The Weekly sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1872, September 18, 1872, Image 1

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11V1 THK ATLANTA SUM HAlJLiV nn<i WKIOltljV TKRM8 OF HUB8CIVIPTION Oatly—Single Copy » Month!....|10 00 I Thro* Month* 3 00 Six Month* 8 00 | One Month 1 w | Clnbi for Detly-Per Annnm « Three Oople* 37 ou I light Oople* w yonr •• 35 00 Ten •• riy •« *3 00 I Single *> ~WftklT«*Ptr II Tf* ■ - »- — , . ^ ffifi.03J. |»|j-jggSsJT.‘i!Si|VOL.3,NO. 13.) ATLANTA, GA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1872. [ ^8Kr:-««o nitr copio*.... “ One Hundred Oople*.......•••••• Weekly for Six Month* » WHOLE, 111 N U M B E a 111 ...68 00 | .136 00 A*** w wpive>••• - - Tire Copies ....... J «» I Ringle pener —... 6 ct> Throe Cop Fire Oopl— Ten doin'-.. c OIV T KWTS “ATLANTA FOB THE WEEK ENDIEO WEDNESDAY SEPT. IStli, 1873. single Copy 1 St pSttOoSS#.^.*".*** K I llon * Homer v. m. Muter, m. d., *** | facts, to say nothing of many more of 1 pie wlio feel the consciousness of self- Thr0eCOP ‘ e, 2 “'oneHundredCopie»6o 00 | The Atlanta 8«n. the 8ame kind> aQy intelligent man> ^ | degradation. "We have seen a report of a speech re- an 7 regard whatever for the principles We have much indulgence and a great cently made in Atlanta by this Greeley of Pnblic Liberty should have concluded deal of charity for those Democrats who, advocate, in which he indulged not only such an oratorical ontbnrst of praise upon in this election, take Mr. Greeley as sin WEEKLY SUN,*31 in moet rapturous eulogies upon the the chief actor in effecting the temporary avowed Republican or Radical as he is; character and merits of bis candidate for overthrow of the principles of onr Fed- but as a preferable Radical, in their the Presidency, but took occasion also eral system of Government, and the estimation, to Gen. Grant, to indulge in some very derogatory re- degradation of the people of his own Bntwe have neither patience with, nor marks about The Atlanta Sun, and State with the ejaculation, “old Hobace charity for any intelligent man, calling those who are known as Straight-out Greeley, God bless him.” himself a Democrat, who ridicules the Jeffersonian Democrats. How the audience was affected by this “ straights ” for their devotion to prinoi- We have a few comments to make up- haraDgae we know not; but the effect of pie, and represents Mr. Greeley’s avowed on this most extraordinary speech—most the conclusion, in our mind, was only to Radical Platform as the embodiment of extraordinary, as it seems to us, in any bring in vivid remembrance a remark of “the great idea of Constitutionalism 1 view that can be taken of it. John Wilkes about Lord Thurlow on a All such in our opinion, are “ looking 1. First, in respect to the character memorable occasion. one way and rowing another ” with the and merits of Mr. Greeley upon whom The version of that matter, as given object of deceiving and misleading the such unmeasured laudations were bestow- by Sir Henry Brougham, is in these people. A. E. S. ed, we have a little to say. We refer, of I wordg; I »■»« coarse, to Mr. Greeley s pnblic charac-1 << \y b en that consummate piece of ter and merits. Of his private or indi- J “©ant was performed” (Thurlow’s denial sided with those EDITORIALS BY MB. STEPHENS— Greeley claimed to be the Representative of CooatitnUonallam ••Harper of tho Columbus Enquirer Comments on Colorado Correspondence Beplles to the Constitution on Assailing Grant's Administration on Charges which can not bo Sastalned while yielding the points on which It la guilty of high crimes against pnblic Liberty—two articles articles Shame on the Abuses of the Franking Prlvl- lege and Charges of Stealing the Peoples' Money page 3 3 xutlea of Ortelry in Pike and the “ State nt L*rg..” Editor Gazette: a mrikiug evidt nee of ne pernicious aud demoralizing t-flVct of veepiug bu i company, may now be seen in the ill manners of many Greeley Dena- I ocrats after a brief association with Snm- ner. Banks, Swayze & Co. The violent abuse heaped upon the band of true Democrats, who refuse to abandon their principles, reminds one so much of the way Greeley and Thad Ste vens were wont to aoply the lash to | every faltering Radical in CoDgi ess who had humanity enongh to show signs of hesitation iu supporting their “liberal” coutiscuiiou scheme, and their joint re construction measures. The language of several Greeley Dem- A GREELEY MAN QUARRELS WITH THE GREELEY ORGAN. 