The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, October 10, 1889, Image 2

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J. 2"i 0 Xli rit/6ri3nSS" __ ' — -.......— _____ ____ •-PUBLISHED WEKKLY. Thchskay Mokxixu Oct. Id, 1889. —> W. HAWKINS. Editor. T .VENTT FOUR YEARS AGO. -- . This is-ue begins a new volume with the Enterprise, and it eiders on the 25th year of i.s existence with fonJ hopes aud bright exjiectations. The present editor commenced with the paper at its hirt h and has fil.ed 9 " e.etj I...... “ ’““T'h, ’ 1"” years many luiatakes have been luaat jumI many errors committed. During these years we have learned that h ability , to . know * . I a , mattes more not to publish than it does to decide what to publish. Durmg these years our heart has warmed toward our paaons and continues to grow war,u et as the year* come and go, and wt embrace this opportunity to thank every friend and patron for the aid, assistance and encouragement we have received at their hands, "'e have pot accumulated a fortune in future we know nothing, and there fore can make no promise or pledge, further than to say that we shall con tiuue to stand by the right as we un dels land it. Vie shall uige reform and economy in state and national affairs, aud shall advocate teuipet mice. mora.ity and virtue in the ev ery day affairs of the people. \\ e shall endeavor to discharge our du as an editor and a citizen, to the beat of our feeble ability. REV. WARREN CANDLER. The fiiends of Rev. Warren A. Candler, and they are numerous in Augusta, listened to two eloquent and impressive sermons from this able young divine on Sunday. Ho is a tower of strength in Southern! Meth¬ odism. As a pulpit orator he lias no superior, and as college president, editor, educator and Christian work er he is doing a world of good among his people. Dr. Caudier accepted the presi¬ dency of Emory college at great per¬ sonal sacrifice, but lie is building up that popular institution and is carry ing its claims in a winning way be fore the people of the state. He graduated there in 1875 and has been laboring in tbe ministry since that time. Only thirty-two years old, lie has shown much of the piety aud poyvcr of the 1’ierces. That he will one day be promoted lo a bishopric v:e do not doubt. His course is just begun, his frame is stalwart, his mind clear, and his courage daunted. The Cbrouicle wishes Warren A. Candler and Emory college, whose dean and ambassador he is, long life .aud increasing prosperity. He is al ways welcome to Augusta for his cause aud for himself.—Aug. Chron. ....... — A BACKSET,NOT A DEFEAT ? The abandonment by tho New Or leans Exchange of a demand of 16 pounds tire on cotton packed in cot ton cloth, is by :io means significant that that rats will not finally be agreed upon. The claim of the New Orleans Exchange, that its action wa. forced by that of other exchanges, is no doubt true. Memphis never ac iiepted the proposed rate, and the Charleston Exchange reconsidered its action accepting it. W hat other ex changes may have done we cannot state positively, but no doubt some of them acted as Memphis or Char leston did. A complete triumph of the move meut for the substitution of cotton for jute bagging could hardly have been expected this year. The change was too great for that, with the scant means possessed for the manufacture of the cotton bagging, and the cus toms, fears and rivalries of the ex changes to he overcome. But suffi¬ cient progress has been and will he made this season to give assurance of success if the policy of the alii ances and the planters is resolutely adhered to, and we are gratified B that there are no indications of weaken in" * as yet. * ", * - Colonel , L. I. T , -r Livingston . . has , been in Atlanta for several days, trying to devise some plan for helping the far mere out in their fight against the jute trust. He is trying to overcome the evil effect of the failure of the plan proposed by tho New exchange. The farmers are being