The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, February 27, 1890, Image 3

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frP 2 ^^^ ^ 27, tfil'K-' AND COUNTY. AKP evebybopy. 0 home merchants. merenanut. ^ getting ready ) ' 1 ' - is ° 1 *’ r SdDe r ''"‘ ■ t ° _ elJ,: ’ ' .Mr- - rnsty, * • The Sate Agricultural et ill UOn«ge in August * W. Terrell is doing U „ L gobert m „e, home in Americas. superior # court will >'Wa!e 2ud Monday ju March. M an the I ?sr j 0D this chestnut: Can Feb **«' *• r p |JE If you want to interest Adams have them to show you their good*. Our public schools are in a pros conditiou, being well filled well taught. Several new street lamps have re been put up on the different of our city. Suiueof our bird hunters think of taking a twenty mile during a days hunt. 1. W. Brown brought iu an fine lot of young mules and last week. would lie nice to extend the ear line from the Pitts House college. J. W. Sockwell is visiting and friends in Mansfield, and other places in Texas. merchants, who ad intend to sell goods cheaper spring than ever before. Mrs. Julia Stewart, of Lexing¬ will probably visit relatives and here at a very early clay. bear of one farmer who pro¬ to plant a field of cotton early week. brings 4th a smile to the face young father when he sees his 1st 2th. will pay you to buy harness of R. M. Everitt, his is headquarters in this line. I. \V. Meadors had a $100 dog the other day that he to give away. dozen different districts in New within the past month. James D. Morgan, a most gentleman, of Hays district, this life one day last week. very best wagon sold in Cov¬ is the Tennessee wagon, to be only at W. B. Lee & Co’s. learn that two Covington cit some real estate in Atlanta for 828,000, is said that when “Uncle Jim” your'tickets for the Boston They will lie here Saturday agents, fruit tree almost certain that there mure than one candidate for Georgia editors will visit Jacksonville, take a ride St. Johns river and go to Cu. latter part of March. sure to read the new adver of Mr. G. E. Cook and call his splendid stock of Bennett, of Kentucky, who visiting our city, as the of Rev. \V. II. La Trade and left for Cartersville Monday. Sam P, Thompson is now fop yoo r trade. Read his ad and don’t fail to call and beautiful stock of goods. is a curious person who will a broad for any article which can ure(l i n the home maiket. Pat home merchants. h af i a pi eagan t ca n from Dr. Rogers last Monday and ''ini a most companionable and gentleman. -Major A. H. Lee has returned to i5ton and will make his home hi *8011, Mr. N. C. Lee and eu ia ff le merebantile business. Reviere, who killed the crook at Stone Mountain ’ fcar ’ t0 t ' le P^itentiary ^ p, Q Turner is turning e * 0od meal at his water mill, . Mr ! Can ‘, t Fowler be beat - when of the ’ it comes 1 nice meal and fine flour. WI3E and otherwise 'Ai’rzT t C ?" w W ; slo|( . jr rftcoTerii New ooods ., ro •• L f ’ d,erc *L. Byer, of Orlando, F Ja., k has been ' °" * V .“ t 10 friend I and loved * 30 »ues here ibis week. **“ ^ J ’ A W^gkt at once and Stu , r dIt M Eoier80ni ' Boston Stars | oaturtia) ; ’ r evening. ever 1 M --Wie Bag!,y spent a day of this or two week with friends and rel atlves ID Atlanta. The Ladies Memorial Society is re to meet at the Parsonage next Mond V afternoon at 3 p. m. A full attendance is earnestly desired Qur o]d f * J ° *" ^ 0n j 0J) Saturflv ^ r < fe« ^^ ' ■} '■ j Covington ?4 ™ !