The Weekly sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1872, June 10, 1873, Image 3

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Vol- IV—No. 8. TrTB ATLANTA WEEKLY 3TJ3Sr—TTJKrEI lO, 18*70. T11K A r L AXT ASUN HXT, ! OfiLETHOUt*® CO. THE HOWE! 8 honld letafl the public to regard I t.lJ.liKA >1'. f Mr, Tilton as tu.- jntbov of the oahiro-1 1 hiea *9 which it aUndea, it will do him 'otonan P Washington, Jane 2.—The follow : og, j linjuBtioR I am uuwilliiig that be - propfired by a lending Elder, member of, “ L, ' u \ d tven W he recpoLsible for , rpHE > ibu->* b-reuy notifl-d tmt ue oflAn *d tb»* Baltimore Breshjteriau Gen- i^onouilUtoiumts wno&s force waa de- * mm \* r ¥*T m * u '**t will her*-*ft«r ** NOTICE. OGLETHORPE COUNTY: CamassT's 0‘ nos. Til■. IICW IWMKOVKO HOME SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE PRICE FROM SIS TO *75. Assembly, will interest wholly from o’llers. the end .. Southern Presbyterians: This »arge id 11 Aliential body, consisting of be- 1 i publish d U. th ! chronicle so < MliMi, a*pi*u U. H. MITCHELL, Ordinary of Ogi-thorpe t'eunty. Ir-lingtiJU. US., Msj lSUl, 1ST A [Higuedj Henry Ward Beecher _ Liohdoii, Jose 2.—The Times of tiiis tween hve or six [hundred minister* and 1 publishes special dispatch*-* elders, representative* from all parts of I * rom Berlin, which aay that the German thetUnion, after a remarkably barmon-1 government is diaeatisded with Prea. Mo- j georgia-ohlethorpe county • . . f A * - X_ ft a t _ \l A nnn url/lwnou t/v tk a V.' aL — — 1 I I ■ ■ ■■ NOT Z OIL SHEsarr'* Optic r. UlOlVUicu, «vw a iruiaiuvi y UttrOlOll- l " * sees iuo- ions session of two weeks, finally »d- “ a h°n a address to the French assembly, . iou<ned on Wednesday night 28tn nlL to. 1111 ^ w -^ D& * enter ’n f o regular diplo- r F UE p° o1ic is hereby notifl-s mat th* official ad- Ut next year in St. Lome. Iu, pre- “«« re ?° U « 0 ? s hi ° gorernment | JL+SEgl&Z^ro^tSSSEi. 1 * sidmg officer or moderator was the Rev. nnWI ■•timed that France will faithfully *• - Howard Crosby D. D. LL D., of the ^ a ^, e ®* to tlj e treaty of Frankfort. Fourth Avenue Church, Brooklyn, and Cincinnati, June 2.—Tne dwelling of Chancellor of ,tbe Uuiversity of New • ^( 1 C ed Lff>udon, and the store of Loudon York. Many importaut subjects ! & Kaafz, at Higgineport, burnt last Set- j ° THOB. D UIuHAM. tiuenff. M*y lull, 1573. Lexington, G» NOTICE. were discussed and decided, 1 ord *7 # L 0 * 813,000. i the details of which will be FHakCIsop, J due 2.—The renegade . fonnd in the religious papers. What will 1 *® odoc * ,e *d th® troops to wAnin a half • be most interesting to Southern Chris- ^ile oi Captain Jack’s stronghold. Then tyros, was the broad, liberal action of this 1 ! he ‘h 5 " 101 * 04,4 moved »o sarronnd him, assembly in relation to fraternal organi- 1 Haabronca’B command did not, zation, at some early day, with the South- i retiC ^ ltie designated point in time to eru General Assembly and o' her branedea ! arrt * f compete. Capt. Jack .4 * - . escaped. Captain His pickets came f »o crying “ Rim out, run quick ! the sol- GEoRGLA—OGLETHORPE COUNTY: Ornzt or th* Clerk or tHb Scrnuom Cccbt, I HE pub ic 1* hereby notifl-d th*’ tue official ad- 1- Teruwmtou ol uas oth :e wui hereof* r be pnEilsned In the August* Chronicle and Beniinel GEO H LESTr.B, Clerk Superior C att, LexinRton. G*. M»y 13th, lsTb iujh*I* . K. -* \ UF.U AC C?<>., d 0Mh. ancl 8 how Cm MAN UFACTOIIY, 161 W. Lembanl Sine*, Baltimore, M of the great Presbyterian family holding I ^^ ree warnors ♦ Iia uuniA faith anrt aiminoarlU.. <....« ... JACK WM PUrpriHfcU the same faith and aiming at the same re sults The unanimous adoption of a report of i ‘*‘ e ™ ar 9 coming 1” The soldi jts behaved i i-.i a « .