The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, February 20, 1890, Image 1

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The GeorOxIa Enterprise. VOLUME XXV. IF. Otfoihto . ID * Pf an<i T^J»i^T^ 1 T V^Tii y ’ r6 Utheyf rget that i they i! ,ti.l, n m their vomit Br;™: ■lays beset tun many lo lit in ,..., >-n its -kedi**, d£»„t 6* virtue m^Ut appear to 1* J *aEt to merit mention: , my- *» imt 11 '** ,u '^U " K-r,uiu- :s|.x "'-weigh u «. them carefully is eontravcntlor, , uMoniy lean, to Uet. and jR-opl- .••aid monkey Is* mcire with orthodox, tho aiw | jifdrek.-. arid ea - i. vo aUoa fitiii ••>• 1 >i •ii--.-»tly. and eve.-, H, .at the ! Mip.'se ..f its planner would defeat, , the : 1. perhaps, iui#t .th W moi%! Wl .u • ai'Kobatiun. souiuehtor fees, and las ." - were employed on salaries. and judges always would lit their de CT66S to circumstance-: ail-. would t-u fw lies, jui-l vo> m iu.lgment exercise, ami mer-; .•harts Mw-sentthrir merchandised ’ cm ..ur fancies- j i-would «aitau.i.iebiorsi^v j *. i, H , -. ‘ * x j ay ' R “ i-are-tjm ie oo or not delay, , • an ri-.-irts by us; i I "ia re • ■< 1 life could tie foreea#, »:it !n:vi-.t ait»i»s and honeymoon, • a 1 if age would not ttpjn-oaeh ''“i - ■ f « t. nor death .My u<; uM have our ways in everything; it man could be a little king, aud out of iyht and mind all tnmole* ding, w. still would grumble. « , o„l,| nature’s law, r-verae. am! ..II ihe fan.-ie I don.Is of lif.. , U !' it we could Simply l.os, th un! ” f r " :,k L ' ' * Atmosohei’ic AMUwvuoiio Revelation AlCVOlutlUU. I | 11 V JUI. 1 VN HAWTHORN!-:. Giles Par-doe and f h id spent four at mining camp on the Gila near Florence, in southern Ari- ! h had had’ tolerable luck, 1 between us, there may have i tin- value of six ur .-- vcn thousand But -the vein I t() It least We thought*, I’erhans J,. heat Mid thc monotone ,,f ‘ d™ i ,, KSi . J -u U ait events, wI mad. minds to push oa westward to junction,,f the Gii» and % Colorado ' Yuma ( itv. The railroad had not put through at 'that time, and til. was as remote as it was dr-solaU. that vv- mitided that. Th- romance was still strong in us; W e were 1 two or three years out of coUc-e. wanted variety as well as remote .,nd bc-tievul. as'all men are ant t o that the true Eldorado * lay ‘‘ beneath - vo-iad,. St-i-)ers"l>y i-u-ecablc ii-iiotv 1 - tmp, Rick name with More than with my of the fraternize’ others ; had f. -und it aoree dth- to ft- -Mime years our cider and hid I well educated Li’iglish • knew s-.methino of • -■ ,-md curickiii- of lBeraftm- %ud ! •'!'-:!<! <-l' his conversation ; !:i Miiotatioja from -veil aueient -.lid recent I If, v r -,-onainted with the plains and ‘ «,ve ir not ., useful hints Ou the hi-Mas other not*- hand jt confessed ti»( oar- j : industrious n !.* , ■ .. i mmhl. t r * if* knovriedcre with*- 'Td d WY't w’ J< ■ •.' l> ’ i gift.-d ' im',' '- U1 'f'~- o '„.,‘ i L | ! to live 'Y ''V ■ 1,111 1 ‘ u ■ | * M l ', I* 0 .’' 1 11 , pn-sfneo mane , *n_ piacu f no I't*. C ‘[*^1 '"i 1 ?r u, 1 "-'. , <>! T| l ’ ! i V f; 1 a at Ids = T • ■’ 1 H mi t k or . ™T?" ' ’ 'j' , . I o la' W; '~ . r . 1 m, v.hei ; oy tri mta.altre ! , «'i*ewnTnes*. * ' -J ' , . , an Rick proposeii to .tc- : ■ ou our journey. nth- hist JHraew the route. anti saeondlv. : ’ 1 ‘ ^‘drivtmrve ui thee,imp j N. W( accepted bim good lus sufcstiou 'hustaug, wuh aat, . a ; »» TOd '; form ! " n °“ r ■b | »t'k«- A nui.e car- ; 1 amp equipage, and Gilf-. as Die ^ j ‘ he lorg-T part ol ,mr . ‘-T 1 * “I'- “/ which he carried U ' md | ih, , “ h '" K lri ‘ d ‘ 1 ra and i r tvcrc oac.i nrnmd , Dick was un ;■ ‘” 1 ‘ m no said ■ “Nolwly - 'bootme,’ aud 1 d|u|f«v aut to - .ti) . >-«h . ' m'h'--Ivlow the camp there was , "j" di 1 we crossed, keeping thence " i -mthern bank of the stn -.m- ! ;>m glared down at us as if it had 1U | I K ’ 1- 111 ‘he solar system to atte nd " . ‘ 1 :! U souiet-him; were priekittg ' * jest for mishap, aud remedy ,'H. every a Aud when, after a hard .journey and innumerable petty con J'" w- dismounted at length to 1 , 1 bend of the stream, I heard !l ^ 1 ,. h y™’ ir ‘o himself, as he. kindled M W«: “ Post tot imufragm Woo/ so maiiv Shipwrecks, a “Mut %"-■ he said -., 45r1 iUatl ?" !mi lh socially ns we ” remains of ,mr meal W C r - ' This is going to be tough T , los-.'-ratc’ramr a |JS to W ' v dot mas Th W t aju !t ' " Uo ,ug- of sours vour sithfc- ' y " iml do to uarrv you and ■C niulc mule Hjirctty is urett . Veil well fiUd tixr , 3 ».«**,?* J ut u> :,ad he <h. done ketth-s.* But - some with that four t«o ‘ -sight of < a , ' w dust 1 f vou dr v : 1 *«’ ou foot in b-lt-ve two I it- -the fact u?c„, i. Ld | S ' h ui< -- 1 niul- remains- -h-- can »«' -hi UrC? !** atu1 hundred ’ !mf i I believe ! k sh, cuii , too p U pip: Bu , 1 :„ , hpr mv 'HI bn that - !ai J;4 k <lim Ih : b'e-.teitfl ,cnt -*U my Ao cruaper ,h ' u,u!t ' •' chance, ^ 'hoV. - ,v ' !dk!-U; j*and ,Uk ' c to." aurr-Ai PU , Jiuailv,,. and ex ryatl ^’“ hfr L I0 °k‘he alteration in fisaJx lo -A t ‘t good-humoredly* and Dick th, tent on his saddle in such a wafthat 0 while < HI "thS^^Thr^^ I brought rear*. J uni perspirat up the Mon* h< ion. mon** lrcariuesv of iWh m,,rt - unquenchable, or rather ffre-pro„f f aytfy ° n thc l K,r ‘ ” f !«<•’.. When halted at noon 1 made a discover rial Through all mj vicissitudes I l ad . a with m- a .