Newspaper Page Text
■7U£RIOT IX XEV\ ' ORK OX how lamllmda were not -the kindest of
•isad iaodtiv/
toa$f^&4iRivW6te titeir oppressed and
downtrodden tenants tliej meekest of
Jaij ; qrerj8 to4,‘lfeasantii It*, is'not sur
prising that the vanquished and op
pressed, (to use a recently invented,
Jfffc OTWaflOB. i&l&ir : [3£u-E luxed
some of their oppressors, and that
The transfer of a political feud that landlords' so suddenly enriched
The Battle of Boyne Water, July
12th, 1090—The Orangemen—
. The Hibbon Men Their Po-
,.|itlcal Origin in an Ago pt,Re
ligious Intolerance.
9ilT r:-l r.\ lo 1 lo
their newly acquired homes, and nec-
eesarv 'to center into secret leagues for
^fiwffl^ot^tion^pid defenpe.
t [Etenr.tke^yery: nature. of the polit
ical situation at the time their organ-
to - of . . America is a remarkably social:
’ja&litical phenomehoh,' 1 fetttitldfH
edt ,or ef i-ijvruu r: v -•</ noi7^-.<>oio . hoi
od7/h05 SOtnethmg . more than . a . passingf
notice. For in its history is involved'
a contin^nojas social,, political and rel'
ligious .warfare^ between neighbors;
^t^ed between the were all. Catholies and the Orange-
.*n/contending factions ha8*$an»lf> btt . !
• fl10 exdeUed in the annals of a feivffizedt
^’“peopi?. jpt k isat warfare ah‘9hty^ich'^
uni.ia scarcely possible to get members q£
9llj hither party to converse 'wifli'balinA
nuesB,T Even, then descendants, .whor^-
hatred for the< opposite; faction.- which i,
neither reason ‘nor time succeeds in:
(J v io &jfr?jssiiig as tb ‘prevent ddfc&ion^f
vi<SIeht J personal confl*ote/ M
In such a history there is much
r^'ftSd fbr reflection) and'many‘ 5 lessons
enlightened'" and thoughtful
'it) *)Lu 1M> * im.l «r f I'J f-|« • 1
;ci PfliPR spot of. earth ruled? by any
of the civilized powers of Europe, has
Qjaginanijdtfference of religious faith
t^^fliftftjd^eiis'kgo,' been so per-
wolla ifi// /adr iiiilJ ^
in,; as ,has been
|tMfc dadoptediby 'England* after the
d^TOtipp-tbftt-.bas secured sympa-
and consideration
nature and tl.e conscientious relig- ^ nupracttcabiUttes andftstona-
ionist find much in the origin of iho 1 For > “T
and Orangeismtluitharn seem .the
the Insh people at ho«\?
. and abroad, to attract. jthjeir attention
* . ‘ ^ndlio excite the liveliest’interest,
Iwtinj Viqwetf ’ fFpm. ; the narr^. #jajn&
r,[ C! , pqinti of the< sectarian bigot.qrthat Of
inf lithe factious demagogue, who; is reckr
eii ? less,- as 'to the means, he uses to - ac-*
; h» fcoftijplisb 1 his ends the recent not
-■^'lii^Nlew York, and that of a 1 year ago
" ai dh' the anniversary of the bkttld: of
'^ ifebyne Water, which was .' fouglit' on
eJt fmm-M' Wpam, of Orang^ ^.ajni^
noil those of. dames IJ., resultliig ; ,,disas-
eifj tronsly to. the latter, are intensified,
>«» insignificance by the fanaticism of
V'^the former, and the designing selfish-
'the'latter. " ljl 11,1 ' :,:u | ^
■ :u i,Ll Amdy has the cry been raised
i ±. «tr x-u: : 55 i»hfK
-xn of
‘‘Know-nothingism” mbsthere-
, to save, the cor^tiy, flrqm,. the
-ui -raie of Roman Catholics. ;J,tiis well,
ecf therefore that those uninformed, shall'
-oofprfquire for themselves into the .‘hi's*<
wd tfcty ofa feUd that has so painMly
9 fIi an<f terribly 1 asserted : itfcelf 5tf fhbi
9d / qtreets of J?ew York, and re ' lndw’ latf
',;.. v |c>ti»g topic ofcnnrer^tioii fll W
e,i m mu***- - ? ri ': te . sto » ti ..'P , .wsF ra >
Hi,,,ppojiest^u.t,writers and, ; politician^ | of
RiiW native American,proclivities'WP.uld do
biiifwell tO’pause before giving!.utterance
oli (1 tt>. rash- expressions in regard s to- -the
that led to tlieriote refetredi
.•1'ic'igl. be bbrnfe in riiiPd 'that
10 figwpteenth century, and ;^h^ how
olft ipi^ch gqeyer religious faa%may L bave
ion entered into -the political., a^drs of
much the Tnistakemuitf oppressive polity
of the Badical party has irritated,;and
provoEed the Southern people,; suppose
that onx conquerers had carried-ioat in
full their threat of confiscation and hand
ed over the lands of those who had es
poused the “Lost Cause” to Federal- sol-i
diers and negroes; all the many false re
ports of En-Klxux outrages would 1 not!