* uplI amt ihcnr uullant •/iuun/io Anil. <1 sundry resolutions, submitted by Dr. Nichols of St. Louis, would seem to re well ami their gallant advance callrd from I the rooks exclamations uke •' Surrender, move »he difficulties hitherto existing as 001 JVs want ( talk peace, w» ♦ r\ o niiimi ill. t liTi /"i I ! *1 to a union with the Southern General Assembly and the Old School Synod of Missouri. e peace.” Boston Cnarlie; who killed Dr. Thomas, came in full view. He was covered with a naif dozen rifles. (Pri- After a preamble, the resolutions de-1 y aU »—Darwin ia doubtless right.) Two claro: hours afterwards Boston Charlie was 1st That all former declarations of the “ ,ter the Modocs as peace commis- asaemblies representing the Old and New : alouer * Jl,t b*ued to overtake them. The Schools,touching on the Southern Gener al Assembly or the Synod of Missouri, are now, and have been since the reunion, null and void. 2d. That the Assembly express full oontidence ic the sonndness of the doc trines aud Christian character of those brethren, aud cannot doubt that a more intimate communion would lead to the speedy removal of the barriers that now separate those of like faith); and to a pract cal manifestation of their belief in Chiist, etc. It was unuerstood that this action in the Assembly was satisfactorily agreed to, aud approved by the leading men in the Southern Church, such as Dr. Stuart Robinson and Dr. Wilson, of Louisville, Ky.; Dr. Palmer, ot North Carolina ; Dr. Seaborn and Dr. Bullock, of Baltimore, etc, and it is hoped that such sentiments extending the Olive Branch may be adopted aud perpetnated in all puns of our common country. Dr. Baird, of Nashville, Tennessee, repressing the Cumberland Presby terian Church, made an able and elegant address to (ho assembly, and said: Ihere are one hundred and live Presoytenau Churches, with one hundred aud thirty thousand members, with all their colleges and|schoois w.-re ready aud willing to re turn to thur mother church if re-union was considered desirable. The Modera tor replied in fraternal aud eloquent terms, aud a committee for conference was appointed. Similar propositions came from the general assembly of the Welsh Presbyterian Church aud other bodies and it seemed indeed, as if the era of good feeling had returned. The intention of these resolutions and the effect of the action of tne assembly, is to remove ail imputation of crime from persons who took a part with the South in the recent struggle. Washington, Juue 2.—The Court of Claims to-day rendered a number of judgments in suits brought under oap- tured aud abandoned property act for the value of cotton taken and sold by the Government agents, the proceeds of which weie placed in the treasury. In the cases of Bynum Houston uud Og- raugs, executors it was decided that the Government had no right to with hold eitbei *he two per cent, cotton tux ! or custom house fees, etc., from pro- 1 Uk.OK.UI *—Oglethorpe Caaaty. Wh.uo loLwr B. GorUlr, Administrator of the ea'at* of Joan Daria, latt- 01 -a d coant;, de ceased. applie* to ms for litter* di*minor; from said adia.uwiratiou. Tn-ae are therefore, t > cite and admonish all persona inter *ie<l to be and appear at my office, an or beiore tue first Monday It August. 1873, torhew cau*e, if any they have, why said letter* should not be granted. Wiioero my hand and official signature. tH* April 28UI, 187*. K. K. Mi iCHtLL, »p2J Orlmwf O <1 THE BEST Cii surprint resulted in the surrender of Bos ton Chari c, Capt. Jack's sister—the Princess Mary, Black Jim—a woman and other female Modoca,.ranging from 9 to 90 in age and Beven ponies. Capt. Jack refugeed in a canon with walls 40 feet perpendicular. Later—bear-faced Charlie, old bchon- schiu, aud ten other warriors surren dered. Capt. Jack and three other war riors decamped during the night. Applegate's House, Cleak Lake,Cal., Jane 1, 3:80 P. m.—A series of prolonged yells and cneers aroused this camp from Pleasant Siesta half an hour after the de parture of my last courier. Generals Davis and Wheaton and other officers, together with all the men, rushed irom their houses and tents to And out the cause of the uproar, and at once the whole eamp was in a commotion. Gen. Davis aras on the level plain, north of the house, where was a grand cavalcade of mounted horsemeu, who rushed for ward at once at a furious rate and soon neared the groups of spectators scat tered around the premises. •' Captain Jack is captured !” snooted the sturdy sergsaut. Again the valley re-echoed with cheers wad yells. The mounted command was Perry’s. He