The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, May 01, 1890, Image 1

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PI 17^ 1 1 1 Wfe Xf i ^ I 1 ±. fV0L. XXV. e Enterprise. tuSHED WEEKLY AT ti.TO.W.. .....G BORGIA. ;[).VY......May 1, 1890. L at the Covington Postoffice ! L; tiles class matter. Terras, $1,00 imly to cash in advance, Kse$1.25 will he collected.] PORI A L SERVICES. : [annual decoration of the sol [raves came off in Covington ■day afternoon at 5 o’clock. [ T. .). Swanson offered a fer rayer, appropriate to the occa iliile Rev. \Y. H. LaPrade in f il tin* orator of the day, his j- being clothed in eloquent lim¬ ped [. convincing historic facts. E. F. Edwards, himself a true plant soldier, delivered the nie | address, and a master effort it r'<i in thought and patriotic in hit, it was appreciated and ap I by tbe large audience present. Prevents giving the oration in j.i [r the m> synopsis could do the ad speaker justice, Iry grave, about 90 in number, livers of beauty placed -upon it. tninry of our dead soldiers will F'died so long as time s’hall last r' r graves will never be neglec I their heroic deeds forgotten, p ■Wed we honor died for a cause to lie right and were »Wy and to their convictions. ■ cm never pay full tribute to IN 5 ® and self sacrifice of the N‘e knd soldier—be lie dead or while we fleck with flow : place where many sleep, wo 11 iove all( > admiration all who N>en spared to ns. f,» r lke y are representatives of a chivalrous M that 'has demonstated what ttt'i mis, is and will he when Mb her sons to face death and f ^ ts > tre love the old Con- 1 te solder, and our devotion in A gradually draws near The living and the f Happreciated by all, the F the earth more and more Bttdite gives way to reason, and I Ringed angel of peace r above the roar of sec L a,!,i brutal passion, the “ a,, , l patriotism - of the Con- 1 J 'rill be acknowledged '“ en 'vlwse opinions , J are worth i;. “ e L'tiire historian will “'justice to the South and pos * |J understand that sol i" tre our Patriots ____not a n d traitors. f " iIPS °N-ROBINSON. ktirsday afternoon last Mr. ■ noi 1)ps(M i was united in '-Gs Genie rnar ; LaPrade Robinson, Rev. r officiated. All of pt). The groom is a young of Cner bT and industry, ln S a ' Ta f ,a lloa KUIV to and a gener L; L ' lhe bld and y whose qunlifica ‘■ of her gal bf'u '•'“'t Ughter happy aiul , contented. of Mr - J- K. Ilol> lrs R i * Georgia railroad. Mr. - H. Thempson, father ! f the groom the pany ’ Save jnj - eceptmn and supper in F"tmei a r ? amoste mplet6 ' in cgant o »H fvieiuU ' a DUmber of lnr- S JJ ,d relatives were in e 6 ^ for r ami i Cbarmiu Liend g hride a life peace aB<i prosperity " ail(I rest etei-nal in that ***r life to come. “ VK COUNTRY: MAY SUE EVER BE RIGHT; RIGHT OR WRONG, MY COUNTRY! ”_Jeffersok. COVINGTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1890. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. The girl’s high school here will go j on a May day pic nic before long. Mrs, R. M. Everitt coutiuues in very feeble health. j Jud S e T - M. Meriwether, of Wash ington, spent Monday night here, The annual Sunday school celebra tioti comes off’ in Oxford Friday. Messrs. D. W. Titshaw and C. F. Adams visited Walnut Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Thompson have returned to their home in lant.% after a pleasant visit here. T Uncle . . Samnne „ . Johnson T i i has the , h«- n est held of new ground corn we have seen this season. We learn that Mrs. M. A. Melton, of this city, will open a first-class millinery establishment in Rome. Mrs. J. A. Stewart went up to At lanta Monday to see her sick brother, Mr. Augustus Robinson. Rev. Dr. McDonald, of Atlanta, will deliver the animal address at the Sunday School Celebration in Oxford F liday. Mr. William Thornton, one of Al¬ abama's nohle young business men, is visiting relatives in Newton and Cov¬ ington this week. Mr. R. M. Everett is erecting a new brick business house below his carriage, buggy and harness establish¬ ment. Good luck to our friend. Among the many improvements in this immediate section we notice that Dr. Brooks has just turned out :i new set of blonde chin whiskers. Mr. Butler Rogers can now he found at the popular store of Mr S. P. Thompson. We are glad that our friend has returned to town, for their are fen better or nobler young men in this country than Butler Rogers. Mr. VV. S. Marbut was married to Miss Fannie Brown mi Thursday last, April 24th. Both of Covington, Ga. May health and happiness bless our young friends all along life’s eventful journey. We learn they will make their home in Rockdale county. Rev. Dr. Cuyler, who formally re tired from the pulpit at Lafayette Av¬ enue Presbyterian church, in Brook lyu, on Wednesday evening, was giv en a purse of $30,000 by the 'Congre¬ gation. This is more than we pay our preachers fora whole years ser