fought bitteily on the tare question. Col. Livingston feels encouraged and , has a plan , that .i , will be , promulgated , , in a few days, wLich he thinks wi.i have a better effect tbau anything yet proposed. The jute trust sought to rob farmers by an enormous increase in tue price . ol ... bagging, the farmers . resisted, and will win the fight in ' the , end. , Iheie is . a pnueiple . . , in . volved that will nerve them to fight till they wipe the greedy trust from the face rtf the earth —At. Jouiual. The gubematouai campaign in .Georgia appears to have lapsed into a btate of iuucuous desuetude, ms it Avere. n i his . • well ,, for » of - the IK gouie Uoiig . tre- . asplia c K. campaig C are q . .eut j* to . oU >\ it . f hopes. uquirei duu. Primus Jones wants the House of Rtpie:ent:itm-s to abolish tbe House of Lords, or tbe Seriate Very good. Now let tbe Senate in turn abolish the House and the people will be bap. r. v - Let each swallow the other and a ! wt.l be forgiven —Augusta News When you need a good, safe laxs tive, ask vom druggist for a box of Ayer’s Puts, and you will Sad that they give perfect satisfaction. For indigestion torpid liver, and sick headache there is nothing superior. Leading physicians recommend them. The fait teiui of Emory college opened on the 2nd with 200 students, ,i„j in ,.c Imie mnifj every il.y .....:*e lime. E',,,P„ ...t« .. )i»lritt . " m * i,» a,K 1,1 < ' ° ,urn l, ‘ a are 'cpr^sented in the college The faculty f„ arc highly “ * pleased at the I ff . Tbeie was a big fight in the Senate | on the bid to charter the Atlanta aud j Lithpnia tiie orapall railroad. to The construct bill author-j road , zeg „ y a f M , m Atlanta to Lithonia, parallelling jthe Georgia road, and authorizes I j tlieln l0 con q cmu two miles of the I i () f wa ^. u f t jj e Georgia road to „ et into the city. The fight j amen( lmenl was adopted last week, | ))ut was reconsidered, The amend inen j wag defeated and the bill Jwas j pasiscd . Thug jt u tbat the legihla . uire lias virtually confiscated 2 miles j , (f the Georgia railroad in order to favor another corporation. It saems j a9 jf (bc p reseu t legislature is never ^ j, a ppy as wben fighting, harass ! ing and clipp ing the railroad indus t; ics of the State. RUUD NOTICES. GEORGIA, Newton County, j To All Whom it may Concern : All persons interested are hereby j shown notified to that the contrary if no good order cause will be j an be gianted by the undersigned on the 21st day of Oct. 1889, establish class . public liig a second road to run ilist as the old load t-llut is HOW being ° traveled, runs without making any change therein, leading from Thom as Sigmons to the road near Jersey Epps, running through lands ol Thomas Sigmons, the Georgia rail umd right of way, and Jersey Epps land. Sept. 12, 1889. T. C. SWANN, Chairman Iiourd Commissioners. GEORGIA, Newton County. I To All Whom it may Concern : All persons interested are hereby notified that if no good cause be I shown to the contrary, an order will , be granted by the undersigned on on the 21st day of October 1889, es tab'ishing a change or alteration in the public road leading from Coving ton to Monroe. Said alteration to leave the old road at the foot of tbo hill north of little Cornish creek and I running on the west side and pural ltl with the old road to the top of the hill near the residence of James , Cook and terminating in said road. i Kept. 12, 1889. T. C. SWANN, ; Chairman Board Commissioners. ! GEORGIA, Newton County. To All Whom it may Concern : All persons inteiested aic hereby notified that if no good cause be shown t.o the contrary an order will be gianted by tho undersigned on the 21st day of October 1889, e.stab fishing a uew public road, as marked out by the road Commissioners ap j pointed for that purpose, comment’ j ing it the residence of J. C Cash in said county and running in a wester | ly direction and by the residence of Mis. Elizabeth Morgan, and through ; the lands of J. (’. Cash