Berrien County news. (Alapaha, Ga.) 1875-1886, July 02, 1881, Image 4

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biiorce—Car f the B units. Wlint a curious lift* roust, the man Muvphy, who tried to kill his di vorcetl wife at Pittsburg, Pa , and then himself, have led. He was rich, Well connected, and described as re lwnkiLtly brilliant. Fifteen years ago lie married a beautiful and ac complished girl, tiro daughter of a well known judge. S x yours alter she obtained a divorce lroni him on account ol iiis drinking too much. She married-a M . O inpbell, who died about a your ago, leaving her a large fortune. Murphy, who had all this while continued to bo Hin cevuly ar.d deeply iu love with bis wife, now begun to hope that he might again win her. But his hope's were (lashed to the ground by her marrying, a few weeks ago, a Mr. McLaren. Murphy went to call upon this thrice-wedded woman,and to wish her joy h’ bee new uuiou. She received him alone, uud he con versed with her some time pleasant ly and with apparent guyety. Tntn rising, as if to take his leave, he ap proached her, saying: "I hope you may be happy," then threw his arms around her, t hot her through the back and then blew out his ou brains; and yet for years this wietch ed man, whose every waking mo ment must have been a torment, passed among his f.iends as a gay, light-hearted fellow. A Qu.iker munu-ii of sixty accept ed nu otter hum a Presbyterian el der, null lit-lug remonstrated with by a delegation of Friends appom - ed to wait upon her, tor marrying out ot tue meeting, she replica: “Look Imre! Ivo been waiting just sixty je.u's tor the meeting to main me; and it ttio meeting don’t want me to many out of it, why don’t the lm e. tug bring along i:s young men V ’ The delegation departed tit tribune. Wlmt greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined lot lifts- —to strengths en eaeli oilier in all labor, to rest on eaeli otner m ail sorrow, to min ister 10 each Other in ail pain, to be one wiih each other in siLut, uti mpealiable memories at the moment of tile last j a. turn. It is not the tashiou for ladies to kiss . tub other by w.iy ol friendly salutation now. They only toiuh each other's Unger tips, faintly imu mur “’So glad to see you,’’ and pa.-s on. There is no longer any danger ot their complexion being ki?sed oil in spots. “Molher, ’ .-aid a fair-haired uiQhin, “Idon’t waut-W-jm-to Sunday-school. 1 want to go li-hm." “But the ti-li won't bite oil Sunday ” “Well," le-pouded the probable future pie.-i --(lent, ‘T’unsk it, enywHj; may be tlieie’s some at's like me.” By immersing the stems of white uses in red and green ink they may be colored green, pink and flesh color. They will look as if natim had done the work, audit only takes ten minutes to change the color. When a revolver is aimed at a man in the Beat of discussion, lie generally looks at tt us a pointed argument. , “Is tins the Adams House?” asked a struuger of a Bostuuiau. “Yes, till veu get to the reel; tlieu it’s eaves.” An editor with nit. a backbone don’t amount to much. It’s his priuciple column, know.