The Weekly sun. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1870-1872, June 24, 1873, Image 8

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■H TH5! rj -. y i \ ^jsj T-A. ©XTIN"—-JXJ3STE! 24,' lQ'x’Q. i'HE ATLANTA SUN JTLjUTTJ M.IKUKTH. Chamuck OF < ottMEKCE 1 Atlanta. Ga., June 23, 1873.) Wheat—Red Dominal, $1 60; white •170. Flour—Fuqcj S1050@ll; ExtiaFam- •9 75@10 25; Family $9(59 50; Ext.a $8 60@9; Superfine 86 $0(g/i 50; Fine $4@6. Corn—Car load lots 78@80; lees 80c; yellow 77@79c. Meal—80c. Bacon—Shoulders 9@9fc; clear sides 11*; clear nb 11. Hams 13(5,13}; sugar eared 15(5,16. Lard—Tierce 10}(511c ; k.g ll}c; backet 11 i (a; 12. Bulk Meats- Clear sides 10|C; clear Tib 10. Oats—55c. H/y—Timothy 81 60(5,1 75 ; clover •1 55@1 65. Lime.' -45(5 50 per bushel. Coal —By car load for lump 26c; black smith 22}c. Cotton—Middling 17}@18}; low mid- dl ; ng 17(5u7}; good ordinary 1G}; or dinary 14(5,14}; inferior 8(5,12. The above quotations represent whole sale prices, and are this day approved by the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce, Removed to my New Building, Corner of Alabimi and Forsyth Streets, U. S. ISTEMAl BETENUE. COILECTOI'S OFFICE. 4TB CIST. CFOBCII. ATLANTA, June 16ih, 1873. |1 Notice is ter by given that the following seizure has been made ty me for violation of section 48, Ac June 30th, 18C4, and section 14, Act July 13th, 1866, to-wit: One Wagon and Two Packages, containing :ibou’ fifty-nine gallons Corn Whisky, as the property of Elias Aired, of Pickens county, 6a. Any pereon or persons claiming any of said prop, erty are required to appear and make such claim within thirty days from date hereof, and give bond ae required by law, otherwise the some will be sold, and the net proceeds deposited to the credit of the Secretary of the T retain y. J. A. HOLTZCLvW, )unl7w3t Collector. WHERE T HAVE ON* EXHIBITION AN IMMENSE STOCK IKT MY LI » B®rMOWERS «u I BE \IV.i\S, the ca-a|>r.,t in FAN MILLS, .RAJ'S " Y : HES ! -NlTFIEs, i ERS and HORSE PO\\ EilS .v.-*, an uu m- e s - Now is the tim*- To get. \ laud reu ty for llit'a 15 public are iuvred to cull and ex itar.t* my stoic. 31 \ TKf.KUUJI'H’C M.tUKBTB. Augusta, June 21.—Cotton dull and lower; middlings 18; receipts 68 bales; bales 83. Savannah, June 21.—Cotton easier; middlings 18J; .net receipts 372 bales; sales 135; stock 14,456. Louisville, June 21.—Flour dull and unchanged. Wbea* quiet and unchanged. Provisions quiet. Pork lower; held at $16 371(546 75. Bacon in fair demand »t 7|@9j. Sugar-cured hamsl3i@14}; plain 13. Lard 8| for tierce; 91(5,10! for keg; 81 for steam. Whisky firm at 90c (5,81. Charleston, June 21.—Cotton dull and euby; middlings 181; low middlings 18.181; good ordinary 16jal7; net re ceipts 191; gross 369; difference ftorn Mobile; exports coastwise 137; sales 100; Stock 12,485. Cincinnati, June 21,—Fiour dull and lower;corn quiet, 40; pork easier, 15.50a 15.75; lard dull and unchanged; bacon quiet, 7ia9ja9la9j; whiskey steady, 90. New York, June 21.—Cotton unse> tied; middlings nominally 20J. Futures opened as follows: Juue 20; July 20ja 201; August 19 15-16&20J; September 18; December 17 15-16. New York, Jane 21.