The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 20, 1874, Image 1

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THE CKRARTOWN RECOR t.UCROfil I* W. S. D. WIKLE & CO., Proprietors, CEDARTOWN, GEORGIA, SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 1874. THE RECORD. W. S. D. WIKLE & OO. .♦2.K) TERMS OF SURSOUiroiON. One copy, ooe yoar One copy, nix month* v . Ten oopice, In clube, one year, o»«h 1.50 Single copies Beta •AM aubecripUoua invariably in adv&nco. No name enter**) nnou Uieliat until the Mibecrip- tion ia paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. mcm. I rw. 11 M. |H M. Oi: ~uTiL 1 Square... t 1.00* 2.60 f 5!6o|#"ioof 12.00 U Conmn. 5.00 12.00 So.on, 411.0O M Column. | 8 0U 19.00 25.00 40.f0 65 00 1 Column..1 18 00 25.00 45.00 65.00 120.00 Fiofoaeionai and Rushies* Cards of one . ^ohor lean. #12 per annum, payable quarterly TT aifrz.’K'f, - ; T jnontbe, $8. All advertise* mentn due after first Insertion. NEWS OF THE WEEK. WK'ST. A Kansas paper nays : "The historic ♦ 7,000 package which Col. York flourished in the memorable Joint convention of tins Hannan legislature h again engaging public attention. Sir. Eranot*, the now state treasunr, has re ceipted for it, and reports it among the list of valuable papers in bin keeping. What to do ■with it is tiie all-absorbing quostUn. York, who surrendered ii an bribe money, will havo none of It. Pomeroy claims that it was given to York in trust for Page, who lias relit quishod all claim to it. Honco, there appears to bo no owner." The troubled between the ooal miners and operators in tbo Hocking vaCf y, Ohio, are fast approaching a crisis. The ririke has now been going on more than two mouths, and no work lias boon done hv the unim miners daring that time. One proprietor lias gath ered at Columbus between four and liro hun dred colored men, principally from Richnnind, Memphis and Louis*Ule. A large quantity of improved muskets, revolvers and ammunition been purchased. It is designed b> put all the men into one mino and dletrilm e srma to each one to protect themselves Noi.ioof theso. men are desperadoes, used to rotigk usage, and if molested there will he desp*'%te work. SOUTH. Rains in Georgia havo been general and the crops are reported as fine. The Montgomery Arivei lisor says tho wheat crop in Alabama will bo much larger than for many years past. A murileror was lynched in Harrison county, Ky., below Cincinnati, a fow nights ainco, his clothes soaked in 0 oal oil and the body burned. Tom Norris, who murdered and rob bed a ilatboatinau about a month ago, was ta ken fiom WiiiDsboro, La., Jail, Saturday night, by thirty disguised men, and hung. The Macon Telegraph reports that th* com crop in Georgia is doing woll. Cotbju is still small, and at least one-third less plotted than last year. A full crop, therefore, is im possible. Justice of tho peace Conners and police sergeant Chipman vrero shot in Bt. Ber nard parish, Pa„ last week, by Ptancis A rot i to with a double-barrel shot gun leaded with buck shot. The wounds aro dangerous. Ed. Lucas alios Boott, a negro, was ar rested near Bbrovoport. La., for complicity in the Elliot murder. While being conducted to town he was taken from his captors and hung by vigilante, being the third person hung by them for this murder. A thousand pounds of nitro-glycerine in the government magazines four miles above Hhrevoport, La., exploded on the 12th, with tsrriilc force. The concuss tod w as so great that tho whole population rushed into tho atroete, the houses slialdog, windows breaking, etc. No ono was in tl.e vicinity of tho magazine at the time, and uo lives wore lost. The jnry in the Grant pariBh, -La., ease, have brought in a verdict. Criul(/liank ( Haduot and Erwin are declared guilty of con- spit acy, bnt recommended to the toothe court; of the othor chargee the>*re declared not guilty. The remainder of th acensod aro acquitted. All the prisoners wer» again locked up, to bo tried on other indictments similar to thore upon which they h-re Jutt been tried. The penalty for conspiracy is not over $5,000 fine, or ton year* imprisonment, or both. Dr. El) McClellan, assist int surgeon of the United States army, has ..can detailed to carry nut tho provisions of a Joint resolu tion of congross, directing tho secretary of war to detail a medical officer to investigste and report upon the epidemio of cholera of 1873, under the direction of tho surgeon- gen eral of the army. Hs is now on a visit to th southern states in the prnsecutir n of the dnty assigned him, and has arrived in Nashville witii a view of obtaining a complete record of all esses of the dineisc which occur ’ in that city daring last year. Gov. Kellogg bps sent tie following meeeag? to Gen. Belknap, eeci ilary