1 vidual virtues and excellence, either oi 1 o{ ~ his havingever ON page l— * iead or h eart » we Lave nothing to say. I w i 1Q believed in the insanity of the King) a Greeley mm Quxrr-i* with tha Greeloy Org*n. I speek only of his public character, *« ^ith all the solemnity which the au- * T- nr and t ^ 10Se P°^ical principles which heve «thor’s incredible air, eye brows, voice, ARTICLE3 ON A governed him through life, shaping and « could lend theimprecation: *lf I forget pmton connty Bcpreaanutivo»: i) A» , .o c * on * | CO n t roUng his acts on all questions in I“ my sovereign, may my God forget me, 1 the past as well as at the present time. «• Rilkes, seated on the steps of the on page s- | Nor shall we, in our comments, go in- “Throne, eyeing him askance, * * * 'BpecchofHon. J.8.Goned*y »t Loni.Tine;Tbe to tbe “Silurian period,” or say any- « mu ttered, ‘Forget you! He’ll see Unstable constitution; ec b on* o I j b ing a b ou t bia doctrines and teachings, I “yon d— d first 1’ ” polttical articles—PAGEi4— anterior to 1866. These, so far as our So much for Dr. Miller’s eulogy upon | The Jackdaw Gets Ms Peacock Plumes Letter from Kentucky ; The lesson of tho Maine I present purpose is concerned, may rest j k £ r> Greeley. Eioction; Lettter from East Tennessee, Ac. | in oblivion forever. I 2. Secondly, we now have a few words ...... All we have at this time, to say of Mr. 1 ON PAGE 6— l/~ii . . , . . ... Hon. Charles O’Connor’s Response to the Demo-1 Greeley, relates to hlS acts and pnnci- cratio Committee at Louisville; The State Demo- pies ainoe 1866—since the War, for the cratto Execuilvo Committee; Nomination for Con-1 nn j on was over. We shall allude only to Some Men Are Born Great. Others Have Great ness Thrust Upon Them. Others Achieve Greatness. Others Strive In Vain to Be come Great, while others Still, who are Incapable of Becoming Great Sometimes Assume the Airs and Insignia or Great ness. Plucked from Him. more of comment (and a few only) upon I Editors Daily Sun : I am a Greeley his denunciation of Thb Sun. man. For this reason I subscribed to It is very natural that denunciations of I the Constitution, thinking I would have a ““ n ™°I er - Tms™, ana eulogy ol Mr. Greeley Gredey paper, well Ailed every d»y rrith ’ | bis acta and pneolplea ernee the hew| ehonla ^ togelh “ fot tt6 puhtM able, convincing articles in Greeley’s Anecdote. ON PAGEC— Oolorsdo Lottor; Democracy In North Georgia; Death of Judge John I. Whitaker; The Suppressed Teatimony; Sundry Items of News. ADVERTISEMENTS,’pages 7 and 8. TELEGRAMS, MARKETS AND LOCAL page 8. era set in, and down to this very day. What, then, has Mr. Greeley done] since 1866 ? What part has he aoted, your decision and let os triumphantly carry your colors through the Giifliu Convention?” <fcc., &o. Ihe other is addressed to the oditors _ _ of the Constitution. It expresses great I ocratic papers in Georgia, reads as much pleasure to see the people indorse the like Greeley’s editorials in the Tribune, course of the Constitution by proposing where he applies the terms “traitor,” to use the services of OoL Clarke, one of “bribery," “sold oat to the party of har- its proprietors, in the Legislature; and lots,” (Democrats) to all faltering Radi- to employ the editor, CoL L W. Avery, cals who did not march sqnarely up to in representing his district in Congress; the support of his Ku-Klux bills and the that the first is too well known for hiB impeachment of President Johnson. So mental and moral worth, in addition to soon as it is known that any gentleman bis gallantry, Ac.; that any Congies- refuses to support Greeley, the wuole sional district in Georgia might deem I pack are hounding at his heels, and by itself fortunate in securing CoL Avery to d ) i re °t charge, or inuendo, seek to make represent it in Congress ; that tne the impression that he is influenced by strongest minds in the State have reoog-1 “Grant’s money,” or some