The Cedartown record. (Cedartown, Ga.) 1874-1879, July 18, 1874, Image 3

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Hai tut Clirncil.—Regular Services, 1st
ami 8il Sundays in each month, Rev. Court
ney Drown. Pastor. Sabbath-school at 9
o'clock, A. M.
Mktiioimst Cursoii.—Services at 11
o’clock, a. sc and 8 o'clock, r. w. every
Sabbath; Rev. Wni. H. I.aPrade, Pastor.
Sabbath-school at 9 o’clock, A. u.
Fan ut t kui as Ciu’rcii.—Services 1st
nnd •"> I Sabbath every month, Rev. R. F.
Taylor, Pastor, Sabbath-school at 9 o'clock,
Caukdosia Loihii;, No. 1111, F. & A. M.—
Regular communication, the 3d Friday
night in each month.
J. S. Stchds, W. M.
N. M. Wbioiit, Secretary.
<4ood Templars.
Cedar Valikt Lodor, No, 803. 1. 0. 0.
T. Meets every Friday night (except 3d
C. G. Janes, W. C. T.
J. M. Marius, Secretary.
ColqtTTT 11 it asiik, No, 20— Regular meet
ings Saturday before the third Sabbath In
each month.
T, O C A L 1 T K MS.
Our Agent*.
John H. Vann, Priors Station.
E. P. Featherston, Lime Branch.
R. 8. Pattillo, Taylorsville.
t q 1 t i ?
Wan i ru.— V smart, intelligent boy
about 18 ycaro old, with a fair Kngllsh ed.
uoation. to learn the Printing business,
lie must be a boy of good character, and
not afraid of work. None other need up.
ply. A resident of town preferred.
Remember—-Our terms aro strictly
cash in advance, and wo shall expect nil
who have subscribed to pay their subscrip
tion after this, our first issue.
We desire to be prompt in nil nur deal
ings, but unless our patrons pay its prompt
ly, it will be impossible for us to meet our
liabilities promptly.
CouuttiH-iNimsTO Wanted—We wish
to make arrangements with a proper person
nt every post office and in every neighbor
hood in the county, to act as u regular local
reporter and agent to receive subscriptions,
to whom u liberal commission will bo given.
N. i dles for nil kinds of Sewing
machines; Singer,75cts per doxen— nil oth
ers 90 cents. Will send needles by mail on
receipt of price. W. II. WIKI.E.
13 ecu La pet II . ptiiel for dry hides,
at J. 8. Noycn A (Vs.
Durham Smoking Tolmco (Black-
wtdl!h) at Rut bunk A Go’s.
A now 1 »t of pnulH, shoos and ba
con, ut Lumpkin nnd McConnell’*.
The exercises of Mr. Houzoal’s
School will bo resumed ou Monday,
August 3d. Patrons will recoivo tho
benefit of tho educational fund.
Wanted.—Cedartown watt’s and
needs a good Tailor. A stoutly, sober
man could do well here. A papula*
tiou of about 1200, surrounded by a
rich and thickly sottlod country—and
tto Tailor.
Wo publish tho towu ordinances
this week to tho exclusion of almost
all other matter. Wo beliovo it will
bo as interesting reading (uud per
haps more instructing) to most of our
readers, than anything elso wo could
furnish. All have an opportunity of
informing themselves as to what tho
laws of the towu arc, and »<y? will give
any ono tho liberty, and wo presume
tho members of the council will, too*
to Buggost any changes in tho laws
for tho bettor. To put tho ball in
motion, wo will suggest an amend
ment or change in ordinance No. 1.
We beliovo it would give more gener
al satisfaction, and more in accordance
with justice, to levy a specific street
tax, say $3, to bo paid in currency,
and collect it, and employ a suQlciont
street force, by tho month, allowing
11)080 who prefer it to pay their tax in
work at same wages paid regular
Turnip Seed, Coats’ Thread, Cot
ton Cards and Grindstones, at
Lumpkin A McConnell's.
Taylorsville Dots.
This vicinity was visited on last
Wednesday week by ono of tho se
verest hail storms that was over wit
nessed by the people of this neighbor
hood. The storm passed from North
east to South west, covering a space
of about six miles iu length and one
half mile in width, carrying destruc
tion to tho crops with it us it wont.
Tho corn and cotton crops are utterly
ruined by tho hail. There is scarcely a
leaf to bo semi on the cotton stalks on
some of tho farms that wore in itk
track, and the blades of tho corn are
cut into shreds. Tho names of hoiiio
os of tho principal sulTerers are, Dr.
E. C. Jones, W. J. Simcrvillo, R. F.
Smith, J. M. Smith, G. \\ Peacock,
Win Jones, J. Baldwin, J. J. Rluknly
and Mr. Colo.
Rumcomb district is truly a law
abiding place. Thorn is neither a ju -
lice of tho peace nor Rdif here, and
not a man hero that will consont to
have either office.
Crops that wero not visited by the
hail storm, are looking spl ndid, and
wo are having plenty of rain.
Polk County Sheriff Sales.
W IL1, be sold beforo l ho (’curt 11 nunc
door, in Cedartown, Folk county, («a.
on the first Tuesday in August next, with
in tho legal hours of pale, tho following
property, to-wit:
Lot of laud N'O. 242, 2lpt district and JJd
section of Folk county, as the property of
John (J. Wells, to satisfy a tax fi fa for State
and county taxes for 1873; Issued by John
U. West, tax collector. Levy made and
turned to me by (\ F. Gordon, 0. C. 11.
Also, lot of land No. 837, In tho 1st dial-
and 4th section of Folk county, as tho prop,
orty of W. T. Wynn, for State and county
taxi s for 1873; issued by John R. West, tax
collector. Levy made and returned to me
by constable.
A ho, lot of land No. 1107, in the 21st
district and 8d section of said county, as
the property of J M White, to satisfy a tax
fi fa for State and county taxes for 1873; is
sued by John R. \\ osi, tax collector. Levy
made and returned to me by constable.
Also, at Paine time and place, lots of land
Nop. 048 in 2d dipt.4lh pec and 1240 in 3d
dist. and 4th section of Folk county, as the
property of R Uravley, to satisfy two Jos
tico Court fi fas issued from the 1078th
district, O. M . in favor of Simon Market,
vs said Gravley- Levy made and returned
to me by a Constable.
