Newspaper Page Text
VOL. t ft
Terms.—Three dollars per year, if paid in ad
vance.—Three dollars and fifty cents, if paid half
yearly,—Or, Four dollars if delayed to the end of
the ye:<r.—No subscription received for less than
one year unless the money is paid in advance.—-The
publisher reserves to himself the right to discontinue
a. subscription, or not, before arrearages are paid.
•Advertisements will be inserted at the usual
John Boil and James Hemphill; one other in favour i unless cause to the contrary be shewn at the next
of the same, vs. John Boil and Allen C. M’Dowel; Term of this court after said publication, the afmi-
one other in favour of the same, vs. John Boil, H. I nistratrix will be directed to execute'titles to’the
Webb, and James Hemphill; one in favour of John j said Samuel, agreeable to said contract.—A true'ex*
Robeson, John Pendergrass, and Pleasant Turner, I tract from the ninutes of the Court of Ordinary,
vs. Edwin L. Harris and John Boil; ope in favour of WILLIAM MALTBIE, Clerk
John M. Crawford, vs. John Boil; one in favour of April 27, 1827.
James Sisson, vs. John Boil, executor of Peter Boil,
deceased; one in favour of John Robeson, John GEORGIA, FRANKLIN COUNTY.
All Letters to the Editor on matters connected
with the establishment, must be post paid in order to
secure attention.
iCj=* * l nr.ay be proper to inform those who shall
favour us with their advertising custom, that Notice
of the sale of Land and Negroes by Administrators,
Executors, or Guardians, must be published sixty days
previous to the day of sale.
The sale of Personal Property, in like manner,
must be published forty days previous to the day of
Notice to debtors and creditors ef an estate must
be published forty days.
Notice that Application will be made to the Court
of Ordinary for Leave to sell Land, must be publish
ed nine nunli'ts.
Notice that Application will be made for Letters
of Administration, must be published forty days.
Pendergrass, and Pleasant Turner, vs. John Boil;
and one in favour of Early Harris and William
Luckie, vs. said Boil: all for cost.
July 6.
Henry Hardin, vs. Thomas Payne, Joseph Dunlap, and
James H. Little, Executors of Asa Ayres, deceased
"BTTPON the petition of Henry Hardin^stating that
wJ he is in possession of a bond, given by Asa
^J^JTLL be sold on the first Tuesday in August | Ayres to him, said Hardin, on the thirty-first day of
-j^TNE months after date application will be made
to the honourable the Inferior Court of Gwin
nett county when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell all the real estate of Rebecca C. Park.
January 22, 1827.
N INE months after date, application will be made
to the Honourable, the Court of Ordinary of
Jackson County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell the Real State of Abraham Williams,
February 9.—m9m
TOJINE months after date, application will be made
iv to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Clark
rainistrator of the Estetcof JShn Grimes, deceased, Payee, Joseph Dunlap, and James H. Little, execn- ] or to “ cl, f lh ? “"''“ff" Negroes,
J ILL BE SOLI*, on the first Tuesday in
August next, at the Court-House in Clark
cou >ty, within the usual hours of sale, the following
property, to wit :
Eighty Acres of Land, more or less, in
said county, on the waters of Sandy creek, adjoin
ing tiOcper and others: levied oil as the property of
James li. Wilson, to satisfy a ii. fa. in favour of
Burkicy Sims vs. James H. Wilson.
Three Hundred and Seventy-six Acres
of land, more or less, in said county, on the waters
of the north fork of the Oconee river, adjoining Jack-
son, Mitchell, and others : levied on as the property
of Hugh Nisler, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Ro-
boit Orr, and other fi. fa.’s vs. Hugh Nisler.
The Undivided Half of Two Hundred
and Fifty Acres of Land, more or less, in said coun
ty, on the waters of Call’s creek, adjoining Hicks
and others: levied on as the property of Wm. W.
Earnest, by virtue of two fi. fa.’s issued from a ma
gistrate's court in favour of Bradford Brown, vs.
