Newspaper Page Text
Another Pine Success.
The Managers ti** ^' a ^ r ^ iaVG reason
to feel flattered at the continued success
of the exposition. Yesterday was a fine
day. The weather was as good as if it
was made to order; and, consequently, a
first-rate crowd was in the Park. Every
thing passed off admirably, and, as far as
we could Icaro, everybody was pleased.
not so crowded with exhibitors as
wt year. Public taste seems to have
hcen inspired with the utility of orna
ment more than the “utility of utility.”
Chief among the attractions of yester-1
dav were the specimens of ice, manu
factured by the Atlanta Ice Manufactur
ing Company. It was bespangled with
inlays of fishes, melons, fruits, flowers,
etc., and was truly beautiful. Some
made apparently of zinc, were exhibited
by Joseph Qaerbacke, of Chattanooga.
with shelves adjustible to any position,
is a novel invention.
of Mitchell & Smith, Decatur, ought to
be enthroned King of the Dairy, every
fine display of assorted tools was the at
traction on the second floor.
exhibits a bar of railroad iron sixty feet
long. Two such rails would be sufficient
to construct a short line of road,, and
they would make an admirable one,
A. C. Ladd exhibits a lot of Anthra
cite coal, aleo a bushel of Tennessee coal,
which is the nearest approximation we
have ever seen to the Pennsylvania can
ned Both these specimens are regarded
as very fine, and with plenty of either a
whole family could he kept comfortable
during an entire winter.
Just here we might take occasion to
Bay that Ladd contributes much to the
interest of the Pair. He has his hy
draulic and alabaster limes on exhibition;
but is in his element most when upon the
lightning rod question. He has on ex-
over on the pavement. “When found,
his head was still swimming, and they
carried him off. The Mayor ordered
Jonsen to collect $5 and costs out of
Kimball for building his house so high
and running up little shanties on the top
which caused people to grow dizzy look
ing at them. Jonsen said he would ride
it out in the elevator, which was satisfac
tory to all hands.
was not so barren as her name would in
dicate, for she came into Court with a
baby which was kicking and yelling like
a young panther. It had the colic, and
Jonsen and Pat" Fitzgibbons made it
some soot tea to qniet its pains before
the Court could proceed.
of putting on the engagement ring. It
has thrilling associations for all who have
passed this trying (?) ordeal, and to the
uninitiated it is a charming lesson. We’ll
wager a jewsliarp there’s not a bachelor
in the city that would dare look at it.
The Fair is a success; it .is a charming
resort. Citizens and visitors have been
liberal, but with all this, Wesley Chapel
is not yet completed. Go and swell the
list of contributors ^and donations. Go
vote presents of riDgs, bracelets, &c. for
your dearest dulcina, and lie down with a
clear conscience and a palpitating heart.
Fair Dote.
at any moment. No. 2, all humility, con
sidering they had long been friends and
neighbors, apologised, stating that no
offense was meant; but No. 1, not so easi-
tionate farewell.
•• Tho drooping leaves shall wholly die,
The tempest and the rain,
And drifting snow shall fill the sky,
Before we go again.
And jvben one© moro wo wend our way
To whore the Courts preside.
We wonder if iho Mayor’ll say,
*1 thought that chap had died.’ ”
By the Sew York Associated Press.
bibition no less than eleven different
styles of rod, any one of which he will
guarantee to be n perfect protection
against lightning.
Is most beautifully displayed by the
Southern Star Lightning Bod Company.
This company has its manufactory and
headquarters at Gainesville, at the other
end of the Air Line Kailroad, and our
friend, J. E. Iledwine, of the Eagle, is
President. They make a handsome show.
Mr. Joseph S. Lehman, of Mount Joy,
Pennsylvania, exhibits a splendid assort
ment of coverlets, of his own design and
mannfactnre. These are very beautiful,
and deservedly attract much attention,
Mr. Lehman is a young man, full of busi
ness, and has great ingenuity.” He buys
all his yarns from this State, and it is
hoped that before he leaves here ho will
make arrangements to have his goods
regularly on sale here.
Dr. Tabor exhibits a knitting machine,
which draws a crowd all the time.
Mr. L. B. Langford makes a fine dis-
play of enameled slate and iron mantels.
