The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, June 05, 1890, Image 1

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1- ' 7 1 EORGlA ENTERPRISE. XXV. SAD ROLL. night, M 31, near \[ Everitt de t the residence of her Geo. Aged Sunday afternoon, hnet i 8 " Kev. . n. «. tj [her Pf pastor, 1 * K l ‘ itr« f ^ who knew ... |,., her r in irfle St won,L; l „ Iron, , 1 « % y expressed it, ‘■from Rti u-e to her Father’s ‘‘ had \ r 47 years she j faithful companion 1 her husband who urm* the loss of her who f „ri.i to him. She hud _ H d interesting family L* L- her home was her mother, friend and [, a . generous, kind and jug her life, her labor and t ,. p r .mote the happiness j&e vrts & Christian wo fullest sense of the word. Ll made better by I in it. She fought a -he kept the faith, and 1 assurance while in this lire was & crown of right Living her in the life to v she deep sweetly. jRAXGE LECTURES. ■erv Howren, of Cbarles I lectured on Temperance time and in ■untv dnee our last issue: 1 Thursday, 29, 7-30 p in., ■ Sikh and 1st at 7-30 pm. ISauirday 31st, at 3 p m. Lanky, May 31st, 7-30 lunday, June 1, at 11am. Ires here were interesting ■five and we hope and be Imuch good. lie found a Itelcorae at every point he [the Ll county and has been complimented by many pie, eloquent and fearless I which he advocated and de [cause of temperance. As Be has few equals, and for Id him God speed in the no¬ pe is lining for his state and Let him continue to preach te OB the great question of pe, for too much cannot he kur of sobriety —neither can ll* said against the saloou fceartless, cruel work against 1 the church and society. It psary to point to the work [tail j 1 bar or the j tig, for only 1 " :| nd you see almost at [' door the ruin they have [tae |' hopes they have blasted itfci they have wrecked. Kff WER’S DISTRICT. praWe sickness prevails in F" 1 just now. generally are looking well km P ! 1,6 an abundance of fry jehk kens tor the preachers F. v «ome this way. ,ll1zen % babvs have made teuee here within the past 311 are fi ne looking little wfe and healthy. !re< «e lady in our county fronds ““asks how “will to treat a black "ill, ami he y,,n r eats powder move on.” He mov pohlic road m a hurry, lours, Ogletree. “Mr COUNTRY: MAT SHE EVER BE RIGHT; RIGHT OR WRONG, MY COUNTRY ! ” —JbFPKKSOX. COVINGTON, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 1890. SOMEWHAT PERSONAL. \ Mr?. Dr. Frank B. Wright has one of the fine^ saddle horses in town. Mias Hudson, of Washington City, is on a visit -to Covington as the wel come guest of her sister, Mrs i. W. I>UfingtOD - Bear. W. A. Parks, of Oxford, is ceugus D BUSh enumerator Wh0 in place of Mr. H. j ’ g ° ne *° Machcn 10 aCCepl 8 m ° re ,UCraUVe ,>0Siti ° n - JIr - J - M Ef,berts an(l *»» SO" Wil U haye the pettiest farm here in | t0 ”7 ee ^ r r i " 0ld NeWt0 "- il | : " l T ! I " d T •"*“ Mrs ' A B ‘ C,,n vers left for Manet - ta * rida v ’ where she will probably - s P en<1 tlie s,,, "i"er. We trHst this 8 ood llavc a moHt deiighful Bflae during her absence from home all<1 k,veJ 0l ‘ es here - Ivsquire Franklin Wright has re cently improved and beautified his al ready handsome home and grounds, Our friend and his family deserve all the comforts that a life of honest in dustry merits, and all the rich bless iugs which a kind Providence has be¬ stowed upon them. Governor Gordon says: “By ed¬ ucation from iny youth up, by per¬ sonal interest, and by every consider ation for the welfare of our people, my sympathies are deeply enlisted in al! the high purposes sought to be ac¬ complished by the Farmers Alliance.” This brief extract places our Gover¬ nor flat-footed in the Alliance camp, and lie will be a faithful uud enthusi astic worker there. The legislati ve race in this county will probably be free from vilification and abuse, and .this is exactly as it ought to be. Among the names so far mentioned as probable candidates are Messrs. T. J. Speer, J. H. Rich¬ ards, H. L. Graves, J. \V. Ander son, G. W. W. Stone, J. F. Rogers J. W. Robinson, Augustus J. Webb, and perhaps others. The way to the legislature is sometimes like unto the route to Jordan, “a pretty hard road to travel” without any dead certainty’ after all, of ‘getting there. It pains us to record a serious acci dent that befell our friend and former fellow-citizen, Mr. Jefl. D. Stewart, in Louisville, Ky., on Thursday last, While out ridiiig he was thrown from a vehicle and had his left leg so badly fractured that amputation below the knew was necessary. His brothers here, Messrs. J. A. and J. A. B Stewart went at once to his side and will remain with him until all danger is over. At last accounts he was get¬ ting a.oug nicely and resting well.