—Statesman. When a young mail i< deeply in love with a pretty girl, to squeeze her Laud is a pressing necessity. When a woman becomes a laun dress late iu life she may be said to have reached the iron ago. There wasn’t much money in “stocks” when they were employed in the form of pimidinidtit. A clock is much like a man. When it raises its hand, look out lor it. It is going to strike. MaYhr-s may be mud ■ in heaven, !1 1 they 1 aye a most decided smell of the other place. Advm estab ished the“pioneer press” when be li st luyged Eve iu the garden. The hair-dresser hopes bis heits w ill never be able to sav, “lie dy ed poor.” How to make v air cout last—Make y air trousers and waistcoat first. Tl g s ; n age of dead issues,dead beats and dead locks, 1880. ALL ABOARD FOR 1881! —o ■ ■■ —- PAULK, HENDERSON & CO! INVITE EVERYBODY TO CALL AND EXAMINE THEIR DRY GOODS. READY-MADE CLOTHING BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, NOTIONS, ETC. We keep constantly on, hand a full line of everything usually found in a first-class dry goods store. Also lull supply of family groceries, which we ..Herat bottom prices. We keep a nice assortment of ladies goo ls of the latest styles and fashions. Bed steads., Chairs, Bureaus, etc., we always keep on hand at I ->vcst prices Our line of hardware i3 complete, and we are constantly receiving fresh £ pplies. WOOL, WOOL, WOOL! Wo are, as usual, prepared to give mir patrons the vjry best prices for wool that the markets warrant, rum are prepa-ed to pay the hard cash to l .my amount between otto pound aid fivo It limbed thousand pounds. W. mean business and lots ot it. We have the cash to pay for all country produce, and ulways pay tin highest price. Fnulk flenclerson & U<>. nv2o-tf.*aiia, Ga. PERRY DAVIS’ tg —VEGETABLE a PAIN KILLER gtjEM A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY ‘ : j For * nternal and External Use, Is a SURE CURE for all the Diseases for which it Is recommended, and !s ALWAYS PEn|r ECTLY SAFE In tho hands of i cven th^ rTlcst Inexperienced pcrsc.cs. It Is a Bare and qc'ck remedy fer COIT(SHS, SOBE L ;], WiSn£i THROAT* CIHiXS, end similar troub!e; affords instant relief t ' :lrfv 3?*wnWfl in most malignant Jarirs of DIFIITIIEItI A, is tlie best P !| • fig® known remedy for KIIDUAIATISuI and NEUIiAL(>IA, I THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN f! kp FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WChLD. HI ,/'V v I3E; It liss boon neil with such wonderful success in all H i I(v Vi WfL r'" *of the icorhi fer CRAMPS, CHOLERA, IHARIIHIEA, II DYSEfrTERY, c:vl a!l EOUTL COLUF-kAINTS, that it is ill !sjl I consider* .s n unfailing cure for d'seascs. P|| jgjw ip HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS’CONSTANT If m M* W ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. I J pIlFj It is HECOJ*IIHENI>ED by Physician* Missionaries, ji \l \ihfi Minister* Dl-imvgrers of I’ln.ntations. Work*Shop* and £ I X {fc3 ' Factorieii* Nurses in Hospitals—in short, by Everybody jjjij /J2J everywhere who ha : ever given it a triaL |jg ‘§m i§| IT 13 WITHQUf A RIVAL A3 A LINIMENT. i&|i , /jKg)l jij|p£n It fhonld alwr.ya bo uael for Pain in the Park and Side, |i l I llliv* an l brings speedy and permanent relief in a’.l of Bruises, §?