The Weekly sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1872, July 19, 1871, Image 6

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TITO. 'DATLY -^JtT^RDAT -fioKXEW.; '.T. W. 5. . jlTLT 16. fln^» <Pfj|p»ft. __ j li^lfi.SuwUtJalCottoll. :rvnr7. any The Democratic party ha*), at tliia time, very pressing need of converts. It can not ailord ttM>e a persecuting party. It cannot afford to scourge men for their opinions—to repel them on account of their antecedents. It should be a party of conciliation, offering fellowship to ad who are willing to help it in its effort to restore the country, its Constitution and its peace. That Mr. Stephens pursues a different spirit is pretty conclusive proof of his indifference to the Demo cratic party, and that he finds no better support to his peculiar notions than a comparison of his and Dr. Bard’s careers is equally cogent evidence that his cause is intrinsically weak. — Louisville : [Ky.) Courier-Journal, 11th July. '- ■ ( q A few wordsin reply to the Couri er-Journal ; ciO JC U ir.-'i'. .zi « The Democratic party should pht- sbe the policy “of conciliation.” They should offer “fellowship to all who are willing to help them in their ef fort to restore the country, its Con 1 its peace.” . *3 • i m i This is exactly our view of the sut>« v! ject 1 ; hut this does not mean, in our understanding of the terms, that the | are the | seems as^f g?rand prime w^ich., is- sweeping over the counfry were abmif le question now is. en &&&$ &? It to becomftmoi^wicfecnfclydevdbped^in ° TheJUd^OftfrkVjb&uiiercial and Fiij cial ChronidefiH^e 8th gives the follow-J ing report of 7ths;v®ibfe stjppiy *x}f cotton on Friday night list:’ «d tiev-ssoofl j 187L -°S1870. Stock inLiverpbol,bales 716,000 674,000 the faiT Bex. A few weeks ago; press and, people iwe oUgog inver iihe i trial of LatDfflp Fai^, ftfhSCh^Hvfth' its dis : gusting details, attracted so much attention- from the; Atlantic to the Pacific. -Fofltftfirig “tins ip.; quick succession, comes a report, from New teE^ho is accused of no less tiwifiYe childnen. fi.Theitypes had bmelyyfeWedthbfi^ifiliffession a.-Jittunfr g.T s^xfifrianoio^: '-,--.a 1 in>i this £iine»: eMMa#n0tbebra c>Mp.| | Henry ;••Whart0fti i ul, afl o ftcboifiplished; move in high social circles, has hoc-n murder of Eugene Vdjitifeas.c*!The| Sherman, ‘‘jfeSgfSiWgJ- ' etican).. - - „qi m isnnod ^mata-ace-jofi eqtunad have Democratic Party, in order to restore! UtafepiJHBU — , u* ithe Constitution; should themselves Jft to rf 4V.o 1 ftwfnl (!nonorn T/i .rrialcp’nnp hlnsh bfecome conciliated to the adoption and 'sanction of the principles and that snohiihingsishould.pdcw in the usurpations of their opponents, which have made such sad work in tumb-1 century ^hej^bstdJte^PYSr iseeni' . V ii t JiM “frm piece-meal, ridge-pole, • roof, rafters and walls of the grand I chargrt tj$ a ^ laid old Constitution which housed our fti- j at rilooiii* ftfin,lronfan;jrahow