The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, June 27, 1874, Image 2
TIIE RECORD. CEIMIlTnW.N, OA., JUNE 17 1«7I. Our n«»*l C'ongri'Mmnvi. Wo wo Hint ho loo of our exchanges nre agitating the question hb to who shall l)o our next Congressman. Wo too n communication in tho (hirlorH- villu S« illincl, of Inst wo» k, suggesting Dr. Foil on on llm proper inari. Thin cot luKpondet.l ssjs Iio Ims traveled over novoml oountioB of tho district, nnd tlmt tho cry for Felton for Con press goes np from every quarter ; that tho call for Fulton iHoarnoHt, siu- ooro and goiionih Wo know that Dr. Fc-lton Iihh many warm friends and Hduiirei'B in thin Hoctiou, who would lojoic© should lie heroine a ciuididido. Wo hopo that the pi«»phi nil over tho disliict will instat on his becoming a candidate, for wo m od the services of just r.neh men. It in imid that oats contain an ftp- precinbht quantity of phosphorite Now, since phosphorus im naeil to rlnar tho cobwebs from tho bruin nnd givo n man common w n ,e who novel experienced it before, would it not bit well to givo an ontinoal supper to f.omo of our high National and tttnlo funotioneiienjV Wo might begin Willi a thin grind, slneo it would not do to begin with too at long a i.tiinilunl, and increase their porridge until they are aide to do their work and o«rn*their p»y- A letter from Frankfort to tho New York Herald alalia that the bonda of tho ItruiiHwidi and Albany Railroad, illegally mailed by Bullock, and which tho Georgia Legislature han Kinco n- fuaed to recognize a t o quoted at 3 cciiIh on tho dollar. Tho bonda of tlu> Al ubiuim and Chattanooga Railroad Company,Issued in 180U hy Krlui ger, at 85 J, stand now at 15. Fully one-third of tho Htntfl of Lou muuii ia atill nuclei water from one l<» two foot deep, and from aovenly to eighty thoiiaiind people are now in a destitute condition, intioli sickness al ready prevuils, and unions the people obtain iiBBlatanmi tho milterlng during the summer inoutha will be uliuoHl be yond'preoodon l. Four thousand v< hides, coiltniuilig 12,000 persona, nnd 40,000 pedeatri- aiiH, passed over tho SI. Louis bridg on Sunday. At ono* time in tho uve mug tlieru were 11,000 peraoua and UK) vehicles upon the great struct lire, tho noise of tho steady trump echoed loudly over aoveral block*-. L’acacu go ia who eroased in tho tnuisfcr one nfbuseri wero bewildered and excited at tho aeono - ul lenat, t lid local jiorteio thiiH interpreted their counti - nanccp. (Inmli ( ontliM't. Thnro ia nothing whieh so betrays tlm want of proper feeling and man ners n beeoiiiiiigcoiiduet inelmrch du ring Bel'vice. It ia presunttd that every one who goes to a elmreh on Sunday, or any other lime when put lie worship ia hold, does ao for tho purpose of worshiping God ; i f paj ing that adoration to the Great Rub of all things, which ia tho ono ubj c of religion. If, hy our notion*, w wo allow that this presumption a wrong one, and that wo have othur motives in view when wo visit tho wed temple, wo not only defy tin Author of our being, but distract tlm attention of others and make lull el ing |i"ople wish that we would either reform or stay at home. A promi nout feature of this ill conduct ia the habit of turning tho back virtually, if not literally, upon tho pulpit, and star ing in the fuco of persona occupying prwa in the rear. What is gained by ho disagreeable a practice is not known; that it ia couirury to religion ja morally certain. Many parties, pc liapa, who follow the habit do so In < losjly, but there are others uouuubt edly aware of what they are doing, —.1 : that it adds to their UU port an cc. That this is a gvuvu evvov wo need not tell thinking people. L ist year wo opened our uvea and months to marvel over tho immensity of tho California wheat crop, and this year wo are atill further astounded by tho information that the crop of 187G will be more than doubled. The area uuiU r cultivation is upwards of *2,000, 000 acr<8, 100,000 ams more than last year, and the yield is extrnordi- uarlv tine. The total crop ia estimated at a rniimmim figure of 35,000,000, blishelu, leaving *25,000,000 bushels for export-—neatly