had retnrned from a scout of twenty-three hours three miles above the mouth of Willow Creek. At half-past ten o’clock this morning the Warm Spring scouts struck the trail aud alter a brief search the Modocs were d'seovered. Col. Perry surrounded the Indians’ re treat, his men were bound to light. Sud denly a Modoc shot out Irom the rocks with a white flag.) He met a Warm Soring Indian and said “ Jack wants to surren der.” Three scouts were sent to meet Jack. He came out cautiously, glanced about him a moment, and then, as if giving up all hopes, came forward and 4held out his hand to his visitors. Then two of his warriors, five squaws (and seven children, darted forth and joined him in surrender. The command that made this iamous scoot was the First Squadron of the First Cavalry, Colonel D. Perry, com posed of Troop F, Lieutenant Miller, aud Troop H, Major Trumbnll, and med ical oflioer Assistant Surgeon Demit, guides KOIlUlA—Oglathoi|ic Vauiljr. Where**, William J. M4ihewa, Administrator de bonla non, on th* estate of Frmiei* X. Glenn, late of said Connty. deceased, petition* for a di> charge from said Administration. Therefore all person* concerned are hereby required to show cau-e, if a~y they have, why said Administrator, de boui» non, should not. at the regular Term of the c nrt ol ordimny of (aid County 10 be held on the 1st Monday tn July next. De <nscn*rgej irom 4ai 1 Ad ima'rauou. Given under my hand this 7th day of April, 1873. R. K. MlTCHKLa, •»p'l" Ordlnare Cii ICOKU1 A— Oglethorpe Coantyi Whereas, S. H. Hardeman, a. Administrator Ac., ot George R. Gilmer, deceased, 1st • of -aid Coua:;, petitions for a discharge from said ad'ninlsti atiou. Therefore all persons concerned are herebj required to enow came, if any they have, why eaid Administrator should not, at the regula. term ot tne Court of Ordinary of said County, to beheld oa the 1st Monday in Ju,y next, bedik- eharged .Torn said administration. Given under my band this 8th day of April, 1873. • pil'd a. K. Ail lCnhoi,. Ordinary. were 0. Pullman and oteton and judgments were rendered for | ajjd compaclly buiH; Lm amuuuts su withheld. Judgment lor 1 J - - - $35,530, the proceeds of captured cotton, was rendered in favor ot the Home In surance Company of Savannah, and lu lirge aud well formed lace, which is fall of mdivul- u tlity; but though dressed in old clothes, he looks every inch a chief. He does net speak to any one. The Modocs are OEOUUIA—Uglcthorpe Coantyi Whebkas, Isaac R. Hall baa applied to me for Let- t r« of Administration de bonis non on the estate ol lnuiel llan, late of said county, deceased. these are, therefore, to admonish ah persons in terested to show cause, if any they have, within the term vresorbed by law, why anoh letters should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature, this 33th day of April, 1873. R. B. MUCUBLUxa epr29 Ordinary O. C. C X ICOHUI V, Oglethorpe County Z Whereas, Z. H. Clark, administrator! of the estate of Samuel Glenn, late of said county, de ceased, applies to me for letters dlsmissory from ■aid administration; These ,ie, therefore, to cite aud admonian all persona interested to be and ap pear at my office lu Lexington, Ga., on or before the first Monday iu July, 1873, to show cause, if any they have, why atid .otter* should not be granted. Witness my hand and official signature this 34th March, 1873. R. R. MITCHELL, Ordiuary O. C. DOUGLAS^COUNT!^ G KOllUIA— OouglR* County. Ordinaiit’b Ornca, March 26th, 1873. Rebecca Howell has applied for exemption of personalty and realty, aud setting apart and valua tion of a homestead, and I will pass upon the tame at 10 o’clock a. is. on the 13th of April. 