other corrupt nizedhim as their equal; and his pointed consideration. editorials evince an intellect of rare ana- When tne editor of the Griffin Star lytical power, quick perception, ability, said “tae Straight movement is a Graut and a mature, dispassionate judgment, 1 movement, run in the interest of Grant, seldom found in one so young; that hib 1 and with Graut money,” nooody was title was won on the battle-field; and 1 surprised. His experience with Bui- with such men in Congress, Georgia's lock, who ’don ited five hundred dollars to future in national affairs will rival her him for his many virtues and his peculiar glorious past, &o. I Democracy, uas made him familiar with That’s the way it was put on; and in llhat sort of uie.ia, aud it is but natural this'toggery they proudly exhibited I that he should express them. But when themselves before the pnblio for its ad-1 papers that have held some olaim to re miration, as if they were really con- speotability, repeat, such foul charges, as scions of having greatness thrust npon I most of them >n this State have, it is them. _ simply diabolical. But this is not all. The mostaston- If the party which these editors, and ishing part is yet to eome. some of the Greeley stump speakers. On Saturday last a communication represent approve their conduct in this appeared in the Constitution addressed to regard, it is strong proof of its unfitness Col. I. W. Avery. * It regrets the stand for the association of honest men. This he has resolved to take in regard to the ooarse abuse and a systematic ostracism oandidaoyfor Congress; tells him frankly in all appointments and elections, seem the people are getting sick ol conven- to be the ohief weapons used by most of tions and their pets, forced on unwilliug the Greeleyites against their late asso- snppoiters; that the people, in order to oiates, the Straights, break down the convention machinery, If a nomination is to be made for Gov- must resort to such names as emor, Congressmen, member of the carry a commanding influence; it Legislature, &c., &c., it is understood he will take a powerful instrumentality to will be required, in advance to commit to overcome the 6vil; will require a man Greeley. among, men to hit the bad practice a | There is some mystery iu this that re- suouid go togetner; xor tne ponucai " telling bbw. We have the me£, and you quires explanation. Itv&Ube remember- principles of The Sun, and those of Mr. favor. I looked upon this as a sort of I are among them. You can crush out I e d that the Democratic, Convention which Greeley are diametrically opposite. contract—well understood on my part, I this bad practice. Your record in the I nominated Gov. Smith while it “rati- Mr. Greeley holds that the Union is and at least implied on the part of the field, the cabinet councils of the party, fied” Greeley, rejected the Cincinnati and is now acting, in the tragic scenes of! ./ « , wM1q m-, «un I Editors of that paper. I really think l? 1 the sanctum—everywhere that duty Baltimore platform. (Bolted?) Why, the political drama since the present onnrmrio™ i-mr/ht tn 1 caPed » L W. Avery has proved him-1 then, require all the candidates to pledge epoch in onr historv commenced which mamtams the ^ reafc I* 1 ® 40 " 0 lrutl1 that Greeley s newspaper 8 pp ° ^ ought to self a among the foremost,. Can you to Greeley? Is it to secure ihe fulJUlmeut e p ocn, in onr mstory, commenced, which ^ ^nion was formed by the States. have a Greeley paper, with Greeley the conscientiously withhold your name ana 0 f the pledge, which Sumner says the . _ entitles him to these sentiments of ad- Mr. Greelev holds that the Union is a I most prominent thing in it, to keepGree-1 your efforts to reform a great and grow-1 Democracy have made to acoept and Public Discas.ionat Dougi iu . m iration and graditnde thus invoked^ f j while Thb Sun ley men encouraged and firmly adhering “g ^ yoa n °!i hi ^-„ aud Greeley>8 favorite ... . ... -• ■ from an Atlanta audience ? xiauuu ux uuo poupxc, «xxxxo j.xxm x j o j and that the people have a right to call Rights Bill. There wUl be a public discussion ° -JVT s Eutoirist of toe merits of thJ maintainS the ^ that “ “ a ^ _ . Jyouout,&c. P I have