twice the amount that California has ov«m furuidud for exportation, moiv Ilian nil the nut of the United Stutet exported last year and twice as much us Russia exported from her great grain districts on the Danube. California’s gold yield in a mere t title compared with this shower of golden grain. Mr. I. C. M.vNsi iij.n has eg liu take n charge of the Holly Mills at Carteis- ville, nnd having put tnem in thorough order, and introduc'd boiuc improve ments, is uow ready to grind wheat and corn for the public. A NEW IMIITY. Tho Atlanta CAnstHution says it begins to look ns if llm farmers of the West intend to take an active and de cidedly independent part in tho coin ing campaigns. On Wednesday of last week tho Illinois and Indian i fa run ih met in invention!) ; in Kansas they have formed an allianeo with ho vend «le mon U of the opponition, and in Mich- igan anil Minno* olu, conventions h ivo been called. These concurrent move- ida hole to I ho formation of a new paitv. The Indiana convention wan mm* •Bed of not less than a thousand del* galea, every section of the Stale br ing represented. Tho chairman slat ed at. tho outset that they had con gregated to establish u now movement, 1 to accomplish a groat reform frnifi the head of tho government to tho .lowest official. They formally loptod tho niiiiio Iudflpemh nt ana parly title. Congratulations wero hangod with tho Illinois cmvor.- lion, and pledges of co-operation were ordered to ho dtipatchod. The pint* is lengthy. Both of the older parties of tho country are condemned as engine)) of opprifllion, entailing out the lives of tho people. ChuRlo blav- ory, they Hay, has been ab dished, but pilsl is now the master and dictates all I onus, ami thus all Ishorera are practically placed in llm condition of Ih^iluvo before emancipation. Al monopolies are denounced. Tho na tional I auk currency should he suj - planted hy legal tenders, issued It) tho government, and iiilerchangablo for government bonds at. a low rate of in ti rest. Capable and honest men should he selected to fill idl offices without regard to former political opinions; mid tho om-lcrm principle ih adopted. (Iliiiirtnou for lie* Uliity committees worn tlnli d si j- uated, and a State Central Commit l*-o formed, and a full State ticket, put in Domination. In Ilia Illinois Convention nearly eiy county win represented. Rep- sentatives of tho Woikijigmon’.t as social ions of Chicago wero present as delegates. A Stale Central Comurl- vas appointed, and a full State ticket | laeed in nomination. G*a- ruOr 'Laylor, of Wisconsin, wan I hanked “ for his manly net ion in nforcing the law against the exaction of railroad monopolies," and the hope was expi« ;sed that, two years hence Illinois would have a Governor who will emulate iiis Ihuieac. In their platform they declare tlial the parties o' tho country have forfeited tho con fidence and i* flpret ortho neopio, nnn < that they will tin longer i cl with them Tluy also demand reform, retrench nient, ropoa) of tho nations! hunkiig MurrrllN Cluti Itevlvnl. f’lom llie Atluali Csshtitiilion J Not long since we published, from I In* Marietta Journal, an account of tho finding of tlm body of Mr. If. G. Turner in h creek in Dickons county with his head split in twain. Tho ui- ticlo alluded t*j at its close stated that eight, or nine murders Imd occtired in I’iekees roimt.y since 18t*5 without a trial of any one. From a n liable cili/.- n of Dickens county wo gathur tho following facta, showing that there has existed in that county a band of desperadoes whoso deeds entitle thorn to, ip.vk wirn Musuri.i/s Darties lisippoarod misteriousiy, leaving no trace behind thorn. On Tuesday the ‘21st of April, last, Mr. If G. Turn*'r visited a neighbor's house, and failing to return at tho proper time, his wife boon mo uneasy, and made diligent (inquiry as to bis whereabouts. .Search was mule for* him, but proved fruitless tint ill Friday, when hi i body was found in Sicml creek, in the neighborhood of the Sharp mountain sottelinunt, weighted down with ponderous rocks and his head split wide open. Several days after the finding of the body, suspicion