Also, lot of land No. 740, in the 2l s t
district and 8d section of paid county, ns
the property of John E. Dnc 0 n, to satisfy a
tax 11 fa issued by John 15 W 0 * t , , IlX collect-
or, tor State and county taxes for 1878.
Levy made and returned to , m . hy constable
Also, at the same time and place, h.t of
land No. 283, in tho 17th district and Ith
Hcotion of said county, as tho property of
•Inoob Dennard, by virtue of n lax fi fn in
Invor of the State and county, vs. said Jaoob
Also, nt the same time and place, lot of
land No. 324, in 1st district and 4th sec
tion of said county, us the property of \V
Camp, by virtue of a tax fi fn in ’favor of
• he State and enmity, vs said W. Camp.
Ah., nt the same time nnd place, lot „f
land No. 712, in 2d district and 3d section
of said county, ns the properly of Henry
Braswell, by verluo of n tax fi fn in favor of
the Slate and county, vs said Braswell.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of
land No. 890, in 1st district and lih section
or said county, ns tho properly of F 11 |> ||
Culles, by virtue of a lax fi fn in favor of
the State and county, vs said Culles.
AL". at the same lime and place, lot of
and No. 90», in 2 1 district and 4th section
of said county, as the properly of Wm. A.
Brinson, by vert no of a tax ti fa in favor of
State and county, r.» said Wm. A. Hrinson.
Also, at the same lime and place, lot of
land No. 1013, in 21st district and 3d •oo
f-aid county. as tho property of J M
. li la in fa
il Clarke
Also, at the same time nnd place, lot of
land No. 4<14, in 201 h district and 3d sretion
of said county, as the property of ILirral
Felton, by virtue of n lax ti fa in favor of
the State and county, rs said Felton.
Also, at I lie same time nnd place, lot of
land No. 1200, in 2ddistriof ami Ith section
of said county, ns tho property of \\ ||
burroughs, ly virtue of a lax fi fn in favor
Ilf the State and county, r.t snid burroughs.
Also, nt tho same time and place, lot of
land No. 355, in 21st district and 3d section
of said county, ns the property of II M.
Long, by virtue of a tax fi fa in favor of tho
Slate and county, r.t said b M Long.
Also. ii| the same time and place, lot of
land No 339, in 1st district nnd Ith section
of Folk county, ns the property of John A
Jackson, hy virtue of one tax fi fn in favor
of the State and county, vs said Jackson.
Alsoat. the same time and place, lot of
land No. 1 12, in 2d district stud 4th section
of said county, as the proparty of .1. It.
b"wcll, hy virtue of n tax fi fn in favor of
the State and county, vs said Unwell.
Also, at the name time and place, lots of
land Nos. 132, 412 and 597, in 18th disirict
and 3d section of said county, ns the prop
Joseph McKee, hy virtue of a tux 11
favor of tho Stale and county, vs said
OKI Georgia Aiti-Dispeptic Bitters,
for sale by Burbank A CV.
Mr. J.D. 11 I ms hits about coni- the Cauit House fence, nnd it
is n a oo,l OU.', t(> >.
A farmer in tho western part of this
county had his wheat set on lire hy
lightning lust week, ami 800 dozen
were consumed.
Street hands are now engaged in
repairing, which is greatly needed,
and wo hope they will do work that
will ho more permanent than that
done nunc weeks sinco ; tho last
sign of that work was obliterated
a few days after being done, except
Ihe stumps of tho shade trees cut
down in front of cur office.
Pukh.vteiuan Church—This recent
nquiaition to our town is nearly com
pleted, and gives promise of being a
decided success. We took a survey
of the building, and cspecialy its in
terior, and were not only pleased, hut
delighted, with the taste and skill
manifest in all its plans anti arunge-
meutH. The archiug over head will
doubtless prove, a thing of utility to
the speaker, as well as an object of
beauty to tho beholder. The pulpit
nbo is neat and sensibly constructed,
nnd is of the latest stylo. We regard
the high chairbo&rd around tho on-
lire house ns a prudential provision
against the usual abuse of plastered
walls, besides it is ornamental. The
vestibulo will look well and bo of
greut service nnd couviucnce. All
churches would be better with them.
The spire isofcomideruble height and
graces the structure very much. Air.
Kerr is nicely applying the paint, while
the plastering is being pushed for
ward by Mr. Griffin. In a few days
more the Presbyterian church will ex
cite the pride of Cedartown. The cito
upon which tho church is located is
the most beautiful in town. Rev. Mr.
Taylor the present pastor, is a Chris
tian gentleman of large experience, a
practical thinker and forcible speaker.
It is their endeavor to prep ire tho
church for a protracted meeting to
comuienco the third Sabbath in Au
gust, and we believe they will succeed.
There are men at tho helm of this en
terprise full of zeal and energy. We
are proud of our churches. Give us
more of them; they are the engines of
progress and the fellow stones of good
government and good society.
We have had beautiful, fair weather
this week.
Proceeding* of ConiinifIcch ap
pointed to arrange Pro
gramme for Celebra
tion August 1*1.
Cki'Abtoiv.v, Ga.. July 14, 1871,
Tho committee appointed by tho
Gringo, .Good Templars, and tho
Raptis', Presbyterian and Methodist
Sunday Scnools, to make arrange
ments for tho celebration on the 1st
of August, met this morning, at 10
o’clock. On motion, Dr. Branch was
called to the Chair, and W. 11. Grif-
foth requested to act as Secretary.
Tho following motions wero intro
duced and carried :
1. That the forenoon of tho day
bo devoted to tho interest of the
Grangers. Tho afternoon to that of
the Goo 1 Templars, and if time per
mit, addresses from the pastors of the
different churches in the interest of
the Sunday Schools.
2. That a lady and gontlcmt.n from
each organization be appointed to se
lect appropriate songs for the occasion
Tho following persons wore appointed:
From tho Grange, 3'. W. Paco and
Mine Adela Bunn; from tho Good
Templars, Mr. lloazcal and Mis. Jud-
sou Crabb; from tho Farmers Club,
Dr. Branch and Miss Mary Ward;
from tho Baptist Church, Miss Portia
Bunn and W. A Ray; from the Meth
odist Church, Mr. Morehouse and
Miss Ella Nairn.
3. That two marshals of the day ho
appointed, will] power to appoint as-
si-Aunts from each organization. The
following goUtlemen were appointed:
A. Huntington and John O. Waddell;
N. M Wright alternate.
4. That a Chairman of tho day be
appointed, and the presiding officer of
the Good Templars and Grange act
as assistant?. M H Bunn was elected.