Mr. Charles Bohnefeld shows some
furniture, which is superb.
attracts many visitors to the pond. It is
a perfect type of .a full rigged ocean steam
er and “walks the water like a thing of
life,” It will be on duty to-day lrom 11
to 12 o’clock, and from 3 to 4. Captain
Taylor in command and Engineer Shear
er at the throttle.
will take place to-day, and the contest
will be a lively one. All the companies
have resolved'to have that horn, and the
one that gets it will have to do some pret
ty playing. .
exhibited a fine lot of their deservedly
popular perfumeries. These are not sur
passed even by Lubin, and they are dis
played in the finest lot of bottles ever
brought to the State.
better known, as the Major, exhibits a
Carbolic Tooth wash, Which is his own pre]
parntion, aud he is willing to avouch its
ability to cleanse the filthiest month in
Georgia. It is an excellent preparation,
and will accomplish all that is claimed
for it. We are glad to see Jo developing
his inventive genius.
The Fair Grounds presented a lively
Well, Fanny | scene yesterday. The crowd was large
lived in a quarrelsome neighborhood, and gay, and every body wanted to see the
and the disease was so bad that she races. The nigger could not be found
canght the contagion, and had a very se- to walk, but, notwithstanding, Vol. Dun
vere attack of it. She everlastingly went uing kept trotting out something for
for two other women who were neighbors J the amusement of the large crowd, and
of hers, and used—oh, such horrible all went bobbing around, to the music
language. For this the Court fined her of the Marietta Band, who put up a good
§5 and costs; but just then Fitzgibbons, job of blowing.
who was holding the baby, let it fall, and EcUols f -o , v
it created snch a yell that the fine was re- certainly imagine that Oglethorpe Pa
mitted, and the Court hurried from the “ a ^ farm > and Mve a n ° 10 * to ,
room with itefiugers in both oars. tivateit. as they have a world of imple-
This ended our attendance upon the ments 011 hand, or e mspe
Mayor for the present We leave him
with many regrets, and bid him an affeo-1 “hve m«» weMieve,
from his talk, that he knows as much
about farming as his friend, H. G.
Ham’s Disseminator,
6r, Cotton Seed Planter and Uuano Dis
tributor, is a wonderful little apparatus,
which slings dirt and cotton seed about as
jSgy-The Washington correspondent of I near the place as they could be placed with
the Louisville Ledger telegraphs the fol- the hand. As Ham is a desperate poor
lowing, regarding the defalcation of Gen. talker—in fact, it is painful to hear the
Balloch: ' j man try to talk, on account of that un-
Since the Hodge defalcation there has I fortunate inpediment in his speech, the
been a general overhauling of the ac- Disseminator was managed by Mr. John
counts of disbursing officers, and among jj Cook, of Newnan, who so success-
others whose accounts needed explana- ; ’ , ’ onno , D j mCT d tjl
tion were those of Gen. Balloch, the dis- demonstrated its unequaled mer ts,
bursing officer of the Freedmen’s Bureau, that it was awarded the medal for tne
His own books showed a discrepancy of best destribution of guano and cotton
$250,000. An order was at once issued d Qn exbibit i on . Mark Johnson has
for Balloch s arrest, when he managed to _ 0
hush the matter up by showing that he j undertaken to. supply p
had that amount on deposit in United 1 this excellent implement.
States bonds in the Safe Deposit in this The Runaway
city, which were turned over to the ac- on the track yesterday, was a little out
counting officer. According to his own of the regular order, but was neverthe-
confession Balloch had invested moneys j j e£g Q d thing. Our friend Taylor
intrusted to him for disbursement in t •_ stick to
bonds in order that he might realize the will no doubt tram bis team to stack to
interest accruing thereon to indemnify the track, as all were satisfied that Neel
himself for money which he claims he an fi Dick Taylor would have won the
had overpaid the negro soldiers. It seems 00 j bu t for their anxiety to go too fast,
he has been indulging in this method of ^ ^ who was so anxious to bet
remunerating himself for the past four Ieuuw " .... , „
years. According to the law governing I two to one on the bobtail hoise, is a
disbursing officers he has been guilty of I wiser man than he was, and poorer, if
embezzlement, but the authorities here, not a p an n e r.
instead of surrendering him to justice, Rosalie
are endeavoring to explain away the trans- ffie premium offered fdr the best
action. brood mare, as well as the one offered
The fact is becoming apparent to the
appeased, alighted and advanced
towards No. 2, with his whip in a threat
ening attitude, when No. 2 drew his
knife. A serious difficulty was prevented
by tho timely interference of friends.