—Cotton dull and ut changed; sales 207. Flour dull and heavy pnd 5al0c lower; common to fair extra 86i8; good to choice 88 05al0 58. Wheat lc jlower; holders anxious. Corn steady and in fair de mand. PorK weaker; new 816 40. Lard weak at 8jja8 15-16. Naval stores very- quiet. Freights aud groceries quiet. Money abnudant at 3*5. Sterling 9j. Gold 15}ul5}. Governments dull and steady. State bonds very quiet. Cotton—ret receipts 1,368; gross 2,940; sales lor export 25; sales for future de livery 18,100; market closed as follows: July 20i«205-16; August 20a20£; Sep tember 18 ll-16al8}; October 17 15-lGa 18 1-16; November 17 1516; December 17a. TALIAFERRO COUNTY, j GEORGIA—Taliaferro t ouiiry: j W HEREAS, William C. Armor applies to mo for L iters of .vduiiuistration on the eslate ol ; Mra. Mary A. Harries, late of said county, deceased, j These are therefore to cite ail persona concerned to show cause, it any they have, within the tune p.-escribed by law, why said letters should not be granted. Given unde 1 my hand at office in Crawfordville, this June sd, 1873. CHAklEo a. BEAZLEY’. jun4 Ordinary. GLUT OK ORDINARY. FEBRUARY TERM, GKGKGIA—Talhifeivo County: Notice is hereby given to all persons having de mands against Mrs E J. Overton, late of said coun ty, deceased, to present them to me properly made out within the time prescribed by law so as to show their character and amount; and all persons in debted to sain deceased are hereby required tit mute immediate payment. i'UOc. I. OVERTON, feb& Adm r ot E. J. uverton, dec’d. GEORGIA—rsliaferru County. ,COUHT OF OcilTSAllV, AT CHAMBERS, ) June 5th, IS 13. j Whereas, David E. Lnuceford applies to me for letters ui Guardianship for -fcter Lnuceford, of said county. These are to cite 111 persons concerned, to show caus,, it any they have, at tho July term of said Courl, why said letters should not be granted. Given Huuer my hand at office in Crawior..ville, this June 5th, 1873. CHARLES A BEAZi.EY, jnn7 Ordinary T. C. Application for Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Taliafrueo County: Four weeks alte ■ date I will mike application to the Court > f Ordinary ol said c umy for have to te l ihe land belonging to the estate cf Martin Woodall, late of said conwiy, deceased. These are ihereiore to cite aud admonish all uersonsconcerned, to show cause, at the Juiy t-.-rin of the Court ot Ordinary, why leave to sell said land should no: be granted. This June zd, 1873. SINGLEToN UAURISS, Ju4-law4w Adm’r of Martin Woodall, .ie< M. Plastering.—Plain and Ornamental Plastering of every description done in the most approved style. Also, cement- iug and everything pertaining to the line. A full corps of competent work- meu on hand, and all work guaranteed. Country orders solicited. Twenty five yt nrs’ experience in the business. Dan McDuffie & Bro., Office cor. Walton and Forsyth sts. N attans’ Crystal Discovery has revo lutionized the us8 of hair preparations. The poisonous lead restorers, etc., with their sediments, are being displaced by this clean, clear, and harmless prepara tion. If your druggist has not goc it, git uim to order it for you. Take no other in its place. jitnl7 SPJKCMJl, AO TIC US. DR. SIMMONS - LIVER REGULATOR. Extinct of a letter from Hoa. Alexander H. Ste phen*, dated 8th March, 1872: ••I o easionally use, when my condition requires It. DR. SIMMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR, with good effect. It is mild and suits me betUr than most other remedies, "Milleb House,” a: 87, 39 and 41, West 26th st., New York City. Elegai t family and single rooms, b) ibe uay or week, with or without boaid, in a first-class location, near Madieon square, twenty minutes walk frcmCentral Dark. Prices low during tne summer months. Address E. P. Miller, 41 West 26th