5. That a committee be aj p anted
from the Good Templars to consult
with a committee from the Grange in
reference to selecting a suitable place
for the ct 11 ntion. Messrs. Crubb,
Ray and Uouzeal wore appointed on
this committee.
G. That a committee be appointed
from each organization to make ull
necessary arrangements pertaining to
seat , *fcc., for tho occasion. Tho
following wero appointed.
From the Grauge, L. H. Walthall
aud It. G. Herbert; from tho Qood
Templars, J. W. Hackney and J. M.
Harris; from the Farmers’ Club, John
O. Waddell and P. C. Harris; fro.-n
the Methodist Church, J. H. Dodds
aud Judson Crabb; from tho Baptist
Church, George Munroo and W. D.
Wright; from tho Presbyterian Church
J. D. Enlows and G. W. Bradly.
7. That there be a committee of
two appointed to see tho Editor of
the Cedartown Record, and request
him to publish the proceedings of this
meeting; Messers. Enlows and Hogg
were appointed. There being no fur
ther business tho meeting adjourned.
Du. J. L. Branch, Chairman.
W. H. Ghiffeth, Secretary.
Abo, ut tho imino limit ami place, lot of
land No. 1091, in 1* 1 Ht 3i.itriel anil 3d Men
tion ol mii il i otinty, in l lio property of J M
Tuggle, niltiiiiii.ilrnlor, liy vir u • of II tux li
fn, in favor of Hie State and count v, vs mild
AImo, nt the name linn and nine?, lot of
land No. I KM, in 2d and Ith moo. ol
mid county, as the property of II .1 Wiinm
hy virtue of a tax li In in favor of the State
and county, vs mid II J Wilson.
Also, a*. Bntne time and place, lot of land
No, 28], in 21 si. dial. 3 1 wee. of Haiti county,
in Ihe properly of James Woodliir, hy virtue
of a lax fi fn in favor uf the Stale and coun
ty. vs Nilid Woodliir.
’ Alio, at the same limojmd plaoo, IoIh of
laud Non. 1<>I aud 105. in 20ili dulrici and
3d section of Hiiid oouilly, an tint property
of U W Germany, by virtue of a lax li fa i*u
favor of tho Stale and connty, vs said Gor-, at Ihe mine lime and piano, lot of
land No. 179, in 20:h ilintriot and 3d aenlion
of Maid county, as t ho properly of G T Wil-
dunion, by virtue of a lax fi fa iu favor ol
tin* Stale and county, is mid Wlldnmon,
Also at the mime lime and pla< o, lot land
No, 1280 in 3d district nnd 4th section of
mid county, ns the properly of James Sind-
null, to Milt inly tux fi fa iii favor of I lie Stale
and county, tm said Jiimci Shelnutl.
AImo, at the mine timo anil place, lot of
land No 113, in 18th diHlricI and 3d section
of Maid county, us property of L. Solomon,
Agent, to mliefy a tax ti fa in favoj-of the
State and county, vs Hiiid Solomon.
Abo. at the mme time and place, lot of
land No. 2 il, in 21mI district and 4th section
of said county, as the property of John L.
Rowe, to sal iify n lux ft fa in favor of I lie
Sruie uud county, vs Hiiid Rowe.
Also, at the name time and place, lot of
land No. 9158, in 2lst district and 3d section
of Maid county, iih the properly of Anne
Morris, to satisfy a lax fi fa in favor of the
State and county, vs said Morris.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of
bind No. 452, in 20lli district, and 3d section
of said connty. as the property of W W
Simpson, to satisfy a tax li fa ill favor of
I be State and county, vs mid Simpson.
Also, at the same lime and place, lot of
land No. 3!3, in 20th district and 3d section
of Maid county, as the property of Win. T.
Turner, to satisfy a lax fi fa iu favor of the
State and county, risuid Turner.
Aiso, at tlic same time and place, lot of
land No. 457, in Ihe 20th district and 3d
section of said county, us tlie property of
L. J. Buckner, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor
of the Flute and county, vs said Buckner.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of
land No. 56, in 22d district and 3d section
of Maid county, as the property of J T Chap
pell, administrator, to satisfy a tux fi fa in
favor of the State and county, vs said
Also, nt the same timo and place, lot of
land No. fi 10, in 2d district and 4th section
of said county, us the property of Jus. R.
Kidd, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of the
State and county, us said Kidd.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of
land No. 1010, in 2d district and 4th section
of said county, as tiie properly of I*. T.
Kidd, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of the
Stato and eounty, vs said Kidd.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of
land No. 415, in thn 2Uth district and 3d
section of said county, ai the property of
Daniel Simpson to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor
of the State and county, vs said Simpson.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of
lurid No. 813, in 18th district and 3d section
of said county, as the property of J H Lo
gan, to satisfy a tux fi fa in favor of the
State and county, vs mid Logan.
Also, nt the same time and place, lot of
land No. 131, in 2d district and 4th section
of said county, as the property of II lJ Har
vey, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of the
State and county, vs said Harvey.
Also, at. the same time aud place, lot of
laud No. 87, iu the 1st distric uud 4th sec
tion of said county, ns the property II.
(’ox, hy virtue of ono tux fi fa In favor of
the State nnd county, vs. snid II. Cox.
Also, at tho Maine time nnd place, lot of
laud No 9(58, in 2d district nnd 4Ih section
of snid county, as tho property or C S Gay-
ton, to satisfy a lax fi fa in favor of tho
Stato nnd county, vs snid Guyton.
Alsu, nt the slime timo nnd place, lot of
hind No 91, In 21st district and 3d section
of said county, us tho proherty of W \\
Clark, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of tho
Stato and county, vs said Clark.
Also, nt tluiHiimo timo and place, lot of
land No 178, In 2d district nnd 3d section
of mid county, as tho property of /. N c,li
ft way, to satisfy n tux fi In in favor of tho
Stato r.tid county, vs said (hilawny.
Also, at the mime timo and place, lot of
land No 100, in 2d district and 2d section
of snid connty, ns the property of \V F An
derson, to satisfy n tax fi fa in favor of the
State nnd county vs said Anderson.
Also, at tho sumo time and place, lot of
lund Mo 678, in 20th district and 3d section
of said county, in tho proportr of John satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of tho
Stato and county, vs snid Brower.