— His many friends ail over tlie south will regret to hear of this great mis fortune to this most excellent and popular gentleman. We regret to learn, that Mrs. L. V O’Keefe so favorably known in Georgia "her as a first class educator, sever connection with the Gov ington Public schools at the close of the present session of the high school, Shelias labored faithfully and effi ciently to promote the advancement ot the pupils in her department, w hich has out-numbered duriug the entire year, more than half of the whole school, with no assistance, save her own. We always favor the bestowal of “Honor to whom honor is due,” and feel assured her patrons would award her the highest commendation, for the patient and indefatigable ef forts, she has demonstrated in the training of their children. She will bear with her the best wishes of this community for a pleasant situation in the new field to which she will go. HOME AND OTHER ITEMS AS THEY TRANSPIRE FROM QVE WEEKTO ANOTHER. Mr J. N. Bradshaw, of Orlando. Fla., has been with us several days of this week. Morning and afternoon horseback riding is becoming popular with some of our maids and matrons. A party of gentlemen from town went on a wild cat hunt, on Bear creek, in Gaither’s district, one night ] ast W€ek . The North Georgia Methodist Con ference will be held ,t Wmhingta., . S—*- 26, bishop presiding. Rev Henry Howren will lecture temperance at the Methodist church on the evening of June 19th. Every body invited to attend, It is said that 1.800 bauds are at work on the entire line of the Middle Georgia & Atlantic railroad, with a weekly pay roll of over $5,000. The Alliance ne-anion, on August 6, promises to be the grandest affair of the kind ever held in this county. Everybody will lie invited. The colored public schools held an exhibition Thursday afternoon and night. Speeches, coni positions, mu sic, etc , was on the program. The commencement exercises of the Girls’ High School promises to be very interesting. There is plenty of talent in this school, as will be seen by all who attend commencement. In the lower part of the county, on Thursday last, Boyce Johnson shot and killed Charlie Smith, his cousin. Both colored. Johns '! says the kill ing was purely accki' tal, hut evi¬ dence was secured at \ ^inquest to warrant a verdict of willful murder. Johnson is in jail and it will require a trial by jury before all the facte can be brought out. The ice cream, strawberry and cake festival given by the Presbyterian la dies for the benefit of their Monday evening, at the residence and lawn of Mr. and Mrs D. A. son, was a most delightful and -enjoy able occasion, in fact it was one of the most pleasant affairs of the kind ever given in this city. It avas near 11 |o’clock before the Chinese j pie were bid extinguished good-bye and each the happy peo to other. j £ The ] mayor the and council commissioners of Coving- of ; on aD( county Newton should receive some pay for their services, but it will require leg¬ islative action before this can be done. Gratuitous public service carries with it sometimes a careless indifference to duty which would be otherwise if such | service was paid for. However, our present “city fathers” and eommis sioners are as duty as if they received large salaries, but this may l,ot always be thus. Again, it is not pleasant to he “sworn in” at the first of the year and “cursed out” to die close (,f tlie ter'"—all for nothing. It has been resolved by the demo cratie executive committee of Walton county that on Saturday, July 19, a i primary election be held in each mi litia district in the county for gover ; nor and other state house officers, for congressman for the Fifth eougres i sional district, for seuator of the Twenty seventh senatorial district, ; and for two representatives of Walton i county. The friends ot t he success j ful candidates held, will where with conventions the are to he meet execu J Saturday, live committee July at 26, the to court select house delegates on to attend such convention. Only ! white democrats will be allowed to i vote at the primary. TOWN AND COUNTY. SEYRRYTHIN0 AND EVERYBODY. ..The post office at RichwdsviUe is earned Kings. • -Covington is wide awake and f.H of lift- and activity. .. V\ e need a few more brick store houses here. . .June is here and the commence ment season is near at hand. .. It will be “nip and tuck” between Stewart and Peek for Congress. .Solid a ...... work is being . put the . on maw streets of our town. . - Rev Henry Howren will lecture here again Thursday niglu, 19th. ..The summer car on our railroad looks oool and comfortable, ..Several c i capitalists .. . from „ abroad , , viiu ■u probably ^ . l : move here . , before « lonf? , I j re long . .Iu a few days everything around Cedar Shoals will be full of life and activity. . .Mrs. Jaaoes A. Cook and chil dren spent Sunday with friends in the country. ..Mr. .. Frank r, , C. „ Davis T . . jotned .. , the , Primitive Baptist church at Holly Spnng