The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, October 31, 1889, Image 2

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The Enterprise. . -PUBLISHED WEEKLY. Tumsuiv Mouximg Oct. 31, 18*0. _£ W. HAWKINS. Ed^or.— —— .. ............. — Y mr m- An X mark on this paper A K intended as a reninm. mat veu are in arrears for subscrip (ion and we would appreciate a re pittance. Settle up frteudi-. even ii you dost find an X an your paper.— Our futility subscriber* will oblige u by settling their ace duntti as soon ns jswibie, a* we do not care to put an X on their paper every week. ^ ALLIANCE DAY Thursday last Abiatice Day at the Piedmont Exposition aud thousands of people were in atten dance It was indeed a ted letter d*v in the history of the Farmers A Laborers Union of America. Speech «s wet e made by Mayor Glenn, Atlanta, Hon. Evan Jones, of lexa-. Hon. L F. Livingston, of Georgia, Coi. L L. Polk, of Nortii Carolina, aud Gov. Gordon. Heury NY. Grady master of cereuieuonies and fid the position to perfection. Ail the vpeelies were patriotic. Besides the regular exercises of the Exposition there was a double wedding, which attracted the atten tion of the vast multitude iu attou dance. Tue ceremony catue o!. on a plat/orm elaborately decorate* wu , agricultural implements and cotton bugging, in front of the grand stand. Mr. Walter K. Downs of Newton potinty, and Miss Mamie m mm, of Rockdale county, were united m wedlock by Dr. Darnett, presbyteri an divine, of Atlanta. Mr. Henry R. Wells was married to Miss Alice f. Whaley, both of Gwinnett county Pr. Morrison, of the first . let h odist ffaurch, performed this ceremony. Dr. Gibson, of Cora, was Mr. Downs best man; Judge Bryce, of Owiu nett, acted for Mr. Wells. Mr. Hen ry Grady gave away the brides and kissed the blushing beauties imtnedi n fc ly after the “knot had been tied. The first couple named above was dressed as follows . The bride’s dress was cut entwuiu with V neck front aud back and short sleeves. Was made of white cotton bagging and « aboratelv draped and trimmed with white ribbon, and wide white much >ng around the train aud at the shoul¬ ders. A bouquet of orange blossoms wa* fastened on thc left shoulder, and a beautiful bridal veil held in place with a wreath of the same flowers. The bridegroom wo* dies* ed in a suit of white cotton bagging, the coat a double-breasted Prince A1 bert and the vest low-cut. The but tous were green cotton bolls j The second couple was dres ed thus ; The bride's dress was cut with u court train, small V neck and long sleeves. It wa* tiirnuied with **** moire silk and riblwns and pearl naments. The bridal veil was held in place with a wreath of orange bios I he bridegroom wore H white ... EOins. cotton bagging suit, with a single breasted frock coat and a low vest. The buttons were white pearl, Many useful and valuable presents tW«re presented to the- bridal parties and exhibited in the maiu building Friday. It was a romantic affair and wa* “the talk of the day. ’ Space prevents a full and detailed recital of all the passing event* of this most pleasant and enjoyable occasion. Muv peace and prosperity ble9* the gal¬ lant grooms aud beautiful biides while *i*»te earth they dwell. From vbe ia At ante Journal r i we get this item : “The people ol Atlanta owe a debt , ,, of , gratitude , to Hon. ,, L. , F. Lirillgxtou, president of tlie Far men? Alliance, V for making , - Alliance tLy - . the exposition such splen at tt am dill sacoess. sneeess Itwos It was indeetl llli.