The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, April 03, 1903, Image 7

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CHURCH cr institution U by voluntary contribu |l |,e given a liberal quan he Longman & Martinez juts whenever they paint, j fluve done so for twenty-! ar- Sales: Tens of mil-j — lions; painted guaran-j nearly j , houses under if not satisfactory: . hit ( wears for periods up to cars. Linseed Oil to the paint, (done in jutes.) Actual cost then jl Lid .25 a gallon. Samples l>y our Agents. (on & Farmer, Covington, !. M. Lee & Son, Conj-ers, STCRIA infants and Children. ls n every TIASJtl odo m epsia Cure sts what you eat. wration contains all of the s and digests all kinds of! pi ves instant relief and never re. It allows you to eat all rouwant. The most sensitive can take it. By its use many s of dyspeptics have beea :r everything else failed. It formation of gas on the stom ring all distress after eating, n necessary. Pleasure to take. help butt do good you i tie lybyE.C.TBtWiTT.tOo.,Chicago. contains W times the 50c. size. 1 t I-P-A-N-S Tubules Doctors find f good prescription For mankind. jit package is enough for fusions. The family bot fnts) contains a supply |r. All druggist sell tln-m. TJ * «\ ✓5C * S' <r> A J? fiW £> V -v (L' - Af OUR fe & tic QIWFD OFCHIIiQ A r ^ V B c ...OF.. 'C to L FIME niLLlMERY o/l T' Ya jC r< m T, •i FRIDAY APRIL THE THIRD. m •K oVLet EVERYBODY INVITED. vi 7 v'lfnj ;o SI *> s>. M. J. Henry. w •e> <s> • • 0 co Q •of* rS'V; 1*3 r 1.0 6 Tf G " Vw TUE GEORGIA ENTERPRISE, COVING 105, UA FRIDAY, , APRIL 3, 1908. |WWV\ live news fresh from > THE NATIONAL I CAPITOL ( BY ENTERPRISE REGULAR CORRESPONDENT. ^ i ^“ s “ ‘igtou. Mch. oO, 1008.— Ssuator Morgan has made an em pliatic and clear cut statement of political convictions au 'i views with regard to the auproaching national campaign. The two cipal plat.ks of Mr. Morgan's plat¬ form provide for the payment of the national debt and the levying of uniform tariffs and taxes in the insular possessions and the United States with ‘hose of this country, 1 he Senator says “there are fair, cardinal tenets of democracy which form a creed and what dem ocrats should do in building up a platform is to bear those tenets in mind and restate them and treat the temporary issues of the day in with that creed. We are not men win follow leaders, members ot u church, we do not follow the pastor in all things but the doctrines. 5 1 The senator he lms no objection to a can¬ who bolt eel the platform in years, provided he stands on t he platform to be The silver and Philip¬ issues he relegates to the past they stand on a par with the of forcing out of the union states which, before the war, to forego slavery, in a they are dead issues, He “they dealt not with pnnci but with temporary and i nu¬ questions.” A=>ked his opinion with regard the next democratic candidate Mr. Mo rgim refused to express a He said, “I do not care it be a northern or a southern provided he be a good man. would a little rather he le a man, however, for then would be subjected to less crit and ridicule. In reply to tiink th#» democrats will advocate a reduction „f the tariff, u re mod eling of the system, The present law !S unjust The man w no i is p'eied coutn wests the fact that nuny of «.)! ur product h are t*eii>g 8 " ^ abroad for less than they sell in this c>»ulitrv. We should not re« uce the duties too much because »e are under great expens s and much of the custom receipts is needed t O defray current expenses, '•lit there should be a remodeling. » I * * There is every evidence that tli“se republicans who expect . * a . revision of the tariff by f fiends’’ are doomed to disap point inent. Promises to'hatef feet w hich have been made by members of Congress have been made to secure votes and not to ’>e kept. Senator Warren,of Wv omiiig said recently: “The west el'll country is strong for protec¬ tion. We are opposed to insid uous attacks upon the Dingley tariff under the guise of reciproc¬ ity. There will be 1 m revision of the tariff by the republicans. The republican voters would be the first to condemn such a movement We regard the reciprocity