* 'ulfi ' litißL-ej Cuts, Strains. Severe Rum* Scolds, etc. FA3HL3T CAN SAFE lA* BE WITHOUT IT. It will annna'.!y pave many times its cost In doctors’ tills, and its price (p3|& > -y. it within tho roach of all. It is sold ct CYc. 50c. and 91*00 7a bottle, and can Ho obtained from all drug^stß. PERRY DAVSS & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors |pO|| A PERFECT SURE REVIVER. lIW. N BITTERS *.ro hi "lily recommended for all diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tonic; cr ;>ecially Indigestion, Vyspepsin, Jrttcr millcni\Fa)crs, Wcntqf Appetite, L /r- -f Il.rcngih, Lack of L'nerry, etc. Er.riclies the blood, strengthens the muscles, a. i givcj new life to die nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing ait dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Bctcliing, Heat in the Slorr&ch, Heartburn, etc. Tho only Iron Preparation that will not tlachca the teeth or give headache. Sold by all drnggisti Y/rito for tho Al3 C Book, 32 pp. cf useful and amusing reading—ccr.t free. BROWIN CHEMICAIj CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS DAVID WEISBEIN. — DEALER IN ' Dry (; oods, Notions, etc. 153 Broughton street, Savannah, (Georgia. It is an old and true saying that energy and bii'iness tact will always command success, and Mr. D.tvid W .islniu is a living illmdriitimi cf tlie truth ii| that adage. Only u few years back we ctio remember him as the prop'ietnr of a little 10x12 dry goods s'ore, with hut very little more stock than that required to fid the show windows of his present store; hat to-dav on enquiring for Wei.-bein’s dry goods store you are shown to one nt the larg est and most completely arranged dry good store in the Smith, and that too Containing a stock of goods in each department from which even the most skeptical can select with entire satisfaction, both as to quality and price Idle enterprising proprietor has earned an enviable name for bis establish* menl. a* and ii is known throughout all sections of ihc country as Wkisbein’s Ciibap i)uY Goons Stoke, and as an indisputable evidence of his just claim to that distinction, we need only refer the reader to the numerous evidences contained in his Such an endorsement is even stronger than newspaper talk, and i* not only well deserved, hut also in keeping with the. well-eaeiied reputation of Mr. Weipbchi for square dealing ami prompt at tention to every detail of his business. He is now ready tv it Is his stock for the fall and winter trade, which embraces all of the latest novelties in Iris line ok trade, and those who favor him with orders for either his wholesale or his retail department, will never have c.- use to regret it. One of the main features of iiis establishment is that lie brings it to the door of every customer; in fact,-before-the door of lively cross road by bis system, namely : Any oie who write- lor samples receives them by the next mail with prices end pricelist, from which selecueHs are made, and the order forwarded. When the order amoavts to ten dollars, and the mo-nv is sent, he prepays the Ireiught. If the goods are or.iared “C O I).,” and the order amounts to twenty dollars,, he prepays the freight. Hence every con sumer can select his goods hundreds ot miles away from Savannah, just, as vvojl as if they were in Snvatm di, and get them delivered to their nearest elation, free of express or freight charges, at his LOW prices, aid thereby [ sencre a great saving to themselves—beside* they are tmt compelled to bttv fr an a country store, who only keep a limited assortment of goods.