-eu a a gloat day long to be remembered. Col. Livingston, 0,0 through his energy enterprise gave us Alliance Day, j-eallv the greatest day since Jaud was here, we nay lie deserves thanks of the people, anil in of the people, we extend to hitn At lauta's thanks, hearty and sincere ” _ Every IgttU who works for would do w all to bear in rniltd Words of Chief Arthur to the Loco . _ Engineers. , __ He urged mativp tiiem save a little of their earnings year, if no more than twenty fivedol iars. “The possession of property, - he said, “brings respect, and . . t*) the , COIIlfoit . find . power working men. beside* gaining the beem of all good citizens. ' he has cause to he cheerful iu prospect lhat when 1892 Haves' admitiistiut. on will not anee.ed at as the poo, eat that country ever expenouccd. As a,family medicuie, At 0» : 8 excel tlil others They are suite. 1 and, j 1 being * coated, ! jevet ‘ y a^e ® sugar en-v to take. , m 1 hough x »• *wl ttranragii ill effect, they are mikl and piea.suut in action, and ibeir ia attended nith uo injurious results The Augusta Cnroiueie says s “The Allanta Coustitution and Col. L- F. Livingston seem to have become Uim-oughiy reunited and reconciled, Libia show* vile value ot orgaauaUoM.” AX OPEN LETTER. Ilor D ies This Look ?—I will Gin for 1-30 of the cotton, or 30 cts per hundred weight of bale. Give VI.U 1200 lbs of Acid, 600 lbs Cotton >e*d Meal, 200 tbs Kainit for 10=» of Cotton see«l. Keep eon stantly on band Cotton Seed Meal, < '-ottnn Seed Hull*, Acid Pl.oaphate, German Kainit, and w ill exchange for seed or sell in quantities to suit purchasers. Put on 6 yard* cotton hugging and 6 tie* for $1,05 per bale. or b yards pine straw bagging and 6 ties for 1,00 jier bale, or 4 burlaps -acks, weighing 10 tbs, and 0 ties for !>0 cents tier bide. Pay vou 17 cent* per bushel for cotton seed f If anyone iffert more don’t *ell until you see me. i Attend to all business placed in my hands to the best of ray abih tv Come to see i^i^ everybody, at mv 0 bl stand, near the depot, Thanking ray friends for past fa vors ami hoping to receive the liberal patronage heretofore accord me, I am Very Truly A*our*. G. D. BUTLER. Covington, Newton county, Ga. THE PROHIBITORY SENTI T1MENT Pervading the country is due in great j measure to the large amount to spuri oug W h«key that is being gold. Im 'posed upon by irresponsible dealer* w bo doctor and color up spirits to re p regen { Whiskey, consumersarc vo ting to wipe out the entire business, To aid in checking this sentiment by supplying consumers with a pure Whiskey I am bow placing my cole brate(] w Harper Old Np40X Cou „ TY K y. Whiskey” direct to t hem from distillery warehouse. Thi* whiskey is made from selected rye am j conj an( ] L ar t e y malt at my j distillery iu Nelson County, Ky., ami represents the highest type of distil lation . As a stimulent or tonic it is pro ^.j-ibee by the leading physicians. A? a beverage it will recommend ;( W jf t0 thc most exacting couuois | 1 Respectfully, *eur. I. W. HARPFR. Sole Agent, J SWORDS AND NORTON, Covington. Georgia. WHAT A FORTUNE Is a good healthy, pearly skin. Few are aware of the short time it takes for a disordered liver to cause blotch¬ es on the face, and a dark greasy skin. One bottle of Begg’a Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will restore this or¬ gan to its natural and healthy *tate, and cleanse