last Saturday. / Several barbecues will lie given .. in this county within the next three week’s. ..Mrs. W. H. LaPrade is visiting relatives in Greensboro, Alabama. . .The Methodist Sunday’school will hold their pic nic at Cedar Shoals F riday. ..Mrs. LaPrade, Senior, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bailey, in Troup county. ' . .Elder Euhank’s and family left j for their new home in Kentucky last | Monday’. Good luck to them. j un(1 --Mr Sam McCart euugnt a 12 !P° oat a set hook one night last Weck iu Alcwa river. .. The six o'clock closing movement went into effect Monday and most of j our business young men are happy, . .It is now a settled fact that Hon W . L. Peek, of Rockdale, will he a j I candidate for Congress. ..Rev. 1. J. Swanson preached t "° ^ lie sermim ' at the Baptist church i Sundajr mom,ng and uiglu ' .. The Fulton county Alliance has • endorsed Hon. L. F. Livingston for Governor. ..A water spout struck Win. John son’s plantation Sunday night and damaged some of his land seriously, . .The Presbyterian Sunday school have postponed iheir pic nic until at ter commencement of the girl’s high school. ..Mr. Reubin Aaron, of Newton Factory, claims to have the finest pair of hound pups in Middle Geor g ia - .. Last Sunday’s Atlanta Constitu¬ tion was one of the most readable jia pers we have ever seen of any day issue of any daily paper. . .Miss Farmer, a bright and beau tiful young lady from Conyers, been on a visit here as the guest 0 her sister Mrs. J. A. Farmer. ..Mr. and Mrs. Golden, and Mr. Joseph Darracott, of Atlanta, spent Sunday here as the guests of Lucie Bagby and Miss Sallie Wells. . .Gents in front of a bar are about as much responsible for the existence of the saloon as is the proprietor be liirnht. Without the one it would ir.r/iriwbSiiSr 1 '" w ™ ke • NO. OXFORD NEWS ITEMS. The gymnasium is finished and Ma -* or B Griffin is havin S his resi «*•“ repaired and painted. evening and Sunday “7"' morning, **?*** deliv ered two of the most forciple temper j ance lectures ever made in Oxford, May be live to do much good iu his ’ ' oko8en w «»rk. This commencement will be the FlUgeraI<1 ever seen. Bishop ! Wll! P"^ 1 ' “»e commence* i ment sermon, Bishop Hay good will preach in the afternoon and Rev j San, Jones at night. Justice L. Q. |C. 811(1 Lamar Rev. Hoke will speak Lraith, to the Alumni of S. C-, will >’ iike the address to the Literary So j Cletles ' Everybody invited. A party of pic nicers from Oxford ar><l an /i ^ ,v spent a most pleasant day . | ; un Alcova a f Saturday. , V, Boat riding j and other amusements kept the crowd in happy mood all the while. The couples were : Miss Lucie Means with Jame8 Xeese, Miss Rosa Griffiu with Mr ' ' VaJ1 » Mis8 Pauline Hardeman with Mr. Ihompson, Miss Mackie St urges with Mr. Brewer, Miss Alice Jack with Mr AustiiJi Mj- He , en j witll Wil , Griffin. Messrs Osgood Cook, Frank and Ed Griffin chaperoned the party and they per formed their part well, The best game of base ball ever played in this section was that in Ox¬ ford last Thursday. The Juuior class defeated the college by the neat score of 3 to 2 runs. Three Covington young men played on the college nine to wit: Messrs. E. O. Lee, Heard Thompson and Mart Fowler. The Seniors were hampered on account of the sickness of three of her best play ers, nevertliless both playetla better game than they will ever play again, lhe playing of Tom Pierce on 2nd base was superb. With Griffin and Lawrence for a battery the Junior’s can t be downed. Thomas pitched a splendid game for the college and I Fowler sustained him well. Truly Thine, W—. XEWiS FROM STEWART. Mr. J. A. Ivy caught a 10 lb carp the other day. Mr. H. White lost a fine mule by water founder last week. There is a fine boy stopping at Mr. W. J. Fincher's, Corn crops were never finer at this season of the year. It seems to la a hard matter to get j a mail rider “to stick” on this route, Mr. Geo. Aikin plants his cotton according to “hull gull,” especially that which lies next to the road., Mr. A. Bohauan had cotton squares last week. Alex is a good farmer and a solid gentleman. Don’t longue on ’Lige Viuing's counters unless you are willing to bring a bucket of fresh water. This is now the rule. Kau’p. Toying with the ornamental gilded wire and wool balls beneath the par j lor ' chair lle and entl as they felt like “cuckle j n,rs S y pulled them i off, and never understood the damage done until he stepped to the window to throw a handful out in the street. Col. Joseph Morgn ", of Stnrrsvillc, j is slowly °f playing but surely catching „n to tl art draughts acceding to H(, y le a ‘‘d science. He found tw o : °}' the 1 re other ™ ll,ti <ln ' ,na, who 'y war veterans her, I ; “f’ "d - v were champions at x a the geese” in theIr day and hir generation, but whom he easily beat “ * Winch he managed his men.