The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, December 19, 1889, Image 3

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h e •L'BEIs hed weekly at vgTv» Georgia. LtSSDAY... ...Dec. 19. IM® the Covington Fost office U Td i cdaL at matter. clubs of Terns, five or *1.2o more XZ. ™ £ In —1? »* F “" ,th ’’Tesouiv tocash in advance, ^T^I^FfIVE. si. jj'will be coHecteil.] ET L - s?c- Vn X mark on this paper ; intended as a reiniiioci that 9 for subscrip v oa are in arrears sB dwe would appreciate frieads, a re Settle up even if , lice . X a t g n d an on your paper.— tvBBty subseriliers will oblige us filing their accounts as soon as a ; we do not care to put an their paper every week. n Mty Alliance Meeting 1 December 17th, 1889. ■The First Quarterly Meeting iewton County Farmers’ Alliance 1 *SH), will be held in the court at Covington, on Friday, Janu hjth, at 10 o’clock a. m. |l the officers and committee* full deiega- of tv • Alliance, ami a train each sub Alliance, are earn requested to be present. Exec aml Fiuauee Committees are re ited to meet the. Secretary and ^urer at 9 <*Yb>ck a- iu , in the k house, on the same Jay to make jr< }> -rts Henry L. Graves, l’res. N. C. F. A. irder "f the President: H. Ric harks, Sec. N. C. F. A. AND AROUND THE CITY ,ch jr day dot interest Yau. Itemize home merchant*. L fall term of our public schools [close Friday. Lj. Thomas Weaver is clerking li. U. Lee. lew line of watches, clocks and |ry just in at Adams Bros. L- Maude Lee, of this city, is Bug friends in Athens. Ir. L. M. Guinn, of Wyatt disk, ■rested himself to a bird dog. lexis arc tieing cut in prices aud 9 p yd patterns very fast at Adams Its, corn, meat, flour, sugar, cof ftc Our motto is to live and let i Prices low, at J. J. Dearing’s. I 1- Farmers Alliance of Newton In are determined to erect a ware fc. near the depot, at the earliest pie day. p. Dr. \Ym. Browii and daugh mliss Lula, will leave in a few I a>r their winter home at Ocoee, la. it your neighbor to subscribe for Enterprise Innuin. at once. Only §1.25 In clubs of five, only pollar. |'lge Stewart lias introduced a bill Inzress authorizing the president |t‘ phi all nation articles controlled by a trust upon the free list F 8am \\. Small is now a min Iof the Episcopal church, while ,,r leiuple Graves, of Rome, r" on CI, ter the Presbyterian min r Chicago Herald remarks: P er ' ver Jett - Davis is buried he t a monument before the re !<•» ' "t General Grant will get one York. ra juveruih- misai..nary society «>f ’•bmilist eburch will give an en¬ "GUI lit i; tile church at 7 p. m., f ' 1 ^ evening, Dec 19. Every I 1 ' t ’ l. N'.i admission fee. The ' h very interesting. *' aies or estate t<> about letting the k. ■ R you are too busy " t!ii, 'uni. live man who is • v' talk, advertise and sell the •t. •r y.Ki. Such be a mail can rprise office. Djiuniii Kitchens, an aged '-'tiztrn of this county, de , P l ®lifeou Thursday last. He ' ai,| l charitable and respected H wh " ^ u hini. May ®w fl owers **“D»er hi ouro ujion the grave Ur ^ad i'rieiui. ' • Lee i IS selling buys suits 81 50 . ' §1-50, cutaways 82.00, 00au.181.75. wasted goods. Boots 81 75. ’ hr >strnas goods. Mr Bran ers 5,111 says he ' wants money, it is a has ias to sacrifice bis goods. Pur I usiness men must wake up and keep middle Georgia ue at home. better I s the town than ie Pe ° ple onl >' knew it. By w "-' wehuve let o„ u over 1900 bales P let go to other tow¬ ns near us, some of <mr trade go abroad ' is 8 sh, should 11 not be thus. p 8>f. Fl ”ty oreuce, a young man of and experience, will have lr ge tmn^Ms!" of ring Aca ' lera >’ f'Jr the Itfards ^ >r " P ' "'• &.■ retires -l ^ le thanks and ffitii(l e of * p,, r the ' )li,ents ai1 ^ schol conduct^ sol mannerwhich hs9 ti, e past Sck ' 1 '^ ^ ur ‘Dg Wished term H 6 1S * ta ^ eute< ^ »d voiiDw a bS" 1 . ema d Ceee ^ in “ a “ hick any * ^ may E ' WISE AND OTHERWISE WINS or CAWDUI i„ ____ New crate crockery just in at C. E. Cooks. It will pay you to see R. M. Ever itts buggies, wagons and harness be fore buying elsewhere. Call and see my Ginghams, they are beautiful and low down in price C. E. Cook. The Methodist Sunday school have decided to have a pound party during the holidays. New things added-in Henriettas, silk > P lu * hes an(1 other dress goods this week at Adams Bros. Over $10,000 has been raised in j Georgia for the Davis widow and or phan funds. Our cash is short, our wood pile low and but little meal left in the tub. Pay for your paper and make us happy. We advise all of our readers in want of a good little Brown Jug or Big Churn or pretty Flower Pots, to go to Lee <fc Guinn’s. Adams Bros, shoe trade is one of the largest in town and they are hav¬ ing a special line made now that will not lie