the blood of all impuri¬ ; ties. It I is meeting with wonderful I success. We guarantee every bottle, i Brooks & Iv v Druggists. j jp \ -JONES A CO., Will, until further notice, keep and K jip otte & p ott8 celebated XXX Rye Whiskey at pew This is the purest whisk v on earth for thc money. “Harper’s” failed to please some of our customer, so we arc forced to handle thc famous XXX \\f n c i.... have *i the ii Harper whiskey, i • i , left r ! ,ver - and Will Sell it very low, as it is hard stock for us to handle or sell, II. A. Jones & Co., Covington, Ga. _ BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE, j | LU-orsi 8ak'Rheuem, Pever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ; Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Krttp tions, and positively cures Biles, or no | l ,a .V required. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Brice 25 cents per box. For sale by Brooks & Ivy, Covington, Ga.--mc89 | Administrator's Sale. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary j of Newton County, I will sell to the highest bid ! der before the court hotwc door, in the city of Covington during the legal hours ofssle.oiuhe fim Tuu»dny in Pcccmher next thc following j ............................ really belonging to the estate , of Permelia A o„| lm , ; A A tract tract of of laud land lying lyins in in the the 1 !lt hdistrict of origtnally Henry, now Newton : county. Mu* part oflot No. :tv,. and lvine on • . v , , s>Ul , ,01 , . com:unln , ' '* *MKS1'Y FIVE ACRE* Is.unded Oil the North : I ‘ n ‘ 1 ' Vl, st l.y Isiidu of Joseph George ; en the South, by umdsof K. C. cook : and on the East. I by hunts of K. E. Brooks. Said land sold for the f'" r i‘” 3t ' of P |, 5 -il, »' ,h «dcdits and distribution Hm<>HK the heire of Raid deceased. Terms—CASH. R. c.COOK. Administrator of IVrmelia A. Gutnu, dec'll Letters of Administration GEORGIA, Neyvto.n County I*o All Whom it may Concern: The will of Mrs. Sarah J. Kennon, late of sa '^ count >'> deceased, having been proven in Comi "°" I 'T’ aml thc cxeculor ,t ”' rei,! nommatetl refusing to execute the same, notice 1 , s hereby giveu to all an.l singular, the tecs, next of kin, and creditors of Mrs. S«r,h J. Kennon, to be and appear at mv office minivtration, of with the will annexed, onthe es tutu Sdid deceased, should not he granted to October 29 , 1 SS 9 . «■«-?. fA ^ i ’ trati0 “ - GEORGIA, Newton County, , To All W May Conckkn: jiom it E D. Biggtit has in due form, applied to j the .odmigned for permanent Letteis'if ad , mn.« « »<»“.»'* « »'« am»exed, u^t that * pOrU011 ° f the “ u;e 0f J° hn NWjb ’ ° f Nvwton county, deceased, which " i- given in „ I sa,,i * iH to Mrs - s ' ,:ah J- Bigger* Vnring her * life time, and at her death to be ,/ sold, and the * proceed ...... divided the , children of 5 among tin S arah J. Biggers : and I will pass ( upon sard application on the first Monday it. i December, 1889 . Given tmder iny hand and official signature, 1 his rSth day of October, 18S9. J. M, BELCHER, Ordinary. COVINGTON COTTON MARKET ! j - —Market quiet. Middling 8 | to 9 | cl*, per pQuinl, ; temperance. fec i hi- 1*. par eat i trol and ma Christ iu IVmi DRINK TRAFFIC DEFINED. It is a buainess which is opposed b y averjr clergyman in the country. U w * business which every user cUnt and buMue " ™an hates and detests. It is a bust which is the statu] iug dread of every mother. It is a busioea* which makes Dine D I ,f ' r cei, t. of