street, N. Y. junl7eod6t THE HUMAN FOBM DIVINE. Wbat sad havoc scrofula indicts on toe human acstem! How rheumatism distorts the mine. ii-l misery the injudicious use of calomel ratal t! How sad the efitcis ot syphilis tiansuiitted lrorn to cl ilA. VVou.d >ou avoid these terrible am.i uous, fat not to use Dr. Tutt'sSarsaparinaand ij ie.ns Delight. It penetrates evert fibre of the a,sum even into the boms, and. wtadicates every Uuce of dictate. cuec< ss is tne boo* test of auperiorry"; the won oenul demand for Stanton's liver Regulate jg one ,ot the cotivincisg proof, that this ari'cle is tonre otatea above evtiy thing else of the kind. However n .u.h its jealous detainer* may throw their shat* Uu-.h Will p re Tail, and so will this medicine. So sweet, so pure. So safe, so sure. So suited to each dental want, auo iragrant Sozodont. OWEAT SWINDLE! G MAT SWIM LEi 4»n*ti— todle. It is “ a MUkrrngs. Sold au2£^° f Satuke s uaxg, The medic real vinrea of the . , barke Which ar», comamed in Dr. Tntf’a VaV^IhmI and Queen’s Delight in . eonceutm-edVrin iEEl^ H ,1 , ,br ** 1V * pr, p ' "*» tLe cure of ^rtu la, ulcer*, tumors, mercurial and f-e trom CAt.tos! U , ; V r WclMitiV L Ter F;il- bun> »itrfl?K tU,e u ‘ * ^tksng Bi Other*, Pitta. » th«w private U. B atan-D * -- . It la the popular vsidn t that re* rle who Lave ^ohlu^ tG “"' <1 . l ° ! h ' 11 ’‘.to is ano (o r r*«!a ^ 'i :itozt to McLane a Liver Pllg for pertnai ejt relief. :/E3. c ; ORAfN CRADLES, .. u ENGINES, THtiASH- TTJX-JLlSr ;i:iA j iao iw J .ily. Thu JOHNSON, ju . 1911 w- .2t Corner Alabama and Forsyth /• - ■ /- • ’**'5* ff» « ' 1- ; C l 1873. 45? Application for Letters of Dismission. C N EOSGIV—TALLIAFERKG COUNTY. JT Wlxebeas, William A. Beazley and Johu S. Berzley. executors ot the last will and testament ol liarles Beazley late of said county, Uecerscd, have applied to mo for tetters of dismission from said executorship. , These are, therefore, to cite all persons concerned tos'lowcsuse.if any they have, (within the li-ue prescribed by law) why said icttets should not be '-■ranted. Given under my hand at office in Craw forville, this May 3, 1873. CHARLES A. BEaZLEY, masu O. T. GEGUGIA,^Taliaferro ( uunljr. ORDINARY’S OFFICE. W HEREAS, John V. Andrews, has applied to me for letters of Administration on the estate of Jemima Rhodes, late ot said county, deceased. : aid application to be acted on^he first A. on day in June next, and. Whereas, this notice by n e tor sail appiicstion for June has not been advertised in con- lormity to law, in such case made ai d provided, Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said d ceased: to be and appear in my office on the first .-.on. ay in Juiy next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of Administration should not be granted, applied for. Given under mv hand this 2bth May, 73. CHARLES A. BEASLEY. May 30-wtd Ordinary T. C. For ovei FORTY YEARS thia PURELY VECETABLE LIVER MEDICINE has proved itself to be the CREAT UNFAILING SPECIFIC for Liver Complaint amt its painful offspring, DYS PEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, Jaundice, Bilious at tacks, SICK HEADACHE, Colic, Depression of Spir its, SOUR STOMACH. Heartburn, CHILLS AND FEVER, &c., &c. Alter years of careful experiments, to meet a great ami urgent demand, we now produce from our original Genuine Powders THE PREPARED, a Liquid form of SIMMONS’ LlVER REGULATOR, containing all its wonderful and valuable proper ties, and offer it in ONE