pointed to John Edwards, a boy of sixteen years of age, as the guilty party, lie confessed the deed, and that bin brother, Water F< ward it 1 come older than himself), miniated him. On the day of tho killing, they got Turner drunk, and while he was in a drunken tupor, conceived the plan of killing him in revenge for an old grudge ist him. Vestor split. Turner’s skull with an ax. Vaster lied toTcx- h rfhd John pleaded guilty to the bulge and was scut to the ponoten- linry for niucly-nitm years. ANOTIIF.Il MIHTKHIODB Ml TtURK. nio time in 1873, a man named Edwards disappeared, and although io was supposed to have been mur dered, his body was never found until lime in Fubiinry or March, 1874, when il was discovered, much decom posed, hy the sons of II. G. Turner, whose death is recorded above. Tho hoys reported their discovery to their father, and b« told them to hush it ud suy nothing about it. Soon after the remains were removed by im Down parties and have never boon i*.-n since. Silica then it, lias been iscoverod that Edwards, tlm mur- ored limit, Imd property, and that it was devided among tho going, some •r six in number. A portion of llm properly was brought down near Ibis city and sold. For prudential iKoriH wo refrain from giving llm lie s of tho members of the gang at. proflont. law, ami the abolition of nionopoi Thoir adopted enn o is tin. “Jmlepi •ud Refoi m'' parly. The Kansas fanners will nme the fitli day of August, and tlm Min nesota farmers on till) 3d day of Stq lumber; and they, too, will doubtlcs place Stain tickets in tho field. ,Sim ilar iiutiou will probably be tak i vory Stale in llm Great West. The platforms already constructed l»v tin Indepeiulonts lolalo entirely lo pine licnl i| ionu to mill Il ia of cunvu- cy, transpoi Intioli, mil mi fact urea and the relations of capital and labor They desire honesty in olliee, rein nch ment and reform,, and tho conven tions seemed to be thoroughly over the corrupt,ioua that are wasliug llm ruHourccH of tlm country. They evince an earn-at detcriuiuidion t< atVeet lofonua. This much all musl grant. What they will lie able to ac complibli, nnd wlmllier f«»r good or ill are questions that must bu left to th« future for di tei minatioii. U is gratifying to learn that th condition of the crops in (In. w in tlm highest degivo imcouiaging. Tlm good harvest o! last year enomr ag« d the fanners to plant more exten sively than on any previous occnsiou uUit ttm ci tip>, nhvioly \ iiiurquH and tar lulvancei), give promino of u v'u ‘ and abundant harvest. Tlm funnel according lo all accounts, are in e cellent spirits, and tho morclmnts a making ready for a season of prosj* it v which it is expected will lu> u smpaRHod by any former year. One house expects to do a busmens which will reach tho high figure of twenty millions of dollar.-*. With such pros peels before us the resumption of vie payments ought at no distant to be an accomplished fact, Tho Dulisliuo Exploration peilition. It has been known for some lime, that a society bearing this name ex isted in this country, and that, acting in conjunction with a bister society in England, it has for its object the pre paration of an accurate nap of the Holy Land. Tlm English society, which has taken tlm west sido of tho Jordan, has surveynl seven tin usand miles of the country. It is proposed by the American such tv to survey at least eight thousand mites on llm oast Side of the Jordan. Such a joint sm- vey would give us a map of the Holy Land such as has inner yet exi-l« d. All accurate nmp of the il ,ly Laud m much ucedeo. Thirty thousand dollars a year for three years are iieed- eo by the American society to give* ' tlVcl to their plans. This i i oy -buhl be forthcoming at cnee. One of II. G. Turners houh, mt his property nrepartory to f?bing nt, and it was found *out, by other inbers of the gang, (Im being one s Mind,) tlmt Im had rtsdiz/'d quite sum of money. 'I'hey conspind then-foie to kill him and have his money. They called on a limn named Evans to assist them in their mmdci- mi i operations, who being v< ry drunk coiisi ntoil. The parly got everything .