the paiq,e::s:a for which the tax payer has to pay. It is a business which makes nine l - v P er cent, of tlie bush itSs of the criminal court*. It i* a busier-,* which keeps cm prayed an artuy of policemen tu tne cities. It is a business which put* out the bre on the hearth and condemns wives and children to hunger, cold aud rags. It is a business which fosters vice for profit aud educates in wickedness for gain. Drunkenness comprises all other i vices It is the dictionary for vice for j it includes every vice. Sam Small La* changed his Plus j tration somewhat. This is the wav he now quaintly, but effectively jj ; “In the South I once treed a 'possum ; be waa on the top brauch. As I shook the tree he fell from branch to branch, holding on as long as he could to each. At last he was on the lowest branch, which was the biggest of all. It took a mighty shake to make him let go of that branch, but when be did let go he was oy the ground, and the fight was over. That possum was then mv meat. High License is the lowest branch on the liquor tree. It is the biggest branch of the tree, and the saloon shaken from all the other branches, holds on with a death grip here. Now, and “all at it’ shake ami that saloon ’possum wi.l he flat on the ground aud our long fight will j be over.” I have moved much among the de voted fi iends of temperance in Amer¬ ica, and among the tried veterans of the cause, and am convinced that in that great and growing center of the world's civi izutiou the temperance | question is rapidly being recognized j j as transcending all others iu impor tance. Intelligent Americans are awakening to the fact that unless they conquer the liquor traffic, the liquor traffic will conquer them, and they are fighting it resolutely autl courageously over the whole conti¬ nent.—Canon Wilberforce. Constipation Demands prompt treatment. Tho re. ««!«<>* negbw-t may be serious Avoid ? U hRrsh “ n<l P^T 9 ' *? e tendency , of which is to weaken the bowrls. The best remedy is Ayer’s Pull. is Being purely and their vegetable, effect always their j action prompt beneficial. They are an admirable : I-iver and After-dinner pill, and every. where endorsed tty the profession, ! “Ayer’s Pills are highly tlie and univer¬ sally spoken of by people about here. I make daily use of them in my practice.” — Dr. I. E. Fowler, Bridge¬ port. Conn. “ T can recommend Ayer’s Pills above all others, having long proved their raltie as a cathartic for myself and i family.” —J. T. Hess, Leithsville, Pa. ! been “ For several years family. Ayer’s Wo Pills have used iu my find thorn Effective Remedy i | for constipation and indigestion, and i me never without them In the house.” — Moses Grenier, Lowell, Mass. “ I have used Ayer’s Pills, for liver troubles and indigestion, always dtirin many years, and liav e foun them prompt ami euiciellt in their action.” — 1.. N. Smitli, Utica, N. Y. “ I suffered from obstinate constipation form which I assumed feared such an that it would cause a stoppage of the bowels. Two tioxes of Ayer’s Pills ef {:•••!*•<' » complete cure.”-D. Burke, * have used Ayer s Pills for , the .. past thirty ,, valtiabfe years and consider tliem an in . family medicine. 1 know of no 1,,-t: r remedy for liver troubles, and have always found them Quinu,§0 a prompt Middle cure for dyspepsia.”