About The Athenian. (Athens, Ga.) 1827-1832 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1831)
U v and conducted with the requisite skill and Indus, tj vvv .u'dcr t» Mi^ to flourish, although legislative pro- i were wnhdtawn. They would still give a fait return for the capital and labour which they e.nplov. The r«fe of profits would indeed be less, but they would bi ( ci tain, or liable only to those changes which ur. common to the whole productive industry of the coun try. It is with this view of the subject, that the host informed ond most intelligent among the manufactu f< rs themselves cannot resist the conviction that tin abandonment of the protecting system, and a re nirn to moderate duties, would be. best calculated to promote the steady growth, and the safe and perma nent establishment of American manufactures. There is a remaining suggestion which we desire to pptint to y<»ur consideration. The national debt, which ha* 1 annually absorbed from ten to twelve mil* Huns of revenue, is rapidly diminishing,ant) «ill speetiilv !>. < xtinguislied. On the fi;st day of January, 1S33, ihc available funds of the government will be adequate to i** discharge. The existing tariff* of duties will pro* dm-.-thereafter an i-incuse annual revenue, beyond .rdinaiy wants ofthegovernment, and the task of trending a system of measures which shall he adapted Jo this new and interesting condition of the fiscal con fer.!® of the nation, will then devolve up «n the next Congress. How propitious the moment for the erta- bi'*hment of the principles of free trade * An enterpris- injrar.d enlightened people, possessing in abundance t’e.-mirccs of national wealth, and perfectly nnincum* fvrrrd hy debt,may add to their claims upon the gratitude o! the world for having successfully asserted the princi ples offree government, by being the first also in pro claim 'tie principles of a free and unrestricted commerce ..-mat genuine ‘'American System,” which will remove tV'»n our borders every vestige of discontent, will give ni'.M<. valfte to tho freedom, which was wrested from the grasp of oppression by the valor of our ancestors, and perpetuate those institutions which ore destined, by the blissing of God, to secure the happiness of tin born millions. Election Returns.—VVjj have received unofficial re turn? from the following additional counties since our last: Governor. Maj. for Gov. G G Camden, 148 01 -57 Early, 7l 188 117 McIntosh, 102 95 7 Wayne, J22 4 118 181 117 These returns by our accounts make Mr. Lumpkin's majority in seventy*three counties to be 1114. Five counties remain to be heard from, viz : Emanuel, Ear ly, Lowndes, Thomas and Ware. Tlic following returns for members of the Legisla ture, with those heretofore received.complete the list, wit h the exception of the county of Ware : Cam ’cn, Brown, Ashley, Hull. EuutiWtl, Swain, Prow. /.-vm Vt, Fols un, BUci-shear. Vcn*,y.mcry, :JcR»n, McLellum. Tiw.t..-f Wav. Daniel. Wayne, Sheffield, Wiggins. Tin- parties in the Sc-vto will stand about equal *, in the House we hove a majority. The Recorder says, “it is ascertain'd that the Democratic nr Troup pa r ty, will Ivtvcin the next Legislature a larger majority than tin*v hvl last year.** If, therefore, we have lust in the Executive, we have gained in the Legislative branch of government, and this reflection should make us con tent. — F-re Trade Convention.—'The deliberations of this bs»'h. wero brought to n close on Friday evening, the 7;i> in*-'.. The address to the people of the United State*, which we publish to-day, was presented on the 5th, and subsequently adopted without alteration or amendment, by a vote of 172 to *29. would proba- hl" have been unanimous but for thoso passages in re latin' :n the nnconslitutionahty of the tariff*. T'iiis «*»•#» document was written, as we understand, by our talon* tedf.'dw.citizen, .lodge Berrien, with the exception of the nineteenth paragraph, beginning wit!