DOLLAR BOTTLES. The l’owdi rs, (price as before $1.00 per package Sent bv mail 1.04 < 1AUTION I Buy no Powders or PREPARED SIYIMONS’ LIVER REGULATOR unless in out engraved wrap per, with Trade mark, Stamps and Signatures un broken. None other is *enuire. J. a. ZEILIN & CO., MACON, Ga., au.i PHILADELPHIA. SOLD BY 'Ll DRUGGIST COLLECTOR'S OFFICE, 4TH BIST. GEORGIA. ATLANTA, June 14th, 1873. Notice is hereby given that the following seizure has been made by me tor viol'tion of Bection 14, Act July 13th. 1866, aud section 48, Act June 30th, 1864, to-wit: One wagon and four packages, containing about one hundred aud ten gallons Corn Whisky, as the pioperty ot : lfred Elrod, rf Pickens county, Ga. Any person or-persons claiming any of said prop erty are required to appear and make such claim within thirty cays from date hereof, and give bond as required by law; otherwise the same will be toid aud the net proceeds deposited to the credit of the Secretary of the Treasury. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, junl4w3t Collector. CUMB E BLA SUPER-PHOSPHATE A RICH COMPOUND OF SOLUBLE, Phosphoric Acid, Pulverized Raw Bonos. Ammonia and Alkaline Salts MANUFACTURED UY TIIE CUMBERLAND BONE COMPANY 11hs is ahigbly concentrated Manniv. made !>y eombininsr rlie best material in tbe most skillful manner, and in those’proportions adapted to in- *** sure the highest fertilizing eilieaev, containing, as it does, an ample supply of Ammonia to produce vigorous growth and a large amount of phosphatic and alkaline constituents to support and fully perfect the growth and ripening of the pro- ■ ducts. Nothing is used to to cheapen its cost, the only dryer used beiLe UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE. • COLLECT R’S OFFICE 4IHD18T. GA., 1 Atlanta, June 7th, 1873. J ’VTOTiCEis ben by given that the following seizure jAi has been made by me for violation of sect.on 14, Act July 13th. 1866, and section 48, Act June 3oth, 1864, to'-wit: Three packages, containing about 67 gabous Corn Whissy, one empty keg and one wagon, as the property ol J. M. Presl. y, of Pickens county, Georgia. Any person or persons claiming any of said prop ertv are required to appear and make such claim within thirty da*-s from date hereof, and give bon t as required by law; otherwise the tame will be sold j aud the net proceeds deposited to the credit of the Secretary of the T reasury. jUDawSt J. A HOLTZCLAW, Collector. PURE PINT GROUND-BONE. I have accepted the A<rency fur the sale here of the above Fertilizer, be lieving it to be one of. if not tile rest, in market, and now offer mv’first shipment of ONE HUNDRED TONS in rpmn?ities to suit purchasers. For prices, terms and cir-ulars. applv to .1 \ H tb’* '• '4^5 IT !). 77 7?) tVinfrli.T!! >t„ v "u\' t, ga, The Improved Winsbqt Cotton Gins! Only 50 Cents per Bottle, ItprOUMr ■ 11 ** (III the CG,. nu< ami Gi-AUTT Ovfti Tnrrrr ' > « Ton the IU o: v.-i.i if. Professor E. 1 lioni.i s 1...' College. Tim name i- “ KatuBO,” Sis-iil; iag f rrm'' it. Tie i ivoriti li-ityi: I'.vr obt.ii.ieJ.i* o bile. It iimroasei tho C Maik. H is a Aeir liandruff. 11 y rvve’ -■ n- It keeps the nead cot>l. a ; t glossy appeari-.-’e. It and Quality i -. it was *UBT Ado, aao i> r< try Stores at oi:.^ - - MTU, PRESERVES - • cave-itheVisor ft no ilAldi, . -> J KATTIAir.ON in tho market by . .: dnato of Princeton rivoi lr m tho Greek. :-.-ed, and thepopu- , - 'codente 1 and im-roil- •.,.»> • I : -1 I B.