have amounted to ohe-thbusandth ptet of VbSed^&itiCistti^ unsupported 1 !^ hr-,
the real shin of assassinations; personal 1 fitefitteliiy 1 aifetatoriabih i; malfnhr ah^
conflicts, ahd retaliatory acts thht woui'd
i Li T.vV vjujS'jp?! T>u
" —*—- ~WhT"l3 Tt T
; Tbe^^uchstphe ot Hon. A.
H. Stepb^hs^'lmibh' h^pbjite 1 ur an ed
itorial 1 iq by-
iwhich'-h'e l briJ|KfeeS' tti' > fletehfifbe’ the-
friefiite^aiia'ifllire ’bf ^the pboFfib bP the
Sbrrth^-hhs ^vlDefi-'Iikk f a Vl b’6thb n 4hell
itfto r th'^ n fahfe; 6f me ■ 'fiaWtsath 1 He-
ifi6cnCey , *' , df thi$;"State.'' ft'hfe '-pro-
•i+ir*TC;hi nr>tfrir.TSnTfbd'Kip > ar-
" Crops ia Brooks.
have truly been recorded, within, one P' .—
year from the date that the landlords en- °f political questions involving
i their newly acquired posses- rights of H free people.
tered upon
It is not in human nature to endure
such an unwise policy as that adopted by
William of Orange, towards his Irish
subjects. Southern people, prudent and
humane, as by education and habit they
are in our enlightened • day,. wmflcT not|
have peaceably endured it; nor would the
phblic sentiment of mankind havf; de-
bat,tie of
> _ot lav kad aoi
9(]J - 1 ,-u—hi ! ;
Only recently has that policy been
materially amfeliorated. The common
sense ot the civilizea world has pro-
qgaiq?t v kL,.iSk ia this con-
Tii of >the Bemodf
1 ’’raby'OfAlabkina ^demands the accep-
tabce'.Cf‘(be Secon8truption’Acts as
facts, and the admission ishhfc-fchey
have bee.n settfediihi the manner and
receive them
manded of them to have.done-so. J; a Is
Much as the law-abiding men must de; \
precate .the violence of the Ribbon men
in New York towards a few audacious
and misguided Orangemen, who propose
by celebrating the anniversary of theBatr;
tie of the Boyne on the sdil of lree Ameri^
ca, to keep in memory an event!' thkt'|w^fittter adopted ih the- manner
dates the ihauguration o^ Wflliam’pi op^ k And T^ 1 the-aftltbority Constitutionally,
pressiye polixy towards his'vanquished appointed) is revolutionary, -bodjjt m
Irish subjects, it is due to the truth to' ^MoltitioilAky tQ'ihSisfc' upon'the 'un'-:
say that our. protestant .people are t6ci CoristitiitiOilalxty’■ Of' ^bO Enforcement
enlightened apd too much in sympathy, ! Acti-*‘4t ig‘SiSa,j'boweveiy to ‘ itisiSt
.with the,oppressed of all nations, tq ad- 1S ‘Ahtagtiaiite.'-stfi^.
NhtiohaPiDemoeracy; :'>n?t>o 1 bu! £
Fenian>plan Of inaugurating an Irish
■^epiibiic Continent of Aineri-
caiattddtrabsferring it to the Emer
ald’ Islfe’ by force of arms, Or however
fti^Ojfcic . tiieir..tilts at the
outposts of the British Lion in Cana-
d^it js’bot |td be" denied hr gainsaid,
woodd- there>iis?»'kfiiord of sympathy
~^ ) ^re^te / ol’ i tiie lovers of liberty
■that has vibrated: in unison with the
pteyets of the oppressed sotts of Erin
fclir, r.i;iyi-n i edllo • i uIiii-hu Ii-.tjv ^ 1 - ,1 . 1
Old England herself has felt these
vibrations, ^ence the ' distetahlish-
^p^b^the^^jtijttich in linladfl, the
increased facilities-for education fur-
niSlifed; ihe^niastesj and many other
flcfeiSSMs ^Pvcriiment, teWded to
pacify the .Irish*-people and to ap-
peA^.tlie', 1 olfqndjed sentiment 1 ,of the
liberal minded of all nations. i
•’A unt O ’.fV'bn'i * 1 l
<,T -Pj r ^°,.kind,,pf ratiocination can
thn retaliatory* feud, which is the sub-
jelt|fc‘t>f thishri^bie,he fully^ustified on
moral-.gisun^s .especially in; yi.ew o{
itSVhccompftnying horrors, persecu
tion, oppression 1 , assassination, etc.