* “ When *vc direct our attention,’* &c. which is from the pen of Mr. Hunter of Rhode Island. The whole will be read with interest, and, we would hope, odvnntagi A committee consisting ofone from each state, was appointed to collect information and draft a memorial to Congress. The names of the gentlemen who com pose it arc a sufficient guarantee that it will present our grievances in the strongest light before that body, an! effect, if memorials can doit, their immediate re dress A resolution was adopted, giving thanks to Mr. Ra guet, the Secretary of the Convention, and declaring that every member would subscribe to, and pay in ad vance for, the “ Banner of the Constitution,” of which he is the well known publisher. The aid which that valuable journal has hitherto afforded the cause of free trade, is deserving of all praise, and this mark of ap probation is well merited for the faithful exertions of its editor. After a valedictory address from Mr. Barbour,which is spoken of as one of his happiest efforts, the conven tion adjourned, and its members separated in that per- feet harmony which pervaded its deliberations through- tm\ For this we feel happy—the easily awak ned jea lousies which exist between us and our northern breth ren, we had feared would display themselves, even in that body, accomplished, and learned, and experienced, and patriotic as its membersare, but we ore agreeably disappointed. And it is to our Berrien that wo arc in debted for this harmony. He acted the most conspic uous port in the Convention, and wielded an influence that erhaps none other possessed, a’l of whic h was ex ercised in adroitly warding off* a discussion of the con stitutional power of Congress to lay protecting duties All agreed as toils impolicy, but the northern delegates would nut consent to go further. This, though not all we could wish, is nevertheless as much ns was expect- ed and we must therefore endeavor for the present 10 be satisfied with the gradual change of opinion which is taking plsce. Time will remedy all evils. •5/a:&i Messenger.—We last week noticed sundry i •-proven »er.f* in iho appearance of one of our state | dj,# ip th«- Savannah Republican— and we now have tin pleasure to remark that omul,, r .four old ar.d va- luab!e cslaklir htr«enta ha-t been refitted. The Macon Messenger ot 15th in*t. inode its appearance on a somewhat enlarged and much improved sheet. The editor, in announcing the change, indulged in no pom pous remarks, or promises, or professions of faith; but merely in a common, clever,every-day sort of a manner, reminded their patrons that they were not easily to he outdone. They have our wishcs'for their success. The following are the remarks in the Messenger : “ In order to keep pace with the tasteof the limes, end not he out-done hy our juniors, we this day prevent the Messenger to otj. patrons, enlarged, and in an improved form. Although not the largest paper in the Sta»r, the Messenger is exceeded in size only by one. We shall pursue the even tenor of our ways, ° ! 'd hope that the old establishment will never be found lagping in the rear of its contemporaries in any respect, in whjeh anything may be due to its patrons. To Ad vertising customers we would say, that the Messenger is widely circulated, and being well known from the length of time it has been published, offers superior ad vantages for disseminating their favors.’* - Precept vs. Practice.