William W. Earnest and George Earnest: levied
and returned by a constable.
Seventy-five Acres of Land, more or less,
in said county, on Shoal creek, adjoining Barnett
and others: levied op as the property of Samuel
Garner, to satisfy sundry fi. fa.’s issued from a ma
gistrate’s court in favour of Wooldridge A* Hancock
vs. .samuel Garner: levied and returned by a con
stable. „ -
Four Hundred Forty-seven and a Half
Acres of Land, more or less, in said county, in two
separate Tracts; one containing 160 acres, the other
2S7J acres, more or less, adjoining Simonton and
others, on the North and Middle forks of the Oconee
river.—One sorrel Mare, about nine years old; and
eight head of cattle, viz. three cows and calves, and
two three year old steers: levied on as the property
of Alfred Stewart, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of
Samuel J. Murray, and other fi. fa.’s, vs. Alfred
Stewart, and Zachariah Sims.
One improved Lot in the town of Athens
No. not known, containing one acre, more or less,
adjoining Dunn and others; levied on as the pro
perty of James Welch, to satisfy two fi. fas issued
Irani a Magistrate’s Court, in favour of Stevens
Thomas, vs. James Welch; levied and returned
by a constable.
One Negro Man, named Dick, about
twenty years of age; levied on as the property of
Thomas Moore, to satisfy a fi. fa in favour of Wm.
Appling, vs. Thomas Moore and George W. Moore,
security on appeal.
July 6. JAMES HENDON, Sh’ff.
for the use of John Borders, vs. the estate of Ephraim tors of said Asa Ayres, do shew cause, on tha first
Lindsey, deceased. I Monday in September next, why they should not be
Sixty-five acres of Land, in Jackson directed to thles to said land, described in said
county/grantee unknown, on the waters of Beach ^ nd ’}° s “ d He . nr y Hardinintermsofthe statute
creek, adjoining Thomas and others.-One dark “ c ,^ c ™ de “d pronded And .t is further
’ J 6 -- - - - 1 ordered, that a copy of this rule be published in one
tCaSrSSB 5SE for three month, befotc the sitting k said court, in j fotjSvo.o iily undiedipatt of the Mate
JOHN PARK, Dep. Sh’ff.
be sold,
Two hundred acres of Land, more or less,
in said count}’, on
adjoining Sailors; levied on as the property of Stc-
>hen Wilson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of John
Borders, vs. Andrew Wilson, Stephen Wilson, Wm.
M’Ginnis, and George W. Wilson, security on stay
of execution.
July 6.
T the same time and place, will be sold, the fol
lowing property, to wit:
One Negro Woman by the name of Cloe
about IS yeais of age: levied on as the property of
Charles Garner to satisfy a v fi. fa. issued on the fore
closure of a mortgage in favourof Gabriel A. Moffitt,
vs. ^Charles Gamer.
'^j^JTLL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in August
next, at the Court House in Jackson county, I October, eighteen hundred and twenty-two, for one
between the usual hours of sale, the following pro- i thousand dollars, conditioned to be void if the said
perty, to wit: - Asa should make e J — 3 * ; ' ' * *
One Negro Man named Jim, about forty district oTL
years of age, levied on as property belonging to the first day of April then next;" ani( it being stated and
Estate of Ephraim Lindsey, in the hands of Esther j made appear to the court that said Hardin has paid
Lindsey, Administratrix, and John Lindsey and I the consideration money, and that said Asa depart-
James Luckie, Administrators of tlic Lstate of I ed this life before making titles, and a copy of the
Ephraim Lindsey, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa—Es Bond being filed in the Clerk’s office of this court,— . 4 ^ .. _ ,.
ther Grimes Administratrix, and James Grimes Ad-1 it is on motion, Ordered, That the said Thomas 9 ar * County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes,
February 23d, 1827;—m9m
INE months after date, applications will be
made to the Honourable the Inferior Court of
for the benefit of the heirs of Robert Perkins, dcc’d.