Also, at tho same timo and place, lot of
land No (Ull, in 1st district uud 4th section
of snid county, as the property of A A Bell,
to satisfy n tax li fa iu favor of tho Stato
and county, vs said Boll.
Also, ut the same timo nml place, lot of
land No. 184, in tho 18th district aud 3d
.section of said county, as the property of
1). Quarles, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor of
the Slate and county, vs. said D. Quarles.
Also, at the same time nml place, lot of
Inn.I No. 113, iu tho 18th district and 3d
section of snid county, ns the property of
L. Solomons, to satisfy a lax fi la in favor
of tho State and county, vs snid Solomons.
Also, ut the sumo time nnd place, lot of
land No. 1271, in tho, 3d district and Ith
section of said county, i\s the property of
J. N. Simpson, to satisfy n’tax fi fn in fa
vor of the State and county, vs. mid Simp-
Also, nt the same timo nnd place, lot of
land No. 141, in tlu* ‘hi district and 4tli sec
tion of said county, ns the properly of
James Kirkpatrick, to satisfy a tax fi fa in
favor of tho Stale uud county, vs. snid
Jnmcs Kirkpatrick,
Also, at the same timo and place, lot of
laud No. 1017, in the 21st district nnd' 3d
section of snid county, as tho property of
F. S. Gulleys, exr. to sntisfy a tax fi fa in
favor of tho Stato nnd county (>.t said Colleys.
Abo, at tho slime timo and place, lot of
land No. 1200, in tho 2d district and Ith
section of Hu id county, as tho propoi-jy of
J. R. Notify, to satisfy a tux li la iu favor
of the Slate and county, vs snid Soufy.
Also, at tho same time and place, lot of
land No. 704, in tho 21st district uud 3d
section of snid county, ns the properly of
Wm. Crumby, to satisfy n tax li fa iu favor of
the Stato nnd county, vs. said (’nimby.
Also, III the Minna time and place, lot of
lnml No. 104. iu the 20tli district ami 3d
seel ion of said county, as tho property of
(I, W. (I’ormony, to sntisfy a tax fi la iu fa
vor of the Stato nnd oouiity, rs. Hiiid
ti. W. Gitrmuny.
Also, at the sumo time nnd place, lot of
bind No 409, in tho 20tli dutriot ami 3d
hcoHoii of snid county, as the property of
E. I, Newton, to satisfy a lax fi fa iu fa
vor of the State and county, vs said Newton.
Also, at the same timo and place, lot of
Ian I No. 602, in the 18th district nnd fid
section of said omitily. as tho property of
W. II. Johnston, to satisfy a tax fi fa in fa
vor of the State aud county, vs. said
B. Johnston.
Aiso, at the sumo time, and place, lot of
laud No. 1079, in tho 2d district, nnd -Ith
Hcotion of said county, as tho property of
John W. Griffin, to satisfy u tux li fa in fa
vor of iho State nnd county, rs said Griffin.
Also, at the hiiiiio time and nlnco, lot of
land No. 305. in tho jHiii district and Hd
section of said county, iih tho property of
J- T. Both well, to satisfy a tax fi fa iu fa
vor of tho Stato nnd county, vs. said
J. T. Both well.
Also, at thesniuo time and plnoo, lot of
lnml No. 1232, in the 18th district and fid
section of said county, ns Ihe properly of
II. H. I rcncli, to satisfy a tax li fa iu favor
of the Stale and county, vji. snid French.
Also, at the same time nml place, lot of
land No 383. iu the 1st district nml 4lh
si cl ion of said county, as thn property of
William limit, to satisfy a lax li fa in favor
of the Slate nnd county, rs. said Root.
Also, al I lie hiiiiio lime and place, lot of
land No. 1(52, in the 2'Jlli district and fid
section of,-aid county, as the properly of
.1. S. Roliiuson, to satisfy a lax li fain favor
of ilio Slate uud county, vs. said Robinson.
Also, at tho same lime and plnoo, lot of
land No. 250, in the 1 Hih district and 3 1
section of 8 lid county, a- the property of
J. G Reynolds, to satisfy a tax fi fa in lav r
of the Stale and comity, vs. said Reynolds.
Also, ai iIm* sumo lime aud place, lot of
land No. 37, in (lie 1st district and Iih »oc-
lion of snid county, ns tho proporty of
Sarah Bight, to satisfy a tux fi f,i iu favor
of the State and oouilly, vs. Hnid Haight.
Also, al the same time aud place, lot of
land No 552. iu tho 2 ith district and fid
section of said county, as the properly of L.
R. Duke, ngt, to satisfy u lux li fn iu favor
of tho Stale and county, vs. said Duke.
Also at Ihe hiiiiio lime and place, lot of
laud No. .328, in the 21st district and fid see-
of said oouilly, as tho properly of 8. F.
L’olcloiigh, hy virtue of one lax (i fa in fa-
r of State and county, vs. said Cololough,
Also, at tho same tlijjii niyJ ftlnoo, lot of
land No. 1203, In fi'd dislrluf nnd llli section
id county, as the properly cl John F
91, to satisfy a tax fi fa iu favor of the
•State ami county, r.i snid Lovett,'
Also, at the hiiiiio Iiin•• and place, lot of
land No. Ill, in tho 10th district mid Iih
section of snid county, ns the property of
.1 Hopper, to Hiit'sl'y a lax (1 fa in favor of
the State and nouiily, vs said Hopper.
Also, at the same time and placo, lot of
land No. 552. in the 20th district and fid
seel ion of said county, as the property of
W Mills, to satisfy a lax fi fain favor of the
Slain and county, vs said Mills
Also, at the same timo and place, lot of
land No. 127, in 20lh district and fid sec
tion of said county, ns thn property of T. M.
Botls, hy virtue of one tax li fa in favor of
the State and county, vs. slid T. M. BoDs.
Also, at the same *ime and place, lot of
lari'.' No. 1271. in the 3d district and Ith
section of said comity, ns Hie properly of
James E. Brown, hy virtue of one tax fi fa
in favor of the Stale and county, vs. said
James K. Brown. *
Also, at the wimp time nnd place, lot of
land No. 3(54, in the 2d district nnd 4th sec
tion of said comity, as the property of T.
A. Askew, hy virtue of one tax fi fa in favor
of the Slate and county, vs. Hnid Askew.