duplicated elsewhere in town in quality and price. On our first page will be found the articles of agreement betweeu the Far¬ mers Alliance and Knights of Labor. A full account of Mr. Davis funeral, at New Orleans, will also be found on the first column of the same page. At a negro fiolic, near Walnut Grove, Walton county, oue night last week, one negro was killed aud sever¬ al wounded. An inquest was held and the usual verdict rendered, “came to his death at the hands of parties unknown to the jury.” Special taxation for the payment of a county debt may be all right, but when such taxation fails to reduce said debt, then it grows burdensome, tedious and tiresome, whether the amount be much or little. The pres¬ ent plan will never clear our county ot debt, and it seems wise to adopt s >me other plan. If not bonds, then the taxes must lie increased to a high¬ er rate, and we do not believe our people are willing to 1111 increase now. A large number of the solid farm¬ ers of the county have been in town within the past week and most of them appear to be in better humor than is usual at this season of the year. Fair, but not large crops, have been made, many obligations have been met, and the people at large are better satisfied with the outlook for the future than they have been for many long years. That our people have practiced econo¬ my and been indmtfrious f,,r the past year is true—that they have been happier by so doing, is also true. MEMORIAL SERVICES. Wednesday, Dec. 11, will long be remembered by our people. Business houses were closed from 12 to 2 p m, bells were tolled aud several stores were draped in mourning A large number of ladies and gentlemen met in the court house to engage in ap¬ propriate memorial services over the death of Hon. Jefferson Davis. Judge E. F. Edwards, President of the Newton County Confederate Vet era its’ Association, under whose aus¬ pices the service was held, took the chair. Rev. T. H. Grier opened the exercises with prayer. Judge Ed¬ wards paid a beautiful and teuder tri¬ bute to the life and character of Mr. Davis. Major J. M. Pace presented patriotic resolutions eulogistie of the dead Chieftian, and moved their adop¬ tion in eloquent language. The. mo tion to adopt was seconded by quite a number present and appropriate ad¬ dresses delivered by Messrs. Capers Dickson, Jno. B. Davis, W. H. La Prade, T. J. Swanson, T. H Grier, Jno. V. Woodson, B. F. Camp and Emmett Womack. A committee was appointed to so¬ licit and receive contributions to the widow and orphan and monument funds, and quite a sum was raised.— That Newton county will discharge her full duty in this matter is sure and certain--and that she will do so without any unnecessary display is also true. COMMISSIONER HENDERSON. We had a pleasant call from Com¬ missioner of Agriculture Henderson Saturday. He was looking well and appeared to be in the best of health. His friends all over the state will see that he is enthusiastically supported for his present position at the election rnxt year, He has made a faithful officer aud deserves to be elected with¬ out opposion. In speaking of our friend the Au¬ gusta Chronicle says : < i Col. Hen derson has been in office ten years Heretofore his appointment has been coufered by the governor, Now that the office held by him has been made elective, it is natural that he should go before the people for an endorse ment. Hot. Henderson has administered hus office for the benefit of the farm era. It has been cleanly conducted, and has been productive of great good ; to the agricultural iutereat; Goloaei .Henderson has been an intelligent, hon est and faithful official, and we sincerely trust and believe that the farmers by their ballots will elect him . »o the office which he has so long and i“ h ®“«»bly filled by appointment »t . the hands of the governor, town and county. *VKSTTH:»0 AMD EVERYBODY. ..Subscribe for the Enterprise. • -°ur compress has been busy sevfcr *l days past • .Liberal advertisers always make a live town, • - Mrs. Wilson Conner continues in feeble health. „ Mr9 Jai,e , " ells W R to •• - ‘ move hcr . bome k new Dext we « - . .A nice lot of lap robes and horse ,, blankeU R M EveritU. at . .Judge J. G. Lester will erect a handsome residence early next year. . .It will be lively times when men offer for office next year. . .No better place on earth to live than right here in Newton county. .. Mr. Barton Hollis will not to town until next summer. . .The Cedar Shoals boys to go on a big rabbit hunt Christmas . .Rev J. T. McLaughlin, of burn, has been on a business visit our city this week. ..Aliig rabbit bunt is billed come off in the Hight Christmas. ..Mr. L. O. Wright and will make their home in town er year. ..Judge and Mrs. P. E. have