ertiesf’ ahd which, if not arrested [many ^(^"crte^^'-sbatW less JUU^T£PH£NS AND TUB NEW lOIlft T ' f' P -o no ita ti' tent od bDHNCJPoo b dona - -*([j —-Ui-rT ■■■aUl—'JssW SB l ^iM^.tlMJ. jPaperea.Safa v y t - M __ nwdf> ..From the f Weatche8ter, P*.,Uemocrt. r „ •; j L ;0 -J em non. Alexander h. stephkns. Right 0 f. Self-Govemmeut The announcement that the Hon. Issue. ■ C0 ^.K I f --f- g fe ' of the^ohticall ^ the Stock-in Glasgow i -> Stock in-HavreJ.' Stock-in Marseflles: slSi^Sc'ontioent I delight by the press of both parties Afloat forGneatBritam- .no Jxiodjio: ..J p sections., 7 -/to,.Jact it ^rgues . (American) c; iuL j.i.^fiilO.%500 ?r95,000 : we)l fe the future of -th.e; country Afloat for France (Am- .000,o7f&. When:-men- of Such - ability s and erican and Brazil). „ 0 4^6QQ 7 y 21,[character as the Georgia ■ states- ^ t s&ifcihlt gL e^cwriaA,'‘consent‘to 1 take the 1 editorial Total ^ian Cotton ’ 1,1 h ““ J - FeW P nMic fa -■afloat tor Europe..:. 523,660 '401,546 this country are more respected or Stdfikm’Uhited warmermaBdep.iadnurers ports 180,514 154,062 then the sage of Liberty.Hall. His Stock misled .tovfpsu--* 17,954 34,0®B j ihflyience will i be. tfelfe not- in Georgia - x ’ ’. „ a and the ^outh alone, but throughoii^ ■Total.-Av:-A:....1,898,889 l,569,8w[wholecountty,aridbisSalutatoiy, npHasm ■! 60ffibale& bomparbd of 1870. -04:5 The CTowucte^estimates the it consumption this yea ’ _i lows: In B6glahd,tah „f ianUHjiLM. and a big wig p . H0 * Diogenes’ habit was a_wash-tub, warm .in'sum filer kb d winter', idol/l siiigit 9fL TffsV^o^ ' buiv ibt}{&71. Shaksh’etttiEffiJ baliitSiare various. He Eurrou .rStafi correapon- appeap, in eab.s o»en as any ™ r . dent quotes your interrogator “On wliat issries shah, go the-fight w In perienced in any other, ofier \y9rd8, ( ^ut tq t^e 8ame: «Seoti the gir Walter Scott had a passion for question ia»i/fSb«Uifte EedeKfl;iGovern- Sqptq^ ha^^q. Ii5 q 9 (j j^fT iuent bftoojnesupremo <Jver the-Sfcates by , a ;5ep ^rapkliula ebi^ habit, : wag early whachitwasiirealod?:j,^laH-thC-Grekture I W9^vtrjuome<l lo 7jL>j>J . To.ihjMoore,.was. addicted;to ^j^eanng joi the Greeii. , J rotal./.dqV^^ 1,898,889 1.559,890 ^ ,» g co"%“M gives evidence that it ,rilU>e exerted r^31 pjj.1 the‘ best mterests of . the covmtry arid the 1 perpetuation, of. republican bscemrijscftOrfeigh ; over : the Creators; - ” f) if , ; u“fiis£<5ry •^ripe^dm^ ^itself^ has ‘bAriorft© dpbM^'ofihihsif Mif^rfeErrief'jri^d'most' habit.. M Al 11 ^ ** mL Z'-lfejriwti' ,had'[a- hatiii'o'f V« rik^ty^wnich prifciime hmxye „ „ , rJipyaBSts.^fiSetefityiBixi! in the 1 ; JAbn Biihj/ah’s^ha^t wps a cell, ^uring Bevolutiorit CJolohieSy the severalbfhis kuthdrshipi 1 ' [^lufaon^ahngeJootft^yolhmo ;ijus:adthofs'haVe;MOPpeVd 'i^bdri'dwed halfitBiii** hiiiJ ”gi>u orfi 14 bj> ’ ob I i; Most authorefefees have 1 a ridingihikbit. -U Charles r Dicke r fiS ,J ehi^ 'iiSbrf *#aa to and condemned by the people^ wfllTblOOdy," nave lead inevitably to its entire destruo-I the r.s&mhT ^aA'c.ounlt,n t duri^ the non. T,;;’ To be thus conciliated, wonld bea j ^7^ Most^ndous blonde^ « I -1 r egregious folly on the part of the De-1 " ;T * mbcnujyi'" 10 ''.»