It is best on ail occasions to abide
the laws>Dfl* vthe -land. But when
law.S\are.made r Ahd enforced too, with
'riorbrilinarjf vig6r, to interfere with
override inalienable righte, and
'sjgqfejfa^i ^ lo.lreiicler apebpl^affect-
!6d> by- thcni hopeless of ameliorating
m*etar in „, K ^g, e :^ Kb ma~
wthtoep.m XW demo^tioM,, * «ia flrti.fe.ttel.maintenanes ot th4
though every member of their organize, ie S Ben t ia 1 >primiip 1 e3-‘upon,’wh i ch. iit is
tion may be ^Rrotestants. Protestant? based, ;< *is , bdrh , fof:tM : morbidbgo-
America does not proposa to oppreasjlrish UyL * — f l ’ - , - a ‘ *— J J! —-*■
Catholics as Protestant England has done;
If Orangeism were unadulterated Pro
testantism, and,not merely the repre
sentative of the politics of a part of the
population of Ireland, .tfyen the violenc’e
of the Ribbonmen inNew ; York, might 1
imply religions intolerance as the animns
of the opposing tbiob. But neither the
advice of an Archbishop of the Roman
Catholic Church, and the - active eo-ope-
In, our ppi^<m atso % ff e, tlift the
Dqmpcracy ^ (%%% /ind.We**
:t ^ ^ u, ■fAmWfejW be
restram the Ribbonmep and their ,syna- pou^pfled mffft ( py,t^^.wa^ It Jlenioc-
pathizers from violence. on iWednesday .fj^ey apu ( a, dipnp.sit^pn, ;^p . cqiipuiate
last; thus proving that Ribbohism ■ is a. j(^P]}pbc.4pism, ; a bold-
political and not a religious party, al- and defence
MS .Qf ;$ie, Constitutippal. rights of tlie
though it is probably true that all Rib-:
bonmen are Roman Catholics.i,,;,, *■
When Catholic Irishmen* celebrate: St-.-
Patrick’s day, the act has ; no • political
significance. is 1 , a religious 'holiday,
which even Protestant Irishmen in ' .this
country often: join in. * celebrating, in
memory‘of the cherished traditions of,
their native land." But Vhen Piotestaiit
Irishmen, as Orangernen, pelehra^?. the: :skaU:-hPld:upito>.tbeir gaze -the plain
anniversary of Boyne Water, they,do ftb prqvdsiocns -*-6flo the.: >l> jbPderal > n (3on-
as a body of partisans, with J whom- ntbt etifution, Athetenwill bitellb •tiSuthmi
an Protestant Irishmen, and' very fe*’ ‘know.!«hr - riglDte,: ; i and v.have^i wit-
-«<*“ ;£:S3S3iSSl
Their anniversary ^
lacks several features >&i its ■associatip^ -the ■ ealaiiiibous results, vof the
to mSke it^ parallel vrith StiKktoaraiday. vformesrj would -haztod their,chance of
in its intent and its effects. j^uie^jlatteF; ^udoeasr+wthey.'mustl acciepf .them as
tends to promote individual .pleasure a$d acoompliMiea -.factsbiandi pledge* the
social good will. The* former uaimsi *ati !paxty-ic{th? futiare/imaiiatenanoeiand
thdu“conditidh by honest industry,
JOi JOi^t k J a-*.:- ■ «
despair provokes a resort to means of
retabation iand ^revenge, „ which but
laif: i Iasul a r m d:Co n tmenWEn^;,two.*?'ftW^fff'““
tohdred years ago in . th<WWaiM' #f«
-*-States,in:this' onr day. it <^>0^ fl^femnahonnf aB enhgtoned
|»S« Tut. HI ,l!w/ t-. 1-a;.y: 1 !