moved to their uew home the male academy. .. Property is changing around here aud real estate is looking up all over the county. . .Some of our sports speak of go¬ ing on a two days bunt during the holidays. . .The boys must have a little fun every now aud then. Don’t lie too hard on the young folks. ..Several ladies and gentlemen from our county went up to Atlanta last week to hear Gilmore's baud. .. Mr. W. E Smith has opened a first-class general merchandise store in the old Free corner building. . .We have calls for 100acre farms, with houses, etc. If you have such places for sale let us know. . .The very best wagon sold in Cov¬ ington is the Tennessee wagon, to be found only at W. B. Lee & Co’s. . .Marshal H. I. Horton has bought the house and lot, near the square, now occupied by Mr. J. F. M. Hutchins. . .GoL Emmett Womack has pur¬ chased the residence, on Monticello street, in which he now residec. . .The stock of goods and furniture lielougiug to Mr. J. S. Peek was sold at public sale Saturday. .. We learn that a new teacher will be placed in the Male Academy at the beginning of the new term. ..Mr. Wallace Russell, of Way cross who has been with us for awhile returned home Monday. .. Memorial services were held in county in Georgia last week in honor of ex-president Jefferson Davis . .Services will be held at the Meth¬ odist church on Christmas day from 10^ to 11-J a. m. Everybody invited, . .The first quarterly meeting the County Alliance for 1890 will be held in the covrt house on Jan. 10th. ..Rev. T. J. Swanson will preach at the Baptist ehurcli on the 5th Sun¬ day, morning and night. Everybody cordially invited to attend. . .The election for a mayor and six councilnieu vri.ll come off early in Let us have a meeting and nominate. ..Several gentlemen have already beeu spoken of in this county in con¬ nection with the legislative race next year. wife nice for ..Getyou a present Christmas. Kiss her a few times, talk over your business with her, amt see if you both don’t feel better. ..If yo« are “at outs" with your neighbor, “make up” and start the new year on speaking terms with all man kind. ..Give your boy a quarter for Christmas mouey. However, it would be well to insist that be does not squander it all in riotous living. .It is whispered around that an . effort will be made to defeat Hon. Mark Hardin for clerk of the house of representatives next year. ..Tax Collector Davis has given the people every opportunity to pay their taxes, He has made a most ex celleut officer. ..The close of the year finds us with one pair of pants and meal and meat enough to last two weeks. All men are not so well off. .Ecv. Dr. J. F. Mixon, wife and daughter spent Sunday here. The Doctor will he pastor of the Metho dist chureh in Washington, Ga., next year. .For a few days last week it look . licker ed as if the price of corn would be redaced in eertaln quarters. However, it continues tu get in its work at the old price. FOR SALE.—Good 6 room house, fine water, orchard, outhouses 33 acre8 land, 1 mile south ot j etc. Call S. W. Jer^ on jtow" »a»x f i SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. Dr. Moore, of Oxford, preached an j interesting sermon in Con vers Sunday. Messrs, P. F. Hutchins and John Taylor have rented Mr. R. II. Buch¬ anan’s residence for next year. Mr. A. C. Perry is temporary gau¬ ger and store keeper for Geo. W. Swords government distillery, Mrs. S. A. Brown and daughter. Miss Fauuie have moved from their I country home to town. \ Dr. Turney, a popular dentist from Atlanta has rented the O. T. Rogers i residence aud will make our town his home. Mr. James R. Perry‘sprained one of his ankles quite severely Sunday [and was forced to remain j eral <la - vs in consequence, A party of Newton county gentle men will soon leave for Florida to spend some time in sight-seeing, fish ing and hunting. Messrs. Akers Brothers, large flour and mill men, of Atlanta, have fail eed. Liabilities about §100 ,OOq. As sets about the same. Judge A. K. Richardson has secur¬ ed a storekeepers and gaugers place and is stationed at a distillery near Gainesville for the present Mr L. F. 8 , eplienson has a mule that he brought out of the war with him. The mule is known to be 3i years old and is in fair order, lively at times and frisky occasionally. Hon. Martin V. Calvin, of Au¬ gusta, has withdrawn from the race for Commissionerer of Agriculture, aud will support the present incum¬ bent, Hon. J. T. Henderson. Mr L. P. Duke, one of the business young men in the county, who lmi been farming successfully for a few years, will keep books for the popular house of Robt. Childs, at Newborn, next year. Our editor and Col. Jno. C. Flow¬ ers killed nine woodcock in oue body of woods Monday afternoon. These