* IPn t iustanfaa lib' ■ photographic camera, not so as n» | bvTepklUr, v hut-bov and n”w cauahlo ft-ns ni » a four “r a stand or had other cumbersome aecout r” ' meats. I Iiroiudit a mi l,,,, J , If , pared which putes along’ wjtb m ut had .Ircdr fceeri decAmvd C V a 11 * * meh .O, ver-tie ll ni 1 ^ U- c >f.. , rn scenes as , u *‘ ll % characlei uie ' i . or ' I valued f the collection pmdunously: it was the only journal I lla «‘- «“<* was lull ol a-oeiatious: and ! I0W ’ Just w!u ‘ u 1 " :ls looking forward **** speedy return to civilization, di.- coved that my camera and ldates *wt n '"'“sing." night’s’ I had left them at our h,st sleeping-ground. I at once announced m* determination * {o -Qback and -ret mv eanteri Giles shook bTs hiw L.- ‘ .d . - j ‘' . ... , - w “ ,tl “ j . . ,, , ,' 1 )<RU,( ou ’“ al , ' ri, Pl>e , hyre ® on any u on 0U , '■''ther tumbled thc v\, . into . ".'T. 0 ! ,,nrt j* r ’J btwu, (truth . “tddett .. its- if the alter manner of ' things. Again, I should wear otR *' 1 t ™J c,cd tl f T ^ T ' ^ ' T th# w ‘ ,f a ,0 ‘ ° „ , devoted 1 I on mv mustan-. “Well.” said Rick, at There's'a lenrth “I'll you i wliat well do. SiA X nice - m vnu.-" r itv’ , if von are lived “ V “ in in-i , ... ! ' « ' u " . for there. It wiU. be good you a ace to spend the aignt m, and willgne a chance for a rest when you come But tell you frankly, i otter ex- ( i to sec you again. 1 1 ‘Good-bye, OH*'* faretyrtL old man; And you're with an idiot. 1 that, I 'ehed my heel to the-mustang s flank, cantered siowlv oil on the return ' - Three ' brec hours’ hours rathe- rather Wsim-lv lelsurelt travpH.,„ traveling me to the sue ol our camp. was to be seen there of the ! “»era. As all the baggage had been toghfter m one place, It ought to j been immediately visihle. Iv.a, let J l»y this, ami racked my braiu for solution. While I was debating the u, ' st ' on - * snake glided out of a hole in ''f jrouu ' 1 ’ and wriggled off toward a ‘gbboriug clump of bushes. Mechanic- ^ I drew my revolver and fired at Turn, bullet struck him in the thickest pari the 1,ody ' 1 walked up to put him of his P ain ’ awl csu * lt 8i * ht ofacor - of nty camera protruding from be a neighboring shrub. I picked it strapped it to my belt, and, after id- , Uowe "" hoar ' s resl - 1 ' s * d,ilel1 aml remounted and set out tin* west oucc more. But all the I get was there!” thinking, It “How twenty did the j was puces. : least ot from t!lcre the by camp. aeckiem. It could At last not 1 j I ''S to the conclusion that Rick must hidden R there for fun. and then ' ail about it: and when I had thw loss, and showed such at it, he had held his tongue for j of a row. That was'the best expla- 1 could devise; and it w as not a | ry ^trsfactoryioue, after all.* I rode on and ou glad through the broiling 1 j 1 was to hove recovered 1 \ camera, but I wa* not in a very good and, being flonc, my thoughts a gloomy turn, and T L>st myself in memo'rfes and foreliodinas. At I T roused myself to find that the Tj j, y a s in was strange to me. I ! j .Wtainlv not jiass.-d through it with othprs j looked at mv watch; it fom hourg ghl( . e j i ia ,l e( .'t out on my ! must, resttng-llace. therefore, have already I our noon But, ou other hand, I must be near thc grove tre(1 , ^jjat Rick had mentioned as our ( ha | t j w i e . ou for nearly an which W ay had thc others gone; ! 1,,-ineli but found no trail. 1 forded the stream'and searched, on the other side. n ( . hour’s labor brought me on the ^^rk o£ tho two mustangs and the mu!e ' ’ To mv surprise, after proceeding , thn ban k for a mile or two. they turned off to the rigid, and disappeared ii)w . iril lh(1 ul)r thwest. right.acK-a the | t u ' , ka)i )lugert „f Yumn. choice It was but in Pnm „ r P hendb!e, r but I had no ' . ^... . e eyes. My horse was jaded; I heiran to feel grave apprehensions. t ou d it no tbit f had mistaken some othciUail.r theirs(, I cast, my eyes .m th. gt oumi Nil trail was visible. I had lost i., •‘“ a -.vfcs myself lostl ^ . ... I Bor a moment my W Then, manning myself, I Neoa W 1 » rein, and began to rme in a grew < ir U In twenty minutes I struck a trad » my still. own. Well, I would try a lay r circle started mUS ^i Tn , Just A* I , my sighed Lv his head, snorted and , | voluntarily I glanced up. What I j 1 shock of superstitious terror to my scat Sent a . heart. above , “gjTj* . ... „ ’ Iu the empty ah apRvently to t distance in front of me o. a mite, I saw Giles. std« Th I %Swere i'm-dng siowlv distinct along suit perfectly by >• nfzablc. 1 and saennd to reG>g_ ! and^ as ah say Ipassc^v tod 1 %- in- on J the empty iud looked again. « j mistake. eves But thi- assurance htuj no j the effected restoring my # -hat I saw was not a tm re u H only # oHnd nf mv brain, there was f«aordI thing it could be. It wa- »n ; u arv perfect mirage. The Ogm I’y ! Irans that I saw were the magmhed “Jf7 COHXTRT: MAT SHE EVER RE RIQBT; RIGHT OR WROXG, MT COUlffRT COVINGTON. GEORGIA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20.1890. H ' tot* l ™{ the li ' bearing* t:,aee th#n and ‘""“J rodi ! i : 0Tertak ' ,bclu ia »> mc r ‘ J^Uxel, was so wonderful, how- j ^ ^ * pl)ant!0U ^ r ~' and f awaited ^ * a | ! iV ,’ n ° ment to pull the catch, j u « , St J birth i aT i rf ' a “ ’1 d kern « 1,udde “ t , y ^ek n t rose erect 1T ,nt 'ST , '! ,eve,ed * revo1 ' ' iT h ?;® i ,le# ' h 7 ^ ^ 1Ult kll from his horse. At the ,,l< l ,m 'Jnvf>luutarih* ] Bashed 1 t ^ W ? C "' ’f, Uke wW the Vanis ’ ct 1 "'»-' ™* disappeared, and I was alone t T the. in e * At half-uaat sev«i I came unou ^u iSiles s Luckily there was life „i.l. it- the had stmelr his lie»d ‘ iml ’ evtiliined d ^.o.l ! i . L , nftetw.wl .e rhTf n'ieV u 7 ” * i me ?. .