element ’ df partisan: (
i**i ! .‘jj 1 w lfc-ie/notonddal to award sympathy
«« n My fotni an
•IW rP
i n which * religious toleranceis^ihe orA ter jin. manner.^nd form, not strictly
.„,,4?r»fa.e day. TradiUonal^udicss. kp), at thohapds of tto oppressed,,
must give any in preaence.jO^,^j,e[. exrfi protestante
amples* of tolmpce, .which;ireligipus outside of Irelandij the Orangemen
.fiiusladtshf every phase* ofubelielfi in hj$*' ! iniicb
' sn 'day afford. «iifi lo »dT i T«l,a9ii : .'i kto.uvo.:-: »t .-n<
odi James II; the 'Rbiriaii^CAth-. r ^Fo^ thoujgh0'i^gemen areall prefesB-
olic King of Protestarit 0f Mflglan4 K .qdfeprfltestenti jtheirs is a secret politi-
waa' cbmpelled to ‘ flee ’ftom his cal organization composed of members
conntrv a maioritl of his jjnsU shih^ ^ A'party ^ehtified as the oppressors Of
- Th‘
bni* Revolution of 1688, idsclaced. hjs. .^g^gjbr fdr 'protection against down-
hiIJ: throne vacant, and settled the -crown ^33^1:,!.^n4'. oppressed ’ Catholics
u '6h William; 1 bf ‘OriHige, 1 / am?d' u hiS'Wite 1 lands were con-
‘ , ’ t ‘ I Mi6^, t a^I^testimt ; dtiu^hterMbf-James fisceted and divided among foreigners
and fetrang&s. ' Neither in free America
4kiirnec^aiy'that -Catholics shall band
was arranged. Uy this act the Stu- themselves together in secret organiza-
tj . . J.flf vi o resist .the tyranny of haughty
b .t )jwta*rp ‘ and oppressive landlords and theirdis-
-ahnupon it rests the title of tth.ebpmbntj ton^ Hdaate men. *uU
Queen, Victoria, and her*hears, to the plow rioiii-.v v» 0. I -
-mhJLtt*,! -ff-.v >. -f.v/ gaiteem odT ’ f^l« stiHowever.much Protestants may rejoice
”7(7*., . - , . triumph of the Revolution of
1 Mamies H receiVed aia ftete mnce; 16ggin England, the local quarrel in Ire-
andhi8 Irish.Qatholic subjects aidliered i an d between Protestants and Catholics
...^[faithfully 10 him in liis adverse is one that originated in erroneous states-
fortunee,'until conquered and final- manship, and they cannot, if properly en-
. lv subdued by William of Orange lightened, approve the polio, of the
lor. «£ Boyne Water., ..a,it™ ul«r.o-.j or the Eibbomaeu in at
English annals as 1\ illiam III). eon- war from which the organization re-
fiseated the lands of the vanquished su ited, waa to a great extent a war on
; imd!. liientnr' 1^ld I, .nAld: aooount of religion, and, dsewhere
.throughout the‘British Empire, wrought
pgiise aiidliuiet among religious seeta-
tifibs' to kh 1 ; detent not: befere known in
jCkriatendppi,; W feefewt'lto’.mistaken
policy <rf William of Orange afflicted the
and their descendants with nn
■ fl 4ri8h .lords apd gently ha^
-m. bered,.tp the . forjtunjes. 1£ ^jf ir j
ni qodivided . them am.oug ,
and English followeis^uaudt .pstab
lished the Church of England oVCf*
[tid, 'whereby CatboliCs i W ! efre 00m-
•L-tipT !* .t-iyfyi, A : .v.^
.11 .T
Protestant religion, *. 1 j
pulses of human nature, in tlxwe Tb bring the case borne to the people
-.: times of religious intoleranpe, the of the conquered South; considering how
Jn c iU ‘lOiito llesmiii bti:vw td t .vor hue t in*
Jn accord Vith the' inhqrant lift.-,
that, with each passing
.Sayi. ^ intensified the hatred of
the oppeemed for their oppressors.
•visio^ ,b^in^ wpm enforced, by
Commissioners appomted fqr,, that
purpose. , The Constitutional objec
tion to l th I d , oiik no 11 greater than to
the h others' 'ihsiSfi thiit the*
A Brooks county correspondent of the
Savannah Republics, writing under
date of the 10th inst., says : In this sec
tion for the past week or ten days, the
weather has been unusually warm and
the rains much less frequent. Planters
are fighting the grass manfully and crop
prospects are brightening. The crop of
cotton will fall far short of an average
one, owing to the large area of low lands
that has been drowned out and aban
doned, and which could not now be taken
in hand and saved, on account of the
hold grass has in it. The lowest estimate
I have heard is that the crop is cut off
one-third ; some say one-half. But with
good seasons from now on, and no cater
pillar to do its work of destruction, and
a late fall to allow the weed to fruit well
and 'mature, there will be more of the
pie made than for some time has
seemed possible. I heard a large planter
in Jefferson county, Florida, Major B.
W. Bellang, say last week that the largest
.crop of cotton he ever made was of a year
like this, and that it was so grassy and
the ground so wet the middle of July,
that he regarded itadmost useless to con
tinue his efforts to make anything, but
at that time the rains-ceased, good sea
sons-followed, frost was late coming land
a large crop was made. If the planters
will but continue to “work at the pumps”
the old ship may yet come out of the
storm wijh colors flying, and all find their
labors rewarded. There will be a suffi
ciency of corn made; no starvation this
year, cotton or 1 no cotton.