birds are very scarce in this section ami hardly ever more than one or two are found on a days hunt. Last Sunday when the preacher said that some people in Covington could not repeat the ten command¬ ments, about two thirds of his con gregatian moved uneasy in their seats, while a tew gray haired old “soldicis of the cross” turned pale behind the gids, and our editor came near faint ing. The dedication services of the new Alliance Hall, at Riebardsville, on Saturday last, was largely attended. A fine dinner was spread and even ’possums and turkeys were on the bill of fare. Speecdiee were made by Hons. II. L. Graves, W. L. Peek and L. F. Livingston Mr. Robert Harvey tells us that the affair was pleasing and interesting in all its ap¬ pointments. Mr. C. S. Jarboe is having a neat residence erected on the Fiat Shoals road, four miles from town. It will lie occupied by a family of his white tenants, as he is not yet ready to bid adieu to the pleasant business and S( cial ties that bind him to Snapping Shoals. Mr. A. R. Bower is super¬ intending the erection of the house, which is a guarantiee that good and honest work will be done. On December 11 at the same hour jn every southern city ami town fu neral ceremonies were observed and a patriotic people vied with each other in doing honor to the memory of a statesman and a soldier who had been denied citizenship in a free and proud republic. No such elaborate and uni versa! honors were ever paid to any man, at any time, in any country, as those 4 . paid . , to . the pure lire i-«* and , 1 were spotless character of Jefferson Davis, and no where were the ceremonies more impressive or more appropriate than here in Newton county. In company with Messrs. E O Lee, G H White and T D Guinn we spent Thursday very pleasantly in Rocky Flains district, as the guests of L. F. Stephenson, who is not only a successful ,. . e farmer and i good i citizen, but is a most companionable ">*»• n-ra. A I>. Bobiiwon Mr Robert Harvey joined the party and all went on a bird hunt, having very fair luck and a large amount fun. We were gratifid to learn that the people in this favored section of our county were in prosperous cir cuinstances, had made fine crops and were ready to begin the labors of an¬ other year with bright hopes and re newed energy. PEOPLE EVERY W HERE Confirm ,. our statement when i we sav that Acker's English ^ Remedy is # 111 every way superior to any and all oth er preparations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup it is magic and relieves at once. We offer J vou a sample 1 bottle free. Remember, ’ this . Remedy . is sold on a positive 8 * guaratuee bv <1. A. W right. • _ _ No remedy for iilood disorders can equal Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. Though concentrated and powerful, this med icine is perfectly safe, and may be , . , ., , ,1 * i. a’en y c it i ren as w< as a... Physicians 3 recommend it in J,, prefer ence to any 3 other. , „ Price . 81. Worth ,. . 0tt J a C ' — For Sale—500 bushels of genuine Rust Proof Oats, which will be sold cheap. Best seed oats on earth for this climate. Call on W. A. Elling tou, of Guaa Creek district.—tjal. STRAY LOCAL SPLINTERS. Bring your cotton to Covington. WiEUEE S WINE OF CA3DUI forW<*kEerra. Lee it Guiun are ready for the Christinas trade. If you owe for this paper come forth and pay for it and receive our everlasting thanks and gratitude. We can sell you your entire bid of flannel from a 7c cotton flannel to u heavy twill wool. C. E. Cook. Mona aia Dew Whisky—for med-j ical purposes—purest and finest on j ‘'aitii at 3l>e ^ • Wrights. Robert Daniel, colored, keeps his j barber shop ia neat and tasty order j and his prices are very reasonable. Flour, meal, salt, j ■ meat, corn, oats, lard and in fact all you want to eat at C. E Cooks at the lowest living price. ! We have just received 250 kegs old ! 1 dominion steel nails bought before the j advance. Lee & Guinn. u White Hickory” is the name of the best wagon sold in Covington. A j big stock of them at R. M. Everitts j . Call and see them, BLACK-DRAUGHT tea cures Constipation. You will miss it badly if you fail to see me before you buy rubber goods as I have a fine stock in this line. C. E. Cook. 15 ) cords of good pine wood and : 109 cords of oak and hickory wood j for sale cheap. It will be delivered ! anywhere in town, Send in vour tiers to J. N. Woodruff. Lee & Guinn have a mammoth i stock of fine goods that are beingsold ■ very low. Their stock of Christmas goods will he full and complete, am i lower than ever heard of before, Go I mid see them at once. | Itch, Mange, and Scratches on I man or animals cured in 30 minutes by Woo]ford’s Sanitary Lotion, This never fails. Sold by Brooks & Ivy, Drm ists, Covington.