heard that a committee of emi- the political questions of the day, at . nementBot ttie | Federal Republic, composed of seperate I am disappointed, deceived and I Now, I may be mistaken inmyopin- nent gentlemen waited on Gov. Smith Doutrlasville, Douglas county, October Editor of the New York Tribune, or any d £ at j nct p e0 yi es an a states. outraged at the violation of thiscontract. ions, but I think I oan spot the man who and assured him he could not have the 1st between P F. Smith, Esq., of New- body else, having any regard for truth, M Greelev holds that the States have Insfcea ^ of Greeley having the firet lien hwote these articles, and can tell how nomination unless he pledged to them 1st., between 1.1. ounin, jj j , presume, or dare to deny, that Mr Gre«-1 . £ 7 7,1 - 7 a 7 01,011 2“ col T n8 ’ h u ° 18 put °f "gf Nr happened to be published in the that he would pubbUdy declare for nan, for Greeley, and Mr. M. Jv. onaoE- u no rights except such privileges and fran- “second mortgage bonds,’ and Col. j Constitution. Greeley. leford, of this city, for the priuciples of le y> l a ter e dec ared objects I c bises as the Central Authority of the Avery and Col. Clarke are constantly Be this as it may, I now call upon him it is understood throughout the State Jeffersonian Democracy. war were fnlly accomplished—after all Nation may most graciously see fit to held U P *9 a “ ^P^ted admiring gaze, to say if he has any responsible name or that no Democrat can be nominated fa* 1 *i_ —. a* r I J Os# I nrkjMr.oMk natn nn nfttnrfl tftlAiV r ten liorhi. I «%A»> nn aam An 4l%» I <«« « *_ _ Gr66l67 torn metal "bid opposed to Greeley Radicalism i understood that the worthy nominated by the « qn itxxo utatco. i . - | —-— ■ . — —u — i vuw.vj »• -“B) —* tins county, Mr Jen- Radical Rump Congress in 1866-’671 Stjn ma i n tains that the United I time ’ be held Up by themas 8 reater than I if he lms them, and can give them u I kins not only had to declare for Greeley, . to refuse ten States of the Union repre- 0 . . ... .. , . “fi* . . ,1 necessary. Gan he tell who wrote thosi but was informed by delegates that they Rencontre.—On Wednesday oventog . t - • Federal Councils nntil ® t ' ates » cons4ltu4m K as they do, a Federal If these things go on increasing much j letters? Will he answer candidly? could not support him unless he would. ■ fcut al Councils untl1 1 Bepablic, possess jointly no rightful longer, it will require all of the columns It seems reasonable to suppose that announce his intention to support Goy. have ° 4 the Constitution to publish the compli- only he who has the inordinate vanity to g m ith to whom it was well known he was last, at the hotel^ in Griffin, Mr. Geo..P. they should upset their own Constitu-, g whatever, except such as Burnett was suddenly assaulted by Mr. tions, and regulate their whole system of \^ oan s fnfon Fitch, of the Star, and quite severely internal polity according to the dictation braised with heavy blows from a cane— Q f the Radical Faction then bearing so the report goes. sway at Washington? There has been some ill-feeling between Will this Eulogist or any other, hav- them for some time past. Some two fog any regard for truth, presume or dare months ago, when Mr. Fitch was in this I to deny, that Mr. Greeley advocated city, they had an altercation on account every act of Despotism by which these of some severe language used by the States were crashed under the heel of bfipn dpWntfid hv the Riof™ i n mente that a * e shower ® d u P on th ® Editor publish such letters about himself, in his strongly opposed. And I understand he been delegated by the States, in the in 0bief> and every Greeley subscriber I OW n journal, could be induced to write I “committed” publicly on the floor of the 1 ril - I a il. Tr-i 11 ni aw nnnnmn o I i| mi •_ — LI ? x 1 . * ■ ■ ■ " . « « < • Constitution; and that by the Gonstitu-.J to that paper will either become a I them. This is a reasonable supposition, I Convention. "We are told by speakers tion, the absolute right to govern and “Straight” or vote for Grant. I declare though it may not be a correct one, in and editors that Mr. Greeley’s “person- regulate all their internal affairs, 6 m-1 