..,|pers, during the lasfc^thneeximopths, -wv! 1 We are for conciliating to our pwtiwiiMNiywawiiniii-iiiiriiflit«nm« c»;; ■t.ur. fT: lhzation i^mdihorahty; which uit % ciples of the Government; and I diffidult ib 11 ^^^’^^ 11 - ,n hl!u 1 L for eudeaypring, by eveiy t j’ 10 19c. for November and Decefifber. regard to the decrease of the excess in w^. Partoii isn’t vety‘Uafft^tilaE^aWoiit his oa^uwingTtauf 1 mm SS£|;‘ nd pnWic man, bus become »;wni^tayu I'tonR np twelve weelrs which woulii indicate an propaetor and coasdltol- offte.At-: ffu'-jm, [fnmi1i||H«iliW TWflllll'lllllli’ avOralge increase m consumption of tweu-1 lapta, ,bCJf,.and. proposes, perhaps, to T , w JL*.A*3irf.xV t-D ru ! -i^^f»-fiTi - t -* - - ’ Br6t _Hai;tri has made- a wonderfully tyteight: thousand bales a we6k. 11I i. J-j-- >woJj. Governor Hoffman’s Letter, i hu ia^ttliwfa U» Whaatirai Joij • thc bttgnio ,^4 %aBB(fvphdea H „. the covmtay of its “Constitution WlalT JIRSni. avdn..; - J* .ui[i»Wflllft» rf-'Bollfe But the OmnerJmnua flhouU-L^tapn H » ^ Constitution can flf ita 8a Lti^“f SsSeimlng a,...,never be restored, end the blessings l68s pi U «. wl d;ltirt'4dv^ble? :- Has she by adopt c.T.appioii Q , and sane j a j^y t 0 embrace it? ,'These are I th®e e acnlegions acts, from ^ q5e rti^, and yet there etc | « Present troubles arise. , g 0odl ^ onB ^w shonid be p4 I 'This is not a case in which “the r „,.„d.d ~”" ,x 2 | ' hair of the dog will cure the bite.” i,,The tMi« i vfas ’^lfei} L I ^^he^WI itoelt. must ty©; nated before there can be any reason- shed in violence, sent a shiver of'hor- | *•« Able hope for healthful action in the rbr is I r ^iwstrationof Constitutional Gov^f^tQ&^iKi^mbe^edun i»« ernment. ■« r. , . ., j.jr , • | uuu uuuuiwiuug _uip.pi4Mv«;i| TirwTf- -.^earaw tt ww*.Mv> v-v — Walt.'Whitmsiri’k' ^iiUpikind. iiiexpen , As a part ol the ^histor^^r tne I pies advocated by Jefferson, Madison^ ClubsiujiFraiioetjanother.' >-Are( we fore- ; peiisiv'e attire i,: Leaves of Grassi,*’ shdcki 'we . place before our readers Monroe-and the fathers, in the purer dobiied td I iiVb i flfiaert'thfe drislpot&m of'A the;modesty-of^ many people.'- tlus, f we S k ? A iPPrtiqn of this document, days of the "Republic.” We weleohte’ ti&obim 'imd& ~ ‘ Yfiktetm m connection with the Mr. Stepliehs to the field of journal-^™ utterances of-the Pennsylvania De- j ig^ 'jjnd expect frontilils able pen ,a mocracy in the late address of the I series of ' papers on the policy of the wt ^‘ n ni- ‘Executive'Committee; ivbich will be [Govei'riment and 7 the mahageirrimt cJ ^»»»-appears once, a week!in a Iwilft pA out first|ia|e, gives a tnore parties, 1 the equal ‘qf whiplfhave not the pMgl^ffe^U. ihew,,^g>^.