April 20,1827.—16 m9m
T'EJINE months afterdate, application will be made
J. m to the Honourable the Inferior Court of Ogle-
of Benjamin Baldwin, dec’d
with the will annexed.
March 2.—m9m
^ T the above .mentioned time and place, will also J GEORGIA, GWINNETT COUNTY.
IOUR months after date, application will be
Court of Ordinary, May Term, 1827.
F made to the honourable inferior Court of
Clark County, when sitting for .ordinary purposes,
l acres oi xjona, more or je s, n the petition of Thomas J. St*!, shewing that for leave to sell the Real Estate of Samuel Pittard,
Sandy creek, grantee unknown, ^ Thomas Wood, deceased, beretqfore in his life deceased.
time, did, on the 25th day of July, 1821,-make and
execute his certain Bond in writing, in the penalty of
seven hundred and fifty dollars, cdhditioncd to make
June 15,1827.
OURfnonths after date, application will be made
Inferior Court of Jack-
titles to John Nash to a certain tract or parrel nf I ■ .xQURgnonths after date,
land, No. 171, in the 6th district of Gwinnett county, JT to the Honourable the
(a copy of which Bond is annexed to said petition, son county, when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for
and filed in the Clerk’s Offic , and has prayed this leave to sell one Tract of Land, 202£ Acres, situated
Court to direct the Administrators of sard deceased inA'uscogee county, known by Lot 262 in the 20th
mn i.n a ... I OfWl AnrpQ T.nnd. ftitnntp.rl in Mil sen*
One Sorrel Horse: levied on as the pro- P u ^* c places of this county for three .months, and
perty of Enoch Nelson, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour to th ° co " rar y. ■* the next.
oi Thomas F. Foster, vs. said Nelson: property T s e ™ ?^ th * Gr after sa,d publication the said
Primed .„t by .he defendant I
One Cream-coloured Horse: levied on lor parcel of land,
as the property of John Williams, to satisfy a fi. fa. I A true extract from the minutes,
in favour of Archibald Wimpey: the property pointed I WM. MALTBIE, Clerk,
out by the defendant. | June 29,1827.—26 m3m
June 22,1827—25 m4m
lemomferin the Post-Office at WatkmsviUe, Cq. on
the July, 1827, which if,not taken atUy
the lsf of^tUber, will be sent to the Central Post
Office, as dead letters. '•
Elisha Arnes,
James Ammons,
Nathan C. Barnett,
Larkin L. Baldwin 2,
John J. Burrow,.
P. T. Bedell,
John T. Barnett, '
John B. Carr,
Arthur Cooper,
Moses H. Cockburn,
Thomas Cummins,
Henry Carr,'
A. K. Craig, & Co.
“ D
James Davis,
Thomas J. Doggett,
ioltn A. Davenport,
Peter Duncan,
Lindsy Durham.
James Dickinson,
Edmonds Elder,
Milner Echols,
David Elder,
Joshua Elder,
George W. Farror,
William Fleming,
Tilman Gcrrald,
John Greer,
John B. Hutehinson,
Walton B. Harris,
Mary Hamilton,
Jonathan Hightower,
James Hanson,
Catharine Holder,
Henry L. Harris,
William Jackson,
John Kilgore,
George Kaglc,
Robert Love,
Thomas Ligon,
William Lard* *
Robert Lard,
M .
Mary Moss
Jeremiah Mathews;
Mark Mathews,
William Medders,
William McCullough,
David Merivyethqr,
Edward Maxey,
Thomas Moore,
Laac Middl; k ; jolgr,
Burnc’iMoorfe^ **
Strot^d Melton, ^ •
Leroy McCov, *'
William B. Nutt,
W. Oats, •
William H. Pureycar,
f f
David Robertson, *• \
Thos. te Wm. Rob^ gc
Thomas P. Ridge'!.* .
William Ross, /
S /
John Smith 2,«
Isaac Smith, , \
Robert Stewo^
Zachariah Sii ’
John P. Snow B,
Mrs. T. StroG
Vino *
Vine Smith 5 ? i
Thomas Sii
Marcus A..