-Al - V O t*-'j ( 'ff. It eri-.dic.us3 i tit jrominrni r: 1 g \es the hr. r a r! ... iho famH ii Qr t: -or a of ■ Cf.v- l ii 1 • ' .i.l i • y CiiJa ’ at Aj-.i-lc. Taliaferro County Sleriff’s Sales, VXTILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next, V t within the legal hours of sale, belo-e the ! Court House door in the town ot Crawfordville, Tal- , iaterro county, tbe foJowing property, :o wit: A [ tractof land in said county, containing nine hundred acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Joseph T. Sharp, A. H. Brown, John B. Evans, aud otlmrs. Levied on as the property of Henry D. Smit i, l y vir tue oi a ii. fa. from superior Court of said county in >ai or of Pollard a Co. vs. H. D. Smith. Written notice served on John U. Williams, tenant in pos session. else at Ibe same time and place, will be sold a tract of land in aforesaid county, containing two hundred aud seventy-five (275) acres, moi or ,es.-, adjoining lands of Mrs. Mart Jones. Jtihu Drake aud others. Levied on as the propeity ot iiemy b. Jones, by virtno of a fi. fa. from the Superior Court ol said county, in favor of Ann K. Budisiil vs. henry B. Jones, ’ibis May 29.b, 1873. M. D. L. GOOGER, my3l-td Sheriff. gf Woman’s Glory is Her Hair* LYON’S IBtfM The Brown Cotton $in P LANTERS should examine the above named old and reliable Gin before buying any other. It combines the required qualities of simplicity, strength and durability. It gins fast and clean, makes excellent lint loften bringing >£c. to y,c. per lb. above market.) aud iB universally admitted to be tho lightest rum ing gin made. We have had thirty yeai8’ experience in the busiueBB, and warrant every gin perfect. Gins constantly in the hands of out agents, to which we invite inspection. Oirculars, with testimonials and full particulars, may be had by a J dressing, ISRAEL F. BROWN, President, Brown Cotton Gin Co., New London, Conn. ANDERS °N A ELS, Agents, Atlanta, Ga. feb23dltw4m S.T-1860-X. ■Tf, -'V pir-1 ^ ;T y.■'' r ;--rSS@f' Ik r K . A .. ; . ..ITS '•■e'r . ■yDtSTgr,, a,- , ?,£*?*' ff. i i i.“ :- ’ - {. I - QR <•& j UR BEND KB OF GENERAL LEE Al Appomattox C. H., Va„ April 0, 1SG5. A magnificent 14x18 inch Engraving of the sur render of Lee, showing tbe commanding G- lierals, armies, and a beautiful landscape scene. It is a~- ti tic in execution, beautiful in design ai d sure to have an enormous sale. Agen a▼ anted everywhere. Sample copies sent by mail on a roller, post paid, on reseipt of 25 ce„ts, 3 lor (ki cents, or ti lot $ 1. Address J. C. tU ROW. Publisher. Lock Box 15 i. Baltimore, Mil. tSf’ Catalogues of Books, Pictures, &c , stut Lei. ju 2^1Awlt S o u t a e r n N u r s e ri e s IRWIN V I T-t t )i.j, . . Proprietors, A RE ollern.g to the public a selection of Fniit • ADAPTED TO THE SOUTHERN CLIMATE, of Apples. Pears, Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Grapes. Quinces, i.uvpbernes. Strawberries, Goose, berries. Currants, 8 nghsh Walnuts, Spanish C'h-siLUts, Pecans, and everything else that is usually kept in a well- regulated Nursery. Uur ILO:.AL DEPARTMENT is complete, and we are offering Hoi House Plante and Ornamental Shrubbery at prices that defy competition. We war rant our Fruit being true to name. We will seBd Catalogue upon application, gratis. Address IRWIN & THURMOND eiib-Jatw,> r O. Box 565. Atlanta, Ga. . -;*vx . .‘■jCV - JL cr HE?