—.Tatnes Hartford, Conn. st., “Having be#u troubled with costive ness, v. hiuli s<H»ins inevitable with per¬ sons of sedentary habits, 1 have tried -Ayer’s Pills, hoping for relief. I am clad to say that they have served me better than any other medicine. I ! arrive at this conclusion only after a j faithful trial of their merits.” —Samuel T. Jones, Oak st., Boston, Mass. * Ayer’s Pills PKEPARIil* liv j Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, M m lA | Sold by all Healers la Medicine. ! * i I R| j\j IT __ H V \hj | jF VI _ | A f\ R fT H. f | 11 01 miu f , ^ ....... 'NEW GOODS _ AA __ !| , - — - j OPENING IN THE ROOM HOTEL NEXT TO j THE COX ! pONSlSTlNG ^ Of Dry Goods, Notions,; i . ,. ry shlK , t of c „f or , with plush and *ilk : Th r G df “n *" I N LB AND l- RRSH, ami must n i-e sold at SOME PRICE. - Special attorn ion ts called to mv. stock of SHOES, which wilt bo sold at Bottom Prii kk - Uovinirton, Ga ol7tf. Mrs. G. A. SHEPHERD. Itch. Mange, and Scratches ou hu-i man or animals cured O 30 minutes j by AVoplfordV Sanitary Lotion. This, never fails. SoW bv Brooks <fc Ivy,! Druggists, Covington.— WIDE-AWAKE COVINGTON BUSINESS MEN THINK ABOUT THIS THING! FOR YOUR „ _ _ ill ■■ A /¥ 1 1 ¥ m |\| fl J B J ■ I n _ I ■ m If | M I 14 ‘-4.* if VA 1 ? \J f f i E m a > V fas' A house full of new goods in every line. New cloaks in every style and kind. Clothing and gents good s. Ladies and miss - es wool goods. During these cold days will feel warm to all who will come. Don t forget our line of Shoes, that beats the world, for everybody. COMB TO SE>B ADAMS BROS. -j^JN pi (|UARTER<^ I have just moved into the old SHEPHERD HOUSE, opposite the Pitts House and two doors from Lee & Guinn, where I expect to give my cus¬ tomers and friends the ad¬ vantage of thc very Lowes! Prices in Everything! 1 am determined to sell, Regardless of competition. I keep a full line of General Merchandise consisting in part of BOOTS. 4m. SHOES. HATS,. HS8 if Cloth, n * SUGAR. --T- rJg 1 - COFFEE. FAMILY GROCERIES, ETC, ETC. Give me a call and I will treat you right. ■'WE.tCOOK.E Covington, Newton county, Geo. ■?> __ FUFRHI I lib Im 1 ; O I— tHj AnF 1 J UflLUlJ cai nnM l\l * t i li A 8 ■ --------------------- "III I ' 1 An \ij W. wny/tnm WKKihi, nnAnin rKOrK, —- ............- ' fr ..................... 1 Tlnor nhfWA aDOVe POSt Poet Office, nffioo fx__ COVkll^tOIl, 4 _._a.__ n„ Ga. _ _ »».i will keep in ato* the finest and purest imported and domestic wines brandies whiskies, rum, gin, beer, champagne,- etc., to be found in the markets of the a A!s0 ’ *»« «««* cfca*. tobacco, etc. The Everglade oatoon „, is - elaborately , , . , au-l , hauklsontely , .... furnished, second , to none in Georgia. I havef separate counters, glasses and bar tenders for, fchite and colored. The best of order maintained and all laws awd reguiatipns strictly ob servj§ ali times B@uOrders promptly filled and goods im mediately shipped to all points of the globe, east, west, north and south. Light wines for sacramental purposes, and old liquors for medicinal purposes, which are guaranteed strictly A No. 1 Call and see me. . Covington, Georgia, GILT-EDGE AUGUSTA COTTON FACTORS. Fred. B. Pope. Lamar L. Fleming. POPE & FLKMIKfi COTTOIXT JL.0 2 Jt-' O --Augusta. Georgia. Our two large warehouses afford ample stor-j age at reas inable rates. Liberal advances on' cotton in store, Strict personal attention given toeverv branch of our business. A Fill! Supply Of Cotton Bagging On Hand. Asbury Hull. P. B. Tobin. HULL & TOBIN _Successors to Geo. R. Sibley Sz Co, COTTON FAGT0RS, 845 & 847 Reynolds St., Augusta, Georgia-; personal attention given to all branches of our business.