of war; The relief committee report tint the suffer ing from the.overflow remains unabated in At- cbafalaya, Lafourche and Ouachita valleys, though there is p -mo abatement on the banks of the Mississippi. Tbo committee are issuing fully forty thousand rations daily, and .j some districts are compelled to restri :t their g|lief laborers employed, tho averago of anuual production In each state, the condition of tho crop from tho time of planting to the fluid gathering, and providing for the publication of more accurate reports. It also provldoa for establishing signal stations from North Caro lina to Texas, to be used in the charge of com petent officors, whose duly it shall be to report the rainfall and telegraph ovory Friday to the secretary of tho nearest cotton exchange, all the Information to bo consolidated by the Now Orleans exchange and distributed to tho vari ous oxohangoa throughout the country. FOREIGN. Tho yellow fever provoilB in Havana. General Concha haa begun aotivo preparations’against the Carllats in Navarre. Tho state of Taraanlipas, Mexico, haa determined fb re-establish capital punishment for murder and oilier bunions crimes. A acmi-ofllcial denial ia given to tho reports; that the eandidaturo of a Ilolion- xollarn prince for tho crown of Hpaiu is to bo revived. Dispntchra from India report aerioua famine riots in tho districts near Dajeeliug, In Hikkim territory. The troops were obliged to hi tho rioters, a number of whom woro killed and wounded. A dispatch from tho Spanish frontiers va numerous hands in tlio Rasquo provinces ,vo revolted against Don Carlos, demanding peaco. Don Carlos has ordered that upon pture they should ho shot. An international oouforenoo todiBotiRR measures to prevent tho spread of cholera and for the regulation of quarantine will meet euna on the 15th hist. All tho European irs havo accepted invitations to solid del egates. Liberty of apocoh is not ono of tho Meetings now enjoyed in Germany. A sen tence of imprisonment for a year and a half lias been passed upon a deputy, Herr Moat, certain speeches delivered by him at aome meeting of workingmen. Tho most serious barge made against him was that lie hail do- louncnd a standing army. I Ills was regarded by tho minister of war, Von Katnoke, as an in- ;o the members of tho army, and tho prosecution was set on foot at Ills request. Tho insurrection nt Pen hnn been quelled. The sultan's troop* on the 1'Jtli lilt. ed a heavy c ado i the kopt it up for several hours. Many liouses and stores woro burned. Tbo troops after ward onterod and sackod a portiou of tho town. Ninety of the inhabitants were killed. Tho loss of the troops was trifling. The in surgent* gave up tho light and submitted, and o sultan grantod them aimesty. The London Times, in an artiolo on tho Americm pilgrimage to Rome, expresses surprise tint a race priding itsolf 011 Us shrewdness and precision of thought should indulge in suoli antiquated superstitions, l’robsbty after contrasting the desolation and wretchedness of the late papal statos with the cultivation and fertility of America, they, as tly practical peoplo, acoustoniod to Jndgo of institutions by then results, will flud rids disi mod. 1 consequouoo of tho ordor of tho captain-gonoralof Cuba, designating tho daily premium which will be paid on gold, many brokors have given up business. Tbo govern ment lias (Irmly resolved not to Issue anymore bank bill* on account of th* treasury, but It cannot disregard the peremptory financial de mands made’npon it for the oomiug campaign against the insurgents, and to moot tho aarne lias decided to issue bonds to tho amount of ♦5,000,000 at eight |>cr cent, interest per an num, to I e funded in six mouths, aii£ se cured on income from the Havana lottory. Tho London Times publishes a din- patch from Reriin, which gives the probable action of tho congress wtiicii will assemhl* at Brussels next mouth, to consider tho subject of international right* in time of war. Tho limes'correspondent says: "The congress will codify tho recognized usages of an inter national law in so far ai they affoct tho actual conduol of war. A new cede is to be on- acted, in the form of an international treaty, which promise* to become the first law common to the wholo civilized world, The draft of tho treaty which is to ho sub milted to congress has been prepared. It con tains sixteen clauses, which state in detail tin rights and obligations^! Iiolligarents, from the mutual claims of belligerent states down to the relations of those states to privato indi- TiluaW. Tlior mIko iqiccirj WUat CI&SS0S Of arms shall he legitimately usod in war, make regulations for the treatment of p GENERAL. M. Rochefort, Paine and Benedict lave pailml for F.urope. A few Frenchmen, known