—Savan nah IlxcluDge* novl3-ly. yon Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, liron cliitis, Astlmwt, Uousiuaption, And All DUenari of TUIHOAT and LUMJS. Put up in Quart-HIM lio for Family U*. Splant. fle lly preptimi of B ilsan Tolu. Oryat illltwl Rouk (J.tmlv. Old Rye, and other tonlr*. Tiie l*"rinula la known to our t out physioinns, la highly oommemie I uy them, and t e nnr-hsU of our moat- proininoMt olnmns .Pr <*. (i A. MAItINKK. In CJhioatro, ih on H.a liihal of aroryb- Ule. It is well known to ths medloM ;>rnlosai(*n that TOlill HOOK and KY K will nlTord til* relief for Ootia ib, Ooldw, Influntizn, Dronciiitia, Sore Tinoat, Weak I,nngs, also (Joimuiuption, m the in wil!itanii Hdvjuii cfl et 'b'os. tA \JHed na it PMVRHAGK and A PPKTIZKU, it innkr*a leltKhMul t ml: for fa . ily use. f pleasant to tike; If Soak or do ilitated, It <riven tons, actirity and Btisn^tu u> th who’* human rr mn. ✓ n t DOS r 9£ OECEIVEOV / VvA IJ A A\ "xT • hy irinrinoipled deal- \ B ern who try t<* palm o'f upon you K<cK and Ivys in ■ | plof ur TOLU BOl.'K ANDItVH. whloli to I \ tlio only roedictUed article made the ie**niiiiie umt- W \ing a GOVKHNMKNT STAMP on each buttle./ UWIUIM K A MARTI.X. Proprietors, 111 MutlUon Ntrert, Chicaatfo. fTT Ask your lAruirclet fa" ttf ?■ VT Ask your (.'rocer for It! f.F Aik. your Winn Mri ahant Tor It! pTdiildren, ask your Mammu for It! PTMuld hy DRI'OUISTN, AROCGRt *m4 WINE MERC II AN Ttf every %% here. W&'Jt'IUDtXrGoHjC TJ.SA: Sole I‘roprt* tor* of the yisi/s mm ixTiSTTii Vo. -is v- * KinuOßfiMiO'gan. Kiigiavt! fro;-, pliotowraph. Three Sets of lletti*, i eluding a }*.wcrfd S-o • let. Eleven Stnv—rll that tron !>•: f any lu-ssih! 2 ‘.ter. HvctJc—v IVo KneeE v-ll*. Highly fli’Uhed Llac . C;ue with ric< yrendi Vnueer. and r.’ouls. Ail l~to invirovetsu nt.v. t:. <i. v Uni. Pcd and Can**t -—fonud only the “KINO.'’ Vi, it I!.>xml hb 300 lb*. Shipped a 10 day* trial --n> better guararteec u. be f v. Shipped Direct.for - §36 Thti - ICDG,—— O/ toned iuatruineni ran be made. It cost* nothing to tr> .k ■/ I ni/lt PIA WoGrrrff, S7Mre and Vp- I Lii 1 ---•Jii ri(jlit I’in non. Seven auc srvcn ad n tb.rd tx-tavi.*. Pr.’ from fit .1 i j.wsrd l . Instru (nentsw . .-ranted S"ld Direct. No Agenti wateu Send Cat° The Meriden Purci>?tsin|>: Cos., JNOTICE Tn tencliers and "tilers tliul inuy be iu ere-lcd. ih-t tlie B urd ot ivuica i ri ol Berrien county wit! meet in N.ishv i le on the following days, to wit: On the Ist Tirosday in I'elirn aiv, March, Apt i l . June, and Juy. All teachers wishing to tie examined are requested In be present on one ot Ine above named days, e it will be the only days that they will be ex iiniii. and. All teiteher* wishing to each a puli it- school, must conte to ■lie C S. C’ and rontract on tlie par; "I itie Board ot Education iviih him lie'oru tlmy c mmeuce their sehool otherwise it cannot lie a public school, ns IbeC.s. C. will not v i-it schools 'ipt year for the purpose ol i-ouli hi-I ine w itli teacbeis. If you vviinl to it ach i; public- sclioid ttiis year, no li. e tin* above and govern youn-elves ncc 'fllogiy. By rude- ot Board. Jan 15-tf Jit*. 1-’. (iounman, C. H G, IT von arr a von fir* K sr orUu-lD**Bß.'w,yUi• Ura m.7n of let g ened by the strain of \&B ter-HoAlißi over ntuiJ Eyour duties avoid wff night vox k, to rr* B jibtixnuhints aud ftse tore hroinn?