m, “ Washington ...1120 a. m. “ Athens 850 a. in. Arrive at Covington ... 3 53 p. m. “ “ Atlanta 545 p. in. No. 2 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 8 00 a. m. “ Covington 943a. m. Arrive at Athens 5 15 T>. m. “ “ Washington ..220 p. m. “ Milledgeville . . 4 11 p. m. “ “ Macon <>oo p. in. “ “ Augusta .... 335 p. m. No. 3 West Daily. Leave Augusta 11 00 p. m. Arrive at Covington . . . . 4 39 a. in. Arrive at Atlanta 6 30 a. m. No. 4 East Daily. Leave Atlanta 11 15 p. m. “ Covington 108 t m. Arrive at Angusta .... 645 a. in. ATLANTA COMMODATION. (Daily, except Sundays.) Leave Covington 6 40 a. m. Arrive Atlanta 7 55 a. m. Leave Atlanta 6 20. p ni. Arrive Covington 8 35 p. m. No. 28 stops at Harlein forsnpper. Trains No.’s 27 and 28 will stop and receive passengers to and from the following stations only—Grove town, Harlem, Thomson, Norwood, Barnett, Crawfordville, Union Point, Greensboro, Madison, llutledge Social Circle, Covington, Conyers, Lithouia, St. Mountain & Decatur. JOHN W. GREEN, General Manager. E. R. DORSEY, General Passenger Agent. JOE W. WTIITfe, Gcu. Trav, Pass. Agent, Augusta, Ga. NO MORE EYEi-GUISSES *BE ' % era MITCHELL’S Eye-Salve A Certain, Safe, and Effective Remedy for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES. Producing Long-Sightednoss, & Restor ing the Sight of the Old. Curc3 Tear Drops, Granulations, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes. Matted Eye Lashes, HD rEODLCHG (jIICK REUERJJD PEiUUIKST CCEIL nT?UHf nuall7 ) efflcac '°s when used In other maladies, such ns I lccrs., Ferer Sorei. wh PivvA’bj Jih mn? V’ ” 11 m ' HurL. PSIeeJSf Ayi r *-*U n . nmaflon CX|33 - wJ i CMiSxi.ljH BAIsl E may be U3cl to advantage. Sold by all Itragsiata at £5 Cents. NOTICE! GOOD TRADE FOR SOMEBODY.— If .you wail’ t a six- room dwelling in Oxford 'vitli all barns, outbuildings, etc., with 180 acres of land running up to hack door, two l"iiant houses, 13 acres meador pasture two creeks running through the land, fifty •'"•ro bottom, 20 acres original forest, spen ' .voting orchard, fine water, Ac. Or the dwelling with 23 acres land attached. Au- P'y t 0 F M. Means or Si. Hawkins. will buy the Horace Thompson hoiiye and lot, between the depot and Ox -1,11:,m s feet, car line, full acre lot, good r'." >r| WR ter, orchard, etc, Apply to R H Ibompson or Si Hawkins sheriff SAU^ Will be sold before the „ in the city of Upvinuton, °* , "he vutlun the legal hours of sal. 111 Cu uetv Tuesday iu October next lh ' mg property to-tyit ' th,( follow One house and lot iu ,1*,." ton, (u. rimUiiiiiiit twf>|v* less and laumded s fclluw. by laiiils uf hraukliu Wright U iiy lands known u < the- Jefrv'l." *2 the south by Inmfe of M,„ Ftct, % amlOT Rogers au,l u„Vh,. ’ So street le.ilmg from (’oviaglua 10, the place whereon the resides Saul place levied UM , ert.v ;.l I d. Hhe'ulierd to ‘ h ' S turn issued from the Justiea ■ "* *He district, 0 M. of said coumv ■ 1 W II Un.vles A C„ . U .g&\S? ami W. B. Shepherd 'N U U ANDKRBON sJ! AESO— nf Will lie sold before p ,!, door m the city of ('.0,. k/, n %' county, Within the legal iiours of Illie hurt I uesduy in October ? i hawing property to-wit; l| '‘t | All that trart or parcel of 1n,,,! l T ",.e <*ak Hill plaee, containingojK 1 ' [dred Aen sat Land, more r |i t"* l.ots No. ol aml 52, on which the im/ I menu are located, and liimuded Jit* (In the east by lands ol N Q [licks and .1 B Vandergriff; aou,*^!