His Honor, considering that heretofore
No. 1 had been a peaceful citizen, com
promised the matter with an eloquent
lecture on the disastrous consequences
of hasty temper and serious joking, and
$20 and costs, which we fear deprived
some prattling child of his candy at
Mary Phillips was accused of drunk
enness and quarreling. She denied
the fiist charge. She loved a
morning dram, but she believed she
could take as much as most people with
out being affected. As to the second
charge she was not so certain. Her sis
ter, Bosa Thompson, had a photograph
(doubtless of Sir Knight Don Beginaldo
deCardozo) which she refused to give up,
and she assumed the responsibility of
correcting her, and proceeded to inflict
punishment by slapping her on the
mouth. This slight-of-hand trick was
enacted seyeral times, to the edification
of ;he public and discomfiture of the un
fortunate Bosa. About this time some
policemen came up, and greatly indignant
that such a novel and fancy exhibition
should be enacted without the proper
license, invited the young artistes to the
morning reception, where their talents
were duly appreciated by a more enlight
ened audience. A new feature of the
exhibition was a ghastly scar on the fore
head of Miss Bosa, which was accident
ally (?) made by the dextrous hand of the
accomplished Mary, in her slight of hand
maneuvres. License, $10. Hearty in
ducement for another entertainment.
was composed of Misses Jones,^Wright
& Co., who played the bran new drama
of “Family Jars” with an audience of
some hundred or more who were mnch
more concerned about a piece of stolen
cloth than the show. Evidence against
thief insufficient.
annie mionroe (colored),
with a few jovial companions, made a fa
mous charge on some innocent white
children, hoping to drive them from the
side Jwalk. His Honor, astonished at
this strange mode of warfare, and fearing
that such a precedent might prove ruin
ous, demanded as hostage his faithful
ally and armor-bearer, “Ten and costs.
Supreme Court Decision—J Patent .Renewed•
"Washington, October 19.—In the Su
preme Court, case No. 96, the State of
Louisiana, plaintiff in error, vs. G. M.
Wickliffe, Auditor, etc., was taken up.—
This cause was argued by Mr. W. W.
Handlin for the plaintiff in error. The
Court declined to hear any further argu
ment in the cause.
The patent of S. W. White, of Mil-
ledgeville, for a cotton seed planter, has
been extended.
Hcairt. Marsliall & Barge of Charleston*
Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 18,1871.
Editors Daily Sun: In your paper of this
morning, alluding to Charleston mer
chants coming to.Atlanta,it is stated tha“
Messrs. Marshall & Burge, intend soon
o open a branch of their house in this
city. This is a mistake. Mr. W. T.
Burge, of that house, has contemplated
opening business here, but the firm have
not. Also, they deal in dry goods, and
not in clothing, as is stated. Respect
fully yours. W. T. Burge.
Badicals that, if they proceed with the
investigation of all the defalcations that j
are being exposed, the party will be
rained. An occasional example can be
made of a thief, who does not stand any
for the best preserved horse over 20 years.
She is getting to be quite an old maid
having reached the age of 23 years. She
is well known as .the “Georgia Filly
(never was fractious, which accounts for
her great age). Bosalie is looked upon
too well with his party, and that only bv stock men as a remarkably fine animal,
for the sake of appearances; but when j C)ne of her colt3 too a_ premium the day
cases are developing every week; when ^ e ^ ore ’
prominent office-holders are stealing, on the grounds, excepting CoL Stead-
not only thousands, but millions, party | man’s calf, is Hitchcock’s cake of soap,
interest does not dictate a prosecution which weighs S00 pounds. This gentle-
of each case, and a punishment of each Xsoa^” ° In cLehJwLfa'toolfar ft°l
criminal; heDce they resort to the pre-1 a pr j ze to the local editor who will write
Fire at Cartcrsville.
The Yellow Rerer.
Charleston, October 19.-Four deaths
from yellow fever have occurred in the
last 24 hours.
That affair of the Horton*
Gloucester, October 19.—The schoon
er Horton has arrived. A grand recep
tion was given to the crew by the citizens.
Jinother Saint Jrratgned.