•nll-it- f--» t-'.v %**«., toil the mean linn) ho had sphered oil', 1 when limy came ho declined to assist them, stating that Im was a while man and no iiinrdoror, and de- 1 ning that he would blow on llm lust olio of them if they did not desii-t. They desisted from coving out their fell purpose as to young Turner, lint w reaked I heir veuganee on the unfoi lunate Evans. In a few days after this he was found DKAI* ON Till* ItOAOSini , sulVocated by a stick twisted mound his neck, and beaten severely on the breast with a maul. A Coroner's in quest was held, but his body was not examined by a physician. The jury returned a verdict of death from cause unknown to them. It ia supposed Hint nicmbois of tin gang who killed him were members of that jury. The people of the comity were tcr- rororized by these inisteri ms and wanton murders. M< n felt it dan gerous to leave their houses. The limiter was brought before the last grand-jury, and over TTiinrv tiu k mi i.slwnir. i-oiinu against parlies iinnlioaled. Some have llod and tho olheors of the law are in pursuit. it is said tlmt It. G. Turner who was iminlerid, belonged to the band. Tho elan Ims now been broken up and tlm people breathe some fr< er. I he peoplu of Diek'-ns county are do ing all tlmy can to bring these miser*- ants t«* justico, and do not deserve tho obloquy which justly attaches to these lie p' t’adoes. Tho Coiivinglion l'aileri pi:;c says that the Newton County Court works admirably. It Ims dispose*! of forty cases that would tiave occupied the Superior Court at least ton days, at an expense to tho county of consider ably over ono hundred dollars a day. It has kept tho jail clear, with the exception of ono prisoner awaiting sentence fir a capital crime, and bills for jail-board are almost unknown. Vagrancy has heel) banished, and crime lias been greatly diminished by the prompt infliction of tlm proper penalties. Tho certainty of immediate punishment 1ms a salutary etlbct among the newly enfranchised. Very few true hills are new needed, and the county 1ms already gained, through the i p.nalu n of the new court, not less than a thousand dollars above the Judge's salary and juror's fees. A Dr. I ling was recently tried for atten p ing to practice a fraud on an insurunoo company in New York. The lif»* of one Louisa Germs was in sured for ten thousand *1* liars. Cl ing reported her dead and buried and claimed the policy. Tlio company de manded a post tuorlcm examiuniion and on tin* exhumation, instead of the corps ol the dead woman, nineteen bri* ks were found to const ituo the con tmts of the cofiln. The dead woman, in full vitality, along with tho nineeon bricks, was present in court, tiling was convicted and sentenced to eigh teen months imprisonment. The link nipt Law. Tho principal points of the now bankrupt bill, which only requires tho President's signature to become a law, are as follows: Forty days aro allow ed to elapse before a merchant or tra der who fails to pay his commercial paper is liable to bo thrown into bank ruptcy. Tho OHHent of one-fourth in uumher and orn -third in vuluo of tho creditors is required to throw a debtor into bankruptcy. This provision re lates back to the 1st of last Decem ber. Droceedings may In discontinued whenever a debtor pays those secured debts which were the grounds of throwing him into bankruptcy, or whenever, with tho consent of tho court , he and a majority of tho credit ors shall ask for a discontinuance of the proceedings. In order to sot aside hypothecated pledges or liens on the bankrupt’s estate, it must appear tlmt thn party dealing with the bankrupt knew tint Im intended to perpetrate a fraud on tho bankrupt law, and that ho intended to go into bankruptcy. When a loan is made to a bank rupt in good faith and security taken, with tho intention of aiding him to pull through, it. hhall ho considered in having actual value, and the secu rity shall not ho invalidated by pro ceedings in bankruptcy. A voluntary bankrupt may have bin discharge if Ins estate puya t hirty por cent of his debts, or provided he obtains the coa^ept of his rn dilora iim is nccuiMiiry to tnrow him into bank ruptcy. An