—We find the following notice in n late Connecticut paper; we wonder how it agrees with the tender sympathies of the advocates for Indian sovereignty : “Escape of a Prisoner.—Wc learn, that one day lost week, an Indian escaped from the Sheriff of New* Lon- doncotinlv. lie had been sentenced to the State Pri son. at Wethersfield, for two years, wc know not for what crime, and the Sheriff had him in charge on his to the Prison. They stopped r ear Lyme, and the Indian gave him the His handcuffs were found in the wood>;‘but the Indlkn had disappeared.” A small remnant of a tribe of Indians still inhabit a nt of earth in the Stn te of Connecticut. The au.ltor- iiics of that State long since exercised the right of le gislating over these « iginal inhabitants of their pre sent residence, and vet no benevolent philanthropist placed, te mourn their stale of vassallage; no patriot has arisen to assert their independence. For the tear of sympathy has not been shed, nor has the vengeance of heaven been invoked on their op pressors. But in Georgia, whero a larger number of Indians reside, we arc told thf principle is changed. Vo cannot have jurisdiction over the Indians, because they number five thousand souis; but in Connecticut, where there are perhaps a hundred.the case is different 7 w ould thank someqC^pr northern friends to tell us why an abstract principle of immutable justice will not pply as well to the government fivetli. usand Indians, -8 to one hundred, or even teas; and v\ hv that which is wicked in Georgia is not equally so in Connecticut? -<E5>— We learn on the authority of the Richmond Whig that flic Colonization Society has just completed ar rangements for sending off* an addiii. nal neit her f two hundred free blacks to Liberia, from the neighborhood of Southampton. The white inhabitants in the vicinity wilt not, we think,make any objection*, to this arrangement. s u M M A U Y. A new Post Office has been established at Perry- od, Early county, on the route from Fort Gaines to Blakely, Joel W. Pet r-, Esq. P. M. Custom House Urtisi. -I* n stated in tin* New York picnntde Advertiser of the. 28th ult. that the amount ol duties secured ut Hie CuM"Oi House in that city, for the quart. .* which ended »*n »h. 30th June, is now as- riitinrd to lie upwatds of 85.500,000, which, added t if; ninnmt of the preceding quarter, makes nine and half r.iUions for the fir«t six months of the present year. University of jjtabamn.—This institution re-opcncd on edu' 1 day last under quite fluttering prospects. Wc have not been able to procure u list of the Students, hut understand a greater number entered on the first dnr thn** were in the University hi any period during the first session.- - Tuscaloosa Intel. Maryland Congressional Election.—The following is he result of the election for in-wihcrsof Congress from this State. As was anticipated, there ore f.ur for 'a'-kson— Messrs. Hon ord, Worthington, Mitchell and Thomas —aridfiv** for Clay. viz : Se nines, Washington, Sctn- , Kerr and Spencer. The political character of the nojoriiv was determined by twenty-one votes, > bv which Kerr succeeded over Spencer, in the Talbot county District. The Boston Daily Advertiser mentions that a Con vention of Anti-masonic delegates from the sevora* counties in Mas-uehnsetls, was held in that city on Tuesday lost, nt which lohn Quincy Adams was non.i na'ed a? n candidate for Governor, and Thomas L. U intlirop for Lieutenant Governor of .Massachusetts. South Carolina.