1873, at Douglwtville. JOHN M. JAMES, mhJ7 Ordinary State Of UEOKQIA, Dougins County All persona interested are required to be at uy office on Monday, July 4th. to show cause, if any ax isu, why A. Price. Olerk of superior Court of said count., shall not be appointed guardian of the person and property of Nancy McLarty. Given under my hand this May 30tb, 1873. JOHN M. JAMES. my3 J. Ordinary D. (V Sta ATKOP GEORGIA, Dougins County Whereas. Z. A. Bice, Administrator of J. W. Nixon, represent* to the Court, in his petition du.y filed and entered on record. tti*> he has fully administer ed J. W -iion's estate. Tnis ia. therefore, to cit* all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, show cause, it any they can. why said Administrator should net be di-charged from liis All in nistratiou and receive letters of dismission on first Monday In Septeisb r next. This May 2n, I87.t. John m. James. mv-3. i)ril : narvD 0. AS 18 VERIFIED BY An experience of oyer Twenty Years. A 0 . N e Ol O UR MACHINE is a Shuttle Machine, and do all kinds ef work equally os well as any hlg priced machine, fit durable, tight running aud war i ranted for five year*. Ws receive almost every day TV T! A XT TO ; certifies tea from parties Maiding la the city, aud Pi A 1 M Iw I from all parts of the country, unsolicited, wl o speak | ia the highest terms of the "Mew Improved Home shuttle." AJ* WW-Agents wanked tn’tevrftory uaoecapied. Address D. G. MAXWELL, General Agent, _ Jan6 Atlanta (j*. IX Id MORE SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION I MORE DURABLE! PERFORM* A GREATER VARIETY OF WORK: RDN8 LIGHT! IS EXPEDITIOUS IN PERFORMANCE! The Best Machine! FOB AI.L WoRK. In these respects we Invite a Comparison, aud war- 133 rant entire satisfaction with pvery Machine. THE "HOWE Contains the Materials for its own repair; has less wearing points than any other; draws up a stitch as is done by hand, which other Machines do not'; gives perfect con trol over both thre*iis—giving oil thread in proportion to the thickness of the fab ric sewed, thereby AVOIDING siow mom, OVER-SEAMS, DROPPING STITCHES OB BREAK!FQ J NEEDLES great objections to all other Machines. IT SEWS A TIGHT SEAM IN THE H EAVIEST GOODS 1 u ryiag the Thread on both sides, and In like man ner with tho lightest mvortal, WiTH >(jr 09ANG OF TENSION. Th* Inventor. ELIAS HOWE, known a* the “Mas ter of Master Mechanics," once truly remarked, 'The Machine is lechanicallT Correct.' While Machines of other inventors have had an ephemeral popularity—some now aim fat unknown, while others have ceased entirely to exist, and a few been compelled to make changes—a weak effort to keep pace in part with the mechanical improvements of the day. XT rx Ills.© Howe, Whose combination of Mechanism wag perfect from the first; besides now owning aud has adopted all the LATEST IMPROVED ATTACHMENTS. Such is the desire to obtain the HOWE MACHINE that, although now manufacturing ONE THOUSAND PER DAY, it is unequal to tne demand. We respectfully Invite all p-r-mi* desirous of pur chasing A FIRST-CLASS MACHINE, on LIBERAL TERMS, to call at our office ami examine lor them- Wives. THE HOWE MACHINE COMPANY. f*bl6 12,000.000 ACRKS! Ciieap Farms! The Cheapest Landfln Market, for Hale by the III NCIFIC MILBQ1D C0MP1NT IN THEJGBEAT PLATTEfcVALLEY. 3,000,000 Acres in CENTRAL NEBRASKA, now for sale in tracts of forty acres and upwards on five and ton yean' oredit at 6 per cent. No advance interest required. Mild and healthful climate, fer tile soil, an abundance of good water. The Best Mar ket in the West 1 The great Mining regions of Wyoming, Colorado. Utah and Nevada, being sup- lied by the farmers in th* Platte Valley. SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO A HOMB8TEAD O 160 ACRES. The beat locations for Colonies. Free homes fo r all. Millions of Acres of choice Government Land.* open for entry under the Homestead Law, near th ] s Great Railroad, with good market* and all the con veniences of an old settled count **- Fancy Metal Wire o« every description. *0* Store aud Office Fixture* of every da made t i order. g*“Plate Glass and Glass Plates of all nished and set. Selection ot Show Cases, tn SLlws Walnut Frame*, always on Hand. 90-wly. FE^AJLt: COLLEGE, Reulvi!l*», H. O. (Near Atlanta and B ch iiwl Air-Line ItaHreuLg Rkv. TH >S. WARD WHiTt, President. B OARD (leu CaVu lar Months) il.’S; tuition $40 Mm c ft . No extras, t'a.l Term opens July L The Pr std -ut wi 1 lea lanta, 3d Ju y. 1 i . h»rv • Ki iball tout*, Ah- juJ iliwSt N. IS. JONES, Pro v I Ton NO. 3 PIKb s t%. Jr-lor* prices v oixor J jUii-DlNG. >lxio. p jyflll < $( )•)« $5to$20 sex. young o* i .d, mulls