Lewis Se
Sarah T
John Vicl
***" Martha V
Henry Wil r :
John WiU :1 ’
ftily 6, 1827.
■rtii'} hjiU.:
F OUR months after date, application wiU,be<
made to the Honorable Inferior Court of Co-
One Wagon and Gear, One Gray and
Three Bay Horses: levied on as the property ofj _ _ ^ T . .
Barktry Montgomery, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of
Moses Bryan : property pointed out by the de
One Huhdred Aores of Land, more or I
W HEREAS, James Nesbit, administrator of
Theophilus Burke, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission from the further ad
ministration of said estate:—
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
lumbia County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell
Belonging to the Estate of Mrs. Amelia Clark,
late of Columbia County, deceased.
F. B. HEETH, j
July 6—m4m
t\VO Ac!
%uae a
- thereon, within a quarter
Colleges, very low for cash. AffP
Athens, for particulars.'"*
June 22.—25 3t - , T !
ble, and returned to me.
Two Hundred and Fifty Acres of Land,
known as Lot No. 63, in the Tenth District of Hall I
i granted.
Given under my haiid, this 7th of May, 1827.
JOF ^II. LOWE^ Clerk*
county: levied on as the property ofJames R. Bus- j BOUNTY/
sell, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of Elijah Wade: le- WM/HERE AS, John Sk man, Hosa Hale, and
viea on by a constable, and returned to me. I ® * Lydia Hale, administrators of the estate of J
July 6. JOHN P. BROOKS, Dep. Sh’ff. j d fP Ca ? gd ’ a PP|y t° me forXettere j
who have demands against the
John Crews, deceased, will please
them immediately, and those who are
indebted to said estate, will settle them without fur
ther notice*
June 22*—25 40.*
of Dismission fiom-the further administration of said
A LL persons having demands against the estate
of Alexander Moore, late of Gwinnett county,
HE subscriber is continv
parts of the State, so
and Detached Plots 6f Land in 1
Territory, that he feels himself cor
a general Agency of this business, .
All persons, therefore, wfrtYmky i
Detached Plots from the Surveyor^
at Milledgeville, may depend on re©
the earliest mail, on remitting their orders,-paf
covering in Bills of the Macon, State Bank, “or
of its Branches, the sum of f 7 J
$19 for each Grant in the late Lottery, ’ . '
$11 for do. in the preceding on$ ; .*■
$6 for do. in the anti-preceding one, ’
Detached Plots, Fifty Cents. ; " \ ' r 1
IlL BE SOLD on the first Tuesday m Au-1 CS ^®^ are ( ] lcrofore to c ; te and admon i s h a jj and
f T gust next, at the Court-house in Lawrence- . 1 'T* *ncrerore ra cue ana namoman an ana
ville, Gwinnett county, within the usual hours 0 f singular the kindred and creditors to be and appear
, ’„ r^ii . I at my office within the tune prescribed by law, to
sale, the following property, to wit: shew cause if any they have, why epid letters should
One half of Lot No. 51, in the 17th dis- not be granted,
trict of Gwinnett: levied on as the property of Hiram I J Given under my hand, this 22d day of May, 1827.
Bowen to satisfy sundry fi. fa’s, issued from a Jus-1 JOHN H. LOWE, Clerk.
tice’s Coiirt in favour of Samuel McJunken, vs. said J —— :
Bowen.—Levied on and returned to me by a consta-1 GEORGIA, CLARK COUNTY
June 29. WM. NISBET, Sh’ff.
deceased, will present them properly attested; and
those indebted arc requested to make immediate
July 6. JAMES GILBERT, Adm’r.
'Jk GREEABLY to ah Order of the Inferior Court
of Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary
purposes, will be sold oh the first Tuesday in August
next; in the town uf Jefferson, Jackson county,
next, at the Court-House of Clark county
between the usual hours of sale, the following pro
perty, to wit
One Negro boy, about fourteen years
c!d, levied on as the property of William M’Hec, to
satisfy a fi. fa in favour of William Lumpkin and
others; vs. William M’Ree.