—The “ Vigilance Association of Co- lurnbia,” composed of gentlemen of the first respecta bility, offer a reword nf $1500 for the apprehension and prosecution to conviction, of any while i who may be delected in dis'.ihuting or circulating within this State the newspaper, called “ the Liberator,” minted in Boston, or the pamphlet railed “ Walked* Pamphlet,” or any other publication of a aedithus ten dency. A Treasury notice has just been issued, directing that about six millions of the public debt of the United Smtrs, 4 1-2 and 5 per cent. s l nil be paid ofTin January next. Maine -The returns of the late election from most nf tlo* towns, show a majority of nearly C,000 votes for Gov. Smith, over (». r den-.w. The Jackson party have carried all the Senator* except three; and hare also a large majority in the House. The Ha upshire Telegraph of.Saturday, contains tin; following paragraph .— “It is stated to us with the greatest confidence that the Queen of England is in that condition which would remove nnv f. nr of a want of succession to the British Crown.—London Globe. V?e hove been informed by the Rev. John Howard that Seven Hundred ned Seirnty-tna members have her n received in (lie Church within the limits nf •*:« District (Milleilgevilie) sine* February lust.-..ctor na Hep or ter. Kentucky.^ -A letter front Georgetown, I'-nfuekv, dated Sept. 11, published in the Richmond Enquirer! -ates tliai Mr Lecodipte, o.ic ofiho-re-dfrled Jackson Representative* to Congress, died a few days ptevious. If this be the fact, a new contest will take place for o Representative to Congress. M. I. Keith, F.sq. of the Fr*e Trade and State Rights Party, ol Charleston, (S. 0.) has been elected a Representative to the State Legislature, bv a majori- ly of eight votes. Fac Simile.—Proposals have open issued by Mrs. Ann Roval. lor publishing in the city of Washington, a weekly paper, to be called the “ taut Pry." It is rumored Major Eaton will he the next Tennes see Senator in Congress. Mr. Crmidy is rather on the ware in popularity at Washington City. At the recent commencement o’ Princeton College, New Jersey, the honorary degne t,l‘ Muster of Arts was conferred on Col. Seaborn .ones, of Columbus, Georgia. A boy 17 years of age, in North Carolina, lias a head which measuir.s 28 inches in circumference, and is still growing—a fine subject for phrenologists. A correspondent of the Sunday School Journal mokes the following enumeration of religious sects in tho vallev of the Mississippi. Ilapthts.—1716 churches, 1036 ministers, and S5.211 communicants. Methodists.—8 conferences; 173.083 com municants, 618 travelling ministers, and 40 suppranuated. Presbyterians.—43 presbyteries, 543 minis ters, 936 churched and 60,625 communicants. X» ’• TS3ST FOR*3T& .Veto Yorf,, Oct 12.—By the nrnv.-il nf the packet ship 11 inmhnl. Cnptnm Helmed, from London and Portsmouth, tho editors of the Mercantile Advertiser hnvo received London papers to the evening of the 31st Aug. The lion. John Randolph of Roanoke, late Minister to Russia, has returned in the Han- nilml. Preparations were making at tho last dates, for the coronation of King William and Queen Adelaide. The Reform Bill is stdl iti the English House of Commons, nnd is progressing slnuiv—the opposition have kept (heir determination to talk ngainst it. It is said that the Duko of Nemours is be trothed to Donna Marin. If this be true, Franee must have the intention of supporting Donna Marta’s claims to the crown of Porlu. The King of Holland has accepted of nn armistice for six weeks, proposed to him hy the Five Powers ; anti it is expected that, du ring the above period, negotiations will take place for the final adjustment of the difieren- es with the Belgian Government. The Dcy of Algiers, it seems, is in France, and ms reception by M. Casimir Perrier lies awakened a suspicion, which hnd been "ntcr- latned hy many, of tho intention of the French government to abandon their conquest in \f- rica. Emigration continued very great from Rot terdam to the United Slates. IVartaw, .dug. 17.