J . i t ■ >- > -< *
; The Ku-Klux Piccaninnies.
of a-:*'sickly 1 • mind> andt; 1 disap
pointed ‘ > ambition;’- would*’ thafc the
Nationalc Beniocraey was incurably
;aflfectediiwith tlie disease. :i* -.ui f
'- Itis said," and*«tisi* doubtless true;
that ? tike fBemocracy- of the North
ynd'iWest frill dictate to the party,
the platforia upon which it will! enter
the Presidential contest in 1872. It.
is, therefore, useless to.discuss issues
w;e are powe^ss ( to affeet. or { control.
r_- — ** - ' 11
The, contest.- frill he made
^m^sitio?! of power,;
than for the dismthrallmeut. pf thfr
white race at the South. tJonscitiri
tion'al Hg^its will bfe assorted, and con-
stitutiorial > checks .aaiid , : obligations
rbcognizcd aldne, whibh. will not an
tagonize the t popular prejudices pf,
tlie* Nidrfchdni;;miassesj iand* when we
in the hearts of opposingpartiej?ir, a i \ -‘M< lattehi\»ffhat..tib : e people df-(the-Nomt
It to to to regretted and tomentbd imd-Wtrt.toO*,*&(lt*to,:ra!oiistnie-
ttoti Orangemen *' have .'W* * tK«,«^««ae 8 .nJe, ;nftmtt 1 q P ft:«li the
x *1 - * xc„j* /oi'gamcilaWiOf-the jianfl, .but they re**
to, Vffyafct t^ 1 ^ * -q ^atd.them; necessary,,ifori. thie prescri
from - its very nature,. :; .^§^pnpt jyatitauxof/thdljtliiiioni! iahii theyimiist
be transplanted and made to*’flourish: Oj^,be:lValidifiQd>liV ‘purtjapepptance in or-
American soil, upon the Attention of o?j{, ides-toieeurefotlnsuCoesq^rT^Thejiiwhy
people; and that the '.Ribboumeri .and whsteyour time;in i the discussion of
their sympathizers have jgjgge An jmattete! beyond> dm control.
restrain/themselves:-from ..uaiawfuL vio-. /know* tbfe:>I)eihocracy’ Of -,the ;j l Sputh
leheh. 1 Yet; notwithstkndihg‘ ithe*4hreitf-i jW>1L. supfpatt «the candidate - afr the
ened mob, ! it' was righli i£ Gov. 1 ti6ffiman National Democracy, because, there
Chief ol Bolio6,-tKetem.*io.i ! itiS!UM ! >®4 W>n4
procession of ‘^)raite0!ii6tt*> on• £li^-12tli' *jii ).^ 11 ;ifri»•,
of onr' ^ree;' ihstitntiofi^i l jto^fgi|lMd '^ ’ 1
peaceable, ,,'jaffl^cqpl^;;
,^e r^m^ih hatr^meled
I . - .j M a, ;retw«lhS 9*.,-PS^ ; and
whether, their objectbetorgivCrUj^anee ^stiqe, .frW 4 * 4 *
hpfWOTdidr 1 act topolitifcalimsi’.redigiQn^j
sentiments^in accord with, or opposed to, ’
the sentimenfa of/any’pioi^ty ^f^ebop^j
munity. The Itibboninen pqd
pathizers erred in disturbing oor.*? even.
ii||gapirt|^H< ( '^WMfli&r or
hot' tiie Authorities en(eii Mi«
respective religious views,
feeling of religious* intolerance*) thalip
.W.. ....
^j^L ( (Mthe
ly, gain'd and
The Quitman (Ga.) Banner tells how
Infants drowned a baby,” in the follow
ing manner: “A horrible affair occurred
on a plantation six miles west of Quit-
man: on last Friday, by which a colored
infant, eighteen months old, lost her
life-' The infant aforesaid was left at the
“Cabin in charge of an older sister, some
five years of age, whilst the mother went
to work in a neighboring field. Soon af
ter the departure of the mother, two
colored children, aged about six and eight
years, from another cabin on the same
plantation, pnt in an appearance, and de
sired the little nurse to accompany them
in quest of blackberries. She told them
she could not leave the baby, but that if
they (the visitors) would take her (the
baby) to the well and drown it, she would
go with them. They instantly seized the
child, one taking hold of its head and
and the other its feet, carried it to the
well and gleefully cast it in. The moth
er-soon after received intelligence, of the
affair, but, before she could extricate the
child from the water, life was extinct.
The children were arrested, but immedi
ately discharged, as it was evident from
their youth, they were not legally respon
sible for the serious crime committed.”