—to.nov.5 •M. O'DOWD'S SONS & C'0„ COTTON FACTORS And General COMMISSION MERCHANTS, j No. 6, Warren Block, Augusta, Geo. We give Personal and Undivided Attention to weighing and selling of Cotton. I JGyC’ommission for Selling, 50 cents. Storage 25 cents. 8S0“ Liberal Cash advances Made on Consignments.—to.novS JORDAN & SMITH COTTON FACTORS, Augusta, Georgia W. M. Jordan has been actively engaged in the Cotton Business during the past fourteen years.“r&a *®”No Storage charged on Cotton if sold within 30 days. Liberal Advances made ou Cotton in .Store. \\ e GLARAN 1 KK Satisfaction in Every Respect. GovingUu a uXeOril street H. Hr Covington, Ga., Oct. 1. 1S80. the The Covington following Schedule Oxford will be run on & Street Railroad until further notice: -TIME TABLE Leave Pitts’ House. Leave Depot at o la a m 5 45 a m i- 45 a in 8.00 a m ci 10 a m 9.45 a m i-s 10 a m 11.40 a nt fi m 1.00 p m -re 40 p ni 4 00 p in o t 0 p m 5 20 p m * 10 p m 8.35 jt m -SUNDAY SCHEDULE:- 10.15 a m 10,45 a m 7.15 p m 7.45 p m H®„Jn _ addition , the , above to the ear will meet all regular passenger trains on Sun day, besides carrying the people along its of Midway and others who desire to attend service held in town during the week, day or night. Orders for special ear may be left with the Secretary. W. C. CLxVRK, President. J. G. LESTER Secretary. 3?*r:Hrw ! ME HOUSE 1 *®J I C T0U <!esir0 Fi ’T Furniture cal! a the ,, old Pace corner, and secure bargain never before h -ard of in middle (icorvi;.. If you are .11 need of anything in the Fur ssisrsar had iss^jstz satisfie many years experience in this line i am 1 1 can please the people. Whet it comes to selling a standard Wagon o> fine Buggy, I know I can offer extra in ducements to purchasers. Call and sei me Respectfully, j. s. ipeieiik: Covington Ga , Nov, 22—tf cure :<~ "♦PILES, 0 : Rimm . & 9 ’VA’r f ''' Y ^ svyr, F ° r - ^ L- ^ 1>r ll J T A \ " tr ■' ' * ' r ‘S ! ‘“ W. R. PERKINS, Photographer -COVINGTON, GA.— ____________ _ We have not a man in our house that chews or smokes, > so you ' •'-u see we we . | can sell ,, you f.bacc , and cigars cheaper 1 than anybody. Lee & Guinn. <3000 NEWS FOR ALL THE PEOPLE. New lot of clothing prices I at per suit, so that the richest and poorest man in the town and county can be well dressed at small cost. Sample lot of Notions coming, which will be sold at wholesale cost. shirts to suit eveiybody. Hosiery from 4 cents to one dollar per pair. Corsets, from Misses sizes to 34 ladies Halt hose at any price, from 3 cents U P- Cheapest lot of buttons, good ot * m.,. B< ts „ pet dozen, i ’ Shoes bought cheaper than ever and •»**«*• •-.*•<* ">« 1 l> e “IV esleyan Girl” at 81.25. The Douglas shoes are also kept here “eie. A lot of hats that will surprise any¬ body that will examine quality and price. Tobacco, at oOcts per pound that I worth 65cts. Try the “House Gal.” Would like for the people of New¬ ton and surrounding counties to call before buping elsewhere and let me show them what I can do both in re¬ gard to price and quality. I have some lumber to sell to build houses, . _ and , stoves do , the cooking. to and shoes to shoe the shoeless and •'» ■*. bed spreading to Cover the people and 1 1 everything to get the young folks ready to go to housekeeping. Crockery coming straight from En gland. Best banded on plain ware cheaper than has ever been sold before. New and elegant line of dress goods Will be in stock by the time you call. Thanks returned for the past liber¬ al patronage received. RESPECTFULLY", J. J. DEARING. ! Covington, Ga. HO MORE EYE-GLASSES » was MORE s «■ Eye-Salve MITCHELL’S ACertaiu,sale,^ ‘ seat, Active Remedy,or Producing weak, & mtUBi ekes, "’^e&ghtcfthoO/J. Long-Sightedness. & Better* Pure.T Bures Tear Drops. Granulations. Sty* TuRiars, Red Eyes, Waited Eye Lashes, “!