Salt Lake, October 19.—Alfred John
son, a Mormon Bishop, has been arraign
ed as accessory in a murder case.
Opening a JVeto Railroad.
Bangor, October 19.—The European
and North American Eailroad was opened
to-day, with great eclat. The officials
present made conciliatory speeches, and
landed the Washington Treaty.
Ratal Disaster on the hake.
Detroit, October 19.—The passenger
steamer G. B. Colburn foundered in Sag
inaw Bay. Two boats with officers and
a part of the crew are missing. Three
passengers and seven of the crew were
liability— Warehouse Tax-Real Relate.
Chicago, October 19.—The entire lia
bility does not exceed $5,000,000.
Highly Valuable Lands on the Air Line
We invite attention to tho advertise
ment of Samuel W. Knox, administrator,
giving notice that on tho first Tuesday
in November he will sell, at Lawrenceville,
a large quantity of the very best lands,
among which are fine Chattahoochee bot
toms, lying on and near the Air Line
Eailroad, in the neighborhood Of Du
luth, Peachtree road, &c.
This is a very great sale of valuable
lands, near tho great Air Line Bailway,
soon to be running through from here to
Bichmond, making it the greatest
through line from the North to the South
west, and in one of tho healthiest coun
tries on the globe.
Another Man Killed.
As the Madison Accommodation train
was coming into the city yesterday, at
about 10 £ o’clock, and when about one
mile this side of Decatur, the engine ran
over and killed a Mr. Beagan, who was
walking on tho track. Tho engineer rang
the bell, reversed his engine, and used
everything in his power to stop his train,
but could not until too late. The unfor
tunate man was a brother to Maj. Bea
gan, of this city, and was nearly his age.
The Locomotive.
Mr. Frank B. Ticknor of the Opelika
Locomotive, is in the city. He is a gen
uine steam engine of a man—a3 irrepres
sible as the name of his paper.
----- . . , A ten pound trout furnishes the Mil-
The Legislature has passed a bill ex- jg^ggyille Recorder something to brag
empting Chicago from warehouse tax. about.
Transactions in real estate in the burnt
district show no depreciation in value.
Administrator’s Sale.
State or GeoegiA, )
Tauafeeko Countt. J
B Y virtue of an order of tho Court of Ordinary of
said county, will be sold on the first Tuesday
in November next, 1871, between tho lawful hours
of sale at the Court House door, iu Crawfordville, in
Important libel Snlt — JTew Trial Granted,
__ ~ , v _ 1 n rm, rt QnvivAnaft I oi sale ai me uuurt nouee uuur, iu urawiunaxuo, *u
NASHYILIjE, October «LV/. xne ouprciue | ^ county, the plantation oriauds belonging to tho
Court has remanded, for a new trial, the estate of General Aaron W. Grier, deceased, late of
„ - - Tto-c-l-n-.. TO Qot>rim'd A- fVInrk The said county. This plantation is well adapted to the
Case 01 Baxtei VS. bantlers A. AdurK. aul cu j ture corri( cotton, and small grain. Situation
lower Court gaveBaxter $27,UUUdamages Wealthy, societygood. Convenient to railroad, post
for libel in publishing the speech of Gen. office, churches, and mills.
ir-iT ^ 6 r Mr. JameB A. Grier is on tho place, and will take
Mabry. 1 pleasure in showing the lands to any one wishing to
Memphis, October 19.—The United to see it. sold in lots to suit the purchasers, a
States Marshal has bronghHonr alleged
Ku-Klux from North Mississippi. "
Lowry Holds the Scales ot Justice.
text of allowing defaulters to make ex
planations and give a new name to theft.
Verily the Badical party is a miracle of
integrity and honor. It does not wil
lingly let the halter draw around the
neck of a single rogue In the whole lot;
for if all the rogues in the party were
punished, barely an office-holder would
be left to tell the tale.
The Ladies’ Fair.
It is a compliment to the energy, pa
triotism, spirit of enterprise and person
al charms of the ladies, that, notwith
standing the many places of amusement
in the city, their Fair Hall, in James’
New Building, is thronged every night
with the fashion of the city. And it is
further a eulogy on their persuasive elo
quence, whether with words, actions or
more qniet, but equally effective, de
vices, or the gentlemen’s liberality, that
at every table and comer, purses , spill
their contents into snowy hands. We
dislike to be invidious, bat while en
raptured with their many persona
charms, we wonder if some con
sideration. stronger than adhesive,
to build the new church, has not
prompted this munificence. Some of
these little charmers, not satisfied with
these unwarrantable exactions of money,
him the best puff, we venture to say that
we can name the winner. It would be a
'groundhog” case.