that I have been so dazzled by ihe exhibited I this instance. I want to know what ality” is nothing; yet after “bolting,” hrarnner the status of their in . greatness and splender of Col. Avery showing can be made. Bostwiok. from his platform they have nothing to bracing the status of their in- that j do nofc think.of Greeley half the ^ advocate but his “personality.” Loyllty habitants, with their cml and po- time; and as for Gratz Brown, I never (Communicated.) to tlart 8ie m “jfei-souahty” is made, litical rights, and civil relations— think of him at all. Every time I try to Rotation. practically, the test of party fidelity, is expressly reserved to the States, j think of him, I think of E. Y. Clarke; 0( , m - uVl ,_ . . • j How did it happen that e\zrg member of and what is more, ©very time l^fcrytoj In an admirably written editorial I the Executive Committee (so-called) in I-—--” nor without committing inst ttoongh tnojteoots shontmg Wftffiy/louoy of tha tunes towards one great I erably hurt. I Will, this Eulogist, or any other in We fear this unpleasant and unfortun- telligent man, having any regard for. ate difference is not at an end. truth, presume or dare to deny that Mr. V I Clarke 1 AVERY 1 Hurrah for the C6n-1 evil—one great enemy to Republican Greeley, in his own revampedversion of f f usurpation and tyranny as stii uiion a nd its great men l Government; and with patriotic zeal, Cart! from coi. Avery. weey,^ ampea version have been perpetrated in the Southern Bat I have not yet entirely lost my ,. ' , . n „ orA Yonrbilious correspon-1 1 States for the last six years, under the | senses, and I do declare it is too bad. | ad f r f_ ° Old Horace ought not to be put in the Liberty by aiding in tearing down anj- background and overshadowed every day thing tending towards Centralization. grnntled at certain kind things Eaid I g nper i or p 0W ers in all State regulations I b | Th » who oonld exelrim, “God J by rt^ipuMed^Urads^ trom a fewi_nwU j can h 0 t better represent the ideas of of myself personally. He can t be of the Q j j. be c j v i] j an ^ eyen domestic relations Greeley brood, because they are general-1 Q | ^ be inhabitants of any of them, when, master the legitimate fruits of those political tl0 m Editors Sun: xonr omous correspon-1 tbe “ SO lemn constitutional” duty of the I "I" dent “Bostwick” seems somewhat dm-1 0entral Gove mment to interfere with its | The speaker wno con J d excla £, one of the authors, and the very I -1 * e than by r spirit, of these wrongs, which are | fleeting the double star of the Constitu-1 presenting the following extract: 1 We say to one and all, dig np this 1 fell spir t at its very roots. In every ’ ramification of office, from the highest . .- I— - ---» i iifivo nren exnected to comnlain a ernad I in which he states that “a number of I “ to the lowest, keep the office-holders As to his very creditable insinuations, b interference ? , , f th <« h P pavv P f - loa ,1 „ kind friends” have asked if ttoy shonld “stirring. Break up nests and rings; he can, by application to the editors of deal of ^. e hea y y leaden artlclea of ^ aC tively support him for the nominatioa “ and if you do not object to the term, tlie Griffin News, Sandersville Herald, I Will tins Eulogist, or any other ad^vo- j Sun,’* He may hereaf ter find its * ‘shot” j f or Congress, and gently suggesting tliat! ** let tne offices rotate irom one to an- and Clayton limes, which journals he so I cate of Mr* Greeley’s election to the j quite as “hot” as it has heretofore been 44 two duties” prevent him from 44 entering 44 other. It is healthy. It may produce courteously designates, learn from them J p res i<j en cy having any regard for truth, felt to be “heavv.” upon the neceseary matter of acqw.intarice “a little commotion for the time being, presume or dure to den r .hat aoeordiug The very thought of the poasMOy of » ^a“h S"” -SLTto S^fSkT S’C learn by application to myself m person, J to Mr. Greeley s own principles, ns pro- the intelligent masses in Georgia raising q q t be 3d September a most sicken- “ masters are plotting for u life-time that his insinuations are as near the mark claimed by himself, all tbe late Enforce- shouts at the name of Horace Greeley, or ing, fulsome article, recommending him “ tenure in office!” as they are hLeral aad ment Acts, including the Ku-Klux enor- indorsing this political principles as the for Congress, copied from the Sanders- Now we think rotation is healthy and Same mitr, are not ouly right, but i. they are embodiment of -the great idea of Oon- ’ iUe ^aU, appeared iu the OmUMm. .hat the idea eutertaiued ao frequenilj be Known. | . , . , Lv • •.