**, ? ' , ,i j. . , . f , a . " llt,,1 8 “ '*“ ort . >w „ hi: divert , they would strike ies li'x . be f. had , foretold. mythical Later “Clump he had of >orrow **l bis revolver to shoot at a rab and had kept it. Evidently he had from the beginning to murder or both of us, and to get od with gold. Two pieces of rare good luck befell and me at this moment of our need. horse came quietly up out of the sunt allowed himself to be bejm, probably too much dis to travel by’himself lathe pl&-e, we succeeded that night in a small stream, with some rim growing beside it. It undoubtedly *" d »8^V>?? «ie stream, we stum- 1 U P° U [ lrk s trail, and followed it , h 'l^-f by "I st “, r tl ' lrt v r ’ lllcs, ° - f •♦?»«> the p Colorado Here we 'ommumeated with the Sheriff, Tom ' ' whl> artested Rick just as he was town, with five thousand dollars g ret . n bscksym his person. He denied but when confronted by whom he supposed to be dead, lie a little, aud when I produced photograph (which I had meanwhile he was overcome by sheer azemeiit, and confessed his guilt.— rhe IM (r. . Wrong Whentlie Baby Cries ttoter - , Irene, , who , has - charge - of , thc Ne% York Infant Asylum, and who ra j<,e S an average of a thousand found every year, vrill not tolerate a bad baby. Something is wrong when the Why qph*. Tin ; ws. U diic tcl to ex the clothing and if the cause is not. found a doelar is summoned. If on examination the little one is pronounced j„ good health and the howling still con tiuues baby is sent to the reformatory, where he is put on his back iu a crib like room andleft alone until his temper improves. It is only the new babies who cry, but the peace of thc house is never sacrificed. Meal, bath and bed time are observed to tho minute, and every clnld is trained to sleep all night long and a part of theday. Promiscuous feeding is not permitted at any time in the child’s life"and before child culture comes the physical condition of the nurse in charge. You can’t make Sister Irene or any of her assistants believe that strong coffee or tea is good material to nurse a young child on. The result must he some form of nervous trouble. No child'is allowed to eat solid animal food until it has twenty teeth aud then in almost infinitesimal portions and but once a day. The child's food is never allowed to he cooled by blowing the breath upon it, as disease is too fre quently communicated it is thought in this way. As *11 the children have to be disposed of in some way before the age of seven a close study is made of beauty p, order to tempt foster parents. The hair of the-girl babies is n evvt cut, lashes and lids are carefully trimmed, -bang mouths” arc coaxed to grow to --ether bv means of a support for the chin, and’noses that are inclined to turn aro oentlv persuaded not to. Heads are not’smothered in sleeping; nurses . iro directed to turn their fares away so not to breathe into the nostrils of their charges, aud such irregularities as snor i U g and thumb sucking are corrected. chair iu thc whole asylum, and pillows shoulders to rouud upon.—-Jftif I ork ' —— • (Yooke.lest hmu In All ... Crea ,, .. .on The The most wonderful piece of railroad engineering I have seen, writes a corre spondenf, is on the Hue of the Piedmont Air Line in Western North Carolina. The railway leaves Asheville, that noted saoi tarium. and proceeds as best it can to get over the Blue Ridge Mountains. First there is the Swaunanoa tunnel, which is about a third of a mile long. After that ^ viods ani£ re , v i n itself ds, and such twists aud ovw Mll un der in a way . ^ j ierfect iy hpwildering what to the traveler wh<> wishes to know in par ;cB ,., r ^ bf the mountain he- is. From St. Bernard, a peak that is above the Round Knob Valley the railway can ^ in seventeen different places^, npri ; n g up?n d down the mountain, aud n0 fWi| gec ti 0 n* of the track are«a the j s;n!(!iClcvat | oa The train runs down . , h i* crooked iron pathway with all steam ^ut off and the brakes turned on. It i i experience for a traveler, but the Jj arJ . perfect and has all been rock rn with heaviest steel and laid rails, aud no accident has ever yet taken place on that portion of the line, so ta a re that, startling as the ride is to a traveler accustomed to level raff ways lha , ^ port ion of the track is safer than many th ., „n« that have But less grade and crooks upon them. anyhow it ^ something, if it wany mk. t0 enjo y thc wonderful nde wrnding ^ ^ mo untains and descending into the valhv of the varan b . , - ,- s lH5thiaV receipts from the «le of ^ wfem »and honey last yea. ' amounted to **',<KK>,0 • AI THKCAPITAL WHAr THE riFTT.FIRST DOIXG. cos -j GRES8 IS - i AprorsTHKcrs sssSsssnssH bt Mesidkst harmson o^nuS V Jil ^de S 1 ,atc on the nror Mr* mU* was ontlnne< coiiee j a' Morse of Massachusetts ? j » «*!<•• '>’«* of defense' of the proposed the mid: “The business men of s ion. , uMrv and arc demanding “do nothing business policy" legisla- of that the loagrass for the last, ten years shall -hange, an d how shall you. chance it % ith.