Newspaper Page Text
Ai\ ACT rt.'.icr.u an aft, enu
iffci, • i act t ) alleviate the con
diii m of Debtors —psff’d the
2id day cf D ‘c mber, 1808.
1. Bio it enacted, by the Senate
and Houfe cf Reprefentatives of the
State 0] Georgia in General AJfsmbly
wet and by the authority cf the fame,
That where execution has iffued or
may iffje on judgments already had
and obtained, or that mav be had
and obtained after the puffing of
this law, the defendant or defendants
. may ft Jp the fale of property, by
l * paying one third of the amount of
Ik vjgment, debt and colts, and by
ft > ring good and Efficient fecurity
u ‘• the Clerk, Sheriff, Coroner or
I ult ice, as the cafe may be, for the
itimare payment of the balance of
thejudg-m nr, intereft and cofts,at
the expiration of the time for which
this law was paff-d.
2. And be it furl her enabled, That
tliVs law (hall not extend to prevent
t e recovery of Taxes, or affedl ac
tons founded on torts and wrongs.
T-?. And be it further enabled, That
n ® judgments fhall bear intereft.
4. And be it further enabled, That
f this Jaw Hi all continue and be in full
b pJ<\rcc and eft dt until the 25th De
cember, 1810.
5. And be it further enabled , That
no cf urr, officer or officers (hall be
permitted to entir into any rule, fo
as to authorize them to receive any
K other twft than the one third as
pointed out by iheabve recited ad,
ua 1 i's final ct lledion.
6. , And be it further enabled, That
••inj ail ca!es where the debtor will
ayonc third ( f the debt due to his,
„ her or their creditor or creditors,
and give gyd fecurity for the pay
ment of the balance, it fhall exon
♦ rate them from being lued during
the continuation of this ad.
7. And be it further enabled, That
where one third has or may be paid
prior to the 25 h December 1809,
thst then and in that cafe, the debt
or fhall not be compelled to pay any
ether third of the amount of princi
pal and intereft recovered on judg
ments until the iff day of May 1810.
At which time he (hall pay one half
the fum then clue.
8. And be it further enabled, That
the Trrafurer lhall not be autheri
fed t > ifiiie his execution agairft a
r.y purchafer of Fractional Surveys
for mere than ore third of his, her
or their bonds, where fuch aforefaid
debt lhall become due, when there
ha, bttn already one third paid, or
imy be paid, by the 25th of De
cember, 1809 ; that then and in
that cafe, the debtor or debtors,
/hail not be compelled to pay any
ether third untili the firft dy of
May, 1810.
9. And be it further enabled, That
no ca. fa. ts at has been cr may
hereafter be ilTued lhall be executed
or aded on provided the defendant
or defendants in judgmeat IMI
comply with the requtfitions of this
abl, or give up property fuffi;ient
to fatisfy faid debt agreeable to this
- A
U<ri •
10. And be it further enabled,
That if any leeurity taken in virtue
of this act hath good grounds to
bcl that the defendant for which
he, fhe or they may be bound, hath
removed or absconded, or is about
t:> remove or aoicond from the
county, and makes oath thereof be
foie any judge, jullice of the Inferior
court, or jullice of the peace, fuch
1 1 curity may proceed againft his,
her or their principal, as in cafes of
aitachme m.
11. And bs it further enabled ,
Tha: nothing con.aincd in this ait
(hail operate upon or be conftrued
to iff wt any contract which lhall
be entered into after the 25th day of
December, 1809.
12. And be it further enabled,
That the ad paffed the 21ft day of
December, 1808. entitled “ An ad
to allevia condition of debtors
and afford them temporary rei ef,”
be and the fame is hereby repealed.
13. And be it further enabled, T hat
this ad fhalinot be conftrued to ex
onerate any fecurity which have
been given under the above, recited
ad, or the ad entitled “ an ad to
alleviate the condition 6f debtors
and afford them temporary relief/*
puffed 23J day of May, 1808.
14. And be it further enabled, That
in all cafes where property Hi ill be
fold by virtue of any execution and
fuch property (hall fell for one third
part of the original judgment, one
third part of the coft, and one third
part of the intereff, the defendant or
defendants ffvffl bear liberty to flay
any further proceedings thereon by
giving fecurity i’n conformity ro the
requ.Gcions of this ad, for the re
maining two thirds of fuch judg
ment, intereff and coft ; and t the
property fhall fell for more than
will be fufficient to pav rh* one
third as aforefaid, the overplus fhdl
be returned to the defendants, m
their g’virg fecurity as a f on*fa and.