treaties establishing dangerous prece¬ and would be glad to see all fail. Evidences have cropped out in Navy Department, of serious between the President and Secretary of the Navy, On ccasious the Secretary been compelled by the Presi¬ to act in entire opposition to own judgment, notably in the of the awarding of recent, for armored cruisers. Mr. Moody favored awarding the for both vessels to the of Philadelphia but the President insisted that one vessel should le built by a New York ship building company and this was accordingly done. The Pres¬ ident is now earnestly advocating a general staff for the navy, sim¬ ilar to (lie general staff recently authorized by Congress for the arinv. Mr. Moody does not ap¬ prove of the measure, which would | the suggestion that the bolters did . ,iot show much evidence of repeu- i tance, Mr. Morgan said, “if the ; candidate stood on the platform I ; would build, it would be all right, would do as they d i when they examine a man tor the army, iu quire into his qualifications, not his previous history or career. ; j Senator Dubois, of Idaho, lias determined upon a ticket which lie believes would prove successful. It i is Alton B. Parker, of New York, and Benjamin E. Shiveley, of Iu diana.. “These two men reore j sent pivotal states, New York and Indiana, ft said Mr. Dubois, “With their names at the head of the j ticket I feel confident we would carry the country. In order that the democrats may win next year we must carry such stutes as New York in the east and Indiana in the middle west. We could gam nothing by the nomination of Richard Olney, for instance, for it is not likely he could carry hi s own state. Judge Parker and Judge Shiveley are high grude men who would wiu the respect and the sup port of the voter. ft Asked what influence Mr. Bry an would have in the convention, Mr Dubois said, “Mr. Bryan must prove a factor in the situation be¬ cause of his personality, l.iswoith and because he has twice commen¬ ded the unanimous suport of liis party. While some of the issues which he represents are no longer occupying attention, it cannot be gain suid Unit Mr. Bryan’s great personality must be considered. Were he a candidate he would probably be nominated, .but 1 am in position to sav that he will j not be a candidate, ? ? Referring to 1 the issues Mr. Dubois said, “1 OR. A. S. HOPKINS, DENTIST, Nitrous Oxide Gas Administered. Star Building, Covington. Ga. 1 rr 1 c M & BiACRWUUWBHT THE GREAT flMlLYPSEDI£IB|E Thedforrl’s Black-Draught has J i saved sixty doctors’ For bills the for more fam- than B ily ailments, years. common g| % such as constipation, indigestion, plaints, hard colds, bovelcom chills and fever, bilious- M ncs3, complaints headaches other mid medicine other like is Bj M no H necessary. It invigorates and reg ulate3 the liver, a.isisti digestion, eg stimulates action of the kidneys, p bowels purifies cf the foul blood, and purges the p H3 accumuiauona. It cures liver o C -"pU; n t, indigestion, rheumatic sour stomach, dia.alnsss, chills, I ache, kidney pains, sideache, back¬ diarrhoea, biliousness, troubles, constipation, :d headache. piles, hard I co: gist has Thodford’s Every drug I 25 cent packages Black-Draught and in in niam- 1 moth size for $1.00. Never accept l j a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattonoo'rr. • i Medicine Company. i bellcvi! Thadford’i Black-Draught I is the best medhine on earth. It is | good family for any of twelve and everything. children, and I have for a four years I have kept the-rii on foot and healthy with no doctor but Bbsk Draught. A. J. GREEN, lllewcra. U. i For Sale Cheap, For Cash, On Easy Terms One new 4 room cottage on Washington St. One new 2 room cottage on Washington St. Each house is occupied and pay¬ ing good on the investment, R. E. Evfritt. *■ I mi I 8 J Wt The Kind Tout Hare Always which kas been in us© for over 30 rears, has borne the signature of . and has been made under ULs per¬ ^-1 sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes aro but Ex¬ periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Childrea—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA (festoria Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narootio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys W orms and allays Feverishness. It cure* Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-Tho Motlior’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR IA ALWAYS, Bears tlie Signature of * <6 The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THI C’.HTAUK «»«»>, TT MUWH.r *TR»tT. MIW YORK OITV, materially curtail the importance of the position of Secretary of the Navy, lint the President is insist¬ ent, and Mr. Moody, so far as can be learned is following out his in structions. *** What is regarded in Washing tonus an outgrowth of Senator Hamm’s ex-slave pension bill and the publicity given to to the fact that it cannot pass, has just oc¬ curred in Cleveland and is the oc¬ casion of serious annoyance to prominent republican politicians. The “Equal Right. Association composed of negroes, and three hundred thousand strong, has adopted a set of resolutions ap pealing to the lmads of foreign nations to interfere to save them from being murdered by Ameri¬ cans. The closing sentence of the appeal reads, “For God’s sake intervene to save us, the Afro American men, women and chil¬ dren, before we are all murdered by those so called projudicial whites of America. We plead, we beg you to save us.” This appeal is addressed to all the crowned heads of Europe and Asia. Ridic¬ ulous as it is on its face, there is some fear that it may do serious mischief in the “black belt ii where it will doubtless be used to stir up trouble. It is written by the same negro, C. W. Hines, who predicted war and bloodshed in the South, a short time ago, at a meeting in Washington. A Great Idea. Thomas A. Edison is one of the greatest men of this age. Y’ears ago a great idea took possession of him. It mastered him and as he developed it, It developed him. That idea has lifted him out of obscurity and linked his name to imperishable fame, So it is with the great thought of world-wide missions, That noble idea larges every attribute of man’s nature. It broadens his sympa thies, creutos kinship fur fill peo¬ ple, intensifies his conception of c the soul’s worth. Yea, far more IS truS. The missionary idea tests and inCfSftseS faith, illumines the gracious purposes of God i magnifies the sublime doctrines of the cross and makes one to reafize in a way that in ftO other way is possible the love of Un in¬ finite God for lost souls. So with churches. They do not become great, in any true sense by multi¬ plying members, or increasing wealth, or an eloquent ministry, or by costly architecture, but by an enthusiastic consecration to this divine ideal—the giving the gospel to men, at home and every¬ where. { Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. POVM. BAKING r*OV/rF«» CO., NEW YO«<. - -j.» 11 nrrn—i * ... ...... rrrr s-wjrp Georgia Railroad For information as to Routes. Schedules and Rates, both Passenger and Freight i V/rite to either of the under¬ signed, you will receive prompt reply and re¬ liable information. C. C. McMILLIN, A. 6. JACKSON, G. A. Pass. Dept. g. r. a. A. 0. DAWSON. S, A., AUGUSTA, Git.. S. E. MAOILL, C. 0. COX. Gen'l Agt, Gen l Agt., ATLANTA. ATUKNS W. W. HARDWICK, W. C. McMILilN, Gen’ l Agt. S. F. d- r A . MA CON. MA CON S. W. WILKFS, W. M McGOV-ftN, 2’. F. <{• P. A , Gen l Agt .1* AT LAN XA A UC VST A •-T1 | ‘i24orr, r.x * j ABOVE AGAICULTc»/"AL Sea. COLLF.Gr i r»i o fRtt rjiric.N. i I jt> r.\ II M Jiff '» « 1 jC DAHLONEGA, reach GA. f all. A.B., A college eSucation In iha i U.S., Noi-mal and Business Man's courses. cl; Good laboratories; healthful, invigorating lti-ile; military discipline; ?oo d moral and relip-ious influences. Cheapest board in Iho from Slate; $75 abundance of couutrv board produce;expenses in dormitories - private to $150 a year; Special license for or families. course teachers; full facnltv of nine; all under the control atory class. of the Co-education University. ef A sexes. college Tr.e prepar¬ insti¬ tution founded spec nil v for students of limited means. Send for catalogue to the President, Jos. S. Stewart. A.M. OASTOnlA. Qltlt- is n ■igsMure limbs every N 1 1