| KHcp Skitters. y waaio, Hop fc. and B It y,ra are young and wßuffering from any in g or cL ihipa Mtiou ; if you arc mar-r| tried or Kindle, old orafyoTiur. suffering fror.i’l fjr r o r l l * ,a l th or ianguish Eing on a bed of sick Baeia, rely on Hopgßitters. 8K 'YVhoever you are, Thousands die an Hwhs-oever you feel jrat nually from some |St bat your sysfom '3* ; 4 form of Kidney ■fja?ed.s cleensingr, ton* 'ngSne l disease that uilKiit JSuig or btimuiating IftL- ij hare l>ecn proYeutu-vl 0 without intoxicating, .ft by a time Jy ue o; Raitter H 8? P HGtjD ‘ t,yr -* 1 J...X7J1.--.1, l/Aargu -**&, D . _ Kor ■ s.*Mj i* u, Wnlctnt, oLsea.-eW|s4i-l g’H an ab'rolut KSof tho Hto.uucA, Li. F7n irrcHibU- Wjoireln. blood, vi I*ll | i jble cu r o for WUver otr,mri<a r jHU K J.tUTinke nosh , gHTon vi il be „Ss,l jubc of opium, ■cured ifycrj Ust ;iyj niTTmO * tobacco. oij yHop SLUcrs Ij | -Uv I 1 Xfyoißmsim^■j Soldb”drt k gpl7 weak and tig visi:;, bondfc/S glowroirited, try NlVlm Circular. ■ is avc yo u *[TA I ! ,i0? EIT7riL; 8 El Ife. H hno §r\ |A! L | co *. I Eor.voc! hurt- g Rup:-.ot,tcr f K. Y. 3 A. Leffler, WHOLESALE GSIGOER No. 159 Bay Slrect, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Fruits, Eli ur. Wines Liquors, Ci.Tttrs, etc. IMPORTER OF FOREIGN FANCY GRO CERIES. npt3o-ly. 7 Fh'ENDAuisl% KENDELUS SPAVIN CUBE. , The most successful rerocoy ever iiiscov.erei'l', os it is ceitoin iu its ef fects uud does not blister Rend proof below. From ev. P. N. Cnirpt r, Presiding Elder of the St. Albans , District. St. Albnns, Vt., 20th 1880. Dr. B. J. Kendall & Cos. Gems : i In reply to your letter I will sny tliol ruv experience with ‘KembiH’s S, tivin ( lire’ hos bceu very sutislnctoiy in deed. Three or tour wars ago I pro cured a bidlle ot your agent, and with i cured n hoi so of liinieMi-ss caused by a spavin. J. ist seiiso.j my Inurse became very lame and I turned him out for a few weeks when he became better, tmt yvheu 1 put him on ti.e road he grew worse, when I dis co, crcd that a ringbone was forming. I procured a bottle of Kendall's i Spavin (Jure and with less than a bot tle cured him so that he is not lame, neither cau the biiuch be found. Ilusprcllnlly vi nrs, P. N. (.hangar. PERSEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, Mass , March IG, 1880. | 13. <l. Ketdall & Cos., Gents:—ln in-lice to }oii and mysetl. I ibiok I ! "light to tel you knot, that I hate re ; ooved two lame spavins with K u -1 <hill's Spavin Cme.’ one very Urge iilie, don't how bn.” the spav in bad been tlaere. I lmv ' owned the | lioie eight month*. It took me lour I months to take tin. large one ofl and I two (or the small one. 1 have useil II t, u bottles. The horse i< emirvlv well, tn tat ah Si iff . and no liiipch to be seen m- lelt. Ti:is i> a w.u deitul j mediejne. ll i- anew tiling here, Imt it it does for all vvliat il li as done tor me its sale will tie very great. Rtspscilully voiirs. (. has. E Paik.r. Kenda’i’s ft| nviii.C'iire is sure in its i fleets, mild in its action as it does not Idixter, yet it is penetrating and |Owelliil (<> reach ever v deep sealed pain or lo remove any bony growth or olliei enlargement, >ia-li as spavii s plii-ts, cutl'S, caltnlis, sprains, swell ings, any Isineiics* and all eularge nleaTs ol the joints or limlis. • r iheii m.di-m in man and foi any ■ urpose mr whirl, a liniment i- u-ed tor man nr beast. It is now known to tie the nest liniment