— If you want to get married just come and buy a suit ot clothes from me. If nothing in my stock suits you I represent one of the best cloth¬ ing houses to be found aud will order them from samples. , C. ,, E. t- Cook. i Itev. Geo. W. Johnson, fashiona you hie colored a clean barber, Christmas is ready shave to and give j I a nobby new year haircut. He can be j found at his shop in basement of the ' Star building. WINE Of CARDU I, a Tonic for Women. Personal. —My friends and custo¬ mers who owe for Guano will please call at my Ginnery, near the depot, ami settle their notes and accounts. I will not have time to call on them, rise would do so. G. D. Butler. Wo have the largest stock shoes over carried by any house in Coving¬ ton and the way we sell them con¬ vinces us that we are selling a little cheaper than they are sold elsewhere in town. Lee & Guinn. George Johnson, fashionable bar her, has keen razors and clean linen at his shop in basement of the Star building. George prides himself on ''ting ollc the best barbers in the ^utitii. I rices low. tf. We handle flour direct from the j largest mill in the south and can give ! you better goods, and lower prices than any Union house this side of Conyers. Try j | our and Liberty brands. They are daisies. Lee & Guinn. Try Bt.ACK-gnAUGH T tea for Dyspepsia. If you want wool Jeans for outside wear and cotton Drill for inside wear come and see its. The Concord en mills were burned to the ground •about ... ten days , ago, but , , we ( had i i laid ■ i ■ in .. big Stock , Jeans, - consequently . a are \ iileled and half soled for the win ] ter. Lee & Guinn, i Dr. F. B. Wright insists on , who . . him . to immediately, . .. , i owe pay up : He does not wish to “dun” you s „naliy, but mus. have his money, -’. so pav him at once. TT Unless , his .. services 1 ‘ are paid • , for , he will ... . he forced - to seek , another field in which to practice hie | ' support profession, himself as he and cannot family remain and here, work ' tor nothing. ! Special attention is called to our large stock of new furniture, new crockery, new stoves, uew shades, new InfotM, »l....... t erything kept in a first class establish rnent. Our liolidav stock is elegant c and very cheap. We do not care to enumerate hut invite everybody to cal! ,, and , see our stock , and , price our goods. Respectfully, "t ... \Y. B. i, LEE nn & », CO. on CAUTION TO MOTH KRS. Every mother is cautioned against giving her child laudanum <>r paregoric; it at . ‘f.,f .. , “ s a » .” m, atuial f av,a 8 “ u ants which kills the , mind or the child- Aker s j \ l? IJaby , c Soother . specially ... prepared , to . ben- , is j f .f,t children and cure their pains, it is | j harmless and contains no Opium or Mor phine. Sold by Dr. J. A. Wright. E!lg!is ^ Spav i n LinimeiA removes a) , hanl> goft> or cal i imsed lumps and ., blemishes . , from . horses, blood ,, , spavin, curbs, , splints, r ring-bone, , sti- . sweeney, tics, ,, sprains, all ,, swollen throats . . and , | coughs, etc. Save 850 by use of one bottle. Warranted. Sold by Brooks ^ Ivy, Dtuggists, Covington , Ga.~tl. A . OtJUL) nr . (%n UVDr „ There is nothing parents ' should be so careful about as selecting a cough ’ syrup. Begg . Cherry ,, Cough . y Syrup ; s i , naU 1,0 uu,re tl,an t!le cll( ‘ a I’ 811,1 ferior nostrums thrown on the market. ■ The best is none too good, be sure and get Begg’s Cherry Cough Syrup. We keep it on hand at all times. Brooks & Ivy Druggist, Covington, Ga. Dr. w. e. ill rs has resumed the practice rv and can now be found in the cl formerly occii »H d bv Dr. Higgins, Henderson brick 1 hi: ! “Pstairs. He ha at new outfit and guar to satisfy the public in w> 'Ik US »u in price. Call and see the D-.s-t IH LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if you t! gh the world a lets 1 M \ Dyspepsia Tab are .1 pc iitive re for the \v forms of Dv miigestion, Elat¬ ulenev aud Const ion. Guaranteed and a.',Id by Dr. .J. A. W t.-Jaul. Town Market.- will keep on band fre fish, y-ters, beef, pork, sausage, etc., and will furnish the public with meats at the 1< .wesfpwst- j ble price. .Send us y ir Oiuers, give us your patronage, we will keep the ln-st of meats, etc. Market one door above the store of S. J. Kelly & Bro. Respectfully, H. D. Bcsii & Co. t I ^ DUTY TO Yorker j lt is sur pn S i„ K that j" " will use a | common, ordinary piii «•; ten they can se j cure a valuable Enirli*h < tur the same | Dr. Akt ir s English pills are a! positive cure for siek-1 iet daehe and all liver troubles. They a K H sweet, easily taken end do not gripe. For sale by Dr. J. A. Wright.