The Georgia enterprise. (Covington, Ga.) 1865-1905, November 18, 1904, Image 1

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A NO 44. UARY election for MUNICIPAL CANDIDATES ' getij.j! i f tlm r. £ c .ru!r. -hamber. Those j $,« , Mil M.cldVI,roots, L I, . Harwell, J R. | Whit-, C L (ieDE f 'i ui a A B. Dinims , foil " K mot,onB WHre ,e cu . ad-nio^ratie primary elec- , a , be called f-.r the second Mon-; December, Ft the nomina- ! 0 f nu ■■ s,x councilmen, tyro members of - Covington f .the school for J j (,[ tlif city Ljuingvear. Lt be held L said’elect governing ion the demo- nn ru ii,s c party - f the state. Ut-the Lk poles be “'clock open from [)■ in- t0 o p. in. L following malingers and Is be appoints f°r said elec* L . Mtnagers, A. D. Meadow, R. b. Conk, G. D Heard, a J. H. Carroll and J. G. PL a t the managers of said elec- —!5Li .~1 n {itGHANTS —*— 1 — TO OBSERVE THANKSGIVING. order to observe National Iksgiving day, the merchants business men of Covington agreed to close their places of Less next Thursday, Nov. 24 . tew of tbe fact, they have n up and signed tiie tof lowing [ein order 1 hat their friends in iouutry who have business in pgtoii m ght know in time they will lie closed that day twill sell no goods. They will fact no b -inese it -ill on that , find desir 0 put their frieuds ustomei 011 notice, insisting unless i \ c-me to the citv jointju* in the observance eduv.n income expecting itovio. their apreemet t : Le the • -igned merchants business houses o' Corii gtc fir 1 1. SHOW A SPLENDID SUCCESS. I- annua lower «hnw of the [cultural I artnient of the ngton \ uinan’s club the I event ot the si-ason, which brought io a close with an tainmem, entitled, ’‘The Hers’Parade,” at Music Hall p’ Gening eclipsed all prev jefforts pepf and ot the elegance club, in points of chrysan pai exhibits, character of the | ai| J liiiaucial receipt?. PP i!e t!l, ‘ recent drought, the h le*ns ' 0lf ehrysanjhernums, palms was beautiful. 5C "C who exhibited flowers iMesdames Jas. M. Pace, Jas. MHERS soon depart for lext 111 ;S( -lay, November the I •>Le North Georgia Confer " lu ca Hed to order in Mar F • 1 . C. 1 ieckler, the beloved r r hie Methodist church M 11 leave Monday in order Fpare his committee reports. ; 1 1 be several others from 8 i °n who will most likely ^conference, rSon who Hon, Jno. F. Ohad.atrict. goes as a delegate Hon. James M. ° ‘ s 3 member of the t4nf r Ed ^ation, et ter and Col Jas. ' > who is tr easurer of the U1) board. The condit¬ e Covi ion church is in & J and brother ST iet Cleckler °niak ea fine show- 6 heav y indebtedness, h"' ] ’ arl)er Sllo P has ad a “t&Dipoo S 11 hai »pray and can Ktatr cf WatBr ,om their 11 own ' w sys- “ h than s hampr Try a sham 0- A COVINGTON, GA. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1904- nhall certify v to tally slu-et ztzz zziit i^ /he eleV, 'l the day follo. Z ' the ™ .. ..... deJLJd vole f<<r max or shall be the domocratic nominee f„r of ,hp i»y of may , 2 Covi- gt 0 „, and six persons r* ceivinn ilti* six hi h eat v-des for the council, shall be declared the six democratic imnu tmes for the council of the citv ..f Covinaton. „ and the two pels' ' ns _ receiving ihe two highest V‘ des for the school board shall bo do dared the democratic nominees for the sunoo! , board of the citv of Covington That the Georgia Enterprise be requested to publish the proceed* ing-, of this committee in the next issue of that paper. L- L. M iddlebrooks, Chairman, A, B Simms, Secietarv, C. L. Harwell, C H. White, J. R Stephenson, C. C. Bkookb. to close our doors and let remain closed on Thursday, 24 th, Thanksgiving Day, in that wo all may rest and the day together: Lee <fe Anderson, Swann-Davis . R E Everitt, Covington H’d , J. J. Cot ley, R. L Loyd, U. Dial. W Cohen, C. A. Frank¬ Fowler Bros., C. E, Cook, & Smith, Heard. White & Stephenson & Callaway, M. C. C Robinson, J. A. Thompson & Farmer, W. S Imp herd S F. Ileaden J I Harrison Co . Covington Co., M G Turner, P F Jno. Bentley, V. A. A C Norman & Co , *»turp, \V. L Adair, J Ftephenson, R. T Daniel. Lester Chas, S^ckwell, E. 0. and Mr Jno Porter. The prizes were awarded as lows: Fir-t best collection of 55 Mr. Porter;, for second best collec tion of 55 blooms, Mrs E 0. Lee. Mr. Porter also received a for the handsomest hanging The splendid success with this year’s exhibition was ed has already had the effect stimulating interest in the contest. Messrs Jno. 1>. dr, K, S. Harrison and Thompson hav<- offered prizes the next'annual display. which has been hanging over it years past, was paid in full mont h. There are other Methodist isters in the county who will go to Conference. Among are Rev. F. R. Smith, of , born; Rev. T. S. Edwards, Starrsville; Rev. W. E. of Almon, Rev’.