, Paying for the Whistle,
‘ t prders have been issued from the Cus
tom House and other Federal offices in
New"'York, levying a tax of five dollars
on all subordinates whose salaries are be
low §1,000 per annum, and ten dollars on
all whose salaries exceed that sum. The
Order creates a good deal pf squealing.—
The small fry complain that they have
been taxed for New Hampshire and Con
necticut within theiast four months, and
the new tax is rather steep for a new en
rollment of the Grant party in New York,
in which they have no interest. Several
of the victims said that if Grant was re
nominated they would resign. Reason
ing from experience, they knew that they
wouldn’t have any of their salary to‘take
home home to their families, as Grant 1
would want it alL .ft m <■[ t [
mEmp-s news
Special Splies tjtiielii,
By Atlanta and Nashville News Agenoj
ni Allof ’wb/ mil
domestic? “News.
Kmiiit or (/u.riof.ijY;
t-*'- fi-::{((pq su iNtefr Yoke!, July 14.
- Two.more of jke rioters^rq-deejd^n
Mayor Hall assqmes.tuo wlioje respon
sibility of Kelso’s olrderVicrrbilldfug 1 the
Orange procession, and argues.. that the
result,proved; the,.wisdom of Kelso’s.or
der. ' 1 "" 111 - "* u * {•
Tlie Police Commissioners, l)emocrat-|
io and Republican, were unanimous in
favor of Kelso’s orders. . ~
The Tax Collectors of Missouri seized
thirteen Iron Mountain Railroad, engines
and % lot- pf lurpboc. A?elonging., to, • the
Marine and Dry Hock Company, and
property of theNorfh MisSbliri Railroad,
for non-paymfenfc of taxes, liffootfivhq
T^e g^Ad , jury propose^ to indict the
rioters for murder, and tlie writers of in
cendiary speeches' askccessolies.. wn /.
i*..i. /.Iun • New* iE , o , ak, < iluly 14.
Tlie’ city(fceifc'ain3 Veifr qinot, v; as''l&haL
Three additional -deathsbaYe occurred—
.tiie victims pf jthe -ripti . . r „
It is ascertained that ndt’-a'‘single Or
angeman was in j urSd * during thcriotl*
^ijThe itptal humber io!, liyea. lost, will
reach about fifty. 0 _ .
The assertion of Archbishop l! Mc-
Closkey, that ho throne ini Europelis safe,
unless the Pope * u >restpred, is • cheating
considerable remark, and a strong .anti-
Cath’olic'feelingly being excited. fU ' -
o-’ , no i (111 i t - iN-Efr YoEk) JulyNli.
A tlm^vstpry brick hou$e,;. on Newark
Avenue, Jersey City, occupied by Terbine
Bros;, house furnisher's, was ddstrOye'dby
lire this morning. • The families living in
:'™ a 5«;
Six more deaths hate occttited^fiji to 2
p. m. to-day. . Several funerals: hdve tak
en place,,one of whichj^as .attended by
the Lodge of Hibernians ifi foil regalia.
v . It is’ how believ'ed , 1 ‘that if the'Yttfoops
had not fired when they did tbera wpuld
have been greater Rouble afterwards.
, Long Hbaxch, July 14.
Col. Fisk, of the' 9th regimeufcj ' who
was wounded, telegraphs:fromNCW York
to Barney, at this point,, .that he,--had
been killed and was ^covered, wi th honors,
and tp purchase a lor in -Wbodtifrifioem-
etery to buiy him in, and not to consider
the expense. 1
Singular Freak of the Storm
lev! axil :ii i t ;od .uiiT¥^*!n- (iiaiiul-^fl 1 1
r-_ Thb storm which passed over our 1 city
on Monday‘afternoon played wild antics
on a gentleman’s plantation in Beach Is
land, South Carolina. Two adjoining
fields, each containing one hundred acres,
surrounded by e high, strong, and per
fectly new rail fence, were planted one in.
corin' and -the other in. cotton, both of
which were* in splendid order and grow
ing finely. . A perfect hurricane, accom
panied by a deluge of rain and hail, swept
over these! two fields, leaving the sur
rounding country literally untouohed.
The com was completely riddled by
the hail, the fodder being rendered unfit
for pulling, and the cotton battered and
beat-down in such a manner that the
owner is afraid that it is ruined past re-;
demption. The fencing, which was as
substantial as all fences can be made, was
prostrated to the ground, while a large
hickory .tree, which had stood in the field
for many years, was tom up by the roots;
Severalother trees were blown down’, and
the area presents the appearance of hav
ing been swept by a besom bf destriic-
tion. ' Not a drop of . rain fell in the*
neighborhood.—CcnstUutionalisl, -I2th. U-> r
■-.toifr.c'.if-u on*
« The Biot ,1^-atu.,
New York, vufjKii.