commnnists, were at the dock to see them off. Tho nonnto haa confirmed J. 0. Ban croft Davis as envoy extraordinary md min ister plenipotentiary to the Oerman empire, from July 1, 1874, when tha resignation of Hon. John Bancroft will take effoct, Lnht week an explosion occurred nt No. 1 shaft, Nanticocke, Pa., burning tli miners and petting Are to the breaker, which was soon destroyed. While fighting the flames, some turning timbers fell on Wm. Yivlan, killing him instantly. Information haa been received at headquarters of a movement on the part of the Comanche and Cheyenne Indians to make war against tho whites in general and the people of Texas in particular. They uvince a determination to move against the Fort Bill reservation and agency, and after committing depredations there, lo move for ward on the road. The Hwartnra, with the scientists, who atcb the transit of Venus, on board, d for th* south Pacific. Hbe carried AG of whom comprise the scien- ,will reach the last of tho as- Chatham Island about ,nd wait there until af- 10th. Her voyage OVKIl TilK lllVKK. rsr the rlvsr, over Ihe river, The river silent amt deep, PfOll »t, so p»le, like a bridal ve on the llimilil tide, still nlght-tl penis fror rapid l« •er*e e river, the deep, dark r\n ling* have gone from me Over the river, over the river, elutljr hoi ft dark hi orNi eldo with tho eeper'e dirt lie uiNifuisna SK^ttjito li parted the thadoers through. bride, with fair alight foi 1 down from the .tarr lasyatftijsf a motion llghl and'fr My.I Uver the river, ove I hear the dip »MI t.i't !h" f ™ ri’ v d d .* ,p t 4ndS* , |iIiSffls*kl And play will, Ill* wu Sn.l I In ar the note* or AxraelV li At the) .weep over the liquid le They art calilni, r’tMlng'r.Ir Vne. the ikadowa fall, ble brow. II F A IM I’ll I K. “ It is itiolt a bothor to bo poor I " There had boou a long interval of si- leuco itl Mrs. JnmOflou'R nittiuK-room, when Gnrtio tuado thin exclamation. 'What is tho new bother, Ger tie f” lie pleased voioo ami touo of kimlly inquiry made tho young girl blush deeply as sho replied : "O, mamma, novor wind ; I wav only thinking aloud." Thinking of what? ’ Of Home velvet. lloivortt T hhw yes terday which just matched thin rib bon," and flortio hold up a bon not alio trimming. “ Volvot flowers are ho lovely for n winter bonnet, and thin ono needs something." “ 1 a*n sure it looks very nioo, Gertie," "Nioo," said tho girl, scornfully em phasizing tho word ; "you, it in very nioo, anil that turned silk in nioo, unit tho short b ok rnado out of your old oout is nice, and cloaned gloves arc oe, and—" " Why, Qortio I " oriotl her mother, a voioo of amnr.omont. "Bat thoro is nothing stylinb or handsome in olonned gloves anil re- trimmod bonnots, and old oloaka turned into Ranks, and so I say poverty in n bothor." " Gertie, put away that bonnet and oomn hero. Now, little dnughter," fiaid tho widow, gontly, "toll mo tho moan ing of this sudden tirade ugainnt pov erty; of tho restless loaning I lionrd from your room last night; of t.lio nerv ous unquiet of my contented littlo girl since yostorday ?" Thoro was no reply. “flortio, what did Loon Payne «ay to you last evening ?" “ no asked mo to bo lain wifo." Tho words woro jorkod out liaatily. "And you answered— ” Jano oumo in to shut up the parlor, not knowing ho was thoro, »nrl sho stayed; so ho got no answer at nil.” But ho must bn answered, Oertio. Ho spoko to mo and 1 told him it must rest with you." “Mumma!" this after a Jonpf, deep silenoe. “ Ho is very rich, When ho marrion, his wife oan havo ovory luxury. If—if can havo you with tiH, and Jano ncod not toaoh that horrid nohool any longer. Wo woro on ntreet tho other day. and stopped to look into a jeweler's window, nnu ho pointed out the kind of jowols ho would wish his wife to wear. I need not wear old silks then, mamma." “Then you intend to aocopt his offer?" “ I don't know; you see, there is Harry." “ But Harry oannet offor you jowels.” “No, poor Harry! If ho had only three thousand dollars, Mr. Incrralmrn would tnKo mm into tne firm, fin told mo all about it last week. But think how long it will tnkn to Havo three thou sand dollars, and of oourfto bin wife must rave, and pinoh, and economize till ho is able to spend more freely." “ Yes, dear, there would be no vari ations on tho turnod cloth and rotri ai med bonnets; no volvot fld<vc*s, no jew els." * “ Bnt flnoh a noblo, true heart; auch tender love 1" “ Loon Payne loves you. ” * “As much as ho loves anything bo- vond his own pleasure and comfort. He is so thoroughly selfish, ho hard, and thinks so much of himself. It is his wife that must bo handaomely dressod, ride in her carriage, and re flect oredit upon his choice. Momma, ho loves mo beoanse I am pretty and can sing woll, and oan manage bis