mui. In their -pare u: ian u . r hingelse IS, <>f «.ta*w ■•k fo- us EAGAN'S Fr60 ptNMi to Sectional Maps', showing th* land, also new edi tion of Descriptive Pamphlet wit . new Maps mailed Ire* everywhere. Address, Q. F. DA\ 18. land Oommissiout r U. P. B. R., Omaha. Neb. »pll0-doaw*w3m. eiunlar case judgment for $271,.6 wa.' ‘ d iu fibld near the house, and given ,n «avor of the Boutheru Inauranoe, ^ airo F ulidea b a & Spectators peer and Trust Gompuiij. Tlxese corporations ; . Q j^kf ftt0 e with an eager «n- were created by the Legislature of l ^ e I terest, but he hteda them not, he is still state of Georgia we lie said Btate was iu I ag ft 8tatue rebellion against the Uuited States, and the qaemiou raised was whether they | A a|e loes ^5 1000 . were eudutved with a legal existence by ( Richmond. June 2.-f Peru, Jane 2 —Five stores burned. 5 grega Richmond, June 2.—Specials from Suf- wi uh they were capable of owning the folk y 8Wle (bat Mrs. Dcmpsey Jones cottu.t captured and capable of suing in , aQ(i bcf gist ^ DoZ)er> fivilg nine tills Court :or the proceeds. Cmef Jltotice . _.* „ frnm , hft t nlanp. ur^rn nmrl^l J Gehver^u Uie opinion of the court, an swering this question afli. mativeiy; hold ing tna uuderthedocieionsoi theUuited bta’es Hupreiue Gourt, that whatever ac of the legislature of a rebel S ate, did not tend to farther or support the ruo 1- iiou, or to defeat tne just rights oi tiie citizen^, but related merely to r*ic do- ineutie affairs of the people of t^n BUtu as a oommunity, aside from the connec tion of that people with the rebellion, it valid by a defacto, though unlawful gov ernment, which will be sustained iu the courts ol the United dtates in applving these tests to the charter of these compa nies; i: is therefore held that they have a valid existence, and arc entitled to tbe judgments above mentioned. The court adjourned till Wednesday next, when a final adjournment is expect ed to the third Monday in October. New York, June 2.—Judge Dona gran ted, this morning, an adjournment of trial to Wm. M. Tweed until the Octo ber adjournment, which was granted on the affidavit of hia physicians, to the ef- feot that to prooeed with the trial now would endanger the life of John Gra ham, Tweed’s leading counsel. A Captain of a soow on E^st River fell overboard. Hi« wife' remarked that he had enough trouble with her, man rescued the body. Mr. Ol 'pp, who keeps a sailors’ house on Water street, opened the head of a^ boarder with au ax. milts irom that plaoe, were murdered yt sterday and the house plundered, while Mr. Joues aud childr-m w. re at Suuday school. A bloody club was fonnd in the bouse, and bloody marks of bare feet discovered a: the front euirauo«. T.tere is a c au to the murderers, an 1 the o; i- z»qs are nuuting them. The wildcat ex citement p twVo—a. Halifax, Jane A—James Howe, Gov ernor of N^va Scotia, is dead. Aged 63 years. Baltimore, June 2.—Five for murder and oue for rape are await-iug the death seuteuce ia this Scate—mr ■e white aud three black. Southern State Bonds.—TLe New York Financial and Commercial Curoui- cle, of the 24th, reporting for the week, says: The volume of transactions in South ern State bonds has been comparatively smalL Tennessees and Virginias remain steady, a few of the latter bonds hating been bought on foreign orders; Georgia bonds oontinue to rule quite strong; tor Louisianas there have been severs* orders this week reoeived from parties in New Orleans, which seems to indicate that A police-; residents iu that city entertain a more hopeful viaw of tne State firances. g^QUEENS DELIGHT This Coitcjsi»»r3)V3#fTist,i arwuioi! a bra* ?,r of *'ic iui :iiq i)><> 11. t f t ■, a r ily ututr*!- izj* ,-i.t ••••mI'.cx: •- t om jxe j,ua i .e sjivjiftc vi- rus, aud every kiad ol humor aud had taint, which causes such a loa* list of humsn suffering aud im parts perfect health and purity to the entire co fti- tntion. In every form of scrofulous, merenri"! *nd syphilitic blood cimoUint* il stands a-ithont com- o^er-raxidly curtuj Unosiu. Pustclks. Ovaacs- ernsa. Scald He vd. Salt rtakcw. and tiv> 81 v irie- tie-ot akin x3 • tuva-s it is a p mitive curative for s-rofitla chro 11c on 1 inflira aetory rheumuis’n, end th* deadly enemy of m-roiuy. ieal and arsenic, qn-.