Distinguished Men
are crowding into the city, and we can
safely say there is as much brains and
genuine hard sense packed into the Kim
ball House, at this time, as one establish
ment can stand. It is very refreshing to
see them about, as we like their company,
and are proud that they have come to
pay their respects to our Fair. And,
also at the same establishment, there is
an unusually large number of
Beautiful Ladies,
some few brides, numerous beautiful
belles who wouldn’t be brides, a number
of distinguished matrons, while occa
sionally one sees an elderly (?) lady; but
they are all pretty and good, and we
trust they are happy, aud will remain in
our midst a long time.
Monday morning the roll was called,
aud five delinquents answered. Lowry
then had his eyes bandaged, and put the
Mayor and Council in one side of his
scales and Jonsen pnt
john miLlet
iu on the other. Miller is a German, and
don’t speak English worth a cent. He had , , , ,
been peddling onions on tbe streets with- !“”• b 7 s ? me *'Uful maneawe, nfled
out license, for which he was arrested.
Miller had an interpreter along, and
when the Court asked him if he was
guilty, his friend told him to say, “ Nix
cum arouse.” Miller said it, and then
he and his friend had a long roll of
Dutch talk, which “got clean away”
with Lowry. This was evidence by
proxy. Any way, it so bewildered the
Court that it told J. M. to go along “mit
himself.” He was so elated at getting off
that he strode out into the raiu, sing
“ “eioEkolig Uys have kum.
Te Mildest ot dis jeer;
Gif me von viece of Switzer kase.
Unt some or Fetcher’s peer.
J. P. m’dowell
was called, but did not answer. He was
checked for §5 for that, and his case con
tinued over till next court
came on a visit to the Fair, and in look
ing around at the sights, he discovered
the Kimball House. He stood on the
pavement below and looked up at its
magnificent height so long and so steady
that it made his head swim, and he fell
hearts by the score, and then left their
victims robbed of their last earthly hope.
Bat all things “ are fair in love and war'
and Church fairs.
Is a recherche, sequestered, sentimental
retreat, alive with wines, fruits, creams,
candies, nectars, etc. It is an emporium
of beauty, with something of that kind
for its queen.
are a roving band of charming banditti
who repay all their depredations by
gentle smiles, and now and then
precious jewel discovered among the mul
titude of precious wares. They are still
diving after hearts long since covered up
with melancholy and disponaency.
is a surprise. Ve dare any one to visit
the hall without resisting the temptation
to enter this secluded, weird, mysteri
ous place.
Yesterday the fair, among many other
donations, received from New York °
representing the parting lover in the ac
Medley Soiree.
His Honor’s reception yesterday morn
ing was graced by a very select delegation
of gentlemen, courtesans, blondes and
minstrels, gallants (colored) of the most
approved stamp, accomplished slander
ers, and female pugilists, and the pitifnl
victims of them all.
His Honor ascended the tribunal with
heart bleeding for human depravity,
but with a will as impregnable as Gibral
tar, to cheek tbe ruin that threatens to
engulf the precious morals of Atlanta;
consequently, when a
A stranger to fortune and fame,” but
unfortunately not to Atlanta benzine,
plead guilty to being drunk. Bis Honor
reprimanded him severely, recorded the
usual penalty, bnt a pearly tear-drop fell
and blotted out the offense forever, and
the wayward youth went away rejoicing.
whose names we will not mention, were
arraigned for quarreling and disorderly
conduct It seems that No. 1 was qui
etly pursuing his way home, musing
probably on the Fair and chil
dren at home, when No. 2,
dangling his feet over the counter of a
store (just the position to crack a joke,)
gave a significant whittle, which, reach
ing the ears of No. 1, aroused his wrath
He rode up to the door and intimated to
No. 2, that he had paid his taxes, and
had a right to ride the streets and not
be subjected to ridicule and open insult,
and that he was ready to horse-whip him
We learn that a fire broke out in the
kitchen of the Bartou House, at Carters-
ville, on Wednesday morning, which cre
ated considerable excitement and alarm
for a time. The kitchen and rear build
ings were consumed, but no other dam
age was done, the fire being checked
without spreading to other parts of the
town. A keg of whisky was rolled out
from some building, which was imbibed
quite freely, causing some considerable
fighting, but no great harm was done.