and John W. Lunsford, A. B. Lunsford, J. R. I Lunsford, Mis. Elizabeth Morgan, : and Mrs Silas Morgan, and inter seeling the public road from E. A. ; Heard’s mill to Mouticello, near ti 1( , residence of Silas Morgan. Sept. 12.1889. T. C. SWANN, Chairman Board Commissioners. U'U j Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons having demands against I the estate of Win. Cook, late of Newton county, d , , , hereby notified .... iceaseu, are to j present the same in terms of Hie law, and all persons indebted to the estate will please come forward and settle, j This September 10, 18M). W. J. COOK, Executor of Win. Cook. NOTICE To Debtors and Creditors, All persons having demands against t „ rtM1 <U-r in their demands to the Under-igned .Iivet,. Li law; and all persons; indebted to said estate are re to „ MKe immediately payment. JNO. F. HENDERSON, : Administrator Baalant Brooks, dee’d. Notice Debtors and Creditors. An persons having demands against the; estate ol J. S. Stanton, late of Newton connty. deceased, an- hereby notified to render in their demands to the undersigned {according to law; and all persons indebted to said estate are required to make inune diute puynien This September 2nd Igs! 1 w II. .STANTON, Administrator J. S Stanton. L 2 tt 3 rs of Gu jrdianahip GEORGIA, Newton County. f 1 > AH Whom ii may Concern ; MAKY E. Mr.t'AvV having, in due form. ai> pii.d dianship i« oi tin- the und(*rsi KU ,.,i forth- ouar ) persons and property of John B. and Samuel I! McCaw. imbeciles.* no tir e is horDhyirivvn that hpr application will be i h^jr«L>n th.Mirst M,m iayin November. 1*0. • j.yme.j m. jielcuer, Ordioary. WHAT A FORTUNE Is a go«d healthy, pearly shin. Few are aware of the short time it takes for<i disordered liver to cause bloteh es on the face, aud a dark greasv .-kin. , nd B1( ^j Mak^/tvill restore this or- " £ an 'G natural and healthy state, ai1 ^ Realise the blood of all impuri ties. It is meeting with wonderful success. T\ e guarantee every bottle. Brooks A Ivy Druggists, II A. JONES A CO., Will, until further notice, keep ami St 'll Potts & Potts celehated XXX R>*e W hiskey at 82.00 per gallon.— This is the purest whi.kv on parti, “« ....... <T- “H.rp.V fwleil h> please some of our customei*. .v» we are forced to handle the famous XXX We have the Harper whiskey, left ever, and will sell it very low, ’or as it » hani stock tor us to handle sell, II. A. Jones & Co., Covington, Ga. ———— :: ELCKLLNS . . ARNICA SALVE, xhe Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheuem, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped V Hands, " Chilblains, Corn*, and all Skin Erup tiona, and positively cures Piles, or no leejuireti. It is guaranteed to give Ask For Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and be sure von get it, when you want the best blood-purifier. I H r/ cess With Blood of unexampled in its Diseases, flic forty cure years suc¬ you of Yv can make no mis¬ a, M take in preferring Ayer’s Sarsaparilla to any other. The fore-runner of mod¬ ern blood medicines, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is still the most pop¬ ular, being in great¬ er demand than all a others combined. recommend it.”—George W. "Whitman, ‘’cf a * s tf!'h^ayinii that my sates of Ayer’s s-.o -.ipaniu tar those of any other, aud it gives thorough satisfac tion.” — L. 11. Bush, Dcs Moines, Iowa. “Ayer’s Sarsaparilla an 1 Ayer's Tills are the best canrccomimm.i Belling medicines themconscieu- m my store, t 15kiihaua ’ 1‘hannaeist, lies cl uu 1, 111. 44 \\V have sol i Ayer’s Sarsaparilla here iTr over thirty years ami always r’( 'tuenen l it when asked to name the Ik . t blood-purifier.”—W. Augusta, Ohio. T. McLean, Druggist, I bavo sold your medicines for the last seventeen years, they aud a ys staples. keep t’.iei i in j,t * r.«; tire 4 There is nothing Acer’s so pood for the youth¬ ful blood’ as Fox oursaparilla.” — H. L. Barker, Lake, Wis. 41 Ayer's f-'.ivsnpariHa pives the best satisfaction any medicine LJiavo in stock. T i < fumuend it, or, as the Doctors . ‘ f prescribe it over the counter.’ it never fails to meet the e v s for which l recommend it, even v. the do* /avail.” vs’ prescriptions C. F. Calhoun, have h. < a of do — Monmouth, Kansas. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr . j. c . Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. iM-t ; I; .is bottles, $5. Worth i'e a bottle. For Lcavo to Sell G EG RG i A, N ewton County. To al) wbrnn il m iy conei rn; F. D. BIGGKRS, Administrator of Sarah I. Blg ffors. deceased, with tite wills of John and Ann Webb, deceased, annexed, has in due form ap¬ plied to to the undersigned ft" for leave to sell the real estate and two shares of the Capital Stock ------of of the (Li. K. P. Bankimt Conpanv. of said deceased, and said application will be heard or the first Monday in November next. This, Oct, 7. 1889. JAMES M. BELCHER, Ordinary. For Leave to Sell GEORGIA, Newton County. To All Whom it May Concern : S. 11 G. W. AVKRY. administrators of Thomas K. Avery, deceased, have in due form applied cal to the undersigned decease for and leave to sell the t estate w said 1, said applica¬ tion will he heard on the first Monday in Novem¬ ber next. This, Oct. 7. JAMES M. BELCHER. Ordirary Le^al Warning. All persons are hereby forbidden to hunt with dog or gun or other¬ wise, or to pass through in vehicle, on horse or foot, or in any manner whatever to trespass upon our lauds or enter any of our buildings or lots ■ in Newton county, without our per mission. Persons disregarding this notice will be prosecuted to the fu 1 extent of the law. Joseph George, Jno II Bird, J B George, Lit Yarbrough. “Jack” W. Lindsay. i W, C. CLARK & Co. 1 i ^BANKERS* —OPEN 9 A. M., TO 5 P. M.— fpRAXSACT JL ness Receive A General deposits Banking of business busi firms and individuals, subject to check at sight. Collections made on all accessible points. Buy and sell exchange —tf. VINGTON COTTON MARKET —Market steady. Middling 94 to 10J ets. per pound. CORKS,- -•PILES, ^ ■ j A . rrfiAOEf MSs- ML x' V u v» to > -: 25CT For sale by Dr. J. A. Wright. - -------- We '»e nave luivc not not a n mail nrin in ill our uui house House thsit inaiCneiAS50r phpws nr 8,nOKeS » ^ ko ^ VOII see we can sell you tohacc and cigars cheaper than anyb nly, Lee Guinn. _ WIDE-AWAKE COVINGTON BUSINESSMEN ^__________________ THINK fiOflOT THIS THING! FOR YOUR 0WN+C00D! A house full of new eoods In every line. New cloaks in*every style and kind. Clothing and gents good s. Ladies and miss¬ es wool goods. During these cold days will feel warm to all who will come. Don’t forget our line of Shoes, that beats the world, for everybody. COME "170 SEE ADAMS BROS. ■ 3 flS pW pRTER^f I have just moved into the old SHEPHERD HOUSE, opposite the Pitts House and two doors from Lee & Guinn, - where I expect to give my cus¬ tomers and friends the ad¬ vantage of the very Lowest Prices i verylhing! 1 am determined to sell, Regardless of competition. I keep a full line of General Merchandise consisting in part of. BOOTS. SHOES. HATS, Cloth;n r, SUGAR. COFFEE. FAMILY GROCERIES, ETC, ETC. Give me a call and I will treat you right. 40.tK.WOOK> Covington, Newton county, Geo. fltE EVERGLADE SALOP Ji[_ JOE, W. WRIGHT, PROP'R I -1 Door above Post Office, Covington, Ga. __ ________ r win ii i Keep ■ in-toe,; i the , finest . and imported and domestic brandies whiskies, purest wines rum, gin, beer, champagne, etc., to be found in the markets of the world. Also, fine cigars, cigarettes, tobacco, etc. The Everglade Saloon is elaborately and handsomely furnished, second to none in Georgia. I have separate counters, glasses ami bar tenders for white and colored. The best of order mamtained and all laws and regulations strictly ob¬ served at all times. 