Berrien County news. (Alapaha, Ga.) 1875-1886, May 19, 1877, Image 2

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I Would Not Forget. Time cannot wbhu my heart from thee, I loved too long, too well; Ah ! better lmd we never met, Ur never said farewell. When happy ones are meeting, I steal away alone, Ami then I can't help thinking Of happy day 9 long flown. I watch the stars approaching As' twilight glimmers throw Her sweet shades ever nature, Subduing each bright glow. And the moon’s pale.light is falling On ever flower and tree, And the breezes softly sighiug " Seem whisperings from thee, Which tell me I am still beloved As fondly as of yore, Ami though all now seems concluded, Bright days are still in store. ’Tis only In My Dreams A form is ever at my side, Mid sorrow, pain, and tears ; And constant still, whate’er betide, Through long and weary years ; And oft, when evening’s fairest star In radiant beauty gleams, I clasp her hand in mine—but ah ! Tis only in my dreams. When grief and care upon my 'heart Like darkening shadows fail; W hen those from whom fate bids pa it Have gone beyond recall; When friends are few', and hearts grow' cold And earth a desert seems, That form is with me as of old, But o:ly in my dreams ! Though youth has fled, and day The hopes of manhood’s prime, Like faded leaves, are borne away Upon the tide of time ; And though my years grow dark and chill In life’s dueling beams, That presence will be with me still, But only in my dreams ! A Disgusting Habit. A former citizen of Elgin now re siding in Texas, writes to. a daily paper here as follows: “It would no doubt be interesting to you as well as to your readers to see some of the southern ladies (?) dipping snuff; perhaps some of you are familiar with the habit, bat for the benefit of those who are not I will describe it: They take a little stick of green wood about one-eight of an inch in diameter and chew one end of it until they separate the fibers, giviug it the appearance of a small broom, while it is saturated with saliva they dip tics end into a box of snttfl-—which each ouo carries —then it is placed as far back to the mouth as.possible, leaving the other end sticking out. Many of them think nothing of going along the street with the dip in their mouths. dNIy present landlady eats opium, dips and smokes, and thinks the Almighty has some grudge against her because He does not give her better health. Smok ing and dipping are common habits here among the women, both colored and white— lnformer. JOTTINGS ABOUT TOWN —Money scarce. —Flour SjOn’tiimes to advance. —The E'.nglish pea feast is about over. • ♦ —Billiard playing is the only &VX’r/neut. — Occasionally a load of country bacon finds ist way to tow'ii. —Cotton and guano have disap peared from off our freight house platform. —Mr. Jacob Lord) is stopping here watching the wool trade. lie is ready to pay as much as any body else. —The wool trade is becoming more brisk and is bringing a good price. Our merchants —Mr, Boyd who arrested Welch, the murderer of Meritt, received, here last Monday, slTff> from a brother of the deceased for the arrest. —When a man brings in wool he is immediately armed by our uier • chants, •each offering to pay him more and sell lulu goods cheaper tliau any^ bod'. READ THIS: 11. J. FREDRICK. Hoot & lie Maker, I ' Alapaha, Georgia. Having permanently located at the -above named place 1 am prepared to make and repair Boots and Shoes in the neatest and latest style. Having had many experience in the bus iness I g.uarentee perfect satisfaction. Charges moderate. J3Peference all the citizens of Ala-' palm. Feb. 10th 1877. 3m. Tlicre’s Money in It! J, B. BOBMIMY & 00. DELEJIS IN DRY GOODS] Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Crockerywarc, Hardware Groceries, Flour, Bacon, Salt, Tobacco and a full supply of Family Medieiens always kept on liantL We have just received a full supply of SPRING GOODS which we are seliing at extremely low prices. Give us a trial before pur chasing elsewhere, and be convinced that we are selling at live and let live prices WOOL WOOL! We make the purchase of \YOOL a specialty ; and are prepared to pay the highest market price, either in Cash or Goods. t ——\ ] excelsior | , —-<-■—- tmm produce. We will pay the highest market prices for all kinds of Country pro. duee. mays To Avoid tiie Danger Infec tion, the lin in of persons suffering from skin diseases of a contagious nna ture should be, washed with Glen’s iSulpmek Soap, which is uot only a In "riv but a disinfectant. Depot, Crittjinton’s, No 7 Sixth Avenue. iX'25-ly. GIVE US YOUR JOB WORK. We wll do it as neatly and cheap any as any country office. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla iFor Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Erysi pelas, Hose, or St. Antho ny’s Fire, Eruptions and Eruptive diseases of the skin, Ulcerations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, Lungs, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Blotches, Tumors, Tetter, Saltltheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bones, Side and Head, Female Weakness, Sterility, Leucorrhcea, arising from internal ulceration, and Uterine disease, Syphilitic and Mercurial dis eases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Emaciation, General Debility', and for Purifying the Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a combination of vegetable alteratives Stillingia, Man drake, Yellow Dock —with the lodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most efficacious medicine yet known for the diseases it is intended to cure. Its ingredients are so skilfully com bined, that the full alterative effect of each is assured, and while it is so mild as to be harmless even to children, it is still so effectual as to purge out from the system those impurities and corruptions which develop into loathsome disease. The reputation it enjoys is derived from its cures, and the confidence which prominent physicians, all over the coun try repose in it, prove ’ their experience of its usefulness. Certificates attesting its virtues have accumulated, and are constantly being received, and as mauy of these cases are publicly known, they furnish convincing evidence of the superiority of this Sar saparilla 'over every other alterative medicine. So generally, is its superi ority to any other medicine known, that we need do no more than to fissure the public that the. best qualities it lias ever possessed are strictly maintained. rr.F.I'AUF.D BY Dr. J, C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., .. , J*r<tcflctxl niHi'filialtfticul f'heini**s SOLD Hr ALv L>K LEGISTS JiVLUrWIiKIiE. NeMspapern. The Savannah Morning News FOR 1877. On the Ist of January 1877, the Monx r NO New enters upon Its twonty-seven h volume-*!) and. It. is hoped by its con ductor,s. upon a prosperous year. Every returning ttnniv* rsary has witnessed Us extending influence, and t.o-day it is the text of tne political iailh of thousands cf readers. Its unifoum consistency and seeadfast devotion to principle has guined for it the confidence of the pub fie, thus enabling it to contribute largely to the triumph of the Democratic party. In the future, as in the past, no pains will be spared to make the Morning New in every respect still more deserv ing of the confluence and patronage which lias been so liberally extended to it by the people of Georgia and Florida The ample means of the establishment will'be devotedly the improvement ot the paper in'all its departments, and to making it a comprehensive, instructive and reliable medium of the current news. Its stall' of special correspon dents —lit. Washington, Atlanta. Jackson ville. Tallahassee, and other points of interest—ln#,\wen reorganized with a view of meeting ever}’ possible emergen cy that may arirse, and pains wdihe taken to make Its commercial news, foreign and domestic, complete and re liable. As wc are about entering upon the now year, we desire to call especial at tention to ourclub rates of subscription. POSTAGE FREE. We will pay postage on all onr papers going to mail subscribers, thus making the Morning News the cheapest news paper ol its 9ize and character in the South. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: DAILY , One copy, one year 6>lff 00 Five copies, one year, (one address) 45 00 Ten copies, one year (one address) 80 00 TRY-WEEKLY. One copy, one year. $0 00 Two copies, one year, (one addres) 10 00 Five copies, one year (one address" 25 0 ) Ten copies, oneyear “one address” 51) 00 WEEKLY- One copy, one year 82 00 Five copies, oneyear "one address" 9 00 Ten copies, one year “one add' t ss” 18 p 0 Twenty copies, one year 1 to one ad dress” 35 00 REMITTANCES. fan be made by Postofflce order Regis tered Letter, or Express, at my risk. Leiteis should be addressed . J. 11. ESTILL. Savannah. Ga teTebrpiumesserber, FOE 1877. h On and after Ist of January. 1877. our Mammoth Weekly, the Gieat Family Paper of Georgia, containing sixty fmff columns, and the largest in the South, will be sent to subscribers at $2,00 A YEAR,* and postage. 4 his is but a small advance on cost oi blank paper. Weekly for six months, one dollar and postage. The postage is 20 cents a year, which must accompany the subscription. . THE SEMI-WEEKLY Will be reduced to three dollars a. year aud postage —20 cents. For six months one dollar and fifty coats and postage. DAILY" EDITION. Ten dollars a year aid postage. Five dollars for six months. Two dollars and fifty cents for three months. • • The stirring events of the great Cen tennial Y'ear of American History, which include the Presidential struggle, will render 1870 oue of tiie most mem orable in onr annals. Everybody in thU region will need the Telegraph, and we have put down the price to ac commodate their neccetisities. CLLSBY, JONES A REESE, Macon Ga il GILS SMITH'S PAPER, * 10 s£l.oo A "V'ear. * A live newsy caper from the Capi tal, fuH of chat, gossip, original sket ches, paragraphs aud mentions of all kinds. Just the. kind of a paper to drive away blues and give the world a bright and cheerful look. A good agent wanted in every town in the South, to whom a liberal commission will be paid. Send stamp for a speci men copy or one dollar and re ceive the paper forgone year. Address BRIDSES SMITH'S PAPER, A TLANf A, GA. CONSUMPTION. A trial Box ef Dr. Kisruer’s cele brated Consumption Powders wi'l be seut irce, by mail post paid, to every sufferer from the above disease. This is tiie only preparation known to- curl or beneiiit that disease. Price tor large Box $3.00. • Address, ABll <& ROBERTS, 860 Fulton Street, BrooKlyn, N. Y. ONCE IVtORE! W; H. GRIFFIN, Nashville, Ga. Has just received, and opened the largest Stock pf General Merchandise, consisting of Dry Goods, Ready made Clothing Boots and Shoes, Hats, Crockery, Hardeware, Tinware and Tamily Groceries brought to Nashville since the war. aud once more the people can be sup plicd with goods near at home at anti helium prices. WOOL, WOOL. I am also prepared to buy wool at the highest market price, and will guareutee Railroad prices in every particular. aprU-tf. W. IT. GRIFFIN Notice. The undersigned having perma nently located in Nashville, is prepar ed to do all kinds of XlsLrness fr*?aclcl e , WORK AT SHORT NOTICE, and in keeping wit 1, the times. Re paring a specialty, and satisfaction guaranteed.. *3m J. E. SHARPE Nashville Ga. The Albany House. MERRICK BARNES, Proprietor, ALBANY, GEORGIA. This house is well furnished and in every way prepared for tiie accommo dation of tire, traveling public, tire satisfaction guaranteed. The tiie blc is supplied with the bust th country affords, and the servants are unsurpassed in politeness and attention to the wants of guests. Omnibusses convey passanges to and from the dif ferent. railroads, promptly free of charge. Charges to suit tiie times, oct 23-3 m. THE BEST OF A LI. GOOI7CO M> PANY. The Danbury News. UNKQUALKD as a hour papkr. e TRIE NEWS enters upon tiie new 1-year with inereaseed prosperity and with increased facilities for producing a Journal fu the Home Circle, which wil be asea urly perfect as can lie ob tained. Its corps of contributors is larger and better than ever before, while, in mechanical appearance, it if a model paper. The News is edited by The Danker? News Man, who tuples for it only. Its 2Tew Yi-k 'Lettrcs, from the pen of Jay Charlton, a prominent journalist, abound in Per sonal,: Society. Dramatic, Musical and Club gossip, aud afford the best glimpses'of New Yorkers and Now York Society to bo obtained in any correspondence from that