— tojan.l Our friend, Mr. Jn .. II. Bailey, has no >ved his bout and shoe shop the old restaurant In iuso, one door above B. F. t'amn's « tore, where a welcome awaits all his friends and cus* tomers. Mr. Ba ■ is a fine work man, uses the liest ot material and |, j. s prices are very reasonable, Call and see him ami give him a trial. All his work i: rood rual substantial. Re- 1 pairing a specialty. Orders from I abroad promptly attended to. Go and ‘ see him. On Monday letters lust, Dec. 16. the fol-j lowing remained uncalled for iu the post olne- at Covington, Geor¬ gia : In calling for any of these] letters say to the Postmaster that they ! have been adve rtiscd in the Enterprise and have one cent ready to pay for each letter, as this is now the law :— Fonia'es.—Minnie ,, , Stumer, Lizzie ... r Harper, . LUu Larsher, .. , Ella ,,,’ Usher, TT , J ane Aikers, T J lV-rrv, Sarah Aim t Hemk-r,,,,,, Fannie MJcnory. Males, j oe And. .son, M Bearegard, Tom Banks, Henry ILlbrooks, MC Smith, Lige Willingham. P. II. FEttorsos, Post Master. Jas. M. Levy, Asst. P. M. PIMPLES ON T1IE FACE Denote an impure state of the blood and are looked upon by many with suspicion. Acker's Wood Elixir will remove all impurities and leave the complexion : smooth and clear. There is nothing that will so thoroughly! build up the constitution, purify and strengthen the whole system. Sold and guaranteed by Dr. J. A. Wright. A VALUABLE REMEDY. ! A letter from S, L'. Wardweil, of Boston, says : “I used Clarke’s Ex tract of Flax (Papillon) catarrh cun- I in .June last for hav* fever with sutisfaction, and find it the only thing ^ I have seen which would allay, with out irritating, the itifinmath n if (he nostr s and throat. Its soothing ami healing properties were nmrk< < ana ( | immediate.” ur ge bottle 61.00.— Clarke’s Flax j) is the latest and best- Trv it. 25 cts. A.-k for then: at Dr. J. A. \V r it’s drug storc.-l. A tVnmau’s Discovery. “Another wonderful discovery has tree, ( nade and that too by a lady in (his county. — Disease fastened it* clutches upon her and for site , withstood , severest , , , . ti.u „ ;even years its vital , organs were undermined ,.iiu and ue.itli ner penned imminent. Fur ... three ,i s • ; :c .oughed incessantly and could not sleep. Sin’ ought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis -every for Consumption and was so much re- I ; that slept all i j ieved on taking , first . dose . sr.c ! aight and with one bottle has been «mracul*>u3 'r cured ‘ ,,er “‘“* is Thus write W. C Hamrick & Sliduy, j P-C. VT Get ..... a free trial , , k,..:,. buttle still .r ook* Sc 11 Ivy ,,'. a I 0rug Stort j FjIcEIrce’s ---------- Wine ■— of ..... — Csrdui and THEDF0RD S BLACK DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in Newton tonnty: J A Wright, tV.i'igtnn, Georgia, & , •• ry j - ] j )v -. Xovton Factory J E Pickett “ i If H Mabry, ib 1 a ‘ llS , j ... -t A Laus, I ^ ! ™'JL it n ^ Downs, ,on ’ v,n * ’ ‘.f ’ n Geo W Morris, LeGwin, T A Starr. SUirrgvilk ’ J , ~ T Lass, ber, , Snapping . ,c. Shoals, . O S Jarboe, " ( t |}J£QGS’ ClIKKUY COUGH SYRUP. IS « givng ^nlemlid'satisfaction sOi non to the trade and the sales are positively ruarvelour^ 1 whu*h , can he . accounted , , ’ tlmt . for iu no other wav except it is without doubt the : ■’ 1111 the market. Ask for and be sure you get the genu i«e- We keep it- Brooks it Ivy Druggist.-ap2O.90. The be ot 1 ; of buggies, wagons R. m! and .. harness 1 n Covington is at Event, .. s. r-- Torn: n t< k .i' /i/ x Or you a.e alt wo:;... ,r....., i ,!' r nollu ‘’ s It will y OU ; acd uiv«at»pciite. Soli i>y»U •!.»■ a •“ -- - arm wKcbtii.e.. w'v ■'.'''.I »•-«J*“- 11 »honW alw-sT* i af,fo?,te®r K 3 hJ<^*utovr-cv',.c:itpt«a “adt“utt.-.-svrnh.w«ke»M-‘bji«ht a o«TOtBrJ. '■; » ): . . r -z pteawnt to test*, it » boa.#. Many Persons Are broken down fr p, overwork or noiiseiiola i eArc ‘ s Brown’s iron I Jitters THE UNIVERSAL VI iDICT o; THE PEOPJ. Who have luir" •e s i-x tract •! Fii \ Cure award i» the f ... a real. i tat m in tii I i Da es. 1 i l Mis |f i * * ' 1 i f> etc all to i UI r ■ at once, for r. 1 ire mi tie a Hit • ’ i v;|.: n * _i itesews th-r ^ llU , u . | Mrs. Phoebe Chcs’ey, Peterson, Clay Co , OV tells the following remarkable story, .be j ruth of winch is vtmcheJ for by the residents >f the town : ‘lam 73 years old, have been *,„!.:«! with kidney complaint and iamenesi | ; ir many yeirs ; coaltl not drew myself with- I it ,, . Aow v , I , tree from , all ... arid , ! iela. am pam vGrencss, and am able to do all my own house v.»rk. J owe my thank* to Electric Bitters or having renewed my youtli, and removed omp'.etely all disease and pain.” Try a bot i e, 50 c. and dki.oo, at Brooks dc Ivy'* Drug >*ore. To Farmers of ‘lesion and ad joining Counties. After this date, we will weigh, store insure your cotton for 25c. P^ r j j per month, advance J the value 8 per cent per annum, Will d ) 1 liest