° *“«Vr " I ^, n ^ tbe & ues te Rev. and Mrs,! ® La P ra ^ e ‘ The y left for home ^ Mr. Sam B. Headen, of Gaines ville. was united in marriage to Miss Mattie B. Carroll, of Covington, on Tuesday afternoon. Rev. TV. H. La Prude officiated. The bride is a daugh ter of Dr. John 8. Carroll and a most lovely, charming lady. The groom is a gentleman ofhoaor and integrity. ; The people of Covington have al ways honored us with their presence I at our class-tree exercises, and we now extend to them a cordial invitation to attend the exercises of the class of ’90. The exercises will be held in the college chappei at 2-30 p. m. Feb ruary 28th. W. D. Travis, \V. L. Iiarman, Com. Invita. L A. McLaughlin. The other day when our venerable friend, Mr. Washington Loyd, called to see us we stated that he was 70 years old, when iu fact he is 80 years of age. From the active manner iu which he moves around and attends to business, those unacquainted with him would not take him to be more ; than 50. Time has dealt very gently with our friend, and we trust he will lie spared to his people for many long years to come. Through the kindness of Mr. R H Thompson we have read an interest¬ ing letter from our old friend, Colonel Iverson A. Jones, of Denver, Ark. Iverson has one of the best 300 acre farms west of the Mississipi river. He has thorough-bred horses, cattle and hogs ; laises grain and grasses, and has one of the largest apple orchards in his state. Himself, his good wife and charming daughter are all heal thy and happy, and are delighted with life on the farm. In fact, Iverson is now a wealthy man, and he made ev¬ ery dollar of it by honest toil. He came out of the war a mere youth, maimed in both arms, his body muti. luted with bullets, but with unimpair¬ mind and energy he began an une¬ struggle with the world and has out victorious. Long life and prosperity to our friend and his interesting family. ALMON NEWS. Business in Almon is pretty brisk. are several residences in the vi¬ in course of construction. John Holder lost bis fine bird dog, last week, supposed to been poisoned. Miss Falkuer, a most pleasant lady of Henry county, is visit¬ the Misses Park of this place. Mr. Park, formerly of Henry coun¬ has bought a plantation of Dr. H. V. Hardwick and is now a resident of Newton. VY’e extend him a hearty A pleasant “card party” came off at the residence of Mr. A. T. Gray, Friday last, given in honor of Misses Emma Powell and Ruby Jordan, two charming young ladies of Jasper county. The new school building “Apple Grove Academy," will be completed, and school will open the first Monday, iu March. The building is commo¬ dious, and accommodations and ap¬ pliances for teaching good. It will make our hearts glad to welcome the happy faces of the children on the steeets again. Truly, p. __ OURSELF. A DM5 10 5 It is surprising that people will use a common, ordinary pill when they can ' cure a valuable^English onejo^tie positive cure for sick-headache and all liver troubles. They are small, sweet easi ly taken, and do not gripe. Sold by Dr. J. ,4. Wright.-9 epoch. ^ f„nh Li t individual Such a remarkable t in the memory and the event health has been at agency wher k i. that mined gratefully blesse Hence it is . so So much many is feel hear they w.praise o^ to AUerative and troubled with ny disease U,„ a—*- '“ e ” ““ „ Electric Bitters. Sold 3 tie at Broo ks & Ivy's drugj’to’e-—. Market J , t strong L n ‘ ana ., m l steady. sieo. . T Covington buyers have plenty of money and pa> 9f to lOi cts. per pound, DEATH’S SAD ROLL. this l,fc al her bome toviogton at ' 1 ®^ lock °n Wednesday, Feb, 19th, . t ' ve baptist church, for til tears, and i il wa * « u »ng that Elder Wm.. Adams, whom .he had known for more than * **“* of * <*Dtury, had been cbm; j* which blUl 'f came ‘ ate off ?