* 1 towns and hre , west l,j rt ** llu-ks; north by J„|, n Chrisi;„ , „„j J"! Also, on One Hundred acres "I Urj or less, off of the southern tort'W? ( Tamers land, next to PW M T ur „ 1 * bounded on the south bv 1’ W T W the east hy John Morg.a n a ° the north hy C W Turner and o/xT ® by Scott and Vandergriff\.„d W Hu”* Stun, nil of said lan/iying m U ;.T 'W Said land levied the* \\. rimer to satisfy an execution ■"j from the superior court of said favor of W. H. Sharp again" cW ner, August 27th, 1889. " W H- B. ANDEmpy Shenf TAX ASSESSMENT, Mon My, Ga„ for |9(t His Excellency, the Governor, ba,. ing assessed two and seven tenth* mills per. centum on the taxable property of the State, for the m 1889. It is Ordered that the folloT ing assessments be and they are here by made as the County fax qf s ef . ton County for the year 1883, forth, purposes therein mentioned, and that the same be collected by the TANARUS Collector of Newton County and paid over to the Treasurer by the jitli day of December 1889. (I) To pay the Grand, petit and | # M jurors for the year 1889, and all pre rums years, Thirty per cenf qn thp State tax. (II.) To support the County poor. Tw ty per cent on the State tax. an) lor Ordinary County purpose, bridges etc., fees of the jaiior,eim compensation to bailiffs and utiiai county officers for the year IjW, Fifty percent on the State tax. (IV) 1 o pay 0:1 the outstanding indebt edness for new Court House. 0111 Hundred per cent on the State tat T. O. SWANN Chairman Board Commissioner*. Aug. 19th, 1889. New EstablisW Harness, Bridles, Sad’ dies, Collars, etc. have purchased the Saddled Harness establishment of Mgsspj, lee 1 Cos., at corner Church street jjfjd College Avenue, and am now prepared to fill” orders for any kind or style of work in JUJ line. I have in store a full and comply stock of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Whip*. Collars, etc. etc., all being offered for w* very low. very article that leaves my shop will be guaranteed. Repairing and mo l ’*' ing a specialty. Give me part of your pat ronage, as 1 use only the best materialanl will do all in my power to please you 11 style, finish and price. and see me when in Covingtot for a welcome always awaits friend? * • customers.—t 0ct!8.5 V ery Respectfully, to Serve, R. L. ELLIOTT. Covington, Ga. W. r 7 PERKINS, PHOTOG-RAPHEEi —COVINGTON, GA.- .. The G. B. Rosser residence, acres of land attached, fine spri* etc., right here in town for sale cMP I Gallon Mr. R. W. Ingram, qr 8. W. Hawkins, real estate agent ..FOR SALE.—Good 6 house, fine water, orchard, outh°“' , etc. 33 acres land, 1 mile solid 1 , town. Very low. Call on 8. Hawkins or T. F. Petty. 2000 acres of rich land, in state of cultivation, good houses, well watered by creeks, branches springs, on the Savannah river, miles above Augusta, will he 50 cheap. Call on S. W. Hawkins. For Sale.—l 6 Desirable BuiltM Lots between the depot and on street car line. Terms easy. years time. Call on S. W. or N C Lee. ..For Sale. —Four room Utin on ncre lot, where Mrs. J'l n - , now resides, on Washington Will sell cheap. j . New 9 room residence, I * cr * ff y| between public square and depot) be fully completed and sold 0 .U A fine plantation, 1J rn.ile? , ea f* Jf e tin ington, well watered, rich and wj'G' very place for a live, progressive p Also, one of the best places in ro located near Newborn, Newtqn VQ try