Tlic West Point Fire|Company.
About fifty members of this company
arrived yesterday, with their engine, and
will contest for the premium at the Park
On the arrival of the train, the com
pany formed, and were escorted to No,
2 Engine house, where a nice collation
•was served, and a neat little reception
speech of welcome by Jimmie Gullatt,
was responded to by the Foreman of the
West Point Company, after which they
marched to No. 1 Engine house, on
Broad street, where they also met a
hearty welcome from the boys. A com
mittee was appointed to provide accom
modations for the visitors, and they will
remain guests of the Atlanta Fire De
partment during their stay.
It is seldom one sees a finer body of
men than the West Point boys, and we
can tell their contestants in advance that
a good deal of muscle and drill will be
necessary to “get around” these fellows.
Terms, one and two years time for approved papers.
TUis, September 11,1871.
do bonus non, with tho will annexed,
septl 1-tds
| w. H. HOWABD.
W. H.
c. h: hobdyja
The Episcopal Council—Defaulters Sentenced,
Baltimore, October 19.—The commit
tee on canons reported adversely to
amending Canon lS^title" 2, on Marriage f^/yTT/YW Tj' A ffPOHS
and Divorce. The committee reported I YJ vf A A \yJJv A _cA\J A vAYD
adversely to creating the office of Suf-1 AJ?D
fragan Bishops. Several reports upon
uniformity in Bitual were made the
special order for to-morrow.
General Bichard N. Bowerman has
been sentenced to four years in the Balti
more jail and a fine of $2,000 costs, and Commission for Selling Cotton,
Col. Thos. W. Wilson has been sentenced One and a Quarter Per Cent
to three years, a fine and costs. Both 1 AU family supplies ordered will ho carefully se-
were convicted of custom house defalca- lected by one of the firm, at the lowest market
1 prices.
^Orders for Bagging and Ties will bo promptly
filled, and at the lowest cash price.
Liberal cash advances made on cotton in ware
-|TTE again tender our services in the Warehouse
I YY business, In all its branches, to ,our old pat
rons and planters generally.
San Francisco, October 10*—Fifty
thousand sheep were scattered _ and lost
in the mountains, near Fort Tejon, by a
sand storm.
The Milledgeville Recorder says: “The
City Council are constructing fire cisterns
in various portions of the city.” Wouldn’t
a few water cisterns be of greater utility?
A mail route is to be established be
tween Madison and Monticello.
Capt. B. H. True is now the editor of
the Madison Appeal t& Real Estate Adver
The Geergia Kailroad passes lawyers,
who come to Atlanta to attend the Su
preme Court, for but one fare. They
pay full fare coming, and return free.
Mayor Estes, of Augusta, gives every
body a holiday, to attend the Cotton
States Fair, on the 2d of November.
Gainesville subscribes $20,000 to the
Gainesville and Dahlonega Bailroad.
Macon is filled with counterfeit money.
Mr. James Williams, an old citizen of
Macon, died Tuesday evening.
Miss Mary Moyer, of Talbotton, died
on the 12th inst. from the effects of tak
ing too mnch chloroform.
The Talbotton American, which was
burned out some time ago, has resumed
George Y. Pond, of Columbus, was
thrown from a buggy the other day and
had his leg broken.
Numbers of fine horses have already
been entered for the Columbus Fair.
According to the Sun, two Columbus
boys, aged ten and twelve years, were
seen last Sunday “drunk as biled owls.”
Rost Sheep—Elections.
house. We extend all the facilities offered by Ware
house Merchants. Consignments solicited—satis-
action guarantee. ang21w3y
Atlanta Water Cure.
T his place is open at all seasons!