vice. Rev. T. J. Swanson and Messrs. J. T. Corley and G. D. Butler attended the Georgia Baptist Convention re¬ cently held in Washington, and re¬ port having had a most pleasant and delightful time. Every home had a welcome for the delegates and all were royally entertained. The Covention will he held in LaGrange next year. Mrs. J. T. Corley, Jr,, has painted in oil a life size picture of our dear old friend, Col. Newton Anderson. The picture represents him on horse¬ back, returning from a fox chase, j with his hounds about hint. It is a : w<«*k of art and admired by all who have seen it. She has also painted a life-size picture of Dr. J. T. Gibson, of 'Cokji, which is very line. Some of our people are disposed to grumble because Miss Winnie Davis is to wed tltfe grand-son of an aboli tionist. Ti\e Augusta Chronicle tells us that the future husband of Miss Really Winnie it is make's a gate’s rights little Democrat. difference very what his politico ma y be, so long as he is a gentleman tfdjd loves “the fair daughter of the (J 01 ’iederapy.” Jef¬ ferson Davis was an Democrat a »d ran av ay with the >S ht l ot ‘ 1 ITEMS FROM OXFORD. Sunday school celebration Friday, Let everybody come. The yonng people of Oxford spent a pleasant day on the river last Sat¬ urday. Few fish but plenty of fun. Mr. Jesse Speight, principal of the high school at La Fayette, Ala., paid us a short visit last week. What meaneth this ? The Sophs spoke for places Friday, ^ 2 ^1 The f ^ lo ' vin S brilliant gentlemen wdl appear on the f Look, ag ? \\ G Crawley, M T Gleckly, R p DykeS) j T Eak , S) Frank Murf Joe Sherman, Joe Sharp, M M Parks and II N R Hard well. W.-- NEWS FROM STEWART. Farmers are about through plant¬ ing cotton down here. Mr. Ballatd, of Stewart, has got his saw mill running again. Robert is a thorough going fellow. Some nice fish are being caught in this section, Mr. Alex Bohaunan tried his luck with a silver hook the other day and caught a fiue string. Professor Thomas has a flourishing school near this place. The people like the Professor and are going to patronize him. Mr. J. M. Fincher is getting ready to commence the erection of his new residence. He will build on the road fronting J. J. Harwell’s. Mr. Lige Yining looks like he wa¬ in the right place when he steps be¬ hind the counter Lige is. a clever man and a good salesman. Mr. J. M. B. Fincher lias returned to old Newton again. He lias been trying his luck in the wire grass re¬ gion since October 18-88. There was talk of a w ild cat being in this section not long since. Some one said it must be a tame one, as it wore breeches. Young man don’t think your friend has gone back on you if he leaves the parlor. lie only wants you to have a chance to talk to her of the “sweet bye and bye ” Calup. TOO POOR TO ADVERTISE. There was a show in town the oth¬ er night that didn’t believe it payed to advertise. Being sick and desiring to find a quiet place we stepped in. There were only a few present and it was past 9 o’clock. Most of those on hand were dead heads, and the place i was as quiet as a haunted graveyard, while the audience looked as solemn J as stall-fed ghosts. Our two marshals came m ami the solemnity of the sur roundings 1 hey pulled almost off their moved hats them and to tears, j rover entlv bowed their heads. I he show I worked , , off few , old ,, moss-back , , man a tricks and told some gray-haired an¬ I ecdotes, but could not create a even a dry grin. One or two became so se riouslv effected that they had to step out between acts to get a stimulant in j order to keep from fainting. When j the show broke up the small boy sang j , . The people are too wise to patronize j A bob tai t show too poor to adveriiie.” j I TEMPERANCE RALLY. i The Temperance people of Newton; county are earnestly requested to | meet at the court house, in Coving- 1 ton, on the First Tuesday in May, at' 11 o’clock a. m. Delegates will be appointed to attend the state couven tion in Atlanta on May 8th, aud oth er important business will be transac ted at this meeting. By order Tem Executive Committee TOWN AND COUNTY. EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY. . .No more dove shooting until Au-! gust first. ° j . . Mr E. O. Lee will remodel and greatly improve his residence. ..The sound of the hammer and saw can be heard all around us. ..Sunday drunkenness is getting to be too common around this town. eet overseer Smith is doing some first-class work on Floyd street, ..Mr. Jack IV. Carroll speaks of erecting and operating a plaining mill here. . .Protracted services will be com¬ menced at the Methodist church next Sunday. . .A brother of Mr. James Wright of Covington, is dangerously sick at his home in Eatonton. . .The blind tiger must be caged, else Sunday drunkenness will continue to increase. ..A party of Covington gentlemen spent Monday night fishing at Hen¬ derson’s mill. ..Dr. Carroll will give