—Yesterday and the day before, wero days of horror. The Patriotic Club, long irritated against tho established authorities, and dissatisfied at not seeing Gen. Jaitkowsky condemned to death, at length de. termined nn taking violent measures. On the 15th, nl S P. M. the Club formally demanded that General Skrzynucki should he ordered lit Warsaw. Hereupon they proceeded to the Castle, where 200 National Guards scarcely' offered any resistance. The seven prisoners of state there found, were murdered in their rooms, nnd Iho bodies thrown into the gutter, or hung up nt the lump posts. Tho rioters then proceeded to the houses of several per- sons already acquitted, and to the Houso of Correction, in winch not only the agents of the late police, but also debtors and cheats, were confined ; many of them were pin to death, and bodies were hung up without much cere mony. In this way thirty-fivo persons lost their lives during the first night. Among mein wero Generals Jnnkowsky, Hukowslti, Hurting. Salacks, nnd Benkowski i the Rus- sum Chamberlain Fltstani; a Russian Lady of the name of Bazanow ; the Counsellor of Suite Hutu kiewtez, who hnd been acquitted ; Major Petrikowski, nnd several police agents. Lessel, the confectioner, who hail been acquit ted. was saved with much difficulty by Geu. Krtikowteiki. Yesterday, about noon, n Russian captain i,l lavalry, who bud been wounded and taken prisoner, was torn from the wagon ns it enter ed ilia city, and cruelly murdered. In the nf. tnrnoun Kaweekt, the curator of tho schools, was hung at a lump-post. Dining the night Ri>n. Krnkint iecki was re-appointed Govern or of the city. His first measure was o. send for military re-inforcements, so tfiat u repeti tion of tliesc horrors ts scarcely to be expect ed. Tho French and Austrian Consuls li .d alrcndy demanded their passports, the Govern- menl being no longer in a condition to afford •Monroe Turf. V • I * . II. \Y. {HP Wc nrr authorised to an- 1 l OMAS MOOHF.. !. n “• •' candidal*, lo r* sp'i! ULik I’fHjiity in «h»* lit s< utHMv^ "much ' ftislatUi** in (tlueofil Charles Dougherty, Eeq. *\ Ort. 25.— L\W NOTICE. III.!.. Wj. I'll. 1C 12~3t. Clp 'V t* nrf atitlioriwctl lo an- I noirnr.*' Doctor JAMES Tl "'I EY, .cu <n io I r /.f >r ' n * eouutv in the G cor pi a L* gif'Bfiot*, to •r« shi tiied bv iho >esisfoaiion of subscribers having ar** hcmsclvrs to ffctlier in the practice of tlic Lnw. •« ill nttc. rl tl.< Courts iu the Ocmulffcc Circuit ern .nIIv: nnd in fh« counties of Clarlr &nd H'slton, of’ll- V' estern, n'*. Newton. Ilrnrv, Rutisaud Mnnro*> oi the Flint Circuit Their office will bp kept in Madison Moijran conoty on the South \V* i corner «.f the public square, whcr< oneorlKitlioft'ipininnv nt hD *irnc- b»* fuin l, ovcopt when on thecirrm'. All hiisine*** entrusted *o thei care will meet with prompt attention. SEABORN I. JOHNSOV, NATHANIEL CL FOSTER. Oct. 25.-43-31. I) I -q. GEORGIA Temperanc' Society W II.I. lu'IH its next meeting in Milledgeville, on the 7th December, and an Address will lie de livered by Dr. ANTHONY, of Augusta. B* side the questions proposed in the Inst printed pro- ceedingH, it is requested ihui Auxiliaries will answer the following ; 1st. \\ hat number of Drain-simp? in the county 7 2d. " hot number of pMlilIrrie* ? 3d. " hat will your society coniributc to employ a Travelling Agent 7 Lett era (post paid) may be addressee) to the Secre tary, Milledgeville, any time between this and (lie meeting. Oct. 25.—43.-- h f W«~ ni<- ii 11!