8QL,Orders promptly filled and goods immediately shipped to all points of the globe, cast, west, north and south. Light wines for sacramental purposes, and old liquors for medicinal purposed, which are guaranteed strictly A No. 1. Call and see me. GILT-EDGE AUGUSTA COTTON FACTORS. Fred. B. Pope. Lamar L. Fleming. POPE & FLEMING OOTTOl^ FACTORS Augusta, Georgia. Our reasonable two large warehouses Liberal afford advances ample stor-j at rates. on cotton in store. Strict personal attention given to every branch of our business. I Full Supply G! Cotton Bagging Oa Hand. Asbury Hull. P. B. Tobin HULL & TOBIN Successors to Geo. R. Sib i:y & Co, COTTON FACTORS, 845 & 847 Reynolds St., Augusta, Georgia Personal attention given to all branches cf our business—to.nov.5 i M. O’DOVYD’S SONS & CO., COTTON FACTORS And General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 6, Warren Block, Augusta, Geo. W e give Personal and Undivided Attention to weiohino O 1 and selling O of Cotton. o ; K^Commission for Selling, 50 cents. Storage 21 cents. Liberal Cash advances Made on Consignments.—»v5 JORDAN & SMITH COTTON FACTORS, Augusta, Georgia. mS-Mr. W. M. Jordan has been actively engaged in the Cotton Business during the past fourteen years.“©J fiSaTN’o Storage clmrged on Cotton if sold within 30 days. Liberal Advances made on Cotton in Store. We GUARANTEE Satisfaction in Every Respect <|S3 i Govlngtoa & Oxford Street R. 0, Tbe following Covington, Ga., Oet. 1, 1889. Schedule will be run on tbe Covington & Oxford Street Railroad i until further notice: -TIME TABLE Leave Pitts’ House. Leave Detot at en lo a m I-Httxw P m -1 4o a ui P m o 10 a in P in 10 a m P m to m 00 •3’3’3'C m CC p Dl W-. 00 m y’ p m m (X p m Or. m -SUNDAY SCHEDULE: 10.15 a m 10,45 a m 7.15 p m 7.45 p m B@uln addition to the above the car will meet all regular passenj-er trains on Sun¬ day, besides carrying the people along its line home alter church, morning and night, and will also bring and return the citizens of Midway and others who desire to attend service held in town during the week day or night. Orders ibr special car may be left with the Secretary. w. C. CLARK, President. J. G. LESTER Secretary. FURNITURE HOUSE. HP^.lf yon desire Fine Furniture call at the old Pace corner, and secure bargains never before heard of in middle Georgia. If you are in need of anything in the Fur¬ niture line give me a call. My goods are all new, my stock extensive, and having had many years experience in this line I am satisfied I can please the people. When it comes to selling a standard Wagon or fine Buggy, I know I can offer extra in¬ ducements to purchasers. Call and see ine Respectfully, «T. S. IPEjEEI. Covington Ga , Nov, 22—tf THE N. 1 TI 0 IM. Garment Cutter The most complete system in use. Anyone learn ' i can to use it. No tailor or | dressmaker can afford to do without it. ! Only a few lessons necessary. | J d Garment Cutter. We will give you terms | "hereby many people are making larsie | | ! sum industrious » money. people We that want none but sober j bard steady work for big are willing to do pay-. Instruction Room in Henderson’s i Bl,ildin S. Northeast corner public square, Henry G-rahn. W. R, PERKINS, ™ -r-, PHOTOGRAPHER. -r-r _ _ _ —COVINGTON, GA.— GOOD NEWS FOR THE PE > LE. New lot of clothing at prices per suit, so that the richest and poorest , man in the town and county can well dressed at small cost. Sample lot of Notions . coming, which will be sold at wholesale cost, Shirts to suit everyboily. Hosiery from 4 cents to one dollar per pair. Corsets, from Misses sizes to 34 ladies Half hose at any price, from 3 cents up. Cheapest lot of buttons good metal, at lOets per dozen. Sliof ^bought cheaper than ever ami and will be sold to suit the times.