- 1 M H 5C a a a x riYHESE OELEI J- For Liglitne heretofi re in use ing orders. ic>! r>ad; We are also receiving ■ valuable improvemi-nts u u > early, to insure ti. ir being filled j apr2 ll tf MIDDLE FOX ]>HO OCPPI3RSMITI-IS, Brass ^loutd zti'l Machinists. ■\XTEare prepared to me T V order. Wo give spec.' line of business. Please Oiv EAST SIDE BBC jiine l-d1w4 n Q M n v u. l¥i JU. D. iu.< SI ° comHnf « ' n? ,nro tr aTION, r OT3, other I c* cartic. Montvale Springs. r I IBIS FAVOUTE BUMMER RESOBT. situated in i Bicmat county, Eaat Tennia»ec, is new epen | for the rtoeption ot visitors, and w.Il he maintained in a inyle worthy the pa'ronape ot a discriminating 'y public. Tbe marked beneficial resu.ts attei ding the use of these waters in iunc'.icnai dcrangtmtnt I « the l-ivei, Bowels, Kidneys & Skis, And the cure of Chronic Diseases Attest their Medical properti«r. Al . the acceasoriea for et jo' went snd r-rraatio at tha best watering paces will be ionnd b. r special attention will be g vs* to tbe romf rt and improvement of iuvauda. V.sitors to Momvale necessarily pasa over ti e East l.nnessee, Virginia and Georgia Riilrosu, making tb* city of Vnoyville. Tn witse, a point ; thence via Knoxville aud Charleston Ra lrv-d n. Mar.,ville, aixtteu luiha. whence ptasetmers -re . e av eyed ii mail *t»**s. tunning id c. nnection with the trains, to ibe Si riuna, nins mile, oistam. he.urn An k*ta can K uhiain*d a: -11 p.oiniheu. poiflla. Board per day —„$ 2 50 ! - W -‘ We k 1 1«.ffi •• •* uvu a. Msy mv J i.e 45 i* ( •• •• — July, Augur: and bept'r— ut ■ w ChUdrer. under ten years cf ag ana oolore l ser vants bait p ice. Address, for he pain: hletconlsimuc analysis sne i desenpt on >i the Ws'e . ttc., JO L KI x G f Pro} riutor, Ju aukw.f Mr ntvsle Springs, Ea t Teun. ! KENTUCKY Military Institute. >iix Miles from Frankfort. A MONG ITS ADVAKTAf.ES MAY BE - SUJIER- xi. ated a full Faculty, with superior men in every .'et'Mt.m Dt; an unuauaily full course of study; a st,irt military discipline; freedom from the ntani- f )ht temptations ihst ordinarily attend college life in town oredy; the discipline ^if tLe ctmp, com bined with the comforts and tlea»ure6 of home life, which can hardlv be fonnd elsew here. Tbe tweuty eighth academic year will begin on Monday, September 1, 1873. Send for cats ogue to Col. R. T. P- ALLEN, superintendent. jon20 dl-»Awr2in Farmdale. Fraaklin co , Ky. vjUOKCjrE FAGE & CO \antfa< Ti r.tRi OF Fnieat Portable ('ireuhr Mills, Stationary and P.rttv •- fEA!V! F.f^i.'v «h:jst 3i‘.:.n ; r . Eg* ui-for CaUUogutsand Price-Lit* t N. S. JOJSTF.S, Froxziaioxk Ai-oalc / HO. 3 PIKE'S Or’ERA I> JwSE 3ULLDING Ciitoirxrxtit 4 . -.^lto. Carefully and romptIyfilled at low aw6 w r r * ... a r' a n - r ost d rfrr.ble iortfcsirt; 7 Ci- t:.r .n the world. - Hmy aie intended Etr.ctiy z - a TciHporo-ncc Bitters only, v to” .In r. m d., nna c.vrr.ysco cordin ; to C.~ birr,'. Ti. / . re tire w.' xclicr citbe stcbletnd debilitat-'l. T act u. on r. diseased Ever, and stinicTte to guilt a ue_.?:-e tL-in healthy action is at coca bnu.-M r.bc; .. As a remedy to which Women r _■ o~:a’_y subject -t is super seding every oid _• stinu.ih.ui. Ar, a Spring it nd Sox::: u Tonic iL< v hero no equal. They a-- - end rentlc i-urr-A-c us well*3 Tonic. 3 fir.- r' They a:e a eplcnr.: . Ap -e - 'Th - - A . strong. They j.-jiity* r.- 1 .uvis . etc. Ti • y curs .^yj- pecsic Ccn=t Cfh-u stud n.-sd..-: . They act as a lac :n:U spci t ci t :: ■ rders which u:: > rr >. ■ il.