« r?SH*« ■11- it II- n**u *c« NAT HA It 1. It H M*Hi N, i.s for T.u t lire*. * rtf 1 all Cfiini \*hc «r MtO *- »*U- «u\ elcctimi. Oc*. i9 - 42—if. (tZ?* *V •• lire iiiiiliori/ct 1 to :i i- nmuiee B. 11. TYMiN, nn n eat,rtj.late f .r I..X t . tier- t"r *»l the courtly ol Clark, at *li* clccti.*i , m .J.1 I - ‘ “fy August 1G- -33—If. JOSEPH H. BURROUGHS OFFERS ms SERVICES .IS FACTOR AND Commission ’ 'erchant IN savannah. ?r«*0 Planters (and other*) who are 8 91 disposed to consign to him their Codon for side, lie will make CASH ADVANCES at simple interest, cither in Savanna'* or Augiii-tu. Those that would prefe r re ceiving the advance in Augusta, will please call on Mr. D. Bonce, who will attend ?o if. Savanunli, Oct. 25. —43—4t. THE UNDERSIGNED "¥11711.1. be prepared to make advances to a inndcr- ▼ T ate extent, on Deposited with him or pin* -d under his controul for shipment to Saviyinah, to ho consigned t * Mr. Jnceph II Burroughs, fie will also make advances io those who may wish lo hip their Codon to Great Britain or the Continent, provided the same be consigned to Messrs. John and James Reid, Savannah, nnd by them consigned to their transatlantic correspondents. 1). BONCE, at the Planters* Hotel, oral tfieorrtee of iw»-r*r*. Allen St Baddock* Augusta Oct. 25.—43 4t. IF all and if'inter GOODS, B V the arrival r,f I hr a ip Oclnlh'trpp, from l.ivrr* n-.nl. Ihr» -uh.crib-r- have rrri'ivprl, a pr’narnl ar.i! etlr>’iatvr. i imn-fatioi) of -v ^ ro ■r’ No/ * • SJ ; —Consisting in pari of— LONDON AND DIIISTOL DUFFIL m.ANKF.TS, ItOSK. ADD POINT BLANKETS. GRUNDY’S Will rr. Mix r AND blue PLAINS. FLANNELS, CLOTHS, C A SSI MERES, &c. —ALSO— CUTiBUY AND C rockery- Wa re. Merchants and Tinnier* are respectfully informed,that they may he supplied at a*h*w prices and on arrow- niodating terms, as can be obtained in tho United Stales. LOW, TAYLOR & CO. Savannah, Oct. 25—43—2t. Thomas R. Mitchell, ene of our Delegates to the Anti-Tariff Convention, mndp use of Daniel Webster’s - . , n , . Rf's'ilutimia apainal the Tariff, a.IopleH in l82n at Fa- them protection. I o-day, however, in com nucil Hall. This wa. aliit iimlei the giant’, fifth rih, I plianre with * wish intimnlcd to them, they for which our Winyaw man should hove all due credit, i | |ay| . ( i e t crn) i| 1( ,d pat to set off as yet. To-day — S. C. T tt T tr - \ ,j |( . Government hitherto existing ha* been A Itciioui riot took place in New York, corner of j | ,,,) nlt( j General Krukowteeki has been Eighth Avenue and Thirteenth siren, on the 3d tn.t, n .„. n„ M , nmo ..t. in which about forty cartinen engnged. Several won •evrielv handled, and some home off from the field im sensible. Farther report? lire in circulation of a repetition of placed Hi the head ol tho niw Government with very extended powers. During the hours of terror be displayed much tnergy and perso nul bravery, lie has alreacy had the Presi hostilities nn the part of the people of Maine, "Cpost 1 an d ten members of tkc club urresled. the Loeiisli inhabitants c.ra „an1 of Nov Bronawick, > Q „f ,| le p „ we rs placed in his hands, prKirsjissssiii,/ a. he has appointed General Prondzyukt to the . , chief command in the army, who is said to taking place. ...... - „,cn otvb - ore fn.m n .mu/iai'o'lv .t'i-covcrc.l a^I .t-1 have already accepted the appointment. We are indebted to the politenea. ofoneof nur . . T |,ici> i« aiid to yield one hundred and Forty j Switzerland. — At Basle, a aecond bailie respected delegates, Seaborm Jokes, Esq. for llic , „„ n ' C e» of silver 10 thet-n'a very largo proportion of: ha4 p| arn between the troops tf the Ul tra.triasion of the daily Philadelphia Oaiette, run-1 the remainder being lead. j e| an( j n ^ 0( |y 0 p p erl sr,tit r y, ncimg in behalf of tav ing tha proceedings of tho Convention at large, I — A mediral Bentlcman of hioh re^tee- ! w | la t j s called tho Provisional government. TV compass "f our sheet would Itardlv allow their pith- ln i„|,t v informs u«. tlmt the sick headache, as he has ~ he ; nlursen|n< w | io | m( ] auxiliaries from other licattnn entire, we .hall bo happy, however. „ seen .