house nioely. n«rry loves me Because it is L" There wat a violent jerk at the door bell at that instant that called her to the door. She came back with flying feet. “Two valentines, mamma ! I had forgotten it was the fourteenth.” “Two ?" “ Yen, oh, mamma, look 1“ She had torn tho cover from a dainty package in her hand and opened a mo rocco case inside. Upon the black vel vet lining lay a parure of glittering dia monds, flashing up, where a stray beam fell upon them, into a glorious sea of color. “Leon Payne 1" oried Gertie. “ Are they not exqninito ?" Mrs. Jameson’s lips quivered a little as she looked at her daughter’s fl uehed face and bright eyes, and her heart sent up a silent prayer for the future, trem- before her eyes. at the other,” she said •y of verses,” said Gertie. ’ all that sort of thing, diamonds magnifl- set I admired it the other day.’’ a I must daughter, VOLUME I. NUMBER you may havo onll^ra while I am out." Sho drew her child into her arms, and looked with nuxioua lovo into her eyes. “Gertie, myHfftftlghtor, bo' .t* to your own IieartA And so sho le.i her. True to her owi\heart. Oertio ,Jr sou sat down to uoVlor over those g rious wavos of light before her oyoa; tho oopy of voraha lay upon on tho little work-tnulo, and Gertie sat musing. Pictures of tho paat came in suoocsRiou iuto her momory. It was ten yoRra ago, but sho could still remoraber tho day. ahioolior father had boon called- to tho shadow land. Tho luxurious country homo where sho and Jano, her eldest aistor, woro born, was Bold and they hod oomo to the city. Ilor mother, oho of tho host amateur pianists of her time, ha 1 begun to tnnoh music, and they hud lived upon hor earnings until old enough to take the French class in a largo sominn- ry, and flortio to have Ringing sohollars at homo ; but even with thuan additions thoir income was very limited. Close economy, n 1 f-donlul, humble faro and quiot dross, Oertio could rooall much more distinctly .than tho wealth hor futhor had squandered. Whoro did Harry Olarko oomo upon thosoono? Gertie scarcely knew. Ho wi\h a step Hon of her mothor'a brother, and had oomo to t he city to make his fortune. Far away in tho central part of Ponnsylv mip • ^tled a small farm where Harry was corn, where father and mother had died, ntul wliioh wan tho boy's solo patrimony. The rent of liia domain soaroely sufficed to olotho tho young clerk, but ho had boou win ning his way in tiro 1 louse of I. Sc Go., and now, if ho could make three thou- Hand dollars, might bo partner. Tho farm might bring, part of that mun; whoro was tho rest to oomo from, queried flortio. Yet over Harry’s mom ory picture tho little maiden lingorod lovingly. Thoro was no part of hor life so plciuuxut to dwell upon ns that whoro ho figured. LiOiig walks ami Inlks, duets over tho old jiiano, olmts by moonliglit, (lreliglit and gaslight. Ho was so tendof and loving, so hon orable and truo, no respectful to hor inotlior, so tender to Jane, and ho ready to adviso or nanist Jane’s hotrothod, a follow elork, who was wait ing the turn iu fortune's whnol that would onablo him to marry. Was not mi oh love as ho ofi'erod worthy of any saorifloo ? joou Payne canto to tho soeno only months hefoio this musing fit upon Gertie. Hho had mot him at a party and had bewitohod him by her pretty,, piquant beaut), hor graoo and voioe. ITo had dsB/Jod her by hiu haudsorao face—Harry was not ’handsome, poor follow, flortio ngh«-d—and woalth. Hut tho young MilGpiow, with a wo man’s iuviiition, tbat5nudor tho courtly manners, llattcriug attentions and devo ted air, there wn_ a hi. r 1, selfish nnhrro. a cruel jealousy and a suspioious and hot temper. Yet ho was so rich, and Gortio know all tho torturo and minory of goutool poverty. “ Bo truo to your own hoartl" sho said aloud as she arose and walked across tho room. “ Do I lovo Loon Payne? Tf ho should loso his woalth would I ho a trno aiul loving wife to him still ? Could I wear old bonnets for his sake ?” Sho took np tho 'diamonds and put them on while slroOoko. Thoy flashed brilliantly against the deep crimson of her nent dross and heightened tho effect of her young, fresh beauty. “ If ho wore poor and ill oould I work for him—on I could for Horry ?" It burst from hor lips in a sort of cry. and slio tore off tho jewels and replaced them in thoir vnlvet bed. “I could boar all this for Harry but not for Loon Payne. I will bo true to my own heart." The winter was gliding into spring when Mrs. Jameson sat in a luxurious house on street, waiting tho 00m- ing of two brides. The parlor in which she waited was richly furnished. Vol- vet carpets covered t’lio door, volvot cur tains draped tho windows, long mirrors threw hack tho light of largo chande liers ; costly pictures in heavy gilt frames hung