-. Geo. W. Firley Banui, of Oxford and J. T. Eakea, of Snapping These faithful workers have their duty in this field and ever th«y may go, whether come back to Newton or go other fields ot labor, they will the best wishes of the many ple they have lovingly served ing the year. Go to C. C. Robinson’s for 8 \ve!!est line of dress goods Covington. i„“’t K Cool h ‘. shoes. STOCKHOLDERS PER. FECT ORGANIZATION. T^e Bank of Newton County Stockholders Have Meeting. Ti r s,ockh ' ,d '» * ««* »* „ I ~ T C ’'"" V m * t in ‘''office of G. C. Adams at the T' n ho,lse Tu ^ay and transacted j* he 6 rs * business of the new insti >uuon 1 he st,ckhold ers paid 50% of | the subscribed stock and the by ilWS - wiiu, h wiil govern the new institution were taken up, section t’y section and passed. The 1 e v ' ere Present all of the | stockho ders except two or time, who were unavoidably absent. The meeting abounded in enthusiasm and uumerous application* were presented asking fur stock by other parties. l'tie charter has been applied fur and the new bank will open for business January ist in the brick budding n<*xt door to J. N Brad¬ shaw’s book store. The entire front will be torn out p Th«e'wui £T c vestibule to the bank which will be laid in marble tiling. Tb» furni¬ ture and fixtures will be of the very latest and these alone will be in¬ stalled at at a cost of about $ 1800 . The officers of the bank are: T. C. Swann, president; T. A. Perry, vice-president, ai:d A. B. Simms, cashier. The board of directors are; N. S. Turner, E. Heard, G.C. Adams, J. W. King, Capers Dick¬ son. J. R. Stephenson, D. J. Ad¬ ams and Dr. O. L. Holmes. Libral 7 bo «rs from 2 to 4 Wed nesdays and Saturdays. ---—— New shipment tailored suitaat J Adair’s, j Miles G. Turner, . Mr. Miles G. Turner, a member of the present city council and one of the leading citizens of Coving¬ ton, has announced his candidacy for the mayoralty, subject to a j ! primary election lie came to Covington eight years ago and took charge of Mr. C. C. Robinson’s books. 1 Three years ago he opened a fancy gro eery business and today is one of the best known and most highly esteemed of the progressive tuer chants of this city. For two years lie has keen a member of the city council and is familiar with workings of the city government, He is a prominent secret order man and a member of the Masonic lodge Knights of Pythias and Royal Ar caniun. Has announcement to the voters cf the city of Covington, follows: 1 hereby announce myself a can¬ didate lor Mayor of the city of Covington, subject to the action of the primary election of Dec. iztb. 1 will thank you for your support and in return pledge a faithful dis¬ charge of all the duties connected with the office. R-spt. MILES G. TURNER. ran shoes at Adair’s. Headache cured free at Palace Barber shop. It Sunday Services, Rev. R. C. Cleckler, pastor of the Methodist church, wili preach the eleven o’clock sermon next Sunday morning at the Presbyte erian church. Ther« will be no evening service. This is Mr. Cleckler’s last sermon before leav ing for Conference and he will no doubt be gteeted by a large con¬ gregation. His sermon will be es pecially directed to the older peo¬ ple of Covington. __ JlrniticelhTwill Rev Eugene R. Pendleton, of .each at the Bap list church next Sunday at both morning and evening f 1 ' lc • Everybody cordially * invited to hear him. MURDER OF AN AGED NEGRO WOMAN. Deed Committed in Morgan I County, Near Line of Newton Eliza Shv, an old negro woman living on Mr. K. H Cooper’s pi an tation in the eastern part of N ew t-n county, was horr.b y murdered last Thursday night. The crime was committed near Cooper’s bridge, in Morgan county, a short distance from the Newton County line The b-dy was found in the river Friday morning. An exami¬ nation showed that the wi Qian had been shot, through the head, throat cut and skull fractured. An in¬ quest was held by Coroner D-xter, IlTd n ! Suspicion pointed strongly to Janie Lynn and her two sous as being the perpetrators of the dastardly murder, and they were accordingly placed under arrest and lodged in jai! at Madison. The motive of the crime was evidently robbery, as the old wo* man had on