involuntary bankrupt can g< t his di* charge if his conduct is fro i from all baud, and Im is innocent of any violation m* infringement of the bankrupt act. Assignees are prohib ited from dividing fees with anvolher person engaged iu tho case. (' .iii|h>- siliou of creditors inay he made with tho debtor, provided u majority of the creditors join, were approved by the court, for tho release and discharge of the debtor. The fees are reduced on* half until the jujges of the .Supreme Court ahull ei labhsh a permanent reduction and simplify proceed ip gw. All the acts of the persons connected with llm ex'-eu- tion of the law shall let made public ill the shape of full and minute r<- porls from the Clerk, the Aslgeee, the Marsh d and the R.-gister. Original jurisdiction is con fund on llm Tori to nal Court*q with an appeal to the Su preme Court of tho Territory. Hunt Times. "Its mighty hard tiinos, I tell jmi.' Wo took a short walk yesterday,'’and* this was tlm salutation we heard a man give another. The spt akor was a tail man in hit shirt sleeves ami a slouched Imt, ami he stood hob I i i g in his hand a rope attached to the horns *f a juvenile steer, tlmt, with its con sumptive little cmopmiion looked im if tho rope was Hupiirlluous : for th. re was nothing im»re foreign to their thoughts or spit its than running away. The little shambling wagon lo which the attenuated cattle wire hitched, groaned iu its oilless joints under nine sticks of green wood, uusplit because too thin. The 4k *»\ looked like En glish lloop poles, and the man who vowed the times were hard could have carried tlm load easily. In the buck part of the wagon, secured*by a strap, was a glazed imi theru jug with a corn c ib stopper hi ppleniuuted hy a piece of led rag. We did not wait to hear moio of tho stale platitude, but wont wa lit o:i. llm sight of such teams, such men and such statements, have In come ton common to excite com ment. Lite in the afternoon wo saw the same team again, going homo through the mud, rain and darkiics.*- Tho driver had tlm glazed jug unde his head, as lie lay on the two plank that, formed tho wagon’s bed. We do not know what tho jug contained, but whatever it was the man had given all the contents he could mi inside pas sage. The little steers Imd visibly shrunken since morning, looking, poor things, as if they were gradually wast ing away, and longing for tlm job to be over. This man was not a typ the yeomanry of this land. Unfortu nately, it was iio class corresponding to tho yeoman. Ho was a poor, ig- n.»r mt whito’iimn, with a large furii l.v, no doubt, nnd lie lives in a wretch ed one room cubin, on a piece of wast ed huiil, unknown and lincarcd fot w ith no impulse and no aid to a noble life. “Hard times!" Who aro im' mg them ? The poor little cltildrc huddled about her last night, knei what hroiigt “Imrd tunes'' to In wretched abode, when tho famished brutes stopped, with famished tongues in tho darkness, and she heard tho oaths of the greater brute as he stag gered iu with the glazed jug in lus hand. “Hard times !’’ says tho man who never done a stroke of oui-nost, lie work to make him better. “1 limes!'' says the-young man too proud to labor with the white hands which he folds as lie waits for chance to give him an easy job. “Hard time the planter, mm he begs the merchant to credit him for the food ho noei and, paying CO or 100 per cent. f. his advances, he goes back over tl bin borons roads to the uncumfort l ie homo to bet his remaining time and credit on tho gamo of chan co- cotton. "Hard times!" cries the mei chant, us notes fall due and nut on dollar of the thousands owing him comes in to meet them. Ye times are hard, and the cause lies at our own door. Our merchants, are the slaves of New York, nud our far mers are vussels of the merchants. There is too little earnest, manly ef fort, too many of heaven’s blessings to incite to persistent labor. Six months from now will tell the story, aud the farmer who, from neglect, is forced then to buy his food, deserves all the hard times it is possible to in- Hiiurc For Tl»(* Goose. Hckntiw) Raid On Tiik Yavkff.Town -PinTINO “A ClIAMCT. TO THKJIl OW I.i*ller to tlm Atlanta HernM.] Modii.k Ala , June. While tho people of I ho South aro much exer cised about tho possible possagoof tho civil rights hill, and many arodonoun- ing it v ry bitterly, tliero aro some who aro taking it quite philosophi cally, and uro oven making ar ingo- inentH, in view of ill passage, lo turn it to profit, and hy which they may re cover tho fortunes swept away hy tho lost catiso. In this city an enterprise is being set on foot of a very novel character. Tho projectors propose to go out upon tho plantations nnd Holed ubout one hundred of tho blackest, greasiest, filthiest, longest-heeled and stinking- est negroes that can ho found, take them, just as they nre, hare-foot half naked and dirty, buck and wench alike, and start with thorn for the Noth. 1 learn that Cairo, Cineiuatli nnd Louisville are tho first objective points. In these points say Cairo first, twenty will ho taken. Application will bo made there to the Illinois C'entiid mil t o id for sleeping car berth". If this is refuse 1 as is anticipated, than e vil suits will bo commenced against the roads. Then ou to Chicago, applica tion will he Hindu to Him Grand Pacific I'aimer, Tremout and Sherman Houses for first-class rooms f a five, each of these negroes; the bucks de manding the range of the barn, bath room", smoking rooms and gontel- matiH parlors; the wenches the run "f the halls, parlors ami ladies ordina ries. Then MoViekcr’s, Henley's and tho Academy of Music will he put through. Then excursions will he -I'lilmu Tho f.irnino iu India has at tained gigantic propart ion, the British go Vermont undertaking tho onerous task of feeding three and a half mill ions of destitute people. Very gloomy results are anticipated in tho fuco <>( this appalling calamity, as in tho strick on district there can ho no crop for six months to come. Tho govormont is doing its duty bravley and making amends for the early history of En glish domination in India. New Advertisements. J til I hr *10110 i dulli* t«7(. of my Official A<lverti*ins i this, thv t’clartoivn ltcoor<l. JUKI. IIROVER, OH y. * applied for ■idnptioti of pi*r*onaltv, nrel I will upon tlii-iami-nt 1! o'clock, A. M , on the Uih day of July, IS7 : », nt my office. Thin the 20th diiy of June, 187 E JOBE ItKKWKIl, Ordinary. Opened, A Boot and Shoe I College Mliop, «rr Cnth. t until paid • i work wlmtl In- dr|iror«d Work done with di-patch 2 *th, IH74 <,).*>. w. t. worronn, joiiv n. wikib. WOFFOKI) Jw WIK I.E, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Real Estate Agonts. rARTKHSVIU.R (/.I. Cherokee Iron Works Store. IK Y()K WANT IDIEoY GOODS siloes. CLOTHING, HATS, CAI'f cinulLi i (licit. The Carlist Cause must either bo very dcspciate or Dou Curios must bo very strong, when eighteou officers can bo shot at ono time for mutiny. To us tho report iudicats bespair' although the most charitable view to be taken is that it is not true. ado on tho . night tru u:i - whenever it, can bo that bridal parties are g irs half tilled up. To ( other objectivi> point, about twenty * will be taken. The Burnet ii- will be in ule headquarters for present; but as ho >n us their grand new hotel is opened up| 1 cation will bo made f*»r twenty rooms for these ciiOl'-s in tlmt i leg ml h-ai-o, and instantly during tho day Hid bar, arlors aud smoking rooms will be oc- upied by these greasy Afiicuus. At night the theatres will ho visited and thn sleeping or dodge will be put into >p ration. From Cincinnati exenr aiiiiis will be made to Dayton, Colum bus, l’i tubing and places of tlmt lass. From !, .iiisvilte, parti a will be lent over the northern bliaq lag car lines to Indianapolis. Tho I’•ales iloiiHo, Dahiior and Mukmi, wilt iu lin n be tilled with these tl >wers of the South. In proper persons, these dus ky maids and gafi* he* led youths will pay their respects to Senator M-nton, when he shall return t) that over in ti it.ed city. You will say that this sort of thing will be expensive. So it. will, but am ple remuneration is 1 >oked for. Nay, very large profits are expected to be realized from Hints against all parties, who refuse absolute