upon tho walls. Abovo large bedroomu woro filled with band- aomely appointed furniture. Ia ono room, laces, volvota, flowers and silks rtf. fr*r a »oj-ol irotmmmii /Hied drawers and wardrobe; tho dining-room was spread for a rich and varied repast, and the widow’s own drean, though only black silk, was rioh and handsomely made. “ My littlo Oertio,” said Mrs. J'amo- son, softly, “how will she ever roign over this nalaco ? ” A quieter homo, but pleasant, too, was waiting for Jano, whose husband had received an anonymons gift that enabled him to acoept a business o[>oo- ing long looked upon, as an unattaina ble felicity. Bnt Jane was to spend a few days with Gertie before going to her own home, and tho mother looked for two brides, as I su'd before. It was nearly midnight when tho car riage drove tip. Gortio was tho first to her mother’s arms, and tbui, as Jane took her piano, tho little brido stood in the center ol the long parlors pale with astonishment. Sho had tossed off hor bonnet, am) the soft gray travoling dress of tbo mistress of the house seemed oddly ont of place. “ Where »ra I?"she gasped at last. “ At homt, my darling,” and hor hus band passol his arm around her waist. “ Home?" “It is not such a very long story,” ho said, lenking down into her won drous eyes,“bnt I did not tell yon be fore, became I wanted to soo if you loved mo.” She neuflod closo to him, letting hor head fall tpon his bosom. “ The frrm, Gertie,” he said roftly, “ was fullof oil.*’ “ Oil 1 ’ “ I sold it for more money than Leon Payne ev<r possessed. Now, Pet, rnn up stairs mother will allow you tho room, am lot me boo how some of tho finery tbiro suits you.” “ But ilia nearly midnight.” “ Neve'mind, wo want a queen to preside ofor this supper.” Airs. Jameson led the way, while Jane and her husband stood as bewil dcred as Gertie had been. Suddenly the bridi groom started forward to grasp Harry’s hand. “ Are ve not brother* ?” eaid Harry quietly. Thoro was a littlo talk tjieu. with husky voiooR and moUt ovch, and Jane was still looking grateful iuto Harry's faoo wlrou tho door opened and Gortio flashed in. All tho light had oomo back * ’ yes, tho rioh color to hor ebooks, .10 shining silk revealed snowy and shoulders, whilo rioh lnoo fell in folds around the swooping skirts. Upon hor clustering curia reeled a wroath of wliito flowers, and rnro braoo- lota olasped her wrists, Hho mado a low rovereuee to hor husband. Lovely 1" ho oried ; “ but, Pot, woar tbo diamonds to-night.” Wlmt diamonds ?" Tho ouos l sent you for a valcn- tino." You Bout mo, narry I I sent thorn back to Loon Payne." It was oortainly ton years lator whon, ono ovouing a' ono of MrH. Clarko’s re ceptions, Mrs. Loon Pay no said to hor, pointing to hor jowolB : “It was tho oddest thing about thoso diamonds. Bomobody sout thorn to boon for a valentine, years ago. Ho linyer oould guoss whoro thoy eamo from, for, of oourso, the lady must havo boon wealthy, though why sho sout a lady's partin', to a gontloman is a mys tery. Aro thoy not lovely, Mrs. Olarko?" ' Voiy lovely,” said Gortio, and smiled us she thought of tho day, ton yoars ago, whon slio was truo to hor own heart, _____________ Aster, Stewart, Vanderbilt. Tho Now York correspondent of tho flinoinnati Commercial writes: Tho three richest men in Amorioa aro Wm. B. Astor, A. T. Blowart, and Commo dore Vanderbilt, all residents of Now York oity. As tor’s wealth is mainly in real estate and its revenues; Vundorbilt'a in railway stocks and thoir dividends 5 Stowart’B in goods, houses, stores, fac tories, lands and stocks. Tho aggre gate woalth of each ono of thorn iH sup posed to ho somewhere botwoen $75,- 000,000 and $100,000,000, wliioh looks rather heavy. Nobody knows exactly; thoy oannot toll thomsolvos, within a million or two. Those who know most about thoir affairs put the figures high est, and they say that tho Tuootno tax roturn of a tow years ago, wliioh showed oooli of thorn to bo worth botwoen twenty ami thirty millions, b vn no proper idea of thoir roal woalth. Astor livoa unostontatiously ; Vanderbilt Hvob ia a throe-story brioa houso on a thitd- olaiw stroot; and Htewarfc lives in a mar- blo palaoo in Fifth avonuo, moro mag mfloeni than any othor ronidouoo on tlio American continent, and equalled by fow in any of tho groat oities of Europo. Astor and Vanderbilt aro Now Yorkers by birth; Btewnrt is a native of tho north of irelaud. Astor, is a. largo, heavy mau of soventy, with strong features, and a rubiouml faoo Uko_ a parohmont, and gives tlio impression of being' hard-up 5 Vaudorbilt is a tall, slim, handsome, prond-looklng man of nearly eighty, straight as an arrow. Aster lias heirs to his ostato; Vander bilt has children to whom ho oan leave hiH fortune ; but Btowart is childless. Astor's