Extracts from Ccngrefs .
In Senate. —The bli to repeal
an ad, entitled if an ad to fuipend
for a limirtrd time the Recruiting
Service,** was read a fecund time.
The refolution approving the
conduct of the Executive in ;efuf
ing to receive an* Anther commu
nication from Mr. Jack lon, the
Brit fh Minifter, w.-.s rta 1 a th.rd
time ; and, without debate, 1 n the
motion of Mr. Goodrich, w ,t decid
ed by yeas and nays ss follow :
Yeas —Meffrs. Bi ad icy, Bre nr,
Condit, Ctawford, GUiard, Ger
man, G’.hs, Gilman, Grif
wold, Lambert, Leio, Me g>, Mat
thewfon, Parker, Pope, Reed,
Smith of Md. Sumpter, Turner—
Nays —Mtffrs. Goodrich,
houfe, Loyd, Pickering— 4.
[Abfenc on th ; s vote M ffrs.
Anderfon , Bayard, CTcamplin, Frank
lin, Robmfon, Smith of New Fork,
Tail, Thrufton, and IT'bitejidcs ; of
whom thole in Italic have not ap
peared in their feats during the pre
fent ftffi >n. There is one vacan
cy in the ffare of Delaware, occa
lioned by the death of Mr. White.
The bill to prevent the abule of
the privileges and immunities en
tjyed by Foreign Mm.ftrrs within
the United Spates, was ordered to
be engrafted for a third reading
without delate.
The bill fu/plemen:a! to the atff
extending the right of lcffrage in
the Indiana Territory was rtoid the
third time and p<-ff and.
The bill to repeal the aeff for
fufpending for a limited time the
Recruiting Service was read a third
time j and, on motion of Mr. Brad
ley, the further coi fnlcrarion of tine
bill was ordered to be peftponed to
the firft day of Auguft next.
House cf Representatives.
December ii. — lhe following
gentlemen com pole the committee
of Poft Office and Poft Road?, to
which has been referred a number
of pec Tons and refuludo.a on the
fubjedt of Puff Roads: M ffrs.
Rhea, (T.) Helms, Thompfon,
Defha, Sti-.fjrd, Calhoun, Troup,
Morrow, Davenporr, Chittenden,
Goldfb ifbugh, Whitehall, Potcer,
J. Sin ch, Upturn and Wiifon.
On motion of Mr. Bacon, Re -
f jived, That a committee be ap
pointed for the purpofe of enquir
ing whether any and what altera
tions or amendments are r.ecefiut-v
to be made in the ad entitled “A.i
ad to promote the progrefs of ufe
ful arcs, and to repeal the ad here
tofore made for that purpofe ;** and
that faid committee have leave to
report by bill or otherwife. 1
On motion of Mr. Montgomery,
Refolved, That the Committee of
Commerce and Manufadures be in
ftruded to enquire into the expe
diency of extending the relief con
tained in the prov ft ms of the ad
entitled “ An ad for the rerruffi ;n
of certain penalties and forfeitures
and for other purpofes,” paff-d the
28. h June, 1809, to cafes where
the introdud on into the United
S ates of Oaves forcibly expelled
from the iff md of Cuba, with the
F ench inhabitants thereof, has been
from places ocher than the iftand of
Cuba, and that they have leave to
report by bill or otherwife.
On motion of Mr. Bacon, the
Houfe proceeded to confider the
refolution preferred to him relative
to duels, challenges, &c. which was
referred to a committee of the
whole Houfe.
A paper was received from the
Senate, by Mr. Otis, their fecretary,
in the form of a j aim refolution ap
proving the condud of the Execu
tive in relation to the refufal to re
ceive any further communications
from Mr. Jackfon.
The refolution was read a firft
andffcond time, referred to a com
mittee of the whole, and made the
order ot the ‘day for Thuffday next.