■•, ercen tea! * Cantons, Smong the rest from the Canton, of moHste thos»»ufour patron? wco -mix he desirous o | fo|3 j B | nfl ff„ ni ,. r , t «f thl? heversgv •i«»ia*ly snrrrsils Solrurl) nnd \r«£v*n;i, r^mainod nvntf« r» nt«*, learning the whole proerrdincs, and have not an «p-•,. ts . .lady. ! he .tiff real kind- of f|nj| , „f battle. Every body l« Underarms III I . k|V„.p norfiniiv t » do * > otherri-e, hy loaning them n file of • n, ho sav?, ore fout.d to hsve a loss oelctertone j . SUlC «U ‘ the paper, received. |influmce.-IFrttrm Rtc-vAr ‘ S3” WE are antiiorised lo an- •lire WILLIAM H MOIU.I AND ns u irn »ii. HlO Tax ( • ilurtor fur Clurk county at tho election in Jaiuiury next. August 23. —31 «f. 3:3' We are authorised to an- noooe*. Dl.DLF.Y M. .l()NES,-F.-q. u»a . andi.’a.o lor Clerk ol the ^iiperior C«»urt of Oiadison county, iho eusniiig January election. August 23. 31-ff. Teacliers Wanted A S the present ’teetor of llic De Lain conn* Acs- demy, Mr. KIDDOO, derlines continuing l«»igor than the prest’tit term m that capacity, the Trti'*t*'rs are desirou? of making early arrangetnents for employ ing both a male amt a fetnsle Teacher, to fake tho charge oftho Institution on the 1st ol Janttsty, 1832. They would prefer a married gentletnai* who?-’ Indy might bo uilimg ami competent to instruct in lh«- Fe male Department. The objec t of the Board is io ob tain iho services of such persons an intend nothing a business of teaching for s number ofyeats A • range* ment* liuvc been made for sitpplving the school vub Maps, Globes nnd other apparatus ; nnd the Troners are determined to affiird a* great inducements, to par* cuts nnd guardians to patronize this seminnry, ns enn he held out by any oilier in this *ection of the country. The Board would have no hesitancy in recoin*'*'‘end ing the village of Decatur in which the Ae.idrru* i* si- ttiated, ns n healthy place; amt would say that do ten is need he entertained by those who have herctofor*- been accustomed to a more Northern climate Letter* ad dressed to Levi Willard, directed to Dccatoi, In- Kulb county, Georgia, will meet duo mteotion. Bv order of the Hoard of Trnstews, LF.Vl Wll.l.AHD. Src’y. BV. Trust I). K C. Decatur. De Knlh county, July 12 in5 • NEW FIRE PROOF W.l R^HOf r 8E, AUGUSTA, GEOhGIA. 1UE undersigned fender the public their thanks for their liberal pair nnge, S'.doeg |.*nv« tt» ud- 5 them, thn- th ♦ con'intie to *<ariHae* the Factorage AND ^ COMMISSION BUSINESS In nil its various loaricbes. They «tc m»« r *,*>£» r comtnodiousFIRE PROOF " nllf. HOLSFh *<«*!••*« Stores, on the Soil!h side of Br<'«d-Slreet, a Itfth (o f iw the upper market, which will he m rcadinrsv hy iho 1st of September forthe reception of COTTQH MszesrZJMZ c^. ng in e\ery way well *r*'pa. ed t . h*-vc i o *.**f.ers, and intending to use dm dtltgeocc for then ut off, full reliance may be placed in the faithful dor* urge of hiisior-H* intrusted to their cure. Thuir CommisHions shall he ut the recently n Uuctd prices. SioVALL & SUMMONS, Augusta, AiigtiMt 9.—32 - ^3oi. SEASONAB LE GOODS. ded to f«iI **on» Li% NOTICE. F OUR month? after date application will b«» mailr to the honorable tJie Inferior Court of Mndoo’ county, when silling f.»r ordinary purposes, for leave tc II the Real Estate of Cicero N. Jones, illegitimate of said county. WILLIAM SANDERS, Guard. Oct. 25—43—v»4m. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. O N tho first Tuesday in January next, will be sold in the town of Clayton, llamin county, a Tract of Land lying in the 13th District ofnriginally Hshcr- sham. n#*w Itahuo coupiy No i*q i. r -e the Interior Court of Rabun county when silting foi ordinary purposes. Sold f»r the benefit of the heir? and creditors of Thomas Middleton, late of said coun ty deceased. Terms mode known on the day of sale. ; THOM XS MIDDLETON, Aj.n’r. DEBORAH MIDDLETON, Adini’x. Oct. 25.—43—Ids. AD MIM ST RATO IKS S A LR. ‘KVjriLL he sold on the first Tuesday in January Uw next, at tho Court ItutiHe in Lexington, Ogle thorpe county, bettvern the nsusl hour* of «ale, the ,ands and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Edward rayler, deceased. WASHINGTON TRAYLF.R, Adm’r. Oct. 25—43 -Ids. GKORGl \, OGLETIIORPK COUNTY. B Y the ship Ogle Itnrp verpuol rirt I lie I5'h August last, will receive on her a<rival, (daily • xpectert,) th* tr usual supidy of Fall and Winter Drv Hoods, Cut lery, and Crockery Ware : Which will he for ?a!e hy th** psckitge or piece at icnsonahle prices and customary tern «. LOW, TAYLOR fc CO. N. R. Savnnnnh and its suburbs, are quite exempt from sickness, and nn appearance of nnv. Savannah, Oct. 4—40 tf S P R I N (.' F I E L D, EiTniglmm Cotinlv, Georgia. mrorit F. is hereby given, that the Comnusse.nerc l\l of the Effingham Con ily Academy, v*j|| pjr.cced nr* the first day of November next, to appoint tw. as sistant Tutors to the Institution—the one must he weft qualified to teach the Languages, and all the ihcr branches of oducAtion usually taught in an Acudcmy, he >f iirihlemi«hcd moral character, the other qual ified to teach the F.nglislt Language, Writing, Cypher ing, &c. nnd of good moral character.- Applv t»» JEREMIAH r.TYLER. A V>r|>. O N the 1st day of Aogmi la* the Shallow Ford on th* t , fmm Itoocliee liiver, a box MARE '?l.LE, five vearsold next Spimg, hue a wart the right thigh nor or on the upper joint. A nbrrsl reward will he give * to any person who willgixe intnr- mnliou to the subscriber bv letter so that the alove muln can !)•• obtained, or on delivering her to the spbmiber in Eaumton, Putnam county, Gcorgin. WILLIAM WILLIAMS. Sept. 27.-39-4t. W of Adniinistration on the Estate of David Buchin, deceased: These arc therefore to cite, ?umm the kintlr.fi »n-l rr."lll"*« of .«r.| .loo. a-,I to Ho an.l appear at mv offioo 'ho Umo pr-on ,.-,l by law, i„ sl.rw can.e, if any they lia*<\ why atiJ lollera -Imuld not Iwaran'eJ. i Given lindor mv han.l at .jITicp, ll'ia ***• 0c| . * s 3*. ' \\*|LI.IAM II. SMITH, c. c n | Oct Si -43 - 301. GOOD EATING ! ! A GUF.F.ABI.Y to thu UkI Hill nn.l Idainrnt nf Willinin Smith, HrC’.i, will be -nhl in l.pxinftnn, Oplolhorpe county,on iho lirxl 'I uc*lny in Nov. niber next, two Nogroo, belonging to thn E.'ali of ..i.l tlinra'.cH; a likely ynnng Nngroiton.ar wlm I* a fir/t ralonooknn.l hnu.n anrvani; a likely Mulatto gnl8 nr 10 vo.rag!'. Term. ra*b. 1 WII.I.IVM II. SJUTi:, Fx’r. Annual 83.—34- ula. ni.iiiks of ;ill ilcacriptionn for GEORGIA, IIALL COUNTY. ■ hERE AS Georg** Wryodlilf nppliea to me for V V letters of Administration on the estate of Milly Woodhff, late of llall county, deceased. These are therefore to rite and admonish all And sin gular the kindred and creditor* of said ri««;c»a*cit, *o ha su l anprir a» ny «*fiice within the time p-cfrnh.-d hy law. »•» -hew csn«e tfan» they itav*, *hv ‘Mtrri /dtoid'l ***'t t*e granted. i,iv no V- haml this 28t:i nay o. UEO. I1AWFL, e. c. o. Oct. 4-40—304.