The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, May 22, 1890, Image 1

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1 iORGiA Enterprise. XXV. Jhtsrpx’S3. j[r)H'EK KL VAT _ .GEORGIA. May 22. 1H90. |E^yini;t(>n Post office flutter. |^,jv Terms, advance, $1,00 t'i cash in J*:, v. : :. ' ■•■ c-»iv.■■' l M a . of 1 * ^ : ’ i r. 1, ij. E^b nu.-i'al department Covington, of S ho..l in E,ir warm friends in this lii- her tireless efforts in I ,’jpils 'n the art of mu Ktlmroughlf Lfeion educated in and never be L , t he discharge of her IjiHVS remains in a pleas L in the school room as well I. Oar inten&fft is not to ,Mimrein an idle way N rt t" pay a feeble tribute Ljj a young lady who is t3l her time and her >;;?elucuti'in and elevation L aha have been blessed ijijins-taking and efficient Delias proven herself to turves all the praise which ii often bestowed upon her. a )l the daughters of the lire giving others the ben ir talents “and letting their ’j^teail of folding their idleness and wasting both talent on the foolish and fashions of a fast age which tud self alone over and above g nn earth or in heaven. comm aion ami excite* p public square and in sev |.'m Covington one morning Ifetteeu nsiduight and day. I uilvarmint’, about the size fU whipped every dog to land had been shot at several llhoiit serious effect. At Mr. ■liiirciiickeus were killed, two iLutuby's, two at Kebo Gai 9 at Bob Daniel’s, three at | :d several elsewhere. At e the yard dogs were wbip Itints tired at ‘the Viirmint.’ Ifternoun the ‘same thing’ np i Ur. J. W. Meador’s section hn to act “curious,” but Ike |d to be on hand with his rifle pl the ‘varmint.’ At the in ■wasdiscovered that the terror picket! | killer, night Ink nothing more or less than yellow dog, of the mon |n?v triljip. However, manv it was not a dog that killed jkens, ■species, tat and a large varmint that it is yet at Imewiere in the county. L FieBl^TJ-riVART. fames py child Kitchen# by lost hU dar death a few days I lfai Cody, mother of Mr. Pft departed this life one day ^ our younrr ladies shot and I s wheat birds at one fire the ■ay. f f'" 1 Aikeu are kept busy ' . ■ t ' me - Considerable sick [ fp. " prevailing around here are well nigh up with their I air stands of corn and cot | ' l,ei,t and oats look very | E d ° ne uf a,Kl time dark rainy st range to say Sickens advertised next of the boys even ^Idlers, t . “ ° U the ba <* of one of which read thus 1 Kalup. contruTi yirwOTw b, vr COVINGTON. GEORGIA, THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1890. Hon. L. F. Livingston appeared before the ways and means committee in Washington City on Thursday sul/treas- and advocated the passage of the urv bill, and in case this plan could not be secured, then, in the name of the agricultural classes of this try, he asked that the farmers be en a reasonable amount of legislation to save them from bankruptrv and ruin. He made an able and eloquent appeal which was weU received by the committee and highly complimented bv the press all over the Union. He made many friends daring his brief stay in Washington and it is hoped and believed that good to the farmers will result from the information he gave as to the condition of the agri cultural classes and the necessity of national legislation in their behalf. — See full synopsis of speech on inside. The following enumerators have been appointed by Supervisor Thibe dau for counties in this section : Newton County.—Robert E. Mose ly, Wm. B. Dodge, Wm. H. Thcmp son, Harvey D. Bush, August C Buye, Phillip H. Ferguson. Jasper i Yiunty. —Clarence II. Jor¬ dan, Henry C. White, Thomas R. Penn, John K. Goolsby, Charles L Pidley, Homy S. McNair. Rockdale County.—John T. A McCollum, Preston E. Wood, Lewis A. Lee, George P. Tilley. Walton County.—John W. Ham¬ ilton, James M. Gresham, Thomas C. Blosingafne, Cicero P. Blosingame, Rufus J. Hughes, Charles M. Meri¬ wether, Walter E. Mobley, Alonzo M. Williams, Augustus Stud dan), Jr. The Baptist Sunday school of Cov¬ ington held its annual pie nic at Ce¬ dar Shoals on Friday last. It was a most enjoyable occasion and all had a delightful time. The dinner was es pecially fine and more than enough choice eatables was spread beneath the shade of trees on table linen to have fed twice the number present. Although given by the Baptist school all other denominations were invited and had able representatives on hand. The day was devoted to fishing, boat riding, promenading, with perhaps a little love-making. For true sociabil ity, a royal time and a good dinner a Baptist Sunday school pie nic can’t well be beat. On Monday last, May 19. tbe fol¬ lowing letters remained uncalled for in the post office at Covington, Geor¬ gia : In calling for any of these letters say to the Postmaster that they have been advertised in the Enterprise and have one cent ready to pay for each letter, as this is now the law:— Females.