and perfect equal ity. Now all this you may think i l tic t ion, but I tell you that it. is us certain to be ilono, if tho e vil rights hill pass es aud appropriate legislation follows, uh the sun shines. Not only will companies be organ ized for points numud, but larger ones are iu contemplation for \Vnnhftigton, Philadelphia, Boston and New York. Al Wa hillgtoil they propose to tak*' ono hundred and fifty men and fifty women of the most repulsive character to be present and to mingle with tho crowd at ovory Presidential rccoplion to make the ran of the hotels and to call in bodies ou all proper occasions ou tho leading lv ulicul Senators, < 'ab im t officers and Congressmen. This ontoi-priao will pay largo divi dends, and 1 very much mistako if the projectors don’t grow rich and flic citizens don’t g .t heartily sick of this equality busiuess. IIi'uo. A seafaring man, who was recently mui t ied, gave the following description of his bride and her apparel, which will put some of the regul r “society’’pa pers to the blush. My wife is just ns handsome a craft a.s over 1* ft the millinery dry-dock, is clipper built and with a figure-head not often seen ou small crafts. Her length of keel is five feet eight inches, displaces twenty-seven feet of cubic air; flight draught, which adds to her speed in a hail-storiu; full in tho waist, spars trim. At tho timo wo werel spliced she was nowly rigged, fore and aft, with standing rigging of lace and (lowers, mainsail part silk, with fores lay sail of Valeuciennes. Her frame was of the best steel covered with silk, whale bone stanchions. This rigging is inteuded for fair- weather cruising. She has also a set of storm sails for rough weather, aud is rigging out a small set of canvass for light squalls, which aro likely to occur in this latitude sooner or later. 1 am told in running dawn the street before the wind she can turn around iu her own length if a handsomer craft passes her. (ri/.A-r Ettnbliihfl Hou*f in Turn.) A. HUNTINGTON, /’r,,„r S':'' \ South fide Court I font* Squort ( cilurtown, (ia. healeb in General Merchandise. JOHN Mi: It HYMAN A I > i. v i: i) bon i; .*■ Hugging nnd Virginia Salt anil I'lmi We increase*! facilities for Join i*l obtaining goods, my long os biisincv*, Toakov me cnnfi'lcn *;k, Toi .*1 l'r , will c pare favorably with lho>o of any other liou.r*' in Town. I *lofy goo*!, healthy bn-- im- - i- .mpi'iiiiun. An ins|.*-*-tion of my fioo*la ini*! Prices is cnrncnily >1* -in I (iratiTul for pas! fav* r-. nnd lli•- genoroo:* palronngo of Polk and adjoining co'iiiti* • - •* liberally boslowod lor the paal nine your-, t shall strive lo turrit » conliuuunco of the l.ili Poring I lie coming cotton a* in liu- past, ulrivo lot* mnrkol, having ulri-ady | im-nle for inori-a**ing my ing un*l storing colion. T, F. BURBANK & CO., Codurto wn, CcorRln, A KIUKT CLASS S T G UK. Dr. L. S. LEDBETTER, m? SURGEON DENTIST Watchmaker anil Jeweler, Codartown, Ca. \VTOHK d.m*' promptly an t s ilisfiK-lortly All work ** arrant*-*! Twolv*- Mon lie* Itopairiiig ho*' wat<-ln-» a -pccinltv. All kinds of Jewelry uni Watches and l’|...k- kopt for -ale. jnno 20-ly JOHN C. ALIEN, Practical Mechanic & Builder, '7.7*Ml TO II .V, f.\l, COFFIFS, Kb PA I HI.\0 KPKNTTUHK. A., Those desiring work of any kind in his line would do well to call on him at the St. Charles Hotel. Shop fronting Court House s, l uar c- june 20-ly PLANTER’S HOTEL, (OPPOSITE huff's SEW BOILDDia) •-'lierry St. brtwoen :t.i and lilt. MACON, GEORGIA. J. tl. BRF.HF.R, . . . Pro,,rMcr. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, VARNISHES, KEROSENE, -A. FvT IP • S . Everything Fresh anil Pure! I* 10 It !•’ IJ >| j.; | { ur/Y witm:, soaps. TOILET Ainil'LES GF.NERALLY. GOLDEN BELL COLOGNE Tooth, Hair and Nail Brushes, Combs, etc. BARBER & WOOD CEIt A It TO ir.v. I ) r.SPHOTKlrt.I.Y call Ih. 4 k II... public to (lie fact Ilia Stock and arc cnnsUntly rccei DRY GOODS, AM. KINDS OP NOTION'S 1 loots, Shoes Wool ,V ITur Hal Sugar, Coffee, Syrup, Meal, t'l'OTTfl nn ,, BACON*. U’hicli we will sell a. cheap ns any one in tow,, fer (he CASH. Call a,„i oiamiao before purchasing. j unc 20