* ... . % • . By wliat means it came into the Herald by offic.e-holders—if we are to judge by HI _ . strong enough for their object they 1 ptitutionalism, lseuogh to arouse indig- j not Tcnow. * -n bo their acts:—that they have life' estates in THE public library OF KEX-1 ought to be ^nade stronger ? * | nation in the breast of every one who| On the 4th Sept., appeared a com-(their offices, is a decidedly unhealthy Will this Eulogist of Mr. Greeley, or holds in honor, the memory of the deeds munication signed “Citizens” copied one, that will, in the and, if their wishes anv other advocate-of his election, hav- of their ancestors; and whoare resolved, Sun* recommending are complied With prove a death- sick- • „ OT ,_ * ..u ,. , ynt - - ‘ , -■■•:-■- , Col. Clarke for the Legislature, and de- ness to Republican Government. ® y *or truth, presume, or m any and . every event, come weal or I c i a ring that be is not only popular, capa- j This desire'to hold onto office for dare to deny, that his candidate for the come woe, never to prove themselves to j ble, and honest, but “ one of the best men and during tbe \df natural life, is a Presidency now proclaims himself to be be the degenerate sons of noble sirek by j every way.” I think I Know, how that] great and growing evil—a crying abuse, i Public Library of jKentaeky, win | ^ mnch a Repnbhcan (tll a C is,as mpoh voluntarily, and of their own accord, artid© came into The Sun, and who every office of the country, from Presi- place at Louisville on the 28th , -p d - i . /’ • . wrote it. : dent down to constable, has become more it. We aro informed by the mana-t .. J < j glorying in their own shame. The Conslitulion of tbe 5th September, j or les's a property, to be grasped, and r’ that there will be no postponement ^ neither thisEnlogist-, nor any other (a Better suffer a thousand defeats than | contains two editorialarticles—one cbpir j cliitched, and held, and never given up. At that Concert there will be a distri- election of Greeley bring upon them such infamy ! bution of i tU ^f 1 eucy ’ can truthfully gainsay Choice of e , in ee . v^uu lucio i ^ , g ab j bty aud WO rth, and recom-I out liberty. Yoters, freemen, think oi FIVE HUNDRED thousand dollabs ? r deny ^ hes€ ' T6ry Prominent features be any greater possible evil than self- men £ ng bim J for Congress. I do not this matter; Yon see the' eViL The re in the public character of their candidate, | abasement ? certainly know how these articles hap-! medy is'ih’your hands. Will yon apply ui one thousand cash prizes. j i s it not most extraordinary that he There is hope for any and every peo- j peued to appear in their respective jour- j it? The first capital prize is §100,000; the shonld be held up before.any audience pie, struggling' for the right, so long as 0 ^d nJm^mo?/ tortSli now onlv second prize $o°,00°. ! 011 ear ^ 08 “ th ® re P r esentative of the they are true to truth, true to honor, to some of a very remarkable . , There will be a grand display of 100 j great idea of Constitutionalism?” Yf j and true to themselves. (character—very remarkable indeed 1 I We regret to chronicle the death of happen said committee were delegates in the convention that nominated Mr. Jenkins, when in several districts the meetings to appoint delegates consisted of the com mittee-man and two others? Rather than submit to this impudent dictation, let every true Demoorat in the State posi tively refuse to vote for the nominees of a party whose organs daily assail th-m with tbe vilest epithets, and charge them with the basest motives; who cringe in hypocritical adulation to the destroyer of alt peace and good government in Ameri ca, while they can offer but sneers aud hisses to the pure, noble and gifted O’Conor for the crime of being asked to oppose their new master. Jackson. Pike co., Ga-, Sept. 8th, 1772. Sarnesvitle Weekly Gazelle, 12th Sipt. ’72. GKUHui.i iVfcWS. The Lumpkin Telegraph |of the 11th instant says caterpillars are plenty, and rust also prevails in cotton ; and that farmers generally agree that they will do well if they make a half crop. An Old Gourd.