>ut ^nd amending the rules that bind the *>%, and foot?' In the senate, on Wadncday, Mr. Sher nan called up the concurrent resolution heretofore reported by him from the com nittee. on foreign relations, eongiatulating Brazil Ihe people of the United States of in their adoption of a republican form of fovcrnment. The resolution is in these voids: ‘“That the United States of Amer congratulates the ,-oople of Brazil on by'if just and peaceful assumption of the rowers, duties and responsibilities free of self- of ^vernment, based on the consent he goremtsl. and on their recent adoption >f a republican form of unanimously. government.” J3p- Between resolution was passed 1,800 and 1.500 persons as tc-mliled-in the house galleries Wednesday listen to arguments upon thc proposed code of rules, aud had about the pleasure of looking down upon hirty representatives: Messrs. Minseui )f Missouri, Lane of Illinois, Rogers ol hrkansas. Springer of.Illinois, Brookshin d Indiana, Shively of Indiana, Wikc of Illinois and Pierce of Tennes-ee, de oouced the rulings of the speaker, while they were defended bv Messrs. Moore ol ,°!' k ° f ****** Uun, and “j' 1 J °‘ JX MuincMit^ Ta vl,,r 01 - Dbjcct(<l to ro41-e:tlf U „. appr0 val needed; of the journal usual, »s usual, a w? as the Remoerats refrained from voting, anc ,. usual, the speaker counted a quorum, and declared the journal Consideration approved, by i | vote yeas 141, nays 1. ol the code of rules was then proceeded with. The fight on the rules was ended fri . day. Speaker Reed's code has been adopted, and certain features of it are , claimed by the democrats as uuconstitu tional. and they acknowledge that under them Speaker Reed can‘count a quorum,’ and that he can refuse to entertain any motion, simply by announcing he deems it dila.orv-it might 1«- a motion to ad journ, but m no case is he kill required to en tertain desires; an appeal-he ran speak or pass with- any bill he no man can OI ,t his permission, neither can anything be done without, he agrees, to it. - sum. The new rules were adopted by a strtc: party vote of yeas 101. nays 145. John J. Bell, Jr., of Georgia, clerkshij was oi: Saturday appointed department. to a $1,000 in the war Tho senate was not in session Satur urday, and Mat postofliee Davis’ appointment did not in. U the Athens, Ga., go The sfIiatp on Thursday confirmed the nomination of Blanche K. Bruce- ta be re corder of deeds for the District of Co i um bia. The senate committee on privileges the investi- and elections began on Saturday g a ti 0 n of the credentials of sevt-ra. claimants for seats in the senate from Montana. j It is undoubtedly this the republican either inten the t on to p^. ftt session, Wickham or the Hoar bill, electionsto providing beheld fot the next congressional districts the last. from the same as The first assistant jiostmaster following general fourth on Saturday appointed the Georgia: At Good class postmasters for win, Franklin county, E. I.. Cawthron: at Round Oak, Jones county, J. W. Turk. Chairman Rowell said on Saturday, that he had promised thc advocates of the world’s fair bill next week to ron eider that matter in the house. C'onse queutlv he would not call up any more contested election cases until Monday week. The superintendent of the census dis triets in Alabama have Been appointed as follows; First district, A. J. Engle; second district, T. P. Ivy; third district, .1. L. Watkins; fifth district, Willis Brightman. The superintendent for the fourth district lias not yet been ap¬ pointed. Representative Grimes, of Georgia, and has received a great many scurrilous threatening letters since he abandoned tho Riggs house so summarily the other day. they all bear the local postmark and are all anonymous, of course, but some of them go so far as to threaten Mr. Grimes’ life. The secretary of the treasury, ou Wednesday, issued a second call on the national bank depositories for a reduction of public balances held by them, to be paid on or before March 1, 1890. Tlie call is for about the same amount ir~ the first call, except that banks having but small amounts to transfer have been asked for the full amount in order to close out the transaction. The house committee on patents Thurs day, by unanimous vote, instructed Mr. bimonds, chairman of the sul>committee, to make a favorable report on the bill, 3914, known as th$ international copyright bill The bill allows forci'-n authors to take out a copyright in the United Stater upon the same footing as is allowed American authors, provided tie type-setting, printing aud binding is done wholly in the United States. Thc house committee ou elections at its meeting Friday morningdis;<os<-dof thne of the contested election cases before it, deciding the to republican recommend the seating and of two of contestants to allow the democratic member tc retain his seat in the third contest. By a strict party vote, the committee in strutted Representative Houk to make a report recommending the seating of Featherstone. republican contestant for the seat of Cate in thc first Arkansas dis trict, and Mudd, republican contestant for tlie seat of Barnes Compton in the fifth Maryland district. By a unanimous vote it was derided to recommend that ('lark, (he democratic sitting from the first Alabama district, be lowed to keep his scat. The President, on Wednesday, norni uated to be census supervisors: giuia—Frank W. Winston, third district. Alabama—Jack R. Wilson, fourih dis trict. Mouth Carolina—Samuel J. first district; Deb-van Yates, second dis trict; F. W. Macusker. fourth Mississippi-- Udwai-d Aldrich, first dis ».tl«^^ lu dltri“ I*nc Becket *fth district; William A. Httris, sixth district. SffsrS&l Hie senate has confirmed K O Bush, i ts John j Aubama; C. Slocum, surveyor-gen end of Florida. Postmaster*—Alabama ~; L -. fmi*. Dcmopolis; C W. Childs, Marion; 11. Perdue. Greeuvffle. blonds -J. H Harden, Bartow; O. K Oakes, F-enandiniL feipervisorsC«MU»-l(hws ’h 1 W. Chandler, second dffitnet.. ! ld *r J ' Tompkins second d is n . Tennessee*—W. 0. Hunt, firs COTTON 8TAT1STIC8. NHfE-TRNTH OF THE COTTON HAS LEFT THE PLANTATIONS. Cotton returns of the department ol agiiculturo n*tes of the for February gives local usti proportion of the crop which hth left the