“ ui1/ ci j.A -ud hresi down th. i o-l spirits. >-t. f 3 Park P!:.:e York. /.iipojtr.f.vr THS‘'L:aHT RQKNSfiS”/ T! !E "LIGHT PliiSEISG i.O Ui c-f 100,000 PER YEAR ARE NOW BEING MADE CF THE 66 DOMESTIC’ Wewiug Machine, At almost tbe beginning of Hie Company’s trade. If their business were organized as widely as that of the old com, anirs, 1 a o o o, o o o would be sold per yeai. Wliirli is the to sell ! itiacltiue tohuy 1 Which CD *% • ■ w TO SEWEnS. Thedifl'r* uce between the •«Don-t.i» t ic‘'aud otlur viing luacoiiies U, briefly— “ DOMEST - C ” Does good work with little sk 11 and rough hand ling: others do not. “ DOMESTIC ” Keeps in order with ordinary usage: others do not “ DOJIEWTIC ” Does both light and heavy work well: some otherB do light work aud -ume heavy, but not b th. “ DOMESTIC” Works easily: others comparatively hard. ‘•DG3IEWTIC ” Sells readily, because it rei ders such solio service, that everybody likes it; others sell more orleis, because widely knowu tor a long time, aud business well organized. “DOMESTIC ” Is in'reasiDtf pales where known and extenflin where unknown, gaining ground ever* where e/e: day. Agents for Mher Macliine, desiring to increase their incomes, are daily recogniz ing our claims >y casting their Jot with us. ti®* All are invited to address us in Atlanta for terms, &c. mayv-euawtf DOIV1 ESTIC S. AT. CO-. Atlautn; G-». ‘TIII£ GREAT UNKNOWN.’ Who Is He and Where Does He Live l E LIZABETH MARTIN, of Jackson, Tennessee, has receuttj died intestate, leaving a large es tate, with nephews and nieces her onlv eifctributees One of these nepnews, whose eumame is P OWELL, resides, it is isid, somewhere on the line of rsilrosd between Cbattauiogs aud Augusts—believed to be between AtUn-a *nd Cha tanooga. His Chriatixa name is not kuoaa. If this Dotice should reach him, and hs will con fer immediately with the undersigned, fie wi 1 be putin poasfss.on of information of great import ance to him. <»AKTHBLL & ST4 PHK8S, jel4-d3twlt Attorneys at Law, Atlanta, Ga. „ WAGES TT'OR ALL YVHO ARE WILLING TO WORK _D Any pereon, < Id or youLg, of either sex, cat make from 110 to *SU per week ar heme day <c evening. Wanted by all. Suitable to either City or couatry, aud any season of the year. Thi- is a tare opportut tty for th. se who ere cut of wi rl: and out ot money, to make an independent living. No capi tal being required. Our pamphlet, “EOW TO MAKE A L1YTNG,’’ giving full instructions, sent on receipt of 10 cents. Address, A. bURTON & CO., Morrisania, westoeester Co.. N. Y. AGENTS TS7 A calir to the McKee Manuf*c- *V iiil A AJA# tnrieg Co. ,300 Broadway, N. Y. every wfcer*. to sell our cew and novel Embroidering Ma chine, tend for^-llusti^ted cir« THE PARLOR COM PAN ION E ery Laly wants onel Every Man ought to have one! ! Sent „u receipt of Ten C -n;s. Address L- F. HYDE A to., 195 Seventh Avenue. New York, mayli-eodswly d*— ti*.k per — j. Yg“utt> wintedi All WtyJTOtP—' " classes oi working peopie.of eitiiei sex, young ut offi, muke mote Ltuuej at work to- n* m their s|vare Liomeuts, or all tha Ume, than at an; hing else, lirtiouars tree. Address G. Stinson Tarraut-s Seltzer Al»ci»**nt A cure for for Indigestion frightful, A bubbling beverage delightful; A remedy loc every ailment O’er which the Bilious make bew ilrnent; A axative. thougti miid, effective. A tonic, nervine and corrective; An anodyne and sudorific, A wonderful Sausk cpecifio— Embodying every lore ingredieat • That Mother Nature deemed expedient, With kindly liberal band to fling the lamons tel'z-r 8prirg! TABOAJUT’S ErF< B VX8C*!.T SELTZE. APEBI.^ SOLD it k ALL DRUGGISTS. J