to have export buyers here j give you a good price for it. Ilav- | j the Compress, we ought to use it help. Respectfully, | our THOMPSON A FARMER. ! ; Ga., Nov. 27, ’89. ! | j WE MEAN j j We lake this method of informing all who owe us anything, on note on or account, to come forward and make immediate settlement. After Janu ary 1st, 1890, we will place all un¬ paid obligations in the hands of an of¬ ficer with instructions fo force a sei tlement. Rcspectfulfr, i S. J. KELLY & BRO. ! Covington, Ga., Nov. 27, 1889. MlE STORE! Located 1 1-2 mile S. W. Cedar Slioals. IN FRONT It. F. WOODRUFF’S -RESIDENCE. keep li lull line of Family Cro eerie*, Notions, Confectioneries, etc. wliicl boing sold very low. Our pric es are ____n lower than those of the towns and ( * It ' es ftwuri( l ***• Cull and see for yourself and give us part of your patronn for we will makc'it to your interest to trade with us. All our floods are new. A first class stock of fancy groceries, notions, etc., arriving and to arrive.—mli‘20 Mrs. MY WOODRUFF. “ RULE NISI. 8. J. Kelly & Bro.. t ' Mortgage, Ac.. Sep vs. temher Term, 1889. *'• Hayden. 1 resent the Iiouorahte .tames 8 Boynton, Judge ot sam Court— It appearing to the court by the petition of S. J. Kelly * Bro..-that on the 8th day of January, in the year A. D IHS8, G. W Hayden, of said county, made and deliver* ed to the said S J Kelly & Bro., hie certain immussorv note, bearing date the day and y< ,. ir aforesaid, whereby the said G. W. jH-omised on. or before, the 1st day ‘ .-antnote, to pay suit h. J. Ivuij J, Bro Mm, or Bearer, one hundred )d, and from fitly maturity dollars, f or Vll l ue rec g iv( interest ut 8 per cent and ID per cent. Attorney tees -credited by S*7.«:i, Oct. t, 188 ,s. And {l'^v5tud"l. J ri!eT ) euer to secure the payment of the said note, exe -ucd Hayden conveyed Aerebftht said W. to the s J Kelly a Bro., the foifowing described | a „d : l ive ncresof land. ...or., or less, ly ing in Newton istJ&TT.k. county, Georgia, in Town on north .......... lands of Walter Branham, on east oy Mrs. Wdliains, and on wvst hv V' ■ D. Hayden, with Dwelling House amt Orchard; condi tioned, if said 0. W. Hayden should pay off and discharge said note, ujt cause | the same to be done, according to the tenor effect thereof, that then the said Deed of Mortgage aad said note should become null and void to all intents and purposes. ^ ; t furtlier ej , pearilI)£ tlurt the said note remains unpaid, it is therefore Order¬ ed, that the said G. \V. Hayden do pay into court, by the tirst day of the next term thereof, the pniicipat, interest, attorneys fees and costs due on said note, or show cause to the contrary, if any ho has : And thut Uul1 on } 1 failure m * lu of the l ', said (i * W * l fay.ten ■ , do, the equity .. ot redemption . and so to in , to said mortgaged premises be forever :L r . f ‘ T j']''j|...g/,-',,' r ' he published once a mouth, for four months, i m the Georgia Enterprise, or a copy thereof served on the said G. \V. Hayden, or Ids i special agent or attorney, at least three months previous to the next term of this court. JAMES S. BOYNTON, Judge S- Hint Circuit. By the Court. James G. Lester, Att’y for PllTs. GEORGIA, Newton County. j J|l0 B p a vi s< clerk ot the Superior certify j (’<>r»i-t in and tor ..aid county, do tluit the above slid foregoing is a true and eorreot transeript fr.nn the roinates ot said court' This Oct. 28th, 1889. JM). B. DAY V 18, is r, Llerx. .-kk Dress goods, all sorts, buttons, braids, silk and plush trimmings. Prints, hose and most all other things in this line, gum at rock bottom I prices at V. I'.- Cook s ( ] to A D NOTICE. GEORGIA, Ntirroj Co^xtt. To All Whom it mar Concern: AH persons interested are hereby notified that if no good cause be siiown to the contrary an Order will by the undersigned on the THIRD MONDAY in January 1890, a new road as marked by the I 1 Commissioners« for that purpose, and near Butler’s Bridge on ?' Uth river * *"•* County, and TUB in g North west through the lands of W. Turner, J. A. Scott, and SteW Bros, from thence on the old road leading in the public road from • McDonough. ,, ,, , This to B 16th, 1869. T C. SWANN, Chairman Board Commissioners. Sheriff Sales. —FOR JANUARY 1890.