plantation. The consolida tion make 90.4 per cent, leaving 9.6 pel rent, to still go forward. About nine tehdis of the crop has, therefore, been reported ported in in the sight, hands or in small stocks units of country merchants, or ia transit. The state averages areal follows: Virginia 87, North Carolina 89, South Carolina 60, Georgia 90, Floridi 93, Alabama 80, Mississippi 91, Louisiani 9|, Texas 93, Arkansas 90, Tennessee 87. Tie average date of the close of picking is about thc same as last year in Georgia, is Mississippi. Ixtuisiaua and Tennessee, Florida and earlier in the Carolina*, aud Arkansas and later in Ahtlmma and Texas, The average of county dates is December The 12, fsnging from November sohl to January, oil proportion of seed to mill. baa been found difficult to est.mate.but » ’ ^ md l.oop,900 tons. The largest pro portion Georgia, reported is in Louisiana, Mississippi, followed l,y Arkansas, Texas, Alabama and the Carolina*. The average state Ow^hJas prices, and as Georgia, consolidated, ate: perbush- The 18 cents el; Tennessee, 17; Florida, 16; Alabama aad Mississippi, 15: Louisiana, 14; Texoi and Arkansas. Lt. Returns of quality are very high, except hi Virginia and North Oaroliim, and in Teonassee ami Arkansas, Itisstiperior in all states of the gulf coast. The per centage of lint from seed eotton i, as follows: Virginia, SO; North Caro li D a, gl. 5; South Carolina, 82.7; Georgia,; Florida, 32.8; Alabama, 32.5; Mis sissippi 32.3; Louisiana, 32.5; Texas, 32 . 4 ; Arkansas, 82.2; \vas Tennessee, 32. The ArkwZ damage bv nseeU J. the greatest Alal.“ li and Tex In Florida aud' rnK Mississippi Tennessee North Carolina it was general. Imt less severe. «aA tUmtk Pwli*. suffered Ims. The loss from tho boll worm was in Geor ^ Alabama, Lousiana and Texas greatei than that from tne caterpillar, THE MORMONS DEFEATED, •ALT LAKE UfTV IS NOW UNDER CONTBOI OF OENTII-ES. A dispatch from Salt Lake City, Utah, concerning thc election there, says: Ev¬ erything is now quiet. Business has re¬ sumed its normal condition, and were it not for the decorations upon the house* of the Gentiles, there would he no iiuV cation of thc great, political battle which closed Tuesday night. Official returns give George A.' Scott, Gentile, for mayor, a majority of 809; Louis II. Yams, Gen¬ tile, for recorder, 589; J. B. Walton, Gentile, for treasurer, 059; E. H. (’lute, Gentile, for assessor. 466 ; -T. M. Y’oting, Gentile, for marshal, 778. The remainder of the general ticket, including fifteen councilmen was elected by majorities rauging from 300 to 400. This gives them control of the municipal council for the first time in the history of tlie city. Mormon organs while they concede their defeat, specifically charge that it was accomplished by frauds of the most flagrant character, and these they dc scrilte in detail. of anything There but is submission. no suggestion, however, THREATENED TROUBLE. A GREAT STRIKE EMINENT IN THE ALA' RAMA MINING REGIONS. Dispatches to the Tradesman, of Cliat tauooga, Tenn., from tho Alabama min¬ . ing regions indicate that a general strike is threatened throughout the state, in¬ volving thousands of coal miners and causing fifteen or twenty bla-t furnace* to close down. Tradesman representa¬ tives have closely investigated the aitua tiod, and state that the strike a fen- days ago, when 500 miners of Debardeiebcn company qut work ens to be the commencement of a eral strike. The Debardelebeu quit work because the declined to accede to tehir First, that they be furnished posts , aud raiis. Second, that no boy seventeen years of age Third, be permitted work in thu mines. that a mittee be permitted to regulate have hours in each mine. Miners (he matter committee of the „ . . to a of Labor, and await their decision. j THE TICKET AGENTS. MEETING OF THE INTERNATIONAL TION IN JACKSONVILLE, FI.A. The International Association of Rail road Ticket agents held its second session in , acksonvilie, Fia., on day. Two hundred and sixty were present, with about 100 ladies accompany them. They come from state in the union and from Canada Mexico. The officers of the sri : Mr. Brown, ticket agent Ga., president; M. G. Carroll, passenrer station, Cleveland, Ohio, tary, a..d T. W. Yrnneroan, union Evansville, Ind., treasurer. The tion decided to hold its next annual ing at Denver. | ’ COLLAP6E OF A TRUST. UNJOINED FROM 4F.I-I.ING OR OF ANY OF TUE STOCK. Judge Laeombe. in the United circuit court at Xevv Y'ork. on granted an injunction restraining the cot ton oil trust from selling or disposing any of their property, and them to show cause before him why receiver should not be appointed. the hill which was filed shows that was organised September 10. 1884, the profits up to May 81, 1887, were $2,000,000. The profits for the year | wore over $2,000,00(1, aud the amount -utstanding certificates were $42,000. SOUTHERN NOTES. IXTERES TLXO JTEWS FROM ALL POLXTS IX THE SOUTH. ojlwiui. progress and occurrescks WHICH AIIE HAPPEXIXO 11ELOW MA BOtl'8 AND DIXON’S LINK. A general strike is threatened in the Alabama mining region. ’Ihe twenty-sixth Buudes Baengcrfcst at New Orleans. La., was opened with great eclat Thursday night. Ed Johnson and Jim Butts, murderers of Captain Mi’ler, who was killed last October, were hanged at Perry, Ga.. on Thursday. Thomas A. Edison, the inventor, is in Charlotte, X. C. He is there to examine the mineral lands of that section, and says he may invest in some mine. Benjamin.F. Lendhart, a general mer¬ chant doing business at I.owell. Gaston county, N. C\, made an assignment Wed¬ nesday to Allred