pnblio benefactions aro con- flnod to something liko a cotiplo of hundrod thousand dollars, wliioh ho gave to tho Axtor library, and tho goldon candlostioks, nine feet hiqli, which ho recently gavo to Trinity ohtiroh. Vanderbilt has never made any pnblio benofnetionn, exoopt a steamship to tho government during the war, till vory recently, whon I10 gave a milion dollars for educational purposes. Btowart haa always had tho reputation of boiug close-listed ; but ho must bo credited with his million-dol- lar “ Ilomo for Womon,” which will bo oomplotod next year. Hesenod From the Jaws of Death. Niagara Falls on tho morning • . Juno 1st, was the soono of a torriblf oito- mont in oonsequenoo of a painter namon McCullough, Who was employed in painting tho bridge leading from Goat island to tho Throe Bistors, having fall- frorn tho bridge into tho rapids bo low. Ho drifted with tho ourront to a point within forty foot of tho falls, where I10 fonnd ailohorago in tho mid dle of tho stream that separates tho is lands by oomiug in oontuot with a rook, to which he clung. In a few moments the nows of tho aoclrtont spread like wildllr* through tile village, and an im mense crowd of spectators gatbeied to look at tho unfortunate man’s perilous situation, from which it Boomed impos sible to rescue him. MoOnllongh bad given tip all hopes of being aided; his arms and body wore fast becoming be numbed and losing thoir hold on tho slippery rook, whon a shout went np from tho throats of the spectators wliioh told him that aid was nigh. In that vast crowd which had assembled on tho islands and brldgos thoro was but ono man who was willing to risk his own life in trying to snatch a follow-oreature from out tho jaws of death. Tom Con roy, a guide at the Cave of Winds, jumped into tho rapids, and, holding in his loft hand tho end of a ropo and swimming down the ourront, he readied McCullough in sofety. Ho immediately tied tho ropo around himsolf and the nearly exhausted man, and they wore both safely landed ashore in a fow mo ments. McCullough was badly bruised about the head and body. Tho Czar’s Noie. There has oertainly, however, been a deterioration in the physique of the Russian imperial family since the time of Nicholas. Nioholas was undoubted ly one of tho vory handsomest and no blest figures in Europe, and his fea tures and expression were as command- is his physical bulk. Tho present czar is tall tfnd comely in his way, but ho is cast in a less stately and hcroio mold than his father. His faoo is amia ble, but without much dignity. It is, in foot, rather soft; and the nose, which in Nioholas was majestic, in his son lias begun to deoline into tho little ronnd button which is seen on the flat Oal- rauck faces of the grandchildren. The old saying, “Scratch a Russian and yon oomo upon a Tartar,” is applicable boro in another sense. Tho short, dumpy stature, bnllet heads, flat faces, and small eyes and noses of the ozarowitz, tho duohess of Edinburgh, and the Grand Duke Alexis, are unmistakably of tho Tartar type,— London Letter, WHALING. A Mint mini l.evtftllinn Uniitureil In llnrl- «nn liny, Tho Ashing soasou 1ms opeuod oarlior than usual this year at South Amboy, and* tin* piscatory inhabitants aro 0011- gratulatiug thomsolvos on so auspicious a oommonoomont as tho capture of an enormous wlmlo. Last week Job Spain saw, a short distance from tho thoro, what appeared to him to bo a sloop bot tom upward, Tho water was not moro than flvo foot deep, nml tho supposed boat had grounded on an oystor-bod, Whilo Hpaiu was spoonlating as to the probable fato of tho orow, tho object uognn to movo porooptibly, and sovoral jots of wator woro thrown iuto tho air. Job riishoil to tbo ltouso of Capt. Roberts and surprised that mariner be yond moasuro by assuring him that thoro was a wlmlo in tho oystor-bod. A singlo glanoo at tho dark, glistening mass, rising four foot out of tho wator, assured tho oxporionoml captain that tlio creature was indeed a leviathan of largo dimensions, hard aground. Arm- iug himself with a gnu. a hatchet, and a considerable quantity of powder and ball, I10 jumped into a boat and started upon ono of tho most romarkablo fishing excursions within the raugo of hiB ex perience. Arrived within a fow yards of tho monstor, ho took a steady aim and planted a ball under its tin. Tho bullet sank beneath tlio skin and a jot of blood spurted out, but for all tho effect produced upon tho wlmlo tho en terprising captain might as woll have fired iuto tho trunk of a troo, How- ovor, ho triod a second shot and a third, and oontinuod to practice upon tho crea ture until its sides looked liko a target after a German shooting fostival. He thinks ho would havo fluully-havO slain it had his ammunition and daylight held