Also, at the same timo and placo, lot of
land No. 51, in Ihe 2d district ami 1th sec
tion, of said comity, as tho properly of (!.
A. Cheatham, hy virtu* of ore tax fi fa iu
favor of ihe State aid comity, vs. said
'J. A. Cheatham -
Also, at the same line and place, lot uf
land No. 755, in the fid district and 41 li sec
tion of said coutriy, at tho property ol' S. M.
CoHiith, hy virtue of one tux fi fa in favor
of the State and couity vs. said Cosuth.
Also, at the same time and place, lot of
iarnl No. 870, in thg 1st di.striel and fid sec
tion of said county, as property of V. F.
Armstrong, hy virtto of one tax fi fa in fa
vor of the State and county, vs said
Also, m the sum) time and place, lot of
land No. 51 1, 519,633, 689, 673, 678, 687,
in the 21st district and fid section of said
comity, as the property of John V»\ Cox,
hy virtue of one tax fi fa in favor of the
State and county, vs. said John W. Cox.
Also, at the same time and place lot of
Jaud No. 740, iri the IHtli district and 3d
section of said county, as the property of
David Giles, by virtue of one lax fi fa in
favor of the State and comity v.s. said Giles.
Aiso, nt the same timo and place, lot of
land No. 408, in tli'o 21st district and fid
scclon of Haid county, as the properly of II.
Oolp, hy virtue of ono lux fi fa in favor of
lio Stato nml county, vs. said II. Colo
Also, nt tho sutiio timo and plnoo lots of
land Nos. 389 nml 371, in tho 1st distriot
nml 4th section of said county, ns tho prop-
o rty of S. Carter nnd 8. s. Mills, to satisfy
n lux fi fn in favor of tho Slntonmi county,
rs. said Curler nnd Mills.
Also, at Ilio Hiimo timo nml plnoo, lot of
land No 107(5, in 2d district mid Ith soolion
of snid comity, us tho property of John N.
Swift, to satisfy n tax fi fn in favor of tho
State and county, r« said John N. Swift.
Also, at tho sumo time nml plnoo, lot uf
laud No 675, in 20th district nml 3d section
of Hnid county, ns tho property of Ethan
Brower, to satisfy n tax fi fa in favor of the
Stnlo nnd county, ru said Ethan Brower.
Also, at Ilio sumo timo ami plnoo, lot of
land No 3(5, iu 20th distriot ami 3d section
of Hnid o only, ns Ilio properly of James
Full ilio, to satisfy n tux li fin in favor of tho
State nml County rs said James Fnttillo.
Also, nt Ilio sumo timo nml plnoo, lot of
land No 231, in 20th distriot nml 3d section
of snid comity, ns the p oprorty of J. W.
Ferry, to satisfy n tux 11 fin in favor of the
Stnto nnd county, vs said J. W. Ferry.
Also, nt the sumo timo and plnoo, lot of
land No 618, iu 21st district nml 3d section
of said county ns tho property of Alexander
S. Qunrlormnn, to satisfy a tax 11 fin iu favor
of the S'ntonnd county vsauid Qmirtormnn.
Also, nt tlio sumo timo nml place, lot of
land No 1011, iu lUtli district nml Ith section
of snid county, ns tho properly of A. .1.
Finson to satisfy u tux fi fa in‘favor of (lie
Stnlo nnd county, tw wild A. J Finson.
Also, nt tlu* sumo timo nml plnoo, lot of
land No 20, in 22d district aud ,3,1 soolion
of said county, as the properly of |). J.
Myhnrlo, to satisfy n tux II fin in favor of
tho State nml county, rs said Mvhurto.
Also, at tho Maine time and plane, lot of
land No 8151, in 2lst distriot mid fid section
of said county, ns the properly of Goorgo
Mnrrilbic, to satisfy a lax li fa’in favor of
the Hinlo nml oouiity, vs said .Marrnldo.
Also, nt tho sumo time nml place, lot «.f
land No 094, in 2lsl district nml fid Hcotion
of Hiiid oouilly, ns the property of Neal Me
Coy to satisfy a lax fi fin iu favor of tho
Stato nml county, rs snid Neal McCoy.
Also, ai the mii mo time mid plnoo, fits of
land Nos 131 mid 1*1, in 18th district and
3«l Hoot ion and 151 in IhI district nnd |ih
moo!ion of said county, ns the properly of
Cohen nml Her!/, to satisfy n lux li fa iii f„.
vor of tho Stnto nml county, vs Hiiid Uolion
••‘id IliirtE.
A ls«
I tho :
of said county, ns tho properly of Diign
nml Freeman to satisfy a tax It fn in lave,
of Ihe Stnlo nml county rs said Dugnn and
Also, al the hiiiiio timo nml plnoo, lot of
land No 183, iu 1st district nnd I'll section
of said county as tho property of Joseph
Mathews, to satisfy ii tax li fa iu favor of
Ilm Stnto nml oouilly r.v said Mat hows.
Also, nt the sn lime nml plnoo, lot of
land No 1201, in 2d dbti iel nml iih soolion
ol snid comity, as the property of (’yrus
Hudson, to satisfy u tax li fa in favor of tho
Slate mid oimily, vs said Gyrus Hudson.
Mho, nl tho same lime and plnoo, lot of
lnml No 2(54, in 2 I li distriot and .3 l’section
of said oouiity. as Ilio properly of Win K
bong, to satisfy a lux li la iu favor of the
Slate nml comity, vs said Wm H Long.
Also, at ihe same time and place, lot of
laud No 12(57, ill 3d di tiiot and Iih sec ion
of said county, us Ilio properly of R ^
l.aiio, to satisfy a lax Ufa in favor vflho
Blnlo and county, vs said It Y Lane.
Also, al the same time and place, lot of
land No. 431, in 2<)!h district ami fid section
of Hiiid oouilly, as tho properly of W II A!
good, to satisfy a tax li fa iii favor of tho
Slate mid oouilly, ox said Algood.
same time and ph
laud No. 328, in 2,lih district mill fid soolion
of said oouiity, us tho properly of T 8 M
Blood worth, to satisfy a tax li fa in favor of
the Stale mid county, v„ said Bloodworth.
Also, at the same time a id place, I
land No. 7 I I, in 1st li disirict and 3 1 suction
of said county, as Ilm property of .las II
Lumpkin, to satisfy a tax li fa in favor of
the Suite and county, vs said Lumpkin.