-habU!.>.r t; tud . .[qm-D :uhrr-»n hopeful aspect ’to our cause/; $onie [.appeared since ‘^he! FederaffirAvas. ,cp r ruBi!ii.d‘Fern Leases: are fcheiprincipfil habit of our Democ^tic cotemporaries haVefwriitjen.; The Sun,, is indeed fortp- ^ 0 A9P,^tsfj., T Are r jar ) e. tqi "frfcWfigWWWhS# authoreae.obour day. been temporarily kd away by the - n ate, and we predict that its influence deprived, qf-the! ;,;^o^ ; gay^iUbave togetuntoariother filial lure of expediency. This was| au d power will heneeforth be’^'felt isA^-^pyerpment -in the Btatesf Little,breeches -aaJeabput particularly su in haStMihg ; back>' and the ! iriju^np S: riLstern ; nia^' ?,<Wffijog-'eteoia<?n : PL,ia72'. 1 We hail with pleasure the co*opera- j fj 5 yet .s^$hund8D3£Thave been tbc ... tion of all who "have heretofore I facilities for, such. that it (through “error or alarm”) acted with would be no matter- of wonder if a the Tynbinfl in bringing, these change had come over her,.an^ ( ,she i ’ troubles upon the country, and who had abandoned^ to some extent, her , : are now; willing to join us in our e f -' s °ffer sensibilities, and become some- forts to redeem it and rescue free i_, stitutions in the present day of perii,t®^ < ^ u ft es •*^3*6 all siich we give a cordial hand! W7>$>vfif jafe$ op hoiariq ^he; ,, . , Atlanta, (Ga.,) Sun containing thq y ’lb^ si^rt 'of the pnnci-1 salutatory of itS'new political editor* mnM wbichl u xhfe^^«oyern- Hoiiy.Alexander H.i Stephens,ithe lateilv?^^ n ?ayoh^.PUUunedAUp into.'oner^Gpw , ! ’ r r ,, . . ft? it ~ *i't .Viee^President of the Cpnfederateii¥^/B4^45 f ?5e8^in8t fladicatismit hurt' cated out of that beautifuT seiiSibih ^U ) ftitg ]> its^it»[^^^^W^4^.^nh^|ste^es ! Government, hnd^afajKhbL of{d-i;m a assd p.tnnoo siU ’Q&mt&ld of “fellowship” whenever they show] Perhaps^i^ydRgyiibe.ohaj'gedt-that< toitlieotequinqnieiitis .ofitheiChHiStitti^J^relComqHim-intoithetohks, 10 that they are imbued trith the right uone but jm-^t^bcopW ' spirit: and are earnest in their eonvie- slu ’^ S gteat afrciai cafanuty as is ind^, ^;. a /;Li , ^ 1 ji'ridAo‘^Tll i& :0 Snbifefcts n0 lltrn1 ’ 111 ^ new lions of the magnitude of the danger|«te4:.*^n,P« v ^sti6Mtten( ! |'Castatesm'ai Mr. ejepbe pjipuientp b fl ^h, tl ?Ki» 9 H^'bfeng^i A | sebehli Wifo'ifiah-iff^r that Ibugo-ss of ruin which ^adnoadftiiivfioaiieii^p^, nuhiii; in favor of’a'laudation of lliatl cminection'Av^h- lfit -SlmdSt' a" such rai/id steps iu the United StatealfliPlMfi^'ninr^ui d?*) SZ'imJtM ive years. Wd art b$ no I mthiwhieh womanis name .(6ccurs in [j^gB y ol eiltS^reJ/thbse U' support u or oivino- the sanction , ul toa°si«gicone of ita .a [Progress,.. 