lor man ,rr used, aci mg tiilid and vet e.rtain ill u effects. Semi address tor nrt ulai which we think gives positive p mol ot Us viriuex. No lemedy tins ever met with snoh unqualified success, to 0111 knowledge, tot ire.'Si as well a limn. l’riec sl, per ta I tie. or six .routes tor 95 Ail druggists have it uo n get it for jou, or it wifi lie sent to any addressoii receipt of price by llo: proprie.ors. Dll. B J. KENDALL & ( 0.. Enosbiirgh Falls, V, rm ul. Hunt, Rankin & Lamvk, Ag'is. Attalita, Ga BRUNSWICK & ABA Vi Y li, h. Change of Hcliedu le. SrPEKiNTKNDKNr’s Officb, 15. & A H It, Brunswick, Ua., July 10. 1870. On and ii I tor the above date paasen irer trains on ibis road w ill run as follow k: Leave Brunswick every day (Sundays ex opted) at..7:00 am Arrive at Alapahu 8:45 p in Arrive at East Albany 8 :00 j, in Returning. leave Albany at 8:00 a in Anive at Alapalia 12.10 p in Arrive at Brunswick 7 ;80 p mi Trains from Albany make dost connection at Tebenuville with A. & G. passenger train from Savannah, and with but few hours delay at Tebeuuiillo, with A. & (1. passeugei train for Florida. Trains from Brunswick connect at Tclnanvilie with day passenger train on the A. & G R. 11., Vvhit-li leaves ! Tcbeauville for Florida at 1:3 pm CriAiu.ES L. Geu’l Sop t. R D. Mkadkr, Assistant S > . DE. K. KUEEITZKI. RESIDENT PHYSICIAN.. Wayceoss. Ga., Will give careful attention to the treatment of Diseases of Females ; and also to the treatment of chronic or dis eases ol long standing. Chronic dis eiqed patients requiring close alien tint), that live to" great a distance to be visited at their homes, will lie fur nished nurses and accommodations a: Way cross; jiu22tf. fHUS k’MPfcH UoW'* 1 ' & C’o'h >'Wpn) CT A< • 1 /ortlslntf IVir.-'uiM 10 Sprue-.' At.), nh*r“ uilvertl^lma torutnwwj Va uu&o -ox < M\V V OliH Savannah, Fforidr. & Western Railway. Genf.kau Manaokr’s Okkick, Savannah, May 21st, 1881. On and after SUNDAY, May 22d, 1881 Passenger traius ou this road will mu as follows : FAST MAIL. Leave Savannah daily at. .1 :20 p. m. Leave Josttp daily at 3:40 p tn Leave Tebeauviile daily at.. 5 :05 p m Arrive at Callahan daily nt.7 :41 p m Arrive at Jacksonville daily at 8 ;40 p in Leave Jacksonville daily at 7 :35 a rn Leave Callahan daily at .. .8 :42 a m Arrive at Tubeauville daily at 1 i :10 n m Arrive at Jeswp daily at. .12 :35 p in Arrive at Savannah dully at 3 :00 p m Passengers from Savannah tor Brunswick lake this train, arriviug at liruusw ick G ;0() o m. Passengers leave Brunswi k at 9 :30 a. M., arrive at Savin unh 8 :00 I*. m. I’asseugeiH tor Darien take this train. Passengers tewing Macon ntJrOO a.m. daily iuclmlmg Sunday ) /Ptninect at Jcsup will, this train for Florida. Passengers from Florida by this train eon,root at Jesup with train ar riving in Macon at 7 :50 p. m. (daily iucluiliug Sunday ) Draw ing Room Cars on this traia between Savstinnh and Jacksonville. J ACKSON VILLE EXPIIESS. Leave Savannah daiiy at. . 10 30 p rn Leave Jesup daily at. 2 -40 a in Leave T. bean v.lle daily at 4 :35 a m A n ive nt Cal la ban daily at. 7:l1 a m Arrive at jAcksonville daily at 8:10 am Ar.ive Live Oak daily at 10:45 am Leave Live U.-.k daily at 2:30 pm l.uive Jacksonville daiiy at.5:25 p ul Leave Cut a ban dalle at.. . . G :25 p In j Ai nveTebeativ ilk, daily at. . 