-ily -iiminatiug ilx^.n from thr system. Tae ac- u >n of th'« r-irn-' ly is based npou tae truth* ol In s xintion, the laws ef nature »nd tae knowledge of cue nistry. Tne Flcid f'-XTiiacr or Qrsksa Da- Liodr, preoared by Di. J. A Bembertou, h-s made tne most woedertal aud ast-miahing enr ■». Us p«- r.tymg. and tonic properties exercise th# quickest and most wonderful effects In restoring health. It it harmless to the most delicate, and can never be used a n as. It is the true boantifler of the complexion. If you want rich blood, clear akin and bsautiful complexion, use th* Compound Exthact or Stillisoi a or Qceess Dxligat. Read our treatise on diseases of the blood. Tne gennlne has the signature of th* proprietor on each label—take no other. F lr sale by all Druggist*. $1.00 a bottle. Da. J. 8. PEMBERTON k CO., Proprietors, iqivII Atlanta, OA CONSUMPTION, COLDS. COUCHS, ic Q-loToe Flower COUGH SYRUP T HIS famous Cough and Lung Remedy la the ao- tive principle, obtained by ch«mical process from the "Globe Flower," known also a* “Button Root," and in Botany aa “Ceph.i,an thus Occiden. tails." This rare and delightful compound is a certain cuie for every form of Csugh, Brohchitia, Ilosrsnrsi, Whoop ing Oongh, Aatlim*. &c And will positiv. iy cure UONSUM PTION S When taken In time, aa thousands win testily. It cures when all other means and remedies fall, has cured people who are living to-day with only oue remaining long. Within the past fsw'yeara this remedy has been used in thousands of cases with astonishing and uniform success. Actual ex perience has demonstrate,', rie fact that U ap proached nearer a speclfi: for ati Throat and'Luog affections than anr medicine - r discovered. It is not only now being used and - '-amended by the most learned and skilled p best and most distinguished can continent M-GLuBS FLOWER SYi.i no poisonous or other disa^r< infant m*y take it with perl-e-t safety. Globe flower Cough Syrup warranted to cure"ind givo satisfaction In every ra* •, or 11. ■ mmey refunds 1. Dr. J 8. PEMuERTON A CO., of Atiauta, G*., are tn- pr iprlet rs and niauiifit "irers. For sale by ail drug^i-ia everywhere. Pric- one dollar oei hot tie. Ita cures ere numbe.-ud by tiionsanda. It fall- arts are ir kuu n. aprl8«4m •u-ians, but by the sols on the a mart. :■ >i; tains no opium a propert'es. An The boards of directors of the Rich mond and Petersburg Gam pan tea have Wm. Shaw, while drunk, split hie wife’s ^^Ssut ^iTdatlng head. Vincent Blood (ooL) cut Wm. Tnom the two roads under tbe title of the Rich mond and Weldon route. Mr. Tuomas sou 8 (coL) throat. Thomson watt trying H w _ nne> p^mea* of the Richmond and Petersburg Buiroad, hoa resigned to bite Blood’s nose off. Isaac Ltureus accidentally shot him- bij uoaition as such, and the new Oum •>aoy have elected Mr. Rea’xm Rigland President and Mr. Thomas H. Wynne mm and a j i elf. A madlog, biting toy, was shot in Harrison tuocL i ^ manaxrer. Nsife York, June 2.-The following « nrtr *' ****8"- card was pablisnea this afternoon by floury Ward Boeoher: “ I have maintained silence respecting danders wmoh have for some time pa* tollowed me. I should not speak uow. hut for the sake of relieving another ot unjust imputation. Thedocnmoot which Fas recently published, bearing my nsm JfSJttlTtJns iJftPRUNED BRICK MACHINE •ssimple In tu mechanism, built atrood and durable and can be operated by ordiuary help. The capect* ty is 4.00) brick* an hour steam power, a* J.500 gith n>cs* power. M*nufacttired aud sold by tbe martin brick machine go., mh3dkw3m CHIOOPEE. aid settled country, purchaser* of Railroad Land. 4#S‘ ATHAIRON > Only 50 Cents per Bottle. It prebetM the GROWTH, PRESERVES the COLOR, ant* increases the Vigor and BEAUT7 of the HAIR. , Ovs* Th»tY Y*A) ) A no Lion's Kathax&oi* roK thk Hair was first placed in the market by ProfesaorE.Thomaalwon.acradnateaf Piinceton College. The name fa derived from the Greek. “ KaXHBO," signifyin* t* clean", purify.rduvtnate. or restore. The favor it has received, and the popu larity it has obtained,i* unprecedented and incred