1 /‘/otirApprotol *■ huge, gigantic and portentous strides, 81,111 We LSn g v , ,• a . v Tlffo _ 1 _imatte»'dKfetlejt Abbve all things'else ;of onreommon liberties, but "ttaly : opposed to the Democracy ever bemgl 5koqsh - ^ themselves conciliated, to the approv-j 3#ey,( goftia -Vill have lost its foundation stone and? our society wilJoTbaye !j sunken 11 to'#- level al of Radical piinciples, policy or ‘progress. This is about the difference between I us and Dr. Bard, as well as between ais and the Courier-Journal, and all . r -,-— &c.“Xew Departnristsrif.we W undersand their positions^ .-.too ’ r * — -- — , - J —- t * The San Francwoo (California) BUbeliti Sure Pop Sure Lnousli. devote the remainder of his life to the Pmiiamerifc f 'o¥ Eh’glsihd‘All;'history ,• ■ noble* work of “bringing baok the P.#^ ' •o; [Government to the ’ andient ’iandv, ' marks, arid J! nrain:tainin'g the prmey %^gwm^SP#anoej the Jacobin :diency. This was au d power will heneeforth be ’felt Pennsylvania andllthrougliout the lSnd: ‘It hanSt iet it§ hd< llOUGSi lli liSArWf olitfto Aton^+liio ' ^'U!Tn>l»A unite to grow m (Strength and,»pflit T .J the/.dai’k,, in search bfiithel fos^'Me* ih 1 ence, when by pursuing a temporizing parture.” .Do[ 911-/7; oi itj ' - > ^ policy it would have become com— rj-rfmvaWd f-llurVnviTin. Tenn r HiTa/ilriniij iridy 6thi; T.l/xfrJvr /larmwvolv?7j»A-3 TTn-ffmaii waII\11 IiTiwy-t L* L.xui«LlUJi AiiiZo SiHn L. pletely dcuuntalBcda Hoffman weUlji u Wd have received the;Copy,of‘^HUi axn oiqoyq^rtrm irairA m/n?T7.' '■ht-ju says: “The danger is eminent, that | Atlanta. (Ga.A Sun containmff'tho VR* sfitution. er§nc&to tfeq j) Let us keep .the: okLushif Lcamtgspojf«- Otd and Modern loyalists. : ■■ '• ■• " " - 1 M .81 • USie tl3 Mnlranati ffyjnes and ftv?ruffe of the' “FatJCQiitnhiitQr bal f ap«;&4,plast year.-[ j effe ^ 0 n‘, andisconsequently oppos ,s'£Ss nSpit^^^i^K&n^l^spoKsm.-Wtnw^lenseaS seeSateSgnm^MntmiisifioHi'of saver-lbent.eyeirlioiauttlife.Add-.'M Botoinee. y of’ water at the Northern milfi^i^f^a^omo [Of.fheff^bW fDej^ure^ eigffVp^0^ve , ; i in;; < ffi^C6h|fWand jf^d^feedhari- is ^n an’ a^^e mer^a^e,o§^(^)p papers comment favorably , upon* thc 1 ^—ux-x.;a3oiir*T_fii3la^ 1 —__ -« mn, bales per week daring the last six months. ‘‘Salutatorv,” and we hope it may riot otaies, ©veriine people 01 eaoni tmu an „i,i 1.. . S ^u^in P r ^c; conntiy-of his valuable^^counsels^ and’ . ,--v r r ent of cotton lo-Eiverpool, the pro- J mature wisdom, is exhibited iri' ISftJMfei Th^ mm-1tod laboiious undertaking, - Wc, frimnphed 1 P. tSPfl > 1 “R® worst habit an ii^tb^r caq get UyQ.}.,.. Star- AmOTcau MU , toto Jun Sjys^&reAdSrir^^ias^ New I slM liereiS J mostanxiousfy awAifcjiuL^bUshisgitet abscdatygovormi&ent Toi*k last week wer?for’45^50 /bales at the arrival of -The Sun. oq< Of w GfliverlGromweli; saa; th;d r ' t<! Iioiig In I From-the Canton; Miss., Citizen. -%j TaSriikfidefit.