E. L. Carri, well known' :ts the lender
of the. Hibernian sociBties^'iatd beindic-
1 for conspiracy to create a riot The
Grand Jury also intend to indict all rio
ters .who were caught * firing at * thei * pro
cession, formurffeiv. Mr..Carri informed
some of the. city. officials that 8,00$,. Hi
bernians had armed therhkclvesj that in
case , the [Mayor declined, ' to interfere,
they would stop tfie Orange parade and
trouble would ensue. Curri holtfe. the
office of Past Warden, " a pbsltfon Worth
§8,000 a year, , .which* he' obtained
through the influence of Mayor Hall,
who regarded liirn 1 hii an infiikbh'feial rep
resentative . of -the Irish people:! j 11 kfi
The scene after the soldieE^.fired on
the corner of 8th avenue and 24ttostreet
was enough to makh the stou'teSfc''heart
quail and tqrnsick.,, The,dead W d,dying
lay thickly strewn upon theblo.ody pave-
teente," and the ''terir"gutters rali with
gore; , Within twenty feet of-the muzzles
of.the, muskets, with, upturned ..counte
nance, , over t wliich the gray, color of
death Was stealing, fay well d¥^ssed
ntim; with blood Muring.from hts-breast.
Jiist beyond him lay -another, dead.—
Iri frdnt of a liquor Atbr'C, Whb ? ffie ^hots
were firbd at the soldfiers; ihgtrhalf tu Score
e much 01 a .
—*qW-~ Jnre axirataiuffltoyi of c ? 1 ^liich shotild.
the guards, to fire, indiscmqrpfttely:u^9ft •^e^e'lbu^-todei'CkrefuI^andlserious
the mass of people in the streets of Newi >^iiri'd(^itiofi. ! Jt frill be -far: better
York, on Wednesday, fhrthfer- J details toe ‘'forth
necessary to efitteie fis to dqj^j-ipihe; - ha *defehse'riof r the
Let Protestants and Galhqlics.o^ ^very righta*hh'd‘ iliteiteste ‘bfthe people <Jf
degree have a care that'.theriots^iwhich ’thAState a!^i£nst'the frattdtrlent* and
bf '“rajltiohd; rifigs 'ahd
duly excite tiiem
have cMled forth^this ariael6) do^feefc! r , .. ..
' “ ' ' ” " inbikfitibhBjj tlian*to* suspect
' 'dud* fa&dube the' character;
bf' a than.' whose pa-
un ecommg fidblic i^has^^vfer'beerf'questioned,
£md' ! frhtise , *delehrify; 11 rf 'Tidtt in our
the demonstrations of %e Orangemen in opinion' ^mmeiiSurate with) certainly
a partisan point of view,, time alone can'« hppifexJtriateM^r pwh‘? 'although ’in
disclose. A suspicion is rife in some so doing we might so shape'the poli-
quarters that their demonstration in this ties, of the Democracy of this State as
country is Uncalled for,’ bU f d ^jpai^ttef ;‘4‘j
plot founded upon the known.implate- H --- , _
bility of the thh hatred of. the 'Prb^ctiv^'irh^^States^;-'^
Ribbonmen for them and‘the excitability /Jha^Qp'
of the Irishmen, to^ prOTok©' 1 ^ mob Shelby Cditiity, 'A$ti.y i {futd6f July 6th*
violence, that may-be pointed -teas an .eatfor x&f+tiL
~:^*~**.’*>.«*** » hi.
had not Gov. Hoffmon stowed the b "T&“!
pjeliuperial ParUa-
°rasion Ins opponents frbul ment whati in his opinion,'would be the
a hueand cry against him ovemjng condition of Alsace P and Lorraine three
a sacred right ofyears hence, he ^repUed that he did not
to the ptejUdiceff of^he Bfoh^iq |to trouble his mind,
' The Bedford Sentinel says: ;“We learn;
that for several years a Mormon mission
ary has been sent every summer to this
region. A few weeks ago four families
‘emigrated from Franklin to Utah, and it
is rumored that one from Bedford wili
soon follow. These families were indue
ed to emigrate by the prophecy of one
Elder E. W. East, who, writing to some
of* them; says: ‘There will be distressing
times in this nation before the close of
1872.i Yes, worse than that witnessed in
the late civil war.’”
if-.disfigiired bodies, jQjm man.^jtb 1
ace all shot awgy^was rolling from si
agony, Near
face _
to side in speecllless.
hfm* were 5IBH dtb4i« frit kj‘Midi? brains
protruding frOfoiOiof holes in their heads.
Not far away a consumed heap of female
apparel marked a woman shot through
•the head: qfoa partly
fallen upon twu. men.-who * lay near her.