■i Thursday er f “ nerai afternoon , 8ervice ’ -'’‘f ‘lutiful ^ 1,st and ch deserved “ rch h ® re tribute - H< ; l t, , 1 character ' J ‘® me a '" of this gen ]>' ^Dan lady. Rev. W IL La Lcnded ™ the! ^ “T? * the | ed the services ■ iu the church “J* !' e departure * be cemetery. of this old Mother • IiroeI r ® m «ves from this comma cheerful, she did good and succeeded in making th ose around her happy, j For many years the sick room was her B®*dquarters, and where the wai! of ^'stress or the erv of suffering was heard, there could “Doctor” Conner, 39 people called her, always be f° un( l- In her old age she lived in tlle l ,ast ’ as il were . ai 'd loved to tell | of the happy events long since gone ; f° rever i she also often spoke of the luture ai,<1 allU0Ullmi her read .V wil lingnese to answer the Master’s sum mons when it came. Death had no terr ° rs for thia « rand old woman - and while she suffered pain untold for sev eral weeks before she died, she bore it with fortitude and patience with¬ out murmur or complaint, and when she lay in the cold embrace of death there was no trace of grief or sorrow j upon her aged but still beautiful face —a beaut} - which was created and re¬ tained by kind deeds and tender care for God’s creatures in their times of grief, pain, sorrow, sickness and even dea ^ y es > a 6 e °f almost 80 ac ** ce > useful years, Grand-Mother Conner was a beautiful woman in the higher and nobler meaning of that admirable word, and “She died in beauty, like the dew From flowers exhaled away. She died in beauty, like a star, Lost on the brow of day. She lives in glory, like the gems Set round the radiant moon ; She lives iu glory, like the sun Amid the blue of June !” Ti©I*© S,nCl TlY©!*© - A Covington man is said to be get ting fat on No. 10 mackeral. Everybody admires Adams Bros, new spring clothing, Get your tickets for Walter Emer gon’s Boston Stars. White Hickory wagons are still in the lead. Buy one of R. M. Everitt The only genuine Lucy Hinton to¬ bacco at Adams Brog. Willis A. Hicks has good news for the people in this issue. Read his ad¬ vertisement. Music Hall will be crowded Satur¬ day night. Get your tickets to the Boston Stars. The most elegant line of clothing, new and stylish, just received at C. E. Cook’s, Adams Bros, clerks are polite and as accommodating as they can be— they are delighted to show goods Largest line of Jewelry in town at C. E. Cook’s, and cheaper than ever considering the quality. Adams Bros, „ new clothing, , , . dress goods, shoes, hats ami white goods is ! the talk of the town. One or two of our local laws need perfecting and the next representative should look after the matter. John ! I am happy once more, I can get Lucy Hinton tobacco at Ad ams Store—its better than ever. socket with lock and , . key A whip , can be used on any buggy at R. M. Everict’s. Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!—Nicest, best and cheapest shoes in town at C. E. Cook’s. Hello, John ! where did you buy that beautiful suit? Of course I bought it at Adams Store—they have the prettiest clothing I ever saw. Full dress shirts at C. E. Cook’s, full dress bows to match, also any other kind of a shirt or cravat you may want. Mr. S. P. Smith is now canvassing Newton county in the interest of, the j ac k son county nursery, which is one 0 f th e ruost reliable Hurserles iu the ^ Smith is an upright and trustworthy gentleman, and has been representing this nursery for 11 years, All who desire good fruit, that will suit tbis climate, should not fail to purebase of him. 4VE CAN AND DO has been fully demonstrated to the peep « of this country that it is superior to all oth er preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ul ^ ; Erup ti 0 ns and Pimples. It purifies | the toIe a y Ste m and thoroughly builds I the constitution. Sold by JAW right in Covington, and Gibbs 4 Spenee at Social Ci- *- °*^L== M0KT S CAN1SLEEP laint of thousands . suffering ^ cf)mp from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Aker's English Rem cdv? ( t is the best preparation known.for r Troubles. Sold on a positive , ami 0 by J A 2ic 0c. A CHILD KILLED. mothers give th. tr children such deadly *“^*****S when they can rehere GOSSY HUM PHOSPHO Is not'eshausted as rejxirteil. Plenty on hand at warehouses of Thompson * Farmer and J. \V. Worsham. We t Ii,ake but ,,,ie s rade of Gossypium, The Old Reliabe Standard High Obade that it has always been. We make “Scott’s Animal Ainraouiated” Bone Guano, itself far superior to most goods on the market. A 1m High Grade Acid. If J™ Wtt " Volumes 1 ,wti,n0 of ">': “ front k - vo the , ur ! it successful planters throughout entire cotton belt proving the su- | of our goods over all others Ga. A VERY LARGE PERCENTAGT Of the American people are troubled with a most annoying, troublesonu and disagreeable complaint called ‘eu tarrh.’ It is not necessary to lie so troubled. It is demonstrated beyoud question that Clarke’s Extract <d Flare (Papillon) catarrh cure imme¬ diately relieves and permanently cure trial I catarrh, A thorough and lair will convince you. Use Clarke’s Fla.^ Soap for the Skin. Catarrh caret 81.00. Soap 25 cents. At Dr. J A Wright’s druj; store.-4 Walter Emerson’s Boston Stars. Our people have a rich treat in store for On the first of March, Walter Emerson, the j cornet player, will appear at Music Hall, in Covington, with the Boston Stars. Walter Emerson has won for himself a world «.iUe reputation as a cornetist. He is said to have no superiors with that instrument. The New York Herald, one of the keenest critics r. the world, says Emerson surpasses all cor-i players. Remember, be will be at Music Hall,’on the first of March. Don’t fail to hear him. McElree's Wine of Cardui and THEDFORD S BLACK DRAUGHT are for sale by the following merchants in 1 N ewton County: • J A Wright, Covington, Georgia, Brooks k Ivy, “ F L Davis, Newton Factory, W II Pickett, J K Pickett. II H Mabry, Rocky Plains, Miss M A Davis, “ “ Livingston, King k Co., Corn, I W R Downs, Geo W Morris, LeGwin, I T A Starr. Starrsville, J T Lasseber, Snapping Shoals, C S J arboe, del 90 j —NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.—' j 2 25 - 90 . CASH STORE! 4 papers needles (Sharps or Beetwens) 5c. 4 papers pins 5c. another quality 4c. paper. Safety pins 3c. doz. knittinu needles 5c. doz. 2 spools cotton 5c. or Coats cotton 4c. spool Button hole twist le. spool, elastic 4c. a yd. I spool silk 4c. handkerchiefs 2-3-1 5-6-8-10 and 14cts. a piece. Hose 7, 8, 10, 17, 20, 25c. i hose 5, 7, 8, 10, 17, 25, 45, 50 and65cts Misses hose 8 to 10c. Infants hose 20cts Linen towels,'25, 35. 45, 50. COanff 81.00pr. Cotton towels 10, 18 and 20c. pair, Linen doilies 55, 75, $1.00, 1 20, 1.45cts. a dozen. gilk floss 8 skt . yas 5c , Turkey red flo ss 5c. (1 bunch, Tacks il papers 5e, envelopes 2A to 4c a pk. - N ° te P a P er 9. 3, 4, 5 and ic a quire, fools cap paper 8c a quire Legal cap paper 10c qr. pens 2Jc a dozen. Rubber tip pencils 10c a doz. Cedar slate pencils iOcts. a aozen. Scratch books 1 to 7c each, box stationery 8, 10, 13 and 15c a box School satchels 10 cents. jj r _ T> un j a p’s King of Pain for aches, pains, and soreness of all kinds 50c a bottle. Dr. James Clark’s Life Balsam for coughs, colds, throat and lung diseases 50c and $1 00 a bottle Prof. Harvey's Malarial Pills for chills and fever 50cts. a package. Dr. Dunlap s Celebrated Liver Pills 25cts. a package. Gall and see my stock 1 of goods near FowlerS j mill. Willis A. Hicks. , j NOTICE! , j Attention is called to the city ordi¬ nance which forbids, under penalty, the throwing of paper, straw, and all sorts of trash upon the sidewalks and stieets, and to the ordinance forhid | ding obstrnctions on sidewalks. Ob servance of these ordinances is asked for, and will be enforced. Covington Ga., Feb. 24, 1890. H. I. HORTON, Marshal. ..Live advertisers make a town. Our rates are low and our 0 f subscribers is open for inspection ! , to al1 ,, whu ,,,• deslre to , adveitise , ,• ’ GEMMED! EveTV ***** man 111311 ° OITp-fit U S Ut tn t0 do 010 this tlUS ’ ^ and g’eiierallv ^ no man needs urging; ® ** but he ought to do this in gOOd form. Good form reQUil’eS llim On this OCCasiOU tO be Well dressed if liever again and S. P. THOMPSON keeps the Suits for tllG OCCaSiOn—SO Call at Once and purchase at Very lOW figures