9 :50 p in rtri ive at Je-np daily at... 11 :05 pin Arrive Savannah daily at. .2 :U0 a in Palace Sleeping Curs ou this train daily between Savauiiali and Jackson ville. Charleston anil J icksnuville aat and Jacksonville, No change id ears between Sevan call and Jacksonville and Macon and Jacksonville. Passengers leaving Macon 7 :30 p m connect hi Jesup with this train tor Florida daily. Passengers IV. m Florida by this Haiti con ll eel at Jesup with train ar liv iug at Macon 7 :U5 a in and ily. Passengeis iron. Savauuali for Gaines, i'le. Cedar Keys aid Florida I ransn R n.d lake this train. Passengers from Savannah for Mudisou. Mobiieeilo, l allab.issue aud Qtilt.&y-titkr- tfiYK-in-hr: PaS-eiigers tn 111 Qtiiocy, TallaliHS see. Mohliceltu and Madison take this train, u.eeling sleeping cars at Teueau v ide ai 9 :10 p. m. ALBANY EXPRESS. Leave Sin,inn.ili dal y at.. 4:15 |i lit Leave Jesup daily < t 7 :‘o p m Leave iebeaiiville daily id.9:30 p m Leave Du,.0.,( daily at ...It :45 p ill At rive Thnumsv ille daily i. 5 UIU a at Am, e limn bridge daily hi..B: 'o ant Arrive Albany daily at.. . h :!.i a m Leave Albany daily a, ... .4 :45 p tn Leave Baiulii idge daily a1..5:1.V p in Leave Thomsisv it le dally at. B-45 p lit Ainve Diij.out i nily at 1 -45 ant Arrive Tebeauviile dai.y at 4 :<• i a lit Ari ive Je-up daily al ... G 25 tin All Ve iSavalmab daily t. .9:ioa in hll pin eats run tiirough ticiweeu SavvDUah aul Altuuy and J.n ksoti vilb id .tloiilgomeiy daiiy uilhout ilniuge. Connect at Albany with passenger trains both ways on Smith western uulroiid to aud trom Maon, Eulatils, tMouigomery, Mobile, New Orleaus etc. Mail steamer h.-aves Biiinbridg.) for O Ap.-ilaeliieola and Columbus every l ues. lay and .’vaturdny. Close i ouuectiuti at Jacksonville daily (Sundays excepted) for Green Cove Springs. St. Augustine, Pnbitka Enterprise; and ail laudiags ou ftt. John’s i i\e>-. Trains on 11. and A. R. R. leave June!ion, going west m 11 :d7 a. ir. aud tot If nusw ick at 4 :40 p. in. daily except Sunday. Through Ticket* sold and Sleeping Car Berths and Drawing Roon Car .iccoiiimodaiions secured m BREN'S ficket Utttee. No 22 Bull street, Hid nt the company’s depot, foot of Liberty street. JAS. L. TAYLOR, General Passenger Agent. •I. S. Tyson, Master Transportation. 11. t,. UAL. ivs. Guncial Alaii.-i er. Floresion Coloftsie.' A Kott, D.*!ipKful and Faßhiomiblo Ferfnme. Fragrant, hold by drujrplfit* and fancy goo-ls dealer'-. C., UiciaisHi N. Y. ff Ginger, BuchUe Blundrnlco, Stlliingda and; smany other cf the he t medicines known are coin-, & blued so skillfully in Parke*’* Owgkk Tonic as* jhto males it the greatest Dlooti Purifier and the ; £ Bug} ZloaltUcpd Strength Ec;:f oror over used.' K It cures Dycpcpoia, Rhoiiroalicm* Neuralgia,; Slooslesortcss, and all diseases c f the SiornarS,. ip TUV. h, Lvnnc, Livor. Kidneys, Urinary Organs Cotyplninls. . ' ! V. If you are wasting away, with Consumption or, * any disease, i. e the Tonic t e-day, V w.your symptoms risy be, it v.T.I surely help you. I Ruinrmbcrl This Tonic cuvs c uulwancss,, '■'a ihc He:t Family ev r made, entirely. ;dMerest fr i.i laitci'. k! , < Ciu;;er i'rspas o.Ovis Club oth r Tonics.rnrl< o:.d>inc‘ i t u : 1 tcurati’/ oprop- < ertiesof all. Buy a 50c. bottle of your draftee.*.. {jenuino v.-hh - t our .mature oil, wtairo-,-. ’ H:-.r'r - ’., Cao.r,: a,. NjrjJj <■ "wWKEffS HAIR BALSAM