^aiia & thC i&verifc^^fheauc-' 1,— Grei'elev is'' said' to liave a habit of Hon. Alexander H^Stephens, whoSe 'criss $’&e feep)qd)jp^n;p^i*£y^nj lthe,elec- sweiaririg, fcut I^ don’t, bplieye ill'a^'least I 1 x.' » / - 0 v • • •**— • ! - - 1 {nlaiAiT*' cci <r hi to • tw n'f ^ ^ u 1 ‘1 ‘ • : cess bi’tlie tion of 18’ d,Oiiyer ftromwell;. ,of far less* ability lihan tion of 1872/shall we not havrirri.secoTif/ rr saw him-tryit on, ,i l; ; ‘x,‘-h ■ .. At -a . . -ii > successful appearance iijra Ohtrieahhaibit. Mark T^n wriht ^otindl'ri x,u ——1 - -— j -o? .a long cut! itath'ridrkssed only ’in Map.'or‘J&ip ” * ’Wntf.-'Wiiilvndyiy ’ i^expc Shocks -1 it * 4iT©; wo,doomed to have,’/ the sovereignty 'e;be,-r' qf qpr several.States; taken away -from us nKl , r „ l.5 ,^1,to r ,the Lmf®%!:b3rf»Railical-President, arid hiifongiObn-' R but for our neighbor of the - r *—^ * > — - -. —t * u-1 is joshing; about rpromiscuoualy in. ire Aur [ eye nir. fi' /niri fife th^'^^1”The to its true courge, and all may yet ! differ from the Govern advriht' 6f' ^r,Stephens as 3,, journal' list'd has , created 1! a great ^ hubbub r , - , .throughout the length and! breadth of? well. We differ from the Governor^ Uj 16 .]a 11 d. l j and his'course, we art dis- hqwesveiy; *n ho.:pqys,.i “an sttorig pleated to see, has been' severfelf Ctit- Government and a strong people can-|}cMi. trttiiriely and i ( wrtrfe‘ J bv not exi^t, together”; a^ver was the n^y ^utherh ; Derrioeratic :! papers Federal Government stronger; never] We'art hot of ffiose ’ wlio denSjtfi'. 4w,tto Am^um,-,p?ftplemPrt-iPW-^Lstyphcn^ the^btrQf.speechi/nbr do erful than when.-rt conformed stnctly.|'j S p i |.gg r ^,^] lfi!S ^ e p he has takem i ^ c We ri,, I ”*■ V “' y X.X UiiV/ J. UXXbOlJLlD Upoiffnpx*^yi hp jtheisliores of Ne^ Etigkiid'^Fri the: party,. anduCYUftiPhnuld dtiaiceted '^lupaber/andi iwwridt amountjng?to<S18, [)rtseht‘’thriei fl Stored aWat^ifi' the:A : RrJ872,. it,is .pur.flhmMorivaeSoniitHatiTSli^S^pl ..consolidation and imperialism will goon! fma ttr*-![i i fc^--ruo't't bo \ GEORGIA iVJEWS.!« hue The contract "for building the first twenty mfl^fTttyritorfeand South road 1 ha3 been let Messrs. A. J. Lane & Go. .lilt” advantage by 2 aXiuijuR^'and gkill. fiocrcb.n axul m ™. * oJmjj Llas|p t .eyidenhe pf xetqrai- reiyi iacttrred.enough to inakh theiffipcwtffbkin * Iclai to e Jitheiriclass;- W< shipped neartg-fbnedimai- teugh iplaak;i,bu.t mb. l$3S»0l$I in and Messrai'JohiFTtf Grant & Co. Work] mg.g^qd times;tobi advent oil Sontoj- espotisno5 ifC)8 ):iI o; yU i [(lt r .. , StoPk^.mesyas ti gnra%, al>oy. the big^ ^, jpqhcy^cnb- blers vr%J^ 0 to fiffp the Baal of fi^qicaqjn^^^, tu.e fn pm.nn,4 a in oyer^-i,yop,uou m noopg, ^tayfiSjanainvip willbo coiumeuced in twentyda^. T™ wise man to Uie Press; a,MlofjSS 'SfflSl in Abu- /Johh' Hing,:a ^Columbus •. bahker, course we are. pleased particularly by, WJTKil to the man who knows, Jbas.mghts ! hogahfiads ! ’ :; ahd-^Miri‘ ott'# t; ex^)i^ v bf madA. k ..nnssfepi .Wedne^ayriditarndon the .assumption of m'editorship of 'mmid^rr^Miion sawed and: hewn4raibei <$>aff‘nsarta*4k- and fell, breaiang hidlegjoila yD.uonis ■ | Alex. 5, Stephens of The ATLA^rri' Ato.. u % 0>rr jsm ; .oepdecl:.