—Annie Berks, Mattie Lin, PF Martin. Males.—Robert Basket, Tom Bearden, C W Bledsoe, Wily Carr, Andru T Odom, Henry Wood, Rev. Samuel Bird. P. H. Ferguson, Post Master. Jas. M. Levy, Asst. P. M. The Brothers and Sisters of Char ity, a benevolent colored society Covington, had a pleasant celebra tion, basket dinner and fishing party at Henderson's • v . i ..-ii Mill, on Alcova .i river. • Friday. A large crowd attended and a fine time was experienced and the best of order maintained. The color¬ ed cornet band made music for the J occasion. This society is composed i the best and most industrious colored people here, and is doing good work for the elevation of their race. Iiobt. W. Wright, colored, of Lin¬ coln, Ala., spent several days .this week trying to arrange matters with the committee who had to con¬ demn his property for railroad pur¬ poses. HOME AND OTHER ITEMS 48 tHET transpire prom one "*** ™ AN ° THE * R Railroad grading is progressing nicely. j , „ . ... " b „ L I ‘ '. ' ‘ l ,itm ‘ v «P«nt dav - here. ..Prof. Rooert Guinn has given his school at Salem a vacation. . .Sheriff Anderson caged a wicked “coon" here Sunday night. ..Some of “the boys” speck of making the race for county offices. .-Under the magic lonch of Dr. Gus Bergren our city park looks well, ..Prof. W. Frank Small spent I unlay and Sunday with friends atSo j cial Circle. ..Mr. James T ,, i'. Crabbe, „ ,, one of the best and oldest -citizens of McDon ough, is dead. .. W. II. 'Tells and our' editor spent a day or two recently in Ogle¬ thorpe county. ..Judge W. P. Anderson and wife are up from Oglethorpe county and will spend some time here. .. The protracted services at the Methodist church closed Sunday night. ..Mrs. S. P. Thompson has return¬ ed from a pleasant visit to friends in Jonesboro. .. Rev. Dr. Rogers will preach at the Presbyterian church here next Suuday morning and night. ..The Presbyterian Sunday school will pic nic at Cedar Shoais on Friday, May 30th. . .Mr. R L. Callaway and wife, ot Oglethorpe county, have been on a visit to loved ones here. ..Editor E. S. Steadman visited friends and relatives here Saturday and Sunday. ..We learn that efforts will be made to put a small steamer on Yel¬ low river at Cedar Shoals. ..Mr. C, S. Smith, of Milledge ville, was here Mondy, looking for a store house to go into business. . .Mr. W. B. Lee offers bis elegant home and vuluable lauds here in town for sale. Read his advertisement. ,, "S ■ • , „ :l , Z Z , Uvi, £j;r‘ 1 “ , . .Mr. J. F. McCord is one of the best hands in the county to put up a substantial fence. He is also class on any kind of carpenters work, .. Miss Florrie Henderson and Miss Julia Stewart, both of the LaGrange fomale college are at home in this city * enjoying a brief vacation. . .Our friend, Nathan Hobbs, of Oglethorpe , , county, can eat from .. rive * to ten pounds , nsh at sitting . . or one and , other , tmu'rs in proportion. . ..Miss Lucie Bag by spent a lew j days recently very pleasantly in Brunswick and other points 1 of inter est on the , Atlantic . , coast. ..Neighbor’Gene Lee has a pair of the finest mules in the county tuW the prettiest hound pups ..When Mr. Joe Morgan, of Starrsvilie, learns how to play draughts he will find a welcome here by the “brotherhood of men-movers.” .. Hon. Clark Howell would make a most excellent and satisfactory Speaker of the House of Representa¬ tives and we believe he will be elect¬ ed to the position. FROM ROCKY PLAINS. Cotton chopping has been the order tlie day for some-time past. Corn looks well but grain is poor. j „ Mrs - H „ H „ Mabr „ . V , bas , been °» ■ j - pleasant , visit to her good mother, Mrs T. R. Avery. We are sorry to learn that friend F. M. McCord lost a fine cow a few days since. Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Davis have been on a visit to friends and relatives at Jersey-, 'J Ga Mi Eva Avery> <me of our lovely daughters, who is going to school in Covington, spent a day or two with l )arenU and friende here recently. Miss Josie Avery, a charming and fascinating beauty from Cedar Glen, visited friends and relative in -this neighborhood. Our Sunday school is in a flourish ing condition and we expect soon to have a pic nic and would like and some of your people attend. Mr. Will Potts went fishing one day last week and appears to think that there are no fish in the river. Perhaps he failed to use the right sort of bait. A ‘silver tongue’ is the best kind of bait tor an experienced pro¬ fessional fisherman like Will to use. Rev W. D. Winborn, of Rutledge, preached a most interesting sermon at County Line, Sunday before the last, to a large and appreciative congrega¬ tion. Our people are always glad to have this able Christian gentleman preach to them. Occasional. OXFOKDNE'VSITEMS. Church street has been set out in Bermuda -r-mu'da grass. xrrmw. We are