her person just prior to the killing $25 or $ 30 funds of , secret society of which she wa3 treasurer. Now tailored suits at Adair’s. POLITICS WARMING UP. Two Prominent Candidates in the Field for the Mayoralty City politics ore warming up for the primary election Decetn- 12 th and a lively campaign is at present expected. Every one seem 3 interested in the City election and with as mi’ interest manifested, it is bound to bo warm. The registration books at the the drug store of Brooks <fc Smith, show a heavy registration. More people have qualified this year than last, and each dm marks an addition to the list. So far, interest is at white heat over the mayor’s race. There are two eutries-eo far, Mr. Miles G Turner and Col. James F. Rogers. Others are expected at any time Those whose names have already 1 been mentioned in this connection j probab * i e candidates are Hon’s. „ 1 C bwan,1 ,, fn 1 A . „ Pen _ L , . •. ‘ > ' * T j Middlebrook and L. A. Clark, No candidates have announced j f or council,and the School Boaid. Col. James F. ^Rogers. Col. James F. Rogers, solicitor general of the county court and the well known Covington lawyer announci's his candidacy for Mayor. His announcement came as- a complete surprise to the voters of Covington. He has been confined to his bed nearly all the summer and had a relapse two weeks ago from which he is still unable to be out. His message lo the voters of Covington is from the sick room which he hopes to be able to leave during the week when lie will make an active canvas. Col. Rogers has been for years one of the best known and most prominent members of the lacal bar. He is solicitor general of the county court and as such has been a terror to evil doers. He has made a reputation as a practioner of twenty years at the local bar, second to none in the State; and j he has never before asked the peo ^ Ccvmgtou for a j oca i 0 ffi ce , announcemen t i s as follows: I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Mayor of the city of Covington, and will appreciate the support ot all my friends. My health is tttaos. stored, and if « “ Sla) ^ 1 J TAMES F. ROGERS, Ga. „ ^ov. _ T 15 1904 ‘Covington, , . THE QEORGIA ENTEBPRJiEEil'd 1863 rAWCAl LUINMJLlUATcD 1HATPI\ fAA-> 1902 THb COVINUTON STAR. •• ,8 j 4 . OLIVER PLOWJ. NEAT ANI> TRIM IN APPEARANCE LIGHT IN t M’’ t v. WEIGHT, BUT m STRONG AND* ■gay lllSfe - DURABLE. Fitted with large, stout stcc! beam, w th wide throat that cann0t ChoKe ’ lon? ’ str3isM stecl handlE "*< bottom mdfca ^' c ^ ar anc * ma Dcab!c mouldboard ibraces Handles attached to mouldboards by straps of steel FullI chilled mouldboards made of OLIVER’S FAMOUS CHILLED METAL. Shares chilled where the wear comes. The name “OLIVER** is a guarantee that it is tnc Plow trade for the work it i K to do. Try One and You Will be delighted r. fill Paris Absoluts!*/ Guarantee! S' l .f m # Our Firf Shipment of Famous Satin I tun f hi m ‘ r •mcJLacnS y co MS n ft ^'1 Melts in Your Mouth. m m\ Strawberry and Vanilla Flavor. % Also a Big Line of # m . -j sr r ■ ft © s , : ‘ 1 -1 1 .?rvc:_ t nr -J,af i ) m Li 35 **?. iJ L , J 2 a L. I ..*^3 fir aknr r « /MALAGA t RAPES, PRUNES, SEEDED ift R ISINS, CITRON, FiGS, AND OTHER ft ■iOOD THINGS coming in daily. v-' sJ a rin ,v |\ T i 1 jr-* ^ •g: @1 p & 1 .. I 1 L Vi B ft J* /gfo . fcjl ’X’ yv re- 22 2EI3M rr OF THE COHDITJON OF THE UK 01 £ 0 9 ■ LOCATED AT COVINGTON, IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA n AT TIIK CLOSE OF BUSINESS, NOV. IOtu. 1904. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, $100,021.69 Demand Loans, 19,900.00 (secured.) 6 i, 189.97 and Fixtures, 1 , 000.00 Real Estate, 1,000 00 from Banks and Bank ers in the State, 23,467.80 from Banks and Bank¬ ers in other States, 12,505 74 $7,412 00 Nickels and Pennies, 1 . 6*2 3:7 and Cash Items 101.74 9,206.09 $230,891.29 STATE OF GEORGIA, Newton County. Before me came C. S. Thompson. Cashier of the Bank of Covington, who belor. sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. Sworn to and subscribed before roe, } 17th day of Nov., 1994. C. S. iHOMPSON, Cashier. JNO. B DAVIS, C. 8 . U. 4 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in, $ 25,000.m Surplus Fund, 7,000.0l» Undivided Profits. Jess Current Expenses and Taxes Paid, 1,044. If. Due Unpaid Dividends, 20.S4i DEPOSITS Individual, $144,618 6? Time. 33,208.62 lltMXWU j Hil’s Payable, including Time Certificates, repre¬ senting Borrowed Money 20,00a 06' TOTAL, $230,891.22 ’