— TILL Bp sold before the court hous* door in the city of Covington, Newton Ga., within the legal hours of sale, the First Tuesday in January, the fol¬ property to-wit: One Bay Horse, about 6 years old, will anywhere. Levied on as the property M I). Henderson to satisfy an execution from the superior court of Newton in favor of J. H- Boyd vs. M. 1). This Dec. 3, kSih adv. fee $3 H. B. ANDERSON, Sheriff. -ALSO, \TILL Be sold before the court house v door in the city of Covington, New* county, within the le^al hours of sale, -to the highest bidder tor Cash the first Tuesday in wit: January next, th« property, to All that tract or district parcel of Newton laml Wing and in the 9th of county, of Georgia, containing Two Hundred Eighteen Acres and Sixteen-One-Hun of an acre, more or less, and boun as follow*, to-wit : South by lands ot Bryant, estate ofG W H Murrell, dt and W 1 , H Henderson, Trustee; by hinds of estate of I) (J Cook, d» North by lands of Reuben Cook the estate of Alexander Means, de arid West by public road leading Oxford to Lnwrenceville, being the portion of a tract of laud con¬ Four Hundred and Seven Acres, or less, formerly owned in common A P. Kennon and Luther M. Smith.— land levied on as the property of 8 . Kennon and E. K. Hearing to satisfy a execution issued from the supe¬ court of said county in favor of Capers Administrator of M. H. Hender* deceased, against said S. notice J. Kennon E. K Hearing. Written of the given ns required by law. This De¬ comber 3, ISKfl.—ad. fee $9 II. B. ANDERSON, Sheriff. Commissioners’ Sale. \yiU. \ T door in Be the sold city before of Covington, the court Newton house Oh., within the legal hours of sale, the First Tuesday in .laniiarv, the tot described property to wit : The house and lot being part of Lot No. 18C, originally the Baldwin, of now Newton coun¬ ty, and in village Newborn, known in the plan of said "C” town or village, ot as Lot N’o. 1 , in ward aud now the same ward, with the exception of an area of 50 by Go tect in the western corner of said lot lying between Robinson’s and Dillard's to:v said lot commencing 25 feet in front ot pailings sold of yard ai d garden. Said prop¬ erty by us for the purpose of affecting a Dodson partition of Prince the same between James and Pitts, tenants in com¬ mon ot the same, under and by virtue o* an order of Newton superior court passed at the September term, 188!), thereof, it be¬ ing made to appear that it was impractical lo divide the same by inetes and bounds. Terms ot sale, Cash. W. T. GAY, \ P. WILSON I Commissioners. ItOBT. CHILDS Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of the Will of John Webb, late of Newton county, deceased, will be sold be for* the court house door iu the city of Covingtoa, on the lirst Tuesday in January, 18'JO, within tho legal hours of *ule, ONE HI NDUED AND FIF¬ TY ACRES of land, more or less, being the jduee whereon Mrs. Sarah J. Diggers lived at I he time of her death, being part of Lot No, 20(b originally North, Walton lands now Newton of county, bounded on the by J, c, Adams ; on the East, by lands of Gert tide Perry : on tl»e South, ilie by hinds of Mrs. M. J. Perry and others ; and oa West, by lands of Mrs. T. A. Richards. Sold for the purpose of distribution among the legatees, and those having legal claim* against said estate. Terms of dale—CASH. F. D. BIGGERS, Administrator cum testamento annexo, Ac. Administrator’s Sale. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Newton county, wili be sold on the first Tues¬ day in January, I V *.W. before the court housa door, in the city of Covington, within the legal hours of sale, THE LANDS belonging to the es¬ tate of G. H. Riley, late of said county, deceas¬ ed, consisting of FORTY-NINE ACRES of land, more or less, located in Oak Ilill District, No. •VI7. in said county, joining lauds of Mrs. M. A. Jarman. Harry Davidson and Washington Loyd, upon which suid deceased lived ut the time* of his death. Sold for the purpose of paying the debts, and making distribution among the heirs of said deceased. Terras of Sale—GASH. L. F. LIVINGSTON, Administrator. Dec. i. IRS). Adm i nisi itiIot’s Sale. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordin ary of Newton county, will be sold before the court house door, in the city of Covington. •» the first Tuesday in January, 1S90, between the legal hours of sale, the following property to-wit : TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY ACRES OF LAND, being the place Whereon Thomas R. Av¬ ery lived at the time of his death, situated. ly¬ ing. aud be in the western portion ol New tou county : Bounded on the north, by the land’) of .3. J. Chestnut; on Hie east, by the lands et Mrs. Savage and Samuel Avery ; on the south, by lands of I. \V. Brown ; aud on the west, by lands of David Chestnut and M H. Da via Sale made for the purpose of division among tho heirs «d l ho inn* B. A very, deceased. Terms— CASH. G. W. & 3. H. AVERY, Administrators of Thus. R. Avery, deceased. This. Nov. 1SS». . CLARK & Go. M ft L? 1 —OPEN 9 A. M., TO 5 P. M — fPRANSACT A Genera! Hanking busi- 1 ness Receive deposits of business firms ami individuals, subject to check tt sight. Collections made on all accessible Kay and sell exchange —tf. I. R. PERKINS, COVINGTON, GA-—