any good man an acre lot who will build a 81.20(1 house on it. . .Capt. J. M. Pace made his young friend, W alter Evans, a present of a nice walking cane the other day. ! ..Mr. Barton Hollis and familv will move back to Covington this j summer. ..Col. Middlehrook, and his SOU Marvin, are having a delightful time in Texas. dollar . .The Enterprise always is in now only one j a year advance. Get I your friends to subscribe. . .Col. Womack says this kind of weather reminds him that the barbe-! cue season is on hand. I . .Over 100 Newton county people attended the memorial services in At¬ lanta Saturday. j i . .A large number of bur citizens attended memorial services in Atlanta j Saturday. j Franklin Wright, Esq., left on a visit to friends and relatives in Sa- j vannah Monday, to be absent a week, ..The colored Odd Fellows have named their lodge, after this paper. We thank them for the compliment. . .Street cars will run Friday so accommodate all ' to who desire to at tend the Sunday -School Celebration in Oxford. ..Harry Watterson asserts in his lecture that the possession of money ! will harden and corrupt nine times where it would elevate and soften once . .bee .... the advertisement of Carroll, ’ Mooley & Co., and , buy . yAur milli i nery and fancy goods from them. They have an elegant new stock. j ... The good work of grading the! new railroad goes bravely on much to the gratification and : delight of all our people ..Rev. Dr. J. N. Bradshaw, of Madison, Fla., will preach in the Presbyterian church on the 2nd Sun-; in May. * - .Rev. J. A. Geiger will lead the , m en s prayer meeting at the * church next Sunday after noon at 4 i 0 cloek. ; . .Miss Julia Scott, one of our love-; best young ladies, has returned from delightful visit to Augusta as the welcome guest of Rev, R. J. Bighain wife, NO. 29. HOME HAPPENINGS. Patronize home merchants. ^ *egh Irish potatoes and strawber r ‘ es have appeared. fincoura « e th « new railroad and da a yoU Can t<>r rL Large residence, 45 acres land near depot, will be sold cheap. The lakes on Alcova river are fast filling and drying up. Our street car line has treated itself to several fine young mules. Mr J M. Hearing will erect a slaughter house near town at an early day. Levie Christian has opened a first class ice cream saloon one door below the Pitts Hotel. Were Gib Shaw here he would drop a tear as lie saw his old slaugh¬ ter house lowered to the ground. The rivers in this sectiou have been lower and clearer lor the past month than we have ever seen them in the early spring. If you are subject to Internal Rev¬ enue Tax or special tax of any kind, the same must be paid during the month of May. It would be well to bear tliis fact in mind. We cannot be responsible for the language and opinions of others, nor do we approve or endorse any words would twrand the feelings of au ot her. Life is too brief to waste in thr °"' in8 " ,Ufl Ut each oth er Sup - pose we all stop it and live . in . peace ? Quietly but steadily Covington is forging to the front as one of the best towns in Georgta to buy goods and se [[ cotton and country produce. new railroad will soon be com¬ pleted and then look out for live times, I be tailored Baptists held an inter es ting general meeting here Saturday aud Sunday. A large delegation of visitors from abroad attended the ser vices and were well entertained by the home people. Preaching came off in the court house Sunday and able sermons were delivered. There was a large crowd in town Saturday and trade was lively. It gratified us to see that the people were patronizing those progressive mer chants who invite trade through the columns of their home papers. It is always safe to trade with the nier * “ Ultb " h<> advertise. Somebody or somebody else is de¬ bauching some of our boys and young men by selling them liquor, else why much drunkenness ? We arc sure tnat no licensed saloon keeper would sell liquor on Sunday,, neither do we believe that minors can buy liquor from our bar rooms hut it B bein' sold on Sunday and to miuors by par° ties who have no license and who have „ 110 regard ____________, whatever , , for , the , law. , The i,„,„i lalK ‘ °f , etety honest man should be , ia ' s ed to strike down the blind tiger and put a stop to the sale of liquor the Sabbath day. On Monday last, April 28. the f<iJ lowing letters remained uncalled for in the post office at Covington, Geor¬ gia : la calling for any of these Enters say to the Postmaster that they have been advertised in the Enterpn .'tj d have one cent ready to pay f,, r letter, as this is now the law:_ A Thom? -on, - Maggie Lackey. Fannie ik r ry . Lillie En( | gpri v. t , |)i; . s liaw . kins> g allie w „ liis Nftncy f t . wj ^ E (j lt]vcr Males.-Janies V 8am mons, M H Smith,' Alton Ladinn r, w L Limly, Joe Jackson, E M Aa , Master Jimmie Johnson, J F Pickett, P- 11. Fe .iutsos, Post Master, M. Levy, Asst. P. M,