„"!!!! ly efficacfons REUEFi when ' G raaucn used la ^“- other fcn. s„Tt u l — Solu brail Bmesiats at ’25 Cent*, ___ W. L. DOUCL $3 SHOE m . tl nm* L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE for Jl Belt Material. Beet Style. not sold by your dealer, „, j U **** . W. L. DOUGLAS. BKOC ktox.jJ Examine \Y. L. Dou las 82.00 Shoes { gentlemen and ladj -FOR SALE BY_. J, J. DE AIMN( COVINGTON, GA, Legal Warning. All persons are hereby forbid to bunt with dog or gun or otl wise, or to pass through in vtb on horse or foot, or iu any man whatever to trespass uponouil* or enter any of our buildings or i iu Newton county, without 1 ui mission. Persons disregarding 3 notice will be prosecuted to the i extent of the law. Joseph George, Jno R Bird, J B George, Lit Yarbrw “Jack” W. Lindsay. W. G. CLARK 4 -HBAKKEKS “ —OPEN 9 A. M., TO 5 P. It f i TRANSACT A General Banking It . ness Receive deposits of firms and individuals, subject to ehed sight. Collections made on ail ait* points. Buy and sell exchange—tf. Georgia Railro^ Stone Mcuntain ffGiife. GEORGIA It AI BROAD C0MP4J1 Office General Manages, I Augusta. Ga. , Mw.aS *;; :i ia lie imenciiu low ing.Passenger Schedule will Wq crated: I —FAST LINE.— No. 27 West Daiix I Leave Augusta..........74.5K Wa -O Aniv< 1 ir, « . . .i' : Leal e \\ a;-.lit. t ■jit Leave Athens.... ri 30 m Leave < ovington. insii Arrive Atlanta........... No. 28 East Daily Leave Atlanta.. .....2 45* Arrive Athens... ... .7 flOpJ J^rive .....3 it OoUngton........4 kOp. Arrive Washington... 7 2 «p Leave \\ shiii;.ton.... 4 20 p Arrive Augusta..........fil a f No. 1 West Daily. Leavt Augusta..... “ Macon......■ “ Miiiedgeville .... 9 “ Washington 11 I 114 ' ... “ Athens.......8 41k 1 Arrive at Covington 3,»i rl . . ■ “ “ Atlanta • r '4o| lJ .... No. 2 East I Dim Leave Atlanta..... “ Covington D 4 ;) a Arrive at Athens.....■> ^ f “ “ Washington . • ’-^P' “ “ Miiiedgeville . - 4 1'F' “ “ Macon.....® ^ P' “ “Augusta .... 3 15 1 1 No. 3 West Daily Leave Augusta.....D 4 f *' Arrive at Covington . ■ • • Arrive at Atlanta......® *■ No. 4 East Daily Leave Arrive “ Covington.....* Atlanta......D at Augusta &S5 UNION POINT & WHITE PLAINS R. K. Leave Union Point 10 10 am. and 5441 J Arrive Siloam 10 .. 35 am. an<B»J . Arrive White Plains 11 10 am. Leave White Plains s 8 00 am. a" M Arrive Siloam 8 35 am. a rail Arrive Union Point 9 00 am. anD *Daily, Except Sunday. ATHENS ACCOMMODATION] *6 15 P j Leave Athens . Arrive Union Point 8 45 P . . «\ Leave Union Point #5 45 . «' Arrive Athens 9 30 . . . ^Except iSunday V PL ANT A COMMODATE Suiulajs ! i v-u vte:” . 5 40»-J 50» ' ..... 7 G 20 p J ‘ j* 35 p < N-i. 28 -tups at flat em ii.rsnpp* Train No.’* 27 and 28 " -ill au-.l - to ml ft* receive passenger* ^ the f.) : owing still ions omy . S77,.7o,o V: *’ , f‘‘ "T' i»»■ 3 }“So» g*; & 7' i .Social ircle. Covington, l Litlionia, St. Mountain & I’ JU rnnvW GEE^'. ' ai r „ rl( . r E. ... R. „ DORSE nnRSFY 1 . k W General Passenger JOE W. AY HITE, Geu. Tr»» Agent, Augusta, fm.