JSsBattlCtf 11
Fronr this suddeiF burst of fiery ven
geance, .thq, mob. Jffcd ip- the wildest dis
may. Tlie front of thqliouse from which
tue doubly fauu'snpts werofire'd^whs mark-
edfrdmtoofte iyaB^meritwritli c bidrd£^: J For
at few minutes Ilia iSntare-prqcasssajm stood
.rileujly,p» waiting ■#. ^ene wal Iqi t};g attack;
dyihg-'fvli^re they fell, the line of march
*unkresnmed)itoibe)no!Eiore opposed.
liv-Tbe A|nes,ip:pf4oft-n ^fcofNashyille.
uoO oiJO:.*uii.-.»'i ainfavig wteaal fa
tfrttofou EOR-EIGiVJ^JfcEiVYS.aoii
' ^ouffon^rmST'an^ihe
J' 'iioiipON, Jul^Ib—Th^ ^jP/ffii^^fcakes
tiie-NeUh York-' r riJt ; th^ktlxt i '?tlritS c lopic
upon* the condition.* offi affaSi-s imlfoland,
which^fonclud^.;^^ Jri^ 3 feu^s are
axe as .implacable in, America as xhey are
telre^ud, : knd'm8te. ^ipfinJ^^fosh-
fiieii iff list - ask' thefiisebfefr^frlfefHer the
Irislf f/Mute tsbot* TfiogEj-h'efepbgfeible for
the? troubles In’ TfelaUd than its’ c ffi&Srule.
biiq ortt -iol'-iia^mbiioc
We hear of a singular adventure with
a snake which happened recently in this
county. A gentleman was riding to a
country'store with a basket of *eggs on.
his arm, and finding a large black snake
of the constrictor species lying across the
road, he attempted to ride over it. But-
the serpent not disposed to be treated
with such indignity, wound itself around
toe horse’s leg and tripped him, throw
ing his rider and his eggs in a mass on
the ground. The snake, frightened at
the calamity to the eggs, let go and ran
off, and the man gathered himself up
and did likewise.—Lexington Gazelle.
Iz annpqnced, rtfjal : tfe jnmfglieis of
the. Cppimuno iyill .^Ujb^
Areeste ofiHpmmupistg contmuer n - c
, The editorials of tbc.jpipm'ars. ajpjmain-
ly r devoted to .the Jispuripcih. ap
proaching municipal (-l.-ciinus which
aMrakr " “ "
‘■New Departures” perhaps, ;in three years the world will
■ “• - -- have oeasediiojfijiatir o voi I>xffun ' ‘
‘In this day wh^i .
are so rife, the brains df ^ political; - trick
sters are busy in eoncoeting seheuies of ‘ r *' .—•* **s : ■
aggrandizement, and it ‘-‘the’price of “Grace Qre^Mfqod” will spend the
libtrty” to waten them. ,ji/ “ summer in California and Colorado. 1
< • . - ! I!?:*'*. W aiaf "ill -illwool i sml hatsf?: 'f;v?T
ix- io Jjom.-^ x ^..iniij o-ji/ ic ... a hfta srli hna no;;.*. *.
Ji ,'Pabk,"’Jqfy, this
.evening adopted the cla use oX tlie .budget
relating to the ti'catyf withqtlie, Rank of
Parish for raising the„. loan,,,Hroyfeion is
made for the indenuuhcatjpriibf.theJiauk.
, Lxteb, 2 p.- M.—A'-temlfI§,^?pjosion
has just occurred, Hi'alnng a gr^gt.part of
| the city foundations. The ppvyaftf- mng-
Boston has decided to tovo to-r t- *‘^ ^ J/ .^Sttoon?
^‘'/J* v. J0 . i ~, • Widespread.--j The! authonU^s ^yedis-
A Panama feiLcx-say a -i.c ueoaica ai-ebl^-patohed troops to thqscqpef MtfM coo*
be expelled from Gantemala.
Mr. Seward has gotten to Constantino
ple. He was received there with great
Mrs. Laura Fair is reported to have
said: “If poor, dear Crittenden were
alive, be’d get me oft’* " 1
Mrs. Ebenezer Wilson, who died in
Hoboken last week, aged 90, was a sister
xf General Wool.
jactured the explosion was qaiieedby dis
affected Communists.', ^odriiool edJ
r i -:.... . .JLaUx.fteonn th*
a-jiiusiq oa -i ?«. -IiBKi'^rulfflL
m.At the magusino'explosion tlmty were
•killed - - and - many—WOimdecl_Zd Tftere is
great:'excitement,"andnlauy .si;.qx?ct the
Communists. s t .ion zi . q
Another coalition 1 of* Orb unlstn and
Legitimists oo4n*red‘in the AsA'mbly to
day to depose Toiti i.'