Andrews, Liabilities about $3,000; assets #2,000. A bill has la-en introduced in the Vir¬ ginia Legislature to incorporate the Pitts¬ burg, West Virginia and Potts Valley Railroad with a capital stock of f 10,000, - 000. A special from Thomssviite. Ga., says: The discovery of phosphate* on the lands of Mr. Mallet, south of Boston, Thomas county, is reported, and causes consider¬ able excitement in tjuit locality. A dispatch from Richmond,. Ya,, says that tlie bill to incorporate the Pan American Railway and Navigation Com¬ pany passed t lie legislature Wednesday, and went to the governor without amend¬ ment. , Tlie Atlanta, Ga,, Chamber of Com¬ merce lu-ld its first animal banquet on Thursday night. Among the guests were many prominent northern men. Speeches South’s w ere made in the discussion of the interests and progress. A meeting of some of the capitalist* of Greenville and Charleston, S. mis held al the latter city on Saturday, aud steps were taken for the organization of a con pKny to build a $100,000 acid cham¬ ber and fertilizer works. Citizens of Mobile, Ala,, on Wi-dnos dny, completed a quarter million dol¬ lar\ u!iscri prion to the preferred stock of thc Mobile, Jackson and Kansas City railroad, the amount needed to secure the buildihg of the road from Mobile to Jackson, Miss., in one year from date. Wednesday night all the prisoners in Durham county, N. 0., jail made tl e r escape. During the night a rear window was broken, and a key was handed in tied to a long poie. The key fitted the door of thc cells. The combination lock was unlocked and the prisoners released them¬ selves. A dispatch of Wednesday, from Pied¬ mont. Ala., says: A great crowd is here from many states. The sales of bos cume to $125,000. In addition to the works heretofore announced, a hundred ton furnace is secured. Main street lots were sold up to $125 a front foot. A grand reunion and supper was tend¬ ered the.visiting singers at New Orleans, on Saturday, 1,(100 covers being laid fur this royal feast. Nearly all the singers have decided to remain until after inardi gras, in order that they may witness the pageuuts. The trustees of the State Baptist Fe¬ male university, on Wednesday, decided by ballot to locate it at Raleigh. N. O. Durham had offered $50,000 and a site for the college; Oxford offered $30,000 and a site; Raleigh offered $25,000 and a site; Greensboro offered $10,000 aud a site. The Willingham Lumber company, of Chattanooga, Tenn., was, on Thursday, served with liabilities processes praying exceed for $100,- a re¬ ceiver. Thc will 000. Thc assets are not yet known. The company became embarrassed bv endors¬ ing for the elevator company which failed 1 some months ago. A yard engine and hind car collided Saturday morning in tlie suburbs ol Staunton, Ya., on thc Chesapeake & Ohio railroad, resulting in the killing of Ed¬ ward Slater and Thomas Kidd, both ol Charlottesville, Virginia, and seriously injuring Thomas Williams, of Louisa Courthouse, Peter Tyler, Taylor Johnson, Thomas Bragg, and two others names not known, all employed on the road. A convention of southern ice manufac¬ turers. representing three million dollars of invested capital, was held at Chatta¬ nooga on Thursday, and an ice manufac¬ turers’exchange was formed. Officers— president, W. J. Rush ton, Birmingham, Ala.; vice-president, C. W. Beiz, Chatta¬ nooga; secretary. Abe Ellis. Macon, Ga.; treasurer. Louis 1*. Hart, New Orleans. A shipping rate of tfljpvas fixed. A dispatch from Birmingham, Ala., says: All efforts to settle the strike at the Birmingham rolling mill have failed. Association, President Weil),' returned of the to Amalgamated Pittsburg Wednesday, his mission having been fruitier--. The company refuses to rec¬ ognize tin- association in any way, and the men refuse to give up their fight plan to organize a local be lodge. and Thc bitter now promises to a long one. A south bound special train, ou the Alabama Great Southern railroad, colli¬ ded with a north bound passenger train, .in Wednesday, forty miles south of Bir tniugham. Via. Engineer Ed Doolittle, of thc passenger train, was killed in stantly. Several passengers were severely bruised, hut none seriously injured. The s|>ecial was composed of sleepers tilled with German Chicago ringing aud Cincinnati societies en route tlie from to sangorfest at New Orleans. PREPARING THE GALLOW8 ON WHICH H.VWF.S WILL HANG ON THE 28TH OF THIS MONTH. Work was commenced Friday ou the gallows the on which Dick Hawes will hang on 26th. Ed Griffith, the carpentei who is building the scaffold,' was one ol th jurors who convicted Hawes. The gallows Gilbert will be used first next Friday tc hang Lowe, a negro convicted oi the murder of J. 5V. Meadows, a white man. A PLUCKY WOMAN. During the of third Castile" act of the opera ol The Rose at the Acaaemv of Music in Richmond, singing Vs., while Emma Abbott was a solo, an alarm of fire was raised in the crowded house, caused by the fumes of burning paper. Miss Abbott continued her song, however, during the consternation that ensued, fhe alarm soon subsided and the opera proceeded ALLIANCE NOTES. Probably #40,000 has been paid by Houston county, Ga., farmers for Ken¬ mulc-s and horses within the iast days. The State Echanges of Mississippi, ,Yr and Tennessee are to be consoli under one management and its ct-n tral agency will lu; in Memphis for tht Florida Allianremeu don’t want politi in our national council. They the following resolution at then state meeting; -That no official the supreme council, sandy presi¬ vie#-pre*ident. secretary, treasurer, 