out, bnt iu tho abflouooof any more lead lie seized his trusty lmtohet and prepared to ronew tho oontost at oloso quarters. Againand again, that mnrdorons blade sank doop into tho side of tho mounter, and ovory stroke was followed by p re sponsive spasm. It was warm work, and though tbo captain has fow equals with oyster-tongs, after ho had out a hole in tho oroaturo's side about four- toon inches long by eight wido and a foot doop lio was glail to rest. Tho wlmle was apparently as fresh as over, and showed no signs of going iuto his final flurry, though ho oviuced an over whelming dosire to got off tho oyster- bed. Meanwhile Bloodgood. having hoard of tho event, lmd not nocn idle. .Ho lmd gono to Bamuel Noy, tho villago blacksmith, and made him blow up bis tiro and manufacture a stout iron spear ton foet in lougtli. With this formida ble woapou hot from tho forgo, ho was now soon, approaching tho shore accom panied bv Noy. f Capt. 'Roberts'^ saw them coming, and renewed bis onset up on the whale, enlarging tho liolo sovoral inches, but failing to kill tho orea ure. Tlio blacksmith oviuced au amount of oool disoornmont in tho face of dangor not unworthy of his Fronoh namesake of martial renown. Tic dirooked Blood- g ood to spoar the wlmlo in tho hole mado y tho captain’s hatchet. Tho hint was acted upon, and four foot of iron Bank into tho whalo's blubbor. Tho strugglo not long in doubt after that. With tho skill of Arotio voyagers, tho throo men kept out of roach of the monster it his dying “flurry," and in ton min- tes ho was a dead wlmlo. Not all tho rowboats in Booth Amboy oould havo towed him off tlio oystor-bod, but a steamtug fastened a hawser to him and droggod him ashore, where tho united efforts of tho inhabitants liauled him out of the wator. Tho wlmlo was found to measure 48 J foot in length, U foot through tho body, aud thirty foot in oiroumforenoo. The hea l was 10 foot long, and tlio tail 14 foet. Tho gills, from wliioh tho whale- bono is produced, wore 01 foot long. Before night it was all out up and tho blubbor triod out. Much of tlio oil was lost, but it is estimated ut least twonty barrels remain, which will realizo about $050. Tho whalebone is worth $100. Whon the remains wore being takon to tho fields to bo buried, two yoko of oxen hardly able to drag the upper part of tho head, and ono yoko were fully employed in removing tho snout. The Way the Cable Talks. An operator sits at a table in a room darkened by curtains. On his desk stands a littlo instrument named the re flecting galvanometer, tho invention of Sir William Thompson, without which Atlantia telegraphy would bo as low pro cess, not exceeding two or tbreo words per minute, instead of oigliteonor twon ty, the present rato. This delicate in strument consists of a tiny magnet aud a small mirror swinging on asilk thread, the two together weighing but a fow grains. The eleotrio current passing along the wire from Valencia reflect* a spot of light on to a scale, in a box placed at the operator’s right hand, where, by its oscillation, tho spot ol light indicates tho slight movemont of tho magnet, follows ovory change in tho reooiviug current: and ovory change, groat or small, produces a corresponding osoillation of the spot of light on the scale. A code of signal* is so arranged by which tho movement, of tbp snot of light is mado to indioato tho letters of tho alphabet. Whon reoeiving a message from Valenoia, the -operator watches the movements of tho light speck, whioh keeps dancing about over the scale on his right. To his practiced eye, eaoh movement of the spot of light represents a letter of tho alphabet, and its fantastic motions are spelling out tho iutelligonoo whioh tho pulsing of tho oleotrio current aro transmitting be tween tho two hemispheres. It is truly marvelous to note how rapidly tho ex pel ienced operator disentangles tho ir% regular oscillations of the little specks into tho letters and words whioh they represent. Tub standard authoriti. i ceremonial enumerate no ninoty-sevon different kinds •. tween each of whom there : tiblo gradation of rank—1 common peoplo, who * all. Mn. Kavanaoh, British parliami arms. He ' when he si SAYINGS AND DOINGS. Dolt,Aits and sonso do not necessari ly travel togothcr. Why is mnrriago liko a fat' paying job ? Tho ring fixes it. Hood called tho slamming of the door by a person in a passion a wooden damn. Prussia, sinoo its adoption of tbe Manser rifle, has been soiling its old needle gnus to China. Tiiruk is a Brooklyn man who wears mourning for his mothor-in-law. He wonra it on tho lining of his coat. Tim young lady out west who re ceived $1,000 damages for n kiss, is said to bo spoiling to bo damaged again. S3 PiutTTY good land oan bo bought in Bouth Carolina for flvo oonts per acre, but there's $24 bnok tax onfovory! acre of it. Tub Kentucky topora, who signed a petition to havo wlRsky put down, thought it meant put down to five cents a glass. Tuans is nothing moro oaloulated to weakon a boy’s moral character than to get his fishing-hook fastened to a root in the rivor, Tun difforonoo botwoen perseveranoe and obHtinnoy is that ono often comes from a strong will, and tho othor from a strong won’t. In life it is difficult to say who do you tho most tuisohiof—enomics with the worst intentions, or friomlH with the best.