«l,3QOiQOOi77Weuoinly-ifexjioxftd a a my ^ a - * . . .. ^tt^.qver ^OQ^O^prto ^ — JL n mvo rtofMlto eeooxo rti oxri Three feet is t»be the guage of the Sun. Th&geni%iau. [ has a peculiar r / u 3 \ t L j ; ., Bain bridge,CJqtii|3ety^nd« Columbus rail- fitness for sricKa posrfira, because hh q to SbpyiM §ift «u» L " A rn ^ * : ^BFUiort^ The Saridersviile r ' (?a5r^ia7i announces tutio flie ^idekth' Oflhe Hev. James W.Costin; a- vwhiph took piked last Monday.f sdT ir to rim ou^ the i:;r..,.:t 'and’.tlfe.h^i'^t, stauct; tod.killhef Bfffore it .is sent • j and the product of.-wine'in thik State ; WQ ■ ..... 11871 will not fall short of 8,000.000 gal- house had been levied on A grocery keeper whose lines were cast I Ions, while ift jtoty[TP*cb9,000,000, or pos- States MardialIa4k&re, - - -' *- -"- 1 *— ' - rui -- taonnimn rru«-«, <■ o .very CV- ay, poison oak and butternut. findifig _ 'toe , olUi auii UUTOUU . That fetched jhtotte^detnfettd 1 -kteadify te em I called it the. sheep-herders’ de-1 ertsting. oAlesding 1 WmeinoUie in nth is . ijneroKee county goes «oy,uup outfit light*, and it was a popular drinfcLThe Ujity Anarday^ mk 3 Pike 4 I trieditjoriyelled with delight; fo#r^!o*^&m0al^ g4t|M n s®ffiWflO;o60. Jhfnext one tookiwo drinks and tamed b^i^ed «.foUows: { ,To Portob^W* * ^ a double somersault in the road before Spo^lajM. to 'Liverpool, to Canterbury, A new 1 - - 1 *— the house. A peddler came along, and New Zrtlpd, _tod Amoy, China,, Alto- .feknd, herd-1 gether, the wine interest of Cahforma- TTfi-mtx/:-. -*— —r btxeootia But., little;.vis.said vin these parts . mce. It current!, reported^oaU.eetoeti .U^wSjtonMed aUlL^fepS- 1 P ' ^i»l^^.'^ »'?^^.^J!^!lc s -g C neraUy conceded mow that 6®-“ eXariderH. StephensWilLdo'Ja’lI.tiie^■ ,l ‘ J sS.(nfWi TtefiBkiites."' . ' * ^ - - (miFiafrfdr Fenians—Thepikd.! noad Fish for misers—Goldlfish and sliineta. he took several drinks of my sheepjh ers delight; be went off and stole his own pack and hid in the woods. When he dune to himself he made a com~ , '”’" f ^ tlie thpft ? but I guessed bow it helped him to find the goods. er, the wine interest of "be said to be healthily prosperous, rtMt thl the graWtikg^Mft W9 are Luce, the lying ton street. For charity—TJig p(o)or-purse For office-seekers—The plaic^. , uo-FdfiafaSHte-lto^Wr^h^apW. 1 t iiv/TheiMaoon Telegraph andimFior «m|>eiftcnfe-tThaeaaeifish.a p jIhjIo ger dffhfe’^ith' sriyri': ? : 'tf^^k^^togp^ffj^^^Tk^.kypfidQ. of Colnmbur/lefb here ytesterday mor-j M x Frii ; to^( 4 rs^Minrai^/^ C ^^ i ' ,3iric l tnB j jiFctf’fekl. hc I n Uii id Fox sqboolmnBteEB-eiTlpiwbale;>9d asd - it»—srviirfi ^ -l± r , , , The Bullet in mi^fPhfft%40dd8i^ 3 ^’ l8ai , . j^iLk qodria 11 ,HiirKluXfGommitteedus^ni ol Awl. For the-mewdWtotnrists’’^Oraw-fish. e severest ao T6% J fkre t floifi r ASbtSrfl' J td' i ‘itki5^ ^<*1 i:;otl / r -' 7 TO * «*»| .„!Sa Lake steaker^, and via tfite^NSif 1 ten aoluBaxs^lT «\uu4tnoo adl | ' rarj&ahjbwfrto stw-styi .suri-iJ jiU **/- ,**sriL bA .baxiiip .