December 14, —Mr. M c Kim, after
a few observations, in which he
declared the oi jed of this morion
to be to countervail the reftridions
impofed by foreign nations on our
commerce, laid upon the table the
following refolutions :
Refolved, That the Committee of
C mmeree and Manufadures be
inftruded to enquire into expedi
ency of prohibiting by law the im
portation in foreign (hips or veffcls
of sli goods, wares and merchan
ci.ze, not of the growth, produce
or manufadure of the country to
which the ftiip belongs, excepting
in the (hips of fuch epuntries as by
permanent regulations permit our
ihips and veffcls as freely and bene
ficially as their own, to import into
their ports and territories the pro
duce and manufadures of foreign
Refolved, That the committee of
Commerce and Manufadures be
inffruded to enquire into the ex
pediency of laying an additional
impoft duty on diitilied fpirits im
ported in foreign fhips or veffels
from ports or countries in which
American veffcls are not permitted
by permanent regulations to a fair
participation in fuch trade.
Extra SI of a letter from a Member of
Ccngrefs to bis Friend in this place,
dated IVaJbington , December 9.
ts This Itflion threatens to be
tempeftuous—curftrp is in fight of
a lee-fhore, and wind and ride are
againft us -but as we have a goed
Pdor, I do not yet defpair of the
fhip, akho* fome of her crew may
be loft, and many of them in a fine
cf mutiny. We have been in fef
fion two weeks—ail is yet peace
an! qYetnefs. Wren the Com
mittee on foreign relations report it
will be figoal for battle. Sir H has
been the political of Can*
ning through his man Erjkine i:i/re
affur of the arrangement i-it fpriog.
and fuch the recent infamous joc
keying condud of Jackfon in txhe
late nrgociation, that the pu iV of
the country is aim'd up to war
heat, and I exped a ftrong war par
ty will appear in Cong re fs. Mr,
Giles’s motion in the Senate to fup
port the Executive, in the condud
relative to [a kfon, paff.d ytft'rday
to a third reading — Nays, Pictur
ing, Loyd , Hillhoufe and Goodrich .
On Monday Pickering will make art
oration on the fuhj d—how it will
fare when it comes down to cur
houfe will be known in a few days.
“ Our wifrff politicians a r e in a
puzzle to know what are the views
of the Ef?giiffi Miniftry refpedi g
this country : Some fupp v fe that
they calculate fo highly upon rhe
ffrength of their party among us,
that they ha/e fent Jackfon over to
give a fi lifhing ftroke to the f *
ration of the States and the ov “
throw of the Governmen*. Tht4
undoubtedly calculate largely up *0
their ffrength and numbers, ami
they have a right fo to do, when
wliole ffates like Maffachufe.ts an l
Connrdicut come forwird bv their
leg-fi* tires in.Qppofirion to thehws
of the Union, as in f.he cafe of iho
Embargo j and bolides they km) /
they have expended much money
and intrigue to bring abotr fuch
purpofe. t believe it has coft them
as much money ro gain a prepon
derance in the public fntim m in
this country as to fubffd ze anv of
the European powers to quarc 1
with P'rance-—There have n >-
thing to do but to hire the Ki g
and Court—the people, being ill es
muff follow— their people knows n >-
thing of Party. Here the people
take an intereff, and become par
ties ot courll* am j ;r?ty muff o
giined to carry rhetr pur puff, wh h
makes it a flow and expenfr *
work, in which a multitude c t lies
muff be propagated about Fren:
influence—the devouring anti m;
of Bonaparte and ag/iift our <0 r
Government, befides patnp .!e .
ex per, five newfpiper eftaDlifnm:.i -
Raleigh, Nov. 27 —An o
bligirg correftrondent nfirms i.s
that General Wade Hampion arri
ved at Afhvilie, Buncombe cou r
on the 14th if:ftanc, which piucc he
left the next morning on his way to
the American army at Natchez.
OfT Of courfe, the rumor oi his
death is falfe.
Balimre , December 7.
By the arrival of the failing,
brig Robert, capt. Spafferd, the
Editor of the American has been o
bligingly furntfhed with a fde of Al
tona papers down to the 5.7 th Oc
tober, in 33 days from Tonnirgrn.
Alton a, October 27.
Extrabl of a letter from Paris , dated
Qblcber 18.
“We are allured that the empe
ror will rt main at the caflle of Foun
tainbleau until the middle ct De
cember, when he will depart / t>r
Spain and Portugal. The cattle of
Marrac, near Bayonne, is alreadv
fitted up for the , reception of the
“ it is faid that the guards, a part
rr whom have been on their match
bi nre th 15th cf O&cber, t r get her
wih the corps of Marlhals Oudmoi*
Marmont and the duke cf Abraa
tfcs, will go to Spain,