Also, at the t-aiiic Iimo and place, lot of
land No. 20, in IHtli district and ,3 |’section
"f Hiiid county, as Ilio properly of Rolii M.
Stilus, to satisfy a tax 11 la in favor of the
Hinlo and county vs snid Hides.
Also, ill ilio sumo time and place, lot of
land No. 77<5, in IHth disirict and fid section
of Hiiid oouilly, ns Ihe pi oporly of H JJ Bar-
her, to satisfy a lax li fi in ’favor of lh-
•Snilo ami comity, vs said Barber.
Also, al Ilio same limo and place, lot of
land No. 453, iu 1201 li disirict and fid soolion
of said oouilly, us Ilio properly of II R
Smith, to sntisfy a tax fi fa in favor of ihe
Slide and enmity, vs said Smith.
Abo, at tho same limo mid plnoo, lot of
hind No. IHii, iu 2d district and Iih section
of said oounly, ns ilm properly ol' A .1
Wright, lo sulisfy a lax li fa in favor of Ihe
Slate and oounly, is said Wright.
Also, il the hiiiiio limo and place, lot of
land No. 4915, in 2d dietriot and Iih Hcotion
ol said oouiity, as the property of .1 It Fill-
inn, lo satisfy a tax li fa in favor of tho
Stale mid county, vs said Fibiun.
Also, at the sumo time mid plnoo, lot of
land No. 195 in 2lstdislriot and fid neolion
of Haid county, ns tho property of W A
D ivis, lo satisfy a tax li fa in favor of Ihe
Htuto and cminly, on said Davis,
Also, at the hiiiiio time and placo, lot of
land No. 912, in 20th district and fid section
of said county, as the properly of K Man
°ry, to satisfy a lax li I'a in fuvo.i of the
•Stall! mid comity, vs said Munory.
Ahm, at t to same lime mid place, lot ol
laud No. 183, iu 1st district and Iih section
of said county, as the properly of Banks A
•Scott, to satisfy a lax fi l i in fnv>r of the
Stale and comity, vs said Banks A Soolt.
Also, at till! hi me timo mid place, lot of
land No. 21(5, iu 17(h district and Iih section
of said county, as the property of Elias
Howell, lo satisfy a tux li I'a in favor of the
Stale mid county, vs said Howell.
Also, si Ilio same time and plnoo. lot of
land No. 1216. in 181 h district and fid hcc-
iion of said comity, as the properly of .1 A
Hayden, to satisfy a tax li fa in favor of tho
Bliile aud county, us said Hayden.
Also, al the same limo and placo, lot of
land No. 11, iu lit district and -till section
of said county, ns Ilio properly of Stuart .1
Young, to satbfy n tax fi fa in favor of the
•Stale and comity, vs said Young.
Also, al the same time mid plnoo, lot of
land No 2(50, in 20:h district and fi l section
of said county, us Ilio properly E .1 Hulsey,
to satisfy a tax 11 fa in favor of the State
mid Comity, iissilid Hulsey.
Alio, at. tho hiiiiio lime and placo, lot of
land No 148, in 18th district aud fid seoiion
of said county, as Ilio properly of Frocd-
vor of the Slate and county, vs said Frocd-
moii .v Lovemon.
AIho, al ilio hiiiiio limo uud place, lot of
land No 151, iu l'hh district mid Ith section
of said county, iih the properly of TIioh. G,
Manley, to satisfy a tax ti fa in favor ot the
State and comity, rs said Manley.
Also, at the same timo and pine ;, lot of
land No. 7H5, in In district and 4th section
of said county, as tho properly of Ransom
Marlow, to satisfy a lax li fa in favor of the
State and county, rs said Marlow.
Also, at tliu hiiiiio timo and place, lot of
land No. Ifil, in 21st dittriol and .3 1 section
of said county, ai the property of B II Rob
ertson, to satisfy a tax fi fa iu favor of the
Slate mid oounly, vs said Robertson,
Also, at the hiiiiio timo and place, lot of
land No F22, in 2Jth district and fid section
of said county, as the properly ol E D
Graham, to satisfy a lax li fa hi favor of the
State and county, vs said Gralmm.
Also, at tho same Limo and place, lot of
land No 609, in 21 si district and fid soul ion
of said comity, as the property of F M Rus
sell, to sat isly a tax li fa in ft vor of ilio
•State mid county, vs snid Russell
Also, at the same, timo and place, lot of
land No. 110(5, in (lie 2lst district and fid
section of said oounly, as the property of
.1. R. Junes, to sulisly a lax fi fa in favor of
Ihe Slate and ootltily i's. snid Jones,
Also, at the hiiiiio time mid place, lot or
land No. 199, in tho 2d district and Ith
mi cl ion of snid enmity, us the property of
N. II. Knight, to satisfy a tux fi fn In fa
vor of the Stnto un i county vs wild Knight.
Also, nt the samo limo mid plnoo, lot of
land No. 332, iu the |8lh district mid fid
sect Inn of said eounty, ns the properly of
It A. Roland, to satisfy ii lux fi In in favor
of ihe Stale and eounty, r.v. said Roland.
Also, at the same lime and place, lot of
land No. iii 2. iu the iHilt disirict and 3d
section of said county, aa tho property of
T. D. Adams, to satisfy a tax fi fa in favor
of tho state mid county, vs wild Adams. the wiliie lime and place, lot of
land No. Hi8 in Ilio 2d district nnd Ith
section of said county, as the properly uf
W. A. Norwood, to satisfy a tax li fa in fa
vor of tho Stato nnd oouiity, r.v said Norwood,
Abo, al the sillin' lime and plnoo, lot of
land N>i 392, in 2 Ith disirict and 3d section
of said comity, as the property of J. (’.
Fodrlll, to satisfy a lax fi fa iu favor of tho
Slate and comity, rs said Foil till.
Abo, at the same limo and place, lot of
luiitl No 301, in 2lnt distriot and i - Ron
of said comity. i ihe proj orty of D. 11.
Sanford, lo iiilisly a tax li la in favor oft u>
State nu<l comity, r.v said Sanford.
Also, nl m itii" timo nml jilueo, Id. t<f
lnml N;i Mil, in 20lh ilintriot 2M roo-
li iii id s tiil oouiity, us tliu properly of
A tiny Tui'ki r, to imlisfy u lux li I t in
fuvor of tho Slnto nnd ontiutv, vn Hiiid
Anoy Tuokor.