One hundred and seventy^hree acres of
Land, more or less, on Porter’s creek, adjoining
Allen and others; levied on as the property of Tho
mas Wheeler, to satisfy a fi. fa in favour of L. B.
Land ; vs. Joseph Derharn and Thomas Wheeler.
Ten or twelve barrels of Corn, levied on
U3 the property of A. II. Scott, to satisfy a fi. fa in
favour cf John Hodge; vs. A. II. Scott.
G. W. MERIWETHER, Dep. Sh’ff.
July 5,
Jackson Superior Court, Feb. Term, 1827.
O N the application of L. F. E. Dugas, shewing
to the Court, that William Edmonson, on the
29th of January, 1824, made his certain Mortgage of |
that date_Jo your applicant, whereby to secure to
W HEREAS, John Selman, and Benjamin F. H. within the usual hours of sale, THREE NEGROES,
Lindsey, Administrators of the. Estate of viz. Jacob, about 2fli years old: Bill, a boy 5 years
Sampcl S. Hunter, apply to me for Letters of Dis- 0 j d . Ju.fifer, a woman 22 years old: they being the
mission from the further administration of said Es- j property of Benjamin Wilson,-deceased
him the sum of One Hundred Dollars, on or before
the 29th of July, 182-1, he, the said William, Mortgag
ed to your applicant the following described Tract of
Land, to wit: lying and being in the County of Jack
These are therefore to cite ancl admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased
to be and appear c.t my office within the time pre-1
scribed by law, to shew cause, i£ any they have, i
why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, this 5th July 1827.
JOHN Hj LOWE, Clerk.
May 11,1827.—60ds
Remaining in the Post-Office at Athens, on the 2d day
of July, 1827.
1^’INE months afterdate, appii
1 \3 to the Honorable the Inferid
son and State of Georgia, containing ope hundred I ordinary purposes, for leave to
one and one half acres, being half of a grant-made to of Jamc3 D. Ewing, deceased, for the bebefit of the
Elisha Lake of two hundred and three acres, the heirs and creditors of said deceased,
halfbutting and bounding as follows: beginning on I JOHN G. MAYNE, ) . . ,
a white oak corner, on the branch on Jonathan /, JAMES JENltlNGS, y A(irn
Smith’s line, running north east to a pine corner on 1/ Nov. C, 1S26. In9m
said Smith’s line, thence South to a white oak cor- 1
W ILL BE SOLD, on the first Tuesday in August
next, at the Court-House in the Town of
Jefferson, Jackson county, within the lawful hours of
sale, the following property, to wit:
ner on the branch on John Smith’s line, thence South
west to a post oak corner on said Smith’s line, thence
on Burgin’s line, to the beginning corner. And that
there is due on said Mortgage the sum of One Hun
dred Dollars with interest from the 29th of July,
1824 ; and praying the foreclosure of the Equity of |
Redemption of, in and to said Mortgaged premises.-
On motion, Ordered, Tnat the said Mortgager pay
N INE months after date, application will be wade
_ t t to the Honourable the Inferior Court of C)ark 1 Mr. Conner, ,
Mortgage, together with the cost, within twelve 1 county, for leave to sell the Real Estate of Theophi- 1 Augustin S. Clayton,
_ months from this date, else the Equity of Redemp- I l a9 Simonton, consisting of one tract of 239 acra oft D
One Hundred Acres OI Liand, more or tion ^ j Q ftnd tQ said Mortgaged premises will be Land in said county, near Moore’s Mills, and230 Burwell Dawson,
thenceforth forever barred and forclosed.—And it is | acres near Salem—bold for the benefit of the Heirs | James Daulton 2/
less, on Park’s creek, adjoining M’Kinuey and Brad
ford, whereon George Williamson now lives: levied
on a3 his property, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour of
John M. Dooly, vs. George Williamson: pointed out
by said Williamson.