—Jiultvcr. Mas. Ghant oriotl. Nellie oried, Sar- toris looked sad, tlio president blow his nose, and thon tho uowly-marriod ’ couple wont aboard tlio steamer Bawl- tie. Turku is as mtioli greatness of mind iu the owing of a good turn ns in doing , it; aud wo must no moro foroo a re quital out of senson than bo wanting in it.—Scncca. This is a very rash spring. Nino ont of ton men who carry red noses lay it to “so nothing throwing out a rash.” There’s more lio about this nose buitf- uoss tlmn thoro ought, to bo. In Muino, rooontly, by tho advice of a clairvoyant, a body was exhumed and reburied with tho face downward, as a menus of slaying the ravages of con sumption in tho corpse's family. Look Ann ad.— A polio an, Hying home ono day With a Him fut llnli from Ovster Hay. Wss mot bv a mow who lmd sought in vain For somolhing to still Ills Imogen 'h pain—- And who know 1 Ini' fish wiot good for thnbrain, Ho ho slyly said, "Why. friend, wlmt's in you, To carry ii fl-li nl a full nock's length ? Is that any way to aconoun/.o Htvongth? 1 cull it uwrtHio or umrajl • anil sinew. Just throw your Hoad over your shoulder, so—■ You distribute tho weight over all your framo, You can carry n d mldo load of ganio. And thus, Without tlrlun. li* m * yoitRol" The ptdioan did as hi* fal-iv-friend hiido, Hut ntrikJiw .. hough,he catno to wroof, And down lie fell wlui r» i*..i»uii aoelt, And tlio crow had a royal dinner of shad, f wroto Ibis fable for throe 'i'tlo trion,* hose name-* aro Willie mid Arriinr and Jack ; ul ibis in tint moral, Cloni'imd plain 1 When you rnn for,yard, doiri look back." John H«y, in SI. Ateholax Tun expenses of I lie Tiohborno trial to bo paid by "tlio prosent baronet” amount to jC!)2 000. This sum does not include the expenses of tho trial for perjury, whioh are to bo paid by the government. This rubber wliioh linos tho tail of a tly’s dress is a bud thing for a man with wonk lungs. It makes so much noise over the brick pavomont, that the young m in is compelled to whisper hie sweet nothings in a voioo of thunder. . In Indiana the brido never expects to S o on a wedding tour. Sho stops into 10 old quill-wheel, hor mother stuffs a bug of dried apples under tho seat, kor father ties a oow behind, and the liappy couple roll away to tho oottago of the bridegroom. a beautiful sight to attend an Arizona wedding. Tlio brido in whito —tho happy groom—the solemn minis ter—the smiling parents, and from twonty-flvo to forty shot guns standing against tho wall ready for ttso, make up a panorama not soon forg tton, Arizona territory, whioh is popularly > believed to bo wealthier in minerals than California or Nevada, is fast reoav- oring from tho prostration canned by Indian raids. Many of the miucs which havo lain untouched for yoars on account of tho Apaches are again being workod, and the results aro said to be wonderful. Wiiat a row the women would make .. men woro stove-pipe hats at oonoerts, lectures, and tho theatre. The dear oroaturos turret thoir heads several stories high, and to sit behind one of them in a place of amusement is equiva lent to not seeing any thing that is going on in front. No wonder the men go out to smilo nnder such nftliotiona. Well, this is a stunner. Two young ladies of Chicago,^daughters of a respec table physician thoro, have boon arres ted for carrying on a .wholesale confi dence game, by collecting money in the name of a local half orphan asylum. It Is estimated that thoy havo oolleoted $00,000 during tho year or more in which the game has been going on. Tho thing workod well enough until they ran against tho same viotim twice, and then oamo tho collapse. CirWao is bonnd to keep ahead. Just look at this : A large building, divided into “ flats ” for housekeeping, lias beoiv put up on the north side of the oity; I's roof—whioh is very strongly built and exoellently drained —is covered with earth and deoked with some forty, or fifty trees, whioh are growing luxuriantly. It is a garden on a house-top. Nobody not living in the house oan go to it. There will be mu sic thore in the, evenings and—need it be added ?—beer; Comma ndeii Belknap, of the United States navy, has submitted to the de- . partment in Washington an interesting