—The Camilla Herald says: Grand PtIxc* toLe Drawn on th. SSIK Instant. The second Grand Gift Concert in aid of the Pnblio Library of Kentucky, will take instant. gers, that there will be no postponement, Sadden Death of a Colambus Lady. musicians. All are invited to purchase tickets and attend the Concert. Railroad tickets half price. Those wishing to participate in the drawing, must buy their tickets at once, as the sales will soon close. Tickets will be sent by mail on receipt of the price; or they can be purchased by calling at the Drag Store of Red wine & Fox, Atlanta, Georgia. Whole tickets §10; half tickets §5; Quarter tickets §2 50. these acts and outrages upon the rights j Repeated defeats, ever so often, will ( That P a P er > of the 8th 1 inst., contains j Mrs. Dorinda M. Moffett, of Columbus, and liberties of the people of the South- be followed hv renewed rallies. ' what purports to bu two communications. in this State,* which occurred suddenly emStates-advocatedand nowjustified Wherever the spirit remains audannt- diSlfigttfu^hM^Sl^n^d at ^^ resideD6e ° f Marcus A. Bell, Esq., by Mr. Greeley—more atrocious in char- e a_ ©f bis friends the most poignant regrets” 1 n thlB Clty » about 10 o’clock last evening, acter than any ever perpetrated in India •■—Freedom’* battle once begun, to read in his paper his “several post Mrs. Moffett had been suffering for some bv Warren Hastings—be consistent with ^ ble6din s t0 ®° n ' tive refusals ” to allow his name to go mouths from a malady apparently in* TSSSZSSr then in £*21 Congress. ” Why) volving tnehearr, bnt was in usual health We have seen a gourd that has been in actual use for sixty years. It has 1810 inscribed upon it, and is in the posses sion of Dr. J. A. Wood, of this coun-y. A large Singing Convention takes place at Blakely, Early county, on Thursday next, the 19th instant. The first to Properly Estimate and give due.Credit. —The Augusta Consli- (tUionalisl, one of the most ardent sup porters of Greeley in the South, the first to hoist his name in Georgia—save only Swayze’s p:.per in Macon—in speaking of the straight-out Democrats says: They are, as Gen. Wright well said in a speech made before the Baltimore nom ination, the best Democrats among us. Their refusal to sustain that nomination has proved that devotion to their politi cal convictions is stronger than their re gard for part} organization. They prefer to hazard party success, and even bring about defeat, rather than make what they consider a concession of principle. This is in striking contrast with some of the Greeley Party who say hard things Tho’ bxfSeJ oftls ever won I •^ ufc tbere is no hope for any people i 3 bonld this be so? Surely, when the j on the day of her death, the paroxysm of all that is venerable, sacred and dear | who voluntarily yield the contest, and of peop e feel their ooligation to a valued that rtsuited fatally lasting only about to freemen, what constitutes Centralism I their own free will sanction the usurps-1 public servant whose prominent labors thirty minutes. Mrs. Moffett was the ■ n „™ their motives and Despotism? tion, oi their onpre^ors, -nth a pledge ““j 2 " 5 ./”.*>>» g™** theconutr, relict ot the hue Henrj Moflett, oi Co- of the .toughs, impugn _ T . ., , . . j * r h »ve endeared him to the public heart, lumbus, aud mother oi that charming Ac. _ t Nay, more: is it not, not only most never more to inquire into or complain they 8honld not be eu ied their wishes | author, Mrs. Emma Moffett Tyng. Her i Twenty bale* of new cotton wg**' extraordinary, but exceedingly amazing, of them. in giving vent to their generous grati- remains will be taken to-morrow to Co- j ceived at Rome on Friday, that in view of these few indisputable I There never can be a rally of any peo- v tnde. Can yon not be induced to review I lumbus for interment. on Thursday. r