ible. It increases the GaoWTH sad BEACTTOf the Hair. It is a dressing. It eradicates Dandruff. It prevur t* th* Hair from turning gray. It keeps the heed cool,and gives the hair a rich, soft, glossy appearance. It is the SAME ia Qt'iirmi and Quality a* it was over a Quarts* of a Cen tum Aoo, and i* sold bv all DrnggisU and Coun try Stores at only Fifty Cents per Bottle. Woman’s Glory is Her Hair. LYON’S. ATHAIRON S.T-1860-X. Established 14 Years d 8 TJ JTnj M il / J>'8 T t T V T 10 JT. it was stated bv Dr. Marion Sims, iu a recent lecture in New York, that bat it-w persons nave died by the adufoietra- ttou of eulorofarm. Ia «u i istauee ha* us u-tj »n chilJ-birtn reunited fatally. As „ imrous oxydt* ^as, Mr. S»ms ooatended daaih, aud tliat lately iu ,44.W.U4, 0—4 . *t Ult :>ae - with others, was puaiished witut*n. evu Bugtand, Los bVur happeLed from '.Is use, Edvtard H. Hyde* IDEISXOlSrEFL AMD Eagrav».r on Woo<U U TLuAJS T-f, «4f. Ort'ICB re*r PHILLIPS A CREW^, comer WbW* bal ?eachire St* Largest, Cheapest and Best in the Senth. C IONDUCTED on actual Buslnras Principles; sup- J plied with Banking and other offices; com bining every known facility for Imparting a thorough practical Business Education in the shortest poe- sible time ant at the least expense. The advantages are greater and the expense* from fifteen to twenty per ceat. lea* than it will cost a student to attend second class Business Schools. Th* established reputation of this InatitaOan. its efficient and combined oourse of study through the operations In th* Actual Busin aa* Department, and the success of the graduate* rank* it the LEADING BUSINESS SCHOOL IN THE SOUTH. Students admitted at any time. Ne teaching In cl«e«e*. Busines* Advocate mailed to any add Fart. Address B F. MOORE A. M ian36wly President. WANTED, 10-000 Mirite rfVHS anierwgned will pay as high end liberal a X price as any bouw in the South lor Mink, Coon. Fox, Otter. Beaver, Opoesum, Muskrat Fora sent him by freight or express. Cask remitted promptly. He also buys Bags. Hi lea. Beeswax, old Copper, Braes. Ac. Keeps for *a!e Fruit. Vegetables. Seeds and To bacco* For twelve year* pr ’p-ietor ot Atlanta Fur Co * pony; tor uttv, years ;,.iir xehip-oet and i Be r»»i st- :• ) .-fill a.a >, a . f.- •-> .-ipect- iefi.- ••• e» ; il 3h L'.ttf ) Z vj.idf TVfg^nrilig. ‘Rfllm 3- * A FEW APPLICATION* MAKE A> Pure Blooming Complexione It la Purely Vegetable, and Its operettomlR* * seen and fult at once. It does away with thm Flushed Appearance caused by Heat, Faliant and Excitement. Healsand removes all Blntrl— and Pimple*, dispelling dark and unatoMAF Drives away Tan, Freckle* andtMto nd by ita gentle but powerful aa the laded c‘ f cheek with rOU l HFI L BLOOM AND BEA 1 Sold by an Druggieta and Fancy Stored. Pot. 53 Park Place, New York Farm & Portable Mills. For Corn Weal—Stock Feed still Wheat Flour — Selected French Butir Steue — over S.UDI) I 0*r in na» — Heat "Mill Made- All hIil.h of "ill Ma- ehtuery—B-t.iing (L’-lh—Cora Shell*'*—Hummy Mills, Prioa tl3, make* nw quart In flva muiutes or money returned. Estsbllfheu i844. | »prl3Mlt-w:im. SEND FOB CIRCULAR, irit tlJK .<4 CO., Box )43n. • .NOiNNATI, O The Browa Cottun Gin. P LANTERS should examine the above named old and retlaole Gin before buying any other. It combine* the required qualities of mmpUcity, strength and durability It gin. nut and clean, make* excellent lint lOftun bringing >.c. to >40. pad lb. above market.) and lsunivariially admitted to b* the lightest running gin made. MV have had thirty yearn' experience in the nuaine**, and warrant every gin perfect. Gin* oomtantly In the hand* of our agents, to which we invite inspection. Circular!, with testimonial* and lull particulars, may be had by aidresaing. ISRAEL F. BROWN, President, Brown Cotton Gin Co., New London, Oonn. ANDERSON k WELS, Agents, Atlanta, Ga. feb23dltw4m UNITED ST AT OS INTERNAL REVENUE.) CoiLECTon'a Ornca, 4th Distbict, Ga., S Atlanta, May 27 th- 1878. ) N OTICE la hereby given that the following seizures have been made by me, to-wlt: Three packages of Corn Whisky, containing about 40 gallon* eacn, for violation of Sec. 48, ActJuua 30th, 1864, aa the property