pleased to state that Sir. Wyman Pilcher, after a brief illness, is again abie to attend college duties. Mr. L. C. has the finest tuule colt in Georgia, or at least there is one who thinks so. The spring term debate of the Few Society came ofl Friday evening. JiJ „,U. .11, Arch liclcl,,, ..f you, city, made a fine speech. Let “Cov.” come over next Friday evening to the Pin Gamma deflate. We guarantee perfect behavior an ad ; 1 j rich nUl literary 1IU1 ‘ U j - treat. ticat ‘ 1 Miss Mary Hayden lias returned to f r * e‘T“‘ ™! « h ".v>“ j The “Techs” failed to “turn up” j Saturday last. They had more work than they could do{?). It is a very j busy time, or some of them are sick, every time we wish to cross bats with them. After writing two or three j letters and telegraphing them twice, they finally telegraphed that they ’ couldn’t come, making us pay charges b ° th wa >’ 8 1 haV ? al ' va vs hoitr d that . a .1 poor nro.K excuse AVGilcin was better than thnn none, n.xnA :. but these . should . . . always , even excuses and , under , ail circumstance • beat , least , creditable. , , Truly Thine, Ti ’,® ”fS n °l» trees in our P ark » re in . m full full bloom, if. mi j Wouldn’t it be nice to have largi L a otton factory here in town ? The jugtice court the t „ wn (]is trict disposed of several cases Monday A large number of mortgages are being recorded by the clerk of our su perior courtj on stock and crops . , , r , . . ^'‘ut.Jn^-aUm and Perry lakes one day last week. The county commissioners behl their monthly meeting Monday and discussed the county debt and the ne¬ cessity of bonding the same. NO. 32. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. ‘Dear Joe,’ she said, “don’t you know Them side- whiskers ou<rbt to go?*' Yes, sweet love, and by Monday night Off they go, or my name’s not VVright. Col. Will Morrison, of Rutlege. spent Sunday here. Mrs. T. N. Pitts has returned from a visit to friends near Augusta. Mr. Loney Adams, who lives near Starrsville, had a mule killed by Iightning one day last week. The boys at the Male Academy will contest lor speakers places in a few days. ! There is a strong effort being made 1 l " get Col. Livingston to make the race for Congresi in this district. Mr. S. J. Kelly spent several da vs of last week looking after his farming interests and visiting friends in the good old county of Jasper. Col. Middlebrook eat at the large hotels in the west, held his own at the big fish fry, but the good things at the Baptist pic nic Friday sent him to bed for 36 hours. W e have many wide-awake men in this community who are doing all in their power to build up the town and county. Let them lie encouraged in their noble efforts. It gives us pain to record the death of the two year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. King, which sad event transpired at their home in Oak Hill district one day last week. Dr. Bradshaw and wife and visiting children have returned to their homes after a hriefNiut delightful sojourn in Covington, as the guests of Mrs. I). - A lhompson and Mrs. J. j. Curler, I of Dr -“■'arishaw. We regret to learn that Mrs. Stew art, of Conyers, mother of Messrs J. A. and J. A. B. Stewart, of this city, has been seriously sick for sever¬ al days past. We hope this gentle Christian lady will soon be restored to strength and health again. Mr. Jack B. Meadors is a farmer in i f " C . * “ "" ,, “ mm He raises his - supplies at home and holds his cotton until i-t pleaees his fancy to sell -it. He brought up about a dozen bales on . | May 14, in order not to be short of “change” during the pic nic season. I i Thesis , r , • o’clock , . , closing , . — movement : ......... |, ag not vet been adopted l bv \ZZZZ the liter- me, chan,, of..... ..... cl , j sible “the boys" should „Lr zx lie “given a rest” after 6 p. in. j Dr. A. G. liar rood was elected a ; Bishop of the Methodist church at the Conference in St Louis Monday. The election of Dr. Ilaygood will be received with joy by his friends | Georgia. He will salary give up a five j thousand dollar to serve his church on one of thirty-five hundred’ ! Rev. J. M. Geiger tells us there is an abundance of finest kind of gran¬ ite here in town equal to any to la found in Maine or elsewhere. In fact it is claimed by some that Covington is built on a solid rock. We know of large quantities of granite near here which could he easily quarried, and understand that work will soon i e-. - - u one or more places. - Mr. Broad Fuller, of Rockdale county, was married to Mi.- J,udb Cook, of Newton county, on Sunday afternoon last. Rev. .1 .fin Wallis, of Conyers,'officiated. Unite a number “ f frie "‘ l8 “ ,,d reIatives the ceremony. Messrs. George W. and | Charlie Dennard of Covington were present and had a fine time, and since their return have been preaching the glorious doctrine that “it is not well for man to live alone.”