city. Tts serais arc from the best writers; itlm.ats own Fashion, Chess aud ibizzlej editors; its Sketches, fur nished by writers from all parts of the country, abound iu sound, healthful humor. In its selected matter Tiie News aims to not ouly secure the lest but the fresh est .of the host, aud the scrupulous care w fall which this aud the other depart ments are edited, gives the, contents of The News a quality and-variety not to be secured iu any other paper and which make it, what we confi dently declare it to bb, The Best of all Good Company. SrnscciPTiON Rates eoi; 1876. One Year, (including postage) $2 00 Six Mouths, “ “ 100 DAILY & DONOVAN, Danbury Cos pn.. $ -8 $ $ KEAI> THIS! Only One X>ollai‘l For >nc dollar the SAVANNAH WEEKLY NEWS will be sent, postage paid, to any address tor six months. It is one of ike ( boniest papers published, and is a weleomjf visitor to the countiij? room, fireside or farm. It is a neatly printed four pagi'st.cct, compactly made up, and .comjdflfs the political and cur rent news of tfe week ; a comprehensive summary of the telegraphic dispatches ■and local news, aud interesting sketches and stories. It also contains full reports of the markets. Thus,’those who liuve not the advant ge of a daily mail can get tiie news six months by sending'One Dollar. Iris just the paper for everybody interested in Georgia and Florida. It will be "ell idvested, and wil' educate your children and make home happy. Money lor either paper can be sent by Dost Office order, registered letter or Express, at publishers risk. Address J. 11. FSTILL. Savannah, Ga. "TIL ELLIOTT, .CAREEN TER MND BUILDER, Alapaha. All kinds of WOOD work done neat ly audrpromi tly. Furniture made and epaired. COFFINS and’ CASKETS made to order on short notice. 40-fim. 1) ♦‘’l'UVjO IDO secured for meemtu -*• A-* TJI J-0, t .,i (foiices, trade marks, designs, and compounds Labels registered. I; fringements. re issues, and interferences will receive piompt attention. I ]\l Y/T,'TV r F / )E> OJ should send ns JL’-Li \ TjUN lOiiL model or sketch oi their invention, and we will give our opinion as t<> its patentability tree oj thor/jc. Lets lmciciaie, and NO CHARGE UNTIL PAH X I' IS SECURED. Wc -will, nj oti contingent fee. prose cute eases that lime beeu rejected by the Patent Office. We have clients in every State in the Union, anfl invite inquiry through your Congressman as to onr standing before .the Patent Office. Send for circular for further infor mation. terms and references. Es tablished in 186 ft. EDSO.N BROS., Solicitors cf U S. and' Foreign PATENTS, 711 G street, N. W., Washingt 2). 3 marl7-3m. PEBFEGfiON ATTAINED AT LAST I A “RIAL v/lil IKSUPE !TS POPULARITY EVERYVifffEKE. i Up a NT mrifCNltC mi M'sisipit Wlica once r nsd ■wall retain its place foifiter. WE ZE3IIAIT&B HASHJUES. * Pend yon? •nld-faEbioac'd, Timroe'-Soino, Lcavy-runniny, woiu if - R.liil i, citfUiino to UK, nud w© will Bllowycm ir'Jli Tox It, ns part payment for ono’of ours. IT |3 CELEBtiATED FOR IT?! AnVAfiTAGEB* in that it is or-;® of the largest sewimj MACi'INES CIANUFAC7UP.<iB. —AiJAWEB ALIKE TO THE USE Or THE I'rtl.i'LY OS THE WORK SHOP. IT t AS THE LARGEST S'iUTII.E. WITM> A BOBEiN TtiAT liOLDS ALMOST A SBOOL OF IHREAD THE Sk’IJTTLE TENOiCfI 13 ADJUSTABLE WITHOUT ftEMCttNC TivE SHUf-LE FROM THL MACHINE THIS MACHIMF 15 SO COMSTnUCTED THAT THE POWER IS APPLIED DIRECTLY OVER THE NEEOc.E, THUS E.NASUN'3 IT TO' SEW THE HEAVIEST" MATERIAL WITH UN-; EQUALED EASE. IT IS VERY SIMPLE IN ITS. CONSTRUCTION, DURASI.H AS IRON AND STEEL CAN MAKE IT. ALL ITS WEARING PARTS CASE-I'AROr.NI’.D OR STEEL, AND’ INGENIOUSLY PROVIDED' WITH MEANS TOT TAKING UP LOST MOTION, SO WE ARE JUS TIFIED 111 Warranting Every Machine for 3 Years. IT IS THE LIGHT EOT AND EASIEST-RUNNING MACHINEIN THE MARKET. IT IS, ALSO,THE MOST ELABORATELY ORNAMENTED AND PRETTIEST MACHINE EVER PRODUCED. WITH ALL THESE ADVANTAGES, IT IS SOLO FROM f! 5 TO $25 LESS ihAN OTHER FIRST CLASS MACHINES. EXCLUSIVE CONTROL OF TFP.BITOnY GIVE?! TO AGENTS. r.XJRAORDSNARV ‘ INBUCSIKENTS CFFERC® FOR CASH 03 ON C'JLC T. SEND FOR’ CSRCUI.AUS AMD TERMS TO Whits Sswmf Miw i:, 35S Euclid Avenue, i a cents i f-j rkv? ntn O ; WANTED.I L ' o ' u n(' , ' U