before are all gone. He has Suits for all classes. Dollars ^er market without a LARGE STOCK OF Men’s Jeans Pants, cheaper than Hats! Hats ! Hats!!! known. Will save you money B*R,ln order close big lot these. Owing to the immense to out a hand will sell Splendid of Hats, I will, for the next 30 days, on you offer the largest stock of Hats Pants for 81.75. j ever i placed upon this market, at just one fcaTHe is now prepared to please half their v , lue t alsM) have a com the timid school girl to the fas l| plete line of Y oung Mens’ Crush young lady, in handsome and p,.,^ ft] , of (he very latest style> #Ild Dress Goods, trimming to hi . j jn ,, * c! 1 . b ) Laces, White Dress Goods &c. \ Shoes! Shoes! IN FACT, S> P. THOMPSON Say-Great Bargains in Shoes. A Keeps Almost Everything you lot of Ladies’ Shoes to lie sold want or need, from a (mix of tooth the next 30 days for 50cts a pair. pics up to a Hogshead of genuine old miss this rare chance. | fashion Cuba Molasses. Allow me to return thanks to my many for their large patronage while con¬ with the old firm of Heard, White & Thompson, and soliciting a continuance of the same, I am Yours, Very Respectfully, S. P, THOMPSON. NEW GOODS JUST IN AT THE STORE v < I I COOKS* COME RIGHT IN And I will show you the nicest line of Goods to be found anywhere. I make it a special ity to keep The Rest of Everything, and sell at the Lowest Prices, there¬ fore giving my customers the advantage in bo~h price and quality. You will find in my store everything usually kept in a first class store and accommodating and polite salesmen to wait on you. Gall to see me before making your purchases and guarantee satisfaction to all. Respectfully, _ ' & ? i mi % ** ADAMS BROS BIG STOCK 80(1 SOflUDgr CiOthlllg, FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN. The latest styles, loveliest line and complex ests stock of perfect fitting, tailor made Cloth¬ ing, that we have ever seen in this market Prince Albert Suits, Sack Suits, Cutaway Suits, I'or Men and Boys. Complete line Children’s Clothing. Come and see and price our immense stock of CLOTHING I p c f ore You Buy—Satisfaction Guaranteed. GOODS, DRESS GOODS. *S"IIeniiettfts, iu all the Latest Shades. Cashmeres, in all the latest colors. Our Dry Goods Room just packed and crowded with all the la¬ test styles and colors, in Satteens, Chambreys, Challies, Bgteste’s, Wool Challies, Calicoes, etc. etc. &c. White Goods, White The Largest and Loveliest stock Embroideried Skirting, white apron goods, I'equa and bleached do niestics, ever shown in It will not cost you anything to at our goods. We want to them. We always take pleasure showing our goodB. WE LEAD IN SHOES Beautiful Lot Crockery, pi -i d - m LG CHI LA s m AND ENSW ON HAND & TO ARRIVE. Ribbons, Ribbons ! Complete Stock of Notions 1 6sg”Tn all widths and colors. Corsets, Corsets! Spool Silk. Spool Cottons. But¬ tons, &c. &c. &5TTn all Numbers—Best makes. We keep everything to be found Laces, Latest Styles! iu a first class store. Our goods am ! bought at lowest prices, and can sail i &®“Lace Curtains and Scrub—Hand- them to you at ROCK BOTTOM some styles, FIGURES. We also keep Flour, Meal, Meat, Cuba Molasses, Syrup, Sugar and Coffee, at Lowest | Prices. We will take ' great pleasure in showing to you our immense stock , ot . v lNew r uoods. a ADAMS BROS HatS, HatS, HatS ! For Men, Boys and Children. Im¬ mense stock of gentlemen’s straw jhats. Straw Hats-Straw Hats To arrive in a few days—the most attractive styles ever seen in town— all we ask is to show them. Shoes, Shoes, Shoes I Ladies aad Gents Fine Shoes a spe¬ ciality. We gave orders 3 months ago, (Dec. 1) to the best factories in the United States, to liave our entire bill of Spring and Summer Nboee and Slippers made. Some of these are now in our store and the balance are being shipped right along. We Guarantee our Fine Shoes. They are perfect fitting.