Ahm, nt mine timo nnd plnoo, lot of
littul No '.IHf), in 2()Lh district ,’)d m o-
t i«*n of miid oouiity, ns t ho properly of
•1. !\l mid It II. \\ udo, to mili«fy u lux
li In iu favor of tho nltito mid comity
vs s lid J. M. and II. It. W'udo.
AIho, at hiiiiio time and plnoo lnt of
hind No 1 .’IB, in 17tli distriot 4th hoc-
timi of Hiiid county, IU the properly of
John ('nin, to satisfy a lux li fa in fa
vor if Ilm Stnto and county, vs said
Ji lin Cain.
A'no, at s.uuo timo and place Ml id
hind No 141, in 17lh district • hoc-
I ioti of Hiiid couniy, iih the property of
•J. M. Mitelu I agt lo Rtitisfy a tux li
M in f >v..r of the Stato mid oouilly v.s
said Milehel.
AIho, at. sumo timo and place, lot nl'
1 'i»d No 22(1, in 18th disirict :id lo
tion of h iid county, tin t he property of
A. (Menton, to Hiilisfy a tax li fa in
fuvor id' tho »St ito and county, vs said
Aim , at. M inir timo and place, lotn of
land No’s Hi I, I(1‘) and HOI, in 2()th
district mid H I soolion of Hiiid e unity,
iih tho prop rty of J. IT. Newton to
Hiitisfy a t i\ li fa in favor of tho hituto
ami county, vs Hnid Nmvloi .
Also, at sumo I ilm! and placo, lot of
lnml No D72, in Hd district -till h\*c-
tien of Haid county, iih tho property id
•). W. Oliver, lu BiitiHfy a tax li fa in
hr or of the St do and eouniv, vs said
Also, si sail) • l imn and place, lota of
land No’s 120, 121, I (JO, 17H and 10H,
in 2d district 4th :,uo:ion of said coun
ty, us tho property of L). (1. (' dims, lo
Hati-dy a tax !i fa in favor of tliu State
nml o' mty, vh said (! dims.
Also, at Hum:) time and placo, I .1, of
land No H77. in 1st disiii t, Ith hoo-
ti >'i "f said county, ns the property of
(1. J. Woodruff, to m it.isfy a tux li fa
in l*ivor of tho State and cou itv, vh
snid Woodruff.
AIho, at same time and place, let of
land No IH7, in district H I hoo-
tion of h iid county, an tho properly of
Tin h J' 1 . .1 >m .-•, to Hiitisfy a tax li fit
ii I'fivor of the N'ulo un i oouiity vh
Haid J men.
Als- , nt mime limo and place, I d of
I iid No GG5, in 21st. district Hd koo-
tion of slid county us the properly of
John Ln'dgor, to Hal.i fy a tux li Iii in
f vor uf the Stato and county vh, Haid
AL •, nt sumo time and placo, 1 »t of
land N » 78, in 1st district 4di section
of snid county, as tho propnrty of .1.
T. Burns, lo satisfy a tux li fa in lu-
vor of tho State and county, vh said
A Is , at Hama lime and place, hit of
land No 5197, in 21st dimr.el H I sec
tion of said county, ns Mm property 6f
.Joseph Bruy, lo satisfy a lux li fi in
favor of Ilio Stuto and county, vh said
JoHiph B: ay.
AIho, at same timo nml placo, lot of
laud No 120, in Hi)th district Hd sec-
tii»n of said cminly, as 1.1m property of
D. B. II 1.: iin'jv, l.o satisfy a tax li fa
in favor uf tho State and county vs
said Ilolconibo.
Also, ut tin slice time and place,
lot of land N ) 117. iu 20th district,
mid Hd motion of si <1 county, as the
properly of Georgo Luster, to Hfitisfy
a l .x li fa in favor of tho State and
county, vs said Lester.
Also, ut 111 ! sum: lime and pla*o lot of
land No 1H07, in 21st dis’tmul Hd hjc-
li .n of snid oounly, as the property of
Alex ind' r McGregor, to ho satisfy a
a tax li fa in favor of the State uud
county vs snid McGregor.
Also, ut the flame time and ) lace lot.
■ f land No JHO, in 1 it du'rict and4th
sc. tiou of fluid c nitty, as tho properly
of Tli• *s. Fliilpol, by virtue of a tax li
fa in favor of the Stale and comity, vh
said Philpot.
Also, al, H iinn lime mid place, lot of
land No. 258, 21st din 1 . H i hco. of Mi d
county, iih property of Wesley Fun
ning, by virtu • of a tux fi fa in favor of
Slate in d county, fluid Fanning.
Also, at same time mid pluc , lot of
land Nos 1G8 and J09, iu 2t)tli dist.
and Hd section of snid county, as the
property of Julius Patton, by virtue of
a tax li fa in favor of the S'.uto and
county, v.s said Pulton.
Also, at f iiiiQ timo and place, lot of
land No 255, in 20th dint, mid H I see.
of said county, as property of Tho -.
(J trr, cx’r. of W A Carr, by virtuo of a
tax fi fi in favor of the State aud
County, vh fluid C irr.
Also, at same timo and placo, lot of
land No 707 in 18th district and Hd
section of nuid county, as tho property
of T. W. CharabluBS, to satisfy ono tux
fi fa in favor of tho State and county,
vh suid (JhambioSH.
Also, at same time and place, lot of
land No GOG, in 2d district 4th section
of s iid county, as tho property of N.
B. Knapp, by virtue of ono tax li fa in
favor of the State and county va said
Also, at hiiiiio time and place, lot of
land No 210 in 18th district H I auction
of said comity, as tlu property of A.
M. Little, to satisfy a tax li fa in fa
vor of the State and county vh fluid
AIho, at Humotimo and pi ion, lot of
land No. 278, in 2d district and 41 Ii
flection of Buhl county, us tho property
of Wilson Coiuor, by virtuo of a
lax fi fa in favor of tho Stato ami
county vh aaid Wilson (Jomor.
Ab o, at same time and place, Into of
land Nos. 225 and 228, iu 21st dist.
and Hd section of said county, ivh tho
property of J II Briseoo, by virtuo of
a lax ti fa iu favor of tho »Stuto and
county, vs said Brisooc.