Chronic Deseases of all kinds, treated with, large
success. Outside, my institution will euro all acceta
Tax navers carrv tbe city in the judi- deseases. I refertothe followingpersons. who have
. - Lax Payers curiy me y J been, and are being treated at my establishment,
Clary and school elections. . . Lavendon House, Hunter street. Mr. J. W. Rucker,
BeDUblicans Carried school and judi- of Chapman, Rucker &Co., Maj. W. B. Cox of Cox
ciary elections throughout the Kate. SaSwhS ^wZsman’
The tax payers carried the city by 50, UUU Macon, j. hui, Newnan, Ga.
majority. The Democrats are contesting I 4-w i-mo. I,R - kalow.
the election in Talemo county, because
V Good Chance
door, in the town of Newnan, in Coweta conn
the interference of Federal officials pre
vented a free ballot.
The case of Mrs. Fair commences in
the Supreme Court the 24th.
- The Apaches, with whom Vincent Col- ^ ^ ^
lier had just made peace, attacked a I nbeingUie 7th"iiay of tiio montii, beginning at 10
atoms LotTOPPTi Snpson and CamD Grit- O’clock, and continuing until all aro sold, my lands
Stage between Cjuesou anu ouuip will I lying la the Fourth District of said county, known
tenden. > < Us the
Ratal Torpedo Explosion—Beaty Robbery.
• HAEBEK I> X, A. C E,”
, The said place is well watered, and well timbered,
NEW ORLEANS, October 19.—Malle & there being about Six Hundred acres of the same in
Cammack’s bank box, containg about t^e_j-' ooda - 1 wiU 8eUit 111 tructs and P arcels ■» fo1 *
$50,000 worth of securities, was stolen °x'f r st. one hundred acres, upon -which are
last nifrht. situated tho dwelling house, a neat frame building
a ® ^ -a n A - j with five rooms thoroughly coaled, with glass win-
A wagon load of Union toipedoes ^ex- d0WBj and substantial rock chimneys,—with a gar-
ploded this morning, killing the driver) den well enclosed, itself containing near three acres
instantly. His leg was blown several —and capacious Gin House with Screw, and new
hundred feet. The windows in thevi- ^exti-nR^seu six hundred ‘acres, tracts
cinity were shattered by ^concussion. °Vwm aen 8 sIuthIe^nd^d acres in
The torpedoes were manufactured b,y | ce i s or tracts 0 f from Twenty-Five to Forty c*es
Upon each and every tract gold I shall so arrange
that there will be water, timber and good building
I shall have each tract accurately surveyed, and
the boundaries well defined.
I will sell on the foUowing terms :
Upon any and all these payments except the first
I will take cotton at Fifteen Cents per pound, (I mean
good merchantable Cotton such as is usually sold in
this market) delivered at Newnan, Georgia.
YOUNG MEN—Honest and industrious and aU
others have now an opportunity to buy homes, and
Bry goods Jldtanielng—IRhopaid tth Rorged pay forthem, by their own labor. . ,,
Youchecs-Thc Insurance Contcntlon-Ema*.
cipation in Brasil. 8e u that persons buying can purchase adjacent
New York, October 19. The whole-, tr ^- d wU1 positively be sold on the day thus
sale dry goods merchants are advancing
prices, on account of the Chicago fire. Any information can be had by applying to me, or
$860,000 worth of_VOqeherS,_ found | Hinton F. Wright, at. Newnan, ^ JiWEIGHTj
angl-Mon&WecklytlstNov. Newnan, Ga.
Kluban & Goldsmith, of New York, and ] each,
were being discharged from the ship
George Hurlbut. Two hundred case
are still on board. The vessel will prob
ably be ordered off.
The Galveston News has Austin spec
ials which say that Gen. Beynolds finds
there was no necessity for Gov. Davis’
proclamation declaring martial law in
Limestone county. ^
paid on account of Keyser L and which
Keyser pronounced forgeries, were paid
by the Tenth National Bank.
The Insurance Convention adopted a
resolution to memorialize Congress to
exempt life policies from the Bankrupt
cy Act. A committee was then appoint
ed to enforce the best method of winding
np insolvent companies.
The steamer Alps reports that the bill,
abolishing slavery in Brazil, had passed
the Senate by an overwhelming ma
An injunction has been granted against
the Trying Insurance Company. M. J.
Crowe has been appointed Deceiver.
Jennings, Smith & Co.,
JJAIT this day removed to No. 5, McIntosh street,
Augusta, Georgia, (opposite our former place of bus
iness,) where wo have the most ample and Close
Storage of any in the city, which is Strictly Fire-
Consignments Solicited.
September 1, 1871—sepll-dAwSm.