\Ja»o-» SimI’j ,»Ut7fn»H .ailHH ' *** *“ “• *"y-to haMh,! I S? ud oi “ ?*““$!» , .boisaunuduoo used jo-{ Joa aid amen 1 ^sides heingianipxf^lent. v Ainerica; i;Xn the same JppriridiiedinpArt- 4 UQSater. fma ( 3-3git4?.9Cu iob .' G<»dn^xcrrscwmefs-|r- l Kie sword fish. «di of[l'woodiand//mainufactaEe3;Iafnwcrod, >ublycq%, L . wntrng .from, Jfrppkfe- county, onthelOtii instant/toys? 1 " _ i.A fine t Suable; ffnd [tetyfr^y fttticles, tor^fue Of $lpi352,2P 8 ^ m sp^te of lft ,duty^ve^g- 2 9*?Mi> e hewh >, vhfvtfM* this duty, likewise, there has been a i kteadyancL IScri- pbrtation : of ’mknufafit7ured‘ J ' I drii<if4kf *wc(ddJ ; ::From't!iri^anie! tabid iaf toe®fe- reau of; Statistics it appears/ihakfhe im portation iQf ^aw/log^; fell ,from, : ^3ifilU* ftQQvto ttosnipwlfbi?* planks racrc.ases f^p.m twp tynmurn mfllions. ; Tins is ’the *vay'‘otbr'qom'eAn- '"di&fries are'prbtected, : ih'respect toiktri- "bkr 1 ,' by ’ iritritiplyi hg th^. 'sa^-miHk in'N^t -Brunswick and >'Other •' lafflbfcfakptnftfeShg iregionsi-jinii njj u-j-jU bml oiadi oaoq -tjIito bun -lo-i JuhiJLhum 1) nnitBloeb -pm fjiw ■rar-oW^ff jo Sn mjmw^hon -orn^d ’In auoijiyr^ fvnrft gai7oI iqaoos of bms[ sirlt ni steto ,fjjThe Mri^hio^SentvnQky) tffera& jaM gAtrfwkkM-k&m r .osHie tidafttfstefnrer trdsek/flowp s&fed- ^P•*’ji rt UI Ktuecmtoi* | iSoiiihh enOToinnm tedl to .torts ai )odl 1 ,2a9w ahlJ lo iaqsq iot anosuei adT *: noiluJiianoO e9ft Haffitrof Airtirorr. afeftfetBRl* the 17 eiiliig in well. ttle, bor- worriqut, ;/ ,; [h j\ouVV vv/\ norfi iIn M , !.,a ‘syit’h .the er 1 nfiiifs. , ;li r thei jiffyffh ihe ^qriestriiri spbrr^t a- nS ilfo#peSWto ' uuuxuotP-; i.tif.vV'.j i a kdriiifis 'to^bU'lstii e mmisL??. eirttt 1 '! .-iid'iri' ife' coriblb iibii ’ a fatodk’fidrfciirt'cbm'mbri'^k’rii l «i*e?fe& ‘msmWn 5 J«cq o-ig9ti tun ni t.i CiM'Tirti/c^ ^tit riiltaqri I m b ?*) amendments. MuJStephens is the ablest: iedl andf §?4iSiVyrfftffoto«.i»06t/gaga-. jmvai.imtirki <ur^ 9b. ar-seemg statesman /v of .thedi ?J '^riwrearid^sentimen dMAiiiW tts^-willditke\CAuriar-JdUmmi, 'idritiri^ott»4he 9di noiia \7r07T ctrll -tywarns ol omoo ioommahd rtspect, Aife poi&y mahkghrs i( j t n gives Mi. StepUfebb ripdn JtlftJpbMfeal artfla^t . ni T^rpiffftpa pqHcy pfi%e jprfeBenkfed- this period/ft^Ithe-fthampion: of;ednstitu- • inmi^tra.tip^,;^n,-!jjel^iqn tiqn^LHberty and of human rights. We -trade,) ’find/ a >good..lllristi^,(U*e- fear, howqvpq ^,h^%ithr9wnihismiglity' pbrt jfisrpfeparea by thk Bureau ; p.em teethe acalep fpottote ^sifiave-AhoKe- 1 - ( tfetieti ! iil r rtTdtlbWtid tiib ! im|r6it^%na"ex- public. -iPr-frifejbbaaj-BfiUrpeditheiplacriJof j pertsof hiinber. ;: TUthfi fiaeui ye Pffk^ciple in .the. great. National Demo- 70 theiUnited/States made-'i ;82}6dR^^9?Bi- put jAhS' as be 'ibpiirktM from ‘ ffib bias % rt j feql^j^nt-fteriacF, ^iiicfe the#kato bifly ©edfr XMOtSTlWCT PWNT jgtwxyiPTy sM'.MmiM-taj< i^.