'manager or members of direc¬ shall solicit hold any nomination politic:,I for office or polit¬ ac¬ or a any office in the state or nation ns long as holds office in the supreme council. * The attention of all Alliancemen ii to tjje fact that the National Al¬ has adopted cotton weight bagging the 44 wide aud of 3-4 lb. as They found that the loose wove bagging of 12 ounces These weight an¬ the purpose. facta were published to the world over and over yet pertain Mil,- Alliances have recommended themaniifuctureof banging j, 44 inches wide and weighing 1j, 1 lj 2 pounds per yard, happen as the opinion This of certain lodges may to run. is all useless, as the weight aud width of cotton bagging is settled for this year.. T. H. Martin, of tlie Pleasant Hill, county, Ga., Alliance, writes: “We intend to get every member to take State Organ, as it is one of the great¬ levers in lifting the farmers to inde¬ pendence, in teaching thc Alliancemen their duty and iu bringing benefit. them The together reading for their mutual aud thinking members will be of great to the order, and by their in¬ formation and fealty to the cause, the weaker brother until all banded together iu every bn-asure their interest, and then trusts and and class legislation will be a thing of the (Mist. Tlie fanner cannot now reach tlie bank and borrow money except through the warehouseman or commission merchant, paying unjust anil unnecessary fees, If the lands of the farmer are not above the merchants’ cred¬ it, this government is a fraud. We do not make war upon any legitimate business, but we do contend for|‘equal rights to all and special privileges nothing but to none.’ The farmer asks for a fair deal, aud when the financial world depends only upon his him product, receive it is his certainly loans fair for to at first hands. Subscribing for and ami reading the such papers ss rntr state organ National Economist will soon teach the farmers the way to secure their just rights. —Southern AM*net Farmer. A FATAL COLLISION. SMABH-l PUS THE MONON ROUTE, IN WHICH SEVERAL LIVES ARE LOST. A north bound passenger train on the Monou route collided with a freight train two miles north of Mitchell, Jnd.. Friday morning. W. Ii. Dillard, of Louisville, engineer, and James Gadinger, of New Albany, instantly.killed.unu fireman of the passenger Charles Wright, engine, were mail agent, dying of New short (Means, time. was fatally in¬ injured, in a The jured are: \v. li. Green, news agent, ol Louisville; R. M. Smith, of Louisville; John Bills, conductor; Morton, mail sgent; F. K. Railsback, Bedford: H. T. Beasley, of Legioner. Five other passen¬ gers were hurt. The wreck was caused by wrong orders from the train dispatch¬ er, Who ordered the freight train south on the time of the nortii bound passenger. WORK OF THE FLAMES TORONTO UNIVERSITY, AT TORONTO, CAN¬ ADA, DESTROYED RY F1KE. Toronto university was totally de¬ stroyed by fire Friday. Preparations had been made for the annual “conversazione,’ at be which 2,000 persons it were expected before th* tc present, and was just guests commenced to arrive at 7 o'clock, that, the fire broke out. It is estimated that the total loss will be one million dol¬ lars. This includes a library valued at $100,000. aud all equipments modern which Loss was generally of the most style. of records and historical and other docu¬ ments and most valuable paper* belonging to the be president, estimated by Sir dollars Daniel and Wilson, can¬ for not cents, they cannot be replaced. The lire origi¬ nated by the careless handling of lumps. SEFFERING IN DAKOTA. AN APPEAL FOR ASSISTANCE FROM THE DROUGHT-STRICKEN COUNTIES. Hon. di. Thelgeson, state commissioner of agriculture for North Dakota, has just issued ing the an situation address in to the tlie drought-stricken public, explain¬ counties, at some length, aud making an appeal for assistance. He says the suf¬ fering for the want of provisions, cloth ing, fuel and feed for stock in several counties is unprecedented, and needs some authoritative explana¬ that tion. This explanation hare is. prevented in brief, unfavorable seasons set¬ tlers in newer portions of the state from becoming at once self-sustaining, or them the accumulation of any reserve to tide over such misfortunes. BIG BLAZE IN CHICAGO. FOUR HUNDRED AND SEVENTY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS I-OSS. The large brick and stone building at the corner of Addins and Market streets, owned bv the city dry goods house of ,1. V. Farwcll & Co.' at Chicago, caught fire early Thursday morning, and before the flames could be subdued the southern half of it was gutted. A careful estimate of the loss, made aftei the fire was under control, places the tota! damages at $475,000, of which Mr. Work loses $325,000, Tavior Bros. $50,000, and Farwell & Co., on buildings, $100,000. Oue life will probably be lost, aud several firemen were seriously injured. BANK STATEMENT. The following is the weekly of the associated hacks for the wee* irg Saturday, February loth: es.-rre ............................*7 77 a lttcrea*©...... 2 813 f.-gal tendei* inc ease.............. Deprwits inoreaan................... Circulation iiiereA*e. . ............ Banks now hold $.,497,100 in the 25 per cent, rule NUMBER 19. CURRENT NEWS. C0XVEX8ED FROM THE TELE (!RAPE AMD CABLE. THIKGS THAT HAPPEX FBOM DAT TO DA5 THJtOUOHOl'T THE WORLD, CELL EC KROXC VARIOUS SOURCES. Another ballot for speaker was taken it the Iowa legislature Monday without re¬ sult. The t I'Neill, Neb., roller mills were de stn $50,000 -ycl by fire Thursday night. #24,000. The loss is and insurance The urst session of the fourth annua! meeting of opened American in New newspaper Y'ork Wednesday. publish¬ ers, was Negotiations between the two purtiet in the Iowa legislature are all off and the deadlock has become a game of free/* out. The men indicted, for attempting tc bribe the Cronin jurors pleaded guilty on Wednesday. Sentence has not vft been passed. Thc Salem National bank, at, Salem, Ill., was robbed Friday night of #100, O0O, besides some securities. Theft- is no clue to the perpetrators. -a The Dayton Manufacturing Company'» Works at North Muskegon, Mich., with its contents ami lumber, were burned to the ground Friday night. The loss ii about $18,000. At Baltimore, on Saturday, George T. Brown, .Tames Dorsey Brown and Thom¬ as 11. Brown, trading ss Brown Bros. & Co., perfumery, have filed a deed to Frauk Gosnell, trustee, for the benefit of creditors. The bond is $106,000: Thc jury in tho ease of the U nited States versus II. M. Mason et al. accused of ballot box fraud at the late congres¬ sional election in Memphis, returned Tcun., dis¬ trict, on Bat urday, a verdict of not guilty. Emperor William, of Germany, has caused an order to lie issued prohibiting the exhibition of portraits his of himnelf, his ancestors, or aDy of family without his sanction first losing obtained. His pictures were being put up with cigarettes. A dispatch morning from Pitsburg, Pa., says; Thursday thc boiler of a locomo¬ tive exploded on the Pittsburg. McKees¬ port and Youghiogln-ny killing railroad, thirty miles south of there, one man and injuring four others, one of whom has since died. A A big combine is reported from New York, which is alleged to include the . Dayton, Union and Indianapolis, arid th* Cincinnati, Hamilton mid Dayton lines, with other connecting railroads mileage iu Indiana and Ohio, having a total 6f * nearly 2,000 miles, The New Y'ork executive committee on tlic world's fair general coumtilp-e, on Bat urday, decided to call a mass meeting of the citizens of New York and It rook Ivn to show the strong sentiment of tho citizens in favor of thc passage of thc or¬ iginal world’s fair bill. The Western Cut Nail Association, at a recent meeting ia Pittsburg, Pa., rtsolyed to advance the price of nails, the advance ranging from 5 cents on some sizes to 15 cents ou others. The base price was fixed at $2.25 per car load lots, with ten cents advance for less than ear lots. Tho meeting was unanimous in this action. A cablegram from Paris. Francfc says; A sad accident happened to a wedding party at Pontivy Thursday. The vehicle conveying the bride and bridegrootn and a number of their friends was upiet and the whole party bride was and precipitated bridegroom into the river. The aud ten others of the party were drowned. and Cincinnati collided Southern Melville, freight sJPbnteea trains 11 15 at miles night. from Engineer Chattanooga, Henry Crow, Tenn., of Sunday- train 13, and Brakemau Wilt Gray, of train 11, were killed. Fireman Andy Moore, ot No. 15, was badly hurt, and it is feared he will die. About twenty cars, loaded with merchandise, of their were destroyed. teiescopRl and most contents A committee of the Canton Oyster ex¬ change, committee of of Baltimore, the legislature was ljuloje the Chesapeake Wednesday, ami having care of the two, its tributaries. The oyster men favor the passage of a law which will stop the catching of oysters, Baltimore for any purflftse. after April 1st. and neighboring towns are becoming alarmed about tin possible loss of their oyster crop and ’ trade. At a session of thc American News paper Publishers’ Association ia New Y'ork, Thursday, the following resolution was introduced: “That the American Newspaper Publishers’ Association is in hearty- sympathy with the effort-- now being made by American fuller authors to ob¬ tain from congress security for lit¬ erary property, aud we believe the pro¬ posed international copyright hill to be in the interest of the national honor and wel¬ fare.” Dispatches Ed. Woodfork from Baltimore say - James Tasker, and X. Webster, three of the Navasse rioters, plead guilty Saturday to manslaughter. This dis¬ poses of the wholn batch, with this re suit, that three are convicted ofViurde: in the first degree, fourteen of manslaugh ter and twenty-three of riot. The whole business, after ail, it is expected, will go to the United States supreme court, the question iteing raised of the jurisdiction of the United States over the island of Navasse. WOMEN ON THE WAR-PATH. A rlCK.ARDSVILLE, MO., SALOON DEMOL¬ ISHED BY THEM. A Special from Pickardsville, Mo., ot Saturday, says; A number of women, armed with rocks, hatchets and axes, proceeded to the saloon of Dury Davis, and smashed the windows, possessed and chopped down the door. They them selves of kegs of beer and barrels ol whisky. Their contents were emptied in the gutter. The fixtures were also de¬ molished. Hamilton Brady, owner ol the building, says he will prosecute the women for destroying his property. Da¬ vis has nothing to say. 4. INDIGN ANT FRENCHMEN. THE MANITOBA LEGISLATURE AfOUSHES OFFICIAL USE OF FRENCH LAN'ftLAGE. A special from Winuepeg. Manitoba, savs ' the Manitoba abolish legislature the official oujfhursday of tht j de cided w ih the couutrv'by use language 10T French apeakklg a people vote of 26 to The are very indignant over this particularly action and I serious' trouble is feared, if Premier Greenway carries out hte propo I *»tion to abolish Roman Catholics separate l jehools. The Catholics are loud in their , tbjta , s a iiwt the government. *» - <a