Also, at tho hiiiiio timo and place,
lot of land No. 2H7, in 21st district
and Hd Rodion of said county, as tho
property of E. Lyons, by virtuo of a
tax li fa in favor of tho Stato ami
county, vs said Lyons.
Also, at tho sumo limo nml plnoo, lots of
land Nos. 700, (529, (130 nml 1531, la tho 3d
di ilriel nml Ith Hi'otiou el' snlil eounty, by
virtue of a fi fn from Folk Superior Court,
in favor of Jiiineii F. Tlinborluko, vs F T
.lanes, maker, nml W I' Wood, emlorsur. ns
the property uf wild W F Wood.
E. W. CLEMENTS, Shorlfl'.
July 11 Iw.
Legal Advertisements,
I hereby give nolioo Hint from nnd after
this date, my official advertising is changed
from the Roekmnrt Reporter to tho Cedar-
town Record. E. W, CLEMENTS,
ShorlH' Folk oonnty.
' -* Bolotin. A. Adams, Administratrix on
(he estate of Temporanoo Silvy, deo’d, has
made application, in duo form of law, for
di 'mission from said administration, repre
senting in her net It ion that hIio has fully
aduiiniNtoroil said estate.
This is, thorefore to cite and admon
ish ail persons oouocrnoil, kindred nml
creditors, lo appear nt my office ns roipdrod
hy law, to show cause if any they have, why
said administratrix should not receive lot-
tors of dif-m ssion, mi Ilio first Monday in
Ooiolier next. Given umlor my hand, this
lili diiv of July, 187 1.
July 11 ’ JOEL UKK5VKE, Ord’y.
V f .1 D Smith Inn made application for
permanent letters of ndmitihtrntion on tho
estate of Allen Mathews, lute of said eounty,
This is, therefore, to notify all persons
omicernod to ho and appear nt my ofiloo with
in On* time proscribed hy law. to show oiiuro,
if any they have, why said letters should rot
ho grant ed. Given under my !>uud and offi
cial sigunturo, th's July (5, IH74.
/ 1 EOKGIA. FOLK (JO.—Whorous W. O.
" Knight, Administrator on tlio estato of
•lames Garter, late of said county deoeasod,
has iiiuilo application for leave to sell tlio
land belonging to said deceased. Those are,
therefore, to cito and admonish all persons
oonoorned, to he and appear at my ofiico
within tho timo prescribed hy law, to show
«• m e, if any they have, why leuvo to Hell
He.11 land should not ho granted. Given
under my hand ami official signature, this
(Rh July, 1874. 10EL BREWER, Odr'y
' M W Gray havingmudoapplication for
letters of administration on thn estato of
Euolitiis Marled, Into of said oouiity, deo’d,
These are, thoroforo, to oilo ami admonish
all persons oonoernod, to bo and appear at
my office on tho first Monday in August,
next, to sliow cause, if any they have, Why
said letters should not bo grant oil to appli
cant in said case. Given under my hum!
nml official signature, this tlio tltli dav of
July, 1874. JOEL BREWER, 0.-d r y
D Childers had mado application, in duo
form of law, for administration ou tliu os-
i i'e of VV. Childers, Into of said ooun
ly, deceased. -
J'hoso are, thoroforo, to o'lte all persons
oonoernod to appear at my office within
tlio time proscribed hy law, to show nuiise,
if any they have, why said letters of tidniid-
iHlration should not bo granted.
Given under my hand and official signa
ture, this July (5, lH7l. july 11-fit) I
' -* W O. IC'iiglil, ii(|uiiiiiHl,ration on tho os-
Iftte of W M «V A J Youngblood, late of said
county, deceased, lias mado application for
loovo to sell ull tho real estato of said ilnu'il.
These uro, thoreforo, to oilo ami admon
ish all persons oonoopiiod, to ho and upponr
at my offioo on tho first Tuesday in August
next, to show oauso, if any they have, why
leave to sell said ostalo should not lie grain
ed. Given umlor my hand and ollioiul sig
nature, this July (5, 1871. july ll -Iw
Admiiiistrutor’s Hale.
vJ sold, on Saturday, tlio IHth iusl., botoro
tho Court lluupo door, in Codartown, umlor
an order granted hy tho Court of Ordinary
of said county, to-wit: Tliroo bond of horses,
one cow and calf, one now two horse wag
on, two buggies and lumioss, and other ar
ticles loo tedious to mention, belonging to
tho citato of W. M .Si A J Youngblood, Into
of said oouiity, deceased. Sold for tlio ben
efit of Liu* heirs and creditors of said deo’d.
Terms made known on day of sale.
July 7, 1871. W. C. KNIGHT, Adtn’r.
Nolici! (o Debtors fe Creditors.
/ 3 GOKGIA FOLK C0U0TY—Allporsons
* X indebted to the estato of W. M. At A. J.
Youngblood, lain of said of county, deo’d,
are hereby notified to make lmrnodiulo pay
ment; ami those having claims against said
estate, will present them, properly mado
out, within the time prescribed by law, lo
Hie undersigned. Toil July 10, 1874.
July II 'iw W. (4 KNIGHT, Adm’r
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
A LL persons indebted to tho Estato of
James Garter, late of Folk county, de
ceased, are hereby notified to make imino-
•lialo payment; and all persons having
claims against said estato will prosont thorn
to the undersigned, proporly attested, with
in I lie time proscribed by law.
June 21), 1871. W C. KNIGHT,
<5w Adm’r
Sherifl’ Sale for September.
W ILL be sold, beforo tho Court Homo
door, in Codartown, Folk County, Gn.
on ilio first Tuesday in September next,
within the legal hours of Halo, tho following
proporly :
One portable Steam Saw Mill, with en
gine, boiler ami fixtures complete, hy vir
tue of l wo mortgage fi fas, issued from Folk
Superior Court, in favor of David Garrison,
vs John II Russell, as proporly of John ll
Russoll. july 11-Bt
* y hereby given that from and at'tor this
date a portion of my Ollioiul Advertising
will ho done in this, tho Cedartown Record.
Juno 24, 1874. JOEL BREWER, Ord’y.
Opened, A Boot and Shoe
Shop, on tlio cornor of Prior and Gollego
streets, near St Charles hotel. Our torins
are C'iuh, and no work shall bo dellvorod
until paid for. Work dono with dispatch
and at Him.ll oust.
Patronago solicited. Very respectfully,
J. W. IIoqk fit Co.
Juno -20th, 1874.