ol Ghas. P. Medulla, of Atlanta, Ga. Two packages containing respectively 31 gallons Corn Weiaky; and 21 gallons Rye Whisky, and ionr empty barrels having stamps and marks not efiaoed, for violation of Sec. 39 and 43, AOt July 30th, 1b68, aa the property of J. W. Odell, of Atlanta, Ga. One package containing about 18 gallon* Ry* Whisky, for violation of Seo. 48, Act June 30th, 1864, aa the property of Bryson A Smith, of Atlanta, Go. Any person or person* claiming any of said prop, erty are required to appear and make each claim within thirty days Lorn date hereof and giv* bond a* required by law; otherwise the same will be sold and tne net proceeds deposited to the credit of the Secretary of th* Treasury. may29 w3t J. A. HOLTZOLAW, Collector. "j - PUR FLY A Y"L3Er IBLF. ri.EPARATION. A com^oeedsim-iy of—cR-knonu ROOT8, HLR83 —-1 FFx , comLtued with other properties, tst'-’x in « - nhje nre rathartic. A pen.. ^ Alterative and Anti-BiilotL I'—.T 1 ■, r-sera d in a suffl- oient quantit; of ssti-A no in die SUGAR CAVEbi makto tho On. Lee at “Stoaewall’a" Grave. A 14 x 18 Inch Engraving of the grave of * a Ston»- wall’' Jac.son, In toe Lexington, Va., oeme- tery. The noble Gen. Lee stand* beside the flower- strewn grave over which uangs a weeping willow. In tne distance is to be seen a Deauiifnl landscape, hills decked in verdure, cioud* as natural as ones, and many other thing* which make this pic ture a gem of art: oue which should hang in the parlor of every southern home. It ia wunout a rival the sweetest aud most touchingly eautiful Engrav ing before the puoiic. A copy of this beautiful en graving will be sent by mail, post-paid, to every person sending S3 cent* lor six mouths aubscriD. tlon tj THE SOUVENIR, A large eight-page paper, with o.uto circulation, de voted to Literature. Poetry, Romance, Sentiment. Wit, Humor, etc. Address J. C. A W. M. BURROW, Publishers, - -*»■Bri»tol, Tenn. TELEGRAPHIC & BUSINESS iCOLLEGL •ioneer of tlxe Soutta.1 A FIRST-CLASS TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. now in encceeafnl operation, In Lebanon, Middle Tennessee. Term* moderate and advan tage* unsurpassed. Bend to B. W. McDonnoid, D. D., LL.D,, President, for circular and College Journal. RkV. THOMAS TONEY, my2w2t-« a* Bnainea* Manager. Agents Wanted! -> them in any cldnate, which P LANTATION ■ BITTEBS one cf the moot desirable Tattles and Ca thartic* in the world. They are intended strertlyasa Temperance Bitters only t •> he tutu 13 z. in ■.' \-Vo snd always ao- cording to director . They «:•« the v' e d-mcltor cfihe freNe aal debilitated. They u. u . - a liver, and rtm.h'Jite to rurh a ff; ~ • th-talieaRhy action G *t*D£* hroeght uboiri. ass remedy to which Women arc tspecially subject it to aupare reding every ether stiir.uL.n- .'.ixSprin* and Rammer Tovir they hrTtsno cquiT They are a mil 8 r.-id gentle Pury-tiro ca veil a* Tonic. Thd iur-y t~4 L ' --- T-cr * r « » U~*plendidAppetizer. Ti'yrrx—iificw..':*trong. ttTh-y purify and invigorate. T' ,-y cure Dyo- u pep'ia. Const ration and HevfccC . They art B »<- a specific in all »peci*s of d jorders which - ■•——if. f the hod2/ ttren^Oi «l.1 brexi down , - it-1 1 1 apir:'*. 53 Puik PL.O, Fm; York* T TBE RAT. TERMS will be made with Ag*nta in XJ Ml porta of th* country for the sale of Hon. Alex. H. Stephens’ HISTORY OP THE UNITED STATES, Which la now in ita Second Edition. It U suited to all classes, general reader* aa wad as students In 8choola and Collages. Apply to id- J. HALE «fc HON, X* uhllshera, New York City. Southern Nurseries IRWIN 4t <1 J* 1JU, . . Proprietor*, A RE offering to the pablic a selection of Frail ADAPTED TO THE SOUTHERN CLIMATE, ot Apples, Pears, Penhe*, Plain*, Cherries, Grapes, Quinces, Raspberries, Btrawberriee, Goose- birTi»», Carranu, English Wshiuta, apsuisn Ociuau, Pecans, and everything else that is usually kept In a well- regulated Nursery. Our FLOctlL DEPARTMENT is complete, aud wa are offering Ho. House Plant, and Ornamental Shrubbery at pric n that defy competition. We war rant our Fruit being true to n,me. We will send Cat leg ne upon application, gratia Adlress IRWIN « THURMOND aot-hit.) ?. O. 601063. .manta, Qa.