— The “Wesleyan Girl” at 81.25 Douglas shoes are also kept here. A lot of hats that will surprise anv ii.,.,, body that will examine . quality ami price. Tobacco, at 50cts per pound that I worth 65cts. Try the “House \\ ould like for the people of New ton and surrounding counties to call before hoping elsewhere and let me show them what I can do both in re gard to price and quality. I have some lumber to sell to build houses, and stoves to do the cooking, and shoes to shoe the shoeless, an<l clothes the clothes the multitudes and bed spreading to cover the people and everything to get the young folks ready to go to housekeeping. Crockery coming straight from En gland. Best handed on plain ware cheaper than has ever been sold before. New and elegant line of dress goods will be in stock by the time you call. Thanks returned for the past liber¬ al patronage received. RESPECTFULLY J. J. DEARING. Covington, Ga. NO KOBE EYE-GLASSES HQ WEAK MORE Eye=Salve MITCHELL’S A Certain, Safo, c.nd Effective Ilcmedy fcf SORE, WEAK, a INFLAMED EYES, Producing ing Long-Sightedness, & Restor¬ the Sight of tho CU. Cures Tear Drops, Granulations, Stye Tumors, Red Eyes, Matted Eve Lashes, hwdecrb ^uh* seul? j*d rEKHitsi cut. - s »id by ail DeaefUta at 23 cents, _j \ V: fW W. ^^QUCUS SSiSS ti:3S ^ S 3 SHOE FOR iffisvffisrrSv W. DOLGLA.S. cajssJ" ***** L. HKOCKTON. Examine \\ . L. I) ou?. o las $2.00 Sl oes for gent’emen and ladies. -FOR SALE BY J, J. DEALING, COVINGTON, GA. New Est Harness. Bridles, Sad¬ dles, Collars, etc. fKg“l hnvp purebsised tln> Saddle and Harness psta’ hshment of Messrs. Lee i j Co., at corner Church street and Cellef* orders Avenue, and am kind now prepared to fill aj for any or style of work in mj line. I have in store a full and complete stock of Harness Saddles, Bridles, Whirl Collars, etc. etc,, all bcine offered for sale very low. 8GF"Every article that leaves mv shop will he guaranteed. Uepairiiij; ami mend¬ ing a specialty. (Jive me part of your pat ronaire, as I use only the best material ant will do alt in my power to please you ia style, finish and price. 8®„('all and see me when in Coviiy-loi, for a welcome always awaits friends ant customers.—t oetlei.5 Very Respectfully. Yours to Serve, R. L. ELLIOTT. Covington, Ga. t Georgia Railroad. Stone Mountain Rente, GEORGIA R AI I.ROAI) COMPANY Office Oeseral Manages. Augusta, (»a.,, 21, W. ! Commencing Sunday, 2‘2nd inst..tlieW j lowing Passenger Schedule will liny j erated: —FAST LINK.— No. 27 West Daily. Leave Augusta..........715 it. ® Anive Washington ... .10 20 # • Leave Wa-hin, t. I' . 7 20 a» Leave Athens...... i 3*1 it. flh I j Leave Covington.. 1. alia®. Arrive At.anta... ....... 1 00 a. a No. 28 East Daily. I Leav#At:iuittt............2 45 p- ® | Yi live Athens............7 lit) g .bi Leave Athens........ U50p-« j Anive Covington....... 4 00p.» j Anive I Washing Washington... 7 4 20 it) p p * * ’ jl ' uve tc n .. . 1 Anive Augusta..... M5 p*• . | j y \-kst Daily Leave Augusta..... 1 ( 5 a.(“• Macon . . . ; 10 a. » Mi. ledgeviih 19 a.®; A U ;i.- hilJgtDII 1 i 10 a. Athens . . 8 40 a . ; Arrivi at Covingtoi 53 p. ®d . •’ “ At.anta . . . : 45p.i ; " Leave . At iliita H 00 a. . Covington ■ 4i) a- ^ . . . Arrive at Athens- . . 5 15 p - % “ Washington . 2 30 p.» “ “ Mi.ledgevilh- 4 11p.® “ Macon.....G 00 UL u “ Augusta .... 3 15 No. 3 West Daily. Leave Augusta . . n oop-w* Arrive at Covington , , 4 39 a.® Anive at Atlanta......6 30a ® No. 4 East Daily. I Leave Atlanta 11 15 p- “h . . . . ,, ,, 108 , * Anive at Aik nsta 6 45 a. »• UNION POINT & WHITE PLAINS It R. Leave Union Point* 10 10 am. and Arrive Siioam 10 55 a in- and 6 O' 1 P* Arrive \\ hite Plains 11 10 aui. and 6 40p* Leave White Plaius®8 00 am. and'-KW Arrive Siioam 8 115 am. and 4 (hr Arrive Union Point 9 00 am. and 4 ®Daily, Except Sunday. ATHENS ACCOM WODATIO^ Leave Athens *6 13 F ® Arrive Union Point 8 45 p m . • Leave Union Point *5 45 a n . Arrive Athens 9 30 » * . . ^Except Sunday ATLANTA COMMODATIOX (Daily, except Leave Covington..... 0 ’ ' - Arrive Atlanta.......‘ p0 i Leave Atlanta........ cy d a Arrive Covington..... t ” Br N >. 28 tops a: Harlem for«!FP* i’.aiu- No.’s 27 and H8 : md nceive piis-ieugere .ns to..mviiig stations onn to vn, Lt. .e;n, Thomson, Bat net t. CiawfoidvL.e. I B1 Rut led^ ij-teeusbuio, Madison, nyert Social ircie, St. Mountain Covington, * ^ ^ n ’ tB r. Litbonia, LV ,, nn „, inV Passenger^ , I General M JOE W. WHITE Oen. Augusta, Ga,