One Negro Boy, named Joe, about 13
years old: levied on as the property of Meshack
T. Wilhite, to satisfy two fi. fa.’s; one in favour of
Thornton and Herndon, vs. Meshack T. Wilhite;
the other in favour of Robert C. Oglesby, vs. saitt
Wilhite: pointed out by Wilhite.
One Negro Man, named George, about
twenty-four years old; One Hundred Acres of Land,
more or less, on the w aters of Curry’s creek, granted
to Marbury, adjoining King: levied on as the pro
perty of Charles Hemphill, to satisfy a fi. fa. in favour
of Seaboum Lawrence, vs. Charles Hemphill and
Lewis P. Eaves, bis security on stay of execution
all pointed out by said Hemphill.
One improved Lot, in the Town of Jef
ferson, No. 18, sixty-six feet in width, and one hun
dred and sixty-six feet in length, now in the occu
pancy of Joshua Roberts: levied on as the property
of John Boil, to satisfy sundry fi. fe.’s; nine in fa
vour of the Court Officers of Jackson county against
John Boil; one in favourof the Court Officers, vs.
tion will be made j William M. Archer,
Court, sitting for I Nelson Anderson,
* the Real Estate | Thomas Allen,
Dr. F. H. Badger,
Martha Brown,
James Burgayn,
John Biggers,
John Brewing,
N INE months after date, application will be made Sarah Bell,
to the Honorable Inferior Court of Hall county, Betcy Ann Burk,
when sitting for ordinary purposes, for Heave to sell Bradley Bems,
the Real Estate of James Hulsey, deceased. | C
PLEASANT HULSEY, Adm’r. | Absalom Chokenduffcr,
Jan. 1, 1827. m9ra
IF. Cleaveland,
I William* Cock,
Anderson T. Cose,
further ordered, That a copy of this Rule be publish
ed in some public gazette of this State or served
upon the Mortgager according to the Statute in such j
cases made and provided.
A true copy from the minutes.
AprifTG, 1827.
and creditors of said deceased.
January 4. j lm9m
William Denton,
John Dean,
William Davi<j,
Lucy Dodson,
Office of the Statesman 4* Patriot, Tl i
Milledgeville, June 15,1827. } *5
T HE subscribers will publish in a few weeks,!a
beautiful large Map of the newly acquired Ter-
lfeTINE months after date, application will be made j os / p i, DuPont,
ll to the honourable, the Inferior Court of Clarke I * p
to seU
Clark county t
Land on the waters of Big creek,
O N the Petition of Samuel Cone, shewing that I and others, the widow’s dqwer excepted. Likv
William Harrold, late of said county, deceased, wise, Lot 217 in the 21st district of ^Wrikmson. Also,
did, on the 7th day of July, 1823, make and execute J the Negroes belonging to said estate: Caleb, a nc-
his certain Bond in writing, whereby he, the said j gn> man; Addison, a negro man; Jim, a negro man;
William, contracted and bound himself to make titles Milley, a negro woman: for the benefit of the heirs
to Laban P. Poole, for Lot No. 104, in the Fifth Dis-1 of said F-ntnt«»,
trict of originally Henry, now Fayette county, which RACHEL HINTON, Adm’x.
Raid land was, on the 20th July 1S25, assigned by Jan. 9,1827.—2m9m
the said Laban P. Poole to the said Samuel, (a copy —rz— —T~
of which is filed in the Clerk*8 office, annexed to the | ^j^IN E after dit«vepplic&tk>n will be made
petition of the said Samuel,) and the said Samuel in to the inferior court of Jackson county, for
having prayed that the administratrix of’ said de- leave to sell two tracts of Land in said county,Ann
ceased may be directed to execute titles to the said I lying on the Walnut Fork, and the other upbn Cur- r , Knatt
Samuel, in terms of said contract. It is ordered j rie’s creek, Wing part of the Rqal Estate of Stephen jahnKfaifaey *
that this notice be published in one of the public I Bcntoi
Gazettes of this State, once a month for three, I
months, and in the public places of this county; and j Jan. l
'John B. Hawkins,
.Charles F. Hardy,
Col. John M. Hunter 3,
Barton Hamilton,
David Holmes,
John Hale,
William Hale 2,
Samuel S. Head,
Dr. William S. Jones,
Dr. E. T. King,
July 6,1827.
Ellis Lowe, |
Robert Lowe,
m :
Madison R. Mitchell,
Elvira Maddox,
Thomas Madden,
William Mathews,
Major John MiRon,
James McKleroy,
Benjamin McCluskcy,
George B. McIntosh,
Christan McGlacklin,
W. M. Mt. Vernon Lodge
Alfred M. Nesbit,
Caleb Nixon,
John Puryear 2,
William H. Puryear,
Arthur E. Patton,
Robert Rounseville 2,
Joseph Read,
David Richardson,
Thompson Shephard,
Rev 5 . Thomas Samford,
John C. Smith,'
Martin Smith,
Zachariah Sims,
John Strewder,
John Stevens,
James Stevens,
Vines Smith,
George Shavers,
Dr. James Tinsley 3,
Richard Thompson 2,
Joseph R. Turnbull*'
Mrs. Jane TackweU,.-
y «*T.
John Varner, $/
W fv 7r
Jones C-Wood,
RcberLWire 2, .
Washington L. Waltor
Mrs. Ann Eliza W£i<
L. A
ritary, nearly five feet long by two feet eight inches
ia width—being an exact copy of the Map drafted by
Col. Pcttival, which has been so much admired.
The whole on a scale of three miles to an inch. This
Map is made out from the Surveyors’ returns, and -
besides the counties, districts, water courses, ferries,
&c. will exhibit the correct number of every lot and
fraction in the Territory. The engraving to be exe
cuted by the best artist, and superintended by Col.
Peltival himself.
Besides the large Map, a smaller one, on the satire
plan, including the counties of Troup, Cowetau arid
Carroll;—another of Muscogee;—and a third of
Lee county, will be offered for sale. The price of
the large-Map will be $3, the one embracing a roup,
Cowetau and Carroll $1 50, and the separate maps
of Muscogee and of Lee one dollar each.
Milledgeville, June 9.—25 3t
T HE Officers and Soldiers who performed Mili
tary services for the protection of the Frontiers
of the State of Georgia, in the years one thousand
seven hundred and ninety-two, three and four, ate
hereby notified, that Congress has passed a law, and
has appropriated a sum of money, agreeably to the
amount due, made by Capt. Constant Freeman*
to 'pay and satisfy them for those Services, the pay
ments to be made under the direction of the Secre
tary of War. In pursuance of which, the Secretary
of War has appointed me the Agent of the govern
ment, to settle and pay off those claims.—All per
sons interested ns aforesaid, are requested to have
their discharges troni the proper officers and vouch
ers in readiness for settlement. . I shall attend at my
office, in the City of Augusta, in . the months of April
and May, to receive all amounts that may be pre
sented within the vicinity of that place, after which,
I shall visit the different counties in the State, giving
special notice of the same, so as to afford every fa
cility to the claimants, the opportunity to adjust and
settle their claims, with convenience to themselves.
J. W. HUNTER, Agent.
Augusta, April 3,1827.—46 3in
H. J.
A iTTORNEY AT LAW, located at the Cdurt-
House in Muscogee county, (now at Wm.C.
Osborn’s) may there be consulted on professional
business. In addition to the counties of the Ckatta-
hoochie Circuit, he will practice in the Western coun
ties of the Flint Circuit. -It is probable that many
cases may arise from land returned as fraudulently
drawn ; to all siich cases bis prompt attention will
be given, and the most energetic pleasures adopted
for their-siiccessful prbseeutidnl "fie will attend* to
the collection of all 6. fits, against persons moving
to the New Purchase, or fortunate drawers in tlfe
